Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, June 01, 1918, Image 3

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    M M M M MUI tt M f . M l
U S Pat O f»
Keep Kids Kleen
Korn* H r»»., o f Ken«, have made a
tentative offer to th« city « f Klamath
Ka!N of the power plant they own. A
price line not boon aet a« yet. The
company waa recently jfranlc«! prrrnis-
»ion to enter the city with power line».
IXu |i||hi H*#H< »»*!.«»• I
CM < uUlM'i . Ms<L in '»lu# il« fin».
■•OU I« bhi«» s u l w h ll* K»* MK*
*• A Isoli «hier h ..«|1|,UH î « »
PSMftl IM • VS|*S*yi4 tir «Minn «!••■*»•
li ip M o p t u liiy
The Tide Creek Lumber company
haa IU new mill at Deer Inland alinoat
ready to liegln operation*.
The pond
1» full of log*. Tina 1 » a 100 per cent
Loyal la'ifion ramp, and subacriptiona
to the Ked ( > • » » were $t'37.f>0. Frank
Uaher 1» aecretary o f the local Loyal
I eg ion.
<M4 ■•U|«S. AU fMim*«»«
m**J# ta I )u lrh r»#eli witt»
la m i ■ » l u i » Mal l u * »
" l î 00 t h o « u l t
Il pour ÜMsIr« m m U my§b t
w il mmim I them, r i » * » « « ixnniul
<4 p»u*. $1.00 «Miri»
fWii«ÎM«(iun •tisfftniM'J o t u » m * y
! téuwha.
Cawt C a w l
Peter Meukln llrowh, Herlln enrro
spoudeut, said In lialtlm or» In a lec­
ture on the blockade:
Must Grind Htock Feed or Hhut Down.
“The Gormans are suffering from
our blockade more than they’d have
liTtimmtiam Presented to Mends
ue think.
There's a real dearth of
o f Agrtcalturnl Bureau.
foodstuffs sud there's s real pest of
"Think of It— (he Germans are now
outing crows!
More than that, the
profiteers have cornered the crows of
Germany, so that tho government has
had to rtx crow prices, which range,
I believe, from 60 to 86 cents, accord­
ing to the weight and ags of the bird
"Hut Imagine lb
Cornering crow I
That Is mieeray to help your country's
caws!"-— Detroit Free Prose.
Sure! High Heels
Cause Corns But
Who Cares Now
lit •)A|,sse‘<n
H o t e l L r «r
Kmergency Hoard were aunt out W ed­
nesday by Secretary of State Olcott
calling a meeting for May 20, when
the question o f creating a deficiency in
thu fund of the state lime board to pro­
vide for the completion and operation
of the plant tt Gold H ill will be under
f>tXMÌts i «u r ti»»ni»*, i btw'lia from ] ’u «tofTta»
I’ «fu i (»rig o ri K W . , »c guuM door.
Hoys and Girls
Clear Your Skin
With Cuticura
F orest's W ealth Vast.
R. L. Frommc, forest supervisor o f
the Olympic National Forest, which
contains more marketable spruce tim­
ber than any other national forest in
the country, arrived in the Portland
district headquarters Wednesday to re­
port on conditions there. In the Olym­
pic Forest, which covers 1,500,000
A Question.
acres o f territory, is more than 33,-
"Y o u must be a woman hater."
000 , 000,000 feet o f timber.
"W h y ? "
In the Lake Quinault region five
"Y o u ’ve never married."
“ W hy should a man who has never sawm ills are already cutting spruce
married bo a woman hater?"— Louis­ for government use and more mills are
expected to locate there. The*sales to
ville Courier-Journal.
these mills are made on condition that
T h a t ’s the Q uestion.
the lumber be cut on the ground. So
She— Anything that !s worth win­ far the sales o f timber have averaged
ning is worth working for.
from 1,000,000 to 4,000,000 feet.
lie — Yes, but the question Is. will
your father loosen up, or will I have
Bridge Tolls Increasing.
to keep on working for you after I ’ve
won you?— Boston T ranscript
Vancouver, Wash. — N early every
Granulated Eyelid»,
Either Northwestern mills must be
permitted to grind wheat and supply
»lock feed for Northwestern farm er*
or the latter will be forced to sell
their rattle and hogs and go out of
that industry.
That ultimatum was
presented at the agricultural bureau at
its meeting in Hpokane Wednesday by
John H. Roberts, chairman of the spe­
cial committee that la investigating
the situation.
The bureau w ill busy itself at once
bringing pressure to bear on the grain
and milling division authorities at
Waahingon, D. C., fo r relief.
It is
declared that Northwestern wheat is
boing shipped into the Middle W est
for grinding, depriving the Northwest
o f the stock feed.
It is further con­
tended that the Middle W est has com
for stock feed and doea not require
Western millfeed, which is vitally
Many Northwestern
m ill» are already shutting down be­
cause they have ground the maximum
allowed them.
R. R. Rogers, chairman o f the farm
labor committee, announced that a
special session would be held at Daven­
port’s hotel to investigate the plan to
use boys o f the United States working
boys’ reserve.
R. Insinger, chairman of the bureau,
re ail a letter from Max H. Houser,
government grain buyer, Portland, in
which he announced that the govern­
ment was shipping 4,000,000 grain
sacks from Calcutta, India, to a Pacific
port to relieve the situation in the
It is estimated that 5,000,000
sacks will be needed in the Northwest.
"It may be a coincidence,” said the
woman with the firm facial expres­
sion. "b u t I can’s help having my
" W h s t ’s the matterT"
"Since we regulated the household
for daylight saving my husband breaks
every alarm clock I tell him to set."—
Destruction o f farm houses by fire
throughout the state haa caused State
.Fire Marshal W ell* to issue a warning
iulletin touching particularly
«m e simple precautions which may be
,h *
Ability Recognized.
taken aa meaaurea for prevention.
* * * * ' * -ad tho wbolo ocean to him
w*fle didn't have to be much of Defective Hues ami sparks alighting
upon roofs are said to lie main reasons
.Maybe lint you wlM.adm
for fire* in farm homes.
wonder aa an .¡oimal
One o f the largest and most patri­
p-Jug ton Star.
otic crowds a s s e m b ly in North Bend
— — — >
for several years gatnet..d Tuesday af-
anh Molding a Future.
there ' ' 1'1 y ° u become-Aft be a per- ternoon to witness the unfurling o f the
mammoth flag preaented to the city by
the h a»» viol.
mn I decided to he a mind- the Modern Woodworker* o f the North­
clatiT got father to promlio to buy me west. The flag measures 24 by 40
8 oothe Baby Rashes
a fiddle. Hut father always waa one feet and was unfurled with impressive
o f thoae men who want to get aa much ceremonies, a part o f which was a sa­ That Itch and burn with hot baths of
a « poaalble for their money.'’— W a sh ­ lute of 21 guns fired by the 414th Aero Cuticura Soap followed by gentle
ington Star.
Squadron under*Lieutenant Carhart.
Nothing better. For free samples ad­
Up in the Air.
A .M . Johnson, o f Corvallis, was in dress, "Cuticura, Dept. X. Boston.”
Corp. (nam e deleted by censor) 1 » Toledo Saturday en route to his spruce
Sold by druggists and by mail. Soap
the champion optimist In tho (deleted sawmill on the Ia>wer Siletz at Mi 11-
25, Ointment 25 and 50.— Adv.
by censor) regiment. On hla first visit
|H>rt. Mr. Johnson says his mill has
to P a ri» an air raid waa In progress,
cut and ahipped 11 cargoes of airplane
High Visibility.
and as he obaorved the Parisians, all
"Officer,” said a lady much above
Intent on the laubes, he said to bis spruce to Vancouver since it began
»iteration, a short time ago.
He is in the usual avoirdupois, "could you see
"T here's one flno thing about this need of more boats, tut the spruce lum- me across the street?"
“ Madame, I .could see you half a
t>er on hand is greater than the present
air stuff."
"A nd that la— T"
transportation facilities can handle. block!”— Judge.
"It keeps you looking up.”
It is the opinion that Mr. Johnson has
(Kopiy ¿**>oted by censor).— Car- sent out more spruce airplane stock
je .
Alim's Kcit-Kaw. the antiseptic powder. Makra
than all other agencies combined since Uxht
or n«-w shun fwl suy. Krlinn Corns.
Bunion., Hot. HwotV-n. Tendrr. Aching Font. Sold
the drive started in this country.
Good Opportunity.
«VM-ywhor«. - 6 c. Don't secopt any substitute.
It has now become settled that Mo- Sample KKKK. Address. Allen S. Olmsted, Le
' - .fnllroad collision I was In
lalls is to be the site for the new fac­ Roy. N. Y.
C i o s t r r tf »ta r »!"
l a fine chance when tory o f the Molalla Fire Clay company,
Judaa Didn’t Last.
_ ^ | T »f»r i'“ *?*V»coped '
lixrhange. work on the erection o f which w ill be
Comparisons of profiteers to Judas
started at once. Citizens o f Molalla are hardly fair, as the latter eventual­
havv. raised the money for the purchase ly developed symptoms of remorse
and bumped off.— W ashington Star.
Eyci, Eyttlnflamrd by o f n 2 ?-acre tract located between the
**% m , f)u »t sud wind quickly Southern Pacific and the Willam ette
icvcd by Murin«. Try it in
Valley Southern railways. Dishes will
TOUR L - L J N .S .» .r t i a ,, J . . I F yr( . » i o r l be the first articles manufactured, al­
though it is the plan to manufacture
Marine Eye Remedy
other lines later.
The clay mine is lo­
l y s fta lv e . ta T u b «« t v
Y >r f tk v f ti* K** •
A.» M arin e Kyo Hcmedy C e.. C h ic a «» t cated seven miles south o f Molalla ami
auto trucks will be used to convey the
clay to the factory. This w ill he the
only factory o f ita^kind west o f the Mrs. Godden Tells How It
Mississippi river.
May be Passed in Safety
rn* th
N » U< k-hreaking
The two alleged sluckers who were
and Comfort.
ttae. Sell wriii|in|. Simple and prec­
arrested recently on board the motor
lusi I uU iluniinni wifti radi ittnp.
schooner Evelyn, at Astoria, have been
i f f umn
rrem o n t. 0 .— *‘I was passing through
released and allowed to rejoin the ves­
the critical period o f life, being forty-
sel on signing their questionnaires.
six years o f age and
Hides, Pelts,
Wool & Mohair The case o f State vs. Jess Fox.
had all the symp­
toms incidenttothat
» . ras i l a , » « , Wrik la him iiCW l.l I h »
H arry Martin and Elmer D. Paine has
change -heat Hash­
T H E H. T. N O R TO N C O M P A N Y ,
been set for trial in the I.ane county
es, nervousness, and
r.rtlaad. Or*.. Seattle. Wn., Hrlllnrhain, Wn. circuit court during the term begin­
was in a general run
ning June 3.
The defendants are
down condition, so
charged with burning a warehouse at
it was hard for me
Coburg belonging to the Eugene Mill
to do my work.
Lydia E. Pinkham's
A Elevator company for the purpose of
f>m heavy Uyinjr (!Iofr*niz«d) «lock. $10.00
V e g e t a b le C om ­
defrauding insurance companies.
pound was recom­
i*»r 140. We gimrantiHv aafa arrival.
building was destroyed together with
mended to me ns the
THE PIONEER HATCHERY 4000 sacks o f potatoes last Februray.
best remedy for my
415 Sixth Street.
Petaluma, Cal.
trou.'ies, whieh it
John Adams, former student at the
Chemnwa Indian sc* not, who was re­ surely proved to be. I feel better and
ported as killed in a recent casualty stronger in every way since taking it,
and the annoying symptoms have disap­
O f f I Q
Veal. Pork, Beef,
list from France, is adve. A letter peared.
Mrs. M. G o d d e n . 025 N a
I f
Poultry. Butter, F.gg.
from him has been received by friends. poleon S t , Fremont, Ohio.
* * *
and Farm Produce,
to thfl Old Reliable Everdlng: houn« with a
Such annoying symptons as heat
The Intercollegiate Prohibition asso­
record of 45 year« of Square Dealing*, and
ciation o f W illam c'te university elect- flashes, nervousnsss, backache, head­
bo uaumi of TOP MARKET PRICES.
ache, irritability and " t h e blues,” may
mi officers Tuesday noon for the com­
be speedily overcome and the system
45-47 Front Street,
» ortland, Oregon
ing yenr. The newly elected officers restored to normal conditions by this
are: Fred McGrew, president; Faye famous root, and herb remedy Lydio E.
Holin, vice president; Myrtle Mason, Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.
If any complications present then-
secretary; Ralph Thomas, treasurer,
selves write the Pinkham Medicine Co.,
and Evadne McCully, reporter. '
Lynn, Mass., for suggestions how to
A t a meeting o f the city council o\ercome them. The result o f forty
Friday night Dr. Clara Dunn was years experience is at your service and
your letter held in strict confidence.
named city health officer for Medford.
This is the first time a woman physi­
By buytnir dlreet from a. et wholeaala prieea
cian has held the position since it was
» i aeve the plumber'« pronta. Writa o. to­
I.ow-prl eed,
da» your nrnla. W. wtll xtee ynu nur roek-
fresh, rrliahlr; <
prelprifd by *
bnttum "dlieet-to-you" prteea, f. o. b. rali cr
Arthur S. Henson, clerk o f the Su­
western «tock-
boet Wa Mtually .ave you frona 10 to U per
men, birause th «y I
preme court, announced Friday that
cent All péd" iruarantend.
protect whpre other l
vaocinet van.
Northweel Headqueetmra foi lealer Water
the case o f the city o f Portland
W H tr for booklet an.I testim onial*.
By.te«na and Fuiler A Johnann Enctnen.
10-dost pkg. Bltckltf Pftfs, $1.(
against the Oregon public service com­
50-4M« *| . 41 «chiat flits. $4.1
mission, known as the 6 -cent fare
Uns any Injector, but Cattar*« «im ple* and «frontest.
Th# superiority of Cutte« produ« t« is due to over IS
ata Tblrd Street.
Portlend. Oreme
case, has been set for hearing June 18.
year« o l spe. isllrlng la V *r< I N * AND S M l 'I I I
o n l y . I n s is t ON C u r r a * '». II uaobtaiaabl«.
The city ’s brief has been filed and the
orda» direct.
b rie f o f the state w ill be filed in a few
Tto Cattar latontsnr. SsttoNv, Cantorato
P. N. U.
No. 22, ISIg
Simp 25c, Ointment 2»*» sn>1 50cv
Jo in N o w !
W ith Oregon edging towanl a wheat-
leaa diet an rapidly aa fcaaible, an in-
A MI.W s u i t [K o v e r a l l s
■ * *
i RC6 U % PA f O f f .
Hiat«nt demand anaea that price» o f
auliHtitutea bo lowered. A paradox it
acenia, yet food adminiatration official»
aay price* o f Hour aubatitutea have not
yielded cxceaaive prollta, and that low­
You reckless men and women who
,. 7 %{;;.»«
are pestered w'th corns and who have
er price* are due.
_ i
at least one» a week Invited an awful
The annual commencement exerriae* death from lockjaw or blood poison
______ >
.< U f W UIUIB
o f the Maker Hi(th arhool were held are now told by a Cincinnati authority
Friduy evening, when one o f the larg- to use a drug called freezone, which
oat daaaea in the hiatory o f the achool Ibe moment a tew drops are applied
y ou.
On» burnir«! >« h ) ai:
M«rT J.' CO»'1« AwkUH. waa graduated.
There were «H mem- to any com or callous the soreness la
Ml .
R , rortUtiwf,
l'nrtlswi i>l»r< i
lier* ill the via**, liut only 5H were relieved and soon the entire corn or
i * • «•»• r tin**
present, ten o f the young men beinif in callous, root and all, lifts off with the
the army or navy.
Freezone dries the moment It U ap­
The »team achoonor Daiay urrived at plied. and simply shrivels the com or
Astoria at 11:30 Weilneaday in dia- callous without Inflaming or even Ir­
I K a p a ir a «
trea*. .She »tailed to enter W illapa ritating the surrounding tissue or
< <irU«m). Or*. liarbor and »truck on the bar, starting skin. A small bottle of freezone will
_ I her rudder and ruddei* post.
She waa cost very little at any of the drag
C l’L C A n O X y I
| i ( l ' able to make this ,jort under her own stores, but will positively rid one’s
feet of every bard or aoft com or
•team and
now awaiting order», but
If your druggist
A iovf»rnment v r "m
lU. «ti U m U mi will probably have to go to the dry hardened callous.
hasn't any freezone be can get It at
«'oaqutr th* werU. ***** iklur*
any wholesale drug house for you.—
So^hti, a mais -4U! 50 *•
le tte rs to mt-mlM-rs o f the State Adr.
Sapolio doing its work. Scouring
forUS.M arine Corps recruits.
White Leghorn Baby Ghix
fo r
A F T E R " T H E G R IP ," or In conva­
lescence from pneumonia, fevers, or
other debilitating dlaeaaes, your quick­
est w ay to get flesh and strength Is
1th Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery. That gives purity to your
blood, plumpfless to your body, and
puts every function Into perfect work­
ing order. It makes thoroughly effec-
Never Saw Him More.
Miss Oldgfrl— Suppose I were to tell
you that I didn’t believe one word re­
garding the lasting qualities of your
affection. W hat would you say?
Mr. W ise— W hy, I would say that
you are far too wise for any ordinary
man to marry.
Goodby!— Brooklyn
tlve every natural means of repair­
ing and nourishing your system. For
pale, puny, scrofulous children, noth­
ing approaches it. It builds up com­
pletely their flesh, their strength, and
their health.
In the most stubborn Scrofulous,
Skin or Scalp Diseases. Eczema, Salt-
rheum, and every kindred ailment. It
effects wonderful cures. Contains no
alcohol or harmful drugs. In tablet or
liquid form.
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets regu­
late and invigorate stomach, liver and
Sugar-coated, tiny granules,
easy to take.— Adv.
Truly Naatyl
Mistress— Your master and I have
been talking the matter over, Mary,
and have decided that you must take
a month's notice.
M ary— Oh, Indeed!
I bet master
wishes be could take a month’s notice,
too.— Passing Show.
Doctor— You should be constantly at The Teut, let him tell It, la blameless,
your husband’s side, as you will need His behavior, however, is shameless.
every little while to hand him some­
And why should the Hun
Crave a place In the sun
Mrs. Casey— Nlver, doctor!
Sure, W hen his ways are so shady and
O'm not the woman to hit a man when
he's down.— Boston T ranscript
— Chicago Tribune.
Judging From Appearance.
None Needed.
Hokus— Sbe spends all her bus-
“ W hat walk In life do you intend to
select for your son ?”
band’s salary on her back.
Pokua (at a fashionable function)—
“Ob, we can afford to buy bim an
I always heard that he didn't earn automobile now.”— Exchange.
much.— Buffalo Express.
Suitable Punishment.
“ W hat do you think ought to be
Dr. Pierce’s Pellets are best for liver,
bowels and stomach. One little Pellet ! done with this train robber?”
“ W hy, railroad him to prison."
for a laxative— three for a cathartic.
1 \M
The Farmer’s
Sunday sees a new record made on the
Columbia River Interstate bridge. The
tolls collected last Sunday amounted to
$941.75. The highest tolls in any one
day before was $931.10. In addition
to this, the streetcar company w ill
turn in around $600 for the day, mak­
ing the total tolls for Sunday, May 26,
over $1500.
Totals for A p ril were
$21,466.76, o f which the streetcar com­
pany paid $7976.46.
The total dis­
bursements were $2407.27, leaving a
net balance o f $19,090.34.
Live stock is marketed from
farmer to consumer at a lower
cost than almost any other farm
The United States Department o f
agriculture reported in 1916 that the
farmer gets for his cattle “approxi­
mately two-thirds to three-fourths” of
the final retail price paid by the con­
sumer for the resulting beef.
W heat— Bulk basis fo r No. 1 grade
Hard white, $2.05. Soft white, $2.03.
White club, $2.01. Red W alla, $1.08.
No. 2 grade, 3* less; No. 3 grade, 6c
less. Other grades handled by sample.
Flour — Patents, $10 per barrel;
whole wheat, $0.60; graham, $0.20;
barley flour, $14.50fq,15.00; rye flour,
$10.76^1.12.75; com meal, white, $6.50;
i yellow, $6.25 per barrel.
M illfeed— N et mill prices, car lots:
Bran, $30.00 per ton; shorts, $32;
! middlings, $39; mixed cars and less
than carloads, 50c more ; rolled barley,
, $75(376; rolled oats, $73.
C o rn —Whole, $77 per ton; cracked,
Hay — Buying
Eastern Oregon timothy, $29<T/30 per
ton; valley timothy, $25(ri26; -a lfa lfa ,
$24(324.50; valley grain hay,
clover, $19(<i20.00; straw, $9.00(310.
Butter— Cubes, extras, 37Jc; prime
firsts, 37c; prints, extras, 42c; car
tons, le extra; butterfat, No. 1, 41c
E g g s — Ranch, current receipts, 34c
candled, 35c ; selects, 36c per dozen.
Poultry — Hens, 27c; broilers, 40c;
ducks, 32c; geese, 20c; turkeys, live,
26(<i27c ; dressed, 37c per pound.
Veal - Fancy, 18*Oil9e.
Pork— Fancy, 23(<i23Je per pound.
Sack Vegetables— Carrots, $1.15 per
sack; turnips, $1.50; parsnips, $1.25;
l>eets, $2.
Potatoes— Oregon Burbanks, 75c@
$1 per hundred; new California, 10c
per pound; sweet potatoes, 10c per
Onions— Jobbing prices, 1(3l i e per
C attle—
May 28, 1918.
Prime s t e e r s ../ ..............$13.40(314.50
Good to choice s te e rs .. . . 12.00(313.00
Medium to good steers.. 10.50(311.50
Fair to medium steers . . 10.00(311.00
Common to fa ir steers ..
8.50(3 9.50
Choice cows and heifers. 10 .B 0 a e l l .60
Com. to good cows and h f 6.50(3 8.50
C an n ers...........................
3.50(3 5.50
B ulls.................................
Stockers and fe e d e r s ....
Prime m ix ed .................... $17.50(317.65
Medium m ixed ................ 17.35(317.45
Rough h e a v ie s ................ 16.15(316.35
P ig s .................................. 15.00(316.00
Prime spring lam ^s........ $17.00(317.50
H4avy l a m b s .,................ 16.50(317.00
Y earlin gs......................... 12.50(313.00
W eth ers........................... 11.60(312.00
E w es................................. 10.00(310.50
POST O F F I C E ^ ! # '
Under normal conditions, the farmer’s
share o f retail prices o f various farm
products is approximately as follows;
71 per cent
C A T T L E 66% to 75 per
? n per
» r c cent
*n t
55 per cent
45 per cent
35 per cent
T h e difference between farmer’s price
and retail price represents the necessary
expenses o f packing, freight and whole­
sale and retail distribution.
Swift & Company not only performs
the manufacturing operations of pre­
paring cattle for market in its well-
equipped packing- plants, but it pays the
freight on meat to all parts o f the
United States, operates 500 branch
distributing houses, and in most cases
even delivers to the retail butcher. A ll
this is done at an expense o f less than 2
cents per pound, and at a profit of only
about y4 o f a cent per pound of beef.
L a rg e volum e o f business and expert
management, make possible this indis­
pensable service to the live-stock raiser
and to the consumer, and make possible
the larger proportion o f retail prices
received by farmers.
Y e a r Book o f interesting and
instructive facts sent on request.
Address Swift St Company,
Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois
Swift & Company, U.S. A.
I !