LO CAL N E W S . H ehald office phoue No. 105. Tlie Elizabeth is due today. " Try the new reslauic.iit in the The very linest Valencines laces Root building. at Mrs. Nosier’s. Kodaks :iud Supplies .-■t Ki’ o w l.: l-’ly Bouncer aud sprayers at ton’s drug s‘ oie. Knowlton’s drug store. T H E -■ 3 ^ - A .I r T Who tied the cow’s tail to his leg in the process of milk­ ing; said she had not dragged him over two miles before ho realized he had made a mistake. Ralph Reed came over Iron, the Plumbing and Tiu work a spec­ goods at the New Drug ba.r Saturday. ialty. T. IJ. M e h i . A Co. New Store. Persian Ribbons in beautiful de; For tiue cigars go to the New H o w 3S/E-U.CH E a r t i i e r Fiue butter cube# at Fiat« a. sigus at Mrs. Nosler’s. Drug Store, Dr. G. A. Churchman, LC cents. proprietor. Must you be dragged before you rculize you are making a Leave orders for line stove wood W. T. Kerr & Co. keep the M c­ mistake in not using Electric Lights. For fine carpet and rug weaving witli W, T. Kerr A Co. Call patterns. apply to Mrs. K. Holverson, o f One 17 Jewel Waltham in Solid Silver Screw Case, only $ 12.50 Miss Grace Skeels returned from Parkersburg. J. F, Lee. of Riverton, was in her visit at Bridge last Fridny. town yesterday. Other W atches in Proportion. L o b t . — A black silk parasol with (¿nail Tedders, the best on earth two ruffles. Albatross in all colors, 50c per T h e la t e s t in Finder will please T. H. M ehi , & Co. yard at Mrs. Nosler’B. W e are H eadquarters for W atches leave at this office. F or S ale — A small farm one mile Leave your order for pie and Ladies call and see the beautiful from Coqullle. Call at this office. cukes at the Davis house. line of neck wear just roceived from j ^ F or S ale . — A neat and good two- Those desiring clams should ad­ New York, at Mrs. Nosler’s. ’ horse buggy. Apply at this office. at M r s , G. I«. M o o n ’s dress W. A. Hoover, Bandon. F or 8 ale . — At a bargain. A F. X. Hofer, of the North Bend Horace Van Leuven, of Parkers­ Are Caused through cheap team aud buggy, Inquire Evening Post, had business in town You will find the latest In spring and summer Millinery burg, visited the bay last week. o f C. J. Greeu, Lampa creek. yesterday. Champion Mowers and Rakes. at my store C. B. Leep has just received a j t A good livery barn and business T. H. M ehi , & Co. Dress Trimming and Fancy Goods in General. Stamp fine lot of new harness, of which ^ Call at the H er E. J. M) ere, of Norway, went to for sale or rent. ing done to order. our farmers should make a note. a i , d office. Clinton’s camp to work yesterday. Simplex Seperators, easiest clean­ Mrs. Caddy Lockwood, of Myr \V. A. Goodman will go anywhere ed, lightest running and closest T H E R E L IA B L E JEW ELERS. tie Point, made our city a visit on in Coos county to move your house skimmers. T. H. M ehl A Co. FRONT STREET, COQUILLE, OR. Saturday. B ohn .— At Arago, July 20,1904, F or S ale . A fiue half Red Poll Kerr & Co’s, is the place to get to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schroeder, your suits of clothes for men hull, 3 years old, large aud beauti­ ful uuirnal. Euquire of Wm. Nor­ a son. It is rumored that the steamer For pretty embroideried Lace youths, and children. ton, Riverton. F or S ale . —A g ood Oi gun, cheap Breakwater will carry the mail be­ Hose go to Mrs. Nosler’s. Fly Bouncer is the best to keep for cbb I i . E n qu ire at the H e rald W. H. Mansell, of this city, re­ tween this port and San Francisco. Ralph, the ten-year-old son of the flies from the cows. Know! office. turned from Portlaud Sunday even­ The Coos Bay Chamber of Com­ Mr. and Mrs. E, A. Williams, of ton’s drug store has it. Mrs. Rsndleman, o f Parkers­ ing, where he attended the grand merce is working diligently on the of the Schweers place, while playing M tb . Nosier has one of the finest lodge of the A. O. U. W. burg, spent a day or so in town this matter and report the prospects with his wheel on the bridge at J SWEET CREAM IN QUANTITIES lines of laces aud trimmings week. W a n t e d . — A 2 % or 3 thimble very bright for such a change.— C. Watson’s place last Friday, lost ing that ever hit the tor.-n. A swell line of fancy goods to MILK AND skein wagon with double box, in Thursday’s Coast Moil. TO SUIT control of the wheel and went off Ladies’ and misses’ ekirts of the fair shape. arrive on the next Elizabeth for S. W. U pto n * the bridge at a point where the ban­ latest patterns and line goods, at Elder W . H. Nosier of the Bap­ Mrs. Nosier. Coquille, Oregon ister had not been completed and $3.50 and op at Strang’s. tist church ol Eugene, will occupy Rex Russell, of Silverton, Oregon, went headlong to the ground some The Evening Telegram^ of Port­ Chas. Pendleton, of Fat Elk, had the pulpit of the Little church next is here making his brother, Dr. 20 feet below, but fortunately and business in town yesterday and land, published on the 18th, con­ Sunday morning and evening. Geo. Russell a visit. almost miraculously escaped in­ tains a halftone of Hon. J. S. Coke, made us a short business call. The morning discourse will be in jury. This banister should be joint senator of C ooj and Curry B orn .— A t RivertoD, July 22, reply to the sermon of A . McGary, F or S a l e : — A good one-horse looked after as there is a number counties. 1904, to Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bar­ who preached last evening at the buggy and harness. A big bargain. of children who are in a habit of ker, a daughter. same place on baptism. Come out J. H . N obler , Coquille. ploying on the bridge and such an Mrs. Chas. Adams and Mrs W. L. Mason’s Fruit Jars, Caps and hear the great subject of bap­ White Mountain Ice Cream accident might occur as any time, Deyoe, of Myrtle Point, were in Freezers. Tripple Motion. and Rubbers at Kanematz’s. tism discussed, whether it be nec­ except that it could hardily be ex­ That Can Be Put on the Block! our city yesterday. T. H. M ehi . A Co essary to salvation or not. A gen­ pected that others would get ofl as When bilious take Chamberlain’s eral invitation is extended to all. New line of men's clothing, up luckly as did young Ralph That's the claim that we make about our Meats. The school library is open Fri­ Stomach and Liver Tablets. For to dale in style aud of fine ruater- The Meat Trust has advanced the prices, but we de­ day afternoons that the children Sale by R. S. Knowlton. | mis at bottom prices at Strang’s. mand that the quality be advanced also. The safe and reliable twin-, may have the privilege of drawing Thomas Devereux, of Parkers- screw Mrs. Morton Tyrrell, of near Our prices are not of the Trust order, although the burg, mado us a pleasant call while Beaver slough went to Arago yes- books during vacation. quality Is of the very best. A trial w It convince you. The New and Sr>eedv._dKW Capt. Nelson, Master, Ralph Nosier, the barber, who We substantiate eyery statement that we make. in town yesterday. j ter.day to visit with Mrs. R. S, Our Sausage Is made by an expert. has conducted the tonsorial parlors ■ Will make regular trips between It pays to use Fly Bouncer to j Tyrrell, in the Blanco Hotel, Marshfield, keep the tlies from the dairy cows, Photographer Graves leaves for C. P. Jensen, Master. has sold out his interests there and at Knowlton s drug store. Dougins couuty in a short time. returned home the last of the week. Will make regular trips between Mitchell Wagons, Myers’ Hay | I f you want fine pictures come ¡ d Miss Mary Dickson, o f Eckley, Carriers and Harpoon Forks. _ quick. FRONT ST. COQUILLE and freight at Coquille River and San Carrying passengers lowest rates. who has been in town for several T. H. M ehi . A Co. Francisco. B orn .— At the place of C. H. days visiting friends, expects to A. P. Miller, of Halls creek, who j i Banning, near town, July 24, 1004, No Stop-over at W ay Porta. hns been very ill for some time is to Mr. and Mis. J. L. Briggs, a stai t for California this week where P R O P R IE T O R S . she goes to ^visit relatives and Electric Light*. Everything in First- I F. S DOW, Agent, | S. O CO., Agent, reported much better by Dr. Rus­ son. Class Stvle. friends at different points in the Marshfield. Empire. sell. Deprives You ot Your F or S ale : A thoroughbred stHte. W a n te d — A position ns cook Dear Ones- Jersey Bull.entitled to registration. After August 1st, Mrs. M. Nos­ for man and wife in logging camp, * Show your love for the one who hotel or restaurant. E nquire st Enquire of .1. T. Jenkins, at J. C- ier, of the New Store, will be Laird place. is gone by providing a monument found at her old stA nd, the Golden this office. worthy the memory of that one. F or S a le . — Five head ch oice A. G. Hoyt, of Eandon, wout to building, recently occupied by Mr. BU T B U R N — dairy cows; Five head one year Myrtle Point Saturday to install Ray, where she will conduct an ice A large monument or a small old heifers. Inquire or call on C. the officers of the I. O. O. F. lodge cream parlor in addition to her marker, whichever you choose at H. James. store. his place, will show the best judg­ at that place. F or S ale : One thoroughbred ment of first-class designers and C- R- Golden, o f Marshfield, roan Durham two-yonr-ola bnll ^ oh S ale . 20 acre ranch on river workmen. -S 9 )lfccr returning the Blake McFall Co., Will soli cheap. Inquire of C. A. j ba" k, opposite Fishtrap, do go at Portland stationers, mado Coquille Delivered by W. H. Mansell to all parts of town at $ per to Pendleton, Fat Elk. I a Lkrtrain if sold soon. Inquire of a short business call yesterday Chas. James. Large scales in connect ion Weighing 10 cents per load Mr. Brewer, the boot and shoe and extended his visit down the W. H. Bunch and daughter, of man, of Bandon, returned from a coast. He will be back in a McKinley, come down Saturlay to visit with his brother Samuel Brewer day or so. M ARSHFIELD, OR. meet Mr. B ’s son, Charles, on his of Myrtle Point yesterday. Telephone, Main 238. arrival from the city. Mrs. Alex Snyder ib visiting W. S. Windsor, formerly of Cur­ with Mrs. Chas. Bunch, of Matt Rink crock daring her hnsband’s ry county, arrived frrm Seattle the last, of the week and proeeeded to absence at Los Angeles. MILLINERY 60 Per Cent of AH headaches STRHIN IVIrs. O . IVIoon WILSON JEWELllY COMPANY Dairy Produce IC E Co(iuille Ice & Cold-Storage Co. The H ig h e s t Q u a lit y S ir. A r e n t Str. Elizabeth Coos Bay and San Francisco P. E. DRANE. OREGON GOAL & NAVIGATION CO. D eath’s H arvest Don't Have Cold Feet John Peart's Coal, COOS CO. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS LUMBER Any lady buying adress pattern b’ R ° 'd home for a visit, amounting to $2.50 or more o f W Dr. J. Curtis Snook, the dentist, T. Kerr A Co., will be presented is in his office this week. Next with a McCall pattern free. Monday, Aug. 1st he will pay his J. R. Osborn, the dairyman of regular professional visit to Ban­ the Beale place opposite town, was don. in town Saturday and made our The bunting party consisting of Sanctnm a pleasant businesa call. Marshall McDonald, Clyde Gage, T. V. Johnson has been awarded Fred Davis aDd W. C. Bonham re­ "tho contract for carrying the mail turned last week, having had fairly between this city and North Bend. good success. He ia to assume his duties Monday. Alex Snyder, of this city, one of — Sun. Owing to the cheapness of lum­ the operators of the Lyons mill, ber and improved facilities, Fish started one day last week for I,os A Sons are turning out butter Angeles, California, on business cubes iD better shape and cheap­ connected with their lumbering er than last year. interest. The Ladies o f the M. E Church Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Lawrence, of will giye a dime social at the Par­ Portland, arrived here .yesterday sonage Tuesday evening, July 2(5. fer a visit with their parents, Mr. Ice cream and cake will be served and Mrs. J. S. Lawrence and Mr. from 8 to 10 . and Mrs. P. E. Drane. Ben still E. A. Howey, of this place, still holds a postilion on the staff of the sells the Electric broad-treed iron Oregonian, and will be able to re- wheels. He will fit them to any main with us but a short time, how- old wagon and they are a grand ever, Mis. Lawrence will remain success on the farm. I longer. Stewart & White Props. w Osborn & Co’s Mill, Bandon, in kid and patent leather, at Kanematz’s. Rey. A. McGary, of Eugene, preached three sermons in the little church has Sunday, to fair avdien- ces. Mr. McGary is a new arrival at Eugene, and will establish a church paper at that place, the first issue of which will make its appear- ence about the first of next month. Mr. Me is a successful published, a large paper in Texas, his native state, in the interest of the Ohurch of Christ. Krewson & Goodman, of Coquille, AGENTS. Will take orders for lumber of all kinds and in quantities to purchasers. suit The W H IT E IS King o f Sew ing M achines In France they call it “ L’ Empereur” ; in Germany, “ Welsser K