(¡Uje 3 Fallö (üitif N ew a D. L. WOOD Publisher.. « K it l.r -d xa a.»*»*»»« i-la.« m a ll .1 tfca poa ta fflta • I r a lla C lt r . I V I t »m m ty. O t -fo u , a tutor tbr 4<-t o f lV u « r *a a of kla r» « t. IK f» Teitphonr N«w» ornc«. S u b a r r ip lt o n Hataa: O n a y a a r . «1.00; « Ix m pnth«. W o « m . . I h r « m o n ili.. »•*..< *. ' O l ' » - 1 » « * ■ H m i i l i M ft.in. Oiaptay. 1» o*ntaan tnrh ttu.ino'.. Nolteaa,Vo.iil. » M n»; l'or Sala, Kein, «lo u a i»«». Want *uJ l'.y KnU rUlnin.nl llcaa, & ou X Uno. Catti ot l'hauka 50 ela. l axa K ollo.a. local raUa. C o p y fo r n e w aita, a m t o lia n g . a a h o u lit b a a « n l Io T h . N a ir a n o t l a l . r l h a n W .it n . a it a y , h fh H a i tfa oa p a p a r af lh a O ily af F a lla C lh I ssued E v e r y S a t u r d a y M o r ning Yes! We do ' Job Work Compare our prices with others and see samples. THE NEW S Th a Raault of W a itin g O n ly Ona • Day In E v a ry Noma. A slugl« alii'» of bread r.oviua au un- Important thing. In many kouavholda oua or luor« k II h '« of hrvad ilully nr« thrown away and nut iihch I for human j foul. Soinetliuoa atul« quarter or half loavea are thrown out. Yet one good alivil «lice of liraunl. •iK'h aa a child llkea to cut weigh« an ouno«. It nintalna almost three fourth« of nil ounce of flour. If every one of the couutry'a 20,000,- outl home« ivuKtea on the average only one k II co o f bread a day the country la throwing away dally over l-l.ooo.not) ouiicca of flour—over 873,000 imuml*, or euoiiKh flour for over a million oue- i i>ouud loavea u day. For a full year at ! thin rate there would be a want» of I over 310.000,000 pounda of flour—1,ADO,. 000 bnrreta o f Hour-enough to make 303,000,000 loaves. An It takea four and one half htubela of wheat to make a barrel of ordinary flour, thin want« would repreaent the flour from over 7,000,000 bushel« of ! wheat Fourteen and nloe-tentha buahela of \ wheat on the avuraite are raised per I acre. It would take the fruit of Homo 170,000 acres Just to provide a «login slice of bread to be wasted dally In I iVi-»,» uouii'. D id n 't H it Him . No Longsr Quiet. B ill— Do you remember my broth­ er? G ill— Oh, yes, very well. “ Remember how quiet he used to be in school ?” “ Yes, indeed.” “ W ell, look at him now.” “ What’s the matter with him now?” “ H e’s a bass drummer.” — Yon- kjers Statesman. Local Newt Hams *Iln> bcsl allow at tin« tiani tonight Have you paid your subscrip­ tion to the New«? Mrs. John Hughes was in Salem last Saturday. Path« Phonographs easy terms. C. II. Fisher, Jeweler. F. Droegc returned to Newport Sunday. For Sale Cheap—Good horse, buggy und harness. Cull Post- office at Black Rock. Chus. Olts und family returned Monday night from the (bast. For Rent -Good 4-room house. Inquire at News office. Dr. A. G. Atwood left Saturday for Portland where he will con­ tinue in the practice o f his profes­ sion. This leaves Fallr. City with­ out a "tooth carpenter.” To proiiuee thin much tlour calls for an army of fanners, railway men and flour milt people. To get the flour to the consumer calls for many frcl„ht cars atid the uee of many tons of coal. Hut, some one says, a full slice of Pa the Phonographs $dl) to $325. bread le not wasted In every home. Very well. Make It a dally allce for Easy Terms. C.H.Fisher, Jeweler. every four or even ten or every thirty homes, tnsko a weekly or monthly «lire E. K. PIASE C KI, Ijiw yer, Dul- In every home or make the wasted slice thinner. Tlie waste of flour Involved la las. Ore. Probating o f Wills and .«till appalling, altogether too great to Settlement of Estates a Specialty. he tolerated when wheat la scarce. Any want» of bread Is Inexcusable Fresh Bread, Cakes,Cookies,Pies when there are so many waya of using stule bread to cook delicious dishes.— and other bakery goods, every I Cleveland Leader, day, at the Fulls City Bakery. LIFTING HEAVY WEIGHTS. How to W o rk W ith o u t Straining tha Muaelaa of tha Baok. During bouaecleaulug aeaaou It la not uncommon to bear many complaints of backache. Oftentimes the muscles of the back have actually been strained from lifting or logging at heavy rugs, etc., and there la reasou for the pain •ml dlacomfort manifested. Fortunate­ ly there Is a way to lift heavy weights without straining the muscles of the TURNED THE TABLES. back. "A well known metallurgical company," says Popular Mechanics, T w o Incidents In tha Careara of an "has recently issued Instructions show­ Am erican and a Belgian. ing the right and wrong way to Uft More than ten years before Belgian heavy objects, aueb aa Ingots and caat- relief was ever thought of a young Ings. American mining engineer who was In "Tbe way which la condemned and charge of Important mining properties which many workmen thoughtlessly In China received a visit early one j follow consists In grasping the toad morning from a burly ilclglun. The with both bands while stooping over Belgian brusquely Informed the young j and scarcely bending tbe legs at all. American that he had come to take j Uftlng In this posture throws most of charge of the properties. The Ameri- the weight on the lower part of the au bad received no ofllctal notice of back, where the muscles are weakest, the change In management, and he did and may produce a severe strain or nut much like the mauuers of the Bel­ rupture. gian. but be quietly accepted his new “The proper way Is to grasp the load status. He explained to the Belgian after squatting down close to It, so hat two tirade often are better than that the knees are drawn well up one and offered to help manage the against the tmdy. Lifting In this man­ properties Jointly. The Belgian ac­ ner throws the weight on the thighs cepted. and shoulders, which sro strong and The two men worked together for best suited to the severe stress that about six months. Then one day the conies In raising tho body to un erect burly Belgian lost bis temper and with ! posture." It his more experienced fellow mans gcr, for the young American promptly L iv in g Musio. resigned hls position und left the em­ To move the body to tho rhythm of ploy of the company. tin" universe, andante, presto, fast or The name of the young American slow, keeping tbe accent steady aud wns Herbert Clark Hoover. sure. Now observe how Nemesis pursues To use the voice In melodious speak­ proud mortals! In October, li)J4, this ing, with kind and gentlo words, to same Belgian, at the suggestion of the stranger or to friend. American ambassador In I .on don, In all events of dally life and work culled on an American who, Mr. I ’sgo to resolve the dlsicords and to blend the said, was the logical man to bead the moments Into one barmoailoua whole. work of relieving stoning Belgium. A mind to set In form the theme of The Amerlonn was Herbert C. Hoover. life, announce the aubjnet clear and —World’s Work. true and work It to satisfying close. To find within the soul tho beauty bearing message o f tlm song divine. Swords and Beards. This Is to set the days to music tud A t one time in England till “ gen­ to he a symphony.—Evangeline Close tlemen” wore swords as well as In Musician. beards, and their habit of drawing these weapons to settle the most Farr Cleaning Paints. An easy way to clean paints: Paints trivial disputes is said to have had much to do with the cut and styles In the bathroom or kitchen that have in beards. During this sword wear­ been soiled from smoke or greaso can ing period all “ bluffers” wore their bo easily cleaned by heating vinegar, and with tho uae of a sponge wl|ie the beards cut and hacked in most out­ paints. In order to obtnhi best results landish shapes, trying to convey the tho vinegar should be heated several impression that they were bad men, times during the process. When com­ who had been in many terrific sword pleted the paints will he thoroughly combats. clean and look like new. John Wesley had a reputation for cheerfulness. In his journal he writes: “ I preached in H alifax to a civil, senseless congregation. Three or four gentlemen put me in mind o f the honest man at London who was so gay and unconcerned while Dr. Sherlock was preaching concern­ ing the day o f judgment. Ono ask­ ed, ‘ Do you not hear what the doc­ tor says?’ l ie answered, ‘ Yes, but I am not o f his parish.’ ” NEW LIQHTINQ RAWS A SLICE OF BREAD. A Point Conceded. “ Tour nation hasn't much apprecia­ tion of statuary," remarked tbn critical visitor. “ I said thait years ago," replied Grandpa Mbit, "when they took the wooden Indian away from In front of the cigar at' are."— Washington Star. Dssarvad Boms. Blbsan Frocks—Thjis cake 1« awful nice, niarronn. (Silence.) Thla cake la awful nlcev mainona. “ Well, wtmfc of it?” “ Oh, nothing; only when the minis­ ter says it you always ask him to have more.'K— Bt. Louis Olohe-Democrat. Hrgiaful. "Cheer up!” says a Qeargla philos­ opher. “ High prices (ire sure to come down ssime time or other, If only to see the place whore you l/urled what they didn't get."—Atlanta Oonstlt utlon. H la te ry . History Is little more than Vhe regis­ ter of the crimes, the Tollies and ths misfortunes of mankln fl.—Olbt on. NOT AS IT MAY SEIM In accordance with the findings of the Public Service Commission at their hearing June 15, there will be a slight change in the rates for electric service. These new rules will lieeome e le c tiv e Aug­ ust 1st and are based on a wattage system instead o f candle-power. A copy ot the new schedule will be mailed to the consumer with monthly bill. For the benefit of those who do not understand, we will say thut all rates are now mude and are under the control o f the Public Service Commission. They decid­ ed thut the new rate was abso­ lutely necessity under the new conditions caused by higher prices on all commodities. Hoping that the new rute muy prove sutistactory to both con­ nûmes and producer, we are, Very respectfully, Falls City Electric Light & Power Company. C. T. Ellison, Mgr. H o w ’s T h i s ? SUPPLIES Thompson’* Drug Sfora Xiwtnceo darDo W e offer One Hundred Dollars Ho­ ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by llull'a Catarrh Cure. F. J. C H E N E Y & CO.. Toledo. O. We. tin" unilere!«n«>l»lly able to carry out any obllgailone made by bla firm. N A T IO N A L D AN K OF COMMERCE. Toledo, O. Halt's Catarrh Cure le taken Internally, acting »llrectly upon the blood uml mu­ cous eurfscee of the system. T»etlmonluls sent ftr « prlc»" 71 acute per bottle. Sold by all Drutrslete. Taiy> ItaU'e I'emUy Pllle fur eoaatipetiua Don’t forget to bring in news items, or drop them in our “ news box” at the postoffice. We appre­ ciate them. No needles to chang on a Pathe Phonograph. C.H. Fisher. Jewler. Mrs. John Hughes left Wednes­ day afternoon for a twoweeks stay in Salem. * :: Mrs. W. H. Dorman underwent a very serious operation at Salem :! last Saturday. She is said to be recovering slowly. Sample Rooms ■ ••I AceommeSatione D ro e u *. P r o p rie to r Sunday School 10:00 Mrs. J. M. YVatzIing returned CHRISTIAN CHURCH last Saturday from near Salem Divine Services each Lord’s Day where shs had been picking ber­ Planty of Tim a. “That Judge Ims given twenty or Bible School 10 a. m. ries. She has been quite ill since thirty men ninety days each." Divine worship 11 a. m. her return. "What of It?" Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. "Recuis fo lie un limit to a court cal­ Pathe Phonographs play all re­ endar."—-Louisville Courier-Journal. Evening Service 7:30 p. m. cords. Easy terms. C.H. Fisher, The public is invited to be with W anted More. H » -1 only know Hint I love you. She us in these services. Mrs. C. M. Smith, Magnetic —Ofs. dear! I thought you knew how Healer, whose home is in Albany to make money too. Boston Tran­ with headquarters in Salem, will script be at the New Falls City Hotel, The business tlmt'a In a rut Is ripen­ Room 19, every Friday from 12:00 ing fur tbe grave, merely an enlarged to 9:00 P. M., and Sundays from rut. 9;00 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. Mrs. Hargrove of Salem spent :: several days with her daughter, :: Mrs. John White. jf a ll 6 (Etty> 1 l 3 otcl Í. pered aoftly in Iter car, “ wo begin our journey ns bride and bridegroom Free Methodist — pilgrims o f life together. Hand Sunday School 10 a. m. in hand will wo journey down life's Preaching service 11 a. m. nigged mud. Wo shall need to set Song and praise service 7:30 out with a glorious equipment of faith and hope und courage, that followed by preaching at 8.00. neither o f us may faint or fait by Mid-week prayer meeting 7:30 p.m tho waysido before tho journey >s Everyone cordially invited to ended. W ill we not, darling?” attend these services. “ I— I— Oh, yea; to he sure!” she replied. “ Only I am really wor­ Edgar N. Long, Pastor ried about tho train of my dress. It didn’ t hang a bit nice when 1 tried it on today. What were you naming, dear?” Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hopkins and Mrs. Emily Calkins motored to :: Irish Bend Saturday night and spent the week-end with Mr. and jj Mrs. F. A. Lucas. :: HOTKL M. E. CHURCH Morning Worship 11. Epworth League 7:00. Robert Bradley and w ife and Evening Service 8:00 Mrs. Chapin left Thursday for You are most cordially invted. W hat W orried Har. Newport. I t was tho evo o f their wedding to attend these services. Good* farm team for sale cheap. day, and ho wus bidding her good A. S. Mulligan, Pastor. Owner gone to the Front. T. M. night. “ Tomorrow, my darling,” ho whis­ Word Ranch, Mrs. Ellison o f Albany, who has l»een visiting her son Claud and family, returned to her home Thursday. EASTMAN KODAK Outsiders might infer from the limited amount o f home adver­ tising in the News that a lot o f dealers are. alow to advertise. But that iB not the case and we want the people to undenitand tha-. it ¡a not the fault o f the dealers. An editor who has plenty o f this world’s plunder doea not care to chase around after a little measley advertising business, like an impecunious Hcribc might do, and if the News were owned by some poor man AND who had to hustle for a living its advertising columns might pre­ sent a very different impression o f the town abroad. This all goes to show that it is better for b1 HECTOR R. L. C H A P M A N FUNERAL OIRECTOR We attend to all work promptly. Dallaa and Falla City, Ora. Bohle’s Barber Shop A G E N C Y OF I n t e r n a t io n a l T D a lla s steam a j l o r in g Rundí«» forward««! \*ednc»d*y morning Candi»-», Tobaccos and Cigars, at L . B. W O N D E R B Y ’ S TH IS BLUE MARK MEANS TH A T YOUR TIO N s u b s c i p IS - :: PAST D U E T H E KAISER B E A S T OF BERLIN \pa SATURDAY, l i t JULY 27th M A TIN E E 2!30 One Day Only YOUR LAS T C H A N C E GeniiTIheal M a t i n « « : - - C h ild re n " A d u lts N ig h t E ve ry b o d y 15c 35c 50c co . lau n d r y G E T YOUR B U TTER W RAPPERS P R IN T E D A T T H I8 OFFICE.