n t I SEMI - WEEKLY Professional Cards. W alter Culin, M. D. P h y sic ia n H vkoxon an d Coquii.i.K C it y , O he . Kronenborg Bid] Next Door to P. ( Telephone S. Dr. M. 0. Stemmier, P h y sic ia n S cr ge on . and Office over M yhtle P oint , Perkins’ Drug Store. O regon . I A. J. Sherwood, A ttorney at -L aw , N otary P ublic , Coquille, : : Oregon Walter Sinclair, A ttorney - at -L aw , N otary P ublio , Coquille, Oregon. /. Hacher, A bstracter o r T itle » . C o q u ille C it y , O re ______ I__________________ I______ Hall & Hall, A ttorneys - at -L aw , Dealer in U ral E state o f all kinds. Marshfield, Oregon. I J. Curtis Snooh, D. D. S. D en tist . Office two doors Bouth Odd Fellow’ s Hall Will make Handon a professional visit the first Monday in eaoh quarter. Coquille, Oregon. I E. D. Sperry. W . C. Chase. SPERRY & CHASE, A ttorney a- at-Law . Office in Robinson Building, Coquille, - - • ___ '______ . " Oregon. tt : E. G. D. Holden, L awyer , Jostioe of the Poaoe, City Recorder, U. 8. Commissioner, General Insnranoe Agent and Notary Public. Office in Robinson Building. Coquille, Oregon. Geo. Russell, M. D., P hysician and S ubgbon , | Offloe upstairs in MARTIN BUILDING I Calls promptly answered day or night, , Night call will be answered from Mrs. Wiokham’ s Boarding Honse. Phone, main 136. i Oregon. Coquille, I A. F. Kirshman, D entist . Offioe at Residence, ono blook east of Tuttle Hotel. Coquille . HERALD. COQUILLE CITY, O R E G O N , FRIDAY. JULY VOL 22. - . Oregon. COQUILLE RIVER STEAMBOAT CO. Str. D I S P A T C H Tom W hite, Master, Leaves I Arrives B a n d o n ........ 7 a - m . | C oqu ille... .10 a - m . C o q u ille ....... 1 P-M. | B a n d o n ------ 4 P-M. Connects at Coquille with train for Marshfield and steamer E cho for M yrtle Point. 'M ore R ailroad T alk Tho following is an interview with A. B. Daly, of Marshfield, published in the Oregonian: “ Our people are looking forward with great deal of interest to the railroad survey from Drain toward San Francisco via Coos Bay on the Oregon coast The engineering crops consisting of some 20 men have been stadilj- at work for over a year. The lino as surveyed starts at Drain, and*follows Elk creek to its confluence with the Umpqua near Elkton, thence down the north bank of the Umpqua for 25 miles to a point below Scottsburg on tide water. Here the line crosses the Umpqua at a point called Brandy Bar. This is an ideal location for a bridge, as an island lies near the middle of the river, which at this point is about G00 feet wide. From here the projected line follows the the south bank of the Umpqua to about a quarter of a mile from the ocean, where the line strikes south along the foothills to a point on Coos Bay opposite North Bend. Here it is probable a draw bridge will be located. From North Bend the line follows the west shore ot the bay, passing througb Marshfield and parnlling the Coos Bay Rose- burg & Eastern Ry., to a point on Beaver slough, theDce down the bank of the Coquille river for a dis­ tance of 10 miles, where it crosses to the south side and follows the coast. The survey is now complet­ ed as far south as Port Orford. The indications are pretty strong that this road will be built. No ef­ fort has been spared to locate the line on the best ground. In some instances the line between Umpqua and North Bend has been relocated three times “ The building of this line would form a valuable outlet to tho Oregon and California coast, and provides transportation for immense bodies of timbers and coal in Douglas, Ceos and Curry counties. From the Oregon line south the line will traverse Del Norte ond Humboldt counties, rich ia redwood and spruce, where a junction could be made with the Hammond rosd at Eureka, now owned by the Harri- man system, which will eventually be extended to San Francisco. This is on the the theory that this survey is being made in behalf of the Southern Pacific. If the Burvey is being made in behalf of the Santa Fe system, a junction could be formed at Eureka with the exten­ sion of the California A Northwest­ ern now being extended from , Willets to Eureka. Work is now being pushed on both ends of this extension simultaneously from Wil- lets and Eureka. This gap will probably be pretty well closed this year. nearly. 400 miles it becomes pretty near a logical sequence to any rea­ sonable mind that a city of consid­ erable commercial importance must be located on the southern Oregon coast, rich in coal, lumber and ag­ ricultural possibilities. The port of Coos Bay is the only point in the on- tire Pacific coast between San Diego and the British Columbia line where a steamer loading with the products of the country can secure an ade­ quate supply o f reasonably good fuel at a moderate cost, mined with­ in a stone’s throw of the docks. This is anad vantage that will become more valuable as developments pro­ gress. Railroads traversing the Oregon coast will be able to receive cheap fuel, a very vital element of operating expense. North Bend has a payroll of something like $35,- 000 a month. It is still growing and is the leading manufaotari ng town between Eureka and Astoria. W e a k H ea rt*. are caused by indigestion. If you eat a little too much, or if you are subject to attacks of indigestion, the stomach expands— swells and puffs up against the heart. This crowds the heart and shortens the breath. Rapid heart beats and heart disease is the final result. Kodo) Dyspep­ sia Cure digests what you eat, takes the strain off the heart, cures indi­ gestion, dyspepsia, sour stomach, and contributes nourishment, strength and health to every organ of the body. Sold by R. S. Kuowl- ton. NOTES AN D COM M ENT. If ice is cut in winter from pollut­ ed rivers, it is well to know that freezing does not kill the typhoid germs. The best ice is made artific- ally from pure water The “ passing o f Bryan’ ’ at St. Louis was not as ghostly and spect­ acular as some anticipated. Death by newspaper is seldom very perma­ nent. It is not what others say that injures a man; it is what he is unscathed. A woman out in Minnesota, aged 98, has got a new set of teeth. She fed herself on a teaspoonful of pow­ dered oystershelis every day. And it worked. But one must be 98 years old to have the experiment a complete success. A Newspaper man in the Philip pines thiuks it a terrible mistake to undertake to give the Philipinos au educatiou. He says an educated Malay becomes idle and dislikes manual labor. The same thing has been observed among educated Anglo-Saxons. There is a dreadful rumor that the same man who neglected to in­ spect the Gen. Slocum also pro­ fessed to inspect the Norge, which was wrecked off the northwest coast of Scotland, and not possess proper life boats or life preservéis. Alto­ “ The construction of this road gether some 2ooo lives have been would prove a boon to Portland’s losl in a fortnight as a neglect of commercial interests and do more duty. to develop Oregon than any other improvement that could possibly bo It is now alleged that at the time undertaken. The isolation which the Declaration o f Independence now prevails in the country to be was promulgated, July 4, 1776, not eventually opened up is well nigh a member had signed it, and the complete for several -months in the names of sotnj o f the signers were year, especially during the winter, attached without their knowledge. when navigation at some of the Alas! W hy rake up such ancient smaller ports is practically suspend, history in these days o f power and ed. expansion? The Declaration has “ Despite the drawbacks incident­ al to the lack of transportation fac­ ilities, the Oregon coast country is developing steadily. At North Bend the two mills of the Simpson Str. F A V O R I T E Lumber Co. have been running full J. U. Moomaw. Master, Leayes | Arrives time. Their market is local, coast­ C oquille........ 7 a - m . | Bandon. .10:45 a - m . wise and foreign. The local de­ Bandon.......... 1 P-M. | Coquille . 4:45 p - m . mand for lumber from the builders Str. R E X A of North Bend has been very large, Alva I see. Master, and indications point to contin­ Leaves I Arrives uance of this condition, as many C o q u ille ....... 1 p - m . \ B an d on ____ 5 p - m . B a n d on ........ 7 a - m . | Coquille— 11 a - m . buildings are in course o f construc­ Carrying passengers and mail. tion and projected. This new town Coquille River Transportation Co. has been a wonder. It has broken all previous records for the build­ Str. L I B E R T Y ing of a new city on the Oregon W . R. Panier, Master. and California coast in the same Leaves | Arrives The developments Bandon......... 7 a - m . | C oquille___ 10 a - m . space of time. C oq u ille ....... 1 p - m . | B an d on ___ 4.P m . are of a substantial character and Makes connection with train at f ’oquille are indicative of the latent possi­ and up-river boats. T. W . B A N T E R , Managing Owner. bilities which this section of Oregon possesses. When you come to Str. E C H O think that Coos Bay is the only T. W . McCloskey. Master, Leaves | Arrives deep harbor of any consequence be­ Myrtle Point . . .7 a - m . ! Coquille C’ y 0:30 a - m . Coquille C ity . . . 1 r-M. | M yrtle F t . .4:00 p - m . tween Humboldt Cay and the mouth Daily except Sunday. of the Columbia river, a distance of \ served Its purpose. iosity. It Is not a cur­ At the present time only three states, Montana, Nevada and W yo­ ming, and three territories, Alaska, Arizona and New M exico, are free from the English sparrow. This winged monopolist has found its way into Utah. It is noted that the more ornithological bulletins there are published against it, the more it spreads and increases. It also thrives on poisons and traps. The season has arrived for col­ lege students to get drowned while attempting to swim in strange riv­ ers; for men on the Adrondacks to shoot other men by mistake for deer; and for excursionists by rail or water to be killed by the score and by the hundreds All o f these summer events have happened with­ in a week, and the dreadfnl tragedy continues. Cars made ot wood con­ tinue to bum up, roasting the pas­ sengers alive. C oun ty C ou rt P roceed in gs. ( 0 m c'iid rd troni laut irta ne.) V 22, N O 4, 1904. Dr E E Straw, bal due on autopsy Turner infant.....$ J H Mill nor, sahs wts for poor farm......... .................... J T Nosier, team for use of court .......... S B Cathoart, establishing corners .............................. T J Little, team for use of court .................................. Dr Geo Russell, attending Mrs Hatcher....................... Chadwick Lodge No 68 A F A A M, rout for election and lights........................... R S Knowlton, sundries for court honse.......................... A C Lukens, carpentering in court room ......................... W M Erakor, cutting grass in Court yard..................... 15 00 Knowlton's Drug Store 4 94 L D McBeo, r d 18, labor..... 3 00 J R MoBee, r d 18, labor..... 41 GO 5 00 T Rookard, r d 18, labor....... 2 00 J W Applotou, r d 18, labor 3 50 18 00 0 McBoe, r d 18. labor...... 34 60 E E Evernden, r d 18, labor 15 35 11 00 G Bryant, r d 18, labor...... 13 50 H Knight, r d 18, labor..... 23 G2 20 00 R A CribhiiiH, r d 18, lnbor.. 5 00 A L Nosier, r d 18, nails... 5 40 S R Lushlisugh, lumber...... 07 00 5 00 J G Fish A Sons, timber bridge Myrtle Creek 1903 10 00 21 25 W M Kay, supvr r d 21 apvd Coqaille, Oregon. amt due............................... 158 48 0 25 Jeff Ownby, r d 21, labor..... G2 50 Geo Sell, r d 21 labor........... 52 00 2 50 Jeff Ownby, r d 21, labor... 45 00 J B Dulley, stamps for Treas. Geo Sell, r d 21, labor.......... 47 00 office ................................... 4 00 Jas Vowell, r d 21, labor.... 19 00 stamps for Wm Rohm, r d 21, labor.... 44 25 L Harlocker, judge’s office....................... 2 00 T T Smith, r d 21, labor.... 86 50 T A Walker, insurance of T H Mchl A Co, r d 21, ma­ poor farm building, $1500 75 00 terials .................................. 25 55 P H O N S 116 Coq water works, water to A Davis, supvr, r d 24, rept- July 31................................ 12 00 appvd, allowed................... 2G 80 N Lorenz, cloth for table in A J Radabaugh, supvr, r d assessor’s office.................... 1 65 P R O P R IE T O R S 27, rept appvd allowed..... 12t> 65 J G Fish A SonB, bulletin Bert McCloskey, r d 27, labor 26 60 board for clerk’s office........ 2 50 L Lafferty, r d 27, labor....... 24 00 Geo T Moulton, agent, Percy Schroeder, r d 27, Experienced Help Reasonable Rates freight on furnaces........... 7 20 labor ................................... 45 00 S Gallier, supplies for prison­ Special Rates to Families anil Hotels W Counts, r d 27, labor..... 26 60 ers, etc, $1.25; board for Henry Radabaugh, r d 27, prisoners to June 30, $105.- labor ................................... 24 61 We make our own soap and know its ingredients. No injurious chemicals used. 55........................................... 106 80 Our baskets will lie left at all the principal points on the river. Clay Dement, r d 23, labor...105 00 Goods called for and delivered in Oomillle City. Mrs Wfietstone, washiner for Geo Laingor, r d 23, labor... 72 00 prisoners ........................... 8 90 Janies Cowan, r d 23, labor Coq Electric Light Co, lights A. J. SHERWOOD, Pres. R. E. SHINE, Vice Pree. I. H. HAZARD, Cashier viewing road....................... 6 00 for court house................... 12 00 Ordered that the following super­ Geo Martin, wood for court visors pay themselves out of r d house.................................... 4 50 funds as follows: O P C O Ç U Iü L iE , O R E G O N . J A Seed, coal, wood, trip to B H Burns, supvr, r d 16 re­ poor farm............... 19 50 pt appvd........................... $ 15 45 T r a n s a c t s a G en eral B a n k in g B u s in e s s W H Mansell, coal and J M Perkins, supvr r d 19, freight for court house...... 30 75 rept appvd .......................... SO 00 S B Cathoart, ink stand, $1, Board of Directors. Correspondents. W A Prewett, supvr r d 20, not allowed......................... It. CJ. Dement, A . J. Sherwood, j National Baule o f Commerce, New Y o rk City rept appvd...........................100 00 L. H aflocker, L . H . Hazard, ! Crocker W oolworth N ’l Bank, San Francisco Iu re painting poor farm: L W P Holman, supvr r d 19, Inaiali Hacker, It. E. Shine. | First N at’l Bank of Portland, Portion Harlocker ordered to pay for said (con.) for 1903.................. painting when the same shall have G W Wimer, supvr r d 22, been completed, out of the general A L L THE L E A D IN G rept appvd.......................... 10 00 fmad of Oo-w county, *» ' d e a l e r s / / . l .\- i >/',/■: C M Hermann, supvr r d 23, Ordered that the following bills rept appvd .........................166 00 THE CELEBRATED of expense for officers’ salaries and A Dayis, supvr r d 23, rept appvd ................................. 9 30 clerical help in the various offices be paid an follows: E A Howey, supvr r d 28, Florence Rosa, 10 days in rept appvd.......................... 65 41 clerk’s offico..................... $ 20 00 E P Mast, supvr r d 30, re­ pt appvd.............................. 2 00 T J Thrift, collecting poll ROTH CH IL D BROS. tax........................................ 20 10 In re relocation of Daniels creek- DISTRIBUTORS Ray Collier, 78 days in assess­ Catehing slough road, continued. PO RTL AN D: OREGON. or’s office..................... ‘ ...... 195 00 Petition for relocation of Wil- J S Lawrence, 67 days depy lanch slough county road dismissed. in assessor’s office...............199 50 Petition for county road in town S8SSSS88SSS G G Brown, land lists for of North Bend, continued. assessor................................ 5 45 ■ i Ordered that C S McCulloch be A D Wolcott, services sher­ appointed one of the Board of iff's office............................... 47 50 CouDty Road Viewers. In re Myrtle Point-Cooper S Gallier, deputy hire, cir­ cuit court............................ 16 00 Bridge road. The same was con­ A N Gould, work in assess­ tinued for the term. or’s office............................ 2 50 In re location of county road be­ GENERAL LINE OF CHEMICALS, DRUGS, PATENT R C Dement, exam roads and ginning near corner of sections 34, MEDICINES, DRUGGISTS’ SUFPLIF.S m ileage................................ 19 80 TOILET ARTICLES, ETC. 32, 26 and 27, tp 26 S, R 14 West. Petition granted and same order­ W H Bunch, sal as supt and postage ............................... 257 25 ed surveyed, the Board of Road L H Hazard, salary as clerk Viowers to meet July 27, 1904. and help in circuit court... 149 00 In re “ Lett Hill Change” on R H Mast, depy clerk........... 75 00 Middle Fork road: Report of view­ J B Dulley, treasurer............ 66 67 ers and surveyor approved and S Gallier, sheriff.....................166 67 Having had many years of experience in this line road ordered opened. we are prepared to give all the In re Roy-Coquille City road: E M Gallier, deputy sheriff 60 00 best of satisfaction. Report of road viewers and survey­ L Harlocker, judge, for quar­ ter ending June 30 .......... 250 00 ors approved and the following persons allowed the sums set oppo. E A Anderson, commissioner and mileage ..................... 53 80 site their names for damages on Lloyd Spires, commissioner said road, as follows: and mileage........................ 51 80 Ed Johnson........................ $ 78 00 E N Smith, help in assessor’s J L R oy ....................................174 54 office, $15.00 not allowed.. Frank Collier......................... 291 26 State of Oregon 'j Selfs, etal, claim for $500 re­ >■ SB duced t o ..............................223 90 County of Coos ) James Mast............................. 82 50 I, James Watson, County Clerk Oilman heirs............................197 40 and ex-officio Clerk of the County G W Wheeler......................... 418 90 Court of the State of Oregon, in In re survey for grade up “ Shuck ¡b/TareliflelcL, Ore. and for the County of Coos, hereby Hill” on North Fork road in r d 31. certify that the foregoing is a true Ordered that the following bills be Agents for leading makes of and correct synopsis of the pro­ paid out of road fund: ceedings of the County Court for A N Gould, 2 days and mile­ the regular July, 1904 term cf said age..................................... $ 11 50 Court and of the whole of said J E Clinton, 1J days axman 3 00 proceedings, as the same appears J V Shuck, 2 days axman... 4 00 upon the journal of said Court, We bay for Cash from Manufactures aild therefore can In re wrongful and double assess, now in my office and custody. sell you at bottom prices. Wo also carry a fall line of ments of taxes: Witness my hand and the seal of Ordered that S Gallier, tax col­ lector, tako credit for $92.98 upon said court afBxed, this 16th day of the delinquent tax roll for the year July, 1904. J am es W atso n , And everything else in the music line. 1903 County Clerk of Coos Conuty. In re miscellaneous bills of ex­ pense for the court bouse and jail and the various offices, same order­ One Minute Cough Cure I O O F HALL ed paid as follows: l F o r cough«, Colds and Croup. © ^7 T o ile t A rtic le s , School Books and School Supplies, Kodaks and Kodak Supplies, Pine S ta tio n e ry a Specialty. C o q u il l e Steam Laundry INOSLER & LYONS Best o f W o rk F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K Magnolia Whisky 3 /New Drug Store. GEO- A- CHURCHMAN. l’ ROl’ Prescriptions A Specialty. ^Golden Building - - - Coquille, Oregon Chas. Grissen Music C ° Pianos and Organs Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Strings CHAS. GRISSEN MUSIC CO. ! L £ J L E S H I P T E L . 'I D • • OIESIE j -