Semi-weekly herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1904-1905, February 03, 1905, Image 1

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    Kroiienbertf Bld#.
N«xt Door to P. O.
I: ^
Stanley & Burns,
Real Estate, Collections.
Specialties—Criminal and U. S. Land
Cases, Notaries Publio.
. .
O beoon .
Geo. Russell, M. D.,
Calls promptly answered day or night,
Phone, main 13G.
A. J. Sherwood,
A ttobnkv - at -L aw ,
N otaby P ub lic ,
Walter Sinclair,
A T r o il N B Y - A T - L A W ,
N otauy P ublic ,
T it l e s .
CoquiLLK C it y , O iik
Hall & Hall,
A t to iin e y s - a t - L a w ,
Deale «
W o m e n in
Salem, Or., Jan. 20.—Kay’s flat
salary bill passed the House this
morning with only two dissenting
votes. It provides that the salary
of the governor shall he $5,000;
secretary of the state, treasurer and
justices of the supreme court, $4,-
500 each; attorney-general, $3,000
The bill will take effect immedi­
ately as to officials named except
the secratary of the state and treas­
urer, and us to them it is effective
only after Jan. 1, 1007, when the
terms of the present incumbents ex­
The senate today passed Malar-
key’s bill imposing a penalty of
from 10 to 40 years for Holman’s
juvenile court bill.
A b 3TBA ctek
The rebels have erected barri- hospital with a broken jaw and j materially weaken the Russian po­
cades in the streets. Hundreds of several minor cuts on the head and sition and probably compel a change
shops have been plundered by the Superintendent McGladry, of the of the Russian front iu that vioinity.
rebels, and they have also wrecked mill, has a broken nose and a
Mukden, Jan. 31.—The wounded
exchange. They strained hip. Mr. Hume’s new au- from the right flank continue to
prured tones of petrolium on th e' tomobile is upside down on the pass to the rear.
It is officially re­
streets, to which they set fire.
bench at Forty-second street, in ported that the wounded number
General Mistonenko’s in­
A woman posted on a balcony was Upertowu, and it is because of the 3500.
juries are not serious.
picked off with a rifle by a cossack latter that the former is true,
who was trying to drive the strikers
Huni6 and McGladry started
The Japanese are systematically
from the street. The cossack finally down town this morning, about 11 informing the Russian rank and file
shut the woman, but his own life o’clock, in Humo’s new auto, and of the disturbances in Russia, hop-
puia 1 . » r L*’iait/. The mob fell up-1 when rounding a sharp turn, white iug thereby to create disaffection
on him, dragged him from his horse j running at a good speed on a frosty among the soldiers, who eagerly
and kicked him to death.
! planked roadway, control of the read the communications.
lighting around the barrade, machine was lost and it went
London, Jan. 31—Oyama seports
was reuewed at intervals through- J through the Bide railing and down than the number of Russian dead
but the night.
' to the be&ch, a distance of 1G feet. left on the field since Jan. 25th is
In one section of Isetochows the ( As the machine started to go over not less than 1200.
rebels nre masters of the situation Mr. McGladry jumped off and struck
S t P etersbu rg in Quiet
and the police have fled. Huge ; on his head in the sand. He was
placards hnve been posted announc- j stunned for a moment, but recover­
St. Petersburg, Jan. 30 (12:28 P.
ing the establishment of a rovolu. | ¡Dg himself quickly found that
Ml —Most of the factories and mills
tionary municipal regime.
Hume was underneath the machine
of St. Petersburg are in operation
Warsaw, »an. 31—Two rigiments i that had turned on top of him.
today, and the strike to all intents
of infantry and two of dragoons number of people had witnessed the
and purpose is ended. A few large
have arrived to aid in suppressing accident and ¡assisted iu lifting the
establishments have not yet fully
the disturbances.
j machine so that Hume could be
resumed operations, owing to the
The chief of police has put a ban pulled from under it.
At the time
the official formalities necessary in
on visiting and closed private house j it was believed that he was fatally
registering their thousands of em­
to all except the residents.
j injured, and it was almost a miracle ployes.
that he was not.
Many casualties yesterday.
Both men will recover within a
Portland, Or., Jan. 31.--The Fed­
short time.
F lat Salary Bill P a sse d the
eral grand jury today completed a
H ou se.
two weeks investigation of the Butte
K bal E state of «I! kinds.
Jtrshfield, Oregon.
o r f i ’^ tis Snooh, D. 0. S.
a F elon y. Creek Lumber and Livestock Com­
Salem, Or., Jan. 27.— Senator
Nottingham’s bill to c ose the side
entrances of all saloons probably
will be postponed, and a new bill
will be introduced to make it a fel­
ony for a saloonman or any one
else to permit a woman to eutfir a
saloon. That, at least, is the under­
standing of tho case at the present
When ever Congsess is seized
'v ,
, D e n tist .
with an attack of economy it be­
Otfioe two doorl/south Odd Fellow’ s Hall
gins the virtuous work of conserv­
ing the public funds by cutting
Will make Bandon a professional visit
V Q ,jf
down the appropriations for the
the llrst Monday in enoh qni. t e r .
District of Columbia. Like a house­
Coquille, Oregon.
A review of Sichel’s bill to whip wife who has spent too much on
wifeboaters has been ordered. It the piano lamp and recoups ou the
in not likelv that this measure will food furnished the family, Congress
E. D. Sperry.
W . C. Chase.
be favorably reported by the com -! economizes where it lives. Instead
of the government availing itself
generously of the opportunity to
Attorney s-ftt-Luw.
| one well governed, non-partisan city
R ailroad to Crater L ake
'] of the United States it has the man-
Office in Robinson Building,
.The engineering crew of the Med­ j ner of treating Washington like a
ford and Crater Lake Railroad Co., poor relation to be stood aside in
will complete the location of the i times of stringency.
The District
line into Medford this week. Then of Columbia being without a vote
E. G. D. Holden,
cross-sectioning will commence and or representation in Congress de­
the grade stakes set. As stated be­ pendent upon tho will of Congress
L aw ykr ,
City Recorder, U. 8. Commissioner, Gen­ fore in The Mail, as soon as this for improvements must wait the
work is completed, the company ex­ good temper of that body for appro-
eral Insurance Agent, and Notary
pects tc commence construction | priations to pay for its schools, to
Public. Office in Robin­
work, and wish to have it completed pave its streets, to extend its
son Building.
to the big timber by the coming fall. boundaries, to protect its health, in
Coquille, Oregon.
Generaal Manager Whithcad has fact for all its developments and
been busily engaged for several days beautification. As the Capitol of
past in cutting out several sharp the United States, the home of the
A. F. Kirshman,
curves and iu shortening the line President and of Congress and as
when it opproaches the Medford the government owns more than
D entist .
terminal.—Medford Mail.
half the real estate in Washington
Office at Residence, one block east o f
it is entitled to generous provision,
Tattle Hotel.
M u sica l F estiv a l at the Fair.
instead of the grudging dispensa-
Portland, Feb. 1.— A magnificent iton. Past Congresses have done
musical festival, to continue for a much for tho city and the taxpayers
solid week, is planned as one of the of the District have responded by
many attractions for the Lewis BDd contributing vast amounts to sup.
Str. O I S P A X C H
Clark Centennial. A monster chorus plemcnt those advanced by the
Tom White, Mo-ter.
As a consequence
of amateur voices, recruited from government.
I A-rivee
B a n d o n ... . 7 v-M. | C ,»nillle----- 10 a - m the various singing societies in the the Capitol of tho country has al­
Coquille ........... 1 P -M . | Bandon____ 4 P-M .
Connects at Coquille with train for Marshfield ! "tote of Oregon, will be gathered ready become a beautiful city but it
and steamer E-’ho for Myrtle Point.
I and drilled for months prior to the is iu the condition now of a grow­
j festival. It is probable that at least ing child whose garments must be
Str. F A V O R I T E
1,000 singers will take part. The let out. Ever^ year its needs in­
J. C. Moo in a w . Master,
Le a ye»
I Arrived
concert will be held in Festival crease and the cost of maintaining
G »quille........ 7 a - m . j Bandon. .10:45 A-M.
The ap­
1 P-M. ! Coquille. 4:45 P-M. | Flail, a beautiful exposition struc- it grows in proportion?
propriations of last year are not
Str. R E X A
| is provided with a largo stage, and ! sufficient for the proper mainten-
Alva T#ee, Master,
i seating capacity of 3,000 people
! ance of the city this year and in
j Arrives
1 P-M . j Bandon
. ft P-M.
spite of this the Congressianal ap-
Bandon .. . 7 a - m . j Coquille. .11 A-M.
Carrying passengers and mail.
A Ship That D e w e y Sunk
propriation has been reduced three
I millions of dollars. The sub-com-
Coquille River Transportation Co. i Portland, Feb. 1.—The Don JuAn|mitteg recommending the appropri-
! de Austria, one of the Spanish fleet étions was inspired to make a rec-
Str. L I B E R T Y
which Admiral Dewey sunk in the erd of economy and is without a
w R. Panter, Master.
I Arrive«
| battle of Manila Bay, has been doubt entitled to the record of
Band« in... .
a - m . I
Coquille .. .10 A-M.
Cviquille . ..
I P-M. J Bandon . . . . 4 p m . j raised and repaired and will be sent “ Uncle Joe,” the watchdog of the
Make« connection with train at f'oquille
' to Portland
to be exhibited at the Treasury, and the Father of Dan­
and up-river boots,
fair. The vessel ville, Illinois, is entitled to most of
T. W . P AN T K R , Managing Owner.
will be anchored during the fair in | the credit for the careful pruning
Str. E C H O
the Willamette river, adjoining the of the bill by which practically
H. E. Jame«. Ma»ter,
fair grounds, together with a nurn- every item suggested by the com­
Myrtle Point. . .7 a - m . ! CjqnUle <” y 0 30 a - m . j ber of Unde Sam's newest and
missioners for the development of
eqnlll, T'itr. . . 1 r-M. | Myrtle P’t . . I 0 ' p m
; finest warship*
tbs District has been stricken out.
Daily e*i ept Htimlny
The evidence introduced shows
thnt H. H. Hendricks, who was
raised in Biuger Hermann’s family,
was appointed United States Com­
missioner during Hermann’s term
as Land Commissioner. The com­
pany acquired over one hundred
claims during Hermann's regime.
Besides a complete stock |
i ol Drugs and Druggist’s Sun-
| dries carries Kodaks and Sup-1
plies, Phyrography outfits and
| Supplies'.
Bishop Satterlee
says that
“ woman’s convivial habits in smok­
ing and drinking make her tho re­
verse of an olovating influence."
Rev. Dr. Hillis of New York says
says “ the history of the world has
been the story of man’s attempt to
satisfy women’s whims.” It looks
as if the Bishop and Rev. Hillis
had fallen into bad company.
A Specialty ol Pei fumes
Night call by pressing the button
at the right of the door.
and Tonic Preparations,
“ Its a riot,’’ said Louis X V I as he
looked out up on the mob at Ver­
sailles. “ No, Sir, it is a revolu.
tiou,” replied a courier.
I b it a
riot or a revolution that the Czar
looks out upon at St. Petersburg?
Governor Folk proposes to li­
cense lobbyists. A Civil Service ex­
amination would be a better plan
for reducing their number.
The Russell Pharmacy
M a in St. Coquille.
Dr. Geo. Russell,
Rex P. Russell,
R. E. SHINE, Vice P rsi.
It may be we shall have six ex­ A. J. SHERWOOD, Pres.
pert -‘commercial attaches” who
will keep watch of our consuls
Who then shall we get to watch the
L. H. HAZARD, C iih le r
In the bill for appropriations for
the District of Columbia recom­
mended to the House by the Dis­
trict committee the item of play­
grounds was among the many other
important omissions.
All of the
large cities are interested now in
providing playgrounds for children
and while the city of Washington is
perhaps less in need of them now
than other less sanitary and more
crowded cities it is in the interest
of future economy to provide them
as oevly as possible. Ground is be­
ing condemned and set aside for
theso purposes in London now at a
cost of many millions, which if
bought twenty or thirty years ago
might have been
procured for
C O Q U IL L E ,
T r a n s a c t s a G eneral B a n k in g B u sitie sa
Board of Director*.
It. 0. Dement,
A. J. Sherwood,
L. Harlocker,
L. H. Hazard,
Isaiah Hacker,
R. E. Shine.
National Bank of Commerce, New York City
Crocker Woolworth NT Bank, San Franciaco
First Nat’l Bank of Portland, Portland, Or.
✓ in
When the Road Supervisors of a
county set a date upon which to
D ea ler in Fancy ^ p ^ J ja d ir s ’ I’
1 ,jr Guorbr. A lso a
meet witli the County Commission­
plote line of Seasonable Millinery.
ers and devise plans for scientific
and systematic construction of roads
within their jurisdiction, the indi­
cations nre favorable for good roads.
This course has been decided upon
by the Rond Supervisors and Coun­
ty Court of Linn County, and there
Miss Estelle Wyman who “ cross-
is reason to hope for beneficial re­
heeled” a flirting New York man
sults in due time.— Oregonian.
! and with one hand on his collar and
London, Jan. 30.— A correspond­ the other at his back sent him to
ent of the Daily News reports the
Meets ah Boats and Trains. Goods Handled with Care
casualties in the lighting al Chien trick in San Francisco.
Ccienpan Keikoutai, south of Muk­
The number of bills introduced
den, last week, were Japanese, 3000
in Congress favoring river harbors
killod and wounded; Russians, 10,-
j and post offices seems out of all WOOD FOR SALE-
000 killed and wounded.
proportion to the number relating
1 to the regulation of railroad rates.
A nti-G am bling Bill.
Following is tho text of the bill I
Salem, Jan. 31.— Cascade county,
introduced by Represntative Gray
with the court house at Hood
iu tho House, and which at last ac­
I River, has a fair prospect of going
counts was in the bands of the com­
into the eastern Oregon sisterhood
mittee of cities and towns:
of countioi.
The House today
Section 1. Any person who shall
, unanimously passed the bill to cre-
conduct, carry on, open, or cause to
I ate that county.
be opened, either as ownfer, propri­
etor, employe or assistant o.’ iu any
Berlin, Jan. 28.—Tho well-known
manner whatsoever, whether for
comedy actor, Forst, went mad this
hire or not, any game of faro, monte
i week ou the stage of the Municipal
roulette, rogue et noir, lansquette,
Theater at Hamburg while playing
ronde, vingun (twenty-one), poker,
j the part of Judge in “ The Duchess
draw poker, brag, bluff, thaw, tan
or hanking or other game played
with cards, dice or other device, or
S ta rtlin g b u t T r u e .
any slot machine or other gambling
People the world over were hor­
device, whether the same be played
rified on learning of the burning of
for money, checks, credits, or any a Chicago theatre in which nearly
other representatives of thing of six hundred people lost their lives,
value, in any house, room or shop yet more than five times this num­
or other building whatsoever,-boat, ber or over 3,000 people died from
pneumonia in Chicago during the
booth, garden or other place, where
same year, fcith scarcely a passing
persons resort for the purposo of notice. Every one of these cases of
playing, dealing or operating any pneumonia resulted from a cold
such game machine or device, shall and could have been prevented by
lie guilty of felony, and on convic­ the timely use of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy.
A great many
tion thereof shall be imprisoned in
who had every reason to fear pneu­
the penitentiary for the period of monia have warded it off by the
not less than one year nor more prompt use o f this remedy.
following is an instance of this sort:
than three years.
“ Too much cannot be said in favor
r h a m b e . l i l a ’ a I n u g l i B r m r i t ; llic of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy,
I V I n ih c r « F a v o r it e .
and especially for colds and in­
The soothing and healing prop­ fluenza. I know that it cured my
erties of this remedy, its pleasant daughter, Laura, of a seveie cold,
taste and prompt and permanent and believe saved her life when she
cures have made it a favorite with was threatened with pneumonia.’
people everywhere. It is especially W. D. W ilcox, Logan, New York
prized by mothers of small ch il­ Sold by R. 8. Knowlton.
dren, for colds, croup and whoop­
A piano for sale on easy terms. Will
ing cough, as it always affords
quick relief, and as it contains no take part In trade. Enquire at this
opium or other harmful drug, it office.
may be given as confidently to a
baby ns to nn adult.
For sale by
Mackintoshs», storm Coats, sto., at
R, 9, Knowltnn.
l-U K R IV E R T O N C O A L .
Leave orders at T. J. Little’s Livery Stable.
C o q u ille
Steam Laundry
P H O N E 116
Experienced Help
Best of Work
Reasonable Rates
Special Kates to Families nnd Hotels
W e make our own soap ami know Its ingredients. No injurious chemicals used.
Our baskets will lie left at all the principal points on the river.
Goods called for and delivered in Coqnille City.
Coquille, Oregon.
General Graying, Tran sfe rin g and Delivering.
O rders for Wood Prom ptly filled.
Leave all orders at P. E. Drane’s Meat Market
Best Wheels Ou t
Rare Bargains In Second-H and W heel»
Wheals! to Rsnt.
T. Hapatring ,Dona on Short Kotloa. ;
Bast em;*» Pro«»:»«,'* •
çoquillb T oreqon