Obituary. | Tresspass notices at this offieei Mrs. A P. Miller was down from Mrs. Margaret Lean, hee Lindsey, Hall’s creek Wednesday. White Lily in in town. was horn in Alleghaney City, Dr. Spook is now iu Soulsbjvilie, The steamer Elizabeth is due to- Penn., April 9th, 1856, and died Cal., for a short vacation. dny. : in Coquille City, Oregon, Nov. 30, W ho is White Lily? Mrs. Peterson, of Arago, went to 1904, aged forty-eight years, seven Hot Tamalas for sale at the City the bay Wednesday for a visit. months, and twenty-one days. She Restaurant. Wm. Sanderson, of Baudon, spent moved to Kolia, Mo., in 1870. She aday or so in our city this week. Have you seen White Lily. was united in marriage to Robert Mr. nod Mrs. G. M. Short, of Attorneys J. S. Coke and E. L. C. Dean in February, 1874, and to this Myrtle Point, went to Marshfield Farrin, of Marshfield, had business union were horn seven children, yesterday. two of whom preceded her into the at the county seat yesterday. Ask Geo. A. Robinson «bout White L ost - — Above Myrtle Point, a fine world beyond. Lily. In their travels they moved to black-and-tan hound. Finder will Thos. Carey went to the bay yes­ Texas in 1880, and from there they please notify 1. Nichols, Coquille. terday, having returned from his moved to Coos county, Oregou, in J. C. Franz and family, of Coos visit to Curry. 1884. Sister Dean was converted river, are in town visiting Mrs. Headquarters for Santa Claus—Kane- and united with the M. E. church, Franz’s mother, Grandma Collier, matz's Store. South, August 23, 1885, in which Dave Collier returned from a and other relatives and friends. she remained a faithful member un­ Wm. Hite, of Bandon, was up trip to Sun Francisco and Oakland til the angel Death came and bore hero yesterday to look after the on Wednesday. her to that everlasting home above. W. B. Haynes, a young man of baling of some hay, but the weather She suffered a great deal during Newburg, arrived by the last Alli­ did not suit him and he returned. her life but bore it all patiently. I liave got them. What? Sweet She was a loving mother and faith­ ance, and proceeded to Langlois on potatoes and green peppers, Drane, the business. ful companion and will be greatly nu teller. A specially fine lot of handkerchiefs missed by all who know her. She When you want a pleasant pur­ at Mrs Payne’ s. gative try Chamberlain’s Stomach leaves a father, a husband, one son, The funeral of the infant of Mr. and Liver tablets They are easy four daughters, a sister and two and Mrs. Elsou Peterson, of Kiver- to take and produce no nausea, brothers to mouru her loss, but ton, took place at the Odd Fellows’ griping or other disagreeable effect. they mourn not as those who have For sale by R, 8. Knowlton. cemetery at this place yesterd ly. no hope, for there is a blessed To T rahe —Fifteen head of cows and Call on P. E. Drum' for jrreen peppers several head of young cattle for good place where all may meet and never and sweet potatoes. sheep. part. Mrs. Riley Clinton went to the THfcBB IS BB1T. A special term of couuty court * In Heaven no strife can arise, bay again yesterday to catch the was held yesterday to consider tne All is peace and sontentwent above, Alliance for Portland. She goes to injunction which was served on The home the Father prepared in the visit friends in the Sound country. them at the time, restraining the skies, Is a refnRe for all in His love. Eaci tutors, shawls, misses’ caps, rub­ order closing the saloons January bers and unbrelias at J. 8. Kanemutz’ s. Your burden come cast on the Lord, 1st, as contemplated by the law He sorrowed and wept to the end, Corey Stillwell, of Bandon, moved voted upon at the late election. Thia promise He Rives in His word: with his family to Tenmile lake "The tinner in me has a friend.” T H Mehl A Co’s hardware store is where he will look after the Cole­ headquarters for the Amethvest Enam­ “ Come unto me ye that are weary, "Your burden of care I’ ll assume.” man place, Mr. Coleman goiug away eled ware. The way is dark and passARe so dreary Mrs. Edward Boyd returned for the winter. Yet all must Rain rest through the For good meals, splendid rooms and Wednesday from her extended visit tomb. hath, go to Mrs Sugg’ s hoarding house. oast, accompunied by her mother, R ev . H. M. B ranham . Mrs. Bertha Payne, the Front Mrs. Conger, who catne out to live The manager of the Coquille Co­ street merchant has moved her es­ with her, and likes the iooks of our operative Packing Company an­ Mrs. Boyd is tablishment across the street into county very much. nounces the willingness of th6 Cen­ the Martin building recently oc­ highly pleased to be back again and tury Mercantile Company to market tells us Mr. Boyd is well. cupied by Mrs. Balch. the next apple crop for the Coquille A fire line of the latest in dress goods A piano for sale on easy terms. Will Valley through his packing house. take part in trade. Enquire at this is Being received at Mrs Payne’s store on Front street. The marketing of the crop will in office. Morton Tyrrell, of near Arago, all probabilities include tho manu­ E N. Smith, of Myrtle Point, re­ turned Wednesday from Riverside, was in to see us yesterday. Ho in­ facture of culled apples into cider California, where he and bis wife forms us that he has leased his farm, and evaporated apples, and it is have been on a visit, Mrs Smith the Krouenburg place on Hull’s likely that a stated price will be put creek for six years to Silvia Dameu- on the grower’s entire orchard which remaining. He will return socn. P. E. Drane lias jusl received a tine eghini, late of Lolota, California, will yield him greater [returns for lot of green peppers for pickling pur­ and that he will return to Eureka the boxed table grades than the poses. in a short time. We are exceedingly prices which have been paid this J. M. Perkins, of Bandon, re­ sorry to lose Mr. Tyrrell and family season, and one which will net at turned Saturday from an extended from among us, as they were among least half as much for the culled trip) in the valley. He took in the our best citizens. grade. * * The gentleman is capitol and state institutions, as Geo. M. Hite is building boats for sale. pleased over this concession, for tho well as the metropolis and fair If you want anything in that line, write reason that it assures him funds him at Bandon. grounds. and facilities for the handling of the George Martin and Joe Hudson For fine carpet and' rug weaving ap­ antire crop. He is further making ply to Mrs. K. Holverson, of the Me­ arrived in town from the Sixes effort to convert the present crop of lasm a place. country yesterday, and relate a re­ Mr, Todd, the Round Hill strnw- markable experience they had on culled apples into cider and evap­ 1 erry grower, informs us that he has their way down. In fording the orated apples, but is uncertain set out two new beds of eleven more South Fork they found the water whether it can be accomplished or varieties from plants raised iu bis much deeper than they expected, it not. * * There is no greater nursery. They are leaders in the being deep enough to swim their need in the valley than a reliable eastern and southern markets and horses for some distance, and as the outlet for apples of all grades. It is a wasteful sight to see tons of will be new ones in this section. crossing lay slightly up stream they fine apples decaying under our trees. J S Jays has fine Oat Hay for sale. were coming, it was with great dif­ We welcome the day when this Delivered in town, on the cars or on the ficulty, in fact miraculous that the boat at $12 per ton. waste can be stopped. * * This Assessor T. J. Thrift returned team and hack were saved. J oe says is the packing company which re­ f.-om his visit with his parents at this proves to his complete satisfac­ cently purchased the turkey crop of San Jose, Calif., by yesterday’s tion that a person born to be hanged the valley. Turkeys took a land­ train,having come up on the steamer. will never be drowned. slide in San Francisco, but owing to Dr J Curtis Snook, dentist, is in He reports having had a very nice Gardiner on his regular profossional the efficience of the packing com­ time, but says the lop.ears’ county visit, and will remain until further pany’s business connections in San looks good to him. He says his notice. Francisco, (the Century Mercantile The injunction granted by Judge father would also like to be in Coos Company) the packing company will Hamilton restrains oar county again. realize a good profit out of its crop. Bert Seal, the strawberry man, has a court from making an order closing Prospective stockholders o f the fine lot of Magoon plants for sale. Call saloons in Coos county January 1st, packing company should take cog­ early and get choice plants. was served on the court in called nizance of this fact: Reliable mar­ The steamer Alliance goes no session yesterday. The grounds further south now than Eureka, her upon which the injunction is grant­ keting connections are indispensible run now being between that place ed is that the prohibitory law as to a manufacturing enterprise. A and Portland. This gives her a voted by tfce people at the late elec­ telegram which reads “ Hold your a shorter line and she will be able tion does not repeal the law enacted turkeys!” may save hundreds of dol­ * * The to make quicker trips fromPortland, by the legislature at the granting lars to the producers, Coquille Co-operative Packing Com­ of city charters by which said cities thus giving us a better service from are given the privilege of regulating pany is being organized in the in­ our metropolis, a thing that will he the liquor traffic within their bor­ terests of members of the Century much appreciated by the people. ders. Mercantile Company, a co-operative TheCoquille Valiev Packing Company S W P Paints, Varnishes and Chi- wholesales ami retails Bacon, flams and namel, in all colors, especially adapted merchandise company of San Fran­ Lard and guarantees the quality. for chairs, floors and leinolium at T H cisco, through which its members can purchase their supplies at whole­ Orvil Dodge returned Wednes­ Mehl A Co’s. A C o s tly M is t a k e . sale and factory prices, and market day from San Francisco whither he had gone with a large quantity B unders arc sometimes very ex­ certain products at top market of samples of quartz from the pensive. Occasionally life itself is ' prices. The manager is making only Salmon Mountain mines upon the price of a mistake, hut you'll one canvass for Century members, never be wrong if you take Dr. which he obtained a thorough assay. King’s New Life Pills for Dyspep­ | and as the packing company is in­ He is highly pleased with the test sia, Dizziness, Headache, Liver or tended primarily to benefit only the ore stands and there will be ex­ bowel troubles. They are gentle, Century members, it is necessary to tensive development in those mines yet thorough. 25c, at K d o w H o d ’ s i give him the Century subscription drug siore. upon the first canvass. They do n the near future. this in order to cut out the drones, the pull-backs and the Lord’s veiv 1 poor. LOCAL N E W S. j D O N ’T W O R R Y ! We're here to stay. We belieue in progress. I I I 11 t o u s C o l l e F r i a i u l r i l . Take a double dose of Chamber­ lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy us Boon ns the first indica­ tion of the disease appears nud a threatened attack may be warded off. Hundreds of people use the remedy in this way with perfect success. For sale by R. S. Knowl­ ton. “The finest line’’ o f Fancy China, the most tasty, nob­ by, up-to-eate, catchy, beau­ tiful ware in town at WIL­ SON'S JEWELRY STORE. MOHAWK INDIAN AH-WA-BO, THE OIUUT INDIAN If you don't belieue it drop In and NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office. Rosehurg, Ore, Oct. 29, 1961. see the best line of Ladies’ and Notice is hereby given that in compli­ ance with the provision of the act of Gents* Furnishing Goods in Coos Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled “ An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada ami County. Washington Territory,” ns extended to all Public Land States by set of August 4, 1902, Charles'B. Bradbury, of Marsh­ ► field, county of C oob , state of Oregon, lias this day filed in this office his sworn Our stoch is up-to-^ate. statement No. 2031 for the purchase of Lot 2, SWt4 N E *4 W 8E.L4 of Section 4 in township No. 27 S, Range No. 12 Inuestigate and be conuinced. W, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its tim­ ber or stone than for agricultural poroses, and to establish his claim to said land before James Watson, County Clerk at liia office in Coquiile City, Oregon on Sat­ urday, the 14th day of January 1965. He" names as " witnesses: Hiram King, Harry C. Noble, Cora Noble and Lyman M. Noble, each and all of Marshfield, Oregou. Any and all persons claiming ad­ We have just received the line of versely the above described lands are Samples and Fashion requested to file their claims iu this office on or before said 14th day of Jan­ Plates from uary, 1905. CHAS. A. STEV EN S & BROS. J. T..BRID G ES, Register. Chicago W . T. Kerr & C o S P E C IA L A N N O U N C E M E N T. Liver, Kidney and B lood Medicine, Cures Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Indi­ gestion, Nervousness,, Loss of Sleep, Loss of Appetite, Nervous Affliction of the Heart, Constipation and all Diseases of the Blood, Liver and Kidneys. Price $1 per package. For Sale only by MRS. LINA JOHNSON, Agent for Coquille,Oreg o. k i l l ™, and couch CURE THI LUNC8 Dr. King’s New Discovery WITH __ _ /C FOR I Pries onsumption 50c fc$1.00 OUCHSand ^OLDS Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB­ LES, or MONEY BACK. ____ 1 Fret Trial. And are prepared to take orders tor Ladies’ Fine Cloaks, Craven ettes, Rain Coats, Tourist Coats aud Jackets of all de­ scriptions; Fine Tailor-Made Suits includ­ W IL L M E E T A L L B O A TS A N D TR A IN S . ing the new Norfolk and All orders handled with carefulness and expedience. Butcher Coat Styles, also the new Fall Styles in Silk r , Sole Agent for Shirt Waist Suits; Leave orders Skirts, Waists, Furs and other L iit ie '» ‘s t . i wearing apparel. W. H. M A N S E L L , General Drayman .. Riverton and Peart’s Coals The styles are exceptionally pretty, being the newest, most practicable and most beautiful ever shown. Chas. A. Stevens A Bros, have maintained their reputation for hand­ ling only the best grades of merchan­ dise at prices for which the lower The Russell Pharmacy M a in grades are usually sold. S t . C o t ju ille . -A. Special Feature. Exclusive styles in Fine Tailor-made Suits and Walking Skirts made to your Special Order, from your own selection of materials and your choice of linings, made exactly according to your measurements, and a perfect fit guaranteed. IM I. P I E E C E , Dr. Geo. Russell, Rex P. Russell, Proprietor Pharmacist Dealer in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods . Sanderson Building, Coquille, Oregon. B a rg ain E x tr a o r d in a r y . Dressed and undressed dolls, 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c, up to $5. Doll carriages, willow body, 35c. Doll’s go-cart, 05c. Celluloid albums, 50c to $5.00. Autograph albums, 15c to 50c. . Stamp photo albums, 35c. Celluloid toilet cases $1.00 to $5.00. Toy tea sets, 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c, 50c up to $2.00. Toys of all kinds from 5c up. Toy carts, large size, 25c. Steel expsess wagons, $1.00 up to $3.00. Toy brooms, 15c, two for 25 cents. Toy tool chests, 75c up. Juvenile books, 5c, 10c, 15, 25c, up to $1.00. China and glass vases, 5c, 15c, 25c, 40c, up to $2.00 each. Silver glass vases, one of the prettiest wares, 10c to $1.00. China cups and saucers, 5c, 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c up to $1.00. Bohemian glass lemonade sets, $1.50 up to $3.00. China shaving mugs, fancy de­ signs, 40c. Toy trunks, 35c. Rose bowls, 40c up to $2.00. China chocolate sets, $1.50 to $5.00. Twelve-piece China Toilet set, $ 8 . 00 . Medallions and genuine oil paint­ ings, 50c up to $7.00. Glass epergns, 50c and $1 00. Pocket Knives, 10c up to $1.00. AGREEMENT REACHED. City R estaurant The Anti’s and Prohi's Agree PRANK WILSON, Prop. That the nicest line of Holiday Newly established. Euerything neat ana up-to-day in euery Goods and the beat vilues for tho respect. Meals at all hours, day or night. money in Toilet and Manicure Sets, Albums, Vases, Pictures, Celluloid COQUILLE OREGON. FRONT STREET Novelties, Books, Games, Etc. is at K n o w lto n ’s Drug Store. Sawmill Wanted. Special inducements will he made by J. D. Myres of Matt Rink creek, to anyone wishing a site for a port­ able sawmill. Everything noces- sary right at baud for n business of this kind. M o rd s Bargains — R E A I. in — ESTATE. $11 5 0 0 This amount of fine property, ■■ including two fine residences and 10-acre orange grove in Pomona, Cal., to exchange for good stock ranch. $2800 A fine corner husmees property Furniture and box factory, thriving toAvnin western Oregon good machinery, good location and doing a good business, This is a bargain. $ 1 0 0 0 Fia© small farm of 30 acres on - river bank, 12 aeres cleared, just what yon want. $1500 Nice small plaoe of 8 acres near — town, well improved, 4 acres full J. S . K A N E M A T Z . bearing orchard, balance pasture -------- and meadow. Good eyoporator. This is a good investment. (Daily Coast Mail.) $ 900 House and two fine lots in good location. Major L. D. Kinney returned to­ ■i i $ 800 Good house, barn and four lots T h e la te st in $2750 day from a business trip to Portland I — — in fine location. 1 $ 8 0 0 Corner business property. Pet tor and Spokane. Geo. Ross will leave on the Break­ water for San Francisco for the purpose of receiving medical treat­ ment. The ■ — ■ m i investigate this now. $ 7 5 0 A hill ranch on Fishtrap of 150 i» acres, 4 acres cultivated, 40 acres in grass, 2 rough houses, barn, 100 young fruit trees, about 300.000 feet fine cedar timber. This isa genuine bargain. $ 500 '■■li — 400 — Mrs. W. B. Cox, who was called i S* to the bedside of her father in Port­ land some weeks ago, returned to. $ day on the Kilburn. Her father $ suffered a severe stroke of paralysis $ but is now nearly recovered. 300 A residence property that is dirt oheap. T » ° o f the best residence lots in the city. MILLINERY at M rs. G. Li. M oon ’s You will find the latest in fall and winte Millinery- at my store Dress Trimming and Fancy Goods in General. ing done to order. Stamp M r s . C . IV Io o n FRONT STREET, COQUILLE, OR. The H ighest Q uality Two lots nicely located. Two fine lot, near the school- house. 200 The best residence lot in Coquillo. Installment plan. 100 Two corner bottom lots. 260 A cheap job is dear at a n y price. \Vr $ ! do only first class work. Send oe The H xbai . d will be in direct com­ brinR us your watch work and it will be Six fine lots, best location, at the done right. W ilson J ewely C o ., “ The munication with a well-posted per­ $ 75 rediculonely low price of $75 each Reliable Jewelers.” For twenty days only. son in Portland who will send in It is impossible to describe my list in this this direction some good and de­ sirable settlers who we will assist in oiom n. If you are looking for a good Notice. Notice is hereby given that my finding proper locations. Anyone piece of property at s reasonable price, I can certainly snit you. wife, Irene Smalley, has left my having a bargain to offer will do Remembei, I rent houses and farms, w ell to call on us ns the tide of im- make loans and do all kinds o f agency bed and hoard and therefore I will m igra tion starts this way (lu rin g the bnsine»*. Come in *od see m© b©f°*,e boy - m . » inn I can save yon DOI j T j AKH. v not be responsible for any debts she co m in g year as the fair progreasen ,n*' 3 o . C. SANFOHD, may contract. D avid S malley . at Portland. j Coquille, Oregon That Can Be Put on the Block! P. E. D R H N E , FR O N T ST. COQUILLE