Semi-weekly herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1904-1905, September 13, 1904, Image 2

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    Semi-Weekly Herald
TUESDAY, SEPT. 13, 1904.
C ircuit C o u rt P roceeding!.
2158—Emma M Lyons et al vs W T Kerr
et al. Suit to foreclose mortgage. J
W Bennett for plt’f.
Demurrer by P F A L Co
Demurrer by E E Atkinson.
2180—Mary Flanagan vs Mary Florence
Mullen et al. Suit in equity. A J
Sherwood for plt’f. J W Bennett and
J S Coke for def t.
Continued for term by agreement of
2161—R H Rosa vs Elisa Boyce and Z T Meets
Boyce. Suit to foreclose lien. J M Up­
ton for p lt’f.
Demurrer by defendant withdrawn
and answer filed.
2040—Louis Ringe vs Oregon Ooal a
Navigation Co. Action at law. A J
Sherwood for p lt’f. J W Bennett for
d e ft.
Application for guardian ad litem.
2184— C H Merchant vs W 8 Chandler,
receiver. Action at law. W W Cot­
ton and W U Douglas for plt'f, A J
Sherwood for d e ft.
Continued for term by stipulation of
Edw Johnson vs Cbaa Self. Ac­
tion a t law. A J Sherwood for plt’f.
Settled and dismissed.
147»—W H S Hyde n J P Me* ton, et el
suit for partition. D I. Watson atty
for plt’f.
Continued for term.
1523—Kathrine Weat, assignment to
A D Morse. J M Upton for aaaignee.
Continued for term.
1758—T J Stillwell, assignment, to A D
Morse. J M Upton for aaaignee.
Continued for term.
1982—John Snyder vs Luceen Gignac.
Action at law. A £ Seaman for plt’f.
Dismissed without prejudice on mo­
tion of plt’f.
2032— Margaret Kardell vs E W Kar-
dell. Suit for partition. Hall a Hall
for plt’f.
Continued for term.
*041—Julien Ringue vs Oregon Coal a
Navigation Co. Action for damages.
M Henri Labb, £ B Wataon and A J
Sherwood for plt'f, and J W Bennett
2166—Daniel Barklow vs Prosper Mill
and J 8 Coke for d e ft.
Co. Action a t law to recover money.
Application to have administrator
Sperry a Cku>e for p lt’f, A J Sher­
substituted as party plaintiff.
wood for d e ft.
2104—Maud Masters vs E J Masters.
Demurrer withdrawn and answer
Suit for divorce. J W Bennett for
filed. Set for trial.
plt’f, Seabrook a McKnight and Hall
2107—C H Banning vs J L Roy and J W
Hall for d eft.
Leneve. Action a t law. Sperry a
For trial.
Chase for plt'f, A J Sherwood for
2108—John B Anderson vs Coos Bay
Mill a Lumber Co. Action at law.
Demurrer withdrawn. D f t given un­
Hall a Hall for p lt’f, J W Bennett for
til afternoon to answer.
d eft.
Mill Co vs J D Stewart.
Continued (or term.
Action at law. A J Sherwood for
Flanagan a Bennett Bank vs Coos
p lt’f.
Bay Mill a Lumber Co. Action at
Demurrer withdrawn. Df’t given un-
law. Bennett Swanton for plt’f.
ti 1 afternoon to answer.
Continued for term.
Flanagan a Bennett Bank vs Coos
Bay Mill a Lumber Co, and M Roeell.
U ncle S am ’s L ette r.
Action at law. Bennett Swanton for
After visitiDg w ith relatives and
Continued for term.
friends, some of them of half a cen­
Freoda Haxelstein, admrx., tury
vs ago, and making many new ac­
Coos Bay Mill a Lumber Co. Action
quaintances in Coos county, the
at law. Hall a Hall for plt’f, J W
two months' stay w as all too short,
Bennett for d e ft.
but what can’t be cured must be
Continued for term.
2110— Ray Rosell vs Coos Bay Mill a endured.
Lumber Co. Action at law. Hall a
Our company consisted of five
Hall for plt’f, J W Bennett for d eft.
persons, not counting Daniel Boone,
Continued for term.
which made six. “Dan," however,
2111— Coos Bay Ice a Cold Storage Co, was a four-footed animal of the
vs Coos Bay Mill a Lumber Co. J 8
canine species of the finest variety.
Coke for plt'f, and J W Bennett for
Now, if we could omit the latter,
E d d f’t.
and our jheu, whose first name was
Continued for term.
2112— J P Farley ¡vs Coos Bay Mill a “Sam" Johnson, we would number
Lumber Co. Action at law. JSO oke just four, but “Sam” was not only a
for plt’f, J W Bennett for d eft.
good fellow, b at a real necessity,
Continued for term.
for if he hnd not been a careful
J 8 Coke vs Coos Bay Mill a Lum­
driver and always in a good humor,
bar Co. Action at. law. J 8 Coke
and E L C Farrin for plt’f, J W Ben the whole caravan might have been
nett for d e ft.
sent to kingdom come down one of
Continued for term.
the many deep canyons we passed.
Leon Wand vs Coos Bay Mill t Our route was up Cunningham
Lumber Co. Action at law. A J creek and along the east fork of the
Sherwood and Geo K French for
Ooquille river, almost to its source.
plt’f, J W Bennett for d eft.
Along the creek we noticed many
Continued for term.
V. T. KERR & CO.
Has just received a complete stock of new
ah Boats and Trains.
Goods Handled with Care and
Worsted Dress Goods,
Silks and
An elegant assortment o f new Wash materials Jor early
Immense line o f staole ana Fancy Ginghamsf Prices 8 13-
to 20 cts. per yd.
A G E N T F O R R IV E R T O N O O A L .
Large assortment o f white and champagne colored merceri­
zed Oxfords fo r Waists from 20 to 90 cts. per. yd,
PcalfS, in latest patterns 7 1-2 to 20cts per yd.
Co' co, 20 yards to the Dollar.
Ladies' Ready-made Summer suits
and waists.
New Spring Clothing for Men and Boys.
Remember our Popular-price Shoe department, New and
Stylish footw are is arriung Daily.
Large assortment o f up-to-date Hats ju st receiued, compris­
ing the Steadson, Crizzly and Dunlap, the best on earth
We also carry a complete line of Groceries, Flour
and Feed,
Our Price are Right. Farmers, bring your produce to
W. T. KERR & CO.
BestjWheels Out
R are B argain s in S eco n d -H a n d W b eela .
W h ,e l, to Rent.
Repairing D o n e on S h o rt N o tice.
Bast End o t F ro n t S t.
F irs t S h ip m en t F o r P an am a
C anal W ork.
Mobile, Sept. 9,—The first cargo
of lumber to leave the United States
for use on the Panama canal was
taken from here today in the schoon­
er J. C. Clifford.
The lumber was contracted for by
the Panama canal commission and
will be landed at Colon. Pleasing
ceremonies marked the departure of
the vessel, local patriots making
the event an occasion for some dis­
play and appropriate exercises.
R esolutions of R espect.
Whereas God in his wisdom has
seen fit to remove from the walks
of life Mrs. S. E. Robinson, be it
resolved that Evening Tide Circle,
No. 214, Women of Woodcraft,
extend to neighbors, George A.
Robinson and wife their heart-felt
sympathy in the sad loss of tlieir
btloved grandmother;
Be it further resolved that a copy
of these resolutions be published in
the local paper, a copy be spread
on the minutes of this lodge and
one given to the Lillian Boyd, be­
reaved neighbor.
Loc J. L inzgak ,
John 8 Coke vs Coos Bay Mill oozy
a homes and herds of nice cows,
Lumber Co. Action at law. J 8 all of which assist in making the
Coke for plt’f. J W Bennett for d e ft. Ooquille (not Cokeel) valley the
Continued for term.
famous land it is for the dairy in­
F 8 Dow vs Coos Bay Mill a Lum­
dustry. While memory lasts shall
ber Co. Action at law. J 8 Coker of ever the name of Evan Cunning­
plt’f, J W Bennett for def't.
ham, the first owner of the site of
Continued for term.
your nice town. He, with the
2120—Geo Beale vs Coos Bay Mill a
Lumber Co. Action at law. Hall a writer and others, came to Oregon
in company fifty-one years ago at a
Hall for p lt’f.
Continued for term.
time when the journey was not
William Ward vs Pacific Furni­
made in palace cars in the space of
ture a Lumber Co. Action at law. three or four days, but with ox-
Sperry a Chase for plt’f, J W Bennett
teams, and six months or more was
and J M Upton for deft-
PW Tiie safe and reliable tiwn -,^ 0 0
required for the trip.
Motion set aside judgement.
Flora Waltermier vs John Walter- One would suppose that old
H r The New and Speedy, J / M
mier. Suit in equity. J A Buchan- pioneers would scarcely notice the
nan for plt’f, A J Sherwood for d e f t immense amount of tall timber
Demurrer to complaint overruled.
through which we passed and the
C. P. Jen sen, M aster.
W E Baines vs City of Marshfield,
beautiful waterfalls, Niagaras on
e ta l. Suit for injunction, etc. Mc­
make regular trips between
Knight A Seabrook and J S Coke for
fail to admire these and the gigantic
plt’f, E L C Farrin for d eft.
C o q u ille R ive r and San
Motion and notice to be permmitted mountains.
F ra n c isc o .
to answer.
"Melons for Sale,” was the notice
E C Atkins a Co, vs Pacific Furn­
N o S to p -o v e r e t W a y Porte.
we saw when passing a farmer’s
iture a Lumber Co. Action at law. home, and it was but a few momenta
in First-
its. Everything
A J Sherwood for plt’f, W Sinclair for
Class Styli
y le.
ere “Sam” returned with all the
d e ft.
Judgement for plt'f tor $284.01, and melons he could carry, and whip­
ping his ouitans into a gallop uutil
order for sale of attached property.
2132—E tta Andruss vs Guy Andruss. we reached a cool place, where we
Capt. N elso n . M aster.
Suit for divorce. J W Bennett for all enjoyed a feast fit for the gods.
Will make regular tripe between
It is still a mystery to those pres­
Continued for term on motion of plt’f.
Time for referee to report extended
honest granger for the luscious
until first day of next term of court.
2135—Anna Wulff vs G W Canning. fruit, or if while the farmer was en­
Suit to foreclose mortgage. J W Ben- gaged in "dickering” with another
Carrying passengers and freight a t
lowest rates.
Bennett for plt’f.
customer, he purloined what we,
Order confirming sale of real property. even the cuitaus, so greatly relished,
Str. E liz a b e th
ftO T IC H F O * P U B L IC A T IO N
D epartment ) f the I x i i b i o b .
U nited States L and Office.
Kosebnrg, Oregon, July 7, 1904.
Notice is hereby given th a t in oompli
anoe w ith the provisions of th e a ct of Con­
gress of Ja n e 3. 1878. en titled “ An aot for
the sale of tim ber lands in the S tates of
C alifornia, Oregon. Nevada, an d W ashing­
ton Territory.*’ as extended to all Public
L and S tates by not of Aug. 4,1892, Charles
B. B radbury,of Marshfield, county of Coos,
S tate of Oregon, has filed in th is office his
sworn statem ent No. 2031. for the parohase
of L ots 2, 8 W ^ N E ^ . W X HEX of seo-
tion No. 4 in township No. 27 south, Range
No. 12 W est and will offer proof to show
th a t the land sought is more valuable for
its tim ber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish h is olaim to said
land before W. U. Douglas, U. b. Commis­
sioner a t his office at Bfarshfield. Oregon,
on S aturday, the 1st day of October, 1904,
H e nam es as witnesses: H iram King,
H arry C. Noble, Cora Noble and L ym an
E. Noble, all of Marshfield, Oregon,
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-desoribed lands are requested to
file th eir olaim s in this office on or before
said 1st day of October. 1904.
J . T. B ridges , Register.
U nited S tates L an d Office, R oseburg, Or.,
June 20,1904.
Notice is hereby given th at in compli­
ance with th e provisions of the aot of Con­
gress of J a n e 3,1878, entitled “ An act for
the sale of tim ber lands in the S tates of
California, Oregon, Nevada and W ashing
ton Territory,” as extended to all th e Pub
lie L and S ta te s by act of August, 4 , 18n2,
Of Riverton, county of Coos, S tate of O r­
egon, has th is day filed in th is office his
sworn statem en t No. 6247, for the parohase
of the 8. X of NW. X and H. W of N E . X
of Section No. 8 in Township No. 28, 8.
Range No. 11 W est, and will offer proof to
show th a t th e land sought is more valuable
fo r its tim ber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his olaim to said
land before Jam es Watson, County Clerk of
Coos county, Oregon, a t the office of oounty
clerk of C 003 oounty, Oregon, a t Coquille,
Oregon, on S aturday, the 17th day o f Sep
tem ber, 1904.
H e nam es as witnesses: W m. Myers,
Cland W aters, Clarence W aters and Ar­
th u r Brown, all of Lee, Coos county, Ore­
Any and all persons claiming adversely
th e aboye-described lands are requested to
file th eir olaims in th is office on or before
said 17th day of September. 1904.
W illiam Snyder, Ì
P laintiff,
Suit in E q u ity for
Ju lia Snvder,
D efendant. |
T o Ju lia Snyder, the above-nam ed d efen d ­
In the Name of th e S tate o f Oregon; You
are hereby required to appear and answer
the com plaint filed ag ain st you in the
above entitled suit w ithin six weeks from
the date of the first, publication of this
summons, to-wit: w ithin six weeks from
th e 2nd day of August, 1904, tue sam e b e­
ing the date of the first publication of this
And if you fail so to ap p ear and answer
within sa id tim e, to-wit: on or before the
13th day of September, 1904, the sam e be­
ing the last day of the tim e prescribed in the
but we’ll drop suoh a melon-coly
order of publication, judgm ent will be ta ­
F. 8 . D O W A gen t. I 8 O. CO.. A gent, ken ag ain st you for w ant thereof for the
relief dem anded in plaintifTa com plaint,
We finally reached the home of (
a auocinot statem ent of wnioh is as follows:
T h at the m arriage contract between p laint­
Mr. James Laird, where we were
iff and d efendant may be dissolved, set
aside and held for naught and th a t he be |
entertained, for Mr. and Mrs. L
restored to th e rights and privileges of a
single person and th at th e custody of his
know how to "Welcome the coming
two male children be given to him and for
and speed the parting guest.”
Any person cutting Timber or any other and fnrther relief as the court
deem equitable and just-
On the evening of the second Bark of any description on the may
Service of this summoos is m ade by p ub­
day, tired, and oh, my! so covered lands of the Southern Oregon Com­ lication in pursuance of an order made by j
L. Harlocker. County Judge of Coos county,
pany, or removing same, or other Oregon,
with dust, we reached Roseburg.
dated the first day of August. 1904,
property, from said lands, without d irecting th a t service thereof be m ade by
With kind regards to all inquir being duly authorized in writing, publication thereof in the Semi-Weekly
H erald , a newspaper published a t th e City
ing friends, including the H erald will be Prosecuted according to of
Coquille, in said Cooe County. O regon, |
once each week for a period of six weeks.
Yours truly,
U xclk S am .
Attom ev for p isin tiff.'
S tr, A rea ta ,
C oos B a y a n d
S a n F r a n c is c o
2144—Isaac Levingston vs M Rosenborg
et al, and Flanagan a Bennett Bank.
Suit in equity. A J Sherwood for
p lt’f, J W Bennett for d e ft.
Order confirming sale of real property.
2148—W T Culbertson vs Prosper Mill
Co, and Wm Hicking. Action at law
on appeal from J P court. 8 D Pulford
for plt’f, A J Sherwood and W Sin­
clair for d e ft.
For trial.
2150—Emerson Ferry vs Hillis Short,
8 M Rothchild, Rothchild Bros and
E t Flanagan. J W Bennett and J
M Upton for plt’f, McKnight a Sea-
brook for d e ft.
For trial.
Any person furnishing sufficient
evidence for the recovery of proper­
F or S ilk . — Five* head of heifers
51—Thos McGinnis vsCooa Bay Pack-
F or S ale A fine larg e g ray two- ty so taken and conviction of the
I 4 «terra —yearlings, At « b a r - '
in r Co, Suit to foreclose mortgage, year-old colt. W ill do good work pirties concerned, will be given
J W Bennett for plt'f.
next year Call on W arren L aird one-half of the property recovered. gnu if sold at on re.
H. Kettleton. Coquille. [
tr b>r confirming sale o / reel property- *1 Jo h n s o n ’s mill.
Flooring, Rustic and all kinds of Finishings and Mouldings
Constantly on hand.
Deliveries made promptly by either water or rail.
We have all Grades and Prices Accordingly.
To Core a Cold in One Day ?
Tw o Days.