Semi-weekly herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1904-1905, March 07, 1905, Image 3

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    Mr. Estborg, the miner, is down
from Eckley.
M yrtle P oin t N ew s
B ancroft Item s.
F. R. Tichenor came back on Fri­
We are having such fine weather
Win. Anderson-, of Prosper, was that all the correspondents must day last for a visit with Lis family.
J. O Farmer, of the Junction, in to see us Saturday.
needs mention it for the benefit of
Little Gene Travers, the three-
was up to town Saturday.
Andrew Hansen visited his folks those who might not otherwise men­ year-old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. L. W.
Attorney Douglas was over from
tion it.
Travers, had a narrow escape from
at Marshfield last week.
Marshfield the past day or so.
The sick and wounded of o u r! death last Thursday. He was lean-
Peter Brack, the pioneer, was up
Engineer C. I. Kime, of Baudon, from his home at Bandon yesterday. community are all reported better. ing out of an open window in the
was in town one day last woek.
Bob Hillis who was hurt by fall­ second story of their home when ho
The Kilburn sails for Portland
Mrs. D. J. Lowe and children, of
from a tree he was topping, is lost his balance and fell to the
Wednesday, the 8th; train connects.
this city, wont to Bandon Saturday.
now able to go iishiug if he can ground, a distance of 13 feet,
P. H. Brewer, the Fishtrap farm- have help.
struck on his knees and fortunately !
Chan. Collier, of this city, is open­
mer, was amoung our Saturday vis­
Mr. Leep went to Myrtle Point broke no bones. It is timely said
ing a logging camp on the upper
itors. !
that Angels guard the little ones.
for farm seeds.
Miss Dot Thom has been quite ill I
ob S ale . — A fine lot of seed oats
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Armfield
with grip but is now able to be up
moved to Riverton the last of the and barley. Euquire of Ed. Johnsou, Riverton and the bay.
Ole Samuelson is sowing outs again.
Oyster crackers at Drane's.
Capt. J. P. Clausen, the Riverton
dairyman, had business in town yes­
Mrs. W. C. Benham, of this city,
returned from a visit to the bay on
B. E. Hampton, of Norway, and
son, Master Donnie, was in to see
us Saturday.
The schooner Advance was towed
to sea Sunday and the Ruby came in
at the same time.
The steamer Chicago^ loading
lumber at the Aberdeen mill on Sat­
urday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Broadbent, of Myr­
tle Point, returned last Friday from
a trip to California.
Elmore Drane, of Parkersburg,
was up to town Friday and Satur­
day visiting friends.
Choice onion sets at Knowlton s drug
Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. Broadbent
A fine stock of Stilson-Kellogg loggers' this week.
shoes are due to arrive at Strang’ s store
the 3rd from their trip to
J. G. Fish is repairiug his grist
soon. Look out for them.
Los Angeles.
They report a de­
mill and will soon be ready for the
Prof. Robert Goetz, of Gravel grain.
Ford, was in town one day last
A lotter lately received from C. 8.
Williams late of Riverton, now at
Attorney Farrin, of Marshfield, his old home in Newton county,
bad business at the county seat yes­ Missouri, says that on Feb. 17th
the mercury had been 29J degrees
F or R ent — A good house and below zero for two mornings in
If tbat dou’t make a
several nice garden lots.
Apply at succession.
fellow want to get back to Oregon
this office.
Dr. W. Culin went to Marshfield I should wouder what would.
Prof. Wight was tendered a birth­
day surprise party by his pupils
last Thursday. The verdict of all
the guests was “ the best time I
ever bad."
L. Rose and family moved to the
Carter ranch on the east fork of the
North Fork, which he has rented,
on the 3rd.
Mrs. Wm. Lang, of the North
Fork, has been ill with stomach
For a good bargain in a lady’s trouble for over two weeks.
wheel with Moro brake, call at this
F. E. Soutbmayd and family were
all down with grip. Mr. S. had a
L ost — Two red yearlings, marked relapse and was threatened with
split in both ears and underbit in pneumonia
the right. Finder will please notify
Several cases of scarlet fever in
George Belloni, Coquille.
A uto .
on business yesterday.
R. E. L. Bedillion, the Bandon
hustler, was a county seat visitor
A. M. Welch, of Lampa creek,
shook bands with friends in town
New line of clothing just received ta
Z. O. Strang’s.
Fresh bread, pies, cakes and dough­
nuts at F. Wilson’s.
some and impure.
try go F. Wilson.
“ HazelSvood”
White Rocks, eggs
James Anderson, a garden farmer
$1.00 per 13. Leave orders with P. E.
just below town, started Sunday for
Drane, or write me. F. M. G kvrkz ,
Downeyville, California, where his
Coquille, Oregon.
is interested in a valuable mining |
The schooner Onward which went
property, and will be absent some
ashore at the mouth of the river a
few clays ago, is yet lying in an easy
Knowlton sells choice onion sets at position on the sand, and a wreck­
12'2 cents per pound.
ing crew with the steam schooner
J. A. Laird, whom we mentioned Navaro is to be on the scene today
in our last issue as having lately ar­ to begin the operation of getting
rived from the North to see rela­ her off. This, as we understand it,
tives and friends, started yesterday will be an easy matter in case the
The ves­
for Lake, where he goes to see his good weather continues.
sel will be taken off by the under­
sister, Mrs. George Scbroeder.
Meals and lodging at reasonable writers, the insurance of $17,000
having been paid.
prices at Frank Wilson’s.
Hotel and livery stable for sale. Both
buildings in good condition; 16 rooms in
hotel, 12 bedrooms. All rooms fur­
24 stalls in stable.
down, balance on easy payments.
further information call on or address
E. M. Furman, the Piano Man, Marsh­
field, Or., or at this office.
made from rejected materials
1 /E /V JL VI I K A I
o v e r a t i?
> L U
Mr. and Mrs. W . F. Slingsby re­
turned from a visit to their old
home in Humboldt county, Cali-
fornia„on Saturday.
They had a
very pleasant time. They came up
on the Alliance along with the pas­
sengers of the Oregon who were
taken off when she took firo off
Crescent City.
Don’t forget I am still agent for the
old reliable De Laval Separator, if
you want a separator I can sell yon
one on any terms you desire; money is
no object, so it is up to you, Mr. Dairy­
8. M. NOSLER, Agent,
Coquille, Oregon.
improved in health. She visited in
Coquille the last of the week.
Mrs. Ed. Lewellen is very low
but little hope is entertained for
her recovery.
O bserver .
W hy buy Eastern bacon and hams
when you can get the good, wholesom e
Coos county product at the City Meat
Oath is Given.
Washington, March 4.— Theodore
Roosevelt, of New York, and
Chas. Warren Fairbanks, of Indi­
ana, today were inaugurated, re­
spectively, President and Vice-Pres­
ident of the United States. A few
months ago theirs were the names
to conjure with in one of the most
noteworthy campaigns in the history
of American politics.
They were
elected with the greatest popular
acclaim ever accorded candidates by
the electorate of this Republic.
Today their names are again on
every lip. The verdict of the Amer­
ican rendered on November was
confirmed in the presence of such a
throng as the National Capital rare­
ly has witnessed and with n setting
of brilliant pageantry.
The inauguration of President
Roosevelt was made a festal cere­
mony in Washington. The city is
symphony in color.
A blaze of
decora’ ions greets the eye at every
turn. From every staff the N ational
Ensign breaks to the gentle breeze;
great buildings are enfolded in the
soft embrace of the Stars and
Stripes, and entire blocks arc a
mass of patriotic color. About the
white dome of the Capitol float im­
mense American flags, nnd from the
topmost point of the graceful gran­
ite shaft erected in memory of the
first President springs a single
American emblem—a vivid splash
of red, white and blue against the
The decorations throughout the
city are more elaborate and beauti­
ful than on the occasion of any
previous Presidential inauguration.
Twice as many flags have been
used this year by the inaugural
committee as ever used before, and
the splendor of the scheme adopted
for the city’s adornment never has
been surpassed.
Howard M. Brownell, the rising
young attorney of this city, has de­ t l I i I c h k » . l l d r r i u a i i O w e s I l l s C i ­
cided to east his fortunes in another r r i 1 o n t o C h a i n b e r i a l n ' n C n i i g h
lirm ril).
locality and will take his departure
today for Gold Beach, where he
“ I can heartlyand conscientiously
will practice his chosen profession recommend Chamberlain’s Cough
and grow up with the country. In Remedy for affections of the throat
this new field Mr. Brownell has and
lungs,” says Hon. John
chosen there is a brilliant outlook j Shenick, 220 So. Peoria St,, Chica-
for a voung man of his vigor nnd 80- " ^ " ° >’ ears a8° during a politi-
n , i Mr. t Brownell's
-------- nv '’ »> campaign,
paigbi I caught cold after
intelligence. During
g overheated, which irritated
brief stay in Marshfield he has my throat and I was finally com­
rondo many friends who speak of pelled to stop, as I could not Bpeak
him m fhe highest terms nnd rec­ aloud. In my extremity a friend
ommend him ss a lawyer in the advised me to use Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. I took two doses
front ranks.
He will be with us
that afternoon and could not belive
agnin at the next term of the circuit my senses when I found the next
court, which he will attend regularly morning the inflammation had
and look after the interests of his largely subsided. I took several
doges that day, kept right on talk­
clients —Sun.
ing through the campaign, and I
W a n te d :—A good-sized boat suitable thank this medicine that I won my
for a ferry boat at Coqnille City. En­ seat in the Council.’’ This remedy
quire at H erald office.
ig for sale by R. S. Knowlton.
Lard and Bacon at wholesale at the
I'oquille Valley Packing Co.
Bring us your fat beef, bogs and sheep,
Coquille Valley Packing Co'.
Absolutely Pure
-IN -
for sale
As fine a line of negligee shirts as ever
came to town, at Z. C. Strang's.
For a nice short-order meal, call at
the Davis restaurant, Front street.
$ 1 1 ,5 0 0 l’his amount of fino property,
■ in■— including two fine residences
and 10-ncre orange grove in Pomona, (Jal.,
to exchange for good stock ranch.
A fino corner bn-
- ity
Remember that home-made lard at
These W ALK-OVER |the c<xluille V‘lil*‘-v Packing Co’s
W. P. Fuller’ s prepared Paints, Oils
Shoes were born and
and Varnishes at J, A. Lamb & C o.’s.
bred in a first-class fac­
W A Goodman will go anywhere in
tory. They were made Coos county to move your house or
for a first-class man—
A piano for sale on easy terms.
that’s you. For sale by
take part in trade. Enquire at this 8 8 0 0
W. T. KERR k CO.
Nice small place of 8 acres near
town, well improved, 4 acres fall
bearing orchard, balance pastnre
and meadow. Good eyoporator.
This is a good investment.
House and two lots in good
location. A bargain.
Good house, barn and four lota
in fine location.
8 800 Corner business property. Better
this now.
canned goods has just been received at $ G50 A hill ranch on Fishtrap of 150
«ores, 4 acres cultivated. 40 acres
in grass, 2 rough honses. barn. 100 young
For fine carpet and rug weaving ap­ frnifc trees, about 1400.000 feet fine cedar
ply to Mrs. K. Holverson.of the Mc­ timber. This is a gennine bargain.
Adams place.
A residence property that is dirt
Henry M. Campe as the Ex­
ecutor, and Eliza Campe as
the Executrix of the Estate
of Henry Camp, deceased,
and Lena Harms as the Ex-
eeutrix of theEstateofGeorge ¡-at law.
Harms, deceased, and all as
Co-partners under the firm
name and style of Henry
Campe and Company,
Attention! Wool Growers— W. T.
Kerr will make contracts and cash
Three papers of garden seeds for 10
Mrs. E. F. Davenport returned
Defendant. |
advances for your wool.
cents at Know lton’ s.
To C. O. Gilkey, the above-entitled
early last week from Ashland much
Our townsman, Wm. Croy, re
E. W. Fahy and James Morrison,
Clarence Waters, of the North
Fork, spent a couple of days in town
of Bullards, were among Coquille’s ceived a letter from his brother
the last of the week.
George, who is now in Tuscon,
many visitors yesterday.
Drane, the grocer, keeps nice fresh
Arizona, stating that his health is
Fine dry wood at $1.25 delivered.
much improved, of which his many
For a beautiful, wellbred colt Leave orders with C. M. Skeels, or friends will be pleased to learn.
which will mike a flue driving ani­ with H. C. Moore, the teamster.
Go to the Davis restaurant for first-
mal, call on the H bh i . b .
W. T. Kerr, the merchant, was class meals and short orders.
For first-class lodgings go to the Davis under the weather yesterday and
Stewart J. Lyons arrived here the
did not come down to the store.
last of the week from Pasadena,
W. A. Custer, one of our veteran
John Rowan, who had the mis California, on business connected
friends of the Fishtrap country, was
fortune to fall and fracture his hip with sawmill at this city, but at
in to see us on Saturday.
last December, is able to be on the present it has not been determined
If you want nice mickeral, call at
streets on crutches.
just what will be done toward get­
Drane’ s.
F ur S alk — A lot of fine grass hay. ting it started again.
The large time-lock safe forj the
Apply on board of the steamer Echo.
Three papers of first-class, northern-
Bandon bank passed through this
It looks as though spring is with grown garden seeds at Knowlton’ s for
city the latter part of the week.
ten cents.
us to slay, the orchards are whiten­
Rolled Barley, Bran, Shorts and
Master Ray Willard, son of Mr.
ing with bloom and every thing
Potatoes, at Strang’ s.
and Mrs. A1 Willard, of the Roj
Mrs. Oh man and Miss M aude
neighborhood, had the misfortune
Reed, of Marshfield, came over Sat-
Mark Morras is up from River­ to severely scald his hands and fore
day and proceeded to Bandon for a ton and informs us that the mill
arms last Friday by upsetting a
at that place will soon start up kettle of scalding water upon him­
For Ashland House Lining go to again as soon as logs can be ob­
self. He is resting as well as could
be expected. He is under the care
Our friend, G. W. Harry, returned
Coal Miners Wanted.— D. S. of Dr. Russell.
Saturday from an extended visit in
Rouse, superintendent of the Co-
W an ted — A position as engineer.
southern California. He is looking
quille Co’s mine at Riverton, ¡3 now Good hand with donkies. Best of ret'-’
in shape to employ several more ommendations. J. A . A r m fik ld , Co-
Pies and cakes made to order at the
men at good pay.
Davis restaurant.
The excursion by the steamers
To arrive soon at Strang’ s store, a full
E. B. Fish, the North Bend con­
Liberty and Echo on Sunday was
tractor, was over to this section the
Hats, as well as a complete assortment well patronized, a large crowd go­
latter part of the week. He visited of summer hats. Call early and get
ing from the upper river and this
his parents at Bandon before re­ your choice.
place to see the schooner Onward as
D ied .— In San Francisco, Cal., she lies on the beach as described
If you want to look at a fine line of
Feb. 24, 1905, Mrs. E. J. Ronard, in a former issue.
They were a
underclothing go to Strang’ s.
of No. 1516 O’Ferrel street.
She jolly lot and greatly enjoyed the
W. A. Ross and wife, of Ohio, and
leaves one son, Anthony Ronard, day’s outing.
T. A Dodge, of North Dakota, were
two brothers and four sisters and
Have you tried those new and fresh
in our city several days last week,
many relatives in New York, New candies just turned out by Mr. Milbrad,
looking at the country and enjoying
Jersey and Massachusetts, to mourn the candy maker. They are fresh and
our beautiful summer-like weather.
her death; Mrs David Mathers, of first-class in every particular and con ­
tain no ingredients which are unwhole­
For anything in the line of good pas­
Coos county, is a sister.
F. B. Tichenor, state lecturer for
}he Woodmen of the World, ar­
rived here Friday from Albany
where he bad just closed a big and
successful campaign for the order
in that city. He proceeded to Myr­
tle Point the same day.
lightful trip.
Shffdded wliole-whcat biscuits at
Remember E. Wilson runs a first-
class bakery.
A good Winchester Rifle
aheap. Inquire at this office.
I have been suffering f r tli past
few yeaas with a ■ever..- attack o
rheumatism and found that I’al
lard’s Snow Liniment was the only
thing that gave mesati f tion and
tended to alleviate my pains.
March 24. 02: John C. Deguan,
Kinsman, 111. 25c, 50c a d $1.00.
Sold bv R. S. Knowlton.
Don’ t lorget that Strang keeps Shoes
of all kinds.
l u v a l u a b l c lo t EKIictiimUi*
In the name of the state of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled action in which
Harry M. Campe as the Executor, and
Eliza Campe as the the Executrix of tho
Estate of Henry Campe, deceased, and
Lena Harms as the Executrix of the
Estate of George Harms, deceased, and
all as co-partners under the firm name
and style of Henry Campe and Com­
pany are plaintiffs, and you, C. O.
Gilkey, are defendant, within six weeks
from the date of the first publication of
this summons, tow it:
within six
weeks from the 21st day of February,
1U05, the same being the date of the
first publication of this summons, and
if yon fail to appear and answer on or
before the the 4th day of April, 1905,
the same being the last day of tho time
prescribed in the order for publication,
plaintiff will take judgment against you
for the sum of $345.92, for their costs
and disbursements in this action and an
order for the sale of the property which
has been attached in said action, which
is described as follows, to w it: Lot four
in block two of the Original town of Co-
qnillc City, in the County of Coos, and
State of Oregon. Also commencing 100
feet east 11 degrees south of southeast
cornerof lot one block three of the Origi­
nal town of Coquille City, now the City
of Coquille, running thence north 11 de­
grees east 100 teet, thence east 11 de­
grees south 25 feet, thence south 11 de­
grees west 100 feet, thence along Front
Street to the place of beginning, in Coos
County, Oregon.
Service of this summons is made by
publication in pursuance oi an order
made by L. Harlocker, County Judge
for Coos County, Oregon, dated the 14th
day of February, 1905, and directing the
publication of the same in the “ Semi-
Weekly H e r a l d , ” a newspaper published
at the City of Coqnille, Coos County,
Oregon, once each week for a period of
six weeks.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Hans P. Clausen,
[r Suit in Equity for
I Divorce.
Olive E. Clausen,
Defendant, J
To Olive E. Clausen, the above-entitled
In the name of the state of Oregon
you are hereby notified tbat you are re­
quired to appear and answer the com­
plaint filed against you in the above-
entitled suit in which Hans P. Clausen
is plaintiff and you, Olive E. Clausen,
are defendant, within six weeks from
the date of the first publication of this
summons, to -w it: within six weeks
from the 21st day of February, 1905, the
same being the date of the first publica­
tion of this summons; and if you fail to
appear and answer on or before the 4th
day of April, 1905, the same being the
last day of the time prescrilied in tho
order for publication, a judgment will
be taken against you for want thereof,
and plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the relief demanded in his complaint, a
succinct statement of which is as follows:
That the marriage contract now exist­
ing between you and plaintiff I kj dis­
solved; that plaintiff have judgment for
the care and custody of lis te r Clausen,
their minor son, and for his costs and
disbursements in this suit.
Service of this summons is made by i
publication in pursuance of an order !
made by L. Harlocksr, county Judge for
Coos county, Oregon, dated the 14th j
day February, 1905, and directing pub- !
lication of the same in the “ 8emi-Week­
ly H erald ,” a newspaper published at
the City of Coquille, in said Coos county,
Oregon, once each week, for a period of
six week«.
Attorney for Plaintiff
Standard Patterns are now reduced
to 10 and 15 cents each. For sale at
Kanematz’ s store.
Two lots nicely located.
2H0 Two fine lots near tho sehool-
— — house.
20 0 T h e beat residence lot in Coquille.
Installment plan.
I am closing out my line of Ladies.
Gents’ and Children's Mackintoshes’
Call and get prices. Z. C. S t r a n g .
Two corner bottom lots.
F or S ai . b —A fine pro]
iroperty consisting
of splendid garden lots,
8, good house and
Six fine lots, best location, at the
barn For particulars call at this office.
rodiculonsly low prioe o f $75 each
It is impossible to describe my list IrvthiH
Knowlton’ s drug store has a full line
of fresh garden seeds in bulk, also the o.ilnmn. I f you are looking for a good
famous D. M. Ferry’ s seeds in packages. piece of property nt. a reasonable price. I
can certainly suit. you.
Hemembei. I rent houses and farms,
make loans and do all kinds o f agency
business. Come in and see me before buy­
ing. I enn save von DOLLARS
Coquille, Ore;.’ .
• « • » ♦
For Sale.
One 6 horse power steam engine; one
600 gallon cheese vat; one curd sink;
cheese hoops and press screws. All the
above are about as good as new, hut
The garden seeds which Knowlton
will he sold very cheap.
sells at three papers for ten cents have
been thoroughly tested anti are s ti. ‘ ly
Coquille, Oregon.
That uie are Headquarters for Gents' Furnish-
ing Goods.
Our line of Ready-made Clothing cannot be
Call and inspect our line of WALK-OVER Shoes
as well as many other leading styles.
Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Kerr & Co.
P rop .
Successor to T. J. Little.
D R A Y IN G .
All orders handled with carefulness and expedience.
Sole Agent for
Coquille Coal and Lumber Co’s Coal.
lW l -A .I s r
Who tied the cow ’s tail to his log in the process of milk­
ing; said she had not dragged him over two miles befori
he realized he had made a mistake.
H o -w
Must you be dragged before you realize you aro making a
mistake in not using Electric Lights.
Can your wife cook?
get her the best to cook with at
City M eat Market
Lard. Bacon, Hams, Sausage, Chickens, Veaetables,
Turkeys and Game in Season.
Front Street.,
Coquille. Ore.,
Phone. Main 43.
P. 0. Box 224