Semi-weekly herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1904-1905, February 03, 1905, Image 2

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    Semi-Weekly Herald.
FRIDAY^ FEB. 3, 1905.
H u n d red s M ay Quit.
A strike that is intended to tie up
all the work on the Exposition
buildings on the Lewis and Clark
grounde, unless the demands of the
r « u d i:« i» w .t ,
A few counterfeiters have lately
been making and trying to sell im-
itations of Dr. King's New Discov-
ery for Consumption, Coughs and
Ç °‘ ds’ f.,,d ° ‘ her >»«d>cinee thereby
defrauding the public.
1 las is to
warn you to beware o f such people
who seek to profit, through stealing
the reputation of remedies which
have been successfully curing dis­
ease for over 36 years. A sure pro­
tection, to you, is our name on the
Look for it, on all Dr.
King’s, or Bucklen’s remedies, as
all others are mere imitations. II
E. Bucklen dr Co', Chicngo, 111. and
Windsor, Canada. For sale by R.
8 . Knowlton.
carpenters at work there for $3.50
for a working day of eight hours is
It is understood that the county granted, was begun today, when
commissioners have under consider­ over 100 men employed on the Ore­
ation the purchase of a rock crusher gon Forestry, Festival Hall and
for use on tho roads of the county. Mines buildings walked out, de­
A better investment could not be claring they would never return
made. The Mail is informed that until their damands were granted.
a representative of a machinery If the increase in wages is not se.
house is now in the county for the cured by Thursday, the strikers °ay
purpose of selling a crusher.
We they will call out the men working
know nothing of him or the machine under Contractor J. E. Bennett, on
he sells, so this is intended as a the Government buildings on the
We the undersigned want it un­
boost for him. But the fact remains Gould’s Lake Peninsula.
derstood that the tickets marked
that the crying need of Coos county
Strikers declared that the men al­ Dispatch and Favorite are not good
is a surface that will stand the win­ ready out at noon today were only on Str. Antelope, and that when such
ter wetness. No dirt*oad, no mat­ the advance guard, and that the tickets are purchased from Capt.
Panter they will not be honored.
ter how well graded can stand walkout was but the beginning of
S ig n e d :
T h o s . W h it e ,
througtiflfe first rmflSltf of the win­ wbat will be don# unless their de­
J o h n C. M o o m a w .
ter rains. Oravel is almost an un­ mands were complied with, and
known article here, especially on that the 300 or more men at work
Notice of Final settlement.
the bay side, and does not exist in on the mainland at the Fair
Notice is hereby given that the
bodies extensive enough or handy Grounds will all walk out today or undersigned has this day filed his
enough to nmko it practically avail­ tomorrow, and only waited this final account in the matter of the
able for use on the roads of the morning to see the different ccn- estate of Mary A. Vo well, deceased,
county. As a matter of fact, too, contractors and get their final de­ and that the county court for Coos
gravel is only one remove above cision in the matter of granting county, Oregon, has set Monday
dirt ns road material, while crushed higher wages.
the 27tli day of February, 1905. as
The average paid for carpeuters the day for hearing objections to
rock, of tho right kind, cannot be
beaten. It is said that rock exists on the various buildings being said final account and the settlement
in large quantities on the Coquille erected by the various contractors of said estate.
which is hard enough to be almost on the mainland was $3 for nine
Dated this 2Gth day of January,
indestructible when placed on the hours’ work. On Saturday the 400 1905.
VV. VV. G age ,
road; and there is no doubt but men employed by Contractor J. E.
Administrator of the
good rock for the purpose can be Bonnett, on the Government build­
estate of Mary A.
found up Coos river. It is reported ing, quit work, demandig $3.50 for
Vowell, deceased.
that good hard rock can also be eight hours. This demand was ac­
found at the summit of the hills on ceded to and the men returned to
Farm lor Rent.
work. The other carpenters on the
the Coos bay wagon road.
160 acres 2 miles east of Norway,
With a road properly laid out grounds thought they were entitled
Coos county, Oregon, known as the
and graded and covered with a suf­ to the same terms, and so today
J. H. Allen place. 2 small houses,
fice of crushed rock, an ideal high­ they struck, after giving notice of
hay barn, etc., small orchard. 12 to
way is provided, good in Bummer, their intention to the contractors.
15 acres plow land, 40 to 50 acres
The contractors affected by the
and equally good in winter.
cleared for pasture, mostly fenced;
have become so used to wallowing strike are the Burrell Construction
unfailing supply of running water,
through the mud for one-half of the Company, which is building the
1 mile from good school, good coun­
year, whenever we wished to travel Forestry, Machinery and Festival
ty road by place.
Will lease for a
by land, that it is hard to realize the Hall buildings; W. It. Griffith, who
term of years to reliable parties.
. difference there would be if good is constructing the Manufactures |
Fur further information address the
roads could be provided the year building, and E. A Lynds, who has ]
E. \. B arsett ,
round. The farmers are espe.•¡ally the contract for the Oregon build,
Riverside, Calif.
interested in haviug good winter ing aud the Mining building.
roads, but the whole community is
T. A. Rippey, superintendent for
Stock Hogs for Sale.
interested as well; not only those E, A. Lynds on the Oregon build­
Seven head nice thrifty O. I. C.
who desire to travel over the roads, ing, said:
but all who. are interested in the ^ ^ ‘Of the 16 men employed on the shoats, that will weigh between 60
Price 4c.
growth of tfie population,
One of Oregon buildlta^ nine walked out and 80 pounds a piece.
C. A. P endleton , Coquille.
the bugbears of this country, to at noon today, demanding $3.50 for
R o c k Crusher N eeded.
poople coming from more open
country, is tho muddy roads. Few
people who aro accustomed to bet­
ter things care to hole up in the
woods for half of the year, and that
is about what it amounts to unless
they are fortunate enough to locate
on some of the waterways.
A rock ernsher may be an expen­
sive piece of machinery, at first,
but a better investment could not
be made by n connty situated like
ours.— Coast Mail.
- —
Cincimnati, Jan. 31.— As the audi­
ence in a local theater awaited the
appearance of Mamie Hayburn, a
concert singer, she rushed out of
her dressing-room, a living torch,
and ran screaming through the
Several men threw coat 3
over her and a pail of water finally
put out the ilamcs, but the singer,
burned from head to foot and suf­
fering horribly, is in a hospital to­
day dying. Only the prompt action
by men in tho theater prevented a
dangerous panic.
Pittsburg, Jan. 31.— The stand­
ard Oil Company today reducod tho
price on all grados of exude oil. A
reduction of 3 rents was made on
high grades, and 2 cents on the
lawer grades
A nti-H um e Bill P a s s e d H ouse.
Salem, Feb. 1 .— The House today
by a nearly onnniroous yote passed
the bill to destroy Hume’s monopoly
of the fishing rights on Hogue river.
• -
Teachers’ E xam ination.
Applicants for teachers' certifi­
cate are hereby notified that the
regular semi-annual examination
for state and county papers will be
held in tho court house in Coquille
beginning at 9 a. in., Feb. 8 , 1905,
and continuing three days.
Dated this 23rd day o f January,
W. H. B u k o ,
County Supt.
eight hours’ work.
VVe are now
paying first-class carpeuters $3.50 a
day, but the average is $3 for nine
hours. VVe would pay all $3.50 if
they were first-class men and could
earn the money, but thoy cannot.
VVe are paying the strikers off and
expect to have no trouble in getting
all the men needed to continue the
Further demands of the men are
double pay for Sunday work, where­
as thoy state they only get regular
pay for Sundays, and pay and a half
for overtime. VV. H. H. Brndy, who
quit work on the Oregon building
at noon today, said:
“ VVe believe our demands are
only just, nnd we will work hard to
enforce them. Last night we took
into Carpenters’ and Joiners’ Union,
No. 1073, G5 new members.
tically all the workers on the
grounds are now union men, nnd
our plan is to organize every man
in town and th us enforce our de­
mands, if necessary."
»«•* -
Sultan N ear
Death's Door.
Berlin, Jau. 30.— Klein’s Journnl
reports that Abdul Hamid II, Sul­
tan of Turkey, is dangeriously ill of
inllaniation of the muscles of the
heart. In the event o f his death
tho court clique intends that the
sultan’s younger brother, Rashid
Bey, shall succeed him.
Bey is said to be a hopeless drunk­
Abdul Hamid II was born Sep­
tember 22, 1842, and ascended the
throne August 31, 1876.
Bound Over.
Stella Fox, and Claud Fox, 1
her husband.
Plaintiffs. |
* IJ;___
... _ .
* . l*R' Stevens B*>s., linve given
notice of a great clearance sale, to
close out stocks of suits, skirts, etc.
Ladies, call at the store and see
samples, styles and prices. A won­
derful array of b a rg a in s worthy the
attention of careful buyers.
M. A. P ierce .
Coquille, Oregon,
Jan. 15, 1905.
Sperry Flour Co.:
Dear Sirs: Aly parents have
used Sperry’s Flour for several
years aud they like it best because
it mukeH the lightest, sweetest nnd
whitest light bread.
It does not require so much
kneading and makes more bread to
a *ack than any other brand.
Mukes the best biscuits, cakes and
other pastry, because it rises quickly
and is cheaper, for you can always
depend on every sack being good.
we thick Sperry's
Stump Puller.
Flour is the very best flour made,
Parties wishing stumps pulled for with other brands of flour you
should call nu Thomas Heatou, of will sometimes get a poor tack.
Yours very truly,
this city. He is prepared to pull
Aged 12 years.
B essie D e L onu .
stumps or furnish you with the
Faultless puller that you may pull
Sawmill Wanted.
S p e c ia l iu d u c e m e tiU w ill b e m ad e
them yourself.
by J. D. M y re s o f M att Rink creek,
g a site fo r a p o r t -
H aving renovated their m ill at Ban­ to . . anyone w . is h in ®
Ilrw ltl,
Means the ability to do a good
day’s work, without undue fatigue
and to find life worth living. You
cannot have indigestion or consti­
pation without its upsetting the
liver and polluting the blood. Such
a condition may be best and quick­
est relieved by Herbine, the best
liver regulator the world has ever
known. Mrs. D. W. Smith writes,
April 3, 1902: “ I use Herbine, nnd
find it the best medicine for con
stipation and reguluting the liver I
ever used.”
Sold by R. S. Knowl-
Special Representative in this
county aud adjoining territories
to represent and advertise an old.
established business house oT solid
financial standing.
Salary $21
weekly, with expenses advanced
each Monday by cheek direct from
Horse and buggy
furnished when necessary; position
permanent. Address Blew Bros.
croft, Fish Bros are now prepared to
A Co , Dept. A Monon B ldg, furnish the p ublic the best grades ol | a b le
Chicago, 111.
u eccs-
Departm ent o f the Interior,
Land Office at R oseburg, Oregon,
N ovem ber 26, 1804.
Notice ia hereby given that the follow -
ing named settler lias filed notice o f It ia
intention to make final proof in support
o f liis claim , and that said proo! will be
made before Jam es W atson, C ounty
Clerk at his office at C oqu ille, Oregon,
on February 13, BIOS, v iz:
H . E . No. 9708, H ugh H . H astings,
(or the NE>» Bee. 28, T . 27 8 ., K. 12 W .
H e names the follow ing witnesses to
prove hit) continuous residence ujion and
cultivation of said land, v iz:
C A Metlin. o f Marshfield, O re g o n ;
und F ft Bullock, O It Phillips and G W
Stevenson, all of C oquille, Oregon.
J . T. B R ID G E S ,
We would he pleased to have you try a
hily, our
new Hour. This is
sack o f W hite
__ __________
mi old established brand in Portland. San
Franoisoo and Sound cities. A trial is all
we uF.k. We are sure you will be pleased
uud will always call for “ White L ily" in
the fu," r*’ < W
* ° amoK-
Th g e n tle m e n Qf (joqu ille and su r-
rounding country are specially invited
— ... <! i a-s.**
arc always right at K err’s.
_______ _____________________A m
M O O M A W , Prop
Opposite Hotel Coquille,
¿*§30í(E(50IT O
L v o r y t liiq g
_____ _________ __
Coquille Tonsorial Parlors,
saw m ill.
; | ■
th is k in d .
Front Street.
3EPT OR S J I L E . ^
Æ ïnS-.CiÆ E
R - ,-O r-S »5? S3;
--------- P O R T L A N D , O R E G O N ----------
Stump Puller.
For Sale .
T he strongest, most durable, easiest
to handle Stump Puller, the S m ith ’ s
G rubber. For inform ation write or see
M . G . P ohl, agent, M yrtle Point, Ore.
It sim plifies purchasing.
A good home in t h is c it y , on
easy tertns:
Enquire at this office.
M O H A W K IN D I A N A H - W A - G 0 .
B acon, Hams and Lard at w holesale
and retail, quality guaranteed. Coquir.uc
V alley P acking Co.
Established in 1866 . Open all the year. Private or
class instruction. Thousands o f graduates in posi­
tions; opportunities constantly occurring. It pays to
attend our school. Catalogue, specimens, etc., free.
A. P .
Liv e r, K id n e y and B lo o d
M edicine,
Cures Rheum atism , Dyspepsia, In d i­
gestion, Nervousness,, Loss of Sleep,
Loss of A ppetite, Nervous Affliction of
the Heart, Constipation ami ail Diseases
of the Blood, Liver and K idneys.
Price $1 per package.
F or Sale only by
Agent for Coquille,O rego
Alfred Johnson,
Flooring, Rustic and all kinds of Finishings and Mouldin
Constantly on hand.
Boot & Shoe
All work done iu up to-date style
au.i guaranteed first class.
Deliveries made promptly by either water or rail.
Coquille, Oregon.
Julia Hayes aud James | Suit in equity
Hayes, her husband, Etta >■ for partition
Cox and Glen Cox her hus- I o f real prop-
band, James M. Vowell and I erty.
Amanda Vowell, his wife, |
Daisy Fisher and Edward
Fisher, her husband, Grace
QOQUILLE LODGE, NO. 53. I. 0. 0. F
Crocker and Erve Crocker,
M eets every Saturday night.
her husband, Lilly Laws
and Frank Laws, her hus­
G eo . H . B axter , N.
band, and Bird Vowell.heirs
J . S. L awrence , Sec’ v.
at law of Bird Vowell, de­
Defendants. J
W e have all Grades and Prices Accordingly.
To Daisy Fisher, Edward Fisher. Grace
Meets the first and third T hursday
Crocker, Erve Crocker, Lilly Laws, Frank
nights in each m onth.
Laws and Bird Vowell, defendants above
J . J. S tanley , C. P.
I. H acker , Scribe.
In the Name of the State o f Oregon; You
and each of yon are hereby notified that
you are required to appear and answer the |y|AMIE REBEKAH LODGE, NO. 20.
Meets the second and fourth W edn es­
complaint Hied against you in tne abov;)
entitled suit within six weeks from the day nights in each m onth.
M rs . M arvi . n L yons , N. G.
date of the first publication o f this sum
icons, to-wit: within six weeks from the M rs . M amie S lagle , Sec’ y.
31st day of January, 1905. the same being
the date of the first publication o f this 0HADWICK LODGE. NO. 68, A. F. I A. M.
M eets the Saturday night on or b e­
And if yon fail to appear and answer on fore the full m oon.
or before the 11th day of M arch, 1905, the
J . H. O ecil W . M.
same being the last day o f the time pre­ J. J . L amr , Sec’y .
scribed in the order o f publication, the
plaintiffs will tone judgment against you gEULAH CHAPTER, NO. 6. 0. E. S.
and will apply to the court for the relief de­
M eets n ext Friday night.
manded in their complaint, a succinct
M rs . K athryn S lagle , W . M .
statement o f which is ns follows: That the
M rs . M amie S lagle , Sec’ y.
real property described in said complaint,
to-wit: Beginning at the 0. S. quarter
quarter section corner in center o f south­
M ee's the second and fourth Tuesday
west quarter of section thirty, township
twenty eight south of range fourteen west night« each m onth in Odd F ellow «’ half.
A . F. L inegar , C . 0 .
o f the Willamette meridian in Coos Conn-
ty, Oregon, and rnnning thence north V . R. W ilson , K . R . S.
seven chains and twenty-three links to a
spruce limb marked C. H., thence west QOQUIllE LODGE. NO. 127, A. 0. U. W.
eight ohains and thirty links, thence south
M eet« the second and fourthW ednes-
seven chains and twenty-three links to the dav nights of each m onth in W . O. W .
quarter quarter section line, thence east hall.
eight chains and thirty links to the place
F red S lagle , W . M.
o f beginning, containing six acres o f land, O. F. RonRKR, R ec.
being in the southeast part of lot five in
said section thirty. Also lots seven and
M eet« the first and third W ednesday
eight in block five aud lots five, seven and
eight in block seven in E lliott's addition! night« each m onth in W oodm an hall.
M r ». RtRniE S k ir l », O. H .
to the town of Coquille City, nnd
all situ
ated in the county o f Coos and state o f {
I rene L amb , R ec.
Oregon, be partitioned among the plaint
|y|YRTLE CAMP. NO. 197. W. 0. W.
iff, Stella Fox, and the defendants, accord­
M eets the first and third Saturday
ing to their respective right« and interests:
or if such division cannot be"nmde without nights of each m onth.
R out . B d r x i , C. C.
great prejndioe to the owners thereof, then
said premises be »old by and under the J. G ; S immons , Clerk.
Mark Whelpley, of North Bend,
was taken to the county jail at Co­
quille yesterday to await the action
of the aext grand jury, on a charge
of statutory rape, committed upon
tho person of a Miss Thom ns, his order o f this court nnd the proceeds of said QOQUILLE COUNCIL, NO 398. F A A.
14 year old Mister-in-law.
The sale, after pnying the costs and expenses
Meets the second and fourth T hu rs­
charge waa preferred against him of this suit, be divided among the parties day nights of each m onth in O ld Fel­
to this suit according to their respective low s’ hall.
by the girl’s sinter, Mrs. Kreech, interests, nnd for such other and further
D r . Gieo. R r s s t i.i., Pres,
N l f l* l l i - i i n i c l i r .
who cniiNcd him to bo arrested nnd relief as the court may deem jnst and M r s . C h a » . H ak r in oto n , 8 e c ’ y.
Thin ilintreMHing ailment results
brought before City Recorder Chnp- equitable.
Service of this siuumoas is made by pob- £VENIN6 TIDE CIRCLE, NO. 214, W. 0. W.
from a disordered condition o f the
Meets the second and fonrth Satur-
stomach. All that ia need to effect nmn, where he waived examination liention in pursuance of *an order made by i
a cure is a done or two of Chamber- and whh bourn) over under $800 L. Hnrlooker, as County Judge o f Coos day nights of each m onth.
Mas. Lou L in r o a r . G . N.
lain’« Stomach nnd Liver Tablet«*. bonds, which, being unable to fur. Connty. dated January 28th, '90ft, direct­
In fact, the attack may be warded nish. he was, as mentioned above, ing that service thereof be made by publi­ M r,. M. M 1' iil.l, Clerk.
cation thereof in tkeH ixi W k i i l t H erald ,
off. or greatly lessened in eeverity, remanded to the county jail to a newspaper published At the City o f Co JUSTUS L0D6E. NO. 35. NATNB0NE SISTERS
by Uking a dose of these Tablets
qnille, in said Coos County, once each
Meets the first and third Tueadav
as hooi : ns the first symptoms of an I which ho was escorted by North woek for a period o f six weeks.
nights each m onth in Odd Fellow s’ half.
i Bend’s city marshal, Mr. Shaw.—
«tack appears.
Hold by R. S. |
M r .*. A n n ie L a w r k n c r , M . E. C.
Attorneys for Plaintiffs,
Coast Mail
M r s . I nez C h a se , M . o f R . 8 .
The Finest to be had in
Coos County at the lowest
B ill Heads.
Letter Heads,
Leqal Blanks,
Wedding Stationery.
Up-to-date Work Delivered
with Neatness and
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
O. D R Y D E N ,