SEMI - WEEKLY No. V ol . 22: HERALD. COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, NOVEMBER 15, 1904. 36 tintore*I »8 second-class m atter July 8, 1904, at the postoffice at Coquille, r: Roosevelt Deeply Sensible oi Given a Second Examination. Deadly Snake Maltas Long Honor Done Him. Journey Here. At their preliminary hearing be­ Washington, Nov. 8 .— President fore U. S. Commissioner Z. L. Dim- In carrying a bunch of bananas Rooaevelt tonight, after the election rnick, in Oaklnnd, Thursday after­ from a truck into the store of Bell returns clearly indicated the result, noon, H. W. Miller and Frank E. & Co., commission merchants at issued the following statement: Kiucart, timber cruisers, were held 109-115 Front street. Walter Hos- "I am deeply sensible of the hon­ to appear before the Federal Grand T , . i iner, a porter in the employ of the or dono me by the Americau people Jury in Portland on a charge of, „ . 1 glittering snake ... ... ,i.........i .i.________ in thus expressing their confidence conspiracy to defraud the govern­ to"“ , discovered a gli arouud the stalk, in what I have done and have tried ment. Their bonds were placed a t. „„ , , ,, • . . .... . T h e snake fell to the sidewalk as to do. I appreciate to the full the 12000 eacn—just double the amount | solemn responsibility tliis confi­ fixed at their arraignment last | ¡^ « P o s s was disturbed. The reptile was evidently look­ dence imposes upon me, and I shall Tuesday to insure their appearance do all that in my power lies not to at the examination. As in the form­ ing for trouble but found no one forfeit it. On the fourth ol March, er instance, Mr. Kiucart furnished willing to accommodate it. It soon next, I shall have served three and the required bonds in Oukluud und cleared the street of pedestrains and one-half years, and this three and Mr. Millet has done likewise in began to look for a place to find, one-half years constitutes my first Ro»eburg. The date of their hear­ when it was captured. When mea- term. ing before the Federal Grand Jury- ured the snake was found to be 3 feet 5 inches in length and its skin “ The wise custom which limits in Portland has not been set. the President to two term, regards ! The testimony of five witnesses is covered with many beautiful col. the substauceand not the form, und j whom Deputy U. S. Marshal J. A. orors. An expert pronounced it a full- under no circumstances will I be a Wilson, of Portland, brought to the growen maratar suake, one of the candidate f o r or accept another heering from Placer, Josephine nomination.” county, was to the effect that Mil- most deadly species that hns ever bananas i ler and Kincart, representingthom- been discovered. The Adoptmg the Proper Method. were shipped from Central America, selves as agents for the “ Eminetts- where the reptiles are found in Anuouncement 1ms been made to ! ^urg Company of New Zealand, great numbers. Its poison is said the effect that an active crusade induced them to file entry on tim­ to cause iustant death. against cigarette smoking is about ber claims under the promise t o , The snake is now confined in a pay, after final proof wae made, 40 to be inaugurated through educa­ glass case and is on exhibition at tional methods in the public schools cents a thousand for the timber in the store. It is believed that the of Portland. The plan proposed is case the claims would each cut 3,- change of climate caused a stupor 000,000 feet. In each case a written a simple one and, ns we believe, has the merit of effectiveness. It con­ contract was entered into between 'vbit'n P o u t e d it ^om striking as templates the delivery of lectures the parties, a purported fa -simile of I 8000 as U wa8 disturbed,-Portland that shall present, in a simple and one being introduced in evidence at ^ J ° ul aa'- The entry men comprehensive mauuer, the physio­ the examination. Nine per cent of the entire popu- logical effects of cigarette smoking were required to pay a “ cruiser’s latiou of the United States attend­ and especially where the habit is fee for $25, a filing fee and a fee for ed the public schools during the formed and indulged by children of advertising the notice of intention fiscal year ending June 30 . This is tender years. Following these loc- to make proof, amounting in all to shown by the report of the Secre­ tures in the classrooms there will be about $50. This amount according tary of the Interior, which states the organization of anti-cigarette to the testimony of the five men, j that 10,009,631 pupils were enrolled, leagues among the scholars— both was a total loss, as in every instance j T L e c o s t W M ,2 3 7 5 p e r c a p i t a p e r girls and boys— the object being to the claim filed upon proved worth pupil, aud $3.15 per capita of the create a sentiment thnt will depop- less. total population of the country. Miller and Kincart were repre The expense has increased and the ularize the use of the cigarette. It is entirelysuperfiuous to indulge sented at the examination by Attor attendance bus slightly decreased. in auy dissertation on the evil ef- De3’B Dexter Rice nnd O. P. Coshow, One of the features of the report is fects of the cigarette habit. It is a | of tllis city- The government’s side that the number of male teachers fact long since established, and es­ of the case was prosecuted by Dep­ bus decreased to 26 per cent of the tablished beyond dispute, thnt the uty District Attorney W. W. Banks, entire number, aud that the average evil etlects of this habit is account­ of Portland. The evidence against compensation for malo teachers was able for more mental and physical Miller and Kiucart was prepared by but $49.98 nnd $40.51 for females. lernngeuient among the school special Land Agents, Horace T. With such small salaries as these it child!en of the country than any Jones and A. R . Greene.— Roseburg ;. is surprising that there are people other within the reach of education- j Plaindealer. willing to accept the positions. or legal influence. This fact be-1 With the brains necessary to teach came so patent iu the City of New The Christmas Delineator an individual should be able to com­ York thnt the Superintendent o f ! ------- mand nbout twice the salary in auy Education felt impelled to take the Tllft December Delineator, v it h Ex its message of good cheer and help- otber profession.—*.x. matter practically in hand, ,vith the Not all of the tide of immigration resultaut organization of a National fulness, will be welcomed in every association that works exclusively home. The fashion pages are un­ which is setting from the shores of amoug the schools of the country. usually attractive, illustrating and the Old World is flowing to the The Minister of The labor has been carried forward describing the very latest modes in United States. thus far with very satisfactory re­ a way to make their construction Foreign Affairs at Buenos Ayres re­ sults. A beginning is to be made during the busy festive season a ports the arrival at Argentine ports in Portland with the hope that pleasure instead of a task, and the during the month of October of The majority progress here will be commensurate | literary aud pictorial features are of 18,432 immigrants. A selection of Qf these were from Spain and Italy. with wliat lias been made elsewhere, j j rare excellence. There can be no denying the fact Love Songs from the Wagner The latter country has for many that the method of procedure is the Operas, rendered into English by years been a very liberal contributor wisest conceivable, nor is there any Richard de Gallienne and beautiful- to the supply of immigrants land­ doubt that it will bear good fruit.— j ! ly illustrated in colors by J. C. Ley- ing on American shores, but the ! eudecker, occupies a prominent overflow from Spain’s population Telegram. _______ _ , ,_______ ; place, and a chapter in the Com- has usually drifted farther south. "Corpse” Gets Up from Coffin, posers’ Series, relating the Romance Figures on this emigrant traffic with -------- I of Wagner and Cosima, is an inter- South America in a measure explain San Jose, Cal , Nov. 8 .—The sight j esting supplement to the lyrics. A why there are more passenger of a morgue wagon driven madly very clever paper entitled “ The steamers plying between Europe through the streets of the city yes­ Court Circles of the Republic, ’ de- ! an(} South America than between terday caused a commotion, and scribes some unique phases of Wash­ the United States and that country. when the wagon pulled up in front ington social life is from an un­ It would require the services of a uf the police station a big crowd named contributor, who is said to very active ami energetic immigra­ gathered. Suddenly the crowd write from the inner circles of so­ tion agent to round up in one melted aivay. Faces that a minute ciety. Tbe are short stories from month 18,432 Americans who before were flushed from the exer­ the pens of F. Hopkinson Smith, wouU pay their fare to the Argen- tions of the owners in following the Robart Grant, Alice Brown, Mary tiU(J Republic. dead wagon became blanched and Stewart Cutting anil Elmore El- ---------- — ---------- knees knocked. liott Peake, and such interesting | According to a report from St. From ihe black wagon came un­ writers as Julia Magruder, L. Petersburg, 200,000 Finns will soon canny sounds. Frank Baum and Grace MacGownn be added to the number of Ameri- From a safe distance the people Cooke hold the attention o f the can citizens of foreign birth. Just craned necks. children. Many Christmas sugges- at this Juncture it would he offen- From the inside came cries, “ Let j tions are given in needlework and sive to ask the Russian government me out. Let me out.” redolent of ! the cause of this wholesale exodus I the Cookery pages The black box was pulled out on the Christmas feast. In addition of the Finnish subjects of the Czar, the ground, the lid flew open and a there are the regular departments —Oregonion. set of arms and legs waved vigor- ] 0f ths magazine, with many special ----- ------ ‘ ouslv in the nir for a moment and articles on topics relating to A 1 : 111111 « » , niej-eie then the supposed corpse sat up, woman’s interests within and with- Terminated with an ugly cut on while the crowd yelled. out the home. ! the leg of J. B. Orner, Franklin _______ _ ______ 'Grover, 111, It developed a stub- Explanation showed that a woman „ . . . _. | born ulcer unyielding to doctors called for a morgue wagon to come Catile for Sheep. I anq remedies for four years. Then to the southern end of town to get Will trade a fine lot of cows and Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cured. It’s a supposed corpse. A deputy found several head of young stock for ¡just as good for Burns, Hcalds, Wm. Armiger lying in the road a p -! sheep. Inquire of J. D. Myers, on Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25c, at parently dead, put him in the wagon | Rinck creek. Address Coquille. R. S. Knowlton’s Drug Store. and started for the morgue. Two A cheap job is dear at any price. W r Notice blocks of the jolting roused the d o o n i . v first class w ork. Send oe I II be| Notice is hereby given that my corpse and William set up a yell I bring us your watch work and It wil , done right. W ilson J ewki . y C o ., ‘T he ; wife, Irene Smalley, has left my which terrified tbe deputy and R eliable Jew elers.” Kon. under act o f Congress o ! M arch 3, 1879. W alter Culin, M. D. P h y iic ia m and .Sc an icon C u q v il l k C it y , O kk . I Stanley & Burns, Attorueys-nt- Law. Real Estate, Collections. Specialties—Criminal and U. 8. Land Cases, Notaries Publio. CoquiLLU, - O regon . Geo. Russell, M. D., P hysician S obgron , and j Office upstairs in MARTIN BUILDING Calls promptly answered day or night. Night call will be answered from Min. Wickham’ s Boarding House. Phone, luaiu 136. C oqu ilie, : : : Oregon. I A. J. Sherwood, A ttorn h y - a t -L a w , N otary P ublic , C oqu ille, : : Oregon Walter Sinclair, A t io b n e y - at -L a w , N otaby P u b lic , C oquille, : : Oregon. /. Hacher, A bstrac ter ok T iti . e s . Coqi'ii.t.K C it y , O kk Hall & Hall, A t t o iin k y s - a t - L a w , Dea lei in H eal B atate o f nil kinds. Marshfield, Oregon. ;— r------------ I J. Curtis Snooh, D. D. S. D e n t ist , Otlioe two tloors south Odd Fellow's Hall Will m a k e Hendon ;i professional visit the first Monday in each quarter. C oqu ilie, O regon. W . C . Chase. K. P . S perry. SPERRY & CHASE, A ttorn eys at-L aw . Office in Robinson Building, C oqu ille, - - - O regon. E. G. D. Holden, L aw yer . jj City Recorder, U. S. Commissioner. Gen-' oral Insurance Agent, and Notary Public. Office in R obin­ son Building. C oqu ilie, Oregon. A. F. Kirshman, D kntimt . Office at Residence , one block oast o f Tuttle Hotel. Oregon. C oqu ille COQUILLE RIVER STEAMBOAT CO. S tr. D IS P A T C H Tom White, Master, Leaves I Arrives B andon....... 7 A-M. | Coquille---- 10 A-M. C oquille...... 1 P-M. | Bandon I P-M. Connect* at Coquille with train tor Marshfield and steamer K-*ho for Myrtle Point. B tr. Leaves Coquille Bandon. F A V O R I T E J. C. Mooinaw. Master, | Arrives 7 A-M. I 1 P -M . j S tr. Bandon.. 10:4.-» A-M. C oquille. p-M. R E T A Alva . J*ee, Master, Leave* | Arrive* . í » P-M. Coquille .... 1 p-M. ! Ban*l«*n .11 A-M. B andon....... 7 a - m . | Coqnilla Carrying passenger* and mail. Coquille River Transportation Co. S tr. L I B E R T Y W . K. 1’ anter, Master. Leave* I Arrive* Bandon........ 7 a - m . | Coqnille. ...1 0 a - m . Coquille....... 1 P-M. I Bandon 4 pm Make* connection with train at ikxjuill« and up-river l*»atn. T. W . PAN TKR, Managing Owner. ' $2.00 P er Y e a r . NOTE A N D CO M M EN T. Knowlton's Sweeping statements do not keep a campaign clean. As a consoling thought for the losers, we will state that the mince pies are now rips. Drug Store Greater New York ppenod hor subway just in time. It enabled tbe floaters to vote at each end of it. @ /_T5"TY~v\§) Toilet Articles, School Books and School Supplies, Kodaks and Kodak Supplies, Fine Stationery a Specialty. A countryman visiting New York City the other day, gave bis seat to a lady iu a street car; she fainted. Grover Cleveland and Henry Van Dyke Lave postponed tlieir fishing trip until the Baltic fleet is docked. \ Coquilie, Oregon. Carrie Nation’s daughter has been sent to an insane asylum. They took tbe wrong member of tbe fam­ ily- NEW, RAMBLERS Secretary of State for the Repub­ T R I B U N E S lic of Panama has resigned. Prob­ AN D ably ho wanted some active employ­ M I T CHELLS ment. A theatrical writer asserts that stage life is not all that it is painted. The same is truo of the stage “ beauties.” LATEST AND Best Wheels Out R are Bargains in S e c o n d -H a n d W h e e ls . W h e e ls t o Rent. R epairin g D on e on S h o r t N o tice . ALBERT FISH, COQUILLE, OREQON East End ot Front St. The campaign wns the cleanest this year ever known. It did not reach the “you-are-another” stage A. J. SHERWOOD, Pres. until the week. I . H. HAZARD, Ceshler R. E. SHINE, Vice P iet. F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K A western city has made a rule O p C O Q U ID L lE , O R E G O N . that its policemen must have sound teeth. They expect their cops to 'T r a n s a c t s a G e n e r a l B a n k i n g bite as well as bark. B u s in e s s It is said that France will take Board of Directors. Correspondents. steps to suppress automobiliug un­ R. C. Dement, A . J. Sherwood, National Bank of Commerce, New York City less it can be made as safe from L. H. Hazard, Crocker Wool worth N ’l Bank, San Francisco lz. Harlocker, R. E. Shine. First Nat’l Bank of Portland, Portland, Or. harm as French dueling. Isaiah Hacker, A society is forming iu Europe f. r tbe prevention of bombardment of fishermen. Admiral Rojestven- sky lias been asked to join. A European correspondent says that England holds the key to Tibet, and she does not expect to give Russia a chance to change the lock, either. It is a great thing for England aud Russia that their quarrel wns settled by the big guns of The Hague instead of the big guns of their navies. A resident of Broadway street, New York, is making it a business to teach men bow to become beg­ gars. Wall street is the best place for that sort of schooling. I MRS. BERTHA PAYNE. ¡ í COQUILLE. OREGON. Denier in Fancy and Ladies’ Furnishing Goods. Also a com- .... píete line of Seasonable Millinery. The code of ethics of the auto- mobi.o fraternity is improving. It is now considered the proper thing to haul the victim to tbe hospital after you have ruu over him. 7K 7T: w I* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FO X BROS, GENERAL DRAYING. COQUILLE, OREGON. Meets ah Boats and Trains. Goods Handled with Care and Dispatch. FO R R IV E R T O N C O A L . Sir Thomas Lipton asserts that ho will make another try for the AGENT American cup. Sir Tom ought to know by this time that there’s many WOOD FOR SALE- a slip twixt cup and Lip. A Dayton, Ohio, woman is suing ner husband because he gave her only one dress in sixteen years. Some women don’t seem to apprcci. ate economical husbands. * Leave orders at T. J. Little’s Livery Stable. COQUILLE Steam Laundry PHONE 116 NOSLER & LYONS P R O P R IE T O R S A Kansas City man shot his phy­ sician about his bill. Its a pity tbe Experienced help Reasonable Rates doctor could not have foreknown Special K ates to Fam ilies and Hotels tbe intentions of his patient when he was giving him “ medicine.” Best o f W ork L it t le r e fu s e s K in g t o g iv e h ou rs per A lp h o D Z o m o re d a y t o h is o f S p a in th in royal e ig h t W e make our ow n soap and know its ingredients. No injurious ch em icals used. O ur baskets w ill be left at all the prin cip al points on the river. G oods called for and delivered in C oquilie City. d u tie s . A lp h o n z o is e li g i b l e t o m e m b e r s h ip iu a n y o f o u r tra d e u n io n s n o w . Dairy Produce ICE In the division of household goods in Alabama a jury decided S W E E T C R E A M that a pretty wife's kiss was of equal value with a $10 stove. We M IL K A N D taka off our hats to southern gal­ lantry. An eleven-year-old boy in Buffalo has fallen heir to ¥9,000,000, nnd the fact is being concealed from fear that it will worry him. The guard­ ian will relieve the chap of his “ worry” and his “ dough,” too. A Big Bargain In a neat plat containing abont 2 acres, on which there is a lovely S tr. E C H O orchard in Coquilie city— right T. W. McCImkcy. Master, near the business part o f town. sta rte d h im in a g a llo p f o r th e , 8 WT P Paints. Varnishes and C h i- b e d a n d b o a r d a n d t h e r e fo r e I w ill 1.eave* I Arrive« For particulars call at this office or M yrtle P"int 7 A M. ¡ I'-quille ! " y !»:3D A-M. I t w as ju s t a c a se o f * fl',«'loa n 'd iein ofin m I D ot b e re8I,ODH' b le ,o r Bny d e b t s sh e address Adam I’ershbaker. Pros­ (>«l>lille C i t y . . . l P-M. I Myrtle F t .. 1:00 P-M. , p o lic e s ta tio n . per, Or. ; t o o m u c h o ld r y e . | M ehl A C o e. | m a y c o n t r a c t . D avid S m alley , Daily except Sunday. IN Q U A N T IT IE S T O SU IT coquine ice & Cold-Storage Co. T H E I v T -A -I t T Who tied the cow ’s tail to his leg in the prooess of milk­ ing; said she had not dragged him over two miles before he realized he had made a mistake. Ho’w Ivlucli Parthor Must you be dragged liofore you realize you are making a mistake in not using Electric Lights.