M y rtle P oin t Jottings. Semi-Weekly Herald Among the happenings at this PUBLISHED KVHHY TUESDAY place we note the following: Urs. Allan Baker (nee Graham) AND FRIDAY. left on last Friday to join her hus­ D- F. DEAN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR band near Crescent City, Cal. Mrs. C. Lockwook and two chil. County Official Paper. dren went on the Breakwater en Devoted to ib e material and social up­ route to their new home three miles building o f the Ooqnille Valley particularly from Santa Rosa, California. She and of Cooa Oonnty generally. 'ear. in advanoe, $2.00 will be joined later by Mr. Lock- inbaoription. parvear. wood. They are to engage in poul­ Church Directory. try raising. C hbistiam C hobob . — Pleaching every Snnday at 11 a. io . and 7jfi0 p. m. Sunday «obool at 10 a. in. Christian Endeavor at 0:30 p .m . Prayer meeting every WednM. day evening at 7:30. All oordiallv invited. Episoopnl Chnrob.—Epifloopal aervioes will be held at St. James ehoreh, Coqnille ODy the third Sunday In eaoh month. Sunday sohool at 10 a. ro . eaoh aanday. Wm. Horne fall, Pastor. W E. Church, South: Preaching eaoh and every Sundays at 11 a. ra. and 7:30 p. m Sundny-school every Sunday at 10 n clock- Senior Epworth Leagne at 6:30, p. . .Junior League at 3:30,p. m. Prayermeet mg Thursday evening at 7:30. R. A. Reagan, pastor. Methodist Episcopal chnrch.—Servioe the first and third Snnday In eaoh month Preaohing at 11 o'clock a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Snnday school at 10 o’clock a. m . Kp- wortb Leagne at 6:30 p. m. W . H. livaaa. Pastor. P rksbytkbian Oilmen.— Presohlng eer- vices 2nd and 4th Sundays, morning ard i-vening, Snnday School evary Snnday at 10 n. m. Christian Endeavor aervicea every S u n d a y at 0:30 p. m.. Miaa Winnie Hall, I resident. Ladies’ Aid and Missionary i n.detv meats every two weeks on Tbnrs- e n v sa ti! p. ro. A cordial welcome is ei- t i ded to the pnblio to attend all onr Ber­ nices. A ikjlph H abbblt , Pastor The W. C. T. U. meets every 1st and 3rd Kridav B|3 p. m. at the Christian ohnroh. devKSTH D ay A d y b s t is t C hcbcih —Sab- lnth t seventh dav) services; Sabbath chor.l 10 n. m.. Bible study 11 a. m., prnyer meeting Tuesday evening 8 p. ro., voting meeting Friday, 8 p. m. All are invited to attend these meetings. C. H . BUNCH. Elder. people’s (Daily Coast Mail.) John F. Hall started Saturday for Uoseburg where he will argue a case before Judge Hamilton. A family reunion was held at Mr. T. M. Hermann’s on the South Fork on Sunday the 23rd. In days gone by the old Hermnun place was noted for its hospitality, and friend or stranger always found a warm wel­ come. That was in the days of Dr. Hermann, so widely known all over the country. His cloak seems to Lave fallen on the shoulders of liis son Manel, and now his elegant residence is completed, even its commodious walls are sometimes taxed to contain the many friends who so enjoy a visit there. those present on this oc­ were: T. M. Hermann and wife, Cass Hermann and wife, Mrs. Harry Hermann, Clay Dement and Mrs. Carrie Hermann. F. P. Hermann, Edwin Sehroeder and wife, Edward Bender and wife, Ern­ est E. Bender and wife, Mrs. Anna Bender (Grandma), Mrs. H. G. Ploeger, of Marshfield, Ernest Her­ mann and wife, Misses Myrtle, Neta, Clara, Lois, Ana, Edua, Zelia, Nellie, Marie and Neva Hermann. Masters Willie, Herbert, Ellis Hermann and Tommy Dement. A fine dinner was served, after which several photos were taken, one especially where Mrs. Bender and four of her brothers were taken in a group. AmoDg casion wife, BUSINESS NOTIES Five bars Napthol Soap 25c at Lor­ enz's. New Goods arriving overy day at W. T. Kerr A Co.’s. Largest stock ol Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods at Lorenz’s. Lard and Ilacon at wholesale at the Coquille Valley Packing Co. If you want to buy a boat, call on or write Geo. M. Hite at Bandon. Mens’ lioys’ and children’s clothing, cheapest ill town, at Lorenz’s. Large stock of Dry Goods, Laces and all Dress Trimmings at Kerr & Co.’s. W. P. Fuller’s prepared Paints, Oils and Varnishes at J. Á. Lamb & Co.’s. The Coquille Valley Packing Co. car­ ries a fine line of Berlin and minced hams. Geo. M. Hite is building Units for sale. If you want anything in that line, write him at Bandon. Bacon, Hams and Lard at wholesale and retail, quality guaranteed. Coqi'iu.B V allry P acking Co. Why, your mother, your own mother. Such affection could come from no other, In sunshine or rain, in pleasure or pain, The one you loved lieat was your mother. Marshfield, Half its Former Cost T he and American J r . CAMERA With Double Plate Holder teceive copy mailed to them post!!"8* that Tc“U*f an,d. Invocation 111 Str. A rentnr Capt. Nelson. Master, W ill m ake regular trips between 1 ¿ n tP A .O s / f' A DISTRIBUTORS PORTLAN D . OREGON. G e n u i n e l y g ood in every detail. Film or Plates as you choose. Absolutely new models. J. B. P O IN T E R , Coquille, Oregon. G e n e ra l D ra yin g , T ra n s fe rin g and O r d e rs fo r W o od P ro m p tly filled . L e a v e all o rd e rs at P. -~ m Osborn & Co’s Mill, Bandon, Krewson & Goodman, of Coquille, 4 x 5 POCO 946 St. Paul St., Rochester, N. Y. PATENTS S p e c ia l O ffe r« From the office ot the Cosmopolitan Muga zine is published the ‘ "Twentieth Century PR OC U R ED AND DEFENDED. Home,” a new magazine for women on new drawing or im oto.for expert search and free report. ■ Free advice, how to obtain patents, trade niarju, I lines, printed on coated paper (toned), pro­ copyrights, etc., |N ALL C O U N T R I E S . P illustrated and contributed to by more Business direct with Washington saves time , I fusely noted writers than any other periodical. An money and often the patent. English publisher has ordered in advance ot iuhlication 10,000 copies for the London mar- ;et. We have made arrangements to buy a limited number of annual subscriptions to this Patent and Infringement Practice Exclusively. new periodical, which we offer absolutely free Write or com o to us at 623 Ninth Street, opp. United States Patent Office, | to our subscribers, new or old. Here is the W ASHIN GTON , D. C. ______ most generous offer ever made by an American newspaper: The Twentieth Century Home, for one year (regular price $1),... FREE The Cosmopolitan Magazine, o t ï i e "U m o r tia .r i.a t e for one year ( regular price $1).....$1.00 This Paper for One Year, 52 n u m b ers......................................... $1.50 Bond model. I AGENTS. Will tako orders for lumber of all kinds and in quantities to purchasers. GASNOW Dr. Gibbon T his old relia b le and most su ccessfu l spec­ ialist in San Francis­ co, still con tin u es to cure all S ex u e! and S em inal Diseases, as Gonorrhes- i c fcu re, n all Diseases, e r v o n a D ebility, Im potency, Seminal Weakness and Loss of Manhood, the consequence o f self-abuse and excesses producing the following sympa toraR: Sallow countenance. dark spots un­ der the eyes, pain in the head, ring;ng in tne ears, loss o f confidence, diffidence, in approaching strangers, palpatationof the heart, weakness o f t he limbs and back, loss of m em ory, pim ples on the face, conghs- oonsum ntion e t c . Regular Price $3.50, A ll T hree to the subscriber f o r . . . $2.50 WHAT THE COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE GIVES. Single copies 10c. Annual subscription $1 The Cosmopolitan Magazine occupies a po i- sion distinctly its own. While giving gr< it attention to fiction and entertainment—fifty short stories and one or more complete novels appear in its pages each year—it has a definite plan beyond. It may be likened to a great modern university, with a million and a halt student-readers. A year’s course embraces what is most important in the Scientific field, what is most interesting in Invention and Dis­ covery. what is most entertaining in Travel an 1 adventure, what is most valuable in the World »f Business. A portion o f ’ each num­ ber is edited with reference to the Woman of the World, another to the Woman ot the Horae, and another to interest Youth, ami DR. has practised in San Fran still another for the Man of Affairs, covering oisco over 41 yearsan j those trculdcd should equally the clerk just starting in life and the not fail to cousult him and receive the ben­ captain ot industry. efit o f his great akil 1 and experience. The doctor cures' when others fail. Try him. What the Twentieth Century Home Offers CURES G U A R A N T E E D . Persons cured at hom e. Charges reasonable. Call or Single copies 10c. Anuual subscription $1. write. D R . J . F . GIBBON, A magazine for Women, printed on fine coated paper (toned), beautifully illustrated. 62*1 Kearney street. San Francisco It will contain what is newest, if best, what is most useful, if new; what is most entertain­ ing, if helpful, what is most instructive, if in­ teresting. and BOX FACTORY J- E. 8. DEAN, President. $1.00 per Year—10 Cents a Copy. & Son, Coquille Valley Packing Company (Successors to Johnson, Dean A Co.) C a p it a l $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 . Priueipal place of business Myrtle Point, - - Oregon A general packing business carried on. The best meats the country can produce always on hand. Highest eash price paid for beef, pork, mutton, chickens, etc. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: A. DAVENPORT, D. H. JOHNSON, WM. SLINGSBY, E. S. DEAN E. E. DAVENPORT. Death’s Harvest Deprives You of Your Dear Ones. Show your love for the one who is gone by providing a monument worthy the memorv of that one. A large monument or a small marker, whichever you ehoose at his place, will show I he l est judg­ ment of first-class designers and workmen. T Y P E WRI T E R . A F ree sample copy to all requesting. AGENTS WANTED riorsi- keeping (»oop wants a subscription representative in every city nnd town in the west. To those who will give all or a portion of their time it offers attractive work and pays exceedingly lil>eral commis­ sions. It will pay you t«> investigate. A |H>»tAl card will bring particulars. Write at once so as to be the first in your field. Fish D. H. JOHNSON, E. F. DAVENPORT, Vice President. Secretary. GOOD A homey magazine—each month helpful, practical and inspiring. Full of fasci­ nating features; beautifully illus­ trated. A million readers. G- MANUFACTURERS of Butter Boxes, Cubes, Apple and Fruit Boxes Cabinets, Tables, Counters, Store Fronts, etc. Turning Work a Specialty. All Orders given prompt Attention. it, GIBBON Buit Ooquille Furniture I J, R. Stillwell, E. D ra n e ’s M eat M a rk e t V AMERICAN C A M E R A MFG. CO. Coos Bay and PUBLISHING CO. San Francisco THE PHELPS Pacific Coast Office: D e live rin g . F R O M Send for illustrated catalogue telling a ll about our 27 styles and sires. F r e e . T KO THCH ILD BROS L U M B E R paid weekly; expense money ad­ For mankind. vanced; commission extra; perman­ The 5-eent packet is enough for nsnal oc- I oasions. The family bottle (fin cental con­ ent engagement; Business success­ tains a snpply for « year. All dragRists r*9 C olu m bia n B u il d ix g , S an F ran cisco C arrying passengers ami freight at sell them. ful; previous experience not essen­ lowest rates. An Illustrated Magazine for the Family. tial; inclose self-addressed envelope W a n te d OREGON COAL & NAVIGATION CO. Address, Superintendent Travelers, Special Representative in this PROPRIETORS. 325 Dearlwrn street, Chicago. county and adjoining territories, F 8 D O W . A gen t. 3 . O CO.. A gent. Sept 20-12 t to represent and advertise an old M arshfield. ! E m pire. NOTICE. established business house of solid -------- - financial standing. Salary $*21 Poultry Farm, All persons kuowing themselves weekly, with Expenses advanced S tr. W E L C O M E | to be indebted to the undersigned, each Monday bv check direct O. Willard, M.wter, Prop are herebv notified that settlement from headquarters. Horse and leaves | Arrive* Myrtle Point 1 :.*W P-M. : (-nquUleC’y 1:00 p - m . i must be made at oDce or the ac- buggy Furnished when BANDON. OREGON. Coquille t'ity 7:00 A-M. ( Myitle B't 10:00 a - m . count»« will be placed in the hands position permanent. Address l/oimect* with lower-river lw»aU :«t Coqnille j hroughbre d coekevels from $1 op of a collector and interest added, yllew Bros. Co., Dept A. Mou- C it® fnr Bandon and intermediate imint« and Epsra $1 per setting. » ’ Ltd* hanr** f**r hamlHnr frriuM K. A trano . rift Bldg., Chieago.HL Decesary; American Cameras. Our facilities enable us to furnish cameras of the highest grade at prices which cannot be met. ( V fa m o u s Poco, Buch-Eye ---- »<« ►.—------------ Price 50 cents per copy. Notice C o q u ille R iver and San Readers of our paper, by sending 25 cents in postage stamps to the F r a n c is c o . Notice is hereby given to the | Theatrical Music Supply Co., 44 ! public that Mary kosta, my wife, N o S to p -o v e r at W a y Ports. West 28th street, New York, will has left my bed aud board without j a and E lect»ic L ights. E verything in First- Class Style. r I will not id any way be re-1 | Bponsible for her acts and hereby W anted Quickly, to 1 warn a11 her on my /> E. / !. /•: ns HANDLE THE CELEBRATED at “A short time ago I was taken with a violent attopk of diarrhcea and belibve I would have died if I bad not gotten relief,” says John J. Patton, a leading citizen of Patton, Alabama. “ A friend recommonded Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I bought a twenty-five cent bottle and after taking three doses of it was entirely cured. I consider it the best reme­ dy in the world for bowel com­ plaints. For sale by R. S. Kuowl- ton. Str. Elizabeth Oregon. Magnolia Whisky AM ATEUR y FOR SALE CHEAP— A scow with house on it 15x30 feet. In­ Notice is hereby given “ that all quire of Geo. W. Leggett, River­ Coos County warrants” (on Gener­ ton, Or. al Fund) endorsed prior tc October 1st, 1902, will lie paid on presenta­ U 0 “ The eafe and reliable tiw n - tart tion at my office in Coquille City, screw Oregon. ® ^ C T h e New and Speedy No interest will be allowed after September 30tb, 1904, J. B. D cllky , Coos County Treasurer. C. P. Jensen, M aster. Dated at Coquille City, Oregon, W ill m ake regular trips between September 27, 1904. - Photography fo r the V io le n t A ttiie li ot lllnrrlliM -n C lir e - «■<1 li I li u in l,e r In I n 'v C o lic , c u t iintl I tlg r r lto c u It c m c t ly n ii'l tVrlni|*9i a l .i l c N n vctl. Notice. - A U . T H E L E A D PAG We the undersigned want it un­ derstood that the tickets marked Dispatch and Favorite are not good on Str. Antelope, and that when such tickets are purchased from Capt. Panter they will not be honored. Signed: T h os . W h it e , J ohn C. M oomaw . * few persons «g**nHt trusting , . . , , whole­ , , ! account. F rank K osta . represent . long-established sale house among retail merchants R-I P-A-N-S Tabules nnd agents; local territory of few Doctors fimi counties. $18 salary and expenses A good prescription PIANO DEALER, Notice Major Kinney arrived in town H ay! from Roseburg Saturday morning. Mrs. Ploeger, who has been visit­ He returns again tomorrow after Grass and Clover Hay baled and cleaning up important business ing Mr. Bender for several days, re­ delivered at Coquille or Bandon, turned to her Marshfield home on which awaited him here. Or., for ?11 per ton by Steamers W. R. Davis and John Swanson Tuesday. Dispatch, Favorite or Liberty. Mr. Brown, the new M. E. hove leased the Flanagan coal mine west of town and will place the coal preacher from North Dakota, oc­ LAND FOR SALE. on the Marshfield market. This cupies the Rev. Holcomb’s house on coal is of excellent quality for do. the hill. -------------- » «■» s--------------- 360 acres unimproved Bottom me8tio use and was eagerly sought S ic k I l n u U i l i P Land—3 miles from Coquille City. after when it was on the market “For several yeers my wife was A fine investment. For prices and here several years ago. These gen­ troubled with what physicians call­ terms apply at M. A. Pierce’s store. tlemen will undoubtedly make a ed sick headache of a very severe success of their venture. character. She doctored with sev­ A Big Real Estate Bargain. - ---- -------------------- eral emintnt physicians and at a Lumber for Panama. Two hundred acres with 7,000, great expense, only to grow worse 000 fine standing tim ber, 3,000,000 Bellingham, Wash., Oct. 24.—The untill she was vnable to do any kind of which can be handlogged. Good About a year ago she first order for lumber on the Pana­ ot work. house and barn, 70 acres in grass ma Canal construction has been re­ began taking Chamberlains Stom­ and pood orchard. A big bargain ceived by Bellingham mills, and it ach and Liver Tablets nnd today — at $15 per acre. Call on H krai . d . is said to be the forerunner of en­ weighs more than she ever did lie- A Bargain in a HOme. ormous quantities required on the fora and is real well,’’ says Mr. isthmus. A little more than 2,000,- Geo. E. Wright o f New London, The Herald can makeiyou a fine For sale by R. S. 000 feet will be supplied in the in­ New York, offer in the way of a home and Knowlton. itial consignment, intended for con­ three of the finest garden lots in the struction of houses along the canal city, which the present crop will W ANTED route. Shipment will begin at an Special Representative in this prove. A good wagon and team early date and delivery will be county and adjoining territories will be acceptible as part pay. made at Ancon. The mills will be­ gin cutting the order immediately. to represent and advertise an old- C h o le r a 1 li lm i t ii iu . One vessel is expected within the established business house of solid This disease has lost its terrors Salary f ‘21 next few days. It is believed that financial standing. since Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera the entire amount of lumber Deeded weekly, with expenses advanced and Dia.’rhcea Remedy came into for the canal will be supplied from each Monday by check direct from general use. The uniform success Horse and buggy which attends the use of this reme­ the North Pacific Coast. Admiral headquarters. dy in all cases of bowel complaints Walker announced the result of the furnished when necessary; position in children has made it a favorite permanent. Address Blew Bros. bids.—Telegram. wherever its value has become ------- -*«a* - --------- A Co., Dept. A, Monon Bldg., known. For safe by R. S. Knowl­ “Y o u r M other.'' Chicago, 111. ton. We have just received one of the most benutiful home songs that has of late come to this office. It is called “ Your Mother,’ ’ written by J. T. Rider. This is a song that everybody ought to sing. Chorus: E. M. FURMAN, COOSiCO. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS Stewart & White Props. M A RSH FIE LD , OR. The only perfect wtiting machine made. The writing is in plain view ' of the operator all the time—simplest i and strongest construction, rapid! action, easy touch, adapted to all I kinds of work—best for tabulating and invoice work, universal key­ board, removable type action, in-| stantly cleaned. Treble the life of) any o'.her machine for good, clean 1 work. Send for Catalogue. PITTSBURG WRITING MACHINECo *n« WOOD It . Pltlik.rf, r. Telephone, Main 238. ROSEBURG-MYR s l E p o in t - 1TAGE LINE B. FENTON. PROPRIETOR Sddle Horses of best quality always on hand. Good Rigs in readi­ ngs for special trips. In fact, a geeneral Stage and Livery business Aoenmwiodationa for Taveling tnstia sperialt? r