Semi-WeeHly Nerald S tea m er N otes. B U S IN E S S NO T IC ES. Steamer Elizabeth arrived O ct Incoming F U B L IS H B D B V H R Y TU E SD AY 28th; sailed Nov. 8th. passenger»: Miss Clara Walker AND F R ID A Y . Walter Clausen; 120 tons mdse. Outgoing: Mrs E M Sackett, Mrs 0- F- DEAN. EDITOR AMI) PROPRIETOR S T Malehorn, Mrs Messrs, Claud Drew, K Kamberg, Goodrich County Official Paper. Clapp and wife, Mrs Francis Fisher, Devoted to tbe » M e n a i end eoeiel np- bm ldinpof the Coquille Valley parttoolarly Mise Alfarette Fisher, J E Fisher, end of Coot County generally. 200 M lumber; 65 tobeoription. per year, in advance. $2.00 A W Strader. cords matchwood; 35 tons plunder. Church Directory- Steamer Chico arrived Nov. C’ hbibtian ( ’ hcbcii . — 1*1 eaohing every ■ nnday at 11 a. to. and 7iB0 p. ro. Sunday eohool at 10 e. ni. Chriatlan Kndeavor at 6:80 p. m . I’raver meeting every Wedn w- day evening at 7:30. All eordielly invited. Kpleoopal Choroh.— Episcopal aervioee w ill be held at St. Jamea chnroh, t'oqnille City the third Snndav in eaob month. Snndny eohool at 10 a. m. each annday. Won. Horaefall, Pastor M . B. Chnroh, Sooth: Preaching eaob and every Sundays at 11 a. m. end 7:30 m Sanday-aohool every SnDday at o’clock. Senior Kpworth Leagoe at 6:30, p, at. ■InniorLeagoeatS:30,p.m. Prayermeet- Inr Thursday eyening at 7:30. K. A. Keagan, pastor. ft Methodist Episcopal church.—Seryioe the 6rst and third Sunday in each month Preaching at 11 o’clock a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 o’olook e. m. Ep- worth League at 6:30 p. m. W. H. Mynas. Pastor. l’ lsean-aaiAN C huboh .— Preeohleg eer- vicea 3nd and 4th Sundays, morning ard evening, Sunday School every Sunday at 10«. m. Christian Endeavor»ervioeaevery Monday at 6:30 n. m.. Miss Winnie Hell, President. Ladies’ Aid and Missionary Society meets every two weeks on Thors* days at 3 p. m. A cordial welcome is ei- fended to the publio to attend all our aer- aiees. A dolph H a d is l t , Pastor The W. C. T. V. meets every 1st end 3rd Friday at 3 p. m. at the Christian ohnreh. SariMTH D at A d t in t is t C huboh —Sab­ bath i seventh day) services: Sabbath aaheol 10 a. in.. Bible study 11 a. prarer meeting Tuesday evening 8 p.m., yeaag people’s meeting Friday, 8 p. m. All are invited to attend these meetings. C. H . BDNCH. Elder. (C oo« Bay News.) Superintendent Hennessy was in town yesterday from the Newport mine. H e reports everything live­ ly at the mine, with a large output of coal. Andrew Jackson, who left the bay a few years ago for Chehalis coun­ ty, Washington, is Democratic nom­ inee for sheriff, at the election be­ ing held today. The river steamer Wenona, which left hero last week for Astoria in tow of the Alliance, arrived in safe­ ly, though we learn from the Port­ land papers that the tow line part­ ed three times— twice at sea, and once while crossing the Columbia bar. A communication from the Soldiers’ Home in California, under date of Oct. 20, informs us of the death of C. F. Edmunds, who was a resident of Marshfield for many years. He was reported sick, a short time ago, but it was not thought that his illness would ter­ minate fatally. George Boone, while on the beach near the mouth of South slough, last week picked up an old cannon ball, weighing about 25 pounds. Old pistols and other arms of Spanish make have been found in this yieinity heretofore, and ev­ erything indicates that some Span­ ish war vessel entered Coos bay hnrbor long before its settlement by the whites. Frank Smith, superintendent of the Coos river hatchery, wae in town Thursday. Oyer 2,000,000 Chinook eggs had been taken up to that time, and he had no doubt but that he can easily get 0,000,000 eggs, which is the capacity of the hatchery. In fact he has made preparations to fertilize several million more eggs than the number stated above, and will take caro of them outside of the hatchery. The Coos river hatchery has proved to be one of the most successful in the state, and its capacity should be considerably increased. ------- ... «■ «»» « New Goods arriving every day at W . T. K err & Co.’s. Lsrd and Bacon at wholesale at the Coquille Valley Packing Co. Mens’ boys’ and children’s clothing, cheapest in town, at Lorenz’s. Large stock of Dry Goods, Laces and all Dress Trimmings at K err A C o.’s. V alley P a c k in g C o . $800 w ill buy a 200-acre Stock Kanch in Southern Coos, with plenty of outly ing Government land. J. J. S tanley . 1 - ....... ------------------- D o e s n 't S e s p r r t o ld age. It ’s shamefnl when youth fails to show proper respect for old ago but just the contray in the case of Dr. K in g ’s New L ife Pills. They cut off maladies no matter how sev­ ere and irrespective old age. Dys­ pepsia, Jaundice, Fever, Constipa­ tion all yield to this perfect Pill. 25c at R. S. Knowlton’s Drug Store. Any reader of this paper, sending 25 cents in silver, by postal note or in one and two cent stimps, will be sent The Daily Journal- one month; or The Sunday Journal two months; or the Semi-Weekly Journal three months; or the Weekly Journal four months, and in addition a match- lsafe filled with tacks, postage pre­ paid. Address The Journal, Port- and, Or. Salt Lake, Nov. 4.— Although the Uintah Indian Reservation in Northwestern Utah ia not to be thrown open for settlement until next March, already prospective settlers are beginning to camp on the boundaries of the reservation and trouble with "spooners” is an­ ticipated before the dat« of open­ ing, I t is estimated that at Ashley and Vernal COO men are waiting for N O T IC E . the opening. The reservation in­ cludes some of the richest farming AH persons knowing themselves and grazing lands in tbe state and to be indebted to tbe undersigned, is rich in minerals. are hereby notified that settlement must be made at once or the ac- conntss will be placed in tbe hands D isn a tra u s W r e c k s o f a collector and interest added. Carelessness is responsible for Z. C. S t r a n g . many a railway wreck and the same are making human wrecks of suffer­ Notice ers from Throat and Lu n g troubles. But since the advent of Dr. K in g’s W e the undersigned want it un­ New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, even the worst derstood that the tickets marked case can be cured, and hopeless res Dispatch and Favorite are not good gnation is no longer necessary on Str. Antelope, and that when such Mrs. Lois Cragg of Dorohester, tickets are purchased from Capt. Mass., is one of many- whose life Panter they will not be honored. was saved by Dr. K in g’s New Dis­ Signed: T hos . W h it e , covery. This great remedy is guar­ J o h n C . M o o m a w . anteed for all Throat and Lan g diseases by R. S. Knowlton, Drug­ gist. Prioe 50c, and $1.00 Trial Notice. bottle free. Notice is hereby given that my wife, Irene Smalley, has left my bed and board and therefore I will not be responsible for any debts she The Coquille City H i -. b a l d having may contract. D avid S m allkt . bought out the Coquille City Bulle­ tin and its business, and the two papers having been consolidated all sums that were due and owing Grass and Clover Hay baled and to the Bulletin on July 1, 1904, are delivered at Coquille or Bandon, now due and payable to the H e r a l d Or., for $11 per ton by Steamers and should be settled at once to Dispatch, Favorite or Liberty. give us a chance to get our accounts balanced up. The H e r a ld will ful­ A Bargain in a HOme. fill all obligations of the Bulletin in the matter of subscriptions. The Herald can make you a fine SPECIAL NOTICE. Hay! offer in the way of a home and W ANTED three of the finest garden lots in the Special Representative in this city, which the present crop will county and adjoining territories prove. A good wagon and team to represent and advertise an old- will be acceptible as part pay. established business house of solid financial standing. Salary $21 Mrs. David Fulton still has a weekly, with expenses advanced large lot of those fine Racine stock­ each Monday by check direct from in g feet for sale. headquarters. Horse and buggy “ The safe and reliable tiw n -. furnished when necessary; positioo screw permanent. Address Blew Bros. New and Speedy,. f i Co., Dept. A, Monon B ld g, Chicago, 111. Str. E lizabeth C. P. Jensen, M aster. In a trial in Judge Honoré’s courtroom recently Kickham Sean- ian, attorney for the plaintiff, offered to show the jury two half-dollars which had been alleged to be coun­ terfeit. “ Look at these, gentleman," he said to the jury. Then the lawyer vainly searched in his pockets. “ I must have spent them for luD ob,” declared Scnuiau, blushing. The missing evidence was not found. The ease was that of Dr. Kichard McClevev, 21(19 Jackson boulevard who is suing the Union Traction Company for $10,000 damages be­ cause a conductor refused his mon­ ey and called a policeman to arrest him as a counterfeiter. Tbe miss­ in g half-dollars were the coins re­ jected. Wil2 make regular trips between Notice is hereby given “ that all Coos County warrants” (on Gener­ al Fund) ondorsed prior tc October C o q u ille R iv e r and S a n F r a n c is c o . 1st, 1902, will lie paid on presenta­ tion at my office in Coquille City, N o S to p -o v e r at W a y Ports. Oregon. No interest will be allowed after Electric Lights. E verything in First- September 3llth, 1904, Class Style. J. B. D udley , Coos County Treasurer. Dated at Coquille City, Oregon, September 27, 1904. S tr, A re n ta r Capt. Nelson, M aster, R -I-P-A-N -8 Tabulee Doctors find A good prescription For mankind- Th e .r>-oent packet ia enongh for uanal oo- oaaions. The fam ily bottle (60 centa i con­ tains a supply for h year, A ll drnggiata sell them. ♦ «»» « W anted Will make regular trips between Coos B a y and San F ran cisco Carrying passengers and freight at lowest rates. AM ATEUR . I L L Till-: L I L I D I M ' . DH. I L K U S H A N D L E THE CELEBRATED Mair at R O T H C H IL D BROS, H a lf its Former Cost PO RTLAN D. OREGON. D IS T R IB U T O R S The fam ous Coquille Board of Trade Poco, B u ck -E y e 5C< and American J r . C A M E R A W ith D o u b le P late H o ld e r $ 1.60 A m e r ic a n C a m e ra s . W. T. K err , President. E. D. V. O. U. W ilson , Secretary. L, G e n u i n e l y go o d in every detail. Film or Plates as you choose. Absolutely new models. H. H azard , C. S perry , S anford , Vioe-President. Cor. Secretary Treasurer. Correspondence solicited from all wishing locations for yS Our facilities enable us to furnish cameras of the highest grade at prices which cannot be met. Industries of any kind. J . B. P O IN T E R , Send for illustrated catalogue telling a l l about our 27 styles and sizes. F r e e . C o q u ille , O re g o n . G enera! D ra y in g , T r a n s fe r in g and D e liv e rin g . O rd e rs fo r W ood P ro m p tly fille d . A M E R I C A N C A M E R A MFG. CO. 946 St. Paul St., Rochester, N. Y. PATENTS S p e c ia l O ffe r « L e a v e all o rd e rs at P. E . D ra n e ’s Meat M arket Coquille Furniture ^ From the office ot the Cosmopolitan M ag a j zine is published the ‘ ‘Twentieth Century Home,” a new magazine for women on new lines, printed on coated paper (toned), pro­ fusely illustrated and contributed to by more noted writers than any other periodical. An English publisher has ordered in advance ot publication 10,000 copies for the London mar­ ket. W e have made arrangements to buy a Business d ire ct -with Washington saves time, I limited number of annual subscriptions to this J . money an d often the patent. 1 new periodical, which we offer absolutely free Patent and Infringement Practice Exclusively. to our subscribers, new or old. Here is the M A N U F A C T U R E R S o f Butter Write or come to us at most generous offer ever made by an A men an D23 Ninth Street, opp. United States Patent Office, | Cabinets, newspaper: W A S H IN G T O N , D. C. P R O C U R E D A N D D E F E N D E D . S » n d m o d e l,l d ra w in g or ph< >to. fo r expert search and fre e report. | F re e advice, h o w to obtain patents, trade marks, I cop yrights, etc., |N A L L C O U N T R I E S . | I GASNOW! and BOX FACTORY 6- F is h & Son , Boxes, Cubes, Apple and Fru it Boxes Tables, Counters, Store Fronts, etc. Turning W ork a Specialty. All Orders given prompt Attention. The Twentieth Century Home, for one year (regular price $ 1 ),... FREE The Cosmopolitan Magazine, T o tlx e T3 n .icx fu .n .a ,te Gibbon T h is o ld r e lia b le and m ost sn ccessf a l spec­ ia list in San Frarois- co, s till co n tin u es to cure a ll S e x n a i and S e m in a l D iseases, such as Gonorrhes- G l e e t, S t r i o tu re, ¡S y p h ilis , in a ll it, informs, Skin Diseases, ¿ N e r v o u s D e b ility , Im p o ten c y , Sem inal Wenkness and Loss o f M anhood, the consequence o f self-abnse and excesses producing the follow in g sympa toms: Sallow countenance, dark spots un­ der the eyes, pain in the head, rin g in g in the ears, loss o f confidence, diffidence, in approaching stran gers, palpatation o f the heart, w eakness o f th e lirnbsand back, loss o f m em ory, pim p les on the face, conghs- consuniDtion e t c . for one year (regular price $1)....$1.00 This Paper for One Year, 52 numbers....................................$1.50 szszss Regular Price $3.50, All Three to the subscriber for...$2 50 G et your order in for a Winter Suit WHAT THE COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE GIVES. Single copies 10c. Annual subscription $1. _ The Cosmopolitan Magazine occupies a posi- sion distinctly its own. While giving great attention to fiction and entertainment— fifty short stories and one or more complete novels appear in its pages each yea r—it has a definite plan beyond. It may be likened to a great modern university, with a million and a halt student-readers. A year’s course embraces what is most important in the Scientific field, what is most interesting in Invention and Dis­ covery. what is most entertaining in Travel and adventure, what is most valuable in the W orld ->f Business. A portion of each num­ ber is edited with reference to the Woman of the World, another to the Woman ot the Home, and another to interest Youth, and D lt. G IB B O N has pra ctised in San Fran- still another for the Man of Affairs, covering oisoo over 41 yearsan j those troubled should equally the clerk just starting in life and the not fa il to cousnlt him and receive the ben­ captain ot industry. efit o f his grea t s k ill and experience. T h e doctor cures when oth ers fa il. T ry him. What the Twentieth Century Home Offers C U B E S G U A K A N T E E D . Persons cured Single copies 10c. Annual subscription $1. at hom e. C harges reasonable. Call or A magazine for Women, printed on fine write. D R . J . F . G IB B O N , coated paper (toned), beautifully illustrated. 629 Kearney street. San Francisco It will contain what is newest, if best, what is most useful, if new; what is most entertain­ ing, if helpful, what is most instructive, if in­ teresting. 1 have room on my book for only tw elve more ^ suits before the Holidays. | !« A homey magazine—each month helpful, practical and inspiring. F ull of fasci­ nating features; beautifully illus­ trated. A million readers. $1.00 per Year— 10 Cents a Copy. Deprives You of Your Dear Ones* Show your love for the one who is gone by providing a monument worthy the memory of that. one. A large monument or a »mall marker, whichever you choose at his place, will show the beat judg­ ment of first-class designers and workmen. TYPEWRITER. A F ree sample copy to all requesting. AGENTS WANTED Goon H ousekeeping wants a subscription representative in every city and town in the west. To those who will give all or a jHirtion of their time it offers attractive work and pays exceedingly liberal commis­ sions. It will pay you to investigate. A |H>stal card will bring particulars. W rite at once so .os to be the first in your field. COOS CO. MARBLE AND CRANITE WORKS Stewart & White Props. M A R S H F IE L D . OR. THE PHELPS PUBLISHING CO. Pacific Coast Office: -»9 C olumbian B uilding , S an F rancisco An Illustrated Magazine for the Family. Special Representative in this p r o p r ie t o r s . county and adjoining territories, S. D O W . Agent. S. O. CO Agent. to represent and advertise an old Empire. Marshfield. established business bouse o f solid financial standing. Salary $21 weekly, with Expenses advanced Str. W E L C O M E each Monday by check direct Prop O. Willard, Master, from headquarters. Horse and F O R S A L E "C H E A P — A scow buggy fatnisbed when necesary;| leaves I Arrives BANDON. OREGON. Myrtle Point 1:30 p - m . I Coquille C’y L-OO p - m . with bouse on it 15x30 feet. In­ position permanent. Address quire o f Geo. W. Leggett, River­ Blew Bros. A Co., Dept. A. Mon­ Coquille City 7:00 A*M. | Myttle P’t 10:00 a m . hroughbred cockerels from $1 up Connects with lower-river lw>ats at Coquille ton, Or. City for Bandon and intermediate (mint*. and eggs $1 per setting. on Bldg., Chicago,.III. P o u lt r y F a r m , J, R. Stillwell, FRED SLAGLE, Coquille, Oregon. Death’s Harvest GOOD HOUSEKEEPING REGON COAL & NAVIGATION GO. Ample barges for handling freight. Oregon. Photography for the A Queaion o f Tacks. —. Spent the Evidence for Lunch. Marshfield, W . P. Fu ller’s a preps prepared Paints, Oils and Varnishes at J. A. Lam b A Co.’s. and retail, quality guaranteed. C oquiLi.z Notice. PIANO DEALER, I f you want to buy a boat, call on or write Geo. M. H ite at Bandon. The Coquille Valley Packing Co. car­ sailed Nov. 8. Incoming: 50 tons ries a fine line of Berlin and minced hams. mdse. Outgoing: 200 M lumber, Geo. M. H ite is building boats for sale. 10 cords matchwood, 10,000 broom If you want auything in that line, write him at Bandon. squares, 25,000 broom handles, 20 Bacon, Hams and Lard at wholesale tone coal. Portland, N ot . 7.— The following passengers will sail from Astoria to­ morrow, Tuesday, morning at 10 on the steamer Alliance: Mrs D Strang, Mrs Edmunds, N A Bar­ rett, Mrs J Nelson, E L Crocker, Eaal W Pressley, Mrs Lockwood, Mrs J L Kronenburg, Mr and Mi-* Flaherty, J W Wright, Matilda Nelson, V Maury, W E Simondson. P McDonald, G A Adams, Steve Marrisi, Mike Belek, M Dudrick, 8 Mausiok, Luke Mausick, Jacob Clausen, for North Bend. Mise Glaeon, Hilda Frederickson, Ruby Marx, It Catumell, for North Bend. E. M. FU R M A N , Largest stock of Clothing and Gents’ Furnishing Goods at L orenz’s. The only perfect writing machine made. The writing is in plain view o f the operator all the time— simplest and strongest construction, rapid action, easy touch, adapted to all kinds ot work— best for tabulating and invoice work, universal k ey­ board, removable type action, in­ stantly cleaned. Treble the life of any other machine for good, clean work. Send for Catalogue. PITTSBURG WRITING MACHINECo 20$ WOOD St Pittsburi, Ps Telephono. Main 1*38. ROSEBURG-MYKlLE POINT- TAGE LINE O ’ B. FENTON. PROPRIETOR Sddle Horses of best quality always on hand. Good Rigs in readi- nes for special trips. In fact, a geeneral Stage and Livery business. Accommodations for Taveling men a specialty