SEMI-WEEKLY No. V ol . 2 2 : COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, DECEMBER 16, 190 1. 45 Entered at second-class matter July 8, 1904, at the postotllce at Ooquille, Ure-“ Kon, under act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Walter Culin, M. D. P h y sic ia n am i S ckokon C o q u ili .* C i t y , O ku . Kronenbcrg Bid mu. Next Door to 1' *. O. Telephone 3. Stanley & Burns, Attorneys-at- Law, Real Estate, Collections. Specialties -Crim inal and U. 8. Land Cases, Notaries Pnblio. ( ' o q u il l h , - - ¿ . Ottsoott. Geo. Russell, M. D., P hysician and S urgeon , I Office upstairs in MARTIN BUILDING Culls promptly answered day or night, Night call will be answered from Mrs. Wickham’ s Boarding House. Phone, main 136. Coquille, : : : Oregon. I I A. J. Sherwood, A ttorney - at -L aw , : : Oregon Walter Sinclair, N otaby P ublic , Oregon. /. Hacher, A bstracter of T itles . C oquille C ity , O re Hall & Hall, A ttorneys - at -L aw , Dealer in R eal E state o f all kinds. Marshfield, Oregon. ------ r~--------------I------ J. Curtis Snooh, D. D. S. D kntibt , Office two door« sonth Odd Fellow’ « Hall Will make Bandon a professional visit the first Monday in each quarter. Coquille, Oregon. SPERRY & CHASE, A ttorn eys-at-Iniw . Office in Robinson Building, Coquille, - - - Oregon. E. G. D. Holden, L aw yer , City Recorder, U. 8. Commissioner, Gen oral Insaranoo Agent, and Notary Public. Office in Robin­ son Building. C oquille, Oregon. f I A. F. Kirshman, at Residence, one block east of Tuttle Hotel. C oqu ille . - . Oregon. COQUILLE RIVER STEAMBOAT CO. S tr. D IS P A T C H Tom White, Master, Leaves I Arrives Bandon....... 7 A-M. | Coquille*. .10 a m . C oquille...... 1 p - m . | B andon 4 p - m . Connects at Coquille with train for Marshfield and steamer Ejho for Myrtle Point. S tr. F A V O R I T E J. (\ Monmaw. Master, Leayes I Arrives Bandon.. 10:45 A-M. 7 A-M. I Inquilli Coquille. 4:45 p - m . 1 P-M. ! Bandon.. S tr. R E T A Alva, Master, Leaves I Arrives 5 P-M. Coquille 1 p - m . I Bandon B andon....... 7 A-M. | Coqnille— 11 A-M. Carrying passengers anil mail. Coquille River Transportation Co. S tr. L I B E R T Y \V. It. Ranter, Master, heaves I Arrives Bandon........ 7 *•*. I Coquille ...10 a - m . Coquille....... 1 r-M. 1 Bandon 4 r >r. Makes connection with train at Coqnille and up-river boats. T. W . B A XTE R , Managing Owner. S tr. NOTE AND COMMENT. Tho latest decision of Now courts The amusement street at the Lew­ Dr. R. H. Barber, who death by Portland, Dec. 15.— Electrical ex­ drowning in the Siuslaw River oc­ is and Clark Exposition has been perts arc at work upon an extremely compel the street railroad companies curred recently, was a true hero. named The Trail. novel feature for the opening exer from the Bronx throughout Man­ Over and above his military record More than 70,000 electric lamps cises of the Lewie and Clark Cen- hattan and Brooklyn to give trans­ of bravery and endurance in the will be üsed in lighting the grounds ! tenmal on June 1st, next. The fers, and transfers upon transfers, Philippines— a record which was and buildings of the Lett is and scheme is to have President Roose. from one line to another without bright with duty faithfully dis­ Clark Centennial. velt, at Washington, touch a few extra pay. The people are getting charged — stands undisputed his On every pleasant day large keJ’s and set in motion the chimes their own. right and title in the annuals of crowds of sightseers can be seen in -1 the towers of the Government ’I Mechanical Engineer Dickie of peace to this high rating. Ho was specting the grounds and buildings building at the exposition. The the Union Iron Works of San Fran­ known long and intimately in the of the Lewis and Clark Fair, chimes, 30Q feet above the water, cisco says the modern battleship is military service of the state as a will play “ My Country Tis of Thee.” On the Government Building at a “ complicated combination of com­ member of and officer in the First the Lewis and Clark Centennial Tho 80und wil1 carry a *reat diH promises.” . Coquille, Oregon. Regiment, Oregon Notional Guard, will be two towers, each 260 feet | ;^ ;the and later as First Lieutenant and eminent building is located on a The decision of the New York high. At night these towers will Captain of the Second Oregon Vol­ peninsula in Guild's Lake, half a Court of Appeals against tho eight- be illuminated by thousands of elec­ unteers, Upon his record in both mile from the mainland. Arrange­ hour law ns being unconstitutional tric lights. of thoso organizations there is no ments have already been made to has let loose a storm of hostile crit­ On the hillside loading to Guild’s shadow. It is the record of u com­ have President Roosevelt touch a icism. It was held to be a violation Lake seventeen distinct varieties of petent and faithful officer. button that will set in motion tho of the guaranteed freedom to mako shrubs and small trees ore growing RAMBLERS But not in the cause of his coun­ machinery for Western World’s contracts. NEW, side by Bide. try, in camp or on the battlefield did Fair, and it is thought thero will be LATEST J. Pierpont Morgan .became pre­ TRIBUNES Tbe Oregon Building at St. Louis no difficulty in arranging for the Captain Barber moot death. It was A N D AND cipitately a convert to Parson Wag­ has been sold for $1,000. Ihe additional feature of the chimes. Dr. Barber, riding alone in the dark­ ner’s simple life theories and im­ MITCHELLS _______ , , , ness and the storm, over an un­ money will be addod to the appro- Best Wheels Out mediately invited their apostle to bo familiar country,which was drenched priation made for Oregon’s exhibit California at the Exposition. guest at his million-dollar home with Winter rains and ¡furrowed by at the Lewis and Clark Centennial. Hare Bargains in Second-Hand W heels. W heels to Rent. Portland, Dec. 13.—Governor New York City. Let’s seo. Winter torrents, in answer to ft call The Foreign Exhibits Building, Repairing Done on Short Notice. Pardee of California, in his capacity Wasn’t it Rousseau who preached a of human need, and in the hope to one of the largest exhibition pal­ allay human suffering, that the grim aces of the Lewis and Clark Cen­ of commissioner of the Lewis and similar crusade and set licentious messenger overtook and made him tennial, is now completed, and ex­ Clark Exposition, has addressed a Paris to raving over Sweet Simplic­ East End ot Front St. COQUILLE, OREGON twice a hero. The final note of his hibits will be installed in a few letter to all tbe members of the ity? coming legislature advising an ap­ life rings out high and clear above weeks. L. H. HAZARD, Cottier R. E. SHINE, Vice Pres. Fun is expensive. Thirteen lives A. J. SHERWOOD, Pres. propriation for a California Build­ the voices of the storm and the Just outside the Colonnade En­ have been lost in football during surge of the engulfing waters that trance to the Lewis and Clark Ex­ ing at the Lewis and Clark Centen­ nial. The last legislature appro­ the past season, and deer hunting sounded his requiem. position, a Shelter Building has priated $20,000 for an exhibit at in Wisconsin closed last week with Above all the chronicles of war been erected. It is designed for O p C O Q U IL lL lE , O R E G O J4. the Fair, but this was known to be a total of 16 hunters shot to death, stands the simple record of the sur­ the convenience of the public, pro­ only preliminary. A suitable state mistaken for wild animals. Other T r a n s a c t s n. G e n e r a l B a n k i n g B u s i n e « » render of his life at the call of hu­ viding a pleasant waiting room. building would necessitate a further states not heard from. manity, as it spoke to him through Club women of Seattle have taken appropriation of $65,000 to $75,000, the cry of humau need. And while For the Lewis ami Clark exposi­ Correspondents. Board of Directors. an active interest in promoting the and all the legislators so far heard the state of Oregon and the com­ tion six immense buildings have II. O. Dement, National Bank of Commerce, New York City A. J. Sherwood, Lewis and Clark Centennial by of­ from have favored such an appro­ rades of Captain Barber will not Crocker Woolworth N’l Bank, San Francisco L. H. Hazard, been finished nnd others are mak­ L. Harlocker, fering a free trip to Portland to the priation. It. E. Shine. First Nat’l Bank of Portland, Portland, Or. Isaiah Hacker, fail to accord biin the military re­ ing rapid progress. eighth grade school pupil who California is wide-awake to the spect that he fairly won in camp and writes the best account of the Lew­ fact that excellent results may be Wo have seen the value of manu- on the field, the profession, in the is and Clark Expedition. obtained from an extensive exhibit fai lures in the United States in­ discharge of the duties and obliga­ An unique feature of the Lewis at the Exposition and every effort crease from $2,000,000,000 a year to tions of which he gave his life, un­ * der circumstances at once heroic and Clark Centennial will be the is being made to install a creditable $13,600,000,000 since Gruut was elected President. and pathetic, may well honor Dr sunken gardens. In these gardens, display. which will be located in the central Barber. To introduce a little variety An­ Ocean-to-Ocean System. It may be doubted whether any­ court of the Exposition, will be drew Carnegie has given $10,000 where else upon the open scroll of grown many varieties of tropical New York, Dec. 10.—Arrange­ for a library for negroes in Atlanta, life of a state are to be found rec­ plants. ments for tbe definite extension of and the finance committee of tho ords that attest to self-sacrifice and Tbe Montana mineral display, the Gould system from ocean to city council has appropriated $1000 personal heroism of the simple and which was awarded tbe grand prize ocean were completed today, when for current expenses. Negroes of enduring type equal to those that at the W orld’s Fair, will be shipped E. T. Jeffrey, president of the Den­ the city will furnish the site follow the country doctor on his direct from St Louis to Portland ver A R io Grande Bailway, was rounds. In the folk-lore stories of where it will be exhibited at the ; elected vice-president of the West- The democratic leaders have New England he figured prominent­ Lewis and Clark Fair, The exhibit ern Pacific Railway, at a meeting found out why Judge Parker was ly as friend, confidential adviser and will be enlarged for the Portland of tbe directorate of that road in not elected. It is because a great alleviator of suffering; a sympathetic \ show' and will bo the most compre- ! this city. After the meeting, Pres- many members of their party voted listener to the woes of the neigh- j hensive display of tbe state’s miner, j ¡dent W. J, Barnett, of the Western for Roosevelt and about a million COQUILLE, OREGON. borhood. Whether he brought hope j al resources ever exhibited. Pacific, stated that arrangements didn’t vote at all. Perhaps these and confidence to the birth-cham-, circumstances may be made a basis The Bridge of Nations, which were being made to let the immedi­ Goods Handled with Care and her, soothing touch to the brow of | for hope but they are hardly a solid Meets all Boats and Trains. ate contracts for the construction of connects the mainland and tbe the fever-tortured, consolation to t foundation for immediate reorgan­ the Western Pacific Railroad from Dispatch. the dying or comfort to the house | Government PeDinsulia, is over two Balt Lake to San Francisco. He ization. thousand ieet long, being tbe long- A G E N T F O R R IV E R T O N C O A L . of mourning, lie was honored and said that in a short time construc­ Secretary Taft has tbe President’s WOOD FOR S A L lv Leave orders at T. J. Little’s Livery Stable. trusted and loved. His face, bronzed est bridge ever used at an exposi­ tion forces will be placed in the tion. It will be covered with staff, ear on the Philippine question. Ho by Summer heat or reddened by j field. The Western Pacific Railway and when completed will resemble says it looks like injustice that tho Winter gales, wore an expression of in appearance an arched stone has a capital of $50,000,000. archipelago should be held by an benignity that was beautiful to see. bridge. American army as a colony of this His old-fashioned gig standing at o q u ille ► «•»«--- Largest Vote for President. country and yet that its products tho door conveyed to every passer by Cabin Boy Injured. should be subject to a tariff in the knowledge of human life in New York, Dec. 11.—The Times American ports. Ho thinks that peril, and of a dependable force to tomorrow will say: A canvass by Captain Burtis, of the steamer everything grown or made by Fil­ the rescue. No storm was severe j the Times of tbe popular vote at the Empire which arrived in the bay ipinos should be admitted to Amer­ enough to make him shrink from re­ last Presidential election, complete H O N E 116 yesterday morning, repoits en­ ican ports duty free, even including sponding to a call for help, no purse except as to one county in Tennes­ countering one of tho roughest sugar and tobacco. was slender enough to make him ! see, and four counties in Michigan, storms of his experience off the bar. set against the call of human need where estimates aro given, shows Meter Hill seems to be putting The sea was so rough during the the question of possible remunera­ that President Roosevelt defeated forth a good many promises just PROPRIETORS early morning that tho cabin boy tion. At best one of hardship and j Judge Parker by 2,546,169. He now-—exactly the way David B. was thrown from bis berth with self sacrifice, the physician’s life ns | polled the largest vote ever given a Hill used to act. such force as to break several of liis Experienced Help Reasonable Rates represented in the rounds of the President of tbe United States, ribs beside other slighter injuries. country doctor on the frontier or in Senator Dietrich, of Nebraska, 7,640,560. This is more than 400,- .Special Kates to Families and Hotels Upon the vessel’s arrival the un­ the sparsely-settled neighborhood 1 000 in excess of tbe vote cast for takes strong ground in favor of the fortunate lad was removed to the finds its most exacting role. There employment of convict labor from McKinley in 1900. W e make our own soap and know its ingredients. No injurious chemicals used. Horsfall hospital where his injuries are probably in this state few local-j the United States to construct the — Our baskets will he left at all the principal points on the river. Mere cared for and at last accounts «ioods called for and delivered in Ooquille City. ities at ihis time in which a night St. Petersburg, Dec. 10.—Gener­ Panama canal. The most depraved he was resting as well as could be ride in a storm similar to that in offenders could be sent there and al Kuropatkin has again issued expected.— Mail. which Dr. Barber lost bis life is re­ strict orders that the effects of tbe kept at work, thus helping to solve -------- - ---------- quired of the pbysiciaD. Perhaps, Japanese killed be sent to the both the penal and labor question. Hicks’ 1905 Almanac however, there are more of these . <•> . prisoners’ bureau at St. Petersburg, cases of human stress and heroic re­ whence they will be forwarded to Any school district in need of nn The Rev. Irl R. Hicks Almanac IN QUANTITIES sponse ¡ d outlying country districts the relatives of tbe killed. This ac­ experienced teacher can be put in SW EET CREAM for 1905 is now ready, being tbe communication with one by en­ than we of the city, who are accus­ tion is in response to similar Japan­ finest edition ever issued. This, TO SUIT quiring at thin office. M IL K A N D tomed to call n phyrician by tele­ ese courtesy. splendid and costly book of 200 phone nnd he to respond by automo­ pages is a complete study of astro­ “ I was much afflicted with sci­ ('»■■K lilniC S p e l l I ' s m e s H e n t l i . bile, can well realize. The night nomy and storm and weather for atica,” writes Ed C Nud, Iowavillc, ride of Dr. Barber, through its “ Harry Duckwell, aged 25 years, 1905. It is too well known to need Sedgwick Co., Kan., “ going about fatal termination, is brought to pub­ chocked to death early yesterday comment. See it and you will so morning at his home, in the pres­ about on crutches nnd suffering a lic view. Had be reached in safety after his ride in the darkness of decide. The price, postpaid to any ence of his wife an4 child. He con­ deal of pain. I was induced to try twenty-eight miles the bedside of address, is 30 cents per copy. tracted a slight cold a few days ago Ballaad’s Snow Liniment, wkichre- I used three 50c bot­ his patient, the feat would have The Rev. Irl R. Hicks’ scientific, and paid but little attention to it, lieved me. T H E HuE-A-IST been uncbronicled. This indicates religious and family journal, Word Yesterday morning he was seized tles. It is tbe greatest liniment I with a fit of coughing which con­ ever used; have recommended it to that the long, lonely rides of the and Works, now abreast with the tinued for some time. His wife sent a number of persons; all express Who tied the cow ’s tail to his leg in tho process of milk­ country doctor, through heat and ing; said she had not dragged him over two miles before themselves as being benefited by it. best magazines, is 75 cents a year. for a physician but before he could cold, by day or by night, are not he roalized he had made a mistake. confined to the chronicles of a past Both Word and Works and the Al* arrive, another coughing spell came I now walk without crutches, able generation, but that these heroes manac $1.00 per year. No better on and Duckwell died from suffoea-1 to perform a great deal of light H o w I v T u c li E a r t H e r of peace and messengers healing are investment possible for any person tion.—St. Louis Globe-Democrat, | labor on tbe farm. 25c, 50c, $1 00. Dec. 1, 1901.” Ballard’s Horehound ] Sold by R S Knowlton. still with us—a moving force in Must you bo dragged before you realize you are making a or family. Try it and see. Bend to Syrup would have saved him. 25c, ; civilization, a dependable and nec­ A piano for sale on easy terms. Will mistake in not using Electric Lights. Word an 1 Works Pub. Co., 50c and $1.00. For sale by R S | take part in trade. Enquire at this j essary element of isolated country Knowlton offirr. T 2201 Locust St. St. Louis, Mo. life.—Oregonian. nowlton’s Drug Store K Is Displaying a choice Line o f Holiday Goods. MRS. BERTHA PAYNE, GENERAL DRAYING. C Steam Laundry NOSLER & LYONS D en tist . Office Electrical Chimes at the Fair. eah FOX BROS, W . C. Chase. E I). Sperry. Centennial Notes. P er Y F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K A txobnky - at -L aw , Coquille, The Country Doctor. $2.00 ALBERT FISH, N otary P ublic , Coquille, HERALD. E C H O T. W McClnskey. Master, I-eaves I Arrives Myrtle Point . . .7 a a. I Coqnille« y OAO A W. .«luille City. .1 P-W. Myrtle R t 1:00 P-W flatly e x c p t Sunday. Best of Work Dairy Produce IC E coquee ice & Cold-Storage Co. * COQUILLE. OREGON. * ✓ !$ Dealer iu Fancy and Ladies’ Furnishing Goods. Also a com- N|> plete lmo of Seasonable Millinery. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *