FALLS CITY NEWS SPECIAL EVAN8ELISTIC SERVICES BLACK KUCK ITLMS Special evangelistic services at S. G. Price made a business trip the Free Methodist church com­ mencing May 1st will be held each to Fulls City on Tuesday. night at 7:45. Kev. W. T. Klotz- Mr«. Chapin is working at Bal- back, of California, evangelist, rhemes of moat vital imjiortance deree'R upper camp. will is; presented each night. Mr«. Hughes is improving ivory Come and Liqng a friend. «lowly. Edgar M. Long, pastor W. C. Bullis is working at Hoe- kina. BRIDQfPORt OitANINOS Mrs. Georg** Gra\es und Mra. jril 29, 1918. Mabel McFVrland were Falls City Mr. and LV.up/*A. Brown vis­ cullers on W*Jne*duy. ^__ ited at the h o n J iif Imrvey Gf*ought before the heavy advance in prices and we are going to give the people o f Polk County an opportunity to 3|j' suve money rirfht at a time o f war when everyone is urged to economize, and a time when merchAndise is going higher and higher. §3 This is the only exclusive stock o f men’s ready-to-wear, shoes and furnishing goods in Folk County, and consists of the famous ^ Hart SchaIfner & Marx and Cloth Graft Suits, Nettleton and Florsheim Shoes, Arrow Shirts and Collars, Stetson and Mallory Hats, and is one o f the cleanest and best selected stocks in this part o f the state. This is a sale thut no man or boy can afford to miss, as the prices will be cut to the limit and the entire stock sacrificed for 13 days to reduce (M ir stock one-third. So come prepared to buy as you will not be disappointed, and in many instances you will ^ find merchandise priced her.* for less than other merchants can buy the same goods at wholesale today. W ATCH SELIG’S CAMP FIRE 8IRLS RIGHT IN THE FACE OF MERCHANDISE GOING HIGHER AND HIGHER I No. 36. FALLS CITY OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 4, 191» -------- -------- ----- ----- ------------------------------ VOL. XIV The Best Worker You may work regularly so many hours a day and so many days a week, year after year, for money, but there’s a harder worker than you are. You will appreciate him when you get him to working for you. This name is M O N E Y. Once get money to work­ ing for you instead o f you working for it and you will find that money never sleeps, but works for you day and night 365 days in the year. Can you equal it? Certainly not. Start a bank account with us and you will soon have money work­ ing for you. BANK OF FALLS CITY. T H E BIG* C O L O R E D C IR C U LA R S FOR D E T A IL S ABO UT T H IS . M IG H TY UNLOADING SALE, OPENS SATURDAY, MAY 4th 9100 A. M. J U S T A F E W OF T H E M A N Y B A R G A IN S . 13c NEW SPRING SUIT D O N ’T FAIL T O BE H E R E Men's $5.(Ml Work Shoes to go Men’s Hose, black .v tan, worth One lot o f Men’s Dress Shirts, Men’s $1.25 Nainsook at this sale for today 25c, to go on sale at, regular $1.50 values,on sale at, Suits, to go on sale at, $ 3 .6 9 NOW ABOUT THAT 98c of Clothes? Union E d . V . Price ft Co’ s Arc finaraatod 89c Regular 20c Canvas Gloves to Men’s Union Suits, worth $1.25, Men’s regular $2 Khaki Pants, Men's $1.00 Negligee Shirts, to go on sale, per pair to go on sale at, go on sale at, to go on sale at, 13c 89c $ 1 .6 9 Men’s regular $6 Dress Shoes, Men’s Leather Gloves, worth to­ Boys’ regular $7.00 Dress Suit, Regular 75c Neckwear, to go English last, to go on sAle at day $1.25, to go on sale at, to go on sale at, on sale at, $ 3 .9 5 89c $ 4 .9 5 $ 1 .4 9 $ 3 .3 9 $ 4 .9 5 59c 13c A M E R C H A N D IS E S E N S A T IO N W IT H O U T PARALEL LET N O T H IN G KEEP YOU AWAY CO. I I I H ' l t 't I M I I > FALLS CITY MEAT MARKET C. J . BRUCE, Proprietor. .UNDER NEW MANANEM|NT. aaaal I U H Frith Beef, Park, Fish, Poultry, Eta. Will bey your Beeves, Veele, H e p ead Cblekeae. GRAHAM-WATT CLO. CO. DALLAS* o r e g o n . CALL ANO 0IVE US A TRIAL. W l WILL PLEASE YOU. F A L L S O IT Y M E A T M A R K E T 4 I I I I I H * 8T O R E O PEN U N T IL 8 :3 0 P M . D U R IN G T H I8 8ALE & LOGGING "1*1 I I 11 t**H I I I I f* M I* I I I I I I H 1.1. I I i ; I Men’s $8.50 Florsheim Shoes to One lot Felt Dress Hats, values Men’s 75c Silk holeproof Hose, Men’s Straw Work Hats ,worth | go on sale at, to $3.50, to go on sale at, to go on sale at, up to 40c, to close ou at, $ 4 .9 5 BY l-l- H - M I I I l- l- I* H -H -H I I I I H M $ 2 1 .8 5 FALLS CITY LUM BER SALE 5go Men’s good Wool Suits, values Men’s regular $27.50 Blue Serge Men’s $5 Wool Sweaters, Army Men’s $7.00 Hip Boots, to close | up to $18, to go on sale at Suits, to go at this sale for Style, Khaki color, go on sale at out, per pair, $ 9 .9 5 FOR 6gc ■ ft-ww i n 111'H H'i m 111111 n 1111 n in n 1 1,| n ee e-e