T SCHOOL NOTES See those new wash skirts, Some of the members of the waists and dresses at Mrs. Greg­ Local Nows Homs teachers training class have been ory ’■ store, Dallas. visiting different schools, doing Mrs. Webb and Mrs. 0. T. West observation work. Mabel Hunter The beet show at the («tin tonight were Dallas visitors Tuesday. has been observing at the Oak George March is quite ill this Hurst school; Laurena Treat, the Clothes cleaned and pressed. Black Rock school; Elizabeth Wag­ Wrn. Bohlt'. week. ner the Guthrie school and Esther Mrs. Albert Konco was called to Beautiful spring hat at Mrs. Cleveland the Bridgeport school. Portland last Saturday on account C.repory’s, at Dallas. The “ Alphu” division of the of serious illness of her mother. Hoy Graham o f Portland was in literary society gave the following Mr. Konco accompanied her, re­ the city the first of the week program last Friday afternoon: arranging for the funeral o f h i Iturnin* the next day- Reading—-La vita Howell mother. Have your corset fitted at Mrs. Piano Solo Mabel Teal Gregory’s store. Best and most Recitation George Paul Fresh Bread, Cakes.Cookies.Pies reasonable corset on the market Piano Solo Mabel Otte and other bakery goods, every today. Lady Kuth, R. & G. and Dialogue-Mabel Murphy day, at the Falls City Bakery. Gossard, each pair guaranteed. Jeannette Brown G. D. Treat lett for Dallas on Mrs. Hellwarth went to Dallas l)uet ,(.W Ha3t» ' ^ Tuesday morning where he will Marguerite Dorman be empkiyed at the S. I*, depot. Tuesday afternoon. The following article was writ­ Mr. Treat was a telegraph opera­ Mrs. Clay Courter of Portland tor a number of years ago and is is visiting her mother, Mrs. Calk­ ten by a member of the senior class: b r u s h i n g u p for active duty again. ins. SPAULDING'S CAMP FOR COP NT Y ’I K FANCKKK (Tim 1 *«»' lor U»t w*vk) For Sule One good work mure. A. II. Benton, Fulls City. 4 A. V. R. Snyder desires to suc­ Mrs. Coon and Mia« Roberts of ceed himself und will go before Dallas have taken charge of (he the people at the primary elec­ cook house. tion, May 17, as Republican candidate, and would thnnk the James Day was a Falls City (people for their votes. visitor on Sunday. (Pd. Adver.) The curpenters have begun work on the new bunk house on th»> hill. Mr. McClure assistant superin­ M. L Thompson and son Hal tendent, of Salem, was u camp were in Portland over Sunday. visitor this week. Mary Hammond Stelzer Uwk Mr. und Mrs. Bob Schlitz Imve her pupils to Black Rock for re­ moved their cottage to the foot of cital ou Thursday. the summit. L Nixon und Stanley went fish­ D E N TA L S ER VIC E ing this week and brought in u nice string of speckled beauties. All tmployaas of Hit Folia City 1 hereby announce m y s e l f u candidate for the Republican nomination for the office of County Judge to succeed myself. Subject to the voter« at the Pri­ mary election to be held May 17,. 1918. Sane business policy. lOconom- ¡cal. but not parsimonious admin­ istration Special attention to Probate Court. They started moving camp this Lumber ft Logging Co., who hold week und expect to be all moved hospital ticket* Issued by tbs by the end of the month. I’ruc- Hatlonal Association, art hereby tically all new buildings. FOR STATE SENATOR notified that thoy art entitled to or oloaned G ER M A N C O RRU PTIO N For Sale—Early Rose seed po­ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Matthews through said tloket. “ It is beginning to look as if Art Bartel! was in Fs#> l itv «.#> tatoes. F. K. Hubbard. were in Salem over Sunday. For furthor Information oall it all classes of Germans are finally business this week. Mrs. Hopkins left last Saturday Mrs. R. A. Titus was in Dallas awakening to the fact that they my offlot. Plans are laid for a , reading havt teeth extraeted tv room and bath house. (f * for Eugene on a visit to her sister Saturday afternoon. Dr. Lowe. Portlands wellknown Mrs. C. W. Charbeneau of 1 ^ . eye specialist, will be in Dallas on grande, came Tuesday and will Saturday, April 27. Consult him | visit a few weeks with her sister, WANTED Piano pupils. Will Mrs. C. H. Fisher. give lessons at my home or yours. A wonderful lino o f ladies peti- Mrs. L J. Walker. Falls City. eoats, gloves and hosiery at Mrs. ♦ ♦ • ♦ e CANDIDATE KOR COUNTY JUDGE Respectfully, K C. KIRKPATRICK (Pd Adver.) I hereby annount*' my candi- ducy for the Republican nomina­ tion for State Etonfar for the senatorial dintr/y jA p o a e d of Polk and Benton Vroftjnes, sub­ ject to the decision oMhe Repub, lican voters at the primary elec­ tion to be held May 17, 1918. are not supporting a holy war. WANTED Dairy farm, 40 to A. 0. ATWOOD. but a piratical war, for imperial SO acres, 20 or more in cultivation, Dontlst I !.. PA ITE KAON, conquest and trade expansion. with or without improvements, ( IM. Ail ver ) With this realization in mind within 15 miles of depot, no adobe they have decide»! to make for in exchange for suburban home, Street Improvement Notice a I themselves all the profit possible. fruit, berries, water, gas engine, The suberbs of Berlin are be­ * close to cars, church, school, low To William II. Matthews, L T. ing raided by criminals. All over taxes, ideal climate. Gregory’s store. Dallas. Murphy, William J. Southwell, DR. THOMPSON, the Port­ the country food and fuel cards j F. J. Johnson, FOR YOU land eye sight s|>ecialist are stolen. A wagon can not 16 Brace Ave, San Jose, Cal. Jennie M. Cobb, Joe Hudson, W. B. McKowan, FI. G. White; und and optician will make regular stand on the street unguarded. HAMMOND-STELZER ull other persons in interest: visits to Falls City. Watch this The officers who try to eliminate j On Tuesday evening, April 16. BRIOQEPOKT GLEANINGS Notice is hereby given that the paper for future dates. these terrible conditions arej in the presence of twenty o f her city council of Fal'a City, Oregon, April 15 1918. abused. TH E T IM E TO SUBM IT music pupils. Miss Mary Hammond contemplates the passage of an The Gorman papers claim that jgr . R o b s Murphy visited Fount Persons knowing themselves to became the wife of William H. ordinance requiring the improve­ all these crimes aand disorders Murphy last Sunday, be indebted to Dr. Prime should Stelzer, the Rev. Mulligan officia­ ment of certain streets or paita of are due to the jailbirds and army make arrangements to pay such ting. The solemn words of the Mr. Will Murray was a visitor str»H»ts as follows, to-wit: deserters who take advantage of amounts as they owe to Mrs. G. ring ceremony, mingled with the at the home of Miss Baker on last All of that part of the north side the fact that there are not able- strains of Lohengrin, sounded E. Prime. Very truly, Sunday. of South Main street, lieginning bodied men left as watchmen. very impressive. Miss Mildred G. E. Prime. at the interseetion o f fa y ton The Bridgeport boys went over This may be true to a certain ex­ Thompson and Victor Droege, vio­ street and South Main street and to the Guthrie school house to tent. But the extraordinary linists, and Harold Wagner pianist running east to the east line of the practice playing ball, last Thurs­ number o f cases reported show WANTED I were the musiciens. that army deserters and criminal day. They are contemplating William Matthews property. Donated to Llborty Loan Campaign Second-hand, good sacks. Will The bride was attired in a lovely That the said improvement will classes cannot be responsible for playing the men here the last day pay Sets cash. N. SELIG. gown o f white taffeta, and carried consist in general in the building Thompson’s Store of school. them all. a boquet of white carnations. The of sidewalks along the property Instead of supporting their Miss Mable I we was a school groom wore the usual black. abutting on said streets in said country the German people seem visitor last Friday. Dr. Will J. Thompson. Portland's After the ceremony ice cream E. K. PIA8ECKI city; such improvements to be to be doing every thing possible eye specialist now making trips to and cake was served and greatly Miss Blanche McCoy was a vis­ made at the time and in the man ATTORNEY-AT-LAW to hinder it. The business men Falls City is a graduate o f one of enjoyed by the small guests. itor at the home of Miss Vira Gage ner hereinafter to be described declare that a profit o f 25 , or Farm Loans 5 1-2 the best Eye Colleges in the U. S. Mrs. Stelzer is a lady of rare by ordinance. even more is only customary in last Sunday. His long experience and thorough j ability, being most widely known O a lls t , Oregon The cost of said improvement 620 Mill Strsst. Mrs. Christina Gage and daugh­ These profiteers are training enables him to offer the as a teacher of music and physical business. will be assessed to tbe real prop ter, Vira, were visitors at tbe people of this vicinity the v e ry , cuiture; for her church work, and the most loyal in the war, so the 13 usine ¿vs «lari's home of Mrs. Frink in Falls City, erty fronting and abutting on said Government does not dare to stop liest optical work to be had. He an impersonator of child life. streets and parts of streets; last Saturday. uses the most scientific methods | Mr. Stelzer is an employee of their thefi. HOTEL That the city council will sit in All classes have become cor- of eye examinat ion, with instru­ , . ., ¡^he Falls City Lumber > Logging rup^e(j and ^ e lower clashes steal the city council chamber of said STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP ments, by which he detects the JF a lls C ity lh o te l ine ,c Company nmnanv 1 because it is the only way they city, on the 6th day of May 1918 smallest defect in the eye. All hride and ^ .^ m have a can prey upon the country as the Management, etc. required by the S a m p t* R o o m s at the hour of 7:30 o’clock in the B a a l A c c o m m o d a t io n s work is ground to order from his host of friends at Falls City and others are preying. The Church act of congress August 12, 1912, evening of said day, and at said f Oroapa, Froarlaiar prescriptions, which assures his powen>s camPl and all join in has not the least influence on the of the Falls City News, published time and place hear and determ­ masses. These are the conditions patrons absolute accuracy, and wishing them a long and happy they have reached with their weekly at Falls City, Oregon, for ine objections and remonstrances personal attention throughout. If i;fe together. They will be at “ holy war” and "g ot mit uns.” April 1. 1918. thereto, if any there be, and FUNERAL niHECTOM having trouble with your eyes or home after April 22, at Mrs. Stel- Margret Crocker. Publisher, editor, business mana­ That all owners and other per­ glasses, consult the Doctor in the ^ j-’g studio at the foot bridge. ger and owner, D. L. Wood, Falls sons in interest may attend at R . L. C H A P M A N Falls City Hotei parlors F riday,! t ________ . City, Oregon. said time and place and show CAMP FIRE GIRLS April 26 . FUNERAL DIRECTOR Bondholders, mortagees and ! cause, if any they have, why said Flag Color*. The Campfire girls held their Mrs. Nita Gilbert and W. F. j T h « color* o f the United State* flair are regular weekly meeting at the other security holders. None. improvement should not be made Wo attend lo ell work promptly, D. L Wood. Nichols were merrid at Dallas! the m ost common o f all used by the na- home of Miss Mildred Grant on Done by order of tbe city coun­ Uoos o f tbe world, and o f the three red Oellei end Fells City, Ore. Sworn to and subscribed to be­ cil o f Falls City, Oregon, made on last Sunday. They will make j la the moat often encountered. I t 1§ Friday evening. After the busi­ found In nineteen out o f twenty jire na Sheridan their home. ness meeting the girls spent the fore me this 19th day of April 1918 the 1st day of April, 1918. tlonal flags, and In practically all of J. O. Miekalson, C. E. MePherren, Mrs. A. B. Graham died at the the European flag*. T h e color a* In­ rest of the evening making trench Bohle’s Barber Shop Notary Public for Oregon. Auditor and Police Judge home of her son Roy, in Portland j terpreted by heraldry means "m ilitary candles, and gun wipers. Mrs. AGENCY OF My com. expires Nov, 26, 1920. and the «election ns a factor of Falls City, Oregon. Grant serve the girls a delightful last Saturday night at 12 o’clock. fortitude,” I n t e r n a t io n a l T a il o r in g c o . in the flags o f Europe would seem well The body was brought to Falls chosen. N or Is It out o f place In our lunch, after which the girls went D a l l a s s t e a m i . ah > n i > h y City and funeral serv ices were flag, thp trait being scattereU all through home. Bu nd le* for w a r d e l IVedn tftdiy uiornliiK country, though so charmingly m ix­ The girls are making a quilt held Tuesday afternoon at 2:00 the ed with white, which mean* "|>eace and o’clock and the dody laid to rest sincerity,” that the harmony o f the for the soldiers. They have it beside her husband, who had pro- colors o f the flag ha* never been ques­ almost completed. tioned. Ulue stands for "loyulty und S Q ü t f f e l ? ff(p ® (ü D ceded her only about nix weeks. The girls have made 5,000 gun truth.” completing lending traits o f the character o f the United States as a na wipers, and 85 trench candles. O ra to (ffâ a & të ftfâ V * tlon.— Boston Transcript. The girls have received some ‘Give Service” buttons from the Campfire Headquarters. FR AN K GIBSON I HAVE ENG AGED A STRAIGHT The girls met at the home of Republican Candidate for Mrs. H. H. Lowe Tuesday even­ PROGRAM Of. T H E ing to make candy for a soldier COUNTY JUDGE boy now stationed at Vancouver. If I am nominated snd elected, 1 They also made quilt blocks. ¡ U m i d i » ' » , T »ib «c co » an»! C i g a r s , st *•»11 during my term of office, servC the interests of the people The fo„ owinK Fa|1„ City L B. M’ OiNDERBY’S of all o* Eolk ( ounty, to t e >es ^ave been called this week to re- of my ability. port for military service: Don’ t Forget that the ---------- ------ _------ ~ Dale Gottfried, Geo. Otte, Arch Pollock, Chris Ritter and I). L, D R . M IL E S ’ $100 R ew ard, $100 T h e r»ad