Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, June 22, 1918, Image 2

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Lieutenant Staley, Arrested.
With Graft, Conf<
Washington, D. C.— The trail o f the
government's pursuit o f illegal profi­
teers on war contracts Wednesday led
to the arrest in New York o f Lieuten­
ant James C. Staley, a reserve army
officer, on a charge o f accepting money
from the Truefit Raincoat company, o f
New York, for the contract which he
promised to procure.
OaffTlckt ltlTi by Arthur On y S a w
A fte r being arrested. Lieutenant
Staley made a complete confession o f
his part in the transaction, department
o f Justice officials said, and gave much
valuable information, which may lead
to the detection o f other cases o f
Errata o f Noted People, Governments fraud. He w ill be trie*! by court mar­ American Consulate at Tabriz Attacked
by Invading Mussulmans Span­
and Pacific Northweat and Other
The arrest was made by agents o f
8ynopsla.— Fired by the sinking o f the Lusitania, with the loaa o f
the department o f Justice, who had
ish Consul Makes Protest.
Thing* Worth Knowing.
American Uvea. Arthur Guy Empey, an American living In Jersey City,
followed the officer during his inspec­
goes to England and enfiata ss s private In the British army. A fter a
tion o f the plant o f the raincoat com­
abort experience aa a recruiting »Ulcer In London, he la sent to train­
pany, whose proprietors acted in co­
ing quarters In France, where he first hears the sound o f big guua
Washington. l>. C. — An attack by
Turkish troops have occupied Tabriz, operation with the government to de­
and makes the acquaintance of “ cooties.**
next to Teheran the largest city in tect the fraud.
Turkish troops on the American Con­
The secret agents arrested Staley
Persia, according to a Turkish official
immediately a fter he was said to have sulate at Tabriz, Persia, and the loot­
statement dated June 14.
C H A P T E R II.— Continued.
a loud voice, he asked, “ Euipey, aren't
received a sum o f money from Joshua ing o f an American missionary hos
Six submarines built for th e jl’hilean Rosenthal and Louis Wener, proprie­ pital in that city, reported to the
you C. o f K . r
government in the United States ar­ tors o f the plant.
State department Wednesday, was be- ! The greatest shock a recruit gets
I answered, “ Yep."
rived Sunday at the port o f Ballenita.
It was charged that he had told lieved in some quarters here to pre-1 when he arrives at bla battalion In
In an angry tone, he commanded.
They le ft an Atlantic port them he would expect more money as sage the long-anticipated declaration j France la to see the men engaging lu a “ Don't you *yep’ tue. Say. ‘Yea, ser­
in the United StatesjMay 25.
soon as they got the contracts which o f the existence o f a state o f war be- \ “ cootie" huut. With an air o f con­ geant major.’ "
“ I did ao. Somewhat mollified, he
A ll new crops have been ordered they sought for 50,000 raincoats cost­ tween the United States and the O tto­ tempt and disgust he avoids the com­
man empire.
pany o f the older men, until u couple ordered. "Outside for church ptftade."
requisitioned by the Hungarian gov ing nearly $250,000.
This was the first arrest o f an army
Diplomatic relations between the o f days later. In a torment o f Itching,
ernment, according to a report from
I looked up and answered, “ I am
Budapest. A ll flour mills have been officer since the department o f Justice two governments have been susi>ended he also has to resort to a shirt hunt, not going to ehurch this morning.”
started its investigation into the sys­ since A pril 20, 1917, when Turkey or spend many a sleepless night of
put under government supervision.
H e suld, "Oh, yes, you are I"
tem by which contingent fee agents withdrew Abdul Hak Hussein Bey. misery. During these hunts there are
I answered, "Oh, no, I ’m not I"— But
The entire estate in this country o f have made millions by obtaining con­ who had been acting as charge o f the lots o f pertinent remarks bandied buck
Mrs. L ily Busch, widow o f Adolphus tracts for manufacturers who were Turkish embassy here since the com­ and forth among the explorers, such I went.
W e lined up outside with rifles and
Busch, late millionaire brewer, o f St. charged a commission. Other arrests pulsory retirement o f the regular am as, “ Bay, Bill, I'll swap yon two little
Louis, has been taken over by the gov­ may follow soon, as it is known that a bassador, which followed his open c rit­ ones fo r a Mg one," or. “ I’ve got a bayonets, 120 rounds o f sminunltlon.
ernment under the alien property law. number o f contractors in New York icism o f the United States.
Mack one hero that looks like Kaiser wearing our tin hats, ami the march
to church began. A fter marching about
Necessarily, American Ambassador B ill-
Major General Leonard Wood lost and elsewhere are assisting the gov­
five kilos, we turned off the mod Into
his fight to go to France in command
an open field. At one eml o f Ibis field
stantinople, and since that time the j trench, I saw three officers sitting out­
o f troops, temporarily at least, when whom they have been approached.
the chaplain was standing In a limber.
relations between the two govern- i side o f their dugout ( “ cooties" are no
orders were issued Wednesday re­
W e formed a semicircle around him.
ments have been just short o f actual respecters of rank ; I have oven noticed
assigning him to train'troops at Camp
Overhead there was a black speck cir­
formal enmity.
a suspicious uneasiness about a certain
Funs ton, Kansas.
Recently there have been vigorous well-known genernl). one o f them win cling round and round In the sky. This
Award o f the French cross o f war to
demands in congress for a declaration a major, two o f them were exploring was a German Foltker. The chaplain
Private W. J. Guyton as the first
o f a state o f war between the United their shirts, paying no attention to the had a hook In Ills left hand—left eye
on the bonk— right eye on the Mrplane.
American soldier to be killed on Ger­
States and Turkey and Bulgaria, but occasional sheila which passed over­
man soil, is announced by General Per
We Tommies were lucky, we had no
Expansion Planned to Meet New Needs President Wilson and the State depart head. The major was writing a le tte r;
shing. Guyton belonged to the A m er­
ment have not regarded this step as every now and then he would lay aside hooks, so had both eyes*on the air­
and Draft Decisions Are Upset -
ican force operating in the Vosges.
necessary or desirable, since there has his writing-pad. search his shirt for n plane.
A fter rharch parade we were
Age Extension Necessary.
been no actual collision between Am er­ few minutes, get an Inspiration, and
Because o f an unprecedented short­
ican and Turkish and Bulgarian troops. then reaume writing. At last he fin­ marched hack to our billets, and played
age o f water in the Okanogan reclama­
On the face o f the reports from ished his letter anil gnvo It to his “ run­ football all afternoon.
tion project in Northern Washington,
Washington, D. C. — The present
the department o f the Interior has schedule o f the War department is American Minister Caldwell at T e h e -' ner.” I was curious to see whether he
asked congress for an appropriation o f said to contemplate the arming o f 4,- ran, officials were inclined to believe ! was writing to an Insect firm, so when
$125,000 to pump water from a dis­ 000,000 men by next January 1. That that the sacking o f the American hos- j the runner passed me I engaged him
would mean the calling o f 1,000,000
the protest o f the Spanish consul in the address on the envelope. It was
The next morning the draft was In­
The senate by a vote o f 51 to 11 men betwen July and January, and the
charge as representative o f American addressed to Miss Alice So > body, In spected by our general, and we were
adopted a house resolution authorizing absorbing not only o f the men remain­
the necessary London. The “ runner" Inf irtncd me assigned to different companies. The
the erection in a public park in Wash­ ing in class 1 from the first registra­
be­ that Miss Somebody was the major's hoys In the brlgnde had nicknamed
ington. D. C., o f a statue o f James tion, but o f those placed in that class
tween America and Turkey.
sweetheart and that he wrote to her this general Old Pepper, and he cer­
Senators opposing the under the recent registration, as well
American doctors and nurses who every day. Just Imagine It, writing n tainly enrned the aobrlquet. I was as­
resolution attacked the loyalty o f the as some 200,000 expected to be put in
that class as the result o f the reclassi­ have been stationed in the hospital love letter during a “ rootle" hunt; but signed to H company with another
former President.
were believed to have le ft Tabriz such Is the creed o f the trenches.
American named Stewart.
fication recently ordered.
What is claimed to be the world’s
For the next ten days we "rested."
Should congress decide that it is before the Turkish troops arrived.
record production o f marketable pota­
Gordon Paddock, the American con­
repairing roads for the Frcnchlcs. drill­
necessary at this time to extend the
toes on one acre, 49,531 pounds, or 825
draft age limits below 21 or above 30,
ing, and digging bombing trenches.
bushels, has been made on an acre
partment last May 29 that he and all o f
both, no opposition w ill be offered
One morning we were Informed that
. I Go to Church.
tract o f land near Kanab, in the south­
the American.-, and British were- pre­
by the W ar department.
Upon enlistment we had Identity we were going up the line, and our
eastern section o f Utah, just a few
pared to leave the city before the ad­
In authorizing this statement. Sec­
miles from the Arizona state line.
vancing Turkish army, consequently it disks Issued to us. These were small march began.
retary Baker said the department could
It took us three days to reach re­
not believed that Americans actu­ disks o f red fiber worn around the neck
E. P. Fry, a Goulding^Creek, Mont., see no immediate need for such action,
by means of a string. Most o f the Tom ­ serve billets—each day’s march bring­
farmer, has been sentenced to serve although the date already is in sight ally were molested.
Some officials pointed out that since mies also used a little metal disk which ing the sound o f the guns nearer and
six months in ja il on his confession when it w ill become necessary to re­
attacks on the consulate and hos­ they wore around the le ft wrist by nearer. At night, way off In the dis­
that he sold seed wheat he obtained plenish the class 1 reservoir.
occurred in Persia, the United tneuns o f o chnln. They had previous­ tance w e could see their flnshes, which
from the county to assist him in spring
A bill by Senator France, o f Mary­
must first hold the Persian gov­ ly figured It out that If their heads lighted up the aky with a red glure.
planting. Fry was arrested on com­ land, to extend the draft to men from
Against the horizon we could aeo
ernment to account, &a it is responsible were blown off, the disk on the left
plaint o f his father, who knew o f the 18 to 45 is now before the senate m ili­
for the safety o f foreigners and their wrist would Identify them. I f they lost numerous observation balloons or “ sau­
tary committee, and at a hearing on it
their left arm the disk around the neck sages" as they are called,
properties within its borders.
last Saturday, Provost Marshal Gen­
would serve the purpose, but If^thelr
A movement is afoot in Germany
On the afternoon o f the third ilny’s
eral Crowder gave it as his opinion
head and left arm were blown off, no march I witnessed my first airplane
for the organization o f strikes because
that extension o f the draft ages would
one would care who they were, so It being shelled. A thrill ran through mo
o f the decreased bread ration, says a
did not matter. On one aide o f the
dispatch to the Central News from be necessary.
A ll previous estimates o f the depart­ Wilson & Co.. Backers, Hams Rejected disk was Inscribed your rnnk, name, and I gazed In uwe. The airplane was
Amsterdam. The situation, it is said,
making wide circles In the air, while
ment relating to man power have been
number and battalion, while on the little puffs o f white smoke were burst­
by Government Inspectors.
is so serious that Socialist trade unions
based solely upon the men in class 1.
have considered it necessary to warn
ing all around It. These puffs appeared
General Crowder stated specifically in
New York — Men o f the American
C. o f E., meaning Church o f Eng­
the workers, but the latter have taken
his report on the first draft that it navy and the naval reserve would have land; It. C., Roman Cnthollc; W., W es­ like tiny balls o f cotton while after
no notice o f the warning.
would be the policy o f his department been served with great quantities o f leyan ; P „ Presbyterian; but If you each burst could be heard a duil
“ plop.” The sergeant o f my platoon
Arrested in Bethlehem, Pa., on a to refrain from touching the other decayed meat but for the vigilance o f
happened to be an atheist they left It Informed ns that It was a German air­
charge o f violating the trading-with- classes.
inspection officers who rejected it as blank, and Just handed you a pick and
plane and I wondered how he could tell
the-enemy act by conspiring to smug­
The present emergency, however, unfit for human consumption, accord­ shovel. On my disk was stamped C. of
gle a mysterious message into Den­ with its resultant demands for the ing to evidence given here Thursday E. This Is how I got I t : The lieuten­ from such a distance because the plane
seemed like n little black speck In the
mark, Charles Strangeland, a widely- speedy organization o f forces far in before the Federal Trade commission.
ant who enlisted me asked my religion. aky.
I expressed my doubt as to
known political economist and until re­ excess o f the number contemplated,
The testimony was brought out dur­ I was not sure o f the religion o f th6
whether It was English, French or Oer
cently second secretary o f the Am er­ have upset these decisions.
ing the inquiry which the commission British army, so I answered, “ Oh, any
man. With a look o f contempt he fur­
ican embassy in London, was held in
Officials here have always declared is conducting into charges that Wilson
old thing,” and he promptly put down ther Informed us thot the allied nntl-
$10,000 bail by the Federal authorities. that the difference between members & Co., packers, sold “ bad” hams to
C. o f E.
nlrcraft shells when exploding emitted
The capture o f Jeremiah O ’Leary, o f class 1 and class 2, from the view ­ the government.
Now, Just Imnglne my hard luck. Out white smoke while the German shells
Irish-American leader, under indict­
o f five religions I wns unlucky eoough gave forth Mack smoke, and, as ho ex­
the packers had asked “ exhorbitant”
ment in New York, on a chicken ranch minute to be seriously considered.
to pick the only one where church pressed It, “ It must be on Allemand be­
near Portland, Or., w ill be followed
cause our pom-poms are shelling, nnd
navy, with the result that a comman­ parade was compulsory!
Venezuela Friend o f U. S.
soon by arrest o f a number o f other
The next morning was Sunday. I I know our batteries are not off their
Irish agitators in the United States on
was sitting In the billet writing home bally nnppers and are certulnly not
charges o f treason or espionage. The friendship to the United States and fixed by the government.
to my sister telling her o f my wonder­ strafelng our own planes, and another
government has considerable undis­ freedom from German influence were
ful exploits while under fire— all re­ piece o f advice—don’t chuck your
closed evidence against O’ Leary and affirmed by Dr. Santos A. Dominici, navy pay ’ director, had descrilied his cruits do this. The sergeant major put weight about until you’ve been up the
his companions, it is said.
Venezuelan minister here, in a state­ hams, which he said was “ musty, his head In the door o f the billet and line and learnt something.”
W illiam O . Russell, o f Lubbock, ment commenting upon a published
I immediately quit “ chucking my
mouldy, marrow-sour or just plain shouted: “ C. o f E. outside fo r church
Tex., was found guilty o f the murder statement by Dr. Carlos Lopez Busla-
weight about” from that time on.
parade 1“
o f Charles Qualey and sentenced to manti, Venezuelan editor, who recently
Just before reaching reserve billets
I kept on writing. Turning to me, In
10 years in the state penitentiary. came to Am erica with a story o f Ger­ the company, denied that his firm had
ever knowingly delivered tainted meat
Russell is a banker and cattle man of
man intrigue and control in the Latin- to the army or navy.
American country. The minister said:
There is no truth in the statement
Ivan Bradbury, a 14-year-old boy, of
Forest Fire Menace Abating.
Baker Or., by reaching Nadie and that Venezuela is pro-German.
Missoula, Mont.- The forest fire sit­
Manley Strayer, daughter and son of government is very friendly to you.”
3 TO 5 FT.Tfi wT err"
uation in Montana, Idaho and western
Senator W. H. Strayer, with a raft
after they had gone beyond their depth
Washington has improved greatly dur­
Honolulu Troops Shiver.
in a slough where they were bathing,
ing the last day or two, thanks to
saved the lives o f both children.
try troops who recently arrived at cooler weather and fairly heavy local
Sarah Bernhardt, the actress, has Murray, near here, from Honolulu, are rains, according to reports received
arrived in Seattle to rest before her gettin g their first real n igh t’s rest in here at headquarters o f district No. 1
engagement at Camp Lewis, Tacoma, six years. Though the temperature in o f the United States forest service.
Only two new fires, both o f them
next week. According to her manager the day is approximately the same as
she will Btop in the city during the in Hawaii, the men soon found that small blazes, started by lightning, in
week and make the 120 miles to the they were not equipped for Washington the Coeur d ’ Alene reserve, were re­
camp and back dally by automobile.
nights, and the Red Cross was called ported, and news from the Kaniksu,
First Lieutenant Ray E. Schleker, on for a supply o f quilts and sweaters. Flathead and Helena forests is that
quartermaster’s department, U. S. A., About 1280 quilts were supplied the all fires are now under control.
committed suicide in Chicago by shoot­ soldiers from the tropics.
ing. In his hand was a note addressed
I xms May Reach $250,000.
to Miss Evelyn Rae, Morrison hotel,
Billings, Mont. — Flood damage at
Hindenburg in Hospital.
Geneva —The Tribune says it learns Forsyth, Mont., where the Yellowstone
Unofficial estimates by naval ex­ from a reliable source that Field Mar­ river is out o f its hanks, may total
perts show that in excess o f 500,000 shal von Hindenburg ia suffering from $260,000, District Judge Jones, o f that
tons o f shipping sunk by submarines an acute nervous disease; that his town, said here Thursday. He said
may be re floated as a result o f sal­
mental capacity is much affected, and many houses were surrounded and
vage operations conducted by Great
there are several inches o f water in
Britain and the other allied govern­ that he is confined in a private sani the court house. All women and chil­
ments. American naval engineers are
to be sent to assist in this work, tak­ burg took no responsible part in the dren have been removed from the town.
ing with them a fleet of powerful recent offensive on the western front, Only two eating places were not flood­
seagoing tugs, scows and other equip­ the work being done chiefly by General ed, Judge Jones said, and there ia dan­
Diagram Showing Typical Front-Lino and Communication Tranches.
ger o f a scarcity o f food.
m en t
Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
Belligerent Acts of Moslems in
Persia Thought to Justify.
By An American
Soldier Who Went
Arthur Guy Empey
Machine Gunner, Serving in France
OF 4.000.000 SOON
we were marchlug along, laughing, anil
ringing one o f Tommy's trench ditties:
I want to go home, I want to go home.
I don't want to go to tba trenches no
W here sauaage* and whls* bangs ara g a ­
lo re
Taka me o ve r the eee. W h ere the A lle-
ntand can't get et me.
Oh, my, I don't want to die,
I want te go h o m e -"
when overhend r im * a “ swish“ through
tho sir, rapidly followed by three oth­
ers. Then shout two hundred yards to
our left In n large field, four columns
o f black earth anil smoke rose Into the
air, and the ground trembled front the
report— tho explosion o f four German
five-nine's, or "coalhoxee."
A sharp
whistle blast. Immediately followed by
two short ones, rung out from tho head
o f our column. This was to toko up,
“ artillery formation.” We divided Into
small squads ntul went Into the fields
on the right ami left o f the road, nnd
crouched on the ground.
No other
shells followed this salvo. It was our
first baptism by alicll Ore. From the
waist up I was all rnthualuim. hut from
there down, everything was missing. I
thought I should die with fright.
A fter awhile, we r formed luto col­
umns o f four , and proceeded on our
About five that night, we renched the
ruined village o f I I —— , end I got tuy
first sight o f the awful destruction
caused by German Kultur.
M unlilng down the main street we
came to the heurt o f the village, and
took up quarters In slicllproof cellars
(shellproof until hit by a shell!. Shells
were constantly whistling over the vil­
lage and bursting In our rear, search­
ing for our artillery.
These cellars were cold, damp and
smelly, and overrun with Inrgw ruts—
Mg Mack fellows. Most o f the Tom ­
mies slept with their overeoats over
their fiiccs. I did not. In the middle
o f the night I woke up In terror. The
cold, clammy feet o f a rat had passed
over my face. I Immediately smoth­
ered myself In my overcoat, hut '•»»id
not steep fo r the rest o f that night.
Next evening, we took over our sec­
tor o f the line. In single file we wend­
ed our way through a zigzag com­
munication trench, six Inches deep
with tnud. This trench won called
“ Whisky street.” On our way up to
tho front line an occasional flare o f
bursting shrapnel would light tip the
sky ami wo could hear tho fragments
slapping the ground atmve us on our
right and left. Then a Frits would
traverse hack nnd forth with his “ type­
w riter" or machine gun. The bullets
made a sharp cracking noise overhead.
Tho boy In front o f mo named Pren­
tice crumpled up without n word. A
piece o f shell hud gone through his
shrapnel-proof helmet. I felt sick and
In about thirty mluutes wo reached
the front llxas*. It wns dark as pitch.
Every now nnd then a German star
shell would pierce the blackness out
In front with Its silvery light. I was
trembling all over, nnd felt very lonely
nnd afraid. A ll orders were given In
whispers. Tho company w© relieved
filed past us and disappeared Into tho
blackness o f the communication trench
lending to tho renr. Aa they pussed us.
they whispered, "T lio best o' luck
I sat on the flro step o f tho tronch
with the rest o f tho men. In each
traverse two o f the older men had been
put on guard with their heads sticking
over th* top, and with their eyes try­
ing to pierce the black ness In “ No
Mun's Land.”
In this trench there
were only two dugouts, and these wero
used by Lewis and Vickers macblnn
gunuers, so It was the fire step for
ours. Pretty soon It started to rain.
W o put on our “ macks,” but they wero
not much protection. The rnln trickled
down our hacks, nnd It was not long
before wo were wet and cold. IIow I
passed that night I will never know,
but without any unusuul occurrence,
dawn arrived.
The word “ stand down” was passed
along the line, nnd the sentries got
down off the fire step. Pretty soon the
rum Issue came along, and It was a
Godsend. It warmed onr chilled bodies
and put new life Into us. Then from
the communication trenches rams
dixies or Iron pots, filled with steam­
ing tea, which had two wooden stakes
through their hnnd'es, nnd were car­
ried by two men. I filled my canteen
nnd drank tho hot tea without taking
It from my lips. It was not long bo-
fore I wns asleep In the mild on the
fire step.
My nmhltlon had been attained I I
was In a front-line trench on tho west­
ern front, and oh, how I wished I wero
back In Jersey City.
Empey takes his first turn on
tha firing step o f tho tronch
whllo the machine gun bullete
whls over hie head. He soon
learna why Tommy has adopted
th# motto, “ If you'ro going to
get I*, you’ll g it It, eo never
Don’t mlea tho next
No one can kill time In these strenu­
ous days without also slaying his own