WOULD HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WEEK 37 KILLED IN AIRPLANE RAID FEEDING THE NATION’S ARMY TASK OF GIGANTIC PROPORTIONS laindon Bombed bv Teuton Fliers and Much l>amage Done. WAN IS TO GO TO FRANCE London Thirty-seven persons were killed and 166 injured in the London area during Sunday n igh t’s air raid. Eaoh Morning 4,000 Cattle Must Bo Slaughtered to Supply Dally Six persons were injured in the pro­ Ration of Fresh Beef— 7,000 Cars Required to Transport vinces. The casualties are divided as follows: Month’s Supply— Every Ounce Must Bo Inspected tendon and the metropolitan police Before It Is Sont to the Men. district K illed: Men, 17; women, 14; children, 6; total. 87. Injured: Men, W ashington— M U «be functhm o f slsteuce for the forces In the Uni tod S3; women. 49; children. 23; total, lA* subsistence dlvlohm of «be quarter­ States, subsistence for the force# over- ' 155. master corps to fee«l the United State« ««■a. food Inspection, purchase, plan­ Provinces — Injure«!: Men. 2; wo­ army furnishing three square meals ning, field bakeries anil the like. men, 3; children, 1; total, 6. dally to every one «>f the nearly ’4.000.- Brunches o f these subdivisions spe­ Considerable da mag«) to property has 000 men, whether In France. In train­ cialize In beef, In milk. In Hour, In Events o f Noted People, Governments been reported. In Space o f Three Days Allied Airmen ing camps In this country. In the Philip­ canned goods and other require«! foods. Thousands o f persons had their first sad Pacific Northwest and Other Bring Down 37 Totally Destroyed pines, Hawaii or the Panama Canal The propol i I,ms of single purchase« uro experience in a raid. They were visi­ tone. , # almost slagg<>rlng. Thu other day the Things Worth Knowing. and Force 60 More to I .and. tors from many points o f England Despite the enormous expansion or division was enstlng about for a Mille Scotland and Wales, who took advan­ the American army during the pnat mutter o f A7.nixi.lHS) «ans o f soup In tage o f the Whitsuntide holidays, rear, nothing has developed to mar the supply the army for a »tilled period. which run from Saturday until Tues­ And so It goes down through some American soldier’s reputation of being Charles W. Fairbanks, former vice day, to visit the metropolis. On the French 'Front, in France 250 Items nf supply running from ham the best-fed soldier In the world. president o f the United States, is crit-1 American air squadrons have been en Maj. lieu, tii-orge W. Uoethals, act­ to shne strings and from metal polish ically ill at his home in Indianapolis gaged in participation with the French ing quartermaster general, os hand of to macaroni. with B right's disease. in bombing operations behind the Uer the quartermaster eorp#, 1* responsible Formerly the work of the final pur­ Major Raoul Lufbery, the first Mis* W illie b e man lines. These operations are be for the feeding o f the army. The Im­ chase was distributed. Depot quarter­ American ace to be killed as the result masters In various sections of the rusculatlve W filb mediate responsibility, as stated nl>*>ve, ing carried out on a very large scale. o f an aerial fight, was buried with full country bought supplies In conformity huma, hope* to | military' honors Monday by French and A t one time recently 120 allied ma­ rests with the subsistence division, which Is presided over by Col. W. 11. with the tone o f thglr hn-nllscd market coming proficient r.s American detachments. area. Boon, however. It heenme clear Sin- bus made rapid pi All Young Men Attaining 21 in chines were flying at the same moment llrove. A new top price for cattle was es- j in bombing work. The food supply o f the army takes that this function must lie centralised study. tablished at the Sioux City stockyards Records have just reached the cor­ on proportions m> gigantic that figures In Washington under the control of the Past Y ear Must Register Tuesday when the Cudahy Packing | respondent o f the air activities along fall to give more than a hasy Idea of divisional experts. As a result the di­ lysing all tho fix Is which mine for M ilitary Service. company paid C. H. Howdie, o f Par­ the French front between May 15 ami Its Immensity. F’or example. 4,00« vision operates along Hues o f high ef- vqucu '«'ii >i-i- ■ me freque'j ker, S. D., $17.75 a hundred pounds ______ 18, since the weather became again cattle must he slaughtered every morn­ th-lency. Its system nf records snows for a carload o f steers. favorable for flying, which reveal th«' ing to give the soldier his dally ration constantly the state o f supplies ut drawn from shipment*, the i* muilo and Hie result place«! on Iti Portland Wednesday June 5, has intensive aerial work o f the character home unit ahroail, enabling It to follow of fresh beef. Enthusiastic reports o f the progress officially designated as Registra- I he Inxpcctlou brunch's central ofore. noted. In this period, 105 aerial com any commodity from the |mlnt o f pro- Nearly 7.000 freight and refrigerator o f the American Red Cross for a sec- tion Day throughout, the United States bats were fought in the course o f pa cars are r«-qnlre«l to bring ti e food for j ductlon to the port o f embarkation, Any discrepancy between th« original ond war mercy fund o f $100,000,000 for ajj yOUng men who have attained trols. German machines to the num the present month's supply Into the while lh«> volume o f purchase permits sample und delivery bring* prompt no- came to headquarters in a steady the age o f 21 years since draft Regis- her o f 37 were destroyed. 60 others camps nud cantonments on this able o f direct relation with lit.- manufacturer llou. stream throughout the opening day tration Day one year ago. Military Bakery Companies. were forced to land, badly damaged, the Atlantic. i " " ‘l ***« elimination o f the middleman. Monday o f the campaign. On Wednesday June 5, every 21- within their own lines, and eight cap­ The freah bread o f the army comes The soldier's food must t o sll right By the application o f this central «on- The Spokane Herold, with its asso­ year-old man in the United States tive balloons were burned. at all time*—and must he there at the trot principle there was save«! to the from tho military hnkery companies. ciated publications in Seattle. Everett must appear at the registration place In the same period bombarding appointed hour. The American tight government In the purchase of ration thn*e unique Institutions which, with and Bellingham, has suspended publi­ designated by his local draft board squadrillas threw 160 tons o f bombs on lug msn In Franco may wait a week or - Items needed for the month of April their portable ovens, trundle along, one cation. This includes the well-known and register. the enemy’s depots and other estab a month for a new tint or any other ar­ $1411.750. At). with each dlvlnlmi. turning out crisp, The only exceptions are men already lishrnents. O f this the night bombing German-American publication, the Tills centralized control Is also a fresh bri-nd by the thousand# o f loaves, ticle of equipment If lie enn make the in the m ilitary or naval service. Spe­ Washington Staats-Zeitung. o f Seattle. squadrillas dropped 135 tons. old one serve, hut he cannot wait n factor In ex|*edltU)U# action. Not long regurdlt-s* of lo«-atl»n, weather condi­ cial arrangements have been made During the night o f May 15 no lass A wheatless diet for Montana until whereby absentees and those too ill to day or nn unnecessary hour for his ago there came from General I’ershlng tions, nr even German *h«ll Are. I ’rlor to the war the strength o f a July 1 was proposed in a resolution appear at the registration places may than 120 airplanes were in the air ut dinner If he 1« to he the gingery, up- a requisition for 2-l.tH)<),(HH) rations to the same moment bombarding a large passed by a state-wide conference of register by mail. nnd-at-'em. 100 per cent efficient Mil- he supplied “ at once." By the terms bakery company was one officer and number o f towns and villages in Ger­ On account of the food administrators. The resolution "rntton," It shouhl b<> explained. Is 01 enlisted men tier. But they must all register. Failure for six wheatless weeks, i f is under­ to do so makes the guilty young man man-held territory, causing fires and meant the complete fixxl supply of Increase In lh«> sire of n illv M ii^ p ^ p t * Problem Long Ago Worked Out. army It was neceaaary to stood, w ill have the practical effect o f liable to imprisonment for one year. explosions everywhere. American and The provision of fo«>«l In auch quan­ one soliller for one «lay. Within twen­ Italian squadrons participated in-the*« regulations lncron«li) an order. • , And ignorance o f the fact that June 5 operations. tities and with such promptness t* not ty-four hours the division had located isilnts o f production capable of sup­ the bakery eiimpnj n feat that can lie accomplished by sud­ Instruments at the Victoria. B. C., is registration day w ill not be ac- On May 16 the broad daylight work 101 «-Hi observatory Monday recorded an earth­ ! cepted as an excuse. The burden o f continued, the bombing machines be­ den Inspiration. It could be only the plying this large demand, had placed eqalpniciiL the orders and was able to re|xirt the informing themselves as to the place quake. which officials estimated oc- ing protected by 75 chasers, w h ich ; result o f much thought and study. The 15 ovens. T curred about 6000 miles away, prob- and date o f registration is placed on swept all the enemy aircraft out o f the army authorities gave the subsistence fulfillment o f the requisition under j •mured way. problem the r«-qulslte amount «>f ably in the Pacific ocean. The record I the men themselves, skies over a large space. <>rgnnlrut| System of Purchasing. Registration w ill be in charge o f the was pronounced, and the tremor lasted Germans captured by the Freneh tes thought and stuily long before the v While the buying Is thus roiitrihled. I putll'i- j local boards in their respective dis­ tify to the brilliant work o f the en­ dnrker war clouds begnn to gather on over an hour. tricts. They are required to post im­ tente allied aviators, who. the prison­ the American h««rtzon. At no time lias the actual purchases are not made In 1 Imkcry coiiipOT^0|j^^ Russian Bolshevik troops, according mediately a list o f registration places. «•quipped nud truifmw ers say, leave the Germans no peace there been serious criticism o f the Washington. Th«-® uirclms,- diqxits at to a telegram from Constantinople, The registration places w ill be open Fears are expressed regarding future subsistence end o f the quartermaster’s various points telegraph t«> the dlvl j hand to pmduce hr««a«l for have succeeded in capturing the town from 7 o ’clock the morning o f June 5, •hum! officer* price quotation* on sup­ army ami the National guurd. o f Petrovsk, on the west shore o f the until 9 o ’clock that night. They w ill operations by allied airmen on the flepn rfment. A Sample Day's Rations. ^ Rhine cities, which they believe w ill j Under Colonel Drove, or associate«! plies. with recommendations as to their ! Caspian. 200 miles north o f Baku. acceptance. The division's experts I Never ut all) lltne while the drafted ^ be in charge o f officials o f the local be laid in ruins. The Germans de with him In the co-ordinated efforts of Oerentkapoi, another town, has fallen j draft boards. d are their anti-aircraft defenses arc other branches o f the quartermaster study them In connection with their met! were assembling and o f course to the Russians. June 5 has ben selected as the date insufficient to prevent the allies visit­ corps, are many well-known officers, market reports and conlldontlnl lists they reuched their ramps at -1L George Washington Hall, said to j for registration day because it is the ing, either day or night, the Teuton i some o f them veterans o f the army and o f prices from the big fnoil Industries. o f the day und nlyj have been the oldest active circus pro­ anniversary o f the first draft registra­ camps, cantonments and airdromes, some fresh from civil life, but all ex­ Then from the iltvislonal office# goes j «•ns unprepare«! prietor, is dead at Evansville, Wis., tion day, when approximately 10,000,- where, they say, enough damage al­ perts In commissary service. the telegraphe«! word to the d«-p«t# to hot meal. Not 1 aged 83. He began his showman’s 000 men between the ages o f 21 and 30 ready his been done. purchase or decline. to go to war has fir Back lu 181)8. when distinguished career at the age o f 13, and was the years, inclusive, registered for the From the ilepots the fixxl goes t«* the army hrokiii «Imvu. Tin" w Other prisoners assert that Emperor ! gentlemen nn the floor o f congress first to take an American circus to draft. W illiam hesitated a long time before j Were apprehending that the Amerli-nn the various «-amps and cantonments, with lilx issue ration varteip n ij This registration day is only for starting the offensive this year, b u t. South America. soldier was being pampered with a where It I* Issued to the lighting organ­ mentrd through use o f the ca ' J men who have reached the age o f 21 that General I.udendorff obtained the diet too elaborate, the ration for the izations by tho qimrtermnster In w til« It the government a llfl'^ M # The San Francisco board o f super­ years, thus coming within the draft Ftach company, Imttcry or he doc* not draw the ful.^ffi upper hand by promising to force a nnny consisted o f oue nud a quarter «•liarg«'. visors has adopted a measure incorpo­ age, since last registration day. _ peace by beating the allies by Easter, j j pounds of beef, eighteen ounces of troop, each separate detachment, oper­ a 'loti cd fo.»l. lives „ » rating an additional 2 cents in the tax \ bread and flour, two-thirds o f an ounce ates Its own kitchen with Its enlisted than the average civilian. rate to provide a fund o f $100,000 for Uei ^feqilr «lay the re lie f o f dependent fam ilies of SUGAR W HITE PLAGUE CURE CAMP SEES UNKNOWN PLANE i of salt and one-third o f a gill o f vine­ rooks working under a moss s«-rg«-ant. men in the army, navy or marine corps gar. That was all, but It enabled the Here the fixxl Is prepared for break­ u special day's menu, fast. dinner nnd supper. live of NUeli meat* ns are regu - B resident in that city. Italian Scientist Credited W ith Great Machinr Flies Over Cantonment Vio- 1 American soldier to dine far more ex­ The wholeaomeneas o f every fixxl vided: pensively than did any o f Ills foreign Medical Discovery. An agreement tantamount to a con­ lating F’ederal Law. imeni Breakfast—Outinr | brothers In arms. To«1ay the ration In­ article must be assured before It can tract to build 130 vessels to cost ap­ Camp Lewis, Wash.— A mysterious cludes 17 food articles, each capable o f he placed In the soldier’s |xi»*«-»*l«m. liver and bacon OUlolVxM Paris— Professor Domenico Lo Mon­ proxim ately $800,000 each, and total­ aco, director o f the Biochemical sec­ airplane coming from a base unknown extensive variation by substitution. The array's system o f Inspei'tton Is fried potatoes, coffee, brand. ing about $100,000,000 was reached in Dinner— Vegetable soup, roast tion o f the Lincei Academy, at Rome, has been flying over Camp Lewis, it The soldier eats them In (iarguutuan thorough nnd uncompromising. It be­ Cleveland Tuesday between Charles M. is credited by the Italian scientific became known Thursday. j quantities. Here are some o f the things gin# at the source of supply nml con­ and gravy, mashed |Kitnt«M>s. stew,., Schwab, director general o f the gov­ The strange machine was viewed on | which Colonel (Jrovo and his organiza­ tinues until the fo«xl Is actually con­ tomatoes; peach cobbler, bread. ernment’s shipbuilding program, and press with a discovery which w ill revo­ Slipper—-Beef, bukixl potatoes, rice lutionize the treatment o f tuberculosis. three different occasions late in the tion must provide each duy In the sume«!. The rix'onls at Washington Great Lakes shipbuilding companies. Professor Lo Monaco, explaining afternoon by officers and men, the last y e a r: stiow the capabilities, character nnd pudding, ton bread standard of every establishment pur­ German submarines have again re­ his discovery, said he had observed time on Monday. The aviator each time was seen hov­ Beef, lbs........................................ 2.000,000 veying f«x»d to tlie army. Tlic Inspoc- ! e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e sumed unrestricted warfare on Norwe­ that sugar had a remarkable effect on e e Bacon, lbs...................................... 686,000 gian fishing boats in the A rctic Ocean the secretions o f the human organism. ering over camp at an estimated height Corned best bash. 2-lb tins............. 38,400 for* know fruits, vegetables, meat and | ! Starts Swimming Eighteen 2 o f 2000 feet and officers with the aid north and east o f the Norwegian coast. A fte r seven years o f study o f these Canned salmon, cans ..................... 11.000 other articles o f purchase. The army ! Miles— Is in Hospital l Fishermen saved from sunken vessels phenomena he became convinced that o f field glasses have definitely ascer­ Flour, lbs.......................................2.»2i.iss« specification# are clear and exact. They ' Hard bread, lbs............................. SH.SH must he met. The Inspectors make | and landed at Hammerfest report that the secretions o f saliva, bile and the tained that it was not the privately Beans, 2 — f lbs...................................... 196,000 owned machine stationed a few miles gastric and pancreatic juices were Seattle, Wash. When Jnrk • the commander o f a U-boat said that Corn m«-»l, lbs........................ . 44,W0 sure they nre met. And ttim rcrdvIng • from camp. officers Ht the depot*, nxuimig them­ Potatoes, lbs...................................2,000,000 s Watt*, twenty-four, a sailor on 2 all vessels met by him would be sunk. modified profoundly by the introduc­ There is no other airplane within Onions, lbs.................................... 000,00«) selves that there has been no deferlo- I • one o f Uncle Nam's torpedo- • tion o f sugar. This gave him the idea Tomatoes, cans ........................... 1 0 2 ,0 0 0 Through an opinion which some con- o f applying his method to the bron- flying distance o f Camp I^ewis, so far Coffee, lbs...................................... 182.HOn ration In shipment, thus make their j • taints, dove off a pier here anil * as could be learne«!, and the fact that Pickles, gallons ............................ strued as indicating a n e w attitude I chial secretics o f consumptives. 7,900 contribution to that continual Inspec­ J started to swim to the training • toward big business and on which the The first experiments made on con­ flying over an army cantonment is a Hugnr, lbs...................................... 620,000 tion which censes only when the f«xxl j e ship Philadelphia, 18 mile* • court divided four to three, the U. S. sumptive soldiers gave results far ex­ flagrant violation o f the federal law halt, lbs......................................... lot 0 ® has ceased to exist. J away, he started something lie • Soup, cans .................................... 28,000 Supreme court refused to order the ceeding his expectations, he reports. has led to considerable speculation. The bureau o f markets o f the tie- | • couldn't finish. When flsheil nut • Catsup, bottles ............................ 23.000 dissolution o f the United Shoe Machin­ There was rapid improvement in most pa rfment of agriculture, with repre­ J of the bay lie expressed his J ery company, o f Massachusetts and its cases and he obtained cures which ap­ Seattle, Wash.— The report that the Many Subdivisions. sentatives throughout tho country : • pleasure at having been saved • subsidiaries, forming the so-called peared to be radical. mysterious ariplane sighted over Camp In the Washington offices o f the sub­ whose duty It Is to report on condi­ J the long Journey. J Lew is was one o f those owned by the “ shoe machinery trust.’ ’ Professor Lo Monaco explained that sistence division there are some sixty tions In the perishable fooil markets, • Jack took Into Ids system eon • Pacific Aero Products company, o f Se­ the bronchial secretion is an indis­ officers und civilian experts, with the give* full help to tho army Inspection. | 2 slderoble quantities o f salt wn- 2 Reorganization o f the army air serv­ pensable medium for the existence o f attle, was refuted by W. E. Boeing, necessary clerical assistants. Untler The bureau o f chemistry o f the same • ter along with other Ibpibls he J ice was completed Tuesday by Presi­ the tubercule bacilli ami that by the president o f the company, who assert­ Its chief the division Is divided Into op- department also lends Its powerful as- • hnd hc«-n Imbibing and they dent Wilson as his first act under the injection o f saccharose the secretion ed that none o f the company’s ma­ crating subdivisions, dealing with sub- slstance, carefully examining and ana • didn't mix well. He wus taken new law perm itting him to readjust diminishes and finally disappears, the chines had made flights within the last • to tho city hospital for balling government departments for the war. three weeks. 2 purpose«. In an executive order he directed that bacilli disappearing with it. Brief Resume Most Important Da ly News Items. Tons of Bombs Dropped on Foe Far Back of Lines. COMPILED GREAT FLEET FOR YOU RULES r cccnca DRAFT REGISTRATION DAY SET FOR JUNE 5 t'rf’I J j the air service be wholly divorced Snow Falls is Palouse. from the signal corps and also that the W alla W alla— Some snow fell in the functions o f producing and operating aircraft o f all kinds in the military Blue mountains Sunday. It is an unus­ service be separated. ually late date for snow. The temper­ A fte r buffeting strong head winds in ature in Walla W alla was affected by the ocean off the Golden Gate, the con­ the snowfall. A rrivals from Spokane crete steamer Faith returned from a report a heavy rain all the way to Day- successful trial trip late Friday after­ ton. E. C. Whipple and T. McCoy, o f noon. The vessel, which made a suc­ Portland, drove from Spokane in an cessful trial trip in San Francisco Bay automobile and the fall in the Palouse C. H. Anderson, on Sunday. May 5, was given an ocean country was heavy. who is interested in farming a 6000- test to determine further her worth. acre tract near Eltopia, said the rain Plans had been made in 1914 for a Wednesday night w et the grou ndjto a revolution o f Germans in the United depth o f three inches. Arm y to Furnish Tobacco. W ith the American Arm y in Franee — Tobacco, which heretofore has t>een purchased by the soldiers or issued by the Re