F A IR Y L A N D . There will be Episcopal services ; in .St. James church in this city, by Rev. Horsfall aext Sunday morning Wonderful Sight That Greets The river is showing the effects Visitors’ Eyes. and evening. of our lato rains. To be in the metropolis, the seat For good meals, splendid rooms and E. L. Robbins was flown from the bath, go to Mrs Sugg’ s boarding house. of a county government, standing Point Wednesday. Mart Sherrard and John Peart majestically in the rich verdure Henry Quick was up from the returned from a trip to Curry coun­ field looking over the placid waters Junction Wednesday. ty the first of the week, and report of the Coquille, is a pleasure to the Bert Folsom, the North Fork having bad a very nice time. wives aud children of our rural ag. logger, w en tlotbe buy Wednesday. To T radc —Fifteen head of cows and riculturists. But there is no time several bead of young cattle for good Joel Root, of the upper river, had sheep. like now when every store in the business in the county seat Wednes L. Harrison, the veternary sur­ city is in it gala attirement, gaily day. geon of Myrtle Point, was in town dressed and fully stocked with its And, holiday Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Goodman are on professional business. He per­ holiday attractions. spending the winter at Lakeport, formed an operation upon a horse shoppers should not fail while here to visit the store of J. 8. Kanematz. California. at Mr. Little's stable. Mrs. R. J. Dean still remains Bert Seal, the strawberry man, has a Here you will see one of tho most fine lot of Mugoon plants for sale. Call complete and magnificent stocks of very’ low, with little, if any, signs of early and get choice plants. holiday goods ever assembled under improvement. Mrs. Dr. McCormac, of Marsh­ one roof. You see toys of all de­ B orn — At Bandon, November 15, field, came over Wednesday and met scriptions, from the old Noah’s ark 1904, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas An­ with the Degree of Honor at this to the most modern mechanical derson, a son. place, at which time several initia­ contrivances that human ingenuity Holl Anderson will start back to tions were performed and a very can construct. Chinas of all makes, the sound country Monday, after a pleasant evening enjoyed. from tho plain potteries to the most A fire line of the latest in dress goods week or ten days’ visit here. gorgeous wareB—from the heavy- Is Being received at Mrs Bayne’ s store Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Lundy, of on Front street. old English and Dutch jardinieres Myrtle Point, visited in town Wed­ Foster Poland, of the upper river, to the thin egg-snell cups that make nesday, returning yesterday. received a fall while handling some you wonder why they do not There will bo a Mothers’ and logs on the boom at this place yes­ crumble under the touch of your Teachers’ meeting on Friday. All terday. He struck his head, re­ finger. Some in a massive design interested are urged to be present. ceiving an ugly wound which he of raised flowers and birds extrava­ gantly ornamented in gold and sil­ S. B. Cathcart, the surveyor, had attended to by a physician. came over from Marshfield Wednes­ If you want you white shirt done up ver, others in a quiet but more ar­ fine shape, take it to the Coquille tistic design of sceneries rich in day, and proceeded up the river, in Steam Laundry. songs and poems, and still others in ' liere he went to do some survey­ Hans Hansen and wife who have the most intricate design of geo­ ing been out from the east, visiting J°h*. Jenkins, the logger, was up with Mr. H ’s cousin, Capt. O. P. metrical lines and scrolls. Talk about dreamland of the to town Wednesday. He informs us Ellingson, and an old time friend that his son \Villinm, who is at San in the person of Capt. Aasen, of wonderful empire told in the fairy Francisco for uedieal treatment, is Arago started on their return yes­ tale. They are not in it. Visit the cozy corner oocupied by dolls in improving. terday, going by way of the bay. this store. There are dolls and Mrs. C. M. Wickham and daugh­ J S Jays has fine Oat Hay for sale. dolls and dolls! Dolls that stand Delivered in town, on the cars or on the ter, Miss Esma, went to Marsh­ boat at $12 per ton. one yard high and dolls that are field Wednesday to take the steam­ tiny enough that make you hunt Mr. Allan LcLeod, of North Bend er for Portland, where they will has recently purchased through O. for a pair of spectacles. Dolls that visit for a time, C. Sanford, tho real estate dealer, can cry— dolls that can say “ papa” Who is making an effort to assist the C. A. Sayre place near Peart’s and “ mamma,” and dolls that have in getting up an exhibit for the coal mine. Mr. McLeod will re­ not a word to say. Dolls of Lewis and Clark Fair? The citizens main at North Bend until spring, blonde type and dolls of brunette of Coos county should not be ne­ when he will take charge of tho caste. Dolls that know when to glectful in this matter. place. shut their eyes and dolls that keep J. W. Hall, of this city, starts for The Coquille Valiev Packing Company their eyes open day and night. Whittier, California, in a day or so, wholesales and retails Bacon, Gains and Dolls dressed in the luxurious where he goes to join the other Lard and guarantees the quality. silks and satins, and dolls in the Our board of trade are arranging members of his family who moved simple negligees waiting for the down several weeks ago. a convenient place in the city hall deft and skillful hand of those who Mark Morras and mother, Mrs. for exhibiting ’ fine specimens of select them. Wm. Morras, of Riverton, returned fruits, vegetables, grain, etc., as well A visit to Kanematz's store is a from the bay Wednesday, having as any other articles which may be treat to your children. It is liko a been over to attend the funerat of shown off to advantage to prove the a - Ai._ trio in the fairy land that they may . -.-.I... a :__ — .. .. f ...... Dr. J. O. Cock, long remember, of tho wonderful passers by. Call on I*. E. Drane for green peppers skill o f human arts, of tho bewitch­ S W P Paints, Varnishes and Ohi- and sweet potatoes. namel, in ¡all colors, especially adapted ing scene of beauty and grandeur, Attorney Roberts and Lewis for chairs, floors and leinolium at T H and above all, of the moral and Strong were down from Myrtle Meld & Co’s. elevating effect upon their mind. Point yesterday on business con­ The H »Tiu.i> will be in direct com­ nected with the final settlement of munication with a well-posted per­ There were three accidents hap­ the estate of the late W. H. Erdice. son in Portland who will send in pened on the Coquille bar lately, I*. E. Drane has just received a fine this direction some good and de­ lot of green peppers for pickling pur­ sirable settlers who we will assist in one of which will prove fatal to the small sohoouer Western Home. The poses. finding proper locations. Anyone Advance was the first. On attempt- John Yoakam, of near town, having a bargain to offer will do to sail in the wind failed her after it passed through town early last week well to call on us ns the tide of im­ with a band of fine Angora goats migration starts this way during the was too late to turn, aud she drifted which he had brought in from the coming year as the fair progresses in striking the bottom near the lighthouse, which caused her to leak valley, and which he was taking to at Portland. severely. A boiler and engine with a Curry county range. Dr J Curtis Snook, dentist, is in I have got them. W hat? S»eet Gardiner on his regular profossional large pump have been put on board potatoes and green peppers, D ra «e, the visit, and will remain until further of her and she will be taken to the notice. butcher. city without a cargo. The members of the I. O. O. F. Several street lights b*ve been Later the Kloso came in and had put in placo by Mr Morse, the of this city will entertain and treat almost the same experience, except electric light mar lately, one at the the feminine side of the houso to a she was not so severely strained, dock, which wi’ b« a Rreat conven­ turkey supper on next Wednesday and will be able to take a cargo this All Odd Fellows should time. ience at th- arrivftl of steamers evening. when thev‘ re late- and one at the make a note of this and show up to Tho last was the little two-masted do his part, which they no doubt schooner Western Home, which foot of *rst Btreet - .. Anna Logan, at W A Goodman’s, will, and all “ Beckies” who miss struck near tho light house and , ‘' ‘ ifressmaking. Will go out and sew this evening’s banquet will surely pounded heavily, and was going to I °?ie day or will take sewing at home. be unfortunate. pieces at last accounts. Rev. B. B. Paul, a former resi­ These are the first accidents of “ The finest lin e ” o f Fancy dent of Coos county, but who has with his family, lived in other parts China, the most tasty, nob­ any consequence for a considerable of this state and in Washington, re­ by, up-to-eate, catchy, beau­ length of time. cently moved in from Ashland, made tifu l ware in town a t WIL­ our office a very pleasant call on SON'S JEWELRY STORE. The manager of tho Coquille Co­ Tuesday, renowing old acquaintance operative Packing Company is with the H erald . rustling among the ranchers buying F or Su.it— A fine property consisting Books, Fine Papeteries, Pictures, of splendid garden lots, good house and up all the turkeys in the country. Gents’ Purses, Ladies’ Hand Bags, barn. For particulars call at this office. This is the packing company which Peggy Bags, Toilet Sets, Mirrors, Some very substantial new side, is being organized in the interests Photo Albums, Shaving Sots, Gold walks are being put down by sev­ of members of the Century ^¿ercan- Pens, Smokers’ Sets, Infants' Sets, eral of our townspeople, one being tile Company, of San Francisco, a Work Boxes, Collar and Cuff Boxes, from the bank to the Masonic Hall co-operative merchandise company Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, which will prove a great comfort to through which its members may Inkstands, Card Games, Framed purchase their supplies at whole­ those attending gatherings at that Pictures, Cigar Cases in place this winter, as well as to the sale uDd factory prices, and market FRENCH STAG, patrons of Mrs, Wickham’s board­ their products at top market prices. SHEET CELLULOID, They are reliable. ing house. COVERED CELLULOID, METAL AND LEATHER FINISH, LOCAL N E W S . ATTENTION! TUB (iH B A T Noi Ire o f Final Settlement. IN D IAN Notice is hereby given that th* under­ Medicine, signed has filed his final account in the matter of the partnership estate of W. Cures Rheumatism, Dysjiepsia, Indi­ H. Erdice, deceased, and that the gestion, Nervousness,, Loss of Sleep, county court lias set Thursday, the 17th Loss of Appetite, Nervous Attfiction of day of November, 1904, as the day for the Heart, Constipation and all Diseases hearing objections to Baid final account and the settlement of said estate. of the Blood, Liver and Kidneys. Price $1 per package. Dated October 17, 1904. 8. M . N 08LBR, For Sale only by MRS. LINA JOHNSON, Administrator of the partnership estate Agent for Coquille, Oregon. of W . H. Erdice, deceased. Liver, K idney and B lood YOU know our goods! YOU know the methods o f our business! YOU know our prices! YOU know that we carry the best o f euerything! W. H. MHNSELL, In fact General Drayman YOU know that we try and do giue W ILL M EET ALL BOATS AN D TR A IN S . Satisfaction. All orders handled with carefulness and expedience. W. T. Kerr & Co. SPECIAL Sole Agent for Lieave orueru Leave orders Riverton and Peart’s Coals u ttie “ s i . m , . ANNOUNCEMENT. We have just received the line of Samples and Fashion Plates from CHAS. A. STEVENS & BKOS. Chicago. The Russell Pharmacy M a in And are prepared to take orders for Ladies’ Fine Cloaks, Craven- ettes, Rain Coats, Tourist Coats and Jackets o f all de­ scriptions; F ine T ailor-M ade Suits includ­ ing the new Norfolk and Butcher Coat Styles, elso the new Fall Styles in Silk Shirt Waist Suits; Skirts, W aists, Furs and other weariug apparel. S t. C o q u ille . Rex P. Russell, Dr. Geo. Russell, Pharmacist Proprietor City Restaurant The FRANK WILSON, Prop. The styles are exceptionally pretty, being the newest, most practicable and most beautiful ever shown. Chas. A. Stevens & Bros, have maintained their reputation for hand­ ling only the l>est gradesof merchan­ dise at prices for which the lower Newly established. Euerything neat ana up-to-day in euery respect. Meals at a ll hours, day or night - FRONT STREET COQUILLE OREGON. grades are usually sold. .A. Special Feature. Exclusive styles in Fine Tailor-made Suits ami Walking Skirts made to your Special Order, from your own selection of materials and your choice of linings, made exactly according to your measurements, and a perfect fit guaranteed. G ENERAL M ERCHANDISE PIEECE, Dealer in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods . Sanderson Building, Coquille, Oregon. Clothing Hats, Shirts, IN Boots SIMPSON J ROWAN, I Strang’s Store, Caps, W and Blankets, O W . BU ILD IN G . and Shoes. BOOT A N D SH O E REPAIRING, Apples, Coquille, Oregon. GROCERIES, Pears. C o q u il l e , O regon . All work done in up-to-date style and guaranteed The latest in firs t c'ass. Jw w w w w w w w w w w w ^ North Bend's W omen of Woodcraft. Otillia Circle No., 401, Women of Woodcraft was instituted with fifty charter members, tho officers who will manage tho affairs the ensuing term are: Past Guardian Neighbor, Nancy Bowlsby; Adviser, Ora Harris; Magician, Grace Smith; Clerk, Kate Winsor; Guardian Neighbor, Ethel Turpen; Attendant, Mar­ garet Hames; Banker, Mabel Butts; Captain of Guards, C. H. WasBie; Musician, Florence Nowlin; Inner Sentinel, Edith Ellerby; Outer Sen­ tinel, Kate Truman; Physician, Dr. R. G Gale; Manager 18 months, Eva Piper; Manager 12 months, Mary Edmunds; Manager for 6 months, Mary Burns. The Circle will meet the 1st and 3rd Fridays of eaoh month in the A. O. U. W. hall. The Women of Woodcraft is the legal auxiliary to the Woodmen of the World and is one of the most popular orders in existence. Miss Green, the organizer, has been doing some excellent work in Coos and Ourry countiss. Through her efforts the eiroles in the county has added 200 members to the order. Miss Green will leave on the Al­ liance for Portland. She takes with her tho wcllwishes of a host of and a host of other novelties, rep­ friends.— North Bend Post. resenting the very latest innova­ tions in the holiday trade. AssigneeN Nofire to Creditors. Go to Knowlton’s Drug Store for London, Nor. 16.—A dispatch from Berlin says: “ The condition of Emporer William has compelled his physicians to advise him to ab­ stain from all exertion, mental or physical. Another operation on bis majesty will be necessary. MOHAWK INDIAN AH-WA-GO, Notice is hereby given that I have been appointed assignee for Mrs. E. A. Batch, o f Coquille, for benefit of credit­ ors. All creditors of the said Mrs. E. A. Balch Rrc hereby notified and re­ quired to present tlieir clains to me at once at my office in Coquille, Or. Dated at Coquille, Oct. 12, 1904. ItoB S R T B c RNS, Assignee. C IT Y W A T E R MILLINERY NOTICE. at Mrs. G. L. Moon’s All City water consumers are here­ by notified that all water dues must lie settled by the 15th of each month or water will be shut off. L kr G o o d m a n , Marshall. By order of the Council of the City of Coquille. You w ill find the latest in spring and summer Millinery- at my store Dress Trimming and Fancy Goods in General. Stamp ing done to order. M r s . C . JVXoon Sanford’s Bargains — REAL FUONT STREET, COQUILLE, OR. in — ESTATE. The Highest Quality -o - $11,500 This amount of fine property — — including two fine residences and 10-acre orange grove in Pomona, Cal., to exchange for good stock ranch. $ 2 8 0 0 ^ fine °orQer business property That Can Be Put on the Block! $2750 Fnrnitnre and box factory, ' ■ thriving to.wn in western Oregon, T h it’ s the c lilm th at we m ik e about our M eats. good machinery, good location and doing a good business, This The M eet Trust has advanced the prices, but we de­ is a bargain. mand th at the quality be advanced also. $1G00 fin e small farm of 30 acres on Our prices are not of the Trust order, alth o u |h the «— ■— river bank, 12 acres clearod, just what you want. quality Is of the very best. A tria l w II convince you. $1500 Nice small plaoe of 8 acres near We sub stantiate eyery statem ent t h it we make. — town, well improved, 4 acres fall bearing orchard, balance pasture Our Sausage is made by an expert. and meadow. Good eyoporator. This is a good investment. House and two fine lots in good location. Good house, barn and four lots in fine location. Corner business property. Better FR O N T ST. . C O Q U ILLE investigate this now. A hill ranch on Fishtrnp of 150 ■ acres, 4 acres cultivated, 40 acres in grass, 2 rough houses, barn, 100 young fruit trees, about 300,000 feet fine cedar timber. This is a genuine bargain. D. H. JOHNSON, E. F. DAVENPORT, $ 500 A residence property that is dirt E. S. DEAN, —— cheap. President. Vice President. Secretary $ 400 Two of the best residence lots — in the city. P. E. DRHNE, $ 300 Coquille Valley Packing Company Two lots nicely located. $ 200 'l' Two fine lots near the school- house. $ 200 The best residence lot in Coquille. Installment plan. $ 100 $ ' (Successors to Johnson, Dean A Co.) Capital $ 10,000. Two °° rnei bottom lots. Principal place of business 75 Six fine lots, best location, at the i redicnlously low prioe of $75 each For twonty days only. It is impossible to describe my list in this * column. If you are looking for a good piece of property at a reasonable price, I can certainly suit yon. Kemembei, I rent honses and farms, make loans and do all kinds o f agency business. Come in and see me before buy­ ing. I can save yon DOLLAKH.I O . C. HANFOKD, Coquille, Oregon. Myrtle Point, Oregon A general packing business carried on. The best meats the country can produco always on hand. Highest cash price paid fo r beef, pork, mutton, chickens, etc. BOARD OF UIRECT0RS: A. DAVENPORT, • D. H. JOHNSON. WM. SLINOSBY, E. S. DEAN E. E. DAVENPORT.