Semi-weekly herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1904-1905, January 03, 1905, Image 5

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    LOCAL N E W S.
Sohool opens today after the h o li-: Chas. Faby, of Bullards, was in
day vacation.
town yesterday.
Wm, Kay was up to this city
Josso Taylor, of the lower river
The commissioners will open
was among Coquille’s visitors yes- court tomorrow,
Stick to the good resolutions terday.
D. H. Prewett, of Parkersburg,
made Sunday.
Mrs. Dr. MiDgus, of Marshfield, was in town yesterday on business
Nile Mi ler was down from Fish- made Coquille a betweea-trains
Supt. Kronenburg of the Parkers­
trap yesterday.
visit yesterday.
burg mill, had business in town yes­
B orn .— Iu Marshfield, Dec. 27, terday
Sunday was the first day of the
year, of the month and of the year. 1904- to the wife of Billy Head
A number of severe cases of grip
Smith, a daughter.
Lunch Fruits ut Dritne’g.
aud pneumonia are reportod at
Mrs. J. A. Jacobson returned
Miss Mabel Dean went up to Marshfield.
yesterday from a visit at North Hall’s creek Sunday to visit with
David Stone, of Bandon, was up
Mrs. Albert Miller.
to this city and spent New Year’s
Hats at your own price at Mrs.Payne’s.
Rev. B. B. Paul, of Hall’s creek, with relatives.
George Belloni, the dairyman, made our office a pleasant call yes­
Mrs. John Kronenberg, of Park­
returned from a business trip to the terday afternoon while iu town.
ersburg, was up to town yesterday
bay on Friday.
Fine Cape Cod Cranberries at Drane’s to see a dentist.
Everything for luncheons at Drone’s.
Quite a number of young people,
J. B. Davis, father of Mrs. Kist-
Mrs. Ed Cunningham, of tbo
and some not so young, of Myrtle
north part of town, has been quite ner, of this city, arrived here from Point, are suffering from mumps.
Ferndale, Calif., yesterday.
ill for several days.
Ed Fish, the North Bend carpen­
Finest cut and Austrian glass. Select
Try the prize Baking Powder at
ter and contractor, made Coquille a
pieces of China atT H Mehl A Co’s.
Strang’ s.
Brick for the masonery of the new visit yesterday, being over this way
Mrs. 8. M. Nosier, of this city,
woolen mill were ordered looking after property interests.
was the happy recipient of a nice
Cleofas Perfumes at the Russell Phar­
yards last week.
piano for Christmas.
For a supply of Jersey Cranberries,
Lunch chicken, lunch veal and loaf can­
call on Drane, the grocer.
ned meats at Dranc's,
The Misses Alice Porter and
John Hamblock and James Mor­ Maude Garfield, of Bandon, visited
Hoi Anderson wan in town two
or three davB the last of the week, rison, of the lower river, who spent Mrs. Buck, of this city, two or three
being on bis way back to Washing­ the holidays on the hay, returned by days the last of the week,
Great bargain* in Ladies’ Hats and
yesterday’s train.
Shirt Waists at Mrs. Payne’s.
Mackintoshes, Storm Coats, etc., at
Frank Fish, of this city, who re-
cently went to San Francisco on
business, returned by way of the
bay Friday.
Fifty pairs of gloves at cost, at Mrs.
Mrs. J. A. Yoakam and Miss
Beeiuis, teachers in our school, who
went to the bay for the holidays,
returned yesterday.
Now is the time to get a hat at Mrs.
Moon’s. Hats from 50 cente up.
A. flagpole will be raised at the
Breakwater office, on which the
F. M. Stewart, the Marshfield
house-flag of the ‘gpreckles boats
tombstone man, came over by yes­
will be kept flying while they are in
terday’s train and went to Myrtle
port.— Mail.
Point, hut is in town today.
Orvil Dodge, of Myrtle Point,
Mrs. Mary Nosier, the Front
who recently came down from the
Street merchant and confectionor,
mines on Sixes, was in town yester­
called in the firemen Saturday dur­
day and to day on business before
ing the ladder drill and gave them
tho county court.
a treat.
Mile of Jetty Gone.
Astoria, Or.,
Dec. 29.— k vo
thousand feet of jetty superstruc­
ture was carried away in an 80-mile-
an-hour gale off the mouth of tho
river early this morning, leaving
only 600 feet of the outer end re­
maining. To repair this work, to­
gether with the portion that was
carried away by previous storms,
will take several months, so it is
unlikely that there will he any ex­
tension of the jetty until late next
summer, if at all during the coming
Five bars Napthol Soap 25c at Lor­
H e r . C a r l i s l e I* U M a r i t a , I , I . U .
Of Waverly, Texas, writes: “ Of
a morning, when first arising, I
often find a troublesome oollection
of phlegm which produces a cough
and is very hard to dislodge; but a
small quantity of Ballard’s Hore-
hound Syrup will at once dislodge
it, and the trouble is over. I know
of no medicine that is equal to it,
and it is so pleasant to take. I can
most cordially recommend it to all
persons needing a medicine for
throat or lung trouble.” For sale
by R. S. Knowlton.
J. It. Henson, the Myrtle Point
banker, has ordered 200,000 brick
from the Arago brick yard with
which to build a new bank building
at the Point.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Iteed, of Port­
land, spent Christmas with Mr.
Reed’s father Oscar Reed, of near
Myrtle Point. They expect to return
to Portland at once.
Bullards, accompanied by Miss Sadie
Fahy, returned from North Bend
yesterday, having spent Christmas
and New Year’s day with relatives
and friends at that place.
Full line of Toilet Preparations at the
Russell Pharmacy.
For fine carpet and rug weaving ap­
For great bargains in Ladies’ Hats and
ply lo Mrs. K. Holverson,of the Mc­
Shirt W aistsoall on Mrs. Payne.
Adams place.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Schroeder, of
Arago, are bore on their regular an­
nual visit with relatives and friends
in this city. They will be in town
several days.
The first casualties of the Young
Ladies’ Basket Ball team occured
at In at night’s game when one young
lady lost a fiont tooth and another
a portion of her eyeball.—Mail
Cut glass, finest Austrian flint glass
and select China at T II Mehl A Go’ s.
John Nielson, of Prosper, secre­
tary of the new canning company
with headquarters at that, place, re­
turned Friday from the bay whore
he had been to spend Christmas
jvith bis many frieuds.
Christinas festivities were inter­
fered with at Grants Pass on ac­
count of quarantine regulations
against diphtheria, there being a
number of severe cases there, some
of which have proved fatal.
A fir e line of the latest in dress goods
is Being received at Mrs Payne’ s store
I am closing
out my line of Ladies.
on Front street.
Gents’ •"A
and Children’s Mackintoshes’
Mrs. Elton Tyrrell came up from
her California home, having arrived
Friday, aud is enjoying a visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. D.
She reports her husband
improved in health.
Fae.inators, shawls, misses’ caps, rub­
bers and unbrellas at .1. 8. Kanematz’s.
J. K. McLeod, of this plaSe who
has been at Witter Springs, Culif.,
for a couple of months for his
health, returned Inst week, and is
considerably improved as to his
eatarrahnl affection.
For good meals, splendid rooms and
bath, go to Mrs Sugg’ s hoarding house.
The late rains put the river higher
than the previous rise, and many
logs came down.
Those who were
catching logs report, several small
bridges which were brought out
from the tributaries of the upper
$800 w ill buy a 200-acre Stock Ranch
in Southern Coos, witli plenty of outly
ing Government land. J. J. S tanley .
J. W. Clinton’s large logging
donkey was received from Portland
last week and taken to the Gus
Schroeder place on the upper river
where it will he installed for work
in the near future. It is a powerful
machine and will be a big addition
to his logging equipment.
Having renovated their mill at Ban­
croft, Fish Bros are now prepared to
furnish the public the best grades of
lumber, having employed experienced
The Prosper Canning Company
held their annual stockholders’
meeting Dec. 20, 1904, and elected
the following officers for the ensu­
ing year: It. W. Bullard, president;
John Nielson, secretary treasurer;
^J. A Morrison, lBt vice-president;
N. A. Pederson, John Walstrom,
Sam Nnss, C. W. Ashton, and J. A.
Morrison were elected directors for
the ensuing year. The now cannery
packed nearly 7,000 cases of salmon.
Th gentlemen of Coquille and sur­
rounding country are sjiecially invited
in to see W T Kerr A Co’s fine line of
Overcoats as the winter approaches.
Prices are always right at Kerr’ s.
Call and get prices.
Z . C . S tbang ,
Mrs. Wm. Gallier, of Bandon,
returned home yestesday after
spending the Holidays with her
sons, Steve and Ed, of this city, She
was accompanied by her nephew,
J S Jays lias fine Oat Hay for sale. Will Linegar and wife, who will visit
Delivered in town, on the cars or on the with Mr. and Mrs Gallier a few
boat at $12 per ton.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campbell,
Drcne, the grocer, received his Christ­
who have been in the eastern part mas supply of Cranberries a little late,
they are fine all the same.
of the state for the last year or so,
Miss Jeunie Curren, of Myrtle
returned last week nud are enjoy­
ing a visit with Mrs. Campbell’s Point was a passenger cm yesterday's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Dulley. train to the bay on her return to
Tim most complete line of Reiger’ s Portland to attend school, having
California Perfumes—those that will enjoyed
the holidays with her
last—at the Russell Pharmacy.
parents at Myrtle Point. She was
We wonder if the singing of the
accompained as far as the bay by
frogs Friday and Saturday nights
her father, J. J. Curren.
as they were bidding the old year
or S ale —A fine property consisting
adieu aud cheering the new one in, of F splendid
garden lots, good house and
would not have been sweet music to barn. For particulars call at this office.
the people of the blizzard-swept
Prof. T. C. Jory, of Salem, ar­
eastern states.
rived here last week to take the
Hind’s Honey and Almond Cream, place of Prof. V. A. Davis as princi­
the finest preparation for the face on pal of our school. The Professor
earth, at the Russell Pharmacy.
Capt. C. E. Edwards, of the
steamer Alert, running on on Coos
river, came over last week expect­
ing to go to see his old friend, Adam
Pcrshbnker, of Prosper, hut reach­
ing this place he found that Mr.
Pershbaker had just sailed on the
Elizabeth for San Francisco.
visited friends at Myrtle Point and
this city before returning.
Foa S ale ,—At a bargain, team of
horses, set of light harness, also good
thoroughhrace hack. Enquire of C. fl.
is an affable gentleman who will
doubtless be highly appreciated by
the school. He is well pleased
with the surroundings in a general
The wedding of J. R. Johnson and
Miss Flossie Sanders took place at
the home of the bride’s parents at
Norway on Thursday instead of at
Myrtle Point Wednesday as we
stated last week, and was a very
pretty home Wedding, the bride
and groom receiving many pretty
and valuable presents. They spent
the holidays in this city and have
dow gone to Myrtle Point to reside
where Mr. Johnson is connected
with the large meat market of the
Coqnille Valley Packing Company.
The H epald joins their many friends
in congratulations.
Drag i
W. P. Fullcr’B prepared Paints, Oils
and Varnishes at J. A. Lamb A Co.’s.
W A Goodman will go anywhere in
Coos county to move your house or
To T rade — Fifteen head of cows and
several head of young cattle for good
Sanford's Bargains
A fine oorner business property
Notice is hereby given that all
Coos county warrants (on General
Fund) endorsed prior to Jan. 1,
1903, will be paid on presentation
at my office in Coquille City, Ore­
No interest will be allowed after
Dec. 31, 1904.
J. B. D u l l e y ,
Treasurer Coos County.
Dated this 15th day of Decem­
ber, 1904.
50c & $ 1 .00
Free Trial.
Newly established. Euerything neat and up-to-date in every
respect. Meals a t all hours, day or night.
P rop .
Successor to T. J. Little.
Russell P harm acy
M a in St. Coquille.
Dr. (ieo. Russell,
Rex P. Russell,
Davis' Restaurant
Six fine lots, best location, nt the
rediculously low prioe of $75 each
For twenty days only.
City Restaurant
W. T. Kerr Sc Co.
A t the old Burton Stand.
MRS. W . W . DAVIS, Prop.
Newly established. Everything neat ana up-to-day in every
respect. Meals a t a ll hours,
Surest and Quickest Cure for all
T H R O A T and LU M G T R O U B ­
L E S , or M O N E T BACK.
investigate and be convinced.
Coquille, Oregon.
Dr. King’s
New Discovery
0UGHS and
It is impossible to describe my list in this
oolnmn. I f yon are looking for a good
piece of property at a reasonable prioe, I
can certainly suit yon.
Kemembe,, I rent houses and farms,
make loans and do all kinds o f agenoy
business. Come in and see me before buy­
ing. I can save you DOLLARS.’
V 0L0S
Our stock is up-to-Jate.
kill ™« oouom
Meus’ hoys’ and children’s clothing,
cheapest in town, at Lorenz’s.
Coquille Coal and Lumber Co’s Coal.
Departures by steamer Break­
water Dec. 31: J Yoakam Jr, Rev
T H Murray, A Beattie, Miss Beat-
tie, Dau Sneddon, Chas Lapp, T W
Newman, C S Williams, Capt G
Gobel, W C Harris Jr, A B Melvin,
John Ray, E Guizot, John Kelly.
Qentsf Furnishing Goods in Coos
Largest stock of Clothing and Gents’
Furnishing Goods at Lorenz’ s.
Furniture and box factory,
All orders handled with carefulness and expedience.
thriving toMnin western Oregon,
good machinery, good location
and doing a good business. This
is a bargain.
Sole Agent for
$ 1 0 0 0 Fine small farm o f 30 acres on
river bank, 12 acres cleared, just
what you want.
$1500 Nice small place of 8 acres near
town, well improved, 4 acres full
bearing orchard, balance pasture
Night call by pressing the button
and meadow. Good eyoporator. A Specialty of Peifumee
This is a good investment.
and Tonic Preparations.
at the right of the door.
House and*two fine lots in good
$ 800
Good house, barn and four lots
in fine looation.
800 Corner business property. Better
■ ■ investigate this now.
$ 750 A.hill ranch on Fishtrap of 150
aores, 4 acres cultivated. 40 aores
m grass, 2 rough houses, barn, 100 young
fruit trees, about 300,000 feet fine cedar
timber. This is a genuine bargain.
$ 500 A residence property that is dirt
S 400 Two of the best residence lots
in the city.
Two lots nicely located.
$ 30 0
Steam er N otes.
see the best line o f Ladies' and
Lerd and Bacon at wholesale at the
Coquille Valley Packing Co.
The fault of giving children med­
icine containing injurious substan­
ces, is sometimes more disastrous
than the disease from which they
are suffering. Every mother should
know that Chamberlain’s Cough
Remedy is perfectly safe for chil­
dren to take. It contains nothing « 2G0 Two fine lot» near the school-
harmful and for coughs, colds and
best residence lot in Coqnille.
croup is unsurpassed. For sale by $ 200 'the
Installment plan.
R. S. Knowlton.
* 100 Two corner bottom lot».
I f you don’t believe it drop in and
We believe in progress.
Mrs David Fulton still has a nice lot
of choice plants for sale.
U iu iiili
U r n r ilj
A liio liile lz lla r m li-m .
an *
We're here to stay.
Give J. G. Fish your orders for apple
Hats at yoor own prioe at Mr». Pavne’ s
New Goods arriving every day at W. T.
Kerr A Co.’s.
$ 1 1 ,5 0 0 This amount of fine property,
i ■ i a■■■ including two fine residence**
and 10-acre orange g r o v ^ n Pomona, Cal.,
to exohange for good atocK ranoh.
The County Court of Coos county, Or­
egon, will receive proposals until two
o’ clock p. m., Wednesday, the 4th day
of January, 1905, to furnish medical at­
tendance, drugs, medicines, muse and
entire expense and care tor all county
patients who need daily medical atten­
tion, who are in such condition they
cannot be cared for at the County In­
firmary for the year 1905. The County
Court reserves the right to reject any
and all bids.
All bids to be filed with ttie county
clerk of Coos county, Oregon, on or be­
fore the date above specified.
Dated this 12th day of Dec. 1904.
L. H aki . ocker ,
County Judge.
A good Winchester Rifle for "sale
Bargains in thin silks at Mrs. Moon’s. cheap. Inquire at this office.
A specially fine lot o( handkerchiefs Just the thing for evening gowns.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fahy, of near r i i a r a k e r l i i l i i
at Mrs Payne’s.
School Iiooks at Knowlton's
I Clothing
Strang’s Store,
I Caps,
I Blankets,
C oquille ,
O regon .
Goquille furniture
J- 6 - Fish & Son,
Dean & M o rg a n
MANUFACTURERS of Butter Boxes, Cubes, Apple and Fruit Boxes
Cabinets, Tables, Counters, Store Fronts, etc.
Turning Work a Specialty.
All Orders given
prompt Attention.
Dealers in
Our friend, A. E. Smith, returned
Fresh and Salt Meats, Lard. Bacon, Hams,
Irom Sun Francisco the latter part
of the week, after an absence of
Sausage, Chickens, Vegetables, Tur­
over a year, during which time he
took in the big fair at St. Louis and
keys and Game in season.
other points of interest east of the
His many friends are
pleased to see him back agaiD, while
Our friend, W. D. Baker, of the
F ront S t .,
C oqui le , O r .
he having gained two sisters-in-law North Fork, came in to see us yes­
recently, hardly knows whether he terday. He was accompanied by a
is home or some where else.
relative, D. W. Morley, late of
Mountain City, Tenn.
Mr. Morley
is a neweomer, only having been on
the coast about six months, and in
this county a couple of weeks. He
Mrs. M. Nosier,
is exceedingly well pleased with the
looks of our country, and tells us I
that he feels better than he over re­
members of having felt before, and
has gained 20 pounds in weight j
since his arrival here, and feels as
though he would weigh SOD
His :
family is with him and as soon as a j
pocatiouto suit can he fonnd they w ill!
_______ _______
I settle for keep«.
The N ew S to re ,
D ra n e ’s S to re ,
Fancy and
Staple Groceries.
Syrup, Tobacco, Cigars, etc.
carry a
full line of
Id o n r a n d F e e d .
Everything found in a first-class Grocery. Prices the lowest
consistent with good goods.
$Has a complete Holiday line o$
China and Glassware, Fancy
Cattle for Sheep.
Notion is hereby given that my :
;>; Candies, etc. Call and in-
Will trade a fine lot of cows and
rife, Irene Smalley, has left mv I
several head of young »took for
and board and therefore
, Aspect stock before buying goods... not
r . , I Tnvf
bo rcaponHiblr for nnv dohts alio i »beep Inquire of J. D. My«r«, on
m«y contract
T,m » S malitt
j Ripek creek
Address CoqnilU.