Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, June 01, 1918, Image 2

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OF Clini W
Two Million Men To Get $300,000,000
at Once
H alf is Bark Pay.
U. S. TO SPEND 23 \'Machine Signs Five Checks at Once
Washington, D. C. General pay in­
creases for nearly 2,000,000 railroad
employes were announced Monday by
Director General McAdoo, effective
next Saturday and retroactive to last
January 1, carrying out substantially
the recommendations o f the Railway
Bscause of Lack of Food In Kuropo
W age commission.
Many Animals Havs 0««n Killed
The aggregate o f the increases prob­
— Milk Supply Docroaood.
ably w’ill be more than $300,000,000 a
year, half o f which w ill be distributed
(t'rsparsd by the Unl'sd NtstM I ‘•part-
within a few weeks as back pay in
meni of Agriculture.)
lump sums ranging from about $100 to
Although dairy cattle ars economical
nearly $200 each.
User» of feedstuff* nud although thay
The director general depar'.cd from
will convert course, Inedible inatsrlal
the wage commission's recommenda­
n human food, still they must
Events o f Noted People. Government! tions in the follow ing particulars:
Next Liberty Loan in Late Fall to Be
have some grsln for msxliuum produc­
and Pacific Northwest and Other
When anlmsla couvert fends,
Greatest Popular Credit Offered
day is recognized, but owing to exigen­
such ns grain, llmt can
Things Worth Knowing.
to Public. President Says.
cies o f the war situation, hours o f em
by human h elm -, tlF~^
ployment are not actually reduced ami
Ut H lo s s o f bulinili f*
overtim e is to be paid pro rata; future
C M I l'Ilio f o o d
s i c 'I I ¡I J
adjustments o f pay are to be made on
mala are killed
The Salvation A rm y’s campaign for the basis o f eight hours.
Washington, l>. C.
the grain uacd d«
a war fund o f $1,000,000 has exceeded
In addition to the ordinary scale o f war expenses, including loans to the
(he continental
its quota with a total o f $2,257,334, increase, day laborers, employed main­
lias been followed
according to a statement made in New ly on track work, are to get at least allies, w ill run above $1,500,000,000
o f feist* and the
York by Commander Evangeline Booth. 2| cents an hour more titan they re­ this month, and set a new high record
for any belligerent nation.
of the dairy com
A ft e r a long interval the Germans ceived last December 31.
Expenditures reporUtd Wednesday
depended upon
again began to bombard Paris with
by the treasury show that the govern­
pnrt of the grains
long-range guns Wednesday morning. established for the shop trades, includ ment’s outlays in the pa«t month have
The tremendous clerical bur.en of the war hao multiplied the number of dairy entile,
boilermakers and taken a jump o f more than $300,000,- labor-oaving devices employed by the United States government. The eheck- largely cut off. with the
Tw o persons were killed. The first ing machinists,
was a workman, fetching milk for blacksmiths, and women are to receive 000 above the normal rate in the past, elgnlng machine, operated In this picture by J. L. Summers, disbursing clerk »ome countries there h" V-'
breakfast, and the other was a woman. the same pay as men for the same and they promise to go steadily higher o f the treasury, Is used extensively In bureaus where the writing of five signa­ • ■in1 s lo decrease the
- "ine
work, and negroes are to get the same in the next six months.
tures by one operation Is saving time and money.
mala. Because o f th ^
A wireless message received in Se­
as white men for similar employment.
Tentative estimates now are that
o f dairy rattle hn^fi
attle announced the position o f the con­
To work out a multitude o f inequal­ $11,000,000,000 will lie spent between
In Europe since the , _
crete steamship Faith as 40 miles
ities o f pay among employes doing next July 1, the opening o f the new
Mushroom Growth- of Some
lack o f milk that has re-- “ * •'W*’*’-
south o f Cape Flattery and bucking an
similar work in different localities and fiscal year, and December 31, six
viffaHntr t •
80-mile northwest gale, against which
other injustices caused by varying months later, and the greater part o f
she was making about four miles per
Very Little Importance
rules o f employment and condition o f this must be raised by the fourth lib­
organization, the director general cre­ erty loan in October or November,
situation he prévint
The predominance o f war Industries n far ns possible
The British rivetin g record has re­ ated a new board o f railroad wages which President Wilson in his revenue
If, by economical
turned to the Clyde, according to a
Nutritious Food That is a
feeding and the utilization o f fssda
address before
congress explained
mushroom growth to a large number 'lint are Wot peceaasry for ) " " p f y .
dispatch to the London Mail from three labor representatives and three would be the biggest popular credit
o f German cities which formerly >hc dairymen o f (he country coafff n»-
Glasgow. W illiam Smith, o f Scots- railway executives, which w ill conduct ever offered.
honsted o f little Commerciai Impor­ erve their herds until after ths war,
toun, on Saturday, in the yards o f extensive investigations and recom­
So far as officials are able to esti­
tance, according to a Loudon corro- i hey would render great servies to
John Brown & Co., at Clyde Bank, mend wage and other employment mate at this time, more than $23,000,- (Fr, pared by the United Stales Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
hammered in 6783 rivets in nine hours. changes.
lumnnlt.v. With the great number o f
000,000 w ill be spent by the govern­
Munich, Instead o f occupying third •nlmals killed In Europe mid th* ln-
Ilcro lu the United Staten It la diffi­
Secretary McAdoo plans to leave
twice as much as in the year ending a cult to realize that there Is no other istsltlon In isipulutlon and importance, renne In the rate of «laughter as the
Washington for a w eek’s rest at White
edible product, except perhaps meat, now ranks seventh. One o f the most war continue«, the food shortage bw
month hence.
Sulphur Springs, W . Va. Since a re­
upon which more people In the worltl remarkable examples of war-lioom simes more aertoua. When the strap-
cent attack o f tonsilitis Mr. McAdoo’s
«r e dependent for food than rice, and towns Is Bochum, situated In the rich de I* over It « III be lmis>«>dtd« to moot
throat has not entirely recovered and
penditures for May, "including practi­ that we might advantageously cou- Iron ore district o f Westphalia. Be­ at once the demand for uiflk In th*
his physician ordered him to abandon
suin« much greater quantities o f this fore the war It htul a population of countries where the greatest numi
conferences necessitating the use o f New Revenue To Be Over $800,000,000 cally all outlays o f the government ex ­
nutritious food nud grow the Increase 65,000; now the official census gives of caille have been killed.
his voice.
Yearly Freight Rates Increased
E ffo rts will I « I» -■■wi o f V»
000,000,000 for the first time in his­ In our own rice fields. An Increased It 704,774.
The newest list o f Important Ger­ lli'hv'fl«e the nits
tory, running to approximately $1,- production and consumption not ouly
Captain de Ullin, it is announced,
25 Per Cent Over Present.
Would expand a profitable Industry. man cities and their population fol­ j but -|i** re o o lr
has won his 20th aerial victory. The
In fa d
Actual payments to allies during j I hut the eating o f more rice in the lows ;
captain was a partner o f the late Cap­
W’ ashington, D. C. — To meet wage the month are set at about $450,000,- place of wheat would release a great­
Berlin. 3.380.624; Hamburg. 1.014.- other hj
tain Guynemer, the famous French
increases just announced, and higher 000, about $100,000,000 more than in i er quantity o f the bread gralu for «54 ; Bochum. 764,774 ; t.olpklg, 763,- idly
Ace. Lieutenant Kiss, reputed to be
costs o f coal and other supplies this any previous month this year, but 1 ahlpmeut to the allies.
(W0; Cologne. 67122*: l.ul-hurg. 010,- muni!
the leading Austrian aviator, has been
year, Director General McAdoo has or­ somewhat less than in most o f the fall
The average per caplin consumption SIN); Muuich. 608.124; Dortmund, MVS,. ,|,,,rv*
killed in an aerial battle, according to
" t*aA¿. V. '
dered railroad freigh t rates in thç and winter months last year. The o f rice for food In this country Is '•■Vi; Essen, 502,507 ; Dresden, 531,- herds. IffWWh
. ’.
a dispatch from Berne.
United States raised 25 per cent and increase was interpreted as an indica­
ecarcely 0 pounds it year, and most ! <®7; Bresluu, 010,047; Dossellorf, gtnal animata. This «3
L ivin g in such poverty that, at her passenger fares increased to three tion that shipping facilities are be- 1 o f this is consumed In the Southern 440,6 1 3 ;
444,160 ; ereil another reason for lo fi
her furniture and personal cents a mile from the present basis o f coming better, since the sum which states. The high esteem in which rice Frankfort, 414,573; Koulgsbulte. 113,- at least maintaining, the herds o f dairy
effects were valued at but $150, Bertha about 2} cents.
the allies can spend in this country is Is held In other countries is Indicated 7s»l ; Hanover, 407,800; Kiel, 370,358; ■ ■tittle In this country.
I t is estimated that the program limited largely by the amount o f war
Toadteberg, o f Brooklyn, N. Y ., man­
by their per capitu consumption. Nor­ Chemnitz. 358,786; Unrembtirg, 357.-
aged to save enough so her brother Ed­ w ill bring between $800,000,000 and materials they can export. Payments way and Sweden consume over 0 141; Rtuttgart, 840,854; Slberfflld.
ward, o f Yakima, receives $10,923 as $900,000,000 more revenues to the are made only to meet actual needs
pounds per capita; Russia over 11 339, MSI ; Brcim-.-i. 2'.*9
his half o f the estate. A like sum railroads within the next year. It from time to time.
pouuds; England, 27 pounds; France,
represents far the biggest rate in­
Corns* From the Northern Part of Hob
goes to another brother.
Another record has been made this 84 pounds; Ituly, over 101 pounds, uud
'H -H -1-H -l-H -b'H -l-l-H I l-l-H -H I _
crease in the history o f railroads.
land, Where It Has Been Bred
month in revenue receipts which w ill Germany more thun 93 pounds. But
The anniversary o f Ita ly ’s entrance
McAdoo tele­ amount to about $65,0000,000 by the
for Centuries.
into the world war was solemnly cele­ graphed chairmen o f state railroad
end o f the week, more than in any pre­ . - begin to eut us much rice us Japan
brated all along the Italian front. The commissions, notifying them o f the
(Prt-psnst hy the United states rwpsrt-
vious month.
About $350,900,009 o f j #nj <’hinu. There, rh-e Is tin- most
-H H-I-H -H -l-l-H H 1-1
mnu of Asrlriilturs.)
American flag was hoisted beside the increased rates and asking them to co­
this sum came from advance payments Important article o f diet. Each man,
Italian colors amid the warmestren- operate by suggesting readjustments
llo 1«teln Krh-shtn, commonly
T h « kitchen should he a frank and
o f income and excess prQfits taxes due Woman und Child in Japan, on the friendly part o f the hom o.—Thorium.
thusiasm o f the troops.
President or changes. The director general does
known as the llolstdn 1 reed, orlglnst"
June 15.
average, consumes 147 pounds o f rice
W ilson’s message to Italians was dis­ not expect state authorities to over­
cd lu the northern part of Holland,
each year, and those lu China, 158 quantity o f food st his disposal overeats. »tier«» It Inis been bred for centurion.
tributed to the soldiers in the trenches rule any o f his rate orders, however.
and it created a most satisfactory im­
Holstein« have grown groatljLln num­
Mr. McAdoo explained that the rail­ EVERYONE TO GET HEARING pounds.
Xhe placing o f such dependence
ber« and pi polarity In race«., yoars la
road act does not perm it him to “ share
Foods In 8eason.
till« country and are mml numerous
with the state commissions the re­ War Tax legislation I.abora to Start upon rice as a staple food certainly
The Mexican governmen has notifled
Asparagus, beet greens, spinach In the t'nlteil States In the middle
proves beyond a doubt that It Is high­
sponsibility which rests upon the rail­
American mining companies operating
ly nutritious; analysis o f rice supports nnd all the other tender garden Inntlc, ufiddle Western and Rnij,
road administration for the financing
in M exico o f its intention to double
Washintgon, D. C.— Setting June 6 this proof. Round for pound rice Is things which are so wholesome are t|ons,
results to the United States govern­
the amount o f bullion they are re­
ment o f the operation o f the rail­ as the date for beginning hearings on about as nutritious as wheat. Every now found In our markets.
quired to reimport against the ore ex­
the new revenue legislation, the house 100 (rounds o f cleqned rice rontulns
ported. Under the present arrange­
Molded Beet Qreens.
The Interstate Commerce Commis­ ways and means committee approved 87.7 pounds o f nutriment, o f which 8
ment the companies send back into
Wash the greens through many wn-
sion ordered increased railroad rates, Wednesday a proposal for a summer pounds are protein, 0.3 pound fat, 79
Mexico in bullion 25 per cent o f the
announced Tuesday by Director Gen­ vacation after appropriation billA are pouuds carbohydrates, and 0.4 pound fent to he sure they are well-cleansed,
value o f gold and silver contained in
eral McAdoo, approved without hear­ completed.
The uuuiyftis o f wheat Hour add boiling water to cover and cook
the ores they ship.
The committee agreed that the $4,- allows that It contulas 87.L pounds of nntll tender. It will take about three
ing, and at the same time modified all
More than 600 men were taken into I outstanding previous commission or­ 000,000,000 in additional revenue to nutriment In each 100 pounds, of hours. Drain and (tress nut nil the
custody by a posse acting under the ders which might interfere with the be raised shall come chiefly from ex-, which 10.8 pounds are protein, 1.1 water possible, remove a few o f the
cess profits, incomes and taxes on lux­ pounds fuf, 74.8 isiunds carbohydrates, Itcets that nre as large ns walnuts nnd
direction o f United States Marshal establishment o f the new rates.
The new freigh t charges, which uries.
Dillon in rounding up alleged draft
and 0.4 pound ash. Thus the total slip off the skins In cold water. Slice
The committee decided to embody nutriment In rice Is a trifle greater the beets nnd press against the elite
evaders in Phoenix, Arizona. Squads cover both class and commodity rates,
o f deputies invaded motion picture become effective June 25, and the pas­ in the bill not only the additional four than In wl\eat. Wheat has Ihe advan­ o f an earthen mold. Chop the greens
shows and billiard rooms, restaurants senger increase w ill go into effect million taxes, but -the tax provisions tage In protoln uud rice in carbo­ fine, season with salt and pepper and
o f the present laws as well, to preventj
butter and fill the prepared mold. Met
and cigar stores, arresting all men o f June 10.
duplication and confusion.
draft age who were unable to show
Although rice Is the great foodstuff n plnte with a weight above the vege­
$144,000,000 Mercy Fund.
Members o f the committee believe
Purebred Holstein Cow.
classification cards. A s fast as arrest­
o f the Orient, It Is not used there In tables and let them become chilled.
Washington, D. C .— Germany’s chal­ the appropriation bills can be disposed -
ed the men were placed in a stockade.
making a raised bread. In this coun- Serve sliced with mayonnaise dress
Holstein cuttle arc pf black nnd
lenge o f frightfulnesa in France has o f by July 1, and will recommend a re-1
i try dieticians have made excellent Ing.
»b it e color. They are docile und even
Tacoma shipyards will not entice been answered by the American people cess o f both houses then while the
brend by substituting ns high as 25
tempered, not good "rustlers,” und do
boys from the fields this summer, for with an outpouring o f $144,000,000 for committee is working on the bill.
from a previous meal tnny be used for
bust when plenty of feed Is available.
Chairman Kitchin announced that all J *r ccn‘ ° f
'vheat flour. and
they w ill not hire lads between the the second war mercy fund o f the Red
of a most delectable snlnd using the fo l­ Holstein cows average about 1,250
persons wishing to appear before the buve obtained a white yeast brend
ages o f 13 and 17. The shipyard man­ Cross.
lowing dressing:
excellent flavor.
pounds nnd bulls 1,800 pounds In
agers say they have no use fo r boys
weight. Tlio average o f milk produc­
and believe it better for the young­ $44,000,000, with returns still coming.
Chlffonade Dressing.
tion Is high, but the percentage of but-
sters to work in the fields in the sum­ Every division except the central and interests represented and the subject
Chop fine the white o f 11 hard-conked terfut Is comparatively low.
With the Inventors.
mer. The labor in the yards is heavy every state in the Union except Illinois on which they wished to be heard.
egg, add the yolk pressed through a
Among llolatelna, 8,200 cows that
The senate “ lobby com m ittee,” Sen- 1
and dangerous, they say, and only suit­ went over its quota. The central di­
sieve, a tnhtesjmofiful each o f chopped hud complet'd a yearly record for s4-
ed to men o f brawn. Many boys had
vanced registry
chine with a capacity o f 2,000
failed to enroll in the reserve because tions o f Iowa, Nebraska, Wisconsin chairman, also pointed out, is in posi-
beet, half a tablespoonfill o f scraped pouuds of milk, testing 3.424 per cent
bottles an hour has been Invent­
they looked for big money in the ship­ and Michigan could not offset the $2,- tion to resume its work i f lobbyist» j
onion, half n tenspoonful each o f salt hutterfut, amounting to 500.7 pounds
ed In Europe.
become too active.
800,000 by which Illinois failed.
yards during the vacation period.
nnd paprika, hnlf a cupful o f oil nud of fat. The ten highest producers of
Electrical apparatus fo r tap­
three tnbtespoonfula o f vlnegnr. Mix this breed averaged. from 31,246.0 to
Physicians attending Charles W.
Industrial Zones Are Established.'
Huns K ill 65,042 Babies.
nnd beat until thoroughly blended.
Fairbanks, ex-Vice President, who is
28.3R6.4 pounds o f milk, an average,
without 61 ten tion fo r months,
Washington, D. C. Centers for 20 j
London — Figures from a Serbian
ill at his home in Indianapolis, say
for these ten of 29,888.4 pounds of
that there is slight improvement in source show a terrible loss sustained industrial zones established by the war
Down 3outh Cornbread.
milk. Thq ten hlghsst Holstein but-
Spring pud« to be strapped to
Mr. Fairbank’s condition, although his by the Serbian population o f Bosnia. industries board for the manufacture
81ft together one cupful rtf yellow terfnt
the knees have been Invented
condition is still causing much anxiety. In three years, 1915-6-7, there were o f war materials were selected Thurs­
commenl, hnlf n teaspoonful o f salt, 1,206.09 to 1,017.28 pounds, an srar-
fo r the comfort o f persons
150,314 deaths, o f which 65,042 were day. The aim is to have manufactur­
two tenspoonful* o f baking powder, nge, for these ten, of 1,080.89 pounds
The railroad administration has be­
obliged to kneel nt their work.
children under 10 years o f age.
O f ing pianta in each zone use as nearly
bent one egg and stir Into the dry In­ of butterfst
gun looking for the most able operat­
these 12,867 were infants under 1 aa possible, materials which are pro­
gredients, with one quart o f sweet
ing officer o f each o f the 200 roads
cracking while dry an Inventor
Before the war there were duced in their own zones. The cen­
milk. Turn the mixture Into n well-
under government control to become
from 25,000 to 30,000 births annually, ters are Boston, Bridgeport,
buttereil baking dish. Add two table- MUCH SKIM MILK IS SAVED
federal director o f his line to replace
the birth rate has been so reduced that York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Cincin­
spnonfuls of- butter eut Into hits.
the president as ch ief executive for
in 1915 there were 4648 more deaths nati, Atlanta, Birmingham, St. Isiuis,
Bake In n hot oven twenty-five min­ Large Quantities FormsHy Thrown
than birhts. In 1916 the excess o f Rochester, Pittsburg, Cleveland, De­
Into 8#wer Now Mads Into
utes. Stir often until the bread be­
The Concrete Ship.
Cottage Cheese.
Eight bottles o f whisky, a portion deaths over births amounted to 17,711 troit, Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul,
gins to thicken. Serve with n spoon
Kansas City, Seattle, San Francisco.
o f which angry women jurors aver was and in the first half o f 1917 to 7566.
Faith, the new concrete ship, has the nnd from the baking dish. This may
One crenmery In the state o f New
appearance of a concrete cellar founda­ be served as a dessert with grated
consumed by men jurors while they
Hlndenburg Has Typhoid.
Sixteen Die in Fire.
tion. This may be the very thing some maple sugar or with sugar nnd crenm. York Is condensing every day 26,000
were deliberating, was not returned
pounds o f aklm milk, much of whlah
Geneva, Switzerland— Field Marshal
Columbia, S. C.— Fire early Thurs­ unseen and unknown barnacle bus been
with the exhibits when Nick Penoff
formerly was run Into the aewsr, and
von Hindenburg, chief o f the German day destroyed a ward at the state hos­ waiting to cling to. Our bold experi­
8ardine Toast.
was found not gu ilty in Judge W eb­
several creameries now make their 4u-
general Htaff, ia in a hospital at Strasa- pital for the insane, resulting in the ment will bring out some surprising
ster’s court Tuesday at Spokane.
Remove the crust f-oni carefully
burg, suffering from typhoid fever, ac­ burning to jJeatK o f at least Mi pa­ discoveries, no doubt. I f It shows a
tlre supply of skim milk Into oottago
toasted brend nnd spread with butter
cheese. These examples are cited la
Mrs. Pauline O’ N eill, member o f cording to reports from that city Mon­ tients. Eleven other patients are mis­ new way to use cement there will be a
mixed with a tenspoonful o f lemon
the Arizona lower house from Phoenix, day. These advices state that the re­ sing and five were badly burned, one o f boom in cement stocks. W e have no
Juice nnd minced pnrslcy. On each the nnnunl report o f ths bureau of
offered a join t resolution soon a fter port o f von Hindenburg’s death is in­ whom afterward died. The ward de­ end o f raw material for cement mak­
place three nnrdlncs nnd put tho tonnt animal Industry, United States depart­
the legislature convened Wednesday correct, but that his condition is crit­ voted to the mentally defective con­ ing nnd no conservationist can tell us
Into the oven to hent. Serve at once. ment of agriculture, ns showing age­
denouncing the I. W. W. as a menace, ical.
tained 45 patients, o f whom 34 have when we shall be shy o f the stuff that
ings effected through the campaign I
Typhoid fever is said to be spread­ been accounted for. A number o f the
and calling upon every state official to
conservation o f nil products
makes ships If the Faith Is a winner.—
work to rid the state o f the organize ing rapidly in the German army and patients are said to have run back in­ Brooklyn Eagle.
lacrosse ths supply of food.
causing great alarm.
to the burning building.
Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
War Expenditures This Month
More Than $1,500,000,000.
Eat More Rice
:: Mother’s Cook Book. ::