A mu*et OAAMO AKI/t >1 Hw P. P. I. Z-» A áS S d « ♦ ♦ ♦ A ♦ ▼ ♦ ▼ f A f f A A A A A A A A S A A sA A ▼ ▼ ▼ ÏEATODARKEN HAIR*- U v S s : NEW STATE TO AID ROADS Bridges and llignwaye Floods to Ba Restored Damaged by by Joint Act o f Couaty and State. The Coos County military board has named 80 men for the two new drafts. Yakima, Wash. -Th e stale highway The board has listed 89 eligible», be­ department w ill join with the county lieving the extra number will provide tlKtlNJISICk Youth! uinettH. for exemptions and for those who are commiseionera with the improvement now in service. o f the McClellan Pass road. State Common garden sage brewed Into a The Public Hervice coiiimiseion has funds will be applied to the building o f heavy tea with sulphur added, will denied an application from the Elec a concrete bridge over the Naches turn gray, etreaked and faded balr trie Light & Power company o f Bums fuionwwniBt»W l beautifully dark and luxuriant Juat for an increase in rates, and in so do­ river at Carmack ’• and perhaps to the a few application« will prove a revela ing sharply criticised the company for building o f a heavy timber bridge on tlon If your balr la fading, etreaked or tha Bumping river. Both these bridges alleged lax methods. gray. Mlxlitg ttie Bag« Tea and Bui pbur recipe at borne, tbougb, la trou Workmen, while excavating for a were carried out by the freshet last bleaome. An eaaler way la to get a 50 headgate on the John Grimes ranch, winter. In addition to building the BEWARE OF IM ITA TIO N S cent bottle of Wyeth'a Bage and Bui about four miles north o f Prineville, two bridges the state and county will M youl t t n n - 4 •ui>(4y W U , w » »».II llw « « , pbur Compound at any drug atore all ' mmtwm M ry»!. <*t n m | I «4 ijtk «*. Jl.CiO **«h. ready for uae. Thla la tbe old time discovered placer gold in the gravel. join in making repairs on the highway L *vi AlrauM A Co., Sun Francisco recipe Improved by tbe addition of Samples have been taken and tests are at places where the high water im­ | Iteing made to determine the extent o f other Ingredient*. paired the grade. While wlapy, gray, faded hair la not | tin- pay dirt. 1 1 a V T K r«i inflanwd by ,ipo- 1 »Inful. wa all dealre to retain our These points were settled in detail Slackers and loafers w ill not be tol­ sura t o S e a . Deal so d M a t youthful appearance and attractive at a conference held here, when James uukly relic v»d by Marla* erated In Grants Pan*. This announce- iy darkening your balr uair with wun l neaa. By yaSeHMSy. N o Smarting, Wyeth'a Bage and Hqjphur K i^ b u r Compound, menet is made in an advertisement by Allen, state highway commissioner, jtut K y# C o m lo r t._ A t nu le 1- liei-ake It does It a> Die Council o f Defense. It notifies all and Charles T. Jordan, highway engi­ no one can Dniggiit* or by mai l SOc per Bolt I*. Ma ! naturally f. to e v o n lt you Jus dampen those who loaf around pool halls and i n a sponge « or aoft wiruah wltn It and neer, were in consultation with the card tables to secure work immediate­ draw thta through your hair, taklna ly and not w ait until notified by the county commissioners. The program one small atrand at a time; by morn­ cou ncil. agreed on by these officials w ill be ing all gray hairs have disappeared, and. after another application or two. Junction ¿City citizens, who have presented to the state board o f high­ your balr becomes beautifully dark, l*een besieged during the past week by way commiaaioners at a meeting to be gloaay. soft end luxuriant undesirable visitors, recently rounded held Monday, and I f the plan goes Thla preparation la a delightful toll up a tramp who came to the city in a through the state w ill superintend the et requisite and la not Intended for filthy condition, gave him a shower construction o f the Naches bridge and the cure, mitigation or prevention of bath in the city hall and took him to the county the construction at Bump­ dlaeaaa.— Adv. the city limits, where he was told to ing. About $50,000 w ill be spent. move on. Tha Judge and tha Expert. KM R/^5 She mixed Sulphur with it to IteHtore Color, Glou, K * $R°the suit—IVtRVWERC a new suit FRU if they rip o ______ Granulated Eyelids, Eyes 2 Don’t Use AnyTllher Than Cuticura Soap To Clear Your Skin With the Fingers! Says Corns Lift Out Without Any Pain You recklesa tueu and wuiueu »n o are pestered w'th corns and who have at least once a week Invited an awful death from lockjaw or blood potsoo are now told by a Cincinnati authority to uae a drug railed freexone. which the moment a few drops are applied to any corn or callous the aorenees la relieved and soon the entire corn or callous, root and all, lifts o ff with the flngera. Freexone drtea the moment It is ap­ plied. and simply shrivels the corn or calloua without Inflaming or even Ir­ ritating the surrounding tissue or akin. A small bottle of freexone will coat very little at any of the drug atorea, but will positively rid one's feet of every hard or soft corn or hardened callous. If your druggist hasn't any freexona he can get It at any wholesale drug bouse for you — A d r. The 8allor Speller. In the harbor a "d rifter" waa hav­ ing her name repainted, and near to her waa a British war vessel from the decks of which a number of Intereated tara watched Intently while the name Psyche was put on. When the name w ai completed, one of the tars called out disdainfully, "H o. there! That'« not the way to spell 'fish' In the n a v y !"— London Tlt- Bits. Mayor liylan of New York has no belief In efficiency experts and has banished them from the city hall. An efficiency expert undertook to teach Judge Hylan, as he then waa, a lesson some years ago. " I observe, Judge," the man said, "that you've given notice (o your o f­ fice hoy, Jimmy. Th at’s a great mis­ take." "But he's the moat worthless lit­ tle— " "Judge.” the expert Interrupted, with a superior smile, "I'm going to give you an efficiency lesson. Take Jimmy back, for he alngs at hla work, and tbere'a no surer sign of efficien­ cy.” "Humph, that'a no algn," said the Judge. “ A moaqulto does that.” A Soft Answer. The poor fellow at the er.d of the table looked so unhappy that even the landlady's stony heart was moved. "H ow do you like the chicken aoup, Mr. Jones?" ahe asked, by way of say­ ing something. "O h—e r— la thla chicken soup?" he blurted out. "Certainly. How do you like It?" “ W ell—er— It's certainly very ten­ der," said he, apologetically. “ Did you succeed In hiring a new cook?" "N ot yet; ahe la looking up my ref­ erence«.”— Boston Transcript. eep clean c To keep and healthy take Dr. Pie Pierce’« a Pleasant Pellets. They regu- late liver, bowels and stomach.' A One.Man Job. Ferdinand De Footlltrs waa billed ior a one-night stand at Mallow-on- the Marsh. Bo he sent a telegram to the proprietor of the local theater: The Kind. "W ill hold a rehearsal tomorrow "W hat plants do you think suitable night. Have stage manager, stage to boautlfy a cat cem etery!" carpenter, property man, assistant "W hy not try puaay-wlllows?" electrician and all other stage hands there without fall.” Now Hla Move. Within a few hours he got a reply "W ife, I'm afraid I can’t afford new from the proprietor, who wired back; cl clothes for you this spring." "H e will be there."— Tit-Bits. “ Well, then, I Mi k. we must move. I don't mind wearing my old clothes In d Hard Worked. a new neighborhood, but I won't stay "Th ere goes the hardest worked here and wear them."— Boston Tran­ h man In town." script. a. "Nonsense! H e’s rich and inde­ pendent” "Yes. but he haa three daughters who work him for the support of their huBbanda."— Exchange. t H o te l H o y t Weary. Actress (to her fiance) — Please don't ask me to klsa you for a week LOU RATES: 7te to R. SPECIAL—Wooli or Month or so, darling. You must remember I took over £200 yesterday selling kisses for the Red Cross.— Passing Show. la noadad. n ThouRanri« o f trained voting naopla Fortland. placaa Rahnke-Walkw Hu«in««« i Coll««, ( A Saving Theory. Enroll any any tiro*. Fraa ■tudanta In position«. ('«UklfU«. "Billings Isn't very generous with all his money, Is he?” "N o ; he holds that wealth la a bur­ den, and that It Is not fair to put one's burdens on other people's shoulders.” from heavy laylnir (Hoffaniscd) «took. 110.00 — Baltimore American. per 100. Wa ¿ruaranteo «afe arrival. Divided Authority. "W h o really ia boss In your home?" inquired the abrupt person. 415 Sixth Street. Petaluma, Cal. "W ell,” replied Meekton, "o f course Henrietta assumes command of the pug dog and the canary. But I can Hides, Pelts, c b Z ,™ Wool & Mohair say pretty much what I like to the goldfish."— Exchange. * • M ,1 fm hl„. Write hr Pnrrr mi thw>l Tap r tilth iM ^^M Ati.. Portland. Or,. M O N EY FO R YOU. White Leghorn Baby Chix THE PIONEER HATCHERY T H E H. r. N O R T O N C O M P A N Y , Portland. Or... Saattla. Wn.. O ^ f J I r i I I I K * * * BeUlnaham. Wn. V eal, Pork. Beef, Poultry, Butter, F.gg, and Farm Produce. to U m Old Reliable E verdln« hou.. with a record o f 4S year« o f s Dr-sling«, snd be oaeured o f T O P M A R K E T PRICES. F. M. C R O N K H IT E , 45-47 Frant Straat, Portland. O ragaa FRED DUNDEE M OTOR C A R REPAIRING MACHINE WORK M AGNETO SERVICE S TA TIO N MANKINDS OF W E L D IN G CYLINDER GRINDING PRO M PT ATTE N TIO N rtO ALL ORDERS! Broad way at Flanders, Portland, Or. P. N. U. 1----------------- No. 17, 191« TH E REFLEC TIO N S OF A MARRIED W O M AN— are not pleas­ ant If she Is delicate, run-down or over worked. She feels "played out.” Her smile and her good spirits have taken flight. It wor- ,V rles her husband as well as herself. T h i s Is the time to b u i l d up her strength and cure those weaknesses or ail­ ments which are the seat of her trou­ ble. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip­ tion regulates and promote« all the proper functions o f womanhood, en­ riches the blood, dispels aches and pains, melancholy and nervousness, brings refreshing sleep, and restores | health and strength. It cures those disorders and derangements Incident 1 to womanhood. A well-known agent which can be procured at all drug stores Is "Pleas­ ant Pellets," made up of the May- apple, the dried Juice of the leavee of aloes and the root of Jalap. First put out by Dr. Pierce nearly fifty years ago.— Adv. There Is No Monopoly in the packing industry. Swift & Company, al­ though the largest packer, handles not to exceed one-eighth of the total meat production of the United States. The five large packers do not handle to exceed one-third of the total meat production of the United States. Coos Bay cities, particularly Marsh Y A N K E E A P P E T IT E S GREAT field, almost begged for men o f means to build homes to house the families o f American Soldiers Consume Average workmen who went there to swell the o f 4.5 Pounds Daily. forces at the shipyards and sawmills, but the call fell on deaf or indifferent Washington, D. C. — The American ears for five months before houses soldier consumes four and one-half were secured. * pounda o f foodstuffs daily, according to Arrangements have been completed a statement made public by the quar­ by a gr»pp o f cranberry growers for the erection o f a cranberry warehouse termaster's department o f the army. To feed a million and a half men it at Allendale. 11 miles south o f Astoria. The warehouse at Astoria was operat­ ia necessary to obtain 1,500,000 pounds ed to capacity last season, and a much o f beef, 225,000 punds o f bacon, 210,- larger yield is expected from the bogs 000 pounds o f ham, 135,000 cans o f to­ o f this district this year. matoes, 225,000 cans o f jam and 3000 Albert (D e ll) Blancett, since 1911 bottles o f tomato catsup, aggregating 1918 year book of interesting and one o f the prominent figures among some 6,750,000 pounds. Pendleton Round-up contestants, was instructive facts sent on request. Every pound passed for consumption killed in action March 18, according to Address Swift Ä Company, o f the nation's fighting men, the state­ word received by his bankers form the ment said, ia subjected to the most Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois director o f records o f the Canadian rigid inspection. government at Ottawa. He is the first Pendleton man to meet this fate. Hop W ire Guards Front. The four-story building completed Salem— W hile the Germans are be­ and machinery installed, the new m ill­ ing plant o f L. B. Aplin and son. J. C. ing deprived o f their beer through ina­ Aplin, at Hood River, w ill be put into bility to ship Oregon hops into the ter­ commission this week. In addition to ritory o f the central powers, even a the manufacture o f wheat flour, the grimmer situation confronts them, as new millers w ill turn out substitute wire from Oregon hopyards is being products and also w ill grind poultry shipped by the carload out o f the W il­ lamette valley into Portland to be con­ and stock feed. verted into barb wire for the allied de­ A Are which broke out late Saturday fenses in France. night in the wood camp o f the Cottage The wire is coming from the yards Farm o f the State hospital and threat­ which are being plowed up to fur­ ened to destroy two years’ cutting o f nish food and more food for the ENOCH M O R G A N ’S state wood, was put out by large gangs allies. SO N S CO o f men sent in by Superintendent Stiener, and the loss probably ia not more than 25 cords o f wood. Its ori­ gin is unknown. Men are engaged in finishing the work o f sinking caissons for the piers o f the new concrete bridge o f the Co­ W heat— Bulk basis for No. 1 grade: lumbia R iver Highway spanning the Hard white, $2.06. Soft white, $2.03. Buy river at Hood River. The new struc­ W hite club, $2.01. Red Walla. $1.98. ture, to be constructed jointly at a No. 2 grade, 3c less; No. 3 grade, 6c For For cost o f approximately $40,000 by the leaa. Other grades handled by sample. state highway commission and Hood Flour — Patents, $10 per barrel; R iver county, w ill be built just north whole wheat, $9.60; graham, $9.20; o f a wooden approach and steel span barley flour, $14.60(<(15.00; rye flour, across the river. $10.75d Farm Utilitiee. warehouse at the south spit, 100x150 W ethers........................... 13.000(13.50' ^ A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A f -, U AááAál E w es................................ 12.000(12.50 feet. Swift & Company is not in combination with any other packer or packers to control prices. There is very active compe­ tition in the buying of live-stock and equally keen competition in the sale of dressed meats and by-products. Sw ift & Com pany U. S. A. NORTHWEST MARKET REPORT SAPOLIO PATRIO TISM ECONOM Y “A c t io n s s p e a k lo u d e r than words - A ct - Don’t Talk - Buy Now New Thomas All Steel and Iron GASOLINE DRAG SAW T H E T H O M A S E N G IN E E R IN G W O R K S