B ancroft Item s. B U S IN E S S N O T IE S . The smoky atmosphero is now Five bars Napthol Hasp 85c at Lor- pervaded in some places by tho odor enz's. New Goods arriving every day at W, T. PUBLISHED BVERY TUESDAY of dying prunes. D. Barker is hau ling his surplus Kerr A Co.’ s. AND FRIDAY. McDonald has a fresh supply of Her- grain to Remote. picide and Hair Tunica. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Waterman D F- DEAN. EDirOR AND PROPRIETOR Largest stock of Clothing and Gents’ have another bouncing boy who Furnishing Gooda at Lorenx’a. I-ard and Bacon at wholesale at the Countv Official Paper. came to them in the early morning Coquille Valley Packing Co. Devoted to the material and gooial up­ of September 17 and was made wel­ It you want to buy a boat, call on or building o f the Coquille Valley particularly come. Mother and child are doing write Geo. M. Hite at Bandon. i»n4 o f Gooa County generally. Subscription, per.year, in advance, $2.00 well. Mens’ boys’ a id children's clothing, Semi-Weekly Herald Grandma Fish has been some­ cheapest in town, at Lorenz’s. Skeleton collars and fixtures,and fancy what ailing since she came up to the hand trimmings at Mrs. Batch’ s. C h r is t ia n C h u i c h . — Pleaching every ranch. Large stock o( Dry Goods, Laces anil Huiiday at 11 a. 10 . and 7:90 p. m. Hunday school at 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor at G. W. Crunk, sr., and his wife all Dress Trimmings at Kerr A C o.’ s. E. M. FU R M AN , PIANO DEALER, Marshfield, - - Oregon. Church Directory* 0:90 p. m . Prayer meeting every Wedn sa­ tiny evening at 7:30. All cordially invited. Episcopal Church.—Episoopal services w ill bo held at St. James church, Coquille C ity the third Sunday in each month. Sunday school at 10 a. m. each Sunday. Wm. Horse fa 11, Pastor W. P. Fuller’s prepared Paints, Oils were visiting old friends and neigh­ and Varnishes . Lamb A C o.’s. bors on Myrtle Creek last week. The Coquille Valley Packing Co. car­ Miss Etta Bryant closed a suc­ ries» fine line of Berlin and minced hams. cessful term of school in Rock Bacon, hams and lard, wholesale or retail, at the Coquille Valley Packing M E. Church, South: Preaching each Creek district last Wednesday. Co.’s market. and every Sundays at 11 a. ra. and 7:30 Mr. Camp, who came to this Geo. M. Hite is building Imats for sale. m . Sunday-school every Sunday at 'f t o ’ clo ck . Senior Epworth League at 6:30, p. If you want anything in that line, write county last November, started on m. JnnlorLeagae at3:30,p. in. Prayermeet- him at Bandon. ng T hursday eyening at 7:30. the return journey last Friday. The Coquille Valley Packing Co. will R. A. Reagan, pastor. He expects to stop in Texas before pay the highest cash price (or beef, Methodist Episcopal church.—8ervice mutton and pork. the first and third Sunday in each month going to his old borne in Louisiana. Preaching at 11 o’ clock a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 o’clock a. m. Ep­ worth League at 6:30 p. m. W. H. M ybbh . Pastor. P bcsbttbbiam C hubcii .—Preachi»g eer vices 2nd and 4th Sundays, morning ard evening, Sunday School every Sunday at 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor services every Sunday at 6:30 p. m., Miss Winnie Hall. President. Ladies’ Aid and Miaaionary Society meats every two weeks on Thurs­ days at 2 p. n>. A cordial welcome is ex­ tended to the public to attend all our ser- uices. A oolph H abbblt , Pastor Vegederma, Herpicide, Quinine Tonic Crunk and Fish expect to begin ami everything in these lines at McDon­ ald’s barber shop. filling their silo soon. Bacon, Hams ami Lard at wholesale Italph Winningham has moved and retail, quality guaranteed. CoquiLLE back to bis old neighborhood, hav­ V alley P acking C o . ing bought the Reece Eudicott We guarantee first-class work at rea sonable prices at the Coos Bay Steam place. Laundry. N. L orenz , Agent. Some of our young people at­ The Coquille Valiev Packing Company tended the entertainment at Bridge wholesales anil retails Bacon, Hams and Lard and guarantees the quality. Saturday night and report a good The W. C. T. U. meets every 1st and 3rd $800 will buy a 200-acre Stock Ranch Friday at 2 p. m. at the Christian ohurch. time. in Southern Coos, with plenty of outly i In a recent issue of the Mjrtle Point Enterprise was mentioned the fnct that a porcupine had been killed on tho upper river, and the claim made that it was the only one ever found in this part of the state, to which we replied that there was a mounted specimen of the "bird" in our office which was killed at I'nrkersburg, and the Enterprise comes back at us and tells the peo­ ple how painfully ignorant we are to call a porcupine a bird, eto. This is too had. We are exceed­ ingly sorry and hope some good Samnritan will keep the smell bot­ tle unil fan in action until our ex­ planation reaches tho editor of that sheet. As a matter of course, Brother Roberts, we did not mean that we had a feathery foul we called a porcupine, but that it is really a four-footed animal (hvstrix crystata) weighing something less than a thousand pounds, with bristles on its back equal to those on your own, but with ears that would not compare in size. N lrh llr a ila r b r “ For sevoral yeers my wife was troubled with wliat physiciaus call ed sick headache of a very severe character. She doctored with sev­ eral eminent physicians and at a great expense, only to grow woree untill she was enable to do any kind of work. About a year ago she began taking Chamberlain's Stom­ ach and Liver Tablets nnd today weighs more than she ever did be­ fore and is real well,” says Mr. Geo. E. Wright o f New London, New York, For sale by R. S. Knowlton. Notice We the undersigned want it un­ derstood that the tickets marked Dispatch and Favorite are not good on Str. Antelope, and that when such tickets are purchased from Capt. Panter they will not be honored. Signed: T hos . W h it e , J o h n C. M o o m a w . in g Government land. J . J . S t a n l e y . A cheap job is dear at ant price. We do only first class work. Send or bring us your watch work and it will be done right. W ilson J ew elt C o ., “ The Reliable Jewelers.” Hay! Grass and Clover Hav baled and delivered at Coquliie or Bandon, Or., for $11 per ton by Steamers Dispatch, Favorite or Liberty. W. T. Kerr & Co. keep the Mc­ Call patterns. V io le n t A tta c k o i D ia rrh o e a C u r e - 'd 1*1 C h a m b e r la in ’ s C o lic , era a m i D ia rr h o e a R cined j- s n d P e r h a p s a l.ile Navert. BLACK - DRAUGHT STO CK POULTRY M E D IC IN E Stock and j ultry have few trouble« which are uot bowel and l i v e r irregularities. Black- Draught Stock and Poultry Medi­ cine is a bowel and liver remedy f„r stock, it put« the organ» of digestion in a perfect condition. Prominent American breeder« and farmars keep their Lord« ami flock« healthy by giving them an occa­ sional dose of lilacs-Ifraught Stock and Poultry Medicine in their food . Any stock raiser may buy a 25-cent half-pound air-tight can of thia medicine from his dealer and keep his stock in vigorous health for weeks. Dealers gener­ ally keep Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine. If your» doe« not. »end 25 cents for a sample can to the manufacturers. The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat­ tanooga. Term. R ochbllb . G a ., Jan. 30, 1901. Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine is the best I ever tried. Our stock was looking bad when you sent me the medicine and now they a:-e getting so flue. They are looking 20 per cent, better. 8- P. BROOKINGTOW. S p e c ia l O ffe r s From the office ot the Cosmopolitan Maga xine i* published the *‘Twentieth Century Home,” a new mugazine for women on new lines, printed on coated paper (toned), pro­ fusely illustrated and contribute«! to by more noted writers than any other ¡>eriodica1. An Knglixh publisher has ordered in advance ot iuhlication 10,000 copies for the Loudon mar- ;et. We have made arrangements to buy a limited number of annual subscriptions to this new |>eriodical: which we offer absolutely free to our subscribers, new or old. Here is the most generous offer ever made by an Americau newspaper: I The Twentieth Century Home, for one year (regular price $1),... FREE The Cosmopolitan Magazine, for one year (regular price $1).... $1.00 Thia Paper for One Year, 52 num ber« ...................................... $1.50 PARK A N D W A S H I N G T O N S T R EE T S --------- P O R TLA N D , O R E G O N ---------- Established in i860. Open all the year. Private or class instruction. Thousands o f graduates in posi­ tions; opportunities constantly occurring. It pays to attend our school. Catalogue, specimens, etc., free. Regular Price $3.50, All Three to the subscriber for...$2.50 WHAT THE COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE GIVES. Single copies 10c. Annuul subscription ?1. The Cosmopolitan Magazine occupies a posi- sion distinctly its own. While giving great attention to fiction and entertainment—fifty short stories and one or more complete novels appear in its pages each year—it has a definite man beyond. It may be likened t<* a great Riodern university, with a million and a halt student-readers. A year’s course embraces what is most important in the Scientific field, what is most interesting in Invention and Dis­ covery, what is most entertaining in Travel and adventure, what is most valuable in the World of Business. A portion «>f each num­ ber is edited with reference to the Woman of the World, another to the Woman ot the Home, and another to interest Youth, find still another for the Man of Affairs, covering equally the clerk just starting in lite and the captain ot industry. A. P. A R M S TR O N G , L L .D ., P R IN C IP A L SHINGLES. Fred Muetzel & Son, ARAGO, OBEGON. What the Twentieth Century Home Offers Manufacturers of Fine Red Cedar Shingles. Single copies 10c. Annual subscription $1. A magazine for Women, printed on fine coated paper (toned), beautifully illustrated. It will contain what is newest, if best, what is most useful, if new; what is most entertain­ ing, if helpful, what is most instructive, if in­ teresting. T o tlx e Orders—large or small— filled promptly by steamer. AL L THE LEADING ILE. / L E ES H A N D L E 7 7 / E CE L E ERA TEI) X3 m o r t u n a t e "A short time agcF I was taken T Y P E W R IT E R . with a violent attack of diarrhoea T h is old reliable and and believe I would have died if I m ost su ccessful spec­ had not gotten relief,” says John J. ialist in San Francis­ co, still con tin u es to Patton, a leading citizen of Patton, cure a ll S ex u e! and Alabama. “ A friend recommended S em in al Diseases, such as Oonorrhes- Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and G 1 e e t , S t r . o t a re, R OTH CH ILD BROS, Diarrhoea Remedy. I bought a -» «•» • - S y p h ilis , in all it, twenty-five cent bottle nnd after form s, Skin Diseases. DISTRIBUTORS N e r v o u s D ebility, F o r S ale. tnking three doses of it was entirely Irapotency, Seminal Weakness and Loss of PORTLAND. OREGON. cured. I consider it the best reme­ Manhood, the consequence o f self-abuse aiidexoesses producing the following sympa Poland China Pigs! Elligible to dy in the world for bowel com­ toms: Sallow countenance, dark spots un­ der the eyes, pain in the h ea d ,rin g 'n g in Registration. Thtee months old. plaints. For sale by R. S. Knowl­ ears, loss o f confidence, diffidence, in ton. The only perfect wilting machine the --------- s n » ---- ------------- Either sex. Address, approaching strangers, pa I natation of the heart, weakness o f th e limbs and back, loss C h o lera I n la u ln m . made. The writing is in plain view D. M uroan , of m emory, p im p les on the face, conghs- Qians for C o o s County. This disease has lost its terrors of the operator all the time—simplest consum otion e t c . Coquille, or call at farm on Fish- Hon. J. M. Glass, of Pasadena, since Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and strongest construction, rapid P Cal., will address voters and others trap. and Dia.-rhira Remedy came into cisco over 41 years an 3 those troubled should action, easy touch, adapted to all not fail to consu lt him and receive the ben­ general use. The uniform success in Coos county on the following efit o f his great skil 1 and experience. The which attends the use of this reme- kinds of work— best for tabulating doctor cures when others fail. Try him. F u r S a le . dates: ly in all cases of bowel complaints and invoice work, universal key­ CLUES G U A R A N T E E D . Persons cored at hom e. Charges reasonable. Call or Myrtle Point...... Tuesday, Sept. 20 A good borne in this city, on in children has made it a favorite board, removable type action, in­ write. D R . J . F. GIBBON. Riverton..............Wednesday, ** 21 easy terms: wherever its value has become stantly cleaned. Treble the life of 629 Koarnev street. San Francisco J - G - F i s h <£ S o n , known. For safe by R. S. Knowl­ Parkersburg ...... Thursday, “ 22 Enquirp at this office. any other machine for good, clean ton. MANUFACTURERS of Butter Boxes, Cubes, Apple nnd Fruit Boxet Coquillo.............. Saturday, work. Send lor Catalogue. Cabin* ts, Tables, Counters, Store Fronts, etc. Coquille.............. Sunday, T a k i - i i W i l l i ( r a m | hi R-I-P-A-N-S Tabulus Turning Work a Specialty. All Orders given Marshfield.......... Monday, Doctors find Wm. Kirmse, a member of the PITTSBURG WRITING MACHINECo promp' Attention. 2 0 8 WOOD St., Pittsburg, Pa. P o u ltr y F a r m , bridge gang working near Little- A good prescription North Bend........Tuesday, For mankiud. port was taken suddenly ill Thurs­ Gardiner............. Wednesday, D. H. JOHNSON, prop E. S. DEAN, E. F. DAVENPORT, The 5-cent packet in enough for uaaal oc­ day nigbt with cramps and a kind Gardiner.............Thursday, casions. The family hottle (60 centsi con­ of cholera. President. His case was so severe Vice President. Secretary. BANDON, OREGON. tains a supply for n year. All druggists Remote........ ..... Friday, that lie had to have the members of A homey magazine—each month helpful, sell them. hroughbr ed cockerels from $1 up • «•»« Hon. Mr. Glass is highly recom­ tho crew wait upon him and Gifford practical and inspiring. Full of fasci­ and eggs $1 per setting. nating features; beautifully illus­ was called aud consulted. He told NOTICE. mended as a first-class temperance trated. A million readers. them lie had a medicine in the form speaker. ■■■■■■ ■ ♦♦ • ■ All persons knowing themselves I <>f Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and $1.00 per Year— 10 Cents a Copy. (Successors to Johnson, Dean stal card will bring particulars. Write high prices to the unsuspecting A Big Real Estate Bargain This remedy never fails. Keep it at once w» as to l»e the first in your field. price paid for beef, pork, mutton, chickens, etc. housewives. They nro adops at all Business direct -with Washington saves tim e , m oney an d often the patent. Two hundred acres with 7,000, in your home, it may save life. For TH E PHELPS PUBLISHING CO. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: the arts o f imposing on people who Patent and Infringement Practice Exclusively. Pacific Coast Office: 000 fine standing timber, '1,000,000 sale by R. S. Knowlton. Write o r com e to ur at are not judges of cloth and are 59 C olumbian B uilding . S an F rancisco •S3 Ninth Street, opp United BUtee M e e t Oflce.| DAVENPORT, WM. SLINGSBY, E. ». DEAN o f which esn he Imudlogged. Good W A S H IN G T O N , D. C. D. H. JOHNSON. said to bo doing business. Some house aud ham, 70 acres in grass Fou S ale ,—O ne United States An Illustrate«! Ma. azine for the Family. E. E DAVENPORT. women are known to have bought and goial orchard. A big bargain Turbine Seperator, rapacity, about 1000 pounds; in good order, ns pieces of goods they did not want, — at $15 per acre, «.tall on H erald . good as new. Owner perfectly sat­ »•» paving far higher prices than would isfied hut it is uot large enough for A Bargain in a H om e. be asked in any store carrying such his business. For full particulars Deprives You of Your go to T. H. Mehl A Co’s., hardware goods. Dear Ones- The Herald can make you a fine store. One of their strong suits is the offer in the way of a home and F R O M Show your love for the one who naming a price five times what the T. L. Graves, the photogtapher, three of the finest garden lots in the is gone by providing a monument goods are worth and then allowing could not get ready to leave by city, which the present crop will July as he intended, hut has con­ worthy the memory of that one. the would-be thrifty woman to beat prove. A good wagon and team siderable unfinished work which A large monument or a small them down until »ho is payirg only | he will remain to clear up as well as will be acceptible as part pay. marker, whichever you choose at about three times the value of the what new work tuny rush in his place, will »how the best judg­ stuff and thiuks she is getting a the next few days. A Rig Bargain ment of first-class designers nnd great bargain. Wanted AGENTS. workmen To deal with such cattle is not In a neat plat containing about lumber of all kinds and in quantities to suit i Will take orders for Special Representative in this only lying yourself open to being 2 acres, on which there is a lovely purchasers. robbed but it is rank injustice to orchard in Coquille city— right county and adjoining territories, our local merchants, who enrry near H ip business part o f town. to represent and advertise an old stocks of goods the year round for For particulars call at this office or established business house o f solid M ARSHFIELD, OR. Salary $21 your convenience, and who do their address Adam 1’ ershhaker, Pros-1 finnneial standing. per, Or. weekly, with Expeuses advanced Telephone, Main 23«. shnie toward keeping up the town. each Monday by check direct Spend your money with the home | from headquarters. Horse and N O T IC E . people and you may sec it again, | _____ j baggy furnished when necesary; and they will not rob the eyes out | position permanent. Address of your head in the Imrgain.— Coast I I keep in stock Cigars and Tobac- j Blew Bros. A Co., Dept. A. Mou- Mail. Also fresh candies, and n u ts , | on Bldg., Chicago,.III. G ib b o n Magnolia Whisky Goquille Furniture and BOX FACTORY lillli I'hllinillli Rock J, R. Stillwell, Coquille Valley Packing Company PATENTS Myrtle Point, 1 Oregon GASNOW! Death’s Harvest LUMBER Osborn SCo’s Mill, Bandon, Krewson L Goodman, of Coquille, COOS CO. MARBLE AND CRANITE WORKS J. B . P O I N T E R , Coquille, Oregon. fruits, etc. Milk Shakes, Lemon-' W F I O O IV IE ades and Soda. Our prices are 0 Willard, M„t<-r, ;i(>0 acres improved Bottom right. Wo will use you right. I««n I Arrive« Land ’ 3 miles from Coquille City. | Come and see us. ■ S i . r i f c r S j r S » «. 1 t & S f r r t & l Z A lino invent tut nt. Ki»r prices Mod KcBpectftllly Hlibliilttctl, j I onn$cto with lower-river N»at* a ! (’oqnille term« apply at M, A 1’ ierct • «tore,1 J amis L. iHOMraux. 1 £ » ri, fur hand»«« frrt«hV. LAND -------- FOR SALE. G enera! D ra y in g , T r a n s fe r in g and D elive rin g. O r d e r s fo r W o o d P r o m p tly filled. L ea v e all o r d e r s at P. E. D r a n e 's M e a t M a rk e t Stewart & White Props. ROSEBURG-MYH i l E POINT- j TAGE l in e 8. FENTON. PROPRIETOR- Sddle Horser o f best quality always on hand. Good Rig» in read i- ues for special trips. In fact, a geeneral Stage and Livery businees. Accommodations for Taveling men a specialty