KUEHLMAN IS German OF CURRENT WEEK TO RESIGN Foreign Secretary i>c posed Because o f Speech. W W w w w » V STATE NEW S IN BRIEF. \m m i: Paris.—The German emperor has ac­ Medford people were shocked Sal cepted the resignation of Dr. Richard urday to learn of the death of Ernest von Kuehlmann, the Germau foreign Adams, a popular young rancher liv­ secretary, according to a Basle dis­ ing near that city, as the result of an Brief Resume Most Importan patch to the Havas Agency. airplane accident In England, June It is expected that Admiral von 26. Htntze, the German minister at Chris Daily News Items. A. B. Chapman, who was arrested In tiania and formerly minister to Mex­ the vicinity of Powers, when a con ico, will succeed him. Dr. Richard von Kuehlmann became stable found 16 bottlea of whtaky In his foreign minister August 6, 1917, suc­ automobile, was held In bonds of $3500 ceeding Dr. Alfred F. M, Zimmermann, to appear before the next county whose retirement closely followed the grand Jury. exposure of his plot to involve the The importance of a cannery in a United States in war with Mexico and community was demonstrated Monday, MACHINE ailWW.XMNC IK FRAttCE--------- Japan in the event that this country when the Linn and Beuton Growers' Events o f Noted People. Governments showed any inclination to Join the association shipped out a 60.000-pound ¿ 1* 7 or entente allies. and PseificJNorthweot and Other car of strawberries and loganberries ■urttforr Dr. von Kuehlmann's conduct of the from Albany. Things Worth Knowing. foreign office appeared to be more H. H. Zapf was arraigned in the than usually successful until June 25 last when he appeared before the Astoria Justice court Tuesday morning EMPEY LEARNS, AS COMRADE FALLS, THAT DEATH LURKS Reichstag to discuss the political as­ on an information charging him with Lieutenant C. Ashengen. an aviator pects of the situation facing Germany. assault with a dangerous weapon in ALWAYS IN THE TRENCHES running over a child with an auto of the American expeditionary forces, During his address he said: In view of the magnitude of this mobile. has been interned in Switxerland. war and the number of powers, in­ The price of milk in Eugene has Germany will send three army corps cluding those from oversea, that are Synopsis.— Fired by the sinking of the Lusitania, with the loas o f to the aid of Austria, according to a engaged. Its end can hardly be ex­ been advanced from 10 ttf 12 centa a Ainertcau lives, Arthur Guy Kmpey. an American living In Jersey City, quart. Dairymen say the reason for Ttome dispatch to the Paris Temps. pected through purely military de­ Iheir action is the high price of feed goes to England and eullata as a private In the British army. After a cisions alone and without recourse to- and shortage of pasture resulting from and sent to President Wilson. short experience aa a recruiting officer lu London, he la aent to train­ Jan Olieslagers, the Belgian aviator, diplomatic negotiations." the unusually dry weather. ing quarters lu France, where he first hears the aound of hlg guns aud This statement, which flatly contra­ is credited with downing his sixth makes the acquaintance of “ cootie*.” After a brief period of tralntug dicted speeches by the German em­ German airplane. Captain Percy E. Croup has arrived Eiupey's company is aent into the front-llue trenches, where ho takes peror. who only a short time before at Astoria to take command of the Discovery of a new protective coat­ had referred to peace being won by his first turn on the fire step while the bullets whla overhead. Empey ing which is expected to make con­ 'the strong German sword,” was re­ little schooner. Casco, and accotn learns, as comrade full*. that death lurka always In the trenches. crete ships as durable as steel was ceived with consternation in the panied by his wife will soon leave announced Tuesday by the shipping Reichstag and with sharp criticism by for the Fiji Islands. The Casco la a little craft of 93 tons and wns formerly board. the country. It was later reported that a codfishing craft in Alaskan waters To get to the cer.etery. we had to C H A P T E R VIII. Christie Benet, an attorney of Co­ Dr. von Kuehlmann's words had been pass through the little shell-destroyed Governor Withycombe has sent a lumbia. S. C., was appointed by Gov­ approved by General Ludendorff. the village, where troops wero hurrying Tha Little Wooden Cross. ernor Manning to serve the next six German commander on the western request to Secretary of War Baker After remaining In rest billets for to and fro. that patrols be granted from certain months of the unexplred term of the front. As the funeral procession passed This brought to notice rumors of classes of men at Camp I-ewlg to be eight days, we received the unwelcome late Senator Tillman. friction between Ludendorff and the used on timber and railroad units, tidings thnt the next morning we would these troop« came to the "attention" F. H. Elliott, superintendent of the German crown prince and his coterie especially where government work for “go In" to “ tnke over." At six In the and amartly saluted the dead. Great Northern railroad at Superior, who comprise the radical Pan-Ger­ shipbuilding and airplanes is Involved Poor Pete wud receiving the only au- morning our march started and, after Wis., has been appointed president of manic elements in ofticial circles. lute a private Is entitled to "some­ a long murch down the dusty road, we the Spokane, Portland & Seattle rail­ State Fire Marshal Wells has sent Soon after the address in the Reichs­ where In France." road. with headquarters at Portland. tag it became common knowledge that Deputy Marshal Stokes to lieppner again arrived at reserve billets. Now and ugutn a «hell from the Ger­ I was No. 1 In the leading set of Submarines are increasing in num­ Dr. von Kuehlmann's retirement from to assist in framing a system of fire protection which probably will be fours. The man on my left was named man lines would go whistling over ttig ber and quality, according to Vice- office would be forthcoming. Some reports were to the effect that based upon use of the home guard a> “ Pete Walling.” a cheery sort of fel­ village to hurst In onr artillery lines Admiral von Capelle, in the debate in In the rear. the Reichstag. He said reports of his address was intended to inform the a voluntary fire department, if the low. He laughed und Joked all the state fire marshal's recommendation When we reached the cemetery we German people that their armies could losses have been exaggerated by the way on the march, buoying up my not win the war and was delivered is followed. allies. drooping spirits. I could not figure out hnltcd In front of an open grave, and with the cognizance of the emperor, The Linn County Farmers' Co-opera anything attractive In again occupying laid the «tietcher beside It. Forming A 60 days' intensive course to train who, when he saw what a storm had a hollow square around the opening of college men as assistant instructors in been stirred up, resolved to make Von tive Livestock Sh.pping association the front line, but Pete did not aeeiis to an organization pi emoted largely mind, said It wns all In a lifetime. My the grave, the chaplain rend the burial the students' army training corps will Kuehlmann the scapegoat. through the efforts o ’ S. V. Smith, open July 18 at Plattsburg, N. Y.; Fort left heel was blistered from the rub­ service. county agricultural agent, was formed German machine-gun bullets were Sheridan, Illinois, and Presidio, Cali­ bing of my heavy marching boot Pete at Albany on Saturday at a meeting “cracking" In the air above ua, but fornia. noticed thnt I wns limping and offered attended by representative farmers Pete didn't mind, and neither did we. Payment of 810,000 by the United from almost all sections of the county. to carry my rifle, but by this time I hnd When the body waa lowered Into the States to Greece for injuries suffered learned the ethics o f the march In the Indians on the Klamath reservation British army and courteously refused grave tile flng having been removed, by Greek citizens at Omaha February we clicked our heela together and are receiving citizenship papers so his offer. 21. 1909, during race riots, is authoriz­ rapidly that they now desire voting came to the salute. ed by a bill passed Tuesday by the We had gotten half-way through the Washington, D. O.— The island of precincts in that locality. Formal re I left before the grave wns filled In. senate and sent to the house. Guam was devastated by a typhoon quest for precincts to be established at communication trench, Pete in my im­ Three more German airmen, desert­ on July 6. Captain Roy Smith, governor Chiloquin, at Sprague River, have been mediate rear. He hnd his hand on my I could not bear to see the dirt thrown ing their country, have landed in a of the island and commandant of the filed at the office of the county clerk shoulder, as men In a communication on the blanket-covered fare of my com­ giant seaplane at Masnedsund. on the naval station, reported Wednesday to signed by approximately 100 Indian trench have to do to keep In touch with rade. On the western front there ere no coffins, and you are lucky to get a island of Masncdo, off the south coast the navy department. citizens. each other. We hnd Just climbed over He said half the inhabitants are des­ of Seeland, Denmark, according to a blanket to protect you from the wet The body of one of the unfortunate a bashed-ln part of the trench when and the worms. Several of the sec­ dispatch to the Copenhagen Politiken. titute, crops have been destroyed and much material damage done. Steps men drowned in Crescent lake Mon in our renr a man tripped over a loose tion stayed un6 decorated the grave Italian troops have completed their have been taken to feed the destitute. day night has been recovered, accord signal wire, and let out an oath. As with white atonen. operations victoriously at the mouth The navy department issued this ing to a message received at Klamath usual, Pete rushed to his. help. To of the river Piave by hurling the last statement: That night. In the light of a lonely Falls by Coroner A. A. Soule from reach the fallen inan ho had to crosa remnants of the disorganized Austro- candle in the machine gunner's dugout “ The navy department has received Postmaster Cleaves, at Bend. The Hungarian forces across to the left a dispatch from Captain Roy C. Smith, message did not state whether the this bashed-ln part. A bullet cracked of the front-line trench I wrote two bank of the river, the war office an­ governor of Guam, stating that Guam body was that of \ .rnon Forbes or In the air and I ducked. Then n moan letters. One to Pete'a mother, the from the renr. My heart stood still. nounced Monday. was swept by a typhoon on July 6. Ralph Poindexter. I went back und Pete was lying on the other to hie sweetheart. While doing Personal injury and loss of life so far The administration bill forbidding The first shipment of freight, two ground. By the aid of my flaahllght this I cursed the Prussian war god the war sale or charter of American reported are smair, but public prop­ flatcar loads of lumber from the De- with all my henrt, and I think that St. vessels or the sale of ships under con­ erty ashore and afloat was materially Armond & Weston sawmill at Swan I saw that he hnd his hand preased to Peter noted name. hlg right breast. The fingers were cov­ struction without the approval of the damaged. The machine gunners In the dugout “ ‘Half of the inhabitants are desti­ lake, has been received over the ered with blood. I flashed the light shipping board, was passed by the Klamath Falls municipal railroad, now on his t.-ce and In Its glow a grayish- were laughing and joking. To them tute and homeless, crops destroyed senate. It already has passed the under construction by Robert E. Sira- and food scarce,' Governor Smith born. Locomotive No. 1 was driven by blue color «as stealing over his coun­ Pete wns unknown. Pretty soon. In the house and now goes to conference. states. ‘ I am feeding destitute natives W. E. Bond. Mr. 8trahorn's secretary, tenance. Pete looked up at me and warmth of their merriment, my blues Official correspondence made public as necessary from naval supplies and disappeared. One soon forgets on the said: "Well, Yank, they’ve done me In. Tuesday disclosed that Cleveland commandeered food stocks, making and fired by Gus Ettreim. I can feel myself going West.” Ilia western front Abbe, Jr., editor of the Monthly repairs as soon as possible.’ ” The United States Forest Service Weather Review, recently dropped is putting a plan to employ girls as fire voice was getting fainter and I had to C H A P T E R IX. from the government service, was dis patrols into effect. Miss Helen Me- kneel down to get his words. Then he missed because of “ his well-known HUNDRED WORKERS DIE Comtek, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. gave me a message to write home to sympathies for the imperial German 8ulclde Annex. McCormick, of Eugene, has been em­ his mother and his sweetheart, and I, IN TENNESSEE WRECK J. government” I waa In my first dugout and looked ployed as a patrol in the upper Mc­ like a greut big boob, cried like a baby. Kenzie country, within the Cascade I was losing my first friend of the around curiously. Over the door of The prediction that the recent re­ same was a little sign rending "Sul Nashville, Tenn.—At least 100 per­ national forest. She will begin her trenches. cord of an average production of one clde Annex.” One of the boys told 10,000 ship daily for 60 days would sons. most of them negroes, were duties within a few days. Word was passed to the rear for a be doubled in the near future was killed and as many more injured in The city of Glendale, Or., has pur­ stretcher. He died before It arrived. me that this particular front trench made Tuesday by Charles M. Schwab, a head-on collision Tuesday between chased with civic funds 600 war sav­ Two of us put the body on the waa called "Suicide Ditch.” Later on director-general of the Emergency two passenger trains on the Nashville, ings stamps. stretcher and carried It to the nearest I learned that machine gunners and Fleet Corporation, addressing an in­ Chattanooga & St. Louis railway at bomber* are known as the "Suicide The Peavey, official organ of the flrst-nld post, where the doctor took Club.” spirational mass meeting at Berkeley, Dutchman's Bend, five miles from this city. an official record of Pete's name, num- Siletz, Yaquina and Alsea divisions of Cal. That dugout was muddy. The men Most of the killed and injured were A house resolution authorizing re­ on a local train from Nashville, which the spruce production division, bureau j,er> rBnk and regiment from his lden- slept In mud, washed In mud, ate mud, this to be used In the cas­ turn to former President Roosevelt carried several coaches full of work­ of aircraft production, made Its ap tlty and dreamed mud. I had Dover before pearance Saturday. It Is published of the $40,000 Nobel peace prize which men going to a nearby powder plant. weekly by the men engaged in the ualty lists and notification to his realized that so much discomfort nnd he had donated to an Austrian peace The other train was an express from fnmlly. misery could be contained In those work and distributed free to all in the commission and which he now wishes Memphis and the west and after the W e left Pete there, but It broke our camps. three little letters, M U D . The floor to distribute to the Red Cross, Y. M. two engines had reared and fallen be­ hearts to do eo. The doctor^nformed C. A. and other organizations aiding side the track, the heavy coaches of Until further notice all Insane pa­ us thnt we could bury him the next of the dngout was an Inch deep In soldiers because no use was made of the express ploughed through the bag­ tients committed from Multnomah morning. That afternoon five o f the water. Outside It was raining cats nnd it, was adopted Tuesday by the senate gage car on the accommodation train county will be sent to the eastern Ore­ boys of onr section, myself Included, dogs, and thin rivulets were trickling gon hospital at Pendleton, rather than down the steps. From the air ahnft The Dutch cabinet has placed the and demolished two other coaches. went to the little ruined village In the As the crews of both locomotives to the main institution In Salem. This rear and from the deserted gardens of Immediately above me came a drip, resignation of its workers in the hands of Queen Wilhelmina, says the Nieuwe were killed, the cause of the collision was ordered by the state board of con­ the French chateaux gathered grass drip, drip. Suicide Annex was n hole eight feet wide, ten feet long and six Rotterdamache Courant, of Rotterdam. may never be established. The ex­ trol. and flowers. From these we made a press train was running late and one With harvest commenced In some feet high., It was about twenty feet A telegram from Berlin says that a theory advanced van that the engineer parts of nearly every district in the wreath. below the Are trench; nt least there bill for a fresh war credit of 15,000,- of the accommodation train may have While the boys were mnkl^g this Umatilla country grain prospect* still were twenty ateps lending down to It. 000,000 marks, to be covered by loans, disregarded signals and tried to make wreath, I aat under a shot-scarred look very good. It Is principally bar­ was introduced Friday in the Reich­ a switch just by where the wreck oc­ ley that Is being cut at this time but apple tree and carved out the follow­ These steps were cut Into the earth, hat at that time were muddy and slip­ stag. curred before the Memphis train ar­ wheat harvest will follow Immediate­ ing verses op a little wooden shield pery. A man had to he very careful A credit of $100,000,000 was granted rived. There also was the possibility ly, and, In some districts 1( Is already which we nailed on Pete’s cross. or else he would “ shoot the chntea.” to France Thursday by the treasury, that he may have been given wrong under way. The farmers are finding to his God; true to Britain, The air was foul, snd you could cut making the total advanced to France instructions. their yields better, as they go into the True Doing his duty to the last. the smoke from Tommy’s fags with n fields, than they expected a few weeks Just one more name to be written to date $1,765,000,000 and the total knife. It was cold. The walls and ago, the grain apparently having filled credits of the allies $6,081,590,000. On the Roll of Honor of heroes passed— Rattler Goes to College. roof were supported with heavy square- well within the past week or so. The first contingent of American Eugene.— A large rattlesnake killed Peosed to their Ood. enshrined in glory, cut timbers, while the entrance was troops to arrive in Italy, within 48 within one-half mile of the town of Vick Bros, of Salem have Just pur­ Entering life o f eternal rest. strengthened with sandbags. Nalls hnd hours, established itself in camp. The Brownsville, Linn county, has been chased 1000 of the new "Fordson” Ford One more chapter In England's story been driven Into these timbers. On men are sleeping under their own presented to the science department tractors for use In Oregon. George F. O f her sons doing their best tents and feeding from their own of the University of Oregon by O. V. Vick, of the firm, left for Detroit re­ each nail hung a miscellaneous assort­ kitchens. White, superintendent of the Browns­ cently and his brother Charles has re­ Rest, you soldier, mate so true. ment of equipment. The lighting ar­ Never forgotten by us below; ville schools. ceived a w'lre from him of the pur­ Know rangements were superb—one candle Necessity for stricter economy in that we are thinking o f you. Mr. White killed the snake last Sun­ chase. It Is understood $75,000 r ash Ere to our rest we are bidden to go. news print paper is emphasized in a In a reflector made from an ammuni­ letter addressed by the War Industries day. He was walking with a boy when was paid as earnest money for the tion tin. My teeth were chattering he found the reptile sunning Itself on purchase, wi ich represents a total out­ Next morning the whole section went board to all newspaper publishers, who from the cold, and the drip from the are asked to put into effect a number a small hill. The snake is 42 inches lay of about $750,000. The first car­ over to any good-by to Pete, and laid Mrshaft did not help matters much. in length and about three inches load of the big shipment Is expected to of economies. him away to rest. While I waa sitting bemoaning my through the thickest part of the body. arrive about August 1. After each one had a look at the face fate and wishing for tha fireside at Three negro soldiers, convicted by Miss Merle Hamilton, of Roseburg, o f the dead, a corporal of the R. A. home, the fellow next to me, who was court-martial of attacking a 17-year- Third Liberty Loan Total Out. the popular and charming daughter of M. C. sewed np the remains In a blan­ writing a letter, looked up and Inno­ old white girl after slugging her escort Washington, D. C.— Final compile Judge J. W. Hamilton, of the circuit ket. Then placing two heavy ropes cently asked, “ Hay, Yank, how do you on the cantonment grounds on the night of May 24, were hanged at Camp tions of third liberty loan subscrip­ court, has arrived In Newport and will across the stretcher (to be nsed In low­ spell ‘conflagration’ ?” Dodge, la., at 9 A. M. Friday. The tions, announced by the treasury de­ occupy the position of baggage solici­ ering the body Into the grave), we lift­ I looked at him In contempt and an­ negroes are selective service men from partment show a total of $4,178.516,850, tor for the Crowdis Transfer company ed Pete onto the stretcher, and rev­ swered that I did not know. an increase of $8,497,200 over the total on the Newport train this summer. erently covered him with a large union Alabama. From the darkness in one of the cor­ officially estimated last May 18, after Jack, the flng he hnd died for. George W. Sperry, aged 75 years, a Representative Japanese business the loan campaign closed. The chaplain led the way, then came ners came * thin, piping voice singing resident of Gold Hill 25 years and a one of the popular trench ditties en­ men of the Pacific Coast, from veteran of the Civil War, nerving as a the officers of the section, followed by Billy Sunday Plans Operation. San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland private In Company O, r.lghth cavalry. two of the men carrying a wreath. Im­ titled: and Vancouver, B. C., In conference Rochester, Minn.— Billy Sunday, the New York volunteers, was adjudged mediately after came poor Pete on the "Pack up your Troublss In your Old Kit Ha*, and Hmll*. Hmll«, Bmlls." with Seattle Japanese Thursday sent evangelist, came here Tuesday to un­ Insane and taken to the Oregon Insane flng-draped stretcher, carried by four Every now nnd then the singer a telegram to President Wilson pledg­ dergo an operation for hernia at a asylum Tuesday. Infirmities of age ing support to the government In the local hospital. Mrs. Sunday accom­ and recent loss of his wife were cause* soldiers. I was one of the foor. Be­ would stop to cough, cough, cough, but hind the stretcher, In column o f four*, It waa a good lllustrttlon of Tommy'* panied her husband. prosecution o f the war. of the breakdown. came the remainder of the section. cheerful ness under such condition*, AN AMMAN SOLDO* WHO WENT - * COMPILED FOR M IIU M M M Y YOU h s A inselline gun offieer eutered thè dugonl ami gii vi* me u tinnì look. I sm aki'd past Min. slldlng ami «llpplng, ami renehed my seri loti of Ilio front- line trendi, wliero I waa greeted by thè eergennt, who nsked ine, "Wbere In —■ i 'ave you beoni" I mode no answer, hut set on thè muddy Are elep, ahlverlng wlth thè eoli! aud wlth thè rulli hentlng In my faee. Ahout hulf an luuir later I teaiued up wlth another fellow and went on guarii wlth my head stlcklng over thè top. At ten o'clock I waa relleved and remimeli my «Ittlng poal- tlon on thè Are atep. The rato «q L denly atoppvd and we all brealhiHf^V slgh of rellef. We prayed tur thè uiorift ing and thè rum laaue. ^ ______ i CHAPTER X. I “The Day's Work." I we* faat learning that there Is an regular routine about the work of the trenchea. although It la badly upset at tlmea by the Germans. The real work Ip the Are trench coiiMuvnrea at s.S * til. Tommy la like a burglar, he works at night. Just ns It begins to get dark the word "stand to" la passed from trav­ erse to traverse, and the men get busy. The first relief, coiislsllng of two men to a traverse, mount the Drn t ^ man looking over (he lop. dp • other slta at his feet, reaqAj, V » messages or to Inform the • cer of any report made by fin * • ns to Ms observations in No . i * Land. The sentry Is not a'.ffweA I * relax his watch for a second. If ho " questioned from the trench nr asked his orders, he replies without turning around or taking his eyes from the ex­ panse of dirt In frout of him. The re­ mainder of the occupants of his trav­ erse either sit on the tire step, Wit bnyotieta fixed, rendy for sny eitis. gency, or If lucky, and a dugout hap­ pens to he In the near vicinity of tha traverse, aud If the night Is quiet, they are permitted to go to same and try and snatch a few winks of sleep. Llttla sleeping Is d< le ; generally the uieu alt aruuml, smoking fugs and seeing who eun tell the hlggest lie. Some of them, perhaps with their feet In water, would write home sympathizing with ^he TYPHOON SWAMPS ISLAND OF GUAM i and Cigar*, at Lewis Gw.i in Action. “governor" because he was laid up with a cold, contracted by getting hi* feet wet on his way to work In Wool* wlch arsenal. If a man should uniting* to doze off, likely ua not he would wak* with u start aa the clammy, cold feet of a rat pnNsed over bis fuce, or th* next rellef stepped on his stomuch while stumbling on their wuy to rellev* the sentries In the trench. Just try to sleep with a belt full of ammunition around you, your rifle bolt lilting Into your riba, Intrenching tool handle sticking Into the small of your back, with a tin hat for a pillow and feeling very damp and cold, with “cooties” Ixifing for oil In your arm­ pits, the air foul from the atench of grimy human bodies nnd nmoke from a Juicy pipe being whiffed Into your nos­ trils, then you will not wonder why Tommy occasionally tukes a turn In the trench for a rest. While In a front-line trench orders forbid Tommy from removing hi* boots, puttees, clothing or equipment. The “ cooties” tnke advantage of this order and mobilize their forces, and Tommy aweara vengeance on them and mutters to himself, “ Just wult until I hit rest billets and am uble to get my own back." Juat before duyllght the men “ turn to” and tumble out of the dugouts, man the Are step until It gels light, or th* welcome order "stand down" Is given. Sometimes before “stand down" Is or­ dered, the command “ five rounds rap­ id" Is passed along the trench. This means that each man must rest hi* rifle on the top nnd Are as rapidly ns possible five shots aimed toward th* German trenches, anil then duck (with the emphnals on the “duck"). There I* a great rivalry between the opposing forces to get their rapid Ore all .off first, because the early bird. In thin stnn'ce, catches the worm—*ort of get* the Jump on the other fellow, catching him unawares. Empey goes “ ever the top" for the first time and has ■ hand- to-hand fight with a giant Prus­ sian. In the next Installment he telle the story of this thrilling charge. (TO B 1 C O NTIN U ADJ