Semi-weekly herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1904-1905, July 29, 1904, Image 1

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22 .
C O Q U IL L E C IT Y ; O R E G O N ^ F R ID A Y . J U L Y
Professional Cards..
Walter Culin, M. D.
P h y u o u n and Suita kon
C oquille C ity , O bk .
Kronen berg Bldi
N ext Door to P. (
Telephone 3.
Stanley & Burns,
Heal EHtate, Collections.
Bpocialtiea—Criminal and U. S. Land
Caaes, Notaries Public.
C oquillh ,
O heqon .
Dr. M. 0. Stemmier,
P hysician and S urgeon .
Office over
Perkins’ Drug Store.
M yrtle P oint ,
O regon .
A. J. Sherwood,
A ttorney at -L aw ,
N otary P üblio ,
Walter Sinclair,
A ttorney - at -L aw ,
N otary P ublic ,
/. Hacker,
A bstracter op T itles .
C oquille C ity , O re
Hall & Hall,
A ttorn e ys - at - L a w ,
Dealer in H eal E state o f all kinds.
M arshfield, Oregon.
J. Curtis Snook, D. D. S.
D entist ,
Office two doors south Odd Fellow’ s Hall
Will make Bandon a professional visit
the first Monday in each quarter.
C oqu ille, Oregon.
E. D. Sperry.
W , C. Chase.
Office in Robinson Building,
E. G. D. Holden,
L awyer ,
Jastice o f the Peace, City Recorder, U. 8.
Commissioner, General Insurance
Agent and Notary Public.
Office in Robinson Building.
C oquille,
Geo. Russell, M. D.,
Conven- Portland should improve this oppor­
The Convention will adjourn in
Portlnnd, Ore., July 15, 1904.— ample time to give all the delegates
That the Oregon
Development and the Indies accompanying them
League Convention, to be held at an opportunity to enjoy a trolley
the Marquam Grand theatre, in ride over the city, in which ten op-
Portland, under the auspice» of eu cars will be used, jointly sup­
the Portland Commercial Club, plied with the compliments of the
August 2 and 3, wili be a magnif City & Suburban Railway Co., and
icent success is now assured. It is the Portland Railway Co.
desired that all delegates who can cars will start from Third and Yam­
do so will be at the Marquam Grand hill streets Wednesday afternoon,
by 9:30 so as to register and re­ promptly at 3 o'clock, and two citi­
ceive badges, as it is especially de­ zens of Portland will be upon each
sired that the Convention be called ear to point out places of especial
T om R ichardson ,
to order not later than 10 o’clock interest.
and get down to work immediately Mgr. Portland Commercial Club.
for complete and effective organiza­
C u r e »1 C h r o n ic D i a r r h o e a A l t e r
T e n Y e a r s o l N iiffV rlu g .
There will
v,ut few set speech­
wish to say a few words io
es and these will be delivered by
of Chamberlain’s Colic,
practical men in the different in-
dustrirs, and after each address Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy,”
delegates to the Convention will be say Mrs. Mattie Burge, o f Martins­
given an opportunity to ask the ville, Va. 1 suffered from chronic
speakers such questions as they de­ diarrhoea for tea years and during
sire and to comment upon the facts that time tried various medicines
presented. It has been suggested without obtaining any permanent
that it would add greatly to the relief. Last summer one o f my
effectiveness of the work if the del­ children was taken with cholera
egates from different communities morbus, and I procured a bottle of
will perfect an organization of their this remedy. Only two doses were
required to give her entire relief
delegation before leaving home.
If each and every delegation will I then decided to try the medicine
prepare condensed reports of actual myself, and did Dot use all o f one
production, giving not only the bottle before I -was well and
results accomplished by growers have never since been troubled
and producers but the name of that with that complaint. One cannot
grower or producer in the same say too much in favor of that won­
plain, direct language that an Ore­ derful medicine.” This remedy is
gon farmer would use in writing to for sale by R. S. Knowlton.
Oregon Development
an old friend in one of the distant
states, then we will have matter for
the use of the newspapers and the
Immigration Departments of the
railroads that will secure results.
These reports should be written in
duplicate, not - only for the use of
the Portland papers, but to ensure
a complete report of the proceed­
ings. If the Convention can take
the form of an experience meeting,
in which long speeches are left un­
said, and bright, pithy, striking
points are made, it will ensure not
only the permanency of the Oregon
development League, but will be
of benefit to every section of this
A round trip open rate, good
for everybody, has been put on by
the railroads, and tickets are good
for everybody, has been put on by
the railroads, and tickets are good
on all trains arriving in Portland
on the afternoon of August 1, and
morning of August 2, good to re­
turn until August 4, except that
fares of 50 cents or less will not be
reduced. It is advisable that those
attending the convention should
get definite particulars from their
local agent as to the time of the de­
parture of trains.
Residents of Oregon who take
advantage of this rate and are not
Offioe upstairs in MARTIN BUILDING
delegates to the Convention, will
Calls promptly answered day or night.
be welcome to attend the Conven­
Night call will be answered from Mrs.
tion, occupying seats in the balcony
Wickham’ s Boarding House.
and gallery. The seats in the par­
Phone, main 136.
quet will be reserved exclusively
for delegates, Desiring to keep a
record of this Convention, not only
in type but in illustrated fo*m for
general circulation, a snap-shot
A. F. Kirshman,
photograph will be made exactly at
D entist .
eleven o ’clock Tuesday morning,
Offioe at Residence, one block east of August 2. The taking of this pic­
Tuttle Hotel.
ture will only occupy a minute or
two of the Convention’s time.
A committee from the Woman’s
Club of Portland will have charge
COQUILLE RIVER STEAMBOAT CO. of a trollry ride to be given to the
wives, daughters, sisters and other
Str. D IS P A T C H
ladies accompanying delegates to
Tom White, Master,
the Convention, for which four
| Arrives
Bandon....... 7 a - m . I
Coquille___ 10 a - m . large ears have been supplied with
Coquille...... 1 p - m . | Bandon . . . . 4 P-M.
the compliments of the Oregon
Connects at Coquille with train for Marshfield
Water Power k Railway Company.
and steamer R A o for Myrtle Point.
This special train of trolley cars
Str. F A V O R IT E
will leave the corner of First and
J. C. Moomaw. Master,
Alder streets exactly at 3 p. m.,
I Arrives
Coquille....... 7 a - m . | Bandon. .10:45 a - m .
Bandon......... 1 p - m . | Coquille . 4:45 p-M. August 2, for a trip to Canamnh
Park, beyond Oregon City.
P hysician and S ubobon ,
Str. R E T A
Delegates to the Convention and
ladies accompaning them are cor­
dially invited to attend a reception
as the guests of the Commercial
Coquille River Transportation Co. Club Tuesday evening from eight
to eleven o’clock, and during both
Str. L I B E R T Y
days of the Convention, the rooms
W. R. Panier,
and especially the tower of the
U tn i
I Arrive.
Club will be open for
Bandon........ 7 A-M. I Coquille. ...10 a - m .
Coquille ....... 1 p-n. j Bandon . . . . 4 p m .
the use of visitors and delegates.
Make, connection with train at < 'oqnille
All those who have never had the
and up-river boat..
T. W . PA NTKR, Managing Owner. pleasure of a bird's-eye view of
Alva T^e, Master.
I Arrives
Coquille . ... 1 p - m . i Bandon___ 5 p - m .
Bandon....... 7 A-M. J Coquille___ 11 a - m .
Carrving passengers and mail.
Douglas County to Have New
Coos C ounty Man Honored.
29 ,
NO. 0
1904 .
The Pacific Woodman, the offi
A grandson of Edward Everett
vial paper o f the Woodmen of the Hale, the chaplain of the senate,
World, published a splendid pic to build the great United Engineer­
ture of Mr. Frank B. Tichenor, of ing building in New York for which
Myrtle 1’oint, who has recently been Andrew Carnegie gave $ 1 ,500,000
appointed state organizer.
We The plans drawn by Mr. Hale have
clip the following:
have accepted.
“’Mr. Tichenor is a young man of
long acquaintance in fraternal work
It is now said that radium will
and comes bearing the largest rec­ cure corns. Take about $ 1,000
ommendations for ability, progrès- worth, and give the toe three ex
siveness nnd untiring efforts in his posures of ten minutes each, and
chosen work.
For nine years he the corn will come away quite pain­
has been engaged in fraternal work lessly. A longer exposure might
on the Pacific Coast, more recently bring the toe away with the corn.
Coquille, Oregon.
in California, where he achieved
Speaker Cannon says it will be
great success
He comes from one of the earliest his duty to “ spring the surprise”
pioneer families in Oregon.
His o f his nomination on president
grandfather, Captain William Tich­ Roosevelt in a five minutes speech at
enor, is a historical character in Sagamore Hill, on the 27th inst.,
this State. He was born near Port Mr. Roosevelt will reply with
Orford, Oregon, and during the speech of 36000 words, more or
thirty years of his life he has lived less.
in this State, except such time as
France celebrated its fourth o f
P H O N E 116
he was engaged in fraternal work
July cn the 14th insl.
The presi­
in California. At San Bernardino
he labored for the Woodmen of the dent reviewed the troops; public
World and was the ope who inaug­ balls were given in the evening and
free performances were given at all
urated in California the scheme
the opera houses and theatres. This
that the Woodmen have in that
is an improvement on the American
State of taking part in Arbor Day
method of firecrackers, tetanus and Experienced Help
Reasonable Rates
In San Bernardino
vast loss o f life.
he caused to be planted on a single
Special Rates to Families and Hotels
day 4,000 troes.
People who have been taking
Mr. Tichenor conducted a cam­
automobile trips up the White We make our own soap and know its ingredients! No injurious chemicals used.
paign in Los Angeles and initiated
Our baskets will lie left at all the principal points on the river.
Mountains have concluded that the
Goods called for and delivered in Coouille City.
500 applicants to the lodge in a
enjoyment is dangerous. It is bad
single night. At another time he
enough to be spilled out of the ma­
conducted exercises at which 406
R. E. SHINE, Vice Pres.
L. H. HAZARD, Cashier
chine on a level road, tumbling A. J. SHERWOOD. Pres.
Woodmen were takon into the or
over a cliff one thousand or five
der at San Bernardino.”
hundred feet high is too strenuous
The H erald trusts that Mr. Tich­
even for an automobilist.
enor will inaugurate schemes here
O F COÇU IL1L1B, O R H G O f 4 .
for the better observance of Arbor
San Francisco is to have a aquar­
Day, as well as find great success
T ra n sa c ts a General Banking B u sin e ss
ium to cost from three to four mil­
in his regular work.
lions of dollars.
It will be the
largest and most wonderful in the
Board of Directors.
Teachers' Institute.
It is to be erected in R. C. Dement,
A. J. Sherwood,
National Bank of Commerce, New York City
L. Harlocker,
L. H. Hazard,
Crocker Wool worth N ’l Bank, San Francisco
The annual Teachers’ Institute Golden Gate park as a monument
Isaiah Hacker,
R. E. Shine. First Nat’l Bank of Portland, Portland, Or.
for 1904 for Coos county will be to Lloyd Tevis, who accumulated a
held in Coquille during the third large fortune in that city.
week in August, beginning at 1 p. largest two are now at Naples, Ijaly
m. on the 15th, and closing with and Brighton. England,
the evening session the 18th.
------DEALER IN -
A very strong corps of instructors
The Delaware and Hudson rail­
including State Supt, Ackerman, road company has decided that for
will conduct the daily work and the Inttire no one shall be employed
address the audience at the evening who is under 21 or over 35 years.
sessions. All teachers and friends
rigid physical examination will
a ■
nda o f Leather Goods found in a.
of education are cordially invited also be insisted upon.
This is get­
Harness Sliop
to be present. This should prove ting tilings down pretty fine.
one of our most successful meet­ would de interesting to know how
I also do all kinds of repairing in this lino at reasonable figure
W. H. B unch ,
old the men are who made this f.r-
C o q Lillie, Or.
County Supt.
bittary rule.
Roseburg, Or., July 16.— Seven
miles from thia place, on the ranch
of Hon. Plum Cooper, a syndicate
of Portland capitalists has in hand
a project to devolop about 100 acres
into*a lime quarry.
Mixed in with the lime rock are
other ores which may develop in
sufficient quantities to make a
paying proposition aside from the
lime quarry.
Mr. Cooper has burned the rock
successfully and in fact furnished
the lime that the contractors used
the county courthouse here.
Efforts are being made to have
the railroad put a switch as near
the quarry as practicable.
this switch it is the company’s in­
tention to run an endless track to
the quarry, with the cars working
by gravitation.
Louis A. Greenly of Portland is
Have the British any right to com­
superintending the enterprise which
plain of Russians for overhauling
will B upply the county with a new
their ships iu the red sea, in view of
the frequency with which British
—--- -—- .§* - ---- -
W e a k H e a r ts .
transports during the South African
are caused by indigestion. If you
war and confiscated their cargoee?
eat a little too much, or if you are
subject to attacks of indigestion, the The difference seems to be that it
stomach expands--swells and puffs is now the Durham ox that is gored.
up against the heart. This crowds
the heart and shortens the breath. The pill that will, will till the bill,
a erine.
Rapid heart beats and heart disease To Without
oleanee the liver, without n quivor,
is the final result Kodo) Dyspep­
Take one at night.
sia Cure digests what you eat, takes DeWitt’s Little earlv risers are
the strain off the heart, cures indi­ small, easy to take, easy and gentle
gestion, dyspepsia, sour stomach, in effect, yet they are so certain in
nourishment, results that no one who uses them
strength and health to every organ is disappointed. For quick relief
of the body. Sold by R. S. Knowl­ from biliousness, sick headache,
torpid liver, jaundice, dizziness and
all troubles arising from an inac­
A Sunday school picnic train tive, sluggish liver, Early Risers
having been run into in Illinois, are unequalled.
Sold by R. S.
and many killed, it is now proposed Knowlton.
— »
to call upon the legislature o f Illinois
There is a suspicion that the
to tegulate the running o f excur­
Canadian Government is doing
sion trains. It is quite wonderful
what it can to indudo Amerians
how little forethough resides in the
to emigrate into the northwestern
American mind.
Not until after
territory. Large farms are offer­
the Iroquois theatre horror was it
ed far almost nothing, exempt from
thought necessary to make theatres
taxation. It is an odd move, but
safe; not until the burning of the
stranger yet is the fact that many
Slocum was it deemed necessary to
many citizens of the great, glorious
have steamships properly inspected,
and prospérons Republic are ready
and now not until after a train load
to leave its borders, its flag, its
of Sunday schoool children have
traditions, and all the other good
burned up, is any move made for
things, and find shelter under the
the safety of excursionists by rail.
English flag. Possibly less taxa­
tion and a closer guarding of indi­
A V ir r C io w ( > ll.
“ I stuck to my engine, although vidual rights in the United States
every joint ached and every nerve might help out the situation.
---- —
was racked with pain,’ ’ writes C. W.
Bellamy, a locomotive fireman, of
Hay Baling
Burlington, Iowa, “ j was weak
and pale, without any appetite and
I am out with my hay press this
all run down. As I was about to
give up, I got a botte of Electric season and am ready and prepared
Bitters, and after taking it* I felt as to do quicker and better work than
well as I ever did in my_ life.” ever before. Will be in the neigh-
Weakly, sickly, run down people al­ borbood of Coqnille 111 a few
ways gain new life, strenght and days Terms, >J. 50 per ton.
rigor from their use. Try them.
R o y S t e v e n s ,
Satisfaction guaranteed by R. S.
Pbcne 113.
Myrtle Point.
Knowlton. Price 50 cents.
Drug Store
T o ile t A rtic le s , S cho ol B o o ks
a n d S chool S u p p lies,
K o d a k s a n d K o d ak S up plies,
Pine S ta tio n e r y a S p e c ia lty .
C o q u il l e
Steam Laundry
Best o f W o rk
Harness and Saddles
■? I R
Women who belong to the Chris­
tian Science church are sending in mga
their resignations as club members,
in accordance with the recommen­
dation of the founder o f the church.
The motto of these women is
‘ Church and home,’ ’ and it is con­
tended that through these agencies
they can find opportunity to do all |j GENERAL LINE OF CHEMICALS, DRUGS, PATENT
the work required o f them.
/New Drug
The statement is made that a
m ethod has been discovered by
which peat can be made into small
bricks for burning at $ 1.2 1 per ton.
And they all heat except a pinch of
ashes. And what is better there
are vast deposits it is said within
fifty miles of Chicago enough to
supply that city with fuel for many
years. Now look out for a peat
trust and a merger with the coal
In the year 1903 no less than
7000 persons died from consump­
tion in Illinois. Most o f these were
between the ages of twenty and
fifty years, and it is estimated that
the loss to the state each year by
reason of this disease amounts to
It lias been deter­
mined that climate does not cure
consumption, and that one way to
improve conditions is for a higher
physical standard. A state hospit­
al tor the treatment of consumption
is proposed.
- .« • ♦
Teachers’ Examination
The regular examination of ap-
j plicants for state and county papers
will be held in my office in Ccquille
beginning at 9 a. m„ August 10th,
and closing at 4 p. in., August 12th,
Dated this 20th day of July, 1904.
W. H. B i x c h ,
County Supt.
P r e s c r ip tio n s
A Specialty.
Having had many yeors of experience in this line
we are prepared to give all the
best of satisfaction.
¡Golden Building
- - -
Coquille, Oregon.
Chas. Grissen
Music C °
Z M I a r s lx fle ld L , O r © .
Agents for leading makes of
Pianos and Organs
We buy for Cash from Manufactures and therefore can
sell yon at bottom prices. Wo nlso carry a fnl! line of
Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Strings
And everything else in the mnsic line.
- ORE.