I C oquillors at A lb a n y C ollege. L o w e r R iver Item s. E m tor H erald : Thinking that Don’t forget tho dance at River­ you would like to know what the ton Saturday night. Miss Hazel McPhail visited at Coos county students are doing at FRIDAY, OCT. 28, 1W04. Albany college I take the liberty to Norway the first of the week. submit tho following short report: J. L. Bean had the misfortune to The P a ck in g C om pany. Miss Gladys Eaton, of Sitkum, is get his right hand badly burned here taking her second years' work. with gas at Timmons’ mines near Tbe Coquille Co-operative Com­ She registered in the fourth year pany of Coquille is meeting with Lamps Creek last Tuesday. preparatory class in the classical Among the visitors at Bandon much encouragement course. Bertha Wilkins, o f Ban­ This Coquille Co-Operative Pack­ Monday were R. Pomeroy, S. Bean don, and Nellie Kerrigan, of Co. ing Company is a company which ia and Mr. Graham, Parkersburg’s quille, have registered in the nor­ being organized to manufacture esteemed citizens. mal courso and are doing excellent preserved edibles out of the raw Miss Mamie Bogard, of Lamps work. John F. Leggett, of River­ products bf Oregon, and will oper­ Creek, is the guest of Mrs. Hansen, ton, and Edward B. Tilton, of Ban­ ate upon the following plan: that of Parkersburg. don, have registered in the classical it will pay the prevailing prices up­ The new residence of Mr. H. course, Mr. Tilton taking advanced on raw products, and will equally Clemens will soon be completed. work. Hiram G- Nettleton and share with the produoer the profits Jim Vowed was on the lower Roy Morgan, both of Coquille, were which result from the sale of the river Monday on business. the first to enter the college from manufactured article, after the cost Coos county this year. Mr. Nettle- of manufacture and marketing are Christian Church N otes. ton registered in the commercial deducted. The revival refused to close and course and Mr. Morgan in the classi­ This company expects to go into a substitute was secured for Mr. cal course. Mr. Morgan was elected the canning of peas, corn, fruits, the Bower at Albany and the meetings athletic editor of the College drying and evaporating of apples, will continue until Sunday. There Student, a paper published by the canning of salmon, shipment of have been twenty additions to date students oi frit) college. He was Steel-hoad saftaon, curing of pork. There will be no service Saturday, also elected chief clerk of the Sen­ Considerable misaprehension is but there will bo three on Sunday, ate, one of the young men’s literary undergone over the connection including a meeting for men only societies, and vice president of the which it has with the Century Mer­ at 3 p. m., at which a male choir Albany College Prohibition league. cantile Company of San Francisco, will furnish the music. In athletic circles he succeeded in through whose instrumentality the making left guard on the college N o C om prom ise P o ssib le . company is being organized, and it foot ball team. E. B. T. London, Oct. 25.— Upon his re­ is well to explain the connection turn to London last night Count carefully. F R A T E R N A L ORDERS. The Century Mercantile Com­ Benckendorff, the Russian embassa­ dor, was set upon by a mob, and nar­ pany is a co-operative merchandise Q0QUILLE LODGE, NO. 53, I. 0. 0. F. company through which its mem­ rowly escaped assault. He eluded Meets e v e r y Saturday night. bers may purchase their supplies in the mob at Victoria Station, and G eo . T. M oulton , N. G. San Francisco, at wholesale prices, drove in a gallop to the embassy, J. S. L a w r e n c e , S e c ’ v. and thus save middlemen profits. the rabble following to the very Q0QUILLE ENCAMPMENT, NO. 25, I. 0. 0. F. Members of it may also market gates. A strong police guard was Meets the first and third Thursday their imperishable products, suob at once thrown around the embassy nights in each month. L. H. H a z a r d , C. P. as packed butter, wool, hams and for Count Benckendorff’s protection. I. H a c k e k , Scribe. The Ambassador at once prepared bacons, packed pork, salt salmon, a dispatch to his home government |y|AMIE REBEKAH LODGE, NO. 20. hides, and canned goods. Meets the second and fourth Wednes­ The Century Mercantile Company describing the incident, which is re­ day nights in each month. seeks to establish the Coquille Co­ garded as greatly enhancing the Mas. K a t h r y n S l a o l e , N. G. operative Packing Company in Co­ acuteness of an already critical M r s . M a m ie S l a o l e , S ec’ y . quille, merely as a local outlet for situation. QHADWICK LODGE, NO. 68, A. F. 1 A. M London, Oct. 25.—It is stated ils members of the Coquille valley, Meets the Saturday night on or be­ or rather ns a means of establishing this morning that the situation fore the full moon. Da. W. C u l in , W. M. itself ns a reliable medium through growing out of the North sea inci­ J. J. L a m b , Sec’y. which the people of the Coquille dent has already been adjusted in The Russians have gEULAH CHAPTER, NO. 6, 0. E. S. valley may market their products. principle. Meets next Friday night. The financial standing of the Cen­ agreed to make every amend within M r s . K a t h r y n S la g l e , W . M. tury Company may be learned from reason, but desire to make a full re­ ---------------, Sec’y. port, however. any banker. It is an outgrowth of London, Oct. 25.— Queen Alex­ IjrCURCUS LODGE, NO. 72, K. P. and successor to the old “Home Meets the second and fourth Tuesday Supply Association,” as the Home andria has sent the may-or of Hull nights each month in Odd Fellows’ hall. ono hundred pouuds for the wid­ Library and Supply Association was N. O. M e d l e y , C. 0 . formerly called: It has been doing ows and children o f the fishermen R. H. M a s t , K . R. S. business for over twenty years, ‘‘who lost their lives in the recent QOQUILLE LODGE, NO. 127, A. 0. U. W. never once changing its staff of disaster.” Her Majesty in the mes­ Meets the second and fourthWednes- officers. The Century company has sage asks for a report of the prog­ dav nights of each month in W . O. W . hall. absorbed the smaller co-operrtive ress of the wounded. 2S2528! Semi-Weekly Herald endeavors which were struggling R aid M a d e on L otteries. for existence on the coast for years, New Nork, Oct. 25.—A series of and since the anti-trust agitation of raids have been made by represent­ the last few years, the consumers of atives of District Attorney Jerome’s the coast have subscribed to it in office. They seized $100,000 worth large numbers, andare rapidly mak­ of lottery tickets, arrested six men ing of it a trust company of con­ and one woman, who are residents sumers. of lower East Side. Tho prisoners The Coquille Co-operative Pack­ are charged with selling tickets to ing Company will be made up of wholesale peddlers. Coquille citizens as soon as reliable gentlemen can be Becured. It will Steam er Notes. be an independent corporation. Steamer Elizabeth sailed Oot. Tho usual resources of the Co­ ‘22nd. Outgoing: E Wolter. D S quille valley should make a favored McClustoer, F A Hunt, Geo Far- location of this city for the estab­ rier, W A Dickson and wife, Wrn lishment of a packing company A Cox, Andrew Hansen, Mrs N R Such a company should run the Smith, Miss Francis Smith, Gus year round and supply the people Brewer, J K McLeod, R Herapel. with constant employment. It will 200 M lumber; 100 tons mdse. bring thousands of dollars worth of Steamer Chico, sailed Oct. 22. improvements here. Outgoing cargo: 150 M lumber; We earnestly trust that the people 1500 cases salmon; 60 head cattle of tho surrounding country take shipped by Knight