r lOSSrS SURELY PREVENTED N EW R E V O L U T I O N IN RU SSI A H A R V E S T AT W A L L A W A L L A Kaiser Breaks With Holshrvlki When llun Ambassador Is Hlaln. Hot Weather and Winds Rapidly. Rip­ en Fields o f Grain. SIACKKB m i t SIBERIA PUT OFF Walla Walla.—Temperature of close to 100 degrees In iue field, with a north wind blowing, has rapidly ripen ed the wheat this week,and many out­ Gains of Czechoslovak Legions fits will take the field to commence harvest. The lack of rain In the last Is Notable. few weeka has prevented the grain from filling out. This la especially true of spring grain. Estimates made by farmers are that the yield will be about the same as last year for spring wheat or possibly a little less. 2.1r. O lolm .n l à!A and /10c. Fall sown wheat will yield fairly Revision o f Military Plans Made When well, however. There will be lots of wheat harvested In the valley, but the grain will not be as well divided News o f Counteracting Hun Ac­ Zero of 8port. among the farmers aa last year, when tivities is Received. nearly all obtained a good percentage Of course wo may be wronx about It. of their crop. This year spring sown but personally we never could have grain was badly pinched. much full with a goldfish.—Galveiton By the last of this week the harvest Newa. --------- u en i---------- Washington, D. C.—Tho success of will be well started, It Is believed. tho Czechoslovak legions In ro estab­ Water Plants Scientifically. Plow Beet Fields In Fall. lishing order in Siberia and in over­ A French botanlet who ha» experi­ Yakima.—As It has been demon­ coming armed opposition front former mented with vegetable ruining has de­ termined the exact amount of water German and Austrian prisoners, has strated this year that fall plowing is of distinct advantage to farmers who for the beat growth of tar! had the effect of suspending the prep­ expect to grow sugar beets success- Ii« found that a aration of plans hv the entente snd f'llly. arid Is of benefit to C t administered unis the United States for the organization tlon of the ground for arty crop, i__ by drop brought bet- tbau even systematic of an International military force to officials of the reclamation and Indian services have decided to change their rampaigti In Siberia. It was stated authoritatively Thurs regulations regarding the shutting off “ Particular" Man. day that none of the plans considered of Irrigation water and have assured the farmers they can make their ar­ of being particular la when had met the objection of the United rangements this fall not only for fall straightens bis necklla out States government that they Involved plowing, but for fall seeding as well. he goes to 'lie telephone to talk a weakening of the western front In Agent Don M. Carr Is also with a woman.—Portland I Teas Europe. Besides this objection there Indian working to have the terms of Indian has been a reluctance on the part of leases lengthened from three to eight the administration to depart from its years that farmers may plan their HAVR YOU A N W KKTIIKART policy of non-interference In the In­ p or Itrvtlior in ramp or training fur ilafonool work to better advantage. It is shown W m i , rn.il Kir . im riiac. o f A llon '. Foot Kmm. ternal affairs of a friendly country. > R o tlM ,tk I'owdor fur T lm l. Aching. Hwol- conclusively In the valley this year It was admitted an exception might ■Al/ F o o l. M el p r o v e n t. M u te r, and «ore .p o le. | 4 .k e . n . kin a eaay Sold everyw h ere, tie . be Justified In the case of Siberia, If that beets sown early on fall plowed have not blighted and will It were clearly established that the ground make a very heavy tonnage. native population was forcibly dom­ inated by Austro-German soldiers and influence. Reseed 5000 Acres to Beets. It Is understood an agreement to Sunnyslde, Wash. — The farmers try the American proposal to assist the Russians economically was about have not lost heart in the sugar beets Copenhagen.—The entire population as far as the negotiations between the they planted In the spring. Where it of the Murman coast (on the Kola entente and the Washington author­ Is estimated that the yield will be six penlnaula bordering the White sea and ities had progressed when news of the the Arctic) has broken with Russia rapid Cxecho-Slovak campaign In Si­ tons or over, nothing Is being done to and Joined the entente, according to beria demonstrated the necessity for the beets. Where the crop will be less a dispatch from Vardoe. Norway, to revision of any plans for a military than that reseeding is being carried campaign. It was said the develop­ on at a rapid rate. It Is estimated that the fhrlrtianla Tldena Tegn. A supply of provisions from the Unt­ ments were so sudden and unexpected there will be 5000 acres reseeded in il'd Slates has arrived at Murmansk, that It was not now possible to decide the Sunnyside district alone. Just how and when military aid should the dispatch adds. The Utah Idaho Sugar company is be extended. Portsmouth, Ohio.—“ 1 suffered from encouraging the farmers by furnishing American. French and British m i Recognizing the value of the work seed and labor for replanting. Irregularities, pains in my aid* and was so weak at timea I rlnes are known to be patrolling cer­ being done by Czecho Slovaks In coun­ could hardly g e t tain districts along the Murman coast. teracting German activities In Siberia without entry Into the political quar around to do my Washington, D. C.— Leaders of the rels of the Siberians, the entente pow­ work, and ns I had four In niv family Murman coast people recently ap­ ers will give the legions sympathetic anil three boarders pealed to the American and allied con­ and material support, if need be, as it m&de it very halt! suls at Kola for protection. Gorman they held this would be entirely con­ Portland— Wheat— Bulk basis. Port­ for me. Lydia E. troops are reported to the southward sistent with an attitude of neutrality. land for No. 1 grade: Hard wheat— Pinkham's V e g e ­ on the railroad leading to the Arctic The Uzecho-Slovaks are pledged to re­ Bluestem. Early Bart, Allen Galgulus, table Com pound al Kola. With allied naval forces frain from asserting control over the Martin Amber, 22.05. Soft white — was recommended guarding a store of supplies at Kola country through which they are pass­ Palouse Bluestem, Fortyfold, White to me. 1 took it and along the railroad, the Murman ing. Valley, Gold Coin, White Russian. and It has restored roast Is one of the possible fields for *2.03. White Club—Little Club. Jen­ my health. It la operations by the allies In tho east certainly the best under the new policy toward Russia U. S. B O N E D R Y S E E M S S U R E kins' Club. White Hybrids, Sonora, *2.01. Red Walla— Red Russian. Red medicine for woman's ailments I ever believed to have been approved by saw ."— Mrs. K ara S haw , R. No. 1, President Wilson at the white house President Wilson Alone Can'llalt Pro­ Hybrids. Jones Fife, Coppel. *1.98. No. 2 grade, 3c less; No. 3 grade. 6c less. Portsmouth, Ohio. conference. Other grains handled by samples. hibition With Veto. In the absence of any word from Mm. Shaw proved tho merit o f this Flour— Patents. *10; valley, *9.60; medicine ar.d wrote this letter in order Ambassador Francis since June 27, whole wheat. *9.60; graham, *9.20; thnt other suffering women may find the state department has been obli­ Washington. D. C.—Bone-dry prohi­ barley flour, *11 per barrel; rye flour, gated to rely on the Indirect reports. bition of the manufacture and sale of $11.50; cornmeal, *10.60011.40; corn relief as she did. Women who are suffering ns sh e was The last message from the ambassador Intoxicating liquor throughout the flour *11.70. should not drag along from day today reported the arrival of local civil au­ United States for the remainder of Millfeed— Net millfeed prices, car- without giving this famous root and thorities of Archangel, capital of the the war will go into effect on January lots: Bran, *30 per ton; shorts, *32; herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege­ province In which Kola Is located. The I next, unless President Wilson de­ middlings, *32; mixed cars and less table Compound, n trial. For special Bolshevlkl had seixed the officials on feats the proposed action of congress than carloads 50c more; rolled barley, advice In regard to such ailments write charges of disloyalty. The road to Immediate passage of *74075; rolled oats. *69. to Lydia K. Plnkham Medicine Co.,Lynn, the measure for which the prohibition Corn—Whole, *73; cracked, *74 per Mass The rosy it of it* forty years ists have been fighting for several ton. VIC TIM S O F R I V E R experience Is Si gum -ervice. months, was cleared Wednesday when Hay—Buying prices, f. o. b. Port­ D I S A S T E R O V E R 150 the senate by a vote 36 to 33 went on land; Eastern Oregon timothy. *32@ record In favor of attaching the nation­ 33 per ton; valley timothy, *27028; Man and Needles. « Peoria, III.—With 63 bodlea recover­ wide wartime prohibition rider (o the alfalfa. *24024.50; valley grain hay, Some men are like rusty needles; ed and the total number of dead esti­ pending agriculture extension bill. *24 0 26; clover, *21; straw. *9010. By this vote the senate reversed the Butter—Cubes, extra, 45c; prime the best way to clean and brighten mated at 150 to 200 persons, govern­ them is with work.—Youth's Compan­ ment, state and county officials began chair's ruling of the rider out of order. firsts. 44c; prints, extras. 47048c; searehlng inquiries Into the cause of The indications are that the senate cartons, 102c extra: butterfat. No. 1, ion. the wreck of the excursion steamer will adopt the prohibition amendment 47 051c per pound delivered Portland; Columbia Friday night. by an even larger majority than 203c less at stations. Suvtvora have charged that the big shown by the vote Wednesday. Eggs—Oregon ranch, current re­ steamer, carrying 500 passengers on a The concurrence of the house is re­ ceipts. 37c; candled. 41c; selects, 42Vfcc O n« hundred and sixty five Kooma. all Mod«rn return trip from Peoria to Pekin, III., garded as a foregone conclusion, inas­ per dozen. Improvement-« frno phonmt on «»vary floor. was driven against a sandbank scarcely much as that body Initiated the move Poultry—Hens. 26 0 27c; broilers, Rates: 76c to $1.50 per day: $2.50 to 10 feet from shore and about five miles for war prohibition by adopting an 30 032c; ducks, young. 30c; geese and south of Peoria, during a heavy fog. amendment to the pending bill de­ turkeys, nominal. $5.00 per week. Veal— Fancy, 19c per pound. Oppoftit« Court hou m \ 2 block* from I’ontofllc«. First reports were that the craft had signed to suspend the liquor traffic. The "wets,” considering such des­ Pork— Fancy. 23c per pound. lir a IToof. 8. 1* and Ortvon Electric pa«* door. struck a snag or submerged log. While the orchestra continued to perate tactics as filibustering the pas Fruits—Cherries, 5012o per lb.; play on the dance floor which proved sage of the legislation, virtually con­ peaches, 66 0*1.40; new apples. *2.25 a death-trap to most of the 200 dancers, cede their defeat In congress and are 02.50 per box; loganberries. *1.76 per the vessel. It was said, barked Into falling back on the hope that President crate; raspberries, *3 per crate; plums deep water, where It suddenly broke Wilson will veto the bill on the ground *2.2502.50 per box; apricots, *17502 lluMinm«H crie* for trained mind«. Gnuip your opportunity. Knoril now in Northwaat'a (»imrest In two and Immediately settled on the that a deprivation of alcoholic bev­ per box. buainoMM e n llw . Itrhnkc-Walker, Portland. PVra bottom of the river with only the erages will create disaffection among Vegetables—Tomatoes, *203.00 per Catalog. pilot-house and part of the super­ the workers in vital war Industries. crate; cabbage, 2H03A&C per pound; structure appearing above the water. lettuce. *2.50 per crate; cucumbers, *1.25 0 2 per dozen; garlic, 7c; pep­ Panama Promises Cleanup. pers, 25 040c per lb.: peas, 8©10c per , Bought, Sold. R.ntod .nd R.pslrad Bolshevlkl Are Disarmed. Panama. — Decrees looking to the pound: beans. 12012c per pound; cel­ • W A L K K K E LE C TR IC W ORKS bettering of conditions in Panama and Burned*, cor. 10th. Portland. O ra ery, *1.2501.50 per dozen. I,ondon. — A dispatch from Vladi­ Colon so that American troops now Sack Vegetables—Carrots, *2 per vostok, dated Sunday, June 30, to on duty in those cities may be with sack; turnips. *2 0 2.26; parsnips, Hides, Pelts, c b ? £ * Wool & Mohair Reuter's, says that the commandant drawn were Issued by the government *1.25; beets. *2.25. of the Ciecho-Slovaks there sent an Wednesday, to be effective July 16. V. ts l ea h - WHS In Pria, sd USev Tie«. Potatoes—Oregon Burbanks. *1.500 ultimatum to the local Bolshevlkl. The ■ The sale of liquor will be restricted 2 per hundred; new, 3He per pound. th e h . N o rto n c o m p a n y , commandant declared that as the Bol­ and no liquor at all will be sold to F w tU nd. Or... Soattl*. Wa.. IWlllnshun. Wn. Onions—Yellow. *2.50 per sack; red, shevik! were opposing the passage of soldiers; the opium traffic is outlawed $2 per sack. C*echo-81ovaks from western Siberia and sanitary regulations will be en­ Hops— 1917 crop, 13014c p£r pound; to Vladivostok and the local Bolshe­ forced. A small force of American contracts, 16017c. O T T i n Vaal. Pork. Beef. vlkl were showing signs of acting In military guards will act as Inspectors W oo l— Eastern Oregon, 35 056c; I f Poultry. Bolter, F.gg. an antagonistic manner toward the The force will be withdrawn as soon mohair, Oregon, new clip, 65c per lb. * * * and Farm Produce. Czechoslovaks, he considered It his as the clean-up In those cities Is ef­ to th«* Old R*li*hlff F.v«*rdlnv hou«« with a duty to take such steps as lay in his fected. rocord o f 46 year« o f .Square Dealings, and Cattle July 8. 1918. W aaaurad o f T O P M ARKET PRICES. power to assist his fellow-countrymen. Prime steers................ *12.00013.00 F. M. C R O N K H IT E , Good to choice steers... . 11.00012.00 Pershing Makes Denial. 4.V47 Front Straat, Portland. O rtfon Washington. D. C. — Statements of Medium to good steers. . 9.00O10.00 Peoria, 111. — Seventy seven bodies had been recovered Monday night Oerman cruelties attributed by a St. Fair to medium steers . . 8.000 9.00 from the wreckage of the steamer Co­ Louis newspaper to an unnamed ser­ Common to fair steers . . 5.000 8.00 lumbia. Karl R. Harnewoolt, diver, geant of the American expeditionary Choice cows and heifers . 8.500 9.00 B U Y D I R E C T said there were fully 25 more bodies forces sent to the United States to Com. to good cows and h f 6.00(0 7.50 pinned within the wreckage of the assist in the third liberty loan are Cannera....................... . 3.000 4.50 excursion steamer. An investigation denied by General Pershing In a cable Bulls............................ . 6.000 8.00 of the sinking Is under way. United gram made public Thursday by the Calves.......................... . 8.50011.50 States Inspectors were at the scene war department. .Up Your Own Plumbing | and questioned survivors. They also General Pershing recommended that Stockers and feeders... . 7.000 9.00 Hogs— summoned members of the crew, If the sergeant was quoted correctly By bujrtn» direct from n« at wholeaat* pric«« whom they questioned separately. The he be returned immediately to Franco Prime mixed................ $17.00017.50 and save the plnmher'a profits. W rit* us to­ Medium mixed............. 16.75017.26 nature of the investigation was not for active duty. day your need* Wa will *W e yon our rock- disclosed. Rough heavies............ . 16.00016.50 bottom "dlrect-to-ytm " price*. f. o. b. rail or boat. Wa actually save you from 10 to $6 par Twenty-three 8hlps Finiahed. P i* » ............................. . 16.76016.25 oant A ll (rood* rnarantaad. Washington, D. C.— Completion of Bulk............................. . 16.850 17.00 Mailed Flat Hit Made. Northwest headquarter« feu lea d e r Water Amsterdam. — Commenting upon 23 ships of 122,771 deadweight tons Sheep— Syatama and Pullar A Johnson Rngrinaa. President Wilson's Fourth of July ad­ in the first week of July made a total Lambs.......................... *13.00013.50 STARK-DAVIS CO. of 223 new vessels built under the di dress the Vienna Relchpost saya: Valley lambs................ . 12.00012.75 S I S T h ird S t r a a t. P o rtla n d . O ra t a n “ President Wilson's latest formula Is rectlon of the shipping board. Their Yearlings..................... . 8.000 9.50 nothing more than a renewed declara aggregate tonnage Is 1,415,021. Of the new fleet 218 vessels already Wethers....................... . 7.500 8.60 tlon of war— nothing but an announce­ P. N. U. No. 2a, 1918 Ewes............................ . 6.000 7.60 are In service. ment of mailed flat peace.” RclyOnCuticura ToClearPimples "BEST MEDICINE FOR WOMEN” I.ondon.—A break In diplomatic re­ lations between (Jermany and the Bolshevik government and a counter­ revolution In Kussla have followed In swift, dramatic sequence the slaying of fount von Mlrbacb, the German am bassador. In Moscow. Both of Tuesday's developments are so cloauly Identified with the assassin atlon of the German dlplnmat that all three become merely Incidents of the latest great political convulsion In chaotto Kusala. An Kxchange Telegraph dispatch says that as soon as Emperor William heard of the assassination of Count Mlrbacb, the German ambassador to Itusala, he ordered Ambassador von Kuehlniann to break off negotiations with the delegates In Berlin. A strong guard has been placed be­ fore the house of the Bolshevlkl am­ bassador In Berlin, as It Is feared the populace of the capital will start antl- ttusatan demonstrations. Nikoiai i.eninn, the Bolshevik pre­ mier, Is endeavoring to placate the Germans by appointing an “extraordi­ nary commission of Investigation" to probe tho death of Count von Mlrbach. The rommtaaton Is beaded by "Com rade I’eters." Meanwhile Berlin Is doing Ita utmost in make capital out of the Von Mlrbach affair. A Gorman official ac­ count of the aasaaslnatlon concludes: "The result of a preliminary Inquiry permits the assumption that agents In the service of tba entente are Impllcat- ■ • In the affair." All tho German newspapers declare the murder of fount von Mlrbaah must Inevitably have a great Influence on Russo German relations. The assassination la viewed by the newspapers here aa an event which may have far reaching results. Fresh meat is perishable. It must be sold within about two weeks for whatever it will bring. M A T E R I A L DID R E A D Y A certain amount of beef is frozen for foreign shipment, but domestic markets demand fresh, chilled, unfrozen bee£ Swift & Company can­ not increase prices by withholding meat, be­ cause it will not keep fresh and salable for more than a few days after it reaches the market. MURMANS ESPOUSE Swift & Com pany cannot tell at the time of purchasing cattle, w hat price fresh meat w ill bring w hen put on sale. If between purchase and sale, market con­ ditions change, the price of meat must also change. C A U S E OF E N T E N T E That Lydia E. Pinkham’a Vegetable Compound Did For Ohio Woman. T h e F o o d A d m in is tra tio n limits our profit to 9 per cent on capital invested in the meat departments. This is about 2 cents per dollar of sales. N o profit is guaranteed, and the risk of loss is not eliminated. NORTHWEST MARKET REPORT Hotel Rowland Earn More Young W om en an d M en i ELECTRIC MOTORS r. Æ A s a matter of fact, meat often sold at a loss because the need of selling it before Swift & Company, U.S. A 8oothe Itching Skins Granulated Eyelid*, With Cutlcura. Bathe with Cutlcura pSore Eyes, Eyes Inflamed by d o n , Dust and Wind quickly Soap and hot water, dry and apply the relieved by Murine. Try it in Ointment. This usually affords relief your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes. and points to speedy healment. For free samples address. “Cutlcura. Dept. Murine Eye Remedy At Your Dm***.»«*« or by A,-T??r moil. 60c per bottle. M a r ia « X. Boston.” At druggists and by mall. Era U n , id T a b « 25c. F F o r Book o f tks Kys — F r « « . Aik M a r in e E y e R e m e d y C e . C h ic a g o d Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50.— Adv. Dr. Pierce’ s Pellets are best for liver, bowels snd stomach. One little Pellet for a laxative—three for a cathartic. Optimistic Thought. Often what is given Is small, yet the result from it is great. Mankind and Money. In this willing old world a man will sit up all night to hear money talk, then work for money all day.—Atlanta Constitution. A Woman’s Invention. The machine that makes artificial comb foundation for beehives is the invention of Frances A. Dunham, who patented it In 1881. The ready-made comb of beeswax permits the bees to devote themselves entirely to filling the cells, increasing the output of honey. Would Be Only Natural. Francis was busily engaged In cut­ ting pictures from the magazines and coloring them. At length he completed the cutting and coloring of the Statue of Liberty (holding a glorious orange- colored torch in her hand) and after careful scrutiny, after the manner of all great artists, he remarked to him­ Gone Forever. self: “ H ’m, guess I’ll make the Statue What has become of the o. f. woman of Liberty’s cheeks red, 'cause she’s who used to use her thumb nail to out in the fresh sir all the time.” make pretty etchings on pound prints of butter, then sold the prints for nine Optimistic Thought. cents a pound?— St. Paul Dispatch. He that respects others is respect­ ed by them. TO BUILD UP both the flesh and strength of pale, puny, scrofulous children, for young or old people, get Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medi­ cal Discovery. It's the best thing known for a wasted body aDd a weak­ ened system. It thor­ oughly purifies the blood, enriches it and makes effective every natural means of cleansing, re­ pairing. and nourishing the system. In recovering from fevers, pneumonia, or other de­ bilitating diseases, nothing can equal It as an appetising, restorative tonlo to bring back health and vigor. Always benefits In nervous snd general debil­ ity. Sold In tablet or liquid form. Purify and rid your blood of the taints snd poisons that make It easy for disease to fasten Ita hold. Doctor Pierce's Pellets were first put In ready-to-use form nearly fifty years ago, and will always relieve the Inactive liver and biliousness. Insist on getting Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pelletb—there la none so good.—Adv, YES! MAGICALLY! CORNS LIFT OUT WITH FINGERS You corn-pestered men and women need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes that nearly killed you before, says this Cincinnati authority, because a few drops of freezone applied directly on a tender, aching corn or callous stops soreness at once and soon the corn or hardened callous loosens so It can be lifted out, root snd all, with­ out pain. A small bottle of freesone coeta very little at any drug store, but will positively take off every hard or soft corn or callous. This should be tried as it Is Inexpensive and Is said not to Irritate the surrounding skin. If your druggist hasn't any freesone tell him to get s small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house. It Is flue stuff and acta like s charm every time.—Adv.