Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, May 04, 1918, Image 3

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The New AÌI-Steel
Thomas Portable
Gasoline Drag Saw
Cuts I<« 1 {H in the woods, »nil liy using
our t'lrrular SuwinK Attachment will
rut cord wood into stove It-ngths.
Will drive Pump*. Churn*. Feed Cut-
ter*. Grind,ton«*, Fanning Mill*. Lathe*.
Air CompreMor* and any other work
within a 4 h. p. rapacity.
Will positively last lonyer than any other Purtablr Power
Sawing Machine on the market. Write tor particulars.
The Thomas Engineering Works
High Grade Logging and Farm Machinery
te l R o w la n d
n iltw l Mini n lk tv -flv r Kiioiita, n il Mtal«*rn
fnw» (ihottMi on ovory Hour.
lo $1.50 p«r day: $2.50 to
w eek.
fk■ fr«»w I'nahifllre
t.lsM’trtn p rw door.
O f. Y O U .
llvhitk# V\ wlk**r lltimlnwMi <4»JlMrw. iTtUintl c U ms - s
N tudonU In poMlUoft*. fcnrull «ny Unii. Km«
Uoueht. Sold, M.nlod «mi R.paérod
IAiri,«lit.-. eor lotti Fort)*n<] Oro
I /
A School n tip.
-V><ls along In
From London
J air raids,
comes this timely Jlp Olin a school­
"What are you iPWif ' ~ your coun-
try?" the urchin I ii U l /» ^ Alt her wmlial
dcutly of his fs ’di 'r .M u Is. *vv enlla« *
ment age.
™ 0 ’
"I'm trying to keep my little boy from
being killed by German bomba,”
bomba." re-
plli'd the father
"Can't I help you Nudity, reaponds
the eager youngster, 4.y staying home
from school?"
Wlicii the boy started to achool,
though, he had a chance to hear this:
Teacher—Why did the alllea and
(¡ermuns fight at Arraa?
Pupil Because Units where they
met.—Chicago Herald.
Buslne** Before Religion.
Flannel Cake*.
"Can’t yoA and your huvliand dwell | "This Is a special flour for making
JoKutlivr in ,titily? ' inquired tint ihi II co flannel cukes."
| u: .
The young housewife was trying to
"I.latrn, juAtt«!" exclaimed Aunt appear wise.
Manner. “I l/runic di nocount man be i “Does It make good cakes?" she
to' you to talk business, not religion." | asked.
"Excellent flannel cakes, mum."
It'a Often Done.
“Ah, uni. Will they shrink?”—Ex­
"Ho you own n Rood many auburbau change.
house* nril email farina. Live on any J
A Kind of Ability.
of them?"
"la llllggins what you would call an
"Then you den t rul»o nnythlug your able tnan?"
"Yea," replied Mr. Orowcher. "He la
"Oh. yea; every spring 1 raise rents." | able to collect a large Income without
—Boston Transcript.
working hard ur getting Into trouble.'*
Additional Reserve Und In Yakima
Valley la Hown With Graia, of
Which Moat la Wheat.
Yakima, Wash.
Nine thousand
ripe to
It’a Grandmother’s Recipe
acres of new land have been put under
keep her I^ocka Dark,
Glossy, Beautiful.
cultivation on the Yakima
Tbs old-time mixture of Rage Taa
sod Sulphur for darksolog gray,
atreaked and faded hair ta grand
molber'a recipe, and folks ara again
using It to keep their hair a good,
even color, which Is quite sensible, a*
we are living In an age when a youth
ful appearance Is of the greatest ad
Nowadays, though, we don't have
the troubleeome task of gathering the
■age and tl»s mussy mixing at bom*
All drug «tores sell the ready-to-use
product. Improved by the addition of
Other Ingredients, called “Wyeth's
Rage and Sulphur Compound" for
about 50 cents a bottle. It la very
popular because nobody can discover
It has been applied. Simply moisten
your comb or a soft brush with it and
draw -tdila through your hair, taking
one small strand at a time; by morn
Ing the gray hair disappears, but what
delights the ladles with Wyeth’s Sage
and Sulphur Conpound, ta that, be
aides he lutlfully darkening the balr
after*a few applications, It also pro
duces that soft lustre and appearance
of abundance which Is ao attractive
Thla ready-to-use preparation la a de
llghtful toilet requisite for those who
desire a more youthful appearance. II
la not Intended for the cure, mitigation
or prevention of disease.—Adv.
A Conservative Student.
"What does your teacher say about
your studies?"
"Well," said the small boy, "she
thinks I have the right Idea about
geography. When It comes to giving
the boundaries of European countries
the heat you can do la to guess, and
that's a waste of time."—Exchange
Melancholy Precedent.
"We'll have to move on," said Eve,
"Yea,” aald Adam. "What hurts my
feelings moat la to be the original fail­
ure as an amateur gardener.”—Ex­
reservation this year, according to L. j
M. Holt, superintendent of the Indian
reclamation aerivee. This acreage is
largfjy in grain, principally wheat.
The estimated wheat planting on the
reservation is 12,000 acres.
Superintendent Holt was obliged to
discontinue development work on the
canals until congress passes an appro­
priation bill. The bill aa passed by
the house carried $500,000, b u t the
senate cut this to $250,000.
A con­
ference committee has the matter un­
der consideration. Should the larger
appropriation carry and the bill soon
pass so as to allow early use of the
money, the increase for the season of |
1919 is estimated at 20,000 acres. The
reservation has 60,000 acres under the
Wupato project for which water is
ready, hut the canals are not yet dug.
Hides, Pelts, cSEr Wool & Mohaii
_ _
20 C O R D S A
Steadies nerves
Allays thirst
A id s appetite
Helps dltfestion
Keeps teeth clean
I f s economical
Keep the soldiers
sod sailors supplied !
"Germany's Industrial Armv on Araer*
Iran Soil" to be Topic.
New York Revelation of the gov­
ernment’s plans " to divorce Germany
permanently irom -American industry
and commerce, ” will be made by A.
Mitchell Palmer, custodian of alien
enemy property, at a meeting here
May 8, under the auspices of the Na­
tional Security League.
Accepting the league’s invitation to
speak, Mr. Palmer wrote from Wash­
" I shall address myself to the sub-j
ject, 'Germany’s Industrial Army on!
American Soil.’
It seems to me a !
good opportunity to disclose the result
of my observation as alien property
custodian, showing the strong indus­
trial and commercial foothold which
Germany obtained in this wuntry be­
fore the war, and what we are now
proposing to do, to divorce Germany
permanently from American industry
and commerce.”
The Blehop'e Parable.
Bishop Paul Jones of Utah was ask­
Willis Wss Up to Date.
Ominous Silence.
ed by a committee the other day to
"One beautiful autumn day," said
"Homethlng wrung with the chil­ support a rather extreme Sunday ordl
the teacher, lolling a atory, "Little j dren. I don't see ‘cm around."
Itrd Riding Hood was walkliiK along i "They're probably all right.”
"Gentlemen." said the bishop, "the
a path In the woods when she came' "No; there's something wrong. I wife of one of my ministers saw her
to a sharp turn; and whom do you don't even hear 'em.” — Louisville little boy last Sunday morning chasing
think sho saw standing there, with a Courier-Jourpal.
the bens all over the farmyard with a
Farmer Finds Hogs Pay.
row of shlnlug white teeth gleamlnit
Sprague, Wash. Walter G. Me Ind­
at herf”
" ‘I'll learn you,' he was shouting.
Up went a little hand.
ian has just sold a carload of hogs, 83
S t « or Hi-other In camp or tra ln in s for dafenaat J'll learn you to lay eggs on the Sab­
"Who was It, Willie?"
If Mt. mail him a iwckaica o f Allan'« Kuut Kaee, b a th !"'
in number, for $3800.
He reports
“Mister Roosevelt."—Exchange.
Ih# antlaep tlc I'owiler for Tired. A chin« Sw ol­
that he will soon have another carload,
len F ee t, and prevent» hllalere and «ora .pot».
Make» w alklna duty Sold ovary wharo. 26c.
Pimply Raahy Skins
which will make three he will have
Quickly soothed and healed by Cutl- disposed of, and that they will bring
Leave Well Enough Alone.
cura often when all else falls.
The him more than his 1917 wheat crop.
Captain — Have you changed the Soap to cleans«- and purify, the Oint­ He has his farm fenced and lets them
from heavy U»tnif (ilotfanUm!) stock. $10.00 guard yet?
ment to soothe and heal. For free run on the stubble after the crop is
IHV 100. We nuora nice safe arrival.
The Newchum Junior—No, air; the sit tuples address, “Cutlcura, Dept. X, harvested and also on the summer fal­
oltl guard was doing the Job ao well, Boston.” At druggists and by mall. low. He says that the pigs eat and
sir, I thought I'd let 'em stay on, sir.
thrive on young Russian thistle, China
Sou)) 23, Ointment 23 and 30.—Adv.
lettuce and other weeds that grow on
415 Sixth Street.
Petaluma, Cal.
Dutiful to the Last.
summer fallow.
A Different Kind.
"Daughter, did you give back that
Husband—Can you tell me of my young man everything he gave you,
wife's whereabouts?
as I told you?"
Maid—Keith, sir, I think you will
“Yes, pa, I did exactly as you told
V. .m .1 ym In* ■'*• te fnm mt Skmm Im
find them In the. laundry.—New York me—even his kisses."—Exchange.
T H E H . r . N O RTO N C O M P A N Y ,
Portland. O f*.. Seattle. W n „ HelUnahanx W o
Early Training.
BANISHED— pimples, blotches, sores,
“When the hank was struggling In
Wheat— Bulk basis for No. 1 grade:
humors, and erup­ the teeth of the financial storm, that Hard white, $2.05. Soft white, $2.03.
V eal, P ork , B eef,
P oultry, B u tter, E gg*
White club. $2.01. Red Walla, $1.98.
Golden Medical Dla- gold."
and Farm P rod uce,
2 grade, 3c less; No. 3 grade, 6c
to the Old Keliable Kv«rdinff house with a
less. Other grades handled by sample.
recoil of 46 years <»f Hgjuar«- I dialing*. and
1 complexion, and for dentlsL"—Exchange.
be assured Of TOP MARKET PRICES.
the poor blood that
Flour— Patents, $10 per barrel;
— causes It, this Is the
Dr. Pierce’s Pellets are best for liver, whole wheat, $9.60; graham, $9.20;
4 5 *4 7 F ro n t S tr e e t.
Portland . O reg on
best of all known rem- bowels and stomach. One little Pellet barley flour, $14.50^1.15.00; rye flour,
for a laxative—three for a cathartic.
$10.76(312.75; com meal, white, $6.50;
In every disease or
yellow, $6.25 per barrel.
Her Class.
disorder of the skin
"A woman once came stealing si
Millfeed—Net mill prices, car lots;
or scalp, In every
trouble that comes lently Into my life
Bran, $30.00 per ton; shorts, $32;
"I know. It was the girl you want middlings, $39; mixed cars and less
from Impure blood,
the "Discovery" Is the only medicine to marry."
than carloads, 50c more; rolled barley,
"Not much. It was a female pick $750/76; rolled oats, $73.
sold that does what It promises.
Scrofula In all Its various forms. pocket.”—Exchange.
Com - Whole, $77 per ton; cracked,
to * 1 Your Own Pkjm t
Eczema, Tetter, Salt-rheum, Eryslpe-
CM 4
Source of Pleasure.
| las. Bolls,
r t f iiu rtn s dtr,-ri fnim n* i g n ^ A S i i l « prti*
"Bllgglns entertains a good opinion
Glands, knd Swellings, and every kin­
■ml u v . H i. plumber'» profltn W rite u* to ­
Hay — Buying prices, delivered:
day your n eed,. We wilt elv e you our rock*
dred ailment, are benefited and cured of himself.”
Eastern Oregon timothy, $29(«/:30 per
bottom "d irect-to -yo u " prlmn. i. o. b. rail or
"No," replied Miss Cayenne; “his
by It.
ton; valley timothy, $250/26; alfalfa,
bout, W r actually nave you from 10 to 8 * par
-Cut thla out and mall to us with the good opinion of himself entertains Mr. $24(324.50; valley grain hay, $22;
re n t? All ro od , iruarantand
NortKwaat lico l-iu arte r* fot [,,-edor \S ite r
clover, $190t20.00; straw, $9.00(310.
free a medical treatise on above dis­
Sya'tamu and Fuller A Johnnon Knrinea.
eases. Address Dr. Pierce's Invalids'
Butter—Cubes, extras, 37Jc ; prime
Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.
firsts, 37c; prints, extras, 42c; car­
2 1 2 I h u g S tr e e t.
Portland. O r e * e a
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regu­
tons, lc extra; butterfat, No. 1, 41c
late and Invigorate stomach, liver and
bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules,
Eggs Ranch, current receipts, 34c:
easy to taka aa candy.—Adv.
No. 18. 1918
P. N. U.
candle«!, 35c; selects, 36c per dozen.
Poultry — Hens, 27c; broilers, 40c;
ducks, 32c; geese, 20c; turkeys, live,
26o/'27c; dressed, 37c per pound.
Veal Fancy, 184(319o.
Pork—Fancy, 230/23Jc per pound.
By taking Lydia F Pinkham’s Sack Vegetables— Carrots, $1.15 per
A Money Saver!
Vegetable Compound, One sack; turnips, $1.50; parsnips, $1.25;
A Time Saver!
of 1 hou sands of Such Cases. beets, $2.
A Labor Saver! X ^ rw -Jl
Potatoes—Oregon Burbanks, 75cor
TW Onpml Light *,»1» Dt„ ]»
Black River Falls, Wis. — “As Lydia $1 per hundred; new California, 10c
E. Pinkham’a Vegetable Compound per pound; sweet potatoes, 10c per
saved me from an pound.
operation, L I cannot
Onions Jobbing prices, l<3T|c per
ay enough in praise
oftL I suffered from j pound.
organic troubles anti
t o r cu ttin g cordwoo«l. clearing land or
May 1, 1918. *
my side hurt me so
saw ing Ioga. Our nrnchin«« naturally fit*
I could hardly he up Med. to choice steers.. . .$14.000/'15.00
its e lf to th e d ifferent position* while »aw­
ing w ithout any adjuHtment.
from my bed, and I Good to med. steers......... 13.000i:14.00
was unable to do my I Com. to good steers........ 11.00@12.00
housework. I had 1 Choice cows an«l heifers. 18.00(314.00
the best doctors in Com. to good cows and hf 7.25(3)10.75
Eau Claire and they
wantetl me to have Canners.............................. 6.00(31 7.00
an operation, but Rulls.................................... 7.00(3)12.00
l.ydla E. Pinkham’s Calves.................................. 8.76(3)13.00
Vegetable Compound cumi me so I did j Stockers and feeders.. . . 6.60(3! 9.50
not nee*l the operation, and I am telling
Hogs -
all my friends about i t ’’—Mrs. A. w . Prime mixed..................... $17.65(3)17.76
B inzfr , Black River Falls, Wis.
| Medium mixed................. 17.26(317.50
Croashead or Sawholder
It Is just such experiences as that of Rough heavies . . . . . . . . . 16.25(/i 16.50
V Mrs.
F . Btnzer that
this famous
famous p jp ,............................
that has
has made
made this
r«iot and herb remedy a household word Bulk.....................................
tim e a day. In a Jiffy the aaw blade la p u t In or taken out o f the holder and th e operator loae* no time
from ocean to ocean. Any woman who
fu xd ng with n ut* or ad ju sting th e holder. T h i* fen tn re 1* covered by paten t ami i* only w
on the
VAIJtJH AN . T he holder bolt engages under aide o f blade and hold* it firmly up againat lug* on top suffers from inflammation, ulceration,
and fare o f eaw plate crosaheed. W rite for fu rth er in form at ion. Sp ecial term s and pric«*.!
displacements, backache, nervousness, Prime spring lambs........ $
irregularities or ” the blues ” should j Heavy lambs...................... 16.50(318.00
not rest until she has given it a trial, Yearlings............................ 15.00(315.50
snd for special advice write Lvdia E. Wethers.............................. 13.00(3)13.50
Finkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass.
461 East M ain S t , Portland, Or.
Ewea.................................... 12.00(3)12.60
tiitc Leghorn Baby Chin
S P E A R H JN T .
Th re e
w t PERM
ws Arerò
«J u '"îwlNG
Y ^
the e l a
l aSTS
Chew It after e very meal
The Flavor Lasts!
Extensive Repairs.
A small western railroad, the Borgs
River & Northern, was putting Into
effect a rigid wartime economy. Lo­
comotives were patched and repaired
with old parts and pieces until
O'Leary, the shop foreman, threatened
to break down under the strain.
To cap the climax, one day a worn-
out-looking locomotive was placed in
the shops. O'Leary was asked to give
it a thorough examination with a view
to ascertaining just what would be
required to put it in first class run­
ning shape. That same afternoon
O'Leary, having completed his review
of the locomotive, dispatched the fol­
lowing laconic note to headquarters:
No. 38—In today. To put in com­
plete repair: Jack up her whistle and
butld a new engine underneath.—Lit­
erary Digest.
At The Bank.
Excited Depositor—Do you mean to
say that this check is worthless?
Cashier—Not exactly. It seems to
have been worth $16 to the man who
gave it to you.—Exchange.
Unnatural History.
Jimmy—I wonder why a dog hangs
his tongue out of his mouth.
Tommy—To balance his tail, o’
Jonah looked around.
"I certainly have a fine chance to
eat whale,” he muttered.—New York
Gentle Candor.
"Of course you don't believe every­
thing you read?”
"No.” replied Senator Sorghum.
"Modesty would forbid me to Indorse
fully everything my publicity experts
In a Kentucky town on the edge of put out about me during campaign
the mountains the crowd at the post- Urna."—Washington Star.
office was discussing the latest homi­
cide. Uncle Luther Williams, ripe in j
years and experience, approached the
group, and some one turned to him.
“Uncle Luther," he inquired, “how do
you stand in regard to this killing yes­
terday? Don't you think something
ought to be done about It?”
“My son," said Uncle Lather, “I'm
plumb hostile
all killings whatso­
ever. But it Bad Bud Menifee had to
kill somebody, it seems like to me he
G ranu lated E y elid s,
was powerful discreet In the choice he
made yistiddy.”
Sore Eye*. Eyes Inflamed by
Guticura Soap
Is Id eal
For the Hands
S a n , D asf and W in d quickly
relieved by Murine. Try It in
Its Drawbacks.
your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes.
“What’s the use of fame?”
V Ó U R L I E O N o S m a r t iig .Ju s tE y e C — fait
“What do you mean?"
Murine Eye Remedy
"Why, look how the hen is extolled Kya S a lv a , io T ab e* 25c. F o r Book o f tho Ego — F r e t .
as a great American institution, and Ask M ariae E r * Remedy C e .» C b t e a da 4
yet she has to keep on scratching for a
A Good Reason.
"Why don’t you accept him If he
has offered to have his life Insured In
your favor?"
“Because if he was a good risk for
the insurance company, he’d be a bad 1
one for me."—Boston Transcript
Laugh When People
Step On Your Feet
thla yourself then
It along to others.
It worksl
Ouch ! ? ! ? ! ! This kind of rough
talk will be heard less here In town If
people troubled with corns will follow
the simple advice of this Cincinnati1
authority, who claims that a few drops
of a drug called freezone when applied
to a tender, aching corn or hardened
callous stops soreness at once, and
soon the corn or callous dries up and '
lifts right off without pain.
He says freezone dries Immediately
and never Inflames or even Irritates -
the surrounding akin. A small bottle 1
of freezone will coet very little at any
drug store, but will positively remove
every hard or soft corn or callous
from one’s feet Millions of America’*
women will welcome thla announce­
ment since the inauguration of the
high heela. If your druggist doesn't
have freezone tell him to order a small
botti* for you.—Adv.