Semi-weekly herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1904-1905, December 20, 1904, Image 1

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V ol . 22: No. 46
Entered as second-claws matter July H, American Library Association
1904, at the postoffice at Coo uil le, Ore­
gon, under act of Congress oi March 3,
During the first week in July, the
Dairy Tests at the Fair.
Dec. 17.—Dairying
27th annual confeience of tho Amer­ tests have been decided upon by the
ican Library Association will be exposition management to be a fea­
held in Portland, Oregon. This is ture of the live stock show at the
nD opportunity which roust not be
Lewis and Clark Centennial. One
, neglected by all those interested in month will be given to the tests,
i the library development and educa­ which will begin September 1, 1905.
tional progress of our state.
A full set of rules and regulations
American Library Association had
to govern the terts has been com­
its inception in Philadelphia during piled by Richard Scott and W. M.
the Centennial year, 187G. Since j Ladd,
who have formulated a
that time yearly conferences have
schedule by which the greatest pos­
been held covering the country from sible benefit may bo obtained from
the Atlantic seaboard to Californio, {the contests.
from Atlanta, Georgia, in the South
Butter tests will be supervised by
to Montreal in tho North.
a competent jury, und uniform
meetings are of a strictly practical
packages will be provided by the
nature, one object is constantly Exposition for all butter produced
kept in view the co-operation among ! by each breed. The scale of points
librarians in the interest of better
j for judging butter is as follows:
and more economical administration
| Flavor, 30 per cent; aroma, 15 per
| looking to a more efficient and sat­ j cent; grain, 25 per cent; color, 15
isfactory service of the public. per cent; salt, 10 per cent; and
Among tho subjects usually dis­ package, 5 per cent.
cussed are the best library legisla­
The milk from each cow will be
tion; how to further the establish­ weighed immediately after milking
ment of libraries in every commun­ and correct samples will be taken.
ity; library buildings; the wise se­ Awards will be made on the follow­
lection of books; the best methods ing points:
of cataloguing and classification;
Economic production of butter
library records and book keeping and butter fat; economic produc­
and above all the educational and tion of milk for all purposes of
missionary features of library work, dairying; dual-purpose beef, milk,
reaching the young people through and beef merits of calf; production
Walter Sinclair,
the schools, and the adults b y : of market milk; all on herds of five,
A t i ' ornky - at -L a w ,
means of travelling libraries, deliv. ten and 15 cows.
N otary P ub lic ,
erv stations, branches, etc.
Similar tests, with awards, will
CoDferances of the A. L, A. have be made on individual cows of the
aroused au interest in library mat­ Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Devon,
ters wherover they have been h eld.1 Guernsey, Holstein-Friesian, Jer­
/. Hacker,
Those attending the meetings of sey, Red Polled, and Short Horn
A bstracter op T itles .
this body of earnest men and women breeds. There will also be awards
C oquille C ity , O re
working together with definite pur­ for the bpst cows of any breed.
pose cannot fail to be convinced of
The amounts of the various
the necessity of a library to a com­ awards are now being figured out
Hall & Hall,
munity as part of its educational and will be announced at an early
equipment supplementing the work date.
A ttobn kïs - at -L aw ,
of teachers in our schools and giving
Dealei in K kal E stât * o f nil kinds.
- -••* *
young men and women whose school
Marshfield, Oregon.
An Ordinance
life must end early the opportunity
for self-education. Every man and To prohibit dogs and bitches from
woman interested in good eitison
running at large with the limits
J. Curtis Snook, D. D. S.
ship, in library development, in the
of the City of Coquille, Coos
D en tist ,
general progress of education in
county, Oregon.
Office two doors south Odd Fellow’ s Hall
this our state of Oregon should set
The People of the City of Co­
Will make llandon a professional visit
aside those few days in July for a I quille do Ordain as follow’s:
visit to Portland and attend these
the first Monday in each quarter.
That w’hereas, A large number of
Coquille, Oregon.
worthless animals known as “D ogs”
The librarians of Oregon are i infest the streets o f the City of Co­
scattered over a wide area of coun­ quille, to the annoyance of pedes­
The time is now ripe for or­ trians, and the spoliation of goods
E. D. Sperry.
W. C. Chase.
ganization so that yearly or half- in transit, which may be left for a
yearly meetings may be held of one time, accessable to such animsls,
or two days’ duration for better ac­ and
A ttorn eys-at-L nw .
quaintance with cne another, for
Whereas, Many of such animals
consideration of plans and discus- j seem to be without care or owners,
Office in Robinson Building,
siou of methods.
A meeting of all j and succeed only in making nuis­
those interested in library work and i ances of themselves, as well as in­
of all librarians, present and pros­ juring the x>roperty of business men.
pective, will be held in the Port­
E. G. D. Holden,
land Public Library, corner Seventh
L awykb ,
Section 1. That no d og or bitch
and Stark streets, Portland on the
Bhall be permitted to run at large
City Reoorder, V . S. Commissioner, Gen­
morning of Tuesday, December 27,
upon the streets or alleys, or upon
eral Insnranoe Agent, and Notary
at 10 o ’clock. Will all those inter­
any of the pu blic grounds within
Pablio. Offioe in Robin­
ested in this movemeut or desiring
the limits o f the city of Coquille,
son Bailding.
further information, please write
OregoD, from and after 30 days
Coquille, Oregon.
immediately to Miss Mary Frances
Isom, Librarian of the Public Li­
proval o f this ordinance; and that
brary, Portland, Oregon.
A. F. Kirshman,
D entist .
at Residence, one block east o f
any unenclosed lands within the
The dozen women who left for limits o f said city shall bo deemed
Japan last April with Mrs. Magee “ public lands’ ’ within the meaning
and offered their services to the of this ordinance.
Section 2. That the city council
Mikado’s government ns nurses,have
all returned to our shores, disap­ shall, under the direction of a mar­
pointed in their mission.
It seems shal, provide a place for impound­
that the Jnpanese government has ing such vagarant dogs and bitches
nurses enough to supply all its hos as are found running at large in any
COQUILLE RIVER STEAMBOAT CO. pitals and has no special use for part of the city aforesaid; and that
women, however philanthropic and any person under the direction of
Str. D IS P A T C H
Tom White, Master,
guod-hearted, who are entirely ig­ the Marshal shall have authority
I Arrives
norant of the larguage and know to capture and impound such ani-
Bandon....... 7 a - m . | Coquille. .10 a - m .
Coquille ....... 1 P-M. | Bandon .
\ p - m . ^ nothing of the
condition which mAls so found running at large in
Connects at Coquille with train tor Marshfield • would confront them. They were said city.
and steamer Ejho for Myrtle Point.
never permitted to go to the front
Section 3. That upon the capture
or iuto the vicinity of any battle,
Str. F A V O R I T E
and im pounding o f such animal, as
and were returned to their homes,
J. C. Moomaw. Master,
perhaps at their own expense, a s 1 described in the foregoin g sections,
I Arrives
Coquille....... 7 A-M. | Bandon.. 10:45 A-M. soon as a decent hospitality would the city ¿Marshal shall post at least
Bandon......... 1 P-M. I CoqttUle . 4:4a P-M. permit. It would be interesting to
three public notices, one o f which
know the incidents of their quixotic shall be posted upon said pound,
Str. R E T A
Alva Ice . Master,
Tattle Hotel.
I Arrives
Coquille .... 1 PM. I Bandon
. 5 P-M.
Bandon . 7 A-M. | Coquille.... 11 A-M.
Carrying passengers and mail.
Coquille River Transportation Co.
Str. L I B E R T Y
W. R. Panter, Master.
1 A £ ive".„
,o „
Band,m........ 7 a - m . | CoqniUe. ...10 A-M.
Co<|iiiIle....... 1 P-M. i Bandon . . . 4 p m .
Makes connection with train at Coquille
and np-river lsiats.
T. W . PAN TER, Managing Owner.
Str. ECH O
T. W . McCloskey. Master,
Myrtle Point. . 7 A-M. | C.q.nlle C'y 0*0 A-M.
«quille ( it)
1 P-M. Myrtle P t . 1:00 P-M.
Dally except 8nnd»Y
f'o iiK la in s S p o il 4,’n i n e » D e n til.
“ Harry Duckwell, aged 25 years,
chocked to death early yesterday
morning at his home, in the pres­
ence of his wife and child. He con­
tracted a slight cold a few days ago
and paid but little attention to it,
Testerday morning he was seized
with a fit of coughing which con­
tinued for some time. His wife sent
for a physician but before he could
arrive, another coughing spell came
on and Duckwell died from suffoca­
tion.--St. Louis Globe-Democrat,
Dec. 1, 1001.” Ballard’s Horehound
Syrup would have saved him. 25c,
50c and $1 00.
For sale hv H S
for impounding and discharging
said animal.
City Marshal.
Dated th is--------- day o f -----------
A. D „ 190— ,
Section 4. That upon the neg­
lect or refusal of the owner or keep­
er of such animal to pay said fee af­
ter the expiration of said three days,
the Marshal shall have power, and
it is hereby made his duty, to shoot
or otherwise destroy and kill such
animal, and if the owner or keeper
be known, upon non-payment of
the fees mentioned in Section 3, he
shall be deemed guilty of a mis­
demeanor, and upon conviotion
thereof shall be punished by a fine
of not less than $5.00 nor more than
$10.00, or by imprisonment as pro­
vided in other cases of violation of
the ordinances of said city.
Section 5. That any dog or bitch
accomponied by its owner or keeper,
and kept wifhin proper restraint,
shall not be deemed as “ running at
Section fi.
That the Marshal
shall have power to appoint as many
assistants as may be necessary to
carry out the provisions of this or­
dinance, and that any ,person who
shall capture and impound any such
dog or bitch, shall be deemed an
assistant for that transaction, and
entitled to the fees therefor.
Section 7.
That any person or
persons who shall willfully and ma­
liciously break into, injure or de­
stroy said pound, shall be guilty of
a misdeamor, and upon conviction
thereof, shall be punished by a fine
of not less than $25.00 nor more
than 850.00, or by imprisonment, or
both at the discretion of tho court.
Section 8.
That the city pound
shall at all times be under the super­
vision and charge of the Marshal
of said city.
Section 9.
That Ordinance No.
38 and all ordinances, or parts of
ordinances, in contravention of this
ord in a n ce, axe lic x c b j u p o o lo J .
Adopted by the Common Council
ef the City of Coquille this 14th of
day of December, A. D., 1904.
Approved December 14, A. D.,
J. J. S tanley , Mayor.
Attest: E. G . D. H olden ,
City Recorder.
It may not be exactly accurate to
speak of Mrs. Chadwick as a klep­
tomaniac, but she seems to be very
absent minded and to have taking
nowlton’s Drug Store
The Czar is just as enthusiastic as
ever in favor of international arbi­
tration, but he thinks it reasonable
to insist that his delegates shall go
to tho Hague Peace Conference via
T - k
Is Displaying a choice
Line o f H o lid a y Goods.
One western congressman will be
very lonesome as Robinson Cruseo.
He will be the sole democrat from
the entire section west of the Missis­
sippi. a n d ’ north of the Missouri,
representing about half the area of
the entire country.
Coquille, Oregon.
Japan is having some difficulty in
floating her loan o f a 8100,000,000.
The Mikado ought to make an ar­
rangement with Mrs. Chadwick.
A movement is on foot in Wash­
ington to spread the inauguration
over four days for the entertain­
Rare Bargains in Second-Hand W heels.
W heels to Rent.
Repairing Done on Short Notice.
ment of the tens of thousands who
will be present.
The excuse for
this amplification is that it is not
desirable to have the ball on Satur­ East End ot Front St.
day night. But the local hotels and
R. E. SHINE, Vice P res.
I . H. HAZARD, C » sh l« r
merchants may have a finger in the A. J. SHERWOOD, P res.
In a recent address to the stu­
dents of Brown University, Prov­
O F C O g U I L iL iB , O R E G O N .
idence, R. I., Baron Kaneko, of
Japan, said the Japanese people T r a n s a c t s a G eneral B a n k in g B u s i n e s s
have threo peculiar characteristics—
originalty, thoroughness and adapt­
Board o f D ire c to rs .
C o rrespon den ts.
ability. These have enabled Japan­ R . Ü. Dement,
A. J. Sherwood,
National Dank of Commerce, New York City
ese civilization to be brought to a
L. Harloeker,
L. H. Hazard,
Crocker Woolworth N ’l Bank, San Francisco
Isaiah Hacker,
R . E. Shine. First Nat’l Bank of Portland, Portland, Or.
level with that of Western countries.
The Japanese received thorough­
ness from the Germans, and prac­
^ io io i0 }e ie io ìo io ie ie ie io K )ie K )io ie io K )ie io io K )io io ^
ticability from the Anglo-Saxon
race. In Japan the present war is
considered to be a contest which *
will determine whether despotism,
tyranny and ignorance or Anglo- \|/
ahnll lirovnil in
the far East.
The commission having in charge
the Mercantile Marine investigation
will not report to Congress until
the 5th of January, 1905. This ex­
tension of time has been granted by
Congress to enable the commission-
I ers to complete their report and
j formulate a bill.
Corpus Christi, Texas, Dec. 15.—
Malarial fever and starvation is
causing more deaths in the Northern
part of the 9tate of Sinaloa, Mexico,
than was due to the plague when it
ravaged that territory some time
Sinaloa is in Northwestern
Mexico, on the Gulf of California.
A correspondent from Myrador says:
‘‘Malaria and starvation continue
to devastate that part of Mexico.
The outside world has no concep­
tion of conditions that now exist.
The corn crop is a total failure and
for months food has been scarce,
but the supply is now practically
exhausted. More than half of the
population is down with malarial
fever of the most malignant type.
Children are crying to their sick
and starving fathers and mothers
for food and dying of hunger be­
fore their parents’ eyes.”
$2.00 P er Y ear
>|< idealer m ruuuy uua *««"*u,
u¿__ ^ - - r i ­
píete line of Seasonable Millinery.
It may be six months yet before
the chief engineer of the Panama
canal, Mr. Wallace, will be able to
Meets all Boats and Trains. Goods Handled with Care and
report whnt can and should be done.
There are now 500 men working on
the big cut, but whether there will
A G E N T F O R R IV E R T O N C O A L .
be a series of locks, or a tide-water
Leave orders at T. J. Little’s Livery Stable.
canal, cannot be determined for tbe
present. By the 1st of February it
is expected that 200 dredgemen will
be operating 60 steam shovels on
tho great ditch. The engineers will
receive $190 a month, and the crane­
men $165.
Secretary Taft calls for the aboli­
tion of a tariff between the Philip­
pine Islands and tho United States,
and urges Congress to remit to tho
| Filipinos the power to modify their
own tariff laws.
Isn’t this getting
\ dangerously near Belf-government?
o q u il l e
Steam Laundry
H O N E 1 16
Best o f W o rk
Reasonable Rates
There is an effort in Congress and Experienced Help
out to restrict immigration by in­
Special Bates to Families and Hotels
W ill Have Philippine Exhibit. creasing still further the disqualifi­
cations of aliens. During last year
Portland, Dec. 18.— It has been
812,870 foreigners arrived on our We make our own soap and know its ingredients. No injurious chemicals used.
Our baskets will lie left at all the principal points on the river.
decided by the Government Board
Some people scowl and
(loods called for and delivered in Coquille City.
of the Lewis and Clark Centennial
shake their Heads at this, but has
that the Philippine Islands will be
not immigration been one of the
represented at the Exposition by a
most important potent causes of our
comprehensive exhibit.
amazing prosperity.
Besides a complete display of >
Philippine products a live exhibit
Any school district in need o f an
will be made of the different tribes experienced teacher can he put in S W E E T C R E A M
of the islands. The latter will be communication with one by en­
in tbe form of native villages and quiring at this office.
which notices may be printed or will exemplify the manners and cus­
“ I was much afflicted with sci­
The villages
written, or partly printed, and part­ toms of the people.
atica,” writes Ed C Nud, lowaville,
will include about 200 natives.
ly written, as follows:
Sedgwick Co., Kan., “ going about
It is plain from the President's about on crutches and suffering a
to Congress that his deal of pain. I was induced to try
Notice is hereby given that a cer­ message
tain dog or bitch (name and owner thoughts are given largely to do­ Ballaad's Snow Liniment, whichre-
lieved me.
I used three 50c bot­
unknown) has been found running j mestic concerns; to the welfare of
t h e
n v r ^ is r
tles. It is the greatest liniment I
at large within the limits of the
ever used; have recommended it to
Who tied the cow ’s tail to his leg in the process of milk­
city o f Coquille, and this day con­ honest, just race control this coun- a number of persons; all express
ing; said she had not dragged him over two miles before
fined in the city pound.
That the trv, with each individual possessing themselves as being benefited by it.
ho realized he had made a mistake.
owner of said animal may reclaim it
to perform a great deal of light
at any time within three days from necessities of lifs to be above want. labor on tbe farm. 25c, 50c, $1 00.
H o w IvC-acIi F a r t h e r
this date, upon paying Fifty Cents j He is in favor of whatever can be Sold by R S Knowlton.
Must you lie dragged before you realize you are making a
for impounding, and One Dollar for done to improve the lot of the labor­
| A piano for sale on easy terms. Will
mistake in not using Eloctric Lights,
take part in trade. Enquire at this
shall he the Marshal’s compensation tbe eoil, and secure justice to all. I office.
Dairy Produce
coquille ice & C o ld -S to rag e Co.