-y Semi-Weekly Jerald P U B L IS H E D E V B R Y T U E SD A Y AND F R ID A Y . B U S IN E S S NOTICES. Apple boxes at Johnson'* mill. Apple boxes for sale by J G Fish. T H Mehl A Co, agents for Arago brick. Ftve bars Napthol Soap 25c at Lor- D- F- DEAN. EDirOR AND PROPRIETOR en i’s. School liooka at Knowlton’s Drug Store. County Official Paper. Give J. G. Fish your orders for apple D ev o ted to «h e m aterial and aooial up­ boxes. bu ildin g o f the O oqnille V a lley partfoal&rly and o f Coos Oonnty gen era lly . ^abaoription, p e r y e a r .in advanoe. $ 2.00 Church Directory. C h u r c h . — P leach in g every (Sunday at 11 a. to. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday ■obool at 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor at 6:80 p. m . P rayer m eeting every Wedn ss- day evening at 7:30. A ll cord ially invited C b b is t u n Episcopal Ohuroh.—Episcopal services w ill be held at St. James ohuroh, O oquille C ity the third Sunday in each month. Sunday school at 10 a. m. each Sunday. W m . H orsefall. Pastor PIANO DEALER, (• (Daily Coast Mail.) not be responsible for any debts she may contract. D avid S mallev . A m erican J r ; C A M E R A Th? gentlemen of Coquille and sur­ rounding country are specially invited in to see W T Kerr A Co’s fine line of Overcoats as the winter approaches. Prices are always right at K err’s. With Double Plate Holder Special Notice. C. D. McFarliD, of North inlet, is reported on the sick list. Dr. The Coquille City H e r a l d having Horsfall went over to see him Sun­ bought out the Coquille City Bulle­ day. tin and its business, and the two Mrs. Joe Hodson, on whom an papers having been consolidated, operation was performed at the all sums that wore due and owing Horsfall hospital a couple of weeks to the Bulletin on July 1, 1904, are ago, is reported as getting along now due and payabte to the H e r a l d nicely. and should be settled at once to IJCapt. Nelson, of the life-saving give us a chance to get our accounts station reports that the bar was balanced up. The H e r a l d will ful­ roughest on Sunday last that he fill all obligations of the Bulletin in the matter of subscriptions. seen it in five years. F. A. Hutchinson, who has held Wanted. the post of city editor on the Coast Mail for several months is a pas­ Special Representative in this senger on the Bayless for Sac county and adjoining territories Francisco, where ho expects to se­ to represent and advertise an old- cure employment on the Chronicle. established business house of solid Candice, the 12-year-old daughter financial standing. Salary $21 of J. H. Yoakam, underwent an op­ weekly, with expenses advanced eration for appendicitis at the each Monday by check direct from Horsfall hospital Sunday. It w hs a headquarters. Horse and buggy rather serious case but the patient furnished when necessary; position is reported getting along nicely. permanent. Address Blew Bros. A Co., Dept. A, Monon Bldg., TrnstB W ill try to Exterminate Chicago, 111. - 8 W P Paints, Varnishes ami Chi- natnel, in all colors, especially adapted for chairs, doors and leinolium at T H Mehl A Co’s. Any reader of this paper, sending 25 cents iu silver, by postal note or in one and two cent stamps, will be sent The Daily Journal one month; or The Sunday Journal two months; or the Semi-Weekly Journal three months; or the Weekly Journal four months, and in addition a rnatch- lsafe filled with tacks, postage pre­ paid. Address The Journal, P ort­ end, Or. I NAL. m r\ N i w o f f kftHÉN $toOM ht«M otilji HM ateto* «o f w * to m 4 «■to AfNr ito« U I f 1" «N« totof dTptf te «*•*«$ «U n to «to«« « «tote—«i “ 1 f—g» «od STT£ s ic • mhh by fu ate S i wtoy $ 4 ? « « **c «• lywrtjgrjrgrgrl mrêmym. Dw> fm « « • *T tor U S m QAM A ll persons knowing themselves to be indebted to the undersigned, are hereby notified that settlement must be made at odcb or the ac- countss will be placed io the bands o f a collector and interest added. Z. C. S tr a n o . m s T V * -• TÌL « M à i Having renovated their mill at Ban­ croft, Kish Bros are now prepared to furnish the pnhlic the heat grades o f fumlier, having employed ex[>erinnced hands. MftMto TW» ÇHftoMtoA. O. C. S anfobd , Cor, Secretary The Herald can make you a fine offer in the way of a home and three o f the finest garden lots in the city, which the present crop will prove. A good wagon and team will be acceptible as part pay. The eafv snd reliable tiwn- screw The New and Speedy, Str. E lizabeth C. P. Jensen. Master. Will make regular trips between C o q u ille R iv e r and S a n F ra n c isc o . Industries of any kind, S^SZSZSZNZSZSZSZSZSZSZSZSZSZSZSZSZSZSZSZSZSZSZSZS^ J. B. POINTER, Coquille, Oregon. Send for illustrated catalogue telling a 11 about our 27 styles and sizes. F r e e . G e n e ral D ra y in g , T r a n s fe r in g and D eliv e rin g. L e a ve 946 St. Paul S t., R o c h este r, N. Y. SSSSR PATENTS tlìe T 3 n . i o r f u . n . a t e all o rd e rs at P. E. D r a n e ’s M e a t M a r k e t S' Goquille furniture S p e c ia l O f f e r « S i r . A re n t Hr Capt. Nelson. Maater, W ill make regular trips between Coos B a y and San Francisco Carrying passengers and freight at lowest rates. OREGON COAL & NAVIGATION CO. P R O P R IE T O R S . 9 O. CO Agent. Empire. Str. W E L C O M E O. Willard. Master, Arrives Myrtle Point 1 JO p - m . | Coquille C*y 4le copy to all requesting. lea ves Secretary. Correspondence solicited from all wishing locations for ^ Our facilities enable us to furnish cameras of the highest grade at prices which cannot be met. 1 GASNOWI A Bargain in a Home. T 8 DOW. Agent. Marshfield. ilson , L, H. H azard , Treasurer. G e n u i n e l y g ood in every detail. Film or Plates as you choose. Absolutely new models. P R O C U R E D * N D D E F E N D E D . Send mod.1,1 urnwing or photo, for expert search and free report. I Free advice, how to obtain patents, trade inarks, I copyrights, etc., |N A L L C O U N T R I E S . T p r^ X to ^ y s SAL y ST.toñTVw JOURNAL to *| T H Melil A Co’s hardware store is headquarters for the Ainethrest Enam­ eled ware. V. R. W jv j From the office ot the Cosmopolitan Mnga I sine is published the "Tw entieth Century ! Home,” a new magazine for women on new , | lines, printed on coated paper (toned), pro- i I fusely illustrated and contributed to hv more | Business dir ret with Washington saves time A i noted writers than any other periodical. An money and often the patent. 1 | English publisher has ordered in advance ot 1 publication 10,000 copies for the Loudon mar- i ket. W e have made im iM B M D tl to buv a limited number of annual subscriptions to this Patent and kfrtafamut Practica Exclusively. new periodical, which we offer absolutely free W rite or *oaM to us at B33 ninth Strwt, opp. Units* Matos Patent Offlet,| I to our subscribers, new or old. Here is the j W A S H I N G T O N , D . C .________ j most generous offer ever made by an American M A N U F A C T U R E R S | newspaper: Notice. to i totitoT» 1tot m eto pwL, —■*■ | S E. D. S pebby , Vice-President O r d e r s fo r W o o d P ro m p tly filled. mtjm nwy w » ton* MtotoiT» « y b*r «toó «<■ ira \V. T. Kenn, President. AMERICAN CAM ERA MFG. CO. Electlic Lights. Everything in First- Class Stvle. D Is n a tro n « W r r r lis $ 1.60 A m e ric a n C am eras. Notice. N o Stop-over at W a y Ports. - Coquille Board of Trade A Question of Tacks. W e the undersigned want it un­ derstood that the tickets marked Dispatch and Favorite are not goo< on Str. Antelope, and that when such tickets are purchased from Capt. Panter they will not be honored. D o p m i ’ I N p N p rot o l d hrc *. Signed: T h o s . W h it e , It's shamefnl when youth fails to J o h n C. M o o m a w . show proper respect for old age, but just the coDtray in the caso of Hay. To Dr. K in g ’s New L ife Pills. They cut off maladies no matter how sev­ Grass and Clover Hay baled and ere and irrespective old age. Dys­ delivered at Coquille or Bandon, pepsia, Jaundice, Fever, Constipa­ tion all yield to this perfect Pill. Or., for $11 per ton by Steamers 25c at R. S. Knowlton’s Drug Store. Dispatch, Favorite or Liberty. Six of the biggest trusts and cor­ porations in the United States have joined in n war of extermination on labor unions, according to a state ment just issued by several of the most inftuenital bodies affiliated with the Federation o f Labor. The aggregate capitalization of the trusts is $2,000,000,000, and their aim is to reduce wages, in Sewing Machine Kepairing croase hours and re-arrange condi David Fulton, of this city, is an expert deaher and repairer, and anyone in tions so dividends can be paid. need of liis services will do well to call The corporations named are the at his residence or drop him a card. United Steel corporation, the Inter­ national Harvesting Machine Com­ R -I-P -A -N -8 Tabules pany, the United States Rubber Doctors find A good prescription Company, the Glucose Sugar Com­ For maukiud. pany, the Pullman Company and The 5-oent packet is enough for usual oc­ tho Chicago, Rock Island A Pacific casions. The fa m ily bottle (60 conts i con­ tains a supply for a year. A ll druggists railroad. Incidents of lowered sell them. wagos, increased hours and closed plants during the past year are cited as evidence of the war's beginning. Another feature of the trust plan is said to be a determination to em- plov no man more than thirty-five years of age.— Ex. D IS T R IB U T O R S P O R T LA N D . OREGON. and N otice is hereby given that my The air in the subway of New York is to be analyzed to discover if it contains enough oxygen to sup­ port lifo on a trip from the city hall to Harlem. R O T H C H IL D BROS, Poco, BucK-Eye Geo. M. Hite is building tioats for sale. If you want anything in that line, write wife, Irene Smalley, has left my him at Bandon. bed and board and therefore I will C hubch —Sab­ Carelessness is responsible for many a railway wreck and the same are making human wrecks o f suffer­ ers from Throat and Lung troubles. But since the advent of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, even the worst case can be cured, and hopeless res­ ignation is no longer nocessarv. Mrs. Lois C ragg of Dorchester, Mass., is one of many whose life was saved by Dr. King's New Dis­ covery. This great remedy is guar- | anteed for all Throat and Lung diseases by R. S. Knowlton, Drug­ g is t Price 50c, and $¡1.00 Trial bottle free. LUE CELEBRATED T h e fa m o u s The W. C. T . U. meets every 1st and 3rd Friday at 2 p. m. at the Christian ohuroh. - Magnolia Whisky Photography for the Half its Former Cost M ethodist Episcopal church.—Service the first and third Sunday in each month Preaching at 11 o’ clook a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 o’ clock a. m . Ep­ worth League at 6:30 p. ro. W . H. M tkrs . Large stock of Dry Goods, Laces and Pastor. all Dress Trimmings at Kerr A Co.’s. A cheap job is dear at any price. Wr P bksbttbbiab C huboh .—Preaching cer­ W. P. Fuller’s prepared Paints, Oils do only first class work. Send oe vices 2nd and 4th Sandays, m orning and bring us your watch work and it will be eyening, Sunday School every Sunday at and Varnishes at J. A. Lamb A Co.’s. 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor services every The Coquille Valley Packing Co. car­ done right. W ilson J kwki . y C o ., “ Tho Sunday at 6:30 p. in., Miss W innie H all, ries a fine line of Berlin and minced hams, Reliable Jewelers.” President. Ladies’ A id and Missionary Society meets every two weeks on Thurs­ W A Goodman will go anywhere in days at 2 p .m . A cordial weloorae is ex­ Coos county to move your house or Notice. tended to the pnblio to attend all our ser­ barn. vices. A dolph H ab b b lt , Pastor. Unions. A L L t u l : L E A D LX (I DE. I L E IIS IE EVI ) L E AM AT E U R at A Big Bargain In a neat plat containing about 2 acres, on which there is a lovely orchard in Coquille city— right Have you tried Amethyst double en­ uear the business part of town. ameled ware at T H Mehl A Co’s. For particulars call at this office or Have you tried Amethyst double en­ address Adam Pershbaker, Pros­ ameled ware at T H Mehl A Co’s. per, Or. risvBHTH D at A d vbntist bath (seventh d a y ) services; Sabbath «h o o l 10 a. m.. B ible study 11 a. m ., prayer meeting Tuesday evening 8 p.m ., yonng people’s m eeting Friday, 8 p. m. All are invited to attend these meetings. C. H . BUNCH. Elder. Oregon. Marshfield, If you want to buy a boat, call on or M . B .C h u rch , South: Preaching each write Geo. M. Hite at Bandon. and every Sundays at 11 a. m. and 7:30 d . Largest stock of Clothing and Gents' m. Sunday-school every Sunday at 10 •*olook. Senior Epworth League at 6:30, p. Furnishing Goods at Lorenz's. ra. Junior League at 3:30,p .m . Prayerm eet­ Mens’ boys’ and children's clothing, ing Th u rsd ay eyening at 7:80. cheapest in town, at Lorenz’s. R. A . Reagan, pastor. ""f E. M. FURMAN, London, Nov. 21.— A special dis. patch from Canea, Island of Crete, says that a number of men from the Russian Baltio fleet, while in that port yesterday, became intoxicated, ran amuok, attacked inoffensive pedestrians, and in the brawl follow­ ing murdered five of the latter. The officers seemed totally un­ able to suppress the men by ordi­ nary methods and were compelled to use force to take the drunken sailors aboard ship. It is reported here that at least 50 of the Russians have deserted their ships. New Goods arriving every day at W. T. Kerr A Co.’s. Orders for apple lioxes filled prompt­ ly at Johnson’s mill. Fine spruce apple boxes in any quam ity at Johnson,* mill. Mrs David Fulton still has a nice lot Cattle for Sheep. of choice plants for sale. Here it is—Good Paint at $1 40 per W ill trade a fine lot of cows and gallon at T H Mehl A Co’s. several head of young stock for Lard and Bacon at wholesale at the sheep. Inquire of J. D. Myers, < Coquille Valley Packing Co. Rinck creek. Address Coquille, u AGENTS WANTED (loop HorsKKRF.PlNO wants a subscription representative in every city and town in tho west. To those who will give all or a portion of their time it offers attractive work and pays exceedingly liberal commis­ sions It. will nay you to investigate. A postal card w ill bring particulars. W rite at once so as to be the first in your field. THE PHELPS PUBLISHING CO. THE PITTSBURG VISIBLE TYPEWRITER. Show your love for the one who is gone by providing a monument worthy the memory of that one. A large monument or a small marker, whichever you choose at his place, will show Ihe best judg­ ment o f first-class designers and workmen. COOS CO. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS Stewart & White Props. M A R S H F IE L D , OR The only perfect writing machine Telephone. Main Z8K made. The writing is in plain view A n Illustrated Magazine for the Family. o f the operator all the time— simplest and strongest construction, rapid action, easy touch, adapted to all kinds of work— best for tabulating and invoice work, universal k ey­ board, removable type action, in­ stantly cleaned. Treble the life o f 1 prop any other machine for good, clean work. Send for Catalogue. BANDON, OREGON. Sddle Horses of best quality always on hand. Good Rigs in readi ltighbr ed cockerels from $1 up PITTSBURC WRITING M ACHINES nes for special trips. In fact, a geencral Stage and I.ivery business. and eggs $1 per setting. t o * WOOD St . Pittsburt. Ps Accommodations for Taveling men a specialty Pacific Coast Office: 59 C olumbian B i i i . d in g . S an F rancisco Bull rivmoiitli Rock P o u lt r y F a r m , J, R. Stillwell, ROSEBURG-MYRiLE POINT- STAGE LINE B. FENTON. PROPRIETO