Mrs. Bert Keller and Mrs. Geo, Chamberlain returned from the Free Methodist conference at Portland. W A N T ED AND BKIOOtPOHT GlfAMINOS RIGHT KIND O F A MAN April 22, 1918. Preparations art* being made Robert Bradley was in Portland to have a program at Bridgeport' i Wednesday on business. Verl Courter was in Albany on the night o f the last day o f school.1 : Tuesday. WANTEO James Murphy was a 1 alias business caller Tuesday. Mrs. Selig. who has been in Si:oni-hand, goal sacks. W ill I Eugene lor several months, is pay 8cts cash. N. SEL1G. Mr. Floyd Jones attended the home for a week. .Miss Vola Seiig Farmers' I ’ nion meeting Tuesday is in Eugene looking after the For Sale-O ne ton o f hay. See children during Mrs. Selig’s ab- j night. / W. H. Good. Phone 328. sence. Bud Sumpter has returned to Mrs. Mary Hammond Stelaer school. He had to quit on account For Sale-Span Rood heavy wishes to express her apprecia­ o f his sister having the measles. workhorses. Also cow that will tion to the ladies o f the town for freshen soon. Phone 151. 11 the pleasant afternoon Wednes­ Dave Reimer was a Dallas visi­ day; the Gym classes and the 7th tor Wednesday. Potatoes for sale $1 per 100 lbs. and 8th grade and teachers who There will be a big ente.tnin- decorated the hall so prettily for Inquire o f Geo. Hubbard. ment at the Farmers’ Union hull1 the occasion. the night of the 10th o f May. The W AN TE D Dairy farm, 40 to Rev. and Mrs. Edgar Ixing re­ Bridgeport school children und 80 acres, 20 or more in cultivation, turned from Portland Monday ! Guthrie children will furnish the « with or without improvements, where they had been attending program. There will be a lunch I the annual conference. Rev. I served free o f charge. Everyone within 15 miles o f depot, no adobe I» n g has been assigned to Falls I that comes is expected to bring , —in exchange for suburban home, City charge for another year. something to eat. There will be fruit, berries, water, gas engine, good music and plenty of room. | We want every one to come and close to cars, church, school, low have a nice time. We would like CAMP FIRE GIRLS taxes, ideal climate. to make it one o f the biggest F. J. Johnson, The Boy Scouts entertained the entertainments that ever struck 15 Brace Ave, San Jose, Cal. Campfire girls Tuesday evening Bridgeixirt. Everybody welcome at the Gym. Many lively games Don’t forget your lunches. were played during the evening. . The boys donned aprons and serv­ Mr. Gage was in Falls City on ed a delightful Hoover lunch. Saturday. Local News Hems A fter the lunch a bugle was i sounded and the flag salute was OBITUARY given. The Campfire girls then gave nine cheers for the Boy j The iK-.-t show at the Gem tonight Mrs. M. A. Gill died at her home Scouts. The Boy Scouts then gave in Salem April 15th aged St* years. The State * entitled to the active services o f a man who knows nine cheers for the “ Wohela” and The lk)dy was taken to Eugene, Clothes cleaned and pressed. The her former home, and laid to rest how to work. Work for the State generally and work for the peo­ Wm. Bohle.: nine for the Campfire girls. party then adjourned. The Camp­ beside her husband who passed ple o f the State, both individually and collectively. Mrs. Tetherow o f Dallas was in fire girls hope that they might be j away twenty years ago. entertained again by the Scouts, ■ Mrs. Gill was the mother of G. town Wednesday. for they are real live entertainers. W. Gill and foster mother of Mrs. Oregon does not need any orators for orators are a drug on the Beautiful spring hat at Mrs. j The Campfire girls made 14 E. A. LaDow, of Falls City. She market, and like constitutional lawyers, they do not get anything. Gregory’s, at Dallas. joined the Christian Church at an handkerchiefs for the soldiers. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stevens o f j early age and lived an exemplary Miss Reba Powers has been sick life until her death. The Federal Government needs all the assistance ()regan can Portland are visiting relatives in this week. We miss you Reba. “ She rests from her labors. town this week. give, but is not receiving it because it has not been put up to the The girls have several pounds Yet her works still live.” department on a business basis. Fresh Bread, Cakes .Cookies, Pies of stoppings for fracture pillows. and other bakery goods, every The girls received a letter from SPAULDING'S CAMP day, at the Falls City Bakery. the soldier boy to whom they sent Today business men are having more to do with the govern­ FO R SALE FO R SEN ATO R Robert N. Stanfield Farm er, Stock Raiser and Producer For Sale One gt«kl work mure A. II. Menton, halls City. 4 --- • • • • ♦ CANDIDA I K KOB COUNTY JUDGE I hereby announce myself u «•undulate for the Republican nomination for the office of County Judge (o succeed myself. Subject to the voters at the Bri­ mary election U> lie held May 17, 191H. Sane business policy. Econom­ ical. hut not parsimonious admin­ istration. Special attention to Brobate Court. (Pd A d ver.) FOR STATE SENATOR I hereby announce^my candi­ dacy for^Qu- Republican nomina­ tion for State «Senator for the senatorial ditrr.M •composed o f Bolk and Benton counties, sub­ ject to the decision o f the Repub, '¡can voters at the primary elec­ tion to be held May 17. 1918. # I. I.. PAtTKRSON, (Pd. Adver ) THE FA T E F U L HOUR j April 23. 1918. Mrs. A. Courter and Mrs. G. E. a box of candy. He said it was Prime were in Sa cm Wednesday. the grandest box he had ever re- ceived and he certainly had a Mrs. Ward returned Saturday warm spot in his heart for the night from Portland where she Little Luckiamute Camrtire girls. had been attending Free Metho­ The girls have been practicing the play, “ The Wheatless Meal" dist Conference. to be given in assembly Fiiday Mrs. Bullis and Mrs. Collier, o f morning. Black Rock were in town Wednes­ The girls have made several day. quilt blocks this week, also several A wonderful line o f ladies peti- hundred gun wipers. coats, gloves and hosiery at Mrs. The girls are going to place con­ tainers in the different stores to Gregory'.-; store, Dallas. catch the tinfoil from gum and Mr. and Mrs. Clem Cleveland other things. were Portland visitors this week. The Campfire girls are going to See those new wash skirts, waists and dresses at Mrs. Greg ory’s store, Dallas. Rev. W. W. LaRue and family from California are visiting at the home o f Edgar Long for a few days. Have your corset fitted at Mrs. Gregory’s store. Best and most reasonable comet on the market today. Lady Huth, R. & G. and Gossard, each pair guaranteed. DR. THOM PSON, the Port- land ey e sight specialist and optician v.ill make regular visits to Falls City. Watch this paper for future dates. L Nixon and A. Bartell went' fishing Sunday, in the Siletz, and bagged 94 big trout. (.’has. Krauger broke three fin­ gers Sunday while repairing the 10-Spot. Ike Vinson is breaking on the 10-Spot taking Mr. Bullis" place for a few days. Mrs. Coon and Roberts left for Dallas very suddenly last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis went to Port­ land Monday to visit their daugh­ ter at St. Johns.* Fred Holt was over from the Ixickiamute Saturday, returning He he expects to lie have the Boy Scouts show them Monday. ready to log by next Monday. how to do some bandaging. Miss Mariam Roberts is work­ The girls won the flag in the ticket selling contest with the ing in the cook house. Boy Scouts. Mr. Shorty Price of Black Rock was a camp visitor last week in interest of the Liberty Loan drive, $100 R ew ard , $100 Th© readers of this pap*r will be Mr. Rain Russell sjient the week pleaded to 1. am that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been j end at Salem. able to cure In all its stages, and that Is Catarrh. H all’s Catarrh Cure is the only Mr. and Mrs. Stanley have positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional moved out in the Valley. disease, requires a constitutional treat- . ment Hall*« Catarrh Cure Is taken In- | Harry Darling, hrakeman on ternally. acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, there­ the 4-Spot fell off a load o f logs, by destroying the foundation of the als-