Semi-weekly herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1904-1905, July 19, 1904, Image 4

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    Semi-Weekly Jerald
(Myrtle Point Enterprise.)
Born, July 8, to the
Adams, a son.
wife of E P
W rappers just arrived at M rs. batch’s.
Five bars N apthoi Soap 25c at L or- ,
Born, at Gravel Ford, July 9, e a r ’ s.
Dress Skirts anil Underskirts at Mrs.
1904, to th6 wife of C Jackson a
Buy your Fourth of July C lothing at
Mrs Ella Taylor came here from Lorenz’ s.
Roseburg Wednesday, aud will open
C h ild ren ’s H oods and Mull Tams at
Application made at the Post-
Mrs. B atch’s.
a photo gallery.
office at Coquille, Olegon, for trans­
New G oods arriving every day at W . T.
Mr Habison. manager of the Sun K err & C o .’s.
mission through the mails as second-
Rise Creamery, who has been suff­
Muslin U nderwear and H osiery at
class matter.
ering with an attack of appendicitis Mrs. B atch's.
Largest stock of C lothing on the river
is rapidly recovering.
C o u n ty Official Paper.
D e v o te d t o th e m aterial and socia l np-
o m ld i n p o f th e C oquille Valley particularly
and o f C oo s C ounty Renerallv .
S u b scrip tion , p ery ea r, in ad vance, $2.00
Church Directory-
C h r ist ia n C hubch . — P iea ch in e every
Sunday at 11 a. to. and 7:00 p. m. Sunday
sch ool at 10 a. m . Christian Endeavor at
0:30 p. m .
P rayer m eeting every Wedn ?8-
day even ing a t 7:30. All cordially invited.*
E pisoopal C hnroh.—E piscopal services
w ill be held a t 8 t. James church, C oquille
C ity the th ird Sunday in each month.
& Snnday sch ool at 10 a. m. each snnday.
W in . H orsefall, Pastor.
M . E . C h u rch , S ou th : P reach in g each
an d «v e ry Sundays at 11 a. ra . nnd 7:30 p.
m . Sunday-school every Sunday at 10
o ’ c lo c k . Senior Epworth League at 6:30, p.
m . Jn n iorL ea gn e at 3:30,p. m. Prayerroeet-
n g T h u rsd a y ev en in g at 7:30.
R . A. R eagan, pastor.
Methodist E piscopal church.—Service
the first nnd third Sunday in eReh m onth
Preaching at 11 o’ clock a. in. and 7:30 y. m.
Snnday sohool at 10 o’ clock a. ni.
worth League at G:30 p . m.
W. H. M ykrs .
P hkpbytebian CnuBon.— P reaching eer*
vices 2nd and 4th Sundays, m orning nrd
even ing, Snnday School every Snnday at
10 n. m . C hristian E ndeavor services every
Sunday at 6:30 p. m ., M iss W innie Hall.
P resident.
Ladies’ A id and Missionary
S ociety m eets every two weeks on Thurs­
d a ys at 2 p . ra. A cordial welcom e is ex­
tended to the p u b lic to attend all our Ber­
A dolph H abehly , Pastor
H S Bushnell of Catching creek
met with a painful accident last
Monday. He was hauling hay and
going through some brush and
timber an over hanging limb struck
him on the head and a slivr entered
near the right eye causing a pain­
ful and what might proven serious
wound. He was brought to town
and Dr Leep dressed the wound
and he is doing well.
Wm Rogers and bride arrived
hero Monday to spend the summer
Mr Rogers surprised his friends a
few months ago by taking unto
himself a better half and the happy
couple have been on a wedding tour
to New York and St Louis. Mr Ro­
gers has keen a resident of Myrtle
Point about three years and every­
one who knows “ Billy” is his friend
He and his estimable wife are glad­
ly welcomed to onr town.
at Lorenz’ s.
E. 1*1. FURMAN.
M a r s h fie ld .
Great reduction sale in M illinery at !
Mrs. B atch’s.
Call and see the new line of Shoes at
W . T. K err A C o .’s.
N .li-g u a rU
H ie
C h ild r e n .
I f you want to bay a boat, call on or
write G eo. M . H ite at B andon.
Notwithstanding all that is done
by boards of health and charitably
inclined persons, the death rate
among small children is very high
during the hot weather of the sum­
mer months in the large cities.
There is not probably one case of
bowel complaint in a hundred, how­
ever, that could not be cured by
the time\y use of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem­
edy. For sale by R. S. Knowlton.
M ens’ boys’ and ch ild ren 's cloth ing,
cheapest in tow n, at L oren z’s.
A Big Bargain
M cD onald has a fresh supply ot H er-
picide and H air Tonics.
Ten bars good laundry Soap at Kerr
A C o’s, for 25 eta.
Largest stock o f C loth ing and Gents’
Furnishing G ood s at L oren z’ s.
W . V/. W ilcoxen sells m ill wood, 75c
a load. Order at K err A C o .’s
Lard and Bacon at wholesale at the
C oquille V alley Packing Co.
W ild R ose, the best Oregon flour on
the m arket, at W . T . K err A C o.’ s.
S p e c ia l O ffe rs
. From the office ot the Cosmopolitan Maga­
zine u^ published the “ Twentieth Century
H om e,” a new magazine for women on new
lines, printed on coated paper (toned), pro­
fusely illustrated ami contributed to by more
noted writers than any other periodical. An
English publisher has .ordered in advance ot
iublication 10,000 copies for the London mar­
ket. W e have made arrangements to buy a
limited number o f annual subscriptions to this
new (»eriodical. which we offer absolutely free
to our subscribers, new or old. Here is the
most generous offer ever made by an American
Crystal Coffee is the best 25c coffee on
the m arket. W . T . K err A Co. has it.
- ■ ■
T iled I'p on T o p ol P lied
Duiing the fiire here last Friday
Order you r m ill wood by ptione of
Piles upon top of piles of people
night an excited young lady kept K err A Co. W ilcox en hauls it, 76c a load.
have the Piles, and DeWitt’s Witch
getting in the way o f James Guerin
Call at W . T . K err and C o.'s and see Hazel Salve cures them. There are
He their new line o f ladies’ Flannel W aists. many different kinds of Piles, but
T he W . C. T . U. m eets every 1st and 3rd who was handling the hose.
T he C oquille V alley Packing Co. car­ if you get the genuine and original
F riday at 2 p. m . ’ at the Christian church. told her if she did not ¿keep back
ries a fine line o f Berlin and m inced hams.
CHUBcn of R edbbmbd I srael ? Services be would turn the hose on her.
Witch Hazel Salve made by E. C.
every 1st and 3rd Sunday in each m onth by
If you want a Separator, get the best
E lder J . H . Jam es.
She blushiDgly replied:“ Say mis­ — the De L aval. 8 . M. Nosier has the DeWitt & Co-, of Chicago, a cure
is certain. H. A. Tisdale, of Sum-
ter if you will leave me be I will agency.
merton, S. C., says, “ I had piles 20
Men wanted to d o slashing for cows
torn them myself when Ig e t home
Die Together.
or cattle of an y kind. C has . P endleton , years and DeWitt’s Salve cured me
after everything else failed.
I was so badly excited when I Fat E lk.
Bacon, hams and lard, wholesale or by R. S. Knowlton.
Ono of the most shocking trag­ heard the fire alarm I didn’t notice
retail, at the C oquille V alley Packing
edies that ever occurred in Douglas which way I was putting them C o .’s m arket.
F u r S a le .
County was given in evidence
De Laval Cream Separators are the
best m ade. S. M . Nosier has the agency
Tuesday morning when the dead
A good home in this city, on
D o m estic T r o u b le s .
for this place.
easy terms:
bodies ot Win, Ford, a middle aged
It is exceptional to find a family
Orders sent by phone or mail will be
Enquire at this office.
man, and Emily Bogard, the six- where there are no domestic rup­ filled
led with p ro m p tn e s s and caro by W .
teen-year-old step-daughter o f A. tures occasionly, but these can be T . K err A
C hnm lscrlnlii’ » ('» H e , C h o le ra anil
S. M . Nosier has the agency for the
H . Churchill, were louud in the lessened by having Dr. K in g’s New
D lnrrlioca Ite in e d j’.
Life Pills around Much trouble De Laval Cream Separator— the best on
Umpqua river near Millwood, 25 they save by their great work in the m arket.
This remedy is certain to be need­
ed in almost every home before the
miles northwest of Roseburg. So Stomach and Liver troubles. They
Geo. M . H ite is building lioats for sale.
far as known there were no eye not only relieve you, but cure. 25c, If you want anything in tiiat line, write summer is over. It can always be
him at Bandon.
depended upon even in the most
witnesses to the tragedy and to all nt R. S. Knowltons’ Drug Store.
T he C oqu
oquille V alley Packing C o. will severe and dangerous cases. It is
appearances it seems like a case of
cash price for beef, especially valuable for summer dis­
. pay - the highest
T w o-F ifth s o f the P o p u la tio n m
utton and pork.
double suicide, although there are
orders in children. It is pleasant
W ork .
Vegederm a, H erpicide, Quinine Tonic to take and never fails to give
some who doubt that the girl’s
and everything in these lines at M cD on­ prompt relief.
Why not buy it
death was of her own volition.
Washington, July 13.—A special ald ’s barber shop.
now? It may save life.
For sale
From the fact that Ford, although report of the Census Bureau on oc­
W anted — One good horse or a team by R. S. Knowlton.
a married mau, seemed to be infat­ cupations shows that in Continen­ will I ns taken on piano trade by F. M.
Furm an, M arshfield.
uated with the girl, who apparently tal United States the total number
Bacon, Hams and Lard at wholesale I
encouraged his attentions, the sui­ of persons engaged in gainful oc­ and retail, quality guaranteed, Coqun.Li
cide is selfexplanatory. Besides a cupations in 1900 was 29,073,235. V alley P acking C o .
A homey magazine—each month helpful,
practical and inspiring. Full of fasci­
Ladies call at Kerr A C o .’ s and e x ­
wife, Ford leaves tour children, the which was one-half of the popula­
nating features; beautifully illus­
am ine the fine line of Silk W aists and
eldest of whom is only six years of tion 10 j’ears of age and over, and Silk Trim m ings o f all kinds.
trated. A million readers.
$ 1 .0 0 per Y ea r— 10 C ents a C o p y .
age.|They resided on what is known nearly two fifths of the entire pop­
W e guarantee first-class work at rea­
A F ree sample copy to all requesting.
as the sheep ranch, five miles down ulation. The total number com­ sonable prices at the Coos Bay Steam
Laundry. N. L orenz , Agent.
the river from Millwood.
The prises 22,589,525 men, 4,833,630
Gents, call and see the new line of
girl’s parents are highly respected women and 1,264,411 were boys and Hats
at K err A C o’s. S tetson’s G riz­
G ood H ou sek eepin g wants a subscription
residents o f Millwood,
representative in every city and town in
485,765 girls Those of foreign birth zlies, etc. Best m anufactured.
the west. T o those who will give all or a
Just how long the feeling of mu­ aggregate 5,851,399, or one-fifth of
G arten’ s Candy Store and T hom p ­
portion of their time it offers attractive
’s Restaurant keep Bert Seal’ s straw­
work and pays exceedingly liberal commis­
tual affection had existed between the total number of the gainful son
sions. It will nay you to investigate. A
Ford and the girl is not known, workers, and the statistics show
postal card will bring particulars. W rite
Loggera, if you want som ething good
but their affairs did not come to the that the emigration of 20 years has in the shoe line call and look at the line at once so as to be the first in your field.
knowledge of the girl’s parents not increased the population of displayed by W . T . K err A Co.
Pacific Coast Office:
T he C oquille Valiev Packing Com pany
until the couple attempted to elope foreign born in the working popu­ wholesales
and retails Bacon, Hams and
59 C olumbian B uilding , S an F rancisco
Lard and guarantees the quality.
on the morning o f their death. lation of the country.
A n Illustrated Magazine for the Family.
R em em ber W . T. K err A Co. carry the
Mr. Churchill’ phoned to Sheriff
Those of foreign parentage ag­
largest stock of Ready-M ade C loth ing in
McClallen at Roseburg, telling him gregate 11,166,361, or over 38 per Coquille, and their prices are right.
At Mrs. Moon’s
of the elopement and asking him to cent, almost equally divided be­
$800 will buy a 200-acre Stock R anch
come immediately and arrest Ford. tween immigrants and children of in Southern Coos, with plenty of o u tly
For 30 days you will get rare
ing G overnm ent land. J . J . S tanley .
Sherifl McClallen informed Church­ immigrants. Manufacturing, trade
bargains in all summer goods, in­
Latest designs in M cCall Patterns.
ill that he would have to come to nnd transportation and the profes­ A nyone
purchasing a $2.50 dress pattern cluding laces, ribbons, gloves, cor­
Roseburg and swear out a warrant sions show an increasing number at W . T. K err A C o.’ s m ay have a pat­ sets underware, waistiDgs, silks,
tern free.
hose, hats, and in fact everything
first, whereupon Mr. Churchill of workers of each sex, while the
I Julies if I you want som ething nice in in her line.
promised to do so. Norhing moie agricultural class represents a di­ the way of W aists and Read; •Made
Sum mer Suits direct from the factory,
of the matter reached Sheriff Mc­ minishing proportion.
call at K err A C o’ s.
Clallen until about four o ’clock in
A cheap job is dear at any price. W e
V e te r a n E n c a m p m e n t
the afternoon, when a telephone
d o only first class w ork.
Send or
bring us your watch work and it will be
message from Millwood announced
Bandon, June 28, 1904. done right. W ilson J kwely C o ., “ T he
“ I was troubled with stom ­
that the boddies o f the couple had
ach trouble. T h ed ford ’» B lack-
Attention Comrades: The Ninth Reliable J ew elers.”
ra u ’ ht d id me more good
been found in the river.
F or S ale ,—O ne United States
Annual Encampment of the South
In one week than all the d o c ­
Further inquiry brought out the
* medicine 1 took in a
Western Oregon Veteran Associa­ Turbine Seperator, capacity, about
T ear-
M | l . S A It A FI B.
1000 pounds; in good order, as
iniormatiou that parties from Mill-
r t l S U ) , KlUttarille, Ind.
tion will convene at Bandon on
good as now. Owner perfectly sat­
wood started out to trace the elop­
Theriiord's Black Draught
August 24th, 25th and 26th. Com­ isfied but it is not large enough for
f^uickl; invigorates the ac­
ing couple nnd catne upon their
rades, make it a point to attend his business. For full particulars
tum o f the stomach and
bodies as they were crossing the
cured i‘ ,vn chronic case* of
the Encampment, as a good time is go to T. H. Mehl Ji Co’s., hardware
in.lig* !*lioa.
If you will
river three miles below Millwood.
By order of Division store.
tak»» a Ntii«i!I dose of Thed-
Coroner Twitched went to Millwood
ford\< I*. hick Draught occa­
J. W. F elted ,
sionally you will keep your
today to hold an inquest. He was
•tomacli and liver in per­
F or S a l e — A large 3-year-old
accompanied by Deputy Sheriff Y .L
fect condition.
All persons knowing themselves
Bogard, who, by the way, is an colt, 16 bauds high—will make a
to be indebted to the undersigned,
uncle of the dead girl. Additionel 1400 or 1500 pounds horse, kind are hereby notified that settlement
facts will be made known as soon disposition and gentle; color dark, must lie made at once or the ac-
as the officials return.—Roseburg nearly black, with gray spots on countss will be placed iD the hands
back and hips. Also a good sad­ of a collector and interest added.
dle horse and driver. For further
—-----■ 1, « «
Z. C. S t r a n g .
particulars enquire o f or address
It. S . K n o w l io n .
E. J. Michael, Myrtle Point. The
More sicknestis caused by
S j id ’ «I F r o m n T e r r i b l e D e a t h .
Ask the readers of this paper who animals may be seen at Wm.
constipation than by any
are suffering with iudigestion or James' place Unities west of Myr­
The family of Mrs. M. L. Bobbitt'
other disease. Thedford's
dyspepsia to call on them ntoncej tle Point.
of Bargerton, Tenn., saw her dying j
Black-Draught not only re­
lieve* constipation but cures
and get a bottle of Kodol Dyspep­
and were powerless to save her.
I have, I believe, sold fifty boxes The most skillful physicians and |
di&rrh'ca znd dysentery and
sia Curo. If you knew the value of
keeps the bowel* regular.
this remedy ns we know it, you of Chamberlain's Stomach and every reindy used, failed, while con­
A ll d r u g g is t * M il
would not suffer nuother day. Ko­ Liver Tablets on the recommenda­ sumption was slowly but surely
H -e e # l ; -ckagaa.
dol Dyspepsia Cure is a through tion of one lady here, who first taking her life. In this terrible!
digestaut and tissue-building tonic bought a box of them about a year hour Dr. Cime’s New Discovery for
" T h e d f o r d ' s Black-
Draught i* the best medi­
as well. It is endorsed personally ago. She never tireH of telling her Constitution turned dispsir into joy.
cine to regulate the bowels
by hundreds of hundreds of people neighbor« and friends about the The first bottle brought immediate
I have ever used.” — M RS.
whom it has cured of indigestion, good qualities of these Tablets.— P. and its continued uce completely 1
A. M. G R A N T , Snead.
1 erry, N. C.
cured her. It's the most certan
dyspepsia, pnlpatntion of the heart
and stomach troubles generally. The pleasant pugative offect of cure in the world for all throat and
Tablets makes them a favor- luug troudles. Guaranteed Bottles
Kodol Dyspepsia (lure digests what I these
For 50c and £1.00. Trial Bottles Free at
yn 1 cat. It is pleasant, palatable and I'*p with ladies everywhere,
Sale by R, 8 , Know Ion,
R 8. Koowltou, Drug Store,
W .
The Twentieth Century Home,
for one year (regular price $1),... FREE
The Cosmopolitan Magazine,
for one year (regular price $1).....$1.00
This Paper for One Yeer,
52 num bers........................................ $1.50
sion distinctly its own. While giving great
attention to fiction and entertainment—fifty
short stories and one or more complete novels
appear in its pages each year—it has a definite
plan beyond. It may be likened to a great
modern university, with a million and a halt
student-readers. A year’s course embraces
what is most important in the Scientific field,
what is most interesting in Invention and Dis­
covery, what is most entertaining in Travel
and adventure, what is most valuable in the
W orld of Business. A portion of each num­
ber is edited with reference to the Woman of
the W orld, another to the W oman ot the
Home, and another to interest Youth, and
still another for the Man o f Affairs, covering
equally the clerk just startiug in life and the
captain ot industry.
What the Twentieth Century Home Offers
Single copies 10c. Annual subscription $1.
A magazine for Women, printed on fine
coated paper (toned), beautifully illustrated.
It will contain what is newest, if best, what
is most usetul, if new; what is most entertain­
ing, if helpful, what is most instructive, if in­
R -I-P-A -N -S Tabules
Doctors find
A good prescription
For maokiud.
T he 5-oent paoket in enough for usual o c­
casions. The fa m ily bottle (GO cents » co n ­
tains a supply fo r a year, All druggists
sell them .
A ll orders handled with carefulness and expedience.
Sole Agent
Leave orders
Riverton and Peart’s Coals
Litties stabie.
------DEALER IN ------
Harness and Saddles
• K ' n d s o f I_,e a tlie r O -o o d s ifc>u.nd in a.
H a r n e s s S lio p
I also do all kinds of repairing in this line at reasonable figure
O o c m ille . O r .
Goquille furniture
J- G-
F is h
& Son,
MANUFACTURERS of Butter Boxes, Cubes, Apple and Fruit Boxes
Cabinets, Tables, Counters, Store Fronts, etc.
Turning Work a Specialty.
All Orders given
prompt Attention.
C. B. Leep,
W eak
H earts
Are due to Indigestion. Nlnety-nlre of every
one hundred people who hzve heart trouble
can remember when it wzz simple Indiges­
tion. It Is a scientific fact that sll cases of
heart disease, not organic, ore not only
traceable to, but are the direct result of Indi­
gestion. All food taken Into the stomach
which falls of perfect digestion ferments and
swells the stom ach, puffing It up against the
heart. This Interferes with the action of
"he heart, and In the course of time that
delicate but vital organ becomes diseased.
Mr. D. Ksubl*. 0« Nevida. O.. says: I hid »tomich
trouble and w u In I bad stat.
I had haart troubl.
With It I took Kodol Dyspepsia Cura for about lour
sooths and It curad mo.
Has procured a first-class shoemaker and is ready
to serve the people in all hinds o f work in
this line.
All kinds
of Boots
and shoes made to order.
R e p a ir in g a S p e c ia lty .
C o q u ille , O re g o n .
Kodol Digests W hat Y o u Eat
and relieves the stomach of sll nervous
•train and the heart of sll pressure.
Bottles only.
7 V Y A N S E L - I _ .
H .
General Drayman
I d a neat plat containing about
2 acres, 00 which there is a lovely
orchard in Coquille city— right Reiular Price $3.50,
A ll Three to the subscriber fo r ...$2.50
Large stock ot Dry G oods, Laces and near the business part of
all Dress Trim m ings at K err A C o .’s.
For particulars call at this office or
W . P. F u ller’s prepared Paints, Oils address Adam Pershbaker, Pros­
Single copies 10c. Annual subscription $1.
and V arnishes at J. A . Lam b A C o.’s.
per, Or.
The Cosmopolitan Magazine occupies a posi-
Skeleton collars and fixtures,and fancy
band trim m ings at Mrs. B alch’ s.
......... ... V
Dealer in Fiats
*1 .0 0 SUs holdlnt 2 H tlmaa tha trial
alia, which soils for 50c.
Prepared by ■. O. D.WITT * OO., OHIOAQO,
M.G.Pohl, Dr, ^Optics,
Myrtle Point, Or.
Highest Grade Lenses.
S a tis fa ctio n
every case.
Bud'Plymouth Rock
P o u ltr y F a r m ,
J, R. Stillwell, Prop
broughbr ed cockerels from $1 up
and eggs $1 per setting.
E. 8 . DEAN,
Vice President.
Coquille Valley Packing Company
(Successors to Johnson, Dean & Co.)
C a p i t a l $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 .
Principal place of business
Myrtle Point,
A general packing business carried on. The best meats
the country can produce always on hand. Highest cash
price paid for beef, pork, mutton, chickens, etc.
__Send moriol, I
or photo, for expert («arch an
and _ free
report. I
( drawing
Era© adrloe, how to obtain patenta, trade marks,
copyright», etc., IN A L L C O U N T R IE S .
Business d irect tvitk W ashington saves tim e,
m oney and often the patent.
Patent amt Infrfngtmtnt Prattle« Exclusively.
Write o r com e to us at
I t S Klath Itrwt, opp United «tatas Fatact Oftes.
W A S H IN G T O N , D . C .
C O Q .-u.ille C i t y , O r e g o n .
First Cla'ks in every respect Courteos treatment, Trans ien
and Regular Boarding and Lodging.
Any person catting Timber or
First Street— East End of Bridge.
Bark of any description on tbe
lands of tbe Southern Oregon Com­
pany, or removing same, or other
property, from said lands, without
being duly authorized iu writing,
will be Prosecuted according to
Any person furnishing sufficient
evidence for the recovery of proper­
ty so taken and conviction of the
parties concerned, will be given
ORp-balf of the property recovered.
SurriiKRN 0 b » k >3 Ç v w m ,
Saddle Horses of best quality always on hand. Oood Rigs in read
ness for special trips. In fact, a g v to - l ^ ge and Livery busiqes*
Accommodations for TrarHiqj men a specialty