Semi-Weekly Jerald TUESDAY JULY 26, 1904. Groom of 72 and Brida of 70. Coi vallis, Oregon, July 18.— William Bailey of Fairmount, aged 72, and Mrs. Sarah Edlemann, of Corvallis, aged 70, were married here Friday by Rey. T. T. Vincent, County Recorder. The contracting jaVties had never met till a week before the wedding. The unusual­ ly sudden marriage is the result of the good offices of a mutual friend. The latter while calling upon the bride in her home in Corvallis last week, remarked: “ You have a comfortable home here, and could well afford to share it with another.” Yes, there is plenty of room for two,” was the arch reply. The next day the mutual friend mentioned the subject of marriage to the groom, telling him of an esti­ mable lady, who had a happy home and was not averse to sharing it with another. "Barkis was willin’,” a meeting followed, and Friday the groom re­ turned, a license was secured and the ceremony performed. Both are living happily now in Job's Addi­ tion. A party of small boys, who gave the newly wedded couple an old-fashioned charivari last evening, were called into the house, treated to cake and pie and sent on their way rejoicing. In S everal Strike Centere. Chicago July 22— Fully 8600 em­ ployes applied fo re-employment, All stood together. Biota become quite frequent after nightfall. Kansas City—Both sides are greatly surprised, but men promp t- ly walk out. Some disorder follows. Fort W orth—Men had voted to strike rather than work with non­ union men before Donelly wired, St. Joseph— Union employes promptly obey strike order. Sev­ eral nonunionists are sought out and severely beaten. Omaha—Many of strikebreakers having loft, packers are plaoed in an awkard position. St, Louis—Plants are completely tied up. ----— ---------. Bloody Night's Shooting. Xotice Christian Church*Notes A Big Real Estate Bargain We the undersigned want it un-J -fwn hundred acres with 7,000, both derstood that the tickets marked 000 fine standing limber, 3,000,000 Dispatch and Favorite are not good of which can be liauillogged. Good The i i a. m. service will be for on Str. Antelope, and that when such house and barn, 70 acre» in gras* tickets are purchased from Capt. and good orchard. A big bargain the old people of the community, Panter they will not be honored. — at $15 per acre. (Jail on H kbaij >. although all are invited. Convey­ Signed: T h o s . W h i TH, ances will be provided for all who Notice to C red itors. J o h n C. M o o m a w . notify the minister. The Sunday Notioe is hereby given that, the under­ 8«wlu|. signed has been duly api>oiiited adminis­ school children will have a pleasing Mrs. II. 8. Dicks will do all kinds of trator of the Estate of Mary A. Vowell, part in the hour’s worship but pre­ sewing. Prices reasonable. Apply at deceased, and that all persons having chums against said estate are hereby re­ fer to keep their part a secret resilience. quired to present them, duly verified, to the undersigned, a* the office of A. J. Sher­ N O T IC E Special music is being provided. wood in the City o f Coquille, Coos county, All shoes left at my shop for repairs Oregon, within six months from tho date At the 8 p. m. hour, the union will be sold if not called for in 30 days. hereof, Dated this 13th day o f July. 1904. services will be held again at the C. B. Leep. W. W. G aoh , Chtistian church. Administrator o f the Estate Services next Sunday, morning and evening. The Aid Society will meet at Mrs. Goodman’s Wednesday. A most helpful conference of the members of the church followed the i i a. m. service Sunday. Riverton Pick-Ups. Sanford’s Bargains -IN REAL ESTATE. $ 7 5 . Six fi»e lots, best location, at the re- — diculously low prioe of $75 each. For thenty days only. $ 900 The best hotel proposition in Geo. H- Sell and family have • _ Southern Orogon, Growing town. Doing a fine business. moved to Riverton. Mr. Sell has $ 2 0 0 0 Fine farm o f 21 acres near Co- leased his farm to his son Joseph. - The Riverton saw mill has shut down for a few days. Their wharf $ 900 — is full but they expect a vessel in $ 800 any day. Another young lady came to our 3 2 7 5 0 ' town laet week. She will remain with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barker, hereafter. $ 500 D. S. Rouse has received his per­ mit from the government for build­ $ 1500 ing a coal bunker 150 feet long. " Work on the bnnker hag already commenced. Mr. Tyrrell, of Arago, was down lsat Sunday. He drove over the new road. The proprietor of the Riverton hotel, Mrs. Alexson, was so angry last Sunday that she offered one dollar for the use of a telephone for fivo minutes. The ice plant at Co­ quill e sent only half enough ice for her. Never mind, you can all come next Sunday to get your ice cream, as Mrs. Alexson will have ice cream every Sunday during warm weather. (If she can get the ice.) D ona A nna . Wealthy man in Biooklyn, N. Y. baa been found dead in a cab. His wife and family were in the conn- try, and he was oat driving with a fashionably dressed yonng woman. She managed to esoape from the cab before the police coaid arrest her, When the wealthy Mr. Cartel was examined it was found that his artificial teeth were sticking in his throat. One wonld suppose au old man with false teeth and a family woald hardly be riding about in a cab with an unknown woman. Moral: Leave your teeth at home, also tbe girls. $ 1100 9 mlle. All bottom, good im­ provements, House and two fine lots in good location. Good house, barn and four lots in fine location. Furniture and box faotorv, thriving to*n in western Oregon, good machinery, good location and doing a good business. This is a bargain. House and one lot near bosi- ness, rents for $5 per month. Any reasonable offer gets this property. N ee small plaoe of 8 acres near town, well improved, 4 acres full bearing orchard, balance pasture and meadow. Good eyoporator. i nis is a good investment. Fine small plaoe of 14 acres near town, fair buildings. $3000 One of the best 27-acre dairy places on Coqaille river. $1200 Nice residence property, d o se to business. Two of the best residenae lots in the city. A residence property that isfdirt cheap. $ 400 $ 500 $ 100 Two corner bottom lots. $ 26 0 Two fine lots house. $ 300 Two lots nicely located. 600 $2800 A fine corner business property It is impossible to describe my list in this oalumn. If yon are looking for a good piece o f property at a reasonable price, ( can certainly suit you. Remembet, I rent bouses and farms and do all kinds o f agency business. Come in and see me before buying. I can save you DOLLARS. O. C. SANFORD, Coquille, Oregon. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS. n Silks and Immense line of staule ana Fancy Ginghams , Prices 8 to 20 cts. per yd. f FOR a An elegant assortment of new Wash materials Jor earlg spring . D A IR Y R A N C H F O R B A L E . 280 acres, about 4 acres hill, balance best river bottom, 3 miles from Coquille, good steamboat landing; HO acres iin- »roved, plenty fruit, new 40-cow dairy »am, good spring water, one of the most desirable locations on Coquille river; will sell all or will sell in parcels to suit purchaser. For particulars, prices and terms inquire at M. A. Pierce’s drygoods store, in Coquille. 5-27tf NOTICE c W orsted Dress Goods, Velvets. 13- Large assortment of white and champagne colored merceri­ zed Oxfords for Waists from 20 to 90 cts. per. yd, Pcalt-s, in latest patterns 7 1-2 to 20cts per yd. °,a' co, 20 yards to the Dollar. * PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Roseburg, Or., June 20,1904. Notioe is hereby given that in compli­ ance with the provisions of the act o f Con­ gress of June 3,1878, entitled "An act for the sale o f timber lands in the States o f California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory,” as extended to all the Pub lie Land States by act o f August, 4 ,18 d 2, LEWIS E. BROWN, O f Riverton, oounty o f Coos, State of Or­ egon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 6247, for the purchase of the 8. K of NW. % and H. % of NE. \ of Section No. 8 in Township No. 28, S. Range No. 11 West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more vnluable for its timber or stone than for agricultural mrposes, and to establish his claim to said and before James Watson,County Clerk of Coos oounty, Oregon, at the office of county clerk o f Coos oounty, Oregon, at Coqaille, Oregon, on Saturday, the 17th day or Sec- tember, 1904. He names as witnesses: Wm. Myers, Claud Waters, Clarence Waters and Ar­ thur Brown, all of Lee, Coos oounty, Ore­ gon Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their olaims in this office on or before said 17th day of September, 1904. J. T . BRIDGES, Register. Ladies' Heady-made Summer suits and waists. New Spring Clothing for Men and Boys. Remember our Popular-price Shoe department, New and Stylish footware is arri ung Daily. Large assortment of up-to-aate Hats just receiued, compris­ ing the Steadson, Crizzly and Dunlap, the best on earth. We also carry a complete line of Groceries, Fiour f and Feed, Our Price are Right. Farmers, bring your produce to W. T. KERR & CO. NOTICE FOR PUBDIOATION- D epartm ent of the I nterior , Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, Roseburg, Ore., June 13, 1904. Notice is hereby given that in com­ pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “ An act for tho sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,” as extended to all tbe public land States by act of August 4, 1892, Beniamin Gotter, of Roseburg, CO nty of Douglas, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this office bis sworn statement No. 6227 for the purchase of the NE1^ of section No. 30 in township No. 26 south, range No. 10 west, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Re­ ceiver of this office at Roseburg, Oregon on Friday, tbe 9th day of September, 1904. He names as witnesses: W. L. Cobb, J. W . Porterfield, Jacob Rogers, and Thos. Cobb, each and all of Rose­ burg, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse­ ly the above-decribed lands are request­ ed to file their claims in this office on or before said 9th day of September, 1904. 6-24 J. T. B ridges , Register. JOB WORK ii iSi The Finest to be had in Coos County at the lowest Prices. Warren C. Parker, Plaintiff, ) vs. > Suit in BArtlett Doe, Nanoy H. Kezar, Equity. Martha A. Swan, John F Moore, Bonnsteel, July 24—As a result Chas. H. Moore, Frank G. Mooie, Geo. I.D oe, Mellen L. Doe, Frank of a wild night’s shooting and P. Doe, Chas. W. Doe, Chas. B. Gould, Ralph W. Goald, Ruth W. rounding up of grafters, two police­ Sargent, Albert A. Sargent, Kath­ men were shot. ryn Sargent, Arthur F. Doe, Cal- viu W. Doe, Emma W, Burns, NOTICE FOR P U B blC flT IO N . The police began the round up Mary Ellen Boone, Luov 1). Hyde, D epartment of the I nterior . Loring B. Doe, Ella F. Lincoln, of the gamblers and crooks, who United States Land Office. Mary Margnirite Doe, Laura M. backed slowly to the railroad N O T IC E , Doe, Lulu K. Doe, Mary A. Kezar, Roseburg, Oregon, July 7, 1904. San Francisco Protestant Orphan Notice is hereby given that in compli­ tracks were they made a stand. Notice is hereby given that the Com­ Asylum, a corporation, Pacific ance with the provisions of the act of Con­ Two hundred shot were fired, and mon Council of the City of Coquille, in Hebrew Orphan Asylum, a cor­ gress of June 3, 1878, entitled “ An aot for poration, Roman Catholic Or­ the sale o f timber lands in the States of Coos county, Oregon, for the purpose of phan Asylum, a corporation, The 12 men were wounded. California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washing­ assessing the damages and benefits to Hospital for Children and Train­ ton Territory.” as extended to all Public Forty-five prisoners are held in accrue by reason of opening and estab­ ing School, a corporation, The Land States by act of;Aug. 4,1892, Charles Boys and Girls Aid Society, a cor­ the stock yards, guarded by a hun­ lishing a street in Baid city across the poration, B. Bradbury, o f Marshfield, county o f Coos, Golden Gate Kinder­ State o f Oregon, has filed in this office his dred men. There is fear of a property of B. C. Agee in said city ac­ garten Association, a corporation, sworn statement No. 2031. for the purchase The Board of Regents of the Uni­ of Lots 2, HWV4 NEM. WX SEK of seo- cording to the survey and plat of said bloody riot. versity of Caifornia, a corporation tion No. 4 in township No. 27 south, Range Politic, Uni on proposed street tiled in the office of the and Body No. 12 West and will offer proof to show Company, a corporation, that the land sought is more valuable for recorder of said city on the 12th day Trust and Exeoutor, including all the Two More Steamers Seised. its timber or Rtone than for agricultural of July, 1904, has appointed J. F. Shroe- heirs at law and devisees o f Chas. mrposes, and to establish hip claim to said and bcforeW . U. Donglas, U. S. Commis­ der, A. A. Leach ami J. J. I,amh view­ F. Doe, deceased, and J. W. Ben- | nett, Administrator, Defendants.) St. Petersburg, July 23— It is ers and appraisers to make an assess­ T o Bartlett Doe, Nancy H. Kezar, Martha sioner at his office at Mnrshfield. Oregon, on Saturday, the 1st day of October, 1904, ment of damages and benefits as pro­ A. Swan, John F. Moore, Chas. H . Moore, announced that advices have been He names as witnesses: Hiram King, vided by the charter of said city. Frank G. Moore, Geo. I. Doe, Mellen L. Harry C. Noble, Cora Noble and Lyman received that the captaiu o f tbe That said council has set Wednesday, Doe, Frank 1 . Doe, Chas. W. Doe, Chas. B. E, Noble, all o f Marshfield, Oregon, Ralph W. Gould. Ruth W. Sargent, Any and all persons claiming adversely steamer Petersburg that seized tbe the 10th day of August, 1904, at the Gould. Albert A. Sargent, Kathryn Sargent. Ar­ the above-described lands are requested to Malacca had seized two more hour of nine o ’ clock in the forenoon as thur F. Doo, Calvin W. Doe, Emma W. file their olaims in this office on or before Burns, Mary Ellen Boone, Lacy D. Hyde, October. 1904. steamers in the Bed sea carrying the time and the academy building in Loring B. Doe, Ella F. Linooln, Mary said 1st day of J. T. R bidor 8, Register. Marguirite Doe, Laura M. Doe, Lulu K. said city, as the place of meeting of said contraband. Doe, Mary A. Kezar, San Francisco Prot­ viewers for the purpose of performing e ste d Orphan Asylum, a corporation, Pa­ S h eriff's Sale. Loudon. July 23— It is reported the duties hereinbefore set f ortli. cific Hebrew Orphan Asylum, a corporation, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Roman Catholic Orphan Asylnm a corpo­ in Stock Exchange circles that tbe STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE Published by order of said council ration. The Hospital for Children and COUNTY OF COOS. contraband discovered aboard tbe made thie 22nd day of July, 1904. Training School, a corporation. The Boys Isaac Levingston, 1 and Girls Aid Society, a corporation, Gold­ E. G. D. HOLDEN, Plaintiff, l Malacca was shipped at Antwerp, en (late Kindergarten Association, a corpo­ vs. I City Recorder. ration, The Board of Regents o f the Uni­ marked sugar. Mrs. J-Suit in equity to versity o f California, a corporation and M. Rosenborg. Frioderike Rosenberg I foreclose a fftOTICB. body politic, and Union Trnat Company, a and Flanagan it Ben- I mortgago. corporation: O fficia l C all. S t e o n d 8ti*e«% G r a d i n g i m p r o v e ­ nett Bank, a Corpo- j In the name of tho State of Oregon, yon ration, Defendants, j m en t* and each of you are hereby notified that By virtue of an execution, jadgm ont or­ A petition having l>een received by you are required to appear and answer the A Convection for the purpose of complaint filed against you in tbe above der and decree issued ont of and under the common council of the city of Co- the seal of the above entitled court, and entitled Bait within six weeks from the organizing an Oregon Develop­ qnille, Coos County, Oregon, signed by date of the first publication o f this sum­ the ahoye entitled oange, to mo duly di­ rected and dated the 11th day July, 1904, ment League will be called to or­ a majority of the property owners (street mons, to-wit: Within six weeks from the 20th day of upon a judgment rendered and entered in der promptly at 10 o’clock A. M frontage,) within the limits designated, July, 1904. the same being the date of the said eonrt on tho 30th day c f April, 1904, in of Isaac Levingston. plaintiff, and Tuesday, August 2, for two day’s praying for the improvement of Second first publication of this summons. And if favor M. Rosenberg, Mrs. Friederike vou rail to appear and answer on or before agfiinat street, old plat of the town of Coquille, Rosenberg and Flanagan and Bennett session, at tbe Marquant Grand the Oth day or September, 1904, the same (now City of Coquille) Oregon, between being the last day of the time prescribed in Bank, defendants, for the sum of $1450.00 with interest thereon at the rate o f eight Theater, Portlaod, Oregon, under B or Main, and C streets in said city, tho order o f publication, judgment will lie per cent per annum compounded monthly tbe auspices of tbe Portland Com­ by filling and grading the same and the taken against you for want thereof for the since the 20th day of September, 1903, and . relief demanded in plaintiff's complaint, a farther sum of $31.40, plaintiffs costs mercial Clab, which will have for said Council having ordered a survey succinct statement of which is as follows: the and disbursements in said suit with inter­ (1) That an instrument of conveyance, est on said last sum at the rAte o f 6 per purpose the development and up­ thereof, which said survey profiles and to-wit: A deed from Charles F. Doe to cent per cent per annum from the 30th day estimates are now on file in the office of Warren C. Parker, dated February 20, 1903, April 19o4, and the costs of and upon this building of tbe state o f Oregon. and reoorded April 13,1903. in Book 38, at writ, commanding me to make sale of the the City Recorder, the same having page 349 o f the Record ef Deeds for Coos described real property, to-wit: been adopted by said council. It was County, Oregon, be reformed so that the following Accident Proves ratal. E S of NW >*. the HW of NEV*. the N * of further ordered that notice of said im­ description off land contained therein shall SE ^ and NEl{ of SW l4 of Section 9, town­ read as follows: lot numbered 2, also such provement be published inviting pro­ portions o f lot numbered 3 and the 8. W. ship 27South of Range 14 West o f the Wil- Cyrus Metcalf who was mention­ posals for said work; said proposals to H of N. E. H o f 8ec. 22 as lies south and lametta meridian, all in the county o f Coos j 8tate of Oregon, together with the tene- j east of Bear oreek. All in Tp. 28 8. o f R. ments, hereditament and appurtenances j ed oar last issue having been sever- be received and filed at the office of 14 W. o f the Willammette meridian in thereunto belonging or in any wise apper- j ly injured by a falling tree at the iil City Recorder on or l»efore the 10th Coos county, Oregon, containing 83.75 tabling. acres of land, more or less, excepting from Now. therefore, by virtue o f said ex ocu -. camp of his brother, Ira Metcalf, day of August, A. D. 1904, at 4 o ’clock this sale and reserving to the party of the tion. judgment order and decree, and in ( p. m. first part the tide lands along i)oquille compliance with the commaud o f said writ, j near RivertoD, on Thursday, never river fronting tho foregoing described I will, on tho 15th day of August, 190t at j Now THiRiroKK: All parties interest­ land gained consciousness pot succumb­ ed, or desiring contracts for said work the hour of 9 o'clock n. in., at the front door (2) For his ousts hud disbursements in the Cortnty Court House, in City of Oo- ed at 11 p. in. that night. Deceas- or improvement are invited to examine this suit, and such other and further re of quille, said county and state, sell at public lief as the court may deem moot and equi­ i auction, subject to redemption, to the high- • whs 22 years o f age, a single man, the report of the survey or profiles, esti­ table. est bidder.for United States gold ooin.oash mates, etc, now on file as aforesaid, and Service o f this summons is made by pub- \ in hand, all the right, title and interest and a native of Coos county. licntion in pursuance of an order made by , the within named defendants had on the l - «♦ » ♦ — • submit proposals for said work. L. Harlocker. as County Judge of Coos date of the mortgage herein, or since had, j If you expect to build this spring By order of the Common Council of County, Oregon, dated July 23, 1904, di- m and to the above described real property, I reeling that service thereof be made by or any part thereof, to satisfy said execu- call on W. A. Goodman and get the City of Coquille* Oregon. publication th