Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, June 15, 1918, Image 2

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Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
Events o f Noted People. Government«
and Pacific Noiihweat and Other
Thing« W orth Knowing.
Milton Sebastian Lansing, 20 years
old, a nephew o f Robert Lansing, sec­
retary o f state, enlisted in the navy at
Los Angeles Wednesday.
Earlv Start Belie»ed to Portend Much
Damage Town ia Threatened.
Missoula. Mont. — With scores o f
fires, some covering large areas anil
blazing unchecked, others small and
yet within control, burning in dry for­
ests o f Western Montana and Northern
Idaho, the fire situation in the terri­
tory embraced within district No. 1 o f
the Forest service is the moat acute
that it has ever been at this time o f
the year, forestry officials declare.
Indications point to a fire season
worse than that o f 1917, they said,
since it is starting fully a month ear­
More than 500 men are fighting fires
in the national forests o f this district,
150 o f them engaged in an effort to
save the town o f Essex, in the Flat-
head forest, on the Great Northern
hundred others are
fighting a fire near Belton, at the west
end o f Glacier National Park.
Two hundred ami fifty men are still
fighting the fire on Marble creek, near
the St. Joe forest in Northern Idaho,
where thousands o f acres o f valuable
privately owned timber land are being
burned over. The blaze was declared
to be the worst in the district.
Other fires were reported on Canyon
Ferry Gulch, at the west end o f Hell-
gate canyon, in the Helena forest; on
Deep creek, in the Lolo forest; in the
Bitter Root mountains and in the Cab­
inet forest.
á A A A A A A A á W
W A A w A
L .
Extended Conference at Capitol
Makes Adjustment.
w w w v
Union county’s quota o f grammar
school graduates has tieen filled, five
by volunteering and the remainder by
.T ra in in g o f a U>0 voice choir to ap­
pear on the Fourth o f July celebration
program at I .a Grande, began recently
under the direction o f Mrs. A. L. Rich­
With figures on the recent primary
j Multnomah county, it w ill probably
lie the latter part o f this week before
Result Seen Prin­
No official notice having yet been re­
ceived as to the action o f the capital
issues committee relative to the sale
of State Highway bonds, the commis­
sion has so far prepared no statement
Washington, D. C.— At the close of a as to its road program for thia year,
cipally in Price o f lags.
final conference between represents
••Todanoeor not to dance” in the
lives of the west coast lumber manu [high school gymnasium was the sub-
facturers and loggers and the price ject o f a warm discussion in the Par-
fixing commission of the War Indus
»r*___ l .___. ____ ____ _
When the darkness o f the eclipse
trie* board, a new schedule of price* ent-Teachers' meeting in The Dalles a
crept over Yakima, Wash., Saturday,
applicable to western fir was agreed
scores o f Indians working in hop fields
upon to become effective the first of the special election to the parents o f
near the city hastily sought their
M SI m t k ; that is the lumbermen high school student* a few week* later.
agreed to these prices as far as the
camps and covered themselves under
Mrs. George T. Is-slie, o f Gresham,
government purchases are concerned
their blankets.
and will agree that the same prices is the owner o f probably the only tulip
Married 13 times, “ Uncle” John
shall apply to the lumber trade, pro­ tree in that part o f the state. It is 40
Dempsey, oldest resident o f Marion,
vided the Southern Pine association, feet high with a spread o f 20 feet and
The tree
111., died Tuesday, four days before his
now in conference, agrees to accept a is beautifully proportioned.
common price for the government and is now in full blootn, the flowers being
100th birthday.
He purchased his
for lumber dealers.
o f a greenish yellow about three inches
coffin seven years ago and married his
The new fir prices will not be an in diameter, and there are thousands
13th w ife five years ago.
nounced until formally promulgated o f them.
Lowell, Ind., a town o f 1800 people,
by the W ar Industries board, secrecy
Teachers in the elementary schools
w ill close up its business houses two
having been enjoined on all parties to
days a week during July and August, Formal Appeal Made to America to the fir conferences. It is known, how­ o f Eugene are advertising for work on
ever, that fir prices in no Instances the farms o f lame county.
A group
and most o f its merchants, clerks and
Send Expedition to Halt Huns -
are to be reduced.
o f 12 teachers, headed by Miss Mar­
professional men w ill help the sur­
The price of ship timber and air­ garet Tiffany, principal o f the Lincoln
Cadets Send Message.
rounding farmers harvest their crops,
plane timber, both spruce and fir, is grade school, announce they are ready
because o f the shortage o f labor.
to remain unchanged. On all grades to undertake any kind o f farm work
Two hundred soldiers Tuesday night
Washington, D. C. — An appeal to of fir. number three clear and better,
which it is physically possible for them
were rushed in auto trucks to L ittle the Un'ted States and the allies to and on all large timbers and planking
to perform.
Creek, three miles north o f Newport, send an expeditionary force to Russia three Inches thick and thicker and 10
Upon instructions from the federal
Ore., to fight a forest fire.
A fter to repel the German invaders, forward­ inches wide or wider discount number
working all night, assisted by a heavy- ed by the central committee o f the 22 will be the government discount. authorities, Sheriff Geer o f Lincoln
On all other items of the fir list, $1
county, arrested a youth by the name
shower o f rain, they got the blaze un­ Cadet party in Russia, was transmitted over discount 21 will be applicable.
near Ona.
der control.
About 200 acres were to the State department Wednesday by
It is understood that the Increases f Lowell last EViday,
burned over.
the Russian embassy.
In prices merely cover increase In I .owe II is charged with desertion from
When ap­
It is asked that the expedition, if costs as shown In a comprehensive the army at Camp I^ewis.
America in 1920 w ill have a mer­
prehended he was working in his uni­
chant marine o f 25,000,000 deadweight sent, be put under international control composite statement of a large num
ber of typical fir operations complied form, apparently making no effort to
to guarantee the rights o f Russia.
tons. Chairman Hurley, o f the Ship­
The Cadet party, as it is popularly by the W est Coast Lumbermen's as conceal his identity.
ping board, declared at South Bend,
called, is composed o f the Constitu­ soclation. This statement Is said to
The rails for the new municipal rail­
Ind., Tuesday in an address givin g the
tional Democrats who were first in have been in close accord with a sim­ road from Klamath Falls to Dairy, 20
most complete statement o f the na­
power after the overthrow o f the Ro­
miles east, and the first link o f the
tion’s shipbuilding program which has
eral trade commission.
manoff dynasty. It was removed from
The agreement between the manu­ great Strahorn system which is des­
yet been made public.
power by the Bolsheviki.
facturers and the government Is said tined later to develop the great inland
A blasting hot wind for two days
The United States has not defined to have been reached Immediately fol­ empire o f Oregon, have reached Olene,
with the thermometer at 97 degrees in its attitude toward the allies! desire lowing a statement from the railway
and it is expected that active opera­
the shade has given a setback to the for join t action from the Elast, al­ administration that the recent order
tion over this part o f the line w ill be
wheat crop outlook in Northern Mon­ though it is understood the government advancing freight rates did not con
instituted at an early date.
tana. To the north o f Great Falls the holds that it would be inopportune to template advancing loghaul rates In
The work o f a hun or an I. W. W.
situation is reported as very serious, attempt to check the Germans in Rus­ excess of 25 per cent, regardless of
while to the south the winter wheat sia, unless it is shown the Russian the fact that there Is a section of the is suspected in the explosion o f the
general order which specifies that the gasoline engine at the Karl lshmael
may yet be saved by rain.
people wish it and that the move would
minimum charges for carload ship­ sawmill at Cottage Grove Saturday, as
An appropriation o f $1,761,701,000 not be misunderstood.
ments shall be $15 per car.
the result o f which James Leabo sus­
The message o f the Constitutional
The lumbermen proved to the satis­
for the American merchant marine is
tained what may prove to be fatal in­
provided in the sundry c iv il bill re­
The base o f his skull was
ported to the house Wednesday by the Russia can be ameliorated by the ac­ and the price-fixing committee that
fractured and a gash was torn in Id a ­
appropriations committee.
The meas­ tive aid o f the allies. The advance o f such a carload minimum would In­
crease the rate of log delivery from ho’s neck by the flying steel.
ure carries a total o f $2,862,752,237 in the German armies, it is declared, camps to mills approximately 100 per
The annual Wasco County E’armera’
direct appropriations and the house is
The appearance o f a strong allied cent.
Union picnic was held at Friend Sat­
expected to add upwards o f $50,000,-
urday with a large attendance from all
000 more.
have a decisive bearing on the issues
over Wasco county.
A county service
Germany’ s submarine raiders, which
o f the war.
flag, containing 232 stars, was un­
some 16 days ago made their first ap­
I f an expedition is sent it is asked
veiled. Circuit Judge Fred W. W il­
pearance in American waters since the
that every means be taken to safe­ Sundry C ivil Bill Carries Number o f son, o f The Dalles, spoke.
Music was
declaration o f war. apparently are still guard Russian interests and rights.
Needed Appropriations.
furnished by the Dufur High school
ranging off the Atlantic coast, though
It has been pointed out that there
Washington. D. C.— The sundry civil band under the leadership o f Professor
no reports o f additional sinkings had
are insurmounable obstacles in the bill reported to the house of represen­ J. F. W right.
been received at the N avy department
way o f the placing o f allied and Am er­ tatives Thursday carries the following
late Tuesday night to add to the official
With the Red Cross chapter in
ican troops in Russia proper, save in northwestern appropriations:
toll o f 18 craft sent to the bottom.
Umatilla irrigation project, $80,000. charge. Hood R iver is already prepar­
the small sectors on the Arctic ocean
Workingmen o f the United States where the British and French flags are
ing for Independence Day.
Klamath project. $423,000.
w ill be satisfied only with a peace now seen.
Crater lake national park. $50,000 tions have been extended to neighbor­
brought about by the complete over­
Technically that is a part o f the ter­ for construction and maintenance of ing towns in Oregon and Washington.
throw o f the German m ilitary ma­ ritory now under the jurisdiction o f roads and $13,225 for administration. All concessions have been granted the
chine, according to President Samuel General Foch in his capacity o f com Out o f these appropriations will be Red Cross chapter by the city council,
Gompers, who made the principal ad­ mander-in-chief o f all the allied and taken enough to purchase one automo­ and it is expected that the chapter w ill
bile and two horse-drawn vehicles for
be richer by more than $1000 follow ­
dress Tuesday at the opening session American troops.
the accommodation o f visitors.
o f the annual convention o f the Am eri­
I f he desires to risk starting a cam­
Protection of O. A C. and Coos Hay ing the event.
can Federation o f Labor in St. Paul.
paign at such a remote point, it is said grant lands against fire, $25,000.
Pendleton was selected as the next
Care of Alaska Insane at Portland, meeting place o f the Oregon Retail
Federal court decrees prohibiting that he may use Americans for this
newspapers from publishing articles purpose in his discretion.
Jewelers’ association, which closed its
Mount Rainier national park, $24,-
held to embarrass the administration
The other avenue o f approach by an
annual convention in Salem Saturday,
o f justice, although not acts com­ army to European Russia would be by
McNeil Island penitentiary. $100,000 the dates o f the convention to conform
m itted within the presence o f the way o f Siberia, and unless the allies
for new cell wing, $7500 for isolation with those o f the Roundup.
courts, were sustained by the U. S are w illin g to turn that task over to building and $64,750 for administration
Immense sums subscribed to liberty
Supreme court in upholding judgment Japan alone, which it is feared the and supplies.
loans have not affected hank deposits,
against the Toledo Newspaper com­ Russians would resent, there is no
Yakima Irrigation project, $645,000.
which, on May 10, amounted to $194,-
pany, publisher, and N. D. Cochran, transportation available for the plac­
Okanogan project. $29,000.
383,998.57 in all o f the banks and
Boise, Idaho, project, $732,000.
editor-in-chief o f the Toledo, Ohio, ing in Siberia o f the numerous A m eri­
trust companies o f the state, or an in­
K ing Hill project, Idaho, $423,000.
News-Bee, for contempt o f court.
can and allied army that would be re­
crease o f $25,172,407.28 over May 1,
Minidoka project, $489,000.
President Wilson has written a sec­ quired for a successful campaign.
1917, according to a statement issued
ond letter to Governor Stephens, o f
by Superintendent o f Ranks Bennett.
California, urging the
pardon o f
Airman Outraces Storm.
A total o f 54,741 motor vehicles
Thomas J. Mooney.
The President
Camp Lewis, Tacoma, Wash.— F ive
New York.— In a victorious race
asked fo r clemency for Mooney in times Wednesday automobile drivers with a thunder storm, Lieutenant Cul­ were registered by June 1 this year,
according to a statement issued by
March, but Governor Stephens replied
endangered the lives o f themselves and ver Thursday broke the air post record Secretary Olcott.
The total fees re­
that he could not act until an appeal
passengers and interfered with " a t ­ between Philadelphia and New York. ceived for the half year were $403,
for the convicted man had been passed
tacks” on German advance posts which He left Philadelphia at 2:30 P. M. and 677.50, as compared to 38,242 vehicles
upon by the courts. The courts have
American infantry were approaching. arrived at Belmont Park 42 minutes registered for the first six months o f
refused the plea.
It was the first, time the B target later, flying at the rate of 147 miles last year, and $152,459.50 in fees re­
Traumatic neurosis is “ shell shock,” range was used and the motorists an hour.
ceived for the same period,
it was explained at the meeting Thurs­ somehow got past the sentries who
A t Trenton the fly er overtook
Petitions asking for the immediate
day in Chicago o f the American Med­ were guarding all roads and drove di­ thunder atorm moving In the same di­
resignation o f County Commissioner
ico-Psychological association, and it is rectly into the line o f fire.
rection. Passing through it, he beat
They were seen in time and the field the rain into Belmont park half an Archie P. Phillips and County Judge
as apt to strike the grandmother as the
telephone flashed the order
“ stop hour. He flew an airplane equipped James Watson are being circulated in
soldier in the trenches.
Bend and are being freely
with a Liberty motor.
firing,” so no one was hit.
President Wilson Bent a message of
signed. The movement is the result
sympathy to the fam ily o f form er Vice
o f action taken at a recent meeting o f
New Star Loses Brilliance.
Lodgings Are in Demand
President Charles
the newly-formed Coos County Tax
Pasadena, Cal.— Astronomers at the
Praise for Mr. Fairbanks was given
Mount Wilson solar observatory, near are being turned into apartment- league, at which alleged mismanage­
also in the house by Representatives
ment o f county affairs and extravagant
here, were o f the opinion Wednesday
Wood, Republican, and Dixon, Demo­
houses In Tacoma. F. H. Pettit, com expenditure
o f county funds were
that the new star which appeared Sat­
urday night in the constellation Aquilla missioner of public safety, told the charged.
Sylvester J. Konenkamp, president and rapidly grew in brilliance, reached city council Thursday that an offer
J. B. Olmstedad was appointed by
had been made for the South Tacoma
o f the Commercial Telegraphers’ Union its maximum luminosity early Tues­
Wityhcombe as county judge
The spectroscope indicated it station and the transfer was made.
o f America, announced on his arrival had dimmed slightly. A t Its brightest,
county to succeed G. S.
Mr. Pettit said the buyer would re­
in Chicago from Washington that a it was said, the new star was exceeded
model the building and make an apart­ Reavis, who has resigned because o f
date had been set for a nation-wide in brilliance by possibly but one fixed ment-house out of It. A smaller build­ ill health. The new judge formerly
strike o f telegraphers to enforce their star, Sirius.
ing will be secured for the fire station. held the position. The term o f Judge
demands for recognition o f the union,
Reavis would have expired in 1923.
Berlin. Ia., is No More.
A resolution calling for congres
The Territory o f Hawaii w ill be­
Eklward B. Hayes walked 96 miles,
sional investigation o f accidents at a vi­
Berlin, Ia. Berlin, Ia., w ill be no come “ bone dry” within 60 days, the from Gold Beach to Marshfield, to en­
ation camps was introduced by Repre more. As a result o f a meeting here President having signed the Sheppard list in the United States army, and
sentative Husted, o f New York. A cci­ o f the mayor and the city council it bill which passed both houses on May presented himself hoping he would be
dents in the last five weeks, the reso­ was decided to notify the postnffice 18, and preparations are being made accepted for service. Recruiting Offi­
lution says, show that some have been officials in Washington that the citi­ by many tipplers to provide against cer Greenup was unable to supply him
due to defective construction or negli­ zens here have changed the name o f j the drouth, if the figures o f liquor im­ with transportation at once, but the
gent inspection.
portations tell the truth.
the town to Lincoln.
youth w ill leave soon.
New 25 Per Cent Raise to Fall Mostly
Upon Foreign Shipper.
There is no occasion for alarm on
the part o f producers or shippers be­
cause o f the Increased freight rates to
go into effect June 26, in the opinion
o f traffic officials. It in realized that
thore will be some points at which a
pinch will l>e felt, pending the adjust­
ment o f rate« on a basis that w ill be
fair to various interests.
Word from the headquarters o f the
Western traffic committee at Chicago,
brings assurance that the intention o f
the railroad administration is to have
the district committees work out Un­
equitable mollifications necessary.
It is generally recognised that in­
creased earnings had become impera­
tive to the operation o f the railroads,
and the 25 ;*-r cent increase under or­
der No. 28 was the necessary step to
begin the establishment o f rates to
yield the necessary revenue.
In the
very nature o f commerce and traffic it
necessarily follow* that the effect of
the application o f the general rates
announced w ill seriously affect the
producer or manufacturer whose good*
find a market in distant sections o f the
country as against the man with a lo­
cal market.
New W ar Taxes Discussed.
Washington, D. C.
plan |>ayment o f war taxes will lie pro­
vided for in the new r<*cnue bill
which the house ways ami means com­
mittee is preparing t<> ilraft. Chair­
man Kitchin disclosed this fact during
a hearing liefore the committee, when
A lbert R. Palmer, o f New York, repre­
senting a large number o f corpora­
tions, urged that such provision lie
Mr. Palmer advocated tax on gross
sales, which he said would tie less felt
than the tax on war profita. He op­
posed » tax on stock dividends, con­
tending that exemption from taxes
should not lie based on capital liecause
o f the widely varying revenues o f
companies operating along the same
lines. He argued for a tax on gross
income which could be passed along
easily to the consumer.
Holstein C alf H rin g i $U .000.
Minneapolis What ia said to ! • the
highest price ever paid for a thorough­
bred calf in Minnesota was recorded at
the Wood la k o farm at Richfield,
Minn., a Minneapolis suburb, when Sir
Pietertye Skylark Ormaby was pur­
chased for $10,000 by E. C. Schroeder,
o f Moorhead, Minn. Sixty-nine pure-
blooded Holstein*, the property o f John
B. Irwin, owner o f the farm, were sold
for a total o f $45,300, an average o f
$640 a head. Stockmen and breeder*
from all over the Northwest attended.
Two bulls sold for $2300 each.
Kate Order to He Amended.
Washington, D. C. Railroad admin­
istration officials have reached a decis­
ion to rescind that portion o f the new
freight rate order prescribing that
higher interstate rates shall apply on
intrastate shipments when interstate
schedules already exist, and a final or­
der to thia effect may be issued in a
few days.
«. s. m i n r
Federal Forecast Shows Second
Largest Crop on Record.
Continuation o f the Recent Favorable
Growing Conditions May Yet Put
1918 Harvest in E’lrst Rank.
Washington, I). C.- A bumper wheat
crop this year, which before harvest
may develop into a production o f 1,-
000,000,000 bushels, was forecast by
the department o f Agriculture in its
June crop report givin g ths first indi­
cation o f the size o f this year’s spring
»h e a t output.
Basing its estimate on June 1
lions, the de|>urt,ment forecast
wheat production o f 031,000,000
els, which would place this year's
vest as the second largest in the
tory o f the country.
In June o f 1916 a total w ln^.
duction o f W u . immi . imhi bushels tvaJ
forecast and the quantity gradually!
crept upwanl until the final figures for
tlie ye;. ■ showed the crop to lie 1,A
025.800.000 Iw-shels.
The acreage sown to spring wheat
tliis year is larger by 2,000,000 acre*
than ever sown before and 21.6 per
cent larger than last year, aggregating
2.489.000 m m
The condition o f the crop on June 1
was 95.2 per cent o f normal, or 1.6 per
cent better than the* 10-year average.
A production o f 344,000,000 bushels
was forecast.
That is 11,000,000
bushels more than harvested lust year
and only alsiut 7,000,000 bushels less
than the record spring wheat harvest
o f 1916.
W inter wheat, growing on the sec­
largest acreage ever planted,
showed a condition 3 per cent butter
than the 10-year average, with 83.8
per cent o f a normal crop. A produc­
tion o f 587,000,000 bushels was fore­
cast, which is 60 , 000,000 bushel* more
than forecast from conditions existing
May 1. Such a crop would be the thin)
in size grown in this country.
The oat crop also promises to lie o f
record pro|iortions. On nn acreage 2.1
per cent larger than last year, when
the reconl crop 1,687,000,000 bushels
was grown, Juno 1 conditions war­
rant a forecast o f 1,500,0(81,000 bush­
els. Only last year’s and the crop o f
1915 exceeded that quantity.
Rye production w ill lie a record, the
forecast being
81,000,000 bushels,
which is slightly less than was fore­
cast in May.
l-ast year’s crop was
60,100,(8)0 bushels,
which was a
W heat— Bulk basis for No. 1 grade;
Hard white, $2.05. Soft white, $2.03.
W hite club, $2.01. Red Walla, $1.98.
No. 2 grade, 3c less; No. 3 grade, 6 c
less. Other grades handled by sample.
Flour — Patents, $10 per barrel;
whole wheat, $9.60; graham, $9.20;
barley flour, $14.50(u 15.00; rye flour,
$10.750) 12.75; com meal, white, $6.50;
yellow, $6.25 per barrel.
M illfeed - Net mill prices, car lots:
Bran, $30.00 per ton; shorts, $32;
middlings, $39; mixed cars and less
than carloads, 50c m ore; rolled barley,
$75o/-76; rolled oats, $73.
Com Whole, $77 per ton; cracked,
Hay — Buying prices,
Eastern Oregon timothy, $29(o30 |>er
ton; valley timothy, $25(o26; alfalfa,
$240)24.50; valley grain hay, $22;
clover, $190)20.00; straw, $9.000)10.
Butter -Cubes, extras, 37Jo; prime
firsts, 37c; prints, extras, 42c; car­
tons, lc extra; butterfat. No. 1, 41c
Eggs Ranch, current receipts, 34c;
candled, 35c; selects, 36c per dozen.
Poultry — Hens, 27c; broilers, 40c;
ducks, 32c; geese, 20c; turkeys, live,
260/;27c; dressed, 37c per pound.
Pork— Fancy, 23oT23|c per pound.
Sack Vegetables Carrots, $1.15 per
sack; turnips, $1.50; parsnips, $1.25;
beets, $ 2 .
Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, 76o0/
$1 per hundred; new California, 10c
per pound; sweet potatoes, 10 c per
Onions—Jobbing prices, l(o)l|c per
June 12, 1918.
Prime steers.........
Good to choice ste e rs .. . . 12.50(0 13.60
Medium to good steers.. 11.006(12.00
Fair to medium Bteers . . 10.50(0 11.50
Common to fa ir steers . . 9.00(010.00
Choice cows and heifers. 11.00(0 12.00
Com. to good cows and h f 6.50(d) 8.50
Canners .........................
4.00(d) 6.00
Bulls................................. 6.500(10.00
Stockers and fe e d e r s ..., 8.000)110.00
Prime m ixed................... $16.500416.65
Medium m ixed............... 16 . 350416.50
Rough h e a v ie s ............... 15.50(0)15.60
P ig s ................................. 15. 260 )) 16.60
Prime spring lambs........$ 16 . 000 ). 16 .50
Heavy lambs................... 15.500D16.00
Y earlin gs......................... 9.600D10.50
W ethers........................... 9.000)110.00
Ew es...............................
6.600D 9.00
Administrator Orders Nation-Wide Re­
form in F’ood Staples.
Washington, D. C.— A country-wide
move to reduce the coat o f food to the
consumsr and standardize methods o f
compelling the observance by dealers
o f " f a ir price lis t«” was ordered Sat­
urday by Food Administrator Hoover.
Lists w ill tie published in every
country, town and city, and consumers
w ill lie asked to co-operate with offi­
cials in forcing merchants to bring
their prices to a uniform level.
In carrying out the new standardiza­
tion plan, the administration will es­
tablish price-interpreting committees
composed o f representatives o f whole-
xalers, retailers and consumers.
The board w ill determine fa ir retail
prices on basic commodities that com­
prise a large part o f the nation’s diet.
The published lists will give the range
o f maximum selling prices, showing a
reasonable price which will reflect the
prices that should obtain in "cash and
carry” stores, and a higher price rep­
resenting n fair price for the “ credit
and delivery” store*.
The local administrator for each lo­
cality will act as chairman o f the price
board. Each isiard w ill have detailed
reports o f actual wholesale prices and
w ill ascertain fair margins o f profit
the retailer should lie satisfied with.
Newspapers w ill be asked to co­
operate by setting aside a particular
position weekly for publication o f the
lists, with footnotes on the food prob­
lem and the use o f suhatitutes for the
foods most needed abroad.
A close check w ill lie kept on ob­
servance o f the lists. Consumers will
lie expected to rejiort to the local food
administrator any store charging more
than the established price for any com­
Governor Lister is Weak.
Olympia, Wash. — Governor Lister
returned to his living apartments in
Olympia Saturday afternoon and an­
nounced that he would handle state
business in his rooms for the next
week instead o f at the capitol. H e is
still under medical treatment which
began in Chicago two weeks ago and la
forbidden physical exertion. The na­
ture o f his illness was not announced.
The governor was absent from the
state nearly a month on hia Eastern
trip, when he originally expected to
return in two weeka.