I FALLS CITY NEWS F A L L S C IT Y VOL. XIV 0 . A. C. News Itim i. BROWERS MAY S U R SPRAY IN REBULAR SCHEDULE i Corvallis, Or. June 17.— (S p c ’ l TO THE NEWS)— M it t Genevieve > S aa b and B row n Rot Undar Fa v ora ble O R E G O N . S A T U R D A Y . J U N E 22, 1918 « « 0 0 OOO000000 8 M SS S S H S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S M M W H Y W E ARE A T W A R W IT H GERMANY M. Gunning, who taught in the Falls City school last year is Conditiona Naad Ona Laaa ■ / attending the O. A. C. summer Cent EPHRAIM DOUGLASS ADAMS Application school. She has registered in Executive Haad, History Depart- ----- news writing and sends the fol­ mant Laland Stanford Junior Unlvcr.ity lowing items o f interest to th$ 0. A. C. Experiment Station, readerB o f the Falla City News: Corvallis, June U0. —Because scab _ , , . , L , "T h e objact of thl* war la ta Oellver Summer school, which poopi.. of tho « » I . from tna and brown rot have had but little — - - - - - ------- . opened - , IKa fre« .«o ,h. >Mu. r P.w.r * . v .* iiitiM irtiin itv In th ia y e a r J u n e 1 0 th , ia but O ne O f t h e war military .«t.bM .hm .nt controiiad by an Opportunity W leveio l*? \nm y « » r . .. _____ lrrp.pen.lbl. «ovornmont. whlen. hiving on account of weather unfavora- activities that will make the cam* aacrotiy pi.nn.e «• dominate tn» *o n i ble to these diseases, many gro w -. Poe hum this summer. On the reg«re aithor to ythVtMc**ep VbiiglYlen. T rs have been able to omit the half day 117 teachers regis t i d V«» iongtcharioh^*oir*n'eip’iaa S i* n . regular 10-day spray for apples tered %hile a class o f 15 or 20 j3>wir'^*notett*# ‘¿¡¡rm sT'peopus. ‘ i*h!5 and |iears and the June spray for wom#n began a course o f training ft . n * T i u r \ i s i n S : rZ ‘ m l , u stone fruits. The season ojiened to fit them to home demonatra- ¿ oho **» *«• longer* left u'lte^neneiing!* with minimum infection and the Hon work *n ^°°d conservation wiioon. Auguat z r. i»i7. • » dry weather has made it hard for ‘ A special course in canning will WE ™ HT " > * FAI™ scab and brown rot to make head- be given by Mias Miriam Birds^ J T S i h 'a ^ r . S way. eye- o f the U. 8. Depsrtmsnt Of of Peace ran be built up.” (James " I t is well to apply hme julfur, Agriculture. B ry o e .) Good faith between nations, P P I 1-oU, with the 4-5 week s spray Qn Tuesday Captain Walter L, for contiol of codling moth on foo ze and staff arrived to inspect «ro te , »m l ■ « • » . u »t.roc.ution- j the College f u i l l t i n tor military ary measure, says 1 roi. M. r. drj|| and mechanical training for Baras, o f 0. A. C. “ Still if dry the 250 goldiers from California , . . . weather continues it will hardly who will arrive tomorrow and be- be necessary to spray for any gin training Saturday. . fungous disease unless present in Girl and boy champions who the orchard due to local conditions. w,tbout it brute force, aheer m i g h t . “ 1 " « * eurlty. even, for life itself. T o keep word- when onc* that '» the evidence of the progress of civ- uisation, and the fe »f of i t Hence the case of Belgium becomes the single greatest German offense •«•*“ * civilisation in this war. At won prizes o f free trips to the “ „Vid ' “ondmon“ wT“ d nm wethia Slate College at county and State We do see it now; more and more we fairs will invade the campus realise that until the crime against Monday for two weeks o f Inton-! * ' ^ ! a ." a id ^ n o h^p#' o f ' a ° world sive training in agriculture and at peace. home making. What the the facu? By treaties __ signed In ISIS, and again tn 1831, and 0 f atlll again In 1839. this last revision ....................... .1 l „ being In effect In 1914, It was agreed the College, has been called by ..B, lglum ih#ll form . perpetually the Government to continue his neutral state. The five powers guar- message on the critical food situ- * n,e* to It this perpetual neutrality, ___ _ .. ___ ,, , .. . Dr w j K err __ 1 „ „ . p r e g id e n t i. » hope for unmolested sell development. In the sense of our own security nec­ essary to progress, we m ail not forget Belgium, until her wrongs are righted This Is ths seventh of a esrise of ten articles by Professor Adam s Directions For Canning Green Peas and Beans Here are directions given by the United States department o f agricul­ ture to the members 0/ girls’ canning clubs In the northern and western states: Do not try to can peas or beans that have been loug off the vines. The fresher the vegetables the better the product. Shell pea. In case of beans string and cut them as If for cooking. Put the prepared vegetables tn a cheesecloth bag or colander and blanch In live steam from boiling water for from five to ten minutes. Next dip the blanched product quick­ ly In cold water and remove It almost immediately. Pack the product immediately into hot scalded glass ]ara or tin cans. Fill the containers completely with boiling hot water to which hat been added a level tcaspoooful of salt per quart. Place rubber rings on Jars and screw tops almost but not completely tight. The water Ln the boiler will not enter these partially closed jars. Beal tin cans completely. Put the Jara or cans ln boiling water In the wash boiler so that the tops sre partly or wholly covered. Sterilize for 180 minutes ln the boiling water, count­ ing from the time the water l>egins to boll again. Remove Jars from boiler or sterilizer, tighten covers, invert to cool and test the Joints for leakage Examine cans for leaks. Even the slightest leak If not closed completely at* once means that the product in all probability will not keep. Do not place glass jars to cool In a draft, which Is liable to cause them to crack. W rap Jars In paper to prevent blanching and store In a cool place. Reduced Prices ON L A D IE S ’ H A T S Reduced Prices ON L A D IE S ’ O X F O R D S There seems to be no limit to the soar of prices in nearly all lines of merchandise.................................. When reduced prices are in effect you will do well to avail yourself of the opportunity............................. SELIG’S. Cash Price Store, Meeting and Beating Competition Stainless Hands In the Kitchen. A piece o f lemon kept on the sink These five powers were Aus tria, Prance, Great Britain, Russia, will Insure stainless Angers to sppear H — M 8 > t — 8 t M M H 8 8 M M 8 M > M M H 8 M 8 | and Pruasla. By such treaties the later over a spotless table cloth. neutral state was pledged to defend In arms the neutrality of Us terrl- KICK OF THE MULE. tory; and each of the great powers pledged itself not only not to march It Not Treachery, but Fear, That . , , ¡ . „ , 1 l ' j , t roops into or through the neutral Moves the Springe. cational Education. «u te . bllt alao t0 ald her caae Handled intelligently, a mule U a There is mu'-h complaint from her most willing worker, but there are a Miss Ruth Simpson o f Airlie is D' T ' t T r ' u>” T*rV lol,ted „ the country over the nocturnal The banks along the river are to keep the water in its ^ The world, thinking no nation so few unwritten laws that cannot be base as to break its word, was corn- proper course. It is a natural place for the water to run. visits o f the town dog. It seems. attending . . . the , 0 . , A . 0 . , , summer _ transgressed with Impunity. A mule that a number of dogs are in the 8C*1.00' and 13 reK'Stered tn Com- pletely taken by surprise by the at­ will seldom make more than tw o at­ The natural place for money is in the bank. The natural tack on Belgium. But we know now. tempts to move a load. On tbe first habit o f making nightly calls upon merce- from German statements, that German strain he will throw his whole force place for money to circulate is through the bank. Money their country cousins, and their, Cathorn Hall on account o f its military plans had for years intended Into tbe collar, and a mule can pull 50 scattered promiscuously does nobody good, but like the river in the desert becomes absorbed and dissipated. The banks i'uccanalian orgies have disturbed manv conveniences makes a de- 1 {^ " a * \o ^his^conlistenti^^nd^lLd per cent more ln proportion to his weight than a horse. Science Is dumb the slumbers, likewise the temper 1 Ijghtful home for college women, up to the last day. On the morning at the question whence comes that gather together the funds o f a community and loans it out o f the dwellers of the hither-to! Mrs. Haight is the preceptress. * before the German troops advanced, latent force which neither horse nor where it will do the most good for all corcemed. Do your the German minister assured Belgium aas possesses. peaceful elysium. R e c e n t l y a, part by directing your money into the proper channel. she need feel no alarm, and In the A fter a short rest the mule will make large dog, in making his nightly evening o f that same day he delivered a second attempt, but this Is seldom an hit ultimatum. round, boldly walked in and sat sustained as tbe first If. tbe load still O B S T R U C T S WAR WORK The world has never seen so com- refuses to move, the team might as down upon the porch where some . . . . . . . . I plete a dental of the binding effect well be uuhltcbed. A t times tbe mules Loyalty to the government does of thB pigged word. wty httB ^ parties were sleeping. A fte r di­ will not even exert enough force on a vesting himself of a lot of fleas, not consist entirely o f shouting, j many so lost sight of the principle third attempt to move an empty w agon Mules are charged with treachery he treated his hearers to a solo "G e t the K a iser" or "Stand by ! of honor nations? Her own only by those who nave never given M H t 8 8 t H 8 t M M 8 M 8 M M H » M 8 8 8 I H 8| that out-classed the classical how l; the President. The way to get thi p!ea of m ig h t -The fate u,,, Bel. an Intensive study to tbelr habits ot the modern opera singer, which the Kaiser is to go after him or glum has called down upon herself Mules defend themselves from that help furnish the means of so