Hotel Rowland ""TInITundrod »ml «sty-Sve Itoums. all Minima Impruvwni*’i)l» fraa /.bun«* on «vary iloor. Katar SAGE TEA BEAUTIFIES 7Sc to $1.50 par dayi $2.50 to $5.00 par week. Opposlta Oeerthous». t blurk« from I'uaiiifllra, pfro 1‘rouf. H. I" ami Ormron Klaelria pam duo*. BEAUTIFUL RUGS Don’t Stay Gray! It Darkens So Naturally that No­ body cun Tell. Ara m« CAR­ PETS. Rate Rugs wovon all zlse*. Mall orders r m ive prompt anil rsrs- ful attention. Sond for book lot. You can turn (ra y. faded hair beau tlfully dark and lustrous almost over NORTHW EST RUC CO. E. 8th and Taylor SU. Portland, Or. night If you'll set a 60-ceut bottle of "W yeth's Bags and Sulphur Com pound" at any drug store. Millions of boil lea of this old famous Hags Taa Reclpa, Improved by the addition of othar Ingredients, are sold annually, says a well known druggist here, be from hoavy lay In « (llu g a n l««!) «U>rk. 110.00 cause It darkens the hair so naturdlly per 100. W » Kiwranl«» « « f « Arrival. and avenly that no one can tall It has THE PIONEER HATCHERY been applied. Those whose heir Is turning gray 415 Siath Straat. Pataluma, Cal. or becoming faded have a surprise awaiting them, because after one or two applications the gray hair van M O N E Y FOR Y O U . Thousands of (ralnwl fauna w » p l« n~4sd. Isbee and your locks become luxuriant Il.linil« Walkm Hu.In— r«lbma. Portland >‘rb# ly dark and beautiful. ■tudatiU In poelllona. IC ii roll any Um«. This Is the age of youth. Oray C a U U zg u «. haired, unattractive folks aren't want ed around, to get busy with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound tonight and you’ll b< delighted with your dark h a n d s o m e i. - and your youtbful ap ■ayn * - T r * 4 ^ pearance within a few days. This preparstlon Is s toilet requisite Miss Kdby snd Is not Intended for the cure, mill sick list gatiou o f prevention of disease.—-Adv. ' 'n'-w>}n ?r t 0*"*r**irt ?Se I £!V Puzzling. White Leghorn Baby Ghix Æ D a n d ru fî Itc h in g C u tic u r o t Tha Wiaa Huaband. C liffq r;J a rto n lived In a auhurban • I,.. Jntv »■•‘ «"1 h,m *° purchase ii u i u. " V,r hoi » Inin In Naw United HV |he Ha|t.M |rl wbat against tha . displayed a uuuibar. to recover $8229. »> very pretty ones, chattel mo tgnyou prefer?" she aald. ant to th- /UpV'ake i*n> illfferonce." •Ml. i »«'■ s» Ion. "Charley, dear," said young Mrs. Torkltis, "as I understand It, the coal situation Is puzzling." "A s you understand It, It probably Is. How do you understand It?" "W hy, It seems thst owing to a scar­ city of coal It will be Impossible to cook the meat and potatoes we could­ n't afford to buy, an, uow."— Washing­ ton Star. "Doeau’l make any differencet” ex A Good Place. claimed the aaleaitlrl. “ Why, don't Hubby—Twenty five dollars for that you think your wife would like a cer­ hat! It's a crime! tain color?" W lfey— Well, the crime is on my "No, It makes no difference what own hevd — Exchange. color I net or what else. I shall have to come back tomorrow to have It It Turned. changed." "M y hair began to turn when 1 was quite young," ske said. Her Paradoxical Position. "Oh. then you've dyed It?" "S ir! What do you mean?" "A vessel la different In one way "Heg pardon. Didn't I understand from anything else." you to say It turned?" "W hat la that?" "Certainly, that's what I said. It "It Is when ahn Is tied up that ahe began to curl."— Exchange. can't make any knots.” — Exchange. "H ow 's Perrin getting along with NOTH ING STAND S AS HIGH, os a hla new automobile?” remedy for every s o "Ptnely. I l e ' i got so now that he ^ manly aliment, as Dr. can almost tell what's the matter V Pierce's Favorite Pres wheu It won't go."— Brooklyn Citizen. ■ crlptlon. It’s the only » medicine for women cer "W hen they pass anti trust laws In A tain In Its effects. the future they will have teeth In them." "Oh. that's only biting sarcasm.” Dr. Pierre’s Pellets are best for liver, bowels nfld Stomach. < >ne little Pellet for a laxative—three for e cathartic. à B ou gh t, S old, R en ted en d R a p a irtd W A L K E R KI.KCTRIC WORKS Burnaidc. cor. loth. Portland. Ora. THE VOGEL PRODUCE CO. Will guarants« you lop market prie«« at all tlmaa for your Vool, Iloti, Poultry. K m , lluttar. IIU-o, Etc. It you hovo not »hippe.I to ua. try ua. PORTLAND, OtK. 113 Front, Hides, P e lts,' Cascara Baux, W ool & Mohair W. « h i al le i THE H. Small Matter. "Your husband hasn't had any— er — entanglements since he has been 'over there' has he?" "N o— nothing but barbed wire— so far."— Florida Tlmes-Unlon. Soft, Clear 8kins. Night find morning Imthe the face with Cutleurn Soap nnd hot water. I f ti..Te nre pimples first smear them with Cutleurn Ointment. For free sam­ ples address, "Cutleurn, Dept. X, Boa- ton." Sold by druggists nnd by mall. Soap 25, Ointment 25 nnd 50.— Adv. Wife in Pnm mi Stufe« Tifa r. NORTON C O M PAN Y. Portland. Oro., Seattle, Wn.. S H IP Bslllnahsm. Wn. Veal, Pork, Beef, Poultry, Butter, Eggs and Farm Produce. to the Old Reliable Rverding house with a record o f til year» o f Square I ’»"»ling», end be assured of T O P M AR K ET PRICES. F.fM.JCRONKHITE, 45-47 F ron t Surest. P o rtla n d , O r . c o n 4 B U Y lD o Your Own Plumbing | By bnjrlng direct from o r at whokmule price« •nd ««v»* the plumtwr'« profit«. W rit« u« to- lajr your need«. W « will « 1 ? « you our rock- bottom "dlmct-to-you” price«, f. o. h. r«il or boat. W e actually nave you from lu to id par cent. A ll rood* guaranteed. North we« t headquarter« f©» lea d er Water System« and Puller A Johnson En#Ina. S TAR K -D AV IS CO. 112 Third Street. P. N. U. P o la n d . O r e m No. 16, 191$ 5500 ACRES BOUGHT Rich Reclaimed Tract A loag Columbia River Brings $300,009 Oats sad Pasturage for First Year. Ceptain John Peterson, desn o f the Columbia R iver pilots, died at Astoria F ifty-five hundred acres o f choice as the result o f s stroke o f paralysis. bottom land reclaimed from the Co­ He was born in Sweden In 1866, and lumbia river, near Clatskanie, in Co­ was 62 years o f age. lumbia county, Or., has been pur­ German boa been banished from the chased from the Columbia Agricultural La Grande high school curriculum by company by a syndicate composed o f the school board, which, at tha same Lee Arnett, Portland banker; Max H. I session, increased all salaries at least Houser, grain exporter and Federal' 10 per cent to all teachers. grain administrator for the Northwest; Major Hitchcork and Captain Brown, Ralph E. Williams, o f Portland and | o f the spruce division, aviation section Delias, and Donald Bell, a New York | o f the United State« Signal Corps, manufacturer. The price paid for"the property by I «pent several days this week inspect­ ing the various spruce camp* near the syndicate is announced at $300,000. I The deal wo« closed March 26, but was Siietz, Toledo and Waldport. announced only this week.. W arren’s home guard is fully organ­ A t the,earnest i me Jit was announced ized and drilling weekly. The men that 3000 o f the 6500 acres are to be j w ill be sworn in as deputy sheriffs seeded at once in oats, so that the first next week by Sheriff Stanwoui. Equip­ crop may be gathered this year. The ment is expected shortly and the com­ purchasers, who have organized the pany is now composed o f 66 r.«en- Clatskanie Land company to handle Major Deich, in command o f t/w the property, have put up $50,000 to state police, has asked Captain O. J. buy the necessary seed and are spend­ Hull, o f Salem, to send 15 or 20 men ing $20,000 for farm machinery. The remainder o f the property will friirn Salem aa soon os possible to re- lle - ij^ i^ n on guard duty In Portland. be devoted for the present to stock Knlism * nt* are now open for the new grazing. While plans in this connec­ Knlm ^i-nti) i tion have not been announced, it is ¿ . H i l a r y i w x oniztion. understood that]considerable stock is It is probal probable that at least a part o f to be purchased. the Eastern Oregon company o f the The war has resulted in s great de­ Oregon State Police w ill be organized mand for oats to feed JLe great num­ in Pendleton. Commandant Jacob ber o f horses in the American and al­ Marin, o f the United Spanish War lied armiea, and this is understood to Veterans, is circulating the application be the reason fo r planting the first blanks among the members o f Malabon crop to that grain. camp. Later the Clatskanie Land company Conditions were never before more plans to put the land under intensive favorable for the sheep industry in cultivation, under its own manage­ Lake county than at present. Owing ment, for the raising o f potatoes and to the exceedingly mild winter the other vegetables in large quantities for sheep are in as good condition as when the Portland market. W illard N. Jones is already in charge taken from the summer range lost fall, and os a consequence the quality o f the o f the property aa manager for the company. The land is said to be one wool w ill be excellent. o f the richest tracts in Oregon, the Wialliam W. Hall, formerly pitcher soil being peaty and very fertile. It o f the Hood R iver I-eague baseball is a part o f 10,000 acres that have team and later a star o f other Mid- been diked and reclaimed by the Co­ Columbia teams, recently enlisted in a lumbia Argicultural company. squadron o f the A viation Corps. In a letter to his father, W illiam Hall, he Rate Increases to Be Filed. announces that he is training ss a flyer Olympia— The Interstate Commerce at a school at Hempstead, N. Y. commission has notified the State Pub­ Seventy-two to four was the Anal count in the election affecting water lic Service commission that hereafter users at Klamath Falls last Saturday all rate increases asked by interstate for the adoption o f a contract from the railroads must be filed with the state government, by which a district irri­ commissions before they w ill be acted commission. gation plan o f organisation w ill be upon by the national followed inatead o f a water-users' as­ Heretofore the railroads have been ap­ sociation, os has been previously main­ plying for rate increases to Washing­ ton, D. C., and the first intimation the tained. shippers or the state commissions re­ It is the plan o f the railroad admin- ceived that a change we* contemplated Do You Do This? LbJSES PRETEXTO sitration to entrust, os far as possible, is when the new rate waa approved The customer was paying the mer­ cu rm -s BUCKLES PIUS to the Interstate Commerce commis­ by the Interstate commission. w -prlcfd. chant an account and handed over a sion and state commissions duties in wad of 20 $5 bills. connection with the control o f rail­ Labor Scarce at W alla Walla. Carefully the merchant placed the roads, according to advices received by W alla W alla —The fanners’ union, notes on the counter, and wetting the the Public Service commission from W i far book Frit* sisted by the county agricultural tip of his finger he counted them one John Barton Payne, general counsel agent, has started a campaign to get by one. “ I noticed,” remarked the customer, for the Federal board. He asks the more farm help. There is a shortage. Vmmr T b « superiority c --------- -- _ ______ _ commission to advise him as to all One farmer had to stop his plow teams, smilingly, after the merchant had y « n oI $pi;lsHrfat te v a c c in » AND « V « placed the wad in his Inside pocket, o n l y . I n s is t o n C u t t u s . I I i matters pending. being unable to get men. An effort “ that you didn’t ‘flick’ up the last The Polk county grand jury is in w ill be made to have clerks and others one." “ No,” was the canny reply. " I dinna session this week looking into alleged who work in the city go into the har­ dae more than look at the last one. pro-German statements o f number o f vest fields this fall. That's guid enough for me without Granulated Eyelids, citizens. Reports o f seditious talk touchln’ it; there might be anither “' ’’ T Sore Eyrs, Eyes Inflamed by have been coming in fast to the county 5 . « , Duat and WimJ quickly underneath i t ” — Chicago Herald. officials during the post few months relieved by Murine. T ry It In you» Eyes and In Baby’s Eyes. and the grand jury was called for the Probably She Didn't. R L .1 L O N o Smartiag. Jest EyeCsaLrt purpose o f probing these charges. A gentleman winked at a bright lit­ Murine Eye Remedy W heat —Bulk basis for No. 1 grad e; «£ £ Several citizens have lately been ar­ tle boy on the Lewiston car the other rested and taken to Portland, from Hard white, $2.05. Soft white, $2.03. day. The youngster tried to return Ey* where they w ire sent to internment W hite club, $2.01. Red Walla, $1.98. the salute, but both eyes persisted In No. 2 grade, 3c leas; No. 3 grade, 6c shutting. camps. WEEKS' * cou> less. Other grades handled by sample. “ Mamma,” he finally said to a nice ----- C O C O S A M D U O t t f f t ™ h The farmers are more scared than Flour — Patents, $10 per barrel; looking woman by ilia side, “ wink at TU’s.’T J S r i r . s a r i j n hurt over the possibility o f a labor whole wheat, $9.60; graham, $9.20; that man.”— Portland Press. by b ... dro.*«. 2 g# shortage at the time o f harvesting barley flour, $14,50(0,16.00; rye flour, crops, ” J. O. Holt, manager o f the The Trouble. $10.75fd.12.75; corn meal, white, $6.50; Eugene Fruit Growers’ association, The Reporter— What are your views Their First Mention. yellow. $6.25 per barrel. said Wednesday. Mr. H olt added that M illfeed— N et mill prices, car lota: about municipal ownership? Bobby, for once, expressed great in­ The Boss— It's all right if none of there is an unusually heavy demand Bran, $30.00 per ton; shorts, $32; terest in the sermon. “ Fancy flying from the East for canned string beans middlings, $39; mixed cars and leas them inquiaitlve fellers come snoop­ machines being mentioned in the this year, but that he is having much than carloads, 50c more; rolled barley, ing around to find out how you got B ib le!” he said. to own It.— Exchange. difficulty in inducing farmers to plant "But are they?” $77(i30 per Gives rest and comfort. Accept no substitute. Taking Care of Him. piling. Having some difficulty In get­ Semple FREE. Address. Allen S. Olmsted. Le "W ell, they are taking good care of ting the piling started. Reed was ob­ ton; valley timothy, $25(u26; alfalfa, Roy. N . Y . _______________________ | my boy, anyhow.” liged to get in the track of piling as $24(o24.50; valley grain hay, $22; Getting Tamed Down. "T h a t so?’’ they rolled to the water. Before he clover, $19(o 20.00; straw, $9.00(d:10. "Y es, he writes me that they’re Butter— Cubes, extras, 37Jc; prime There has come to be a perceptible could clekr one of the timbers struck him. pinning him down, and three firsts, 37c; prints, extras, 42c; car shortage in the wild oats crop, and keeping him in the guard house for a others passed over him, crushing his tons, lc extra; butterfat. No. 1, 41c that is one of the things owing to the month.”— Exchange. war which go to offset its distressing body and mashing his head to a jelly. delivered. effects.— Albany Journal. Queer Finances. A home guard company of 111 men Eggs— Ranch, current receipts, 33J “ Isn't it odd that you have to pay was organized at Dallas Friday even­ (<£S4c; candled, 34(a35c; selects, 36c for the batteries in your electric It Waa Afterward Roasted, Too. ing. W ayne Greenwood was elected per dozen. captain. Roy Flrseth first lieutenant, Adam could afford a spare-rib, but lamps?” Poultry — Hens, 28c; broilers, 40c; "W h y is it queer?” and J. R. Sibey second lieutenant. All Garden of Eden market prices were "Because you state expressly you officers will be sworn in as deputies ducks, 32c; geese, 20c; turkeys, live, far from our 1918 standards.— Brook­ 26(o27c; dressed, 37c per pound. want them charged.”— Exchange. to Sheriff Orr and the company will lyn Eagle. Veal- Fancy, 18i(iil$c. be called upon to perform general Pork- Fancy, 23(o23$c per pound. In a Butcher Shop. police duty as needed. During the Standardlzed. Sack Vegetable*- Carrots, $1.15 per "Butcher, do you sell whale meat? summer months the company w ill aid “ Sometimes spring Is early, some- “ Yes. mum.” sack; turnips, $1.50; parsnips, $1.25; times late.” In fire patrol work. "Can I see some choice cuts?” "N o t as regards our apartment To C. T. Parley, an engineer and beeta, $2. "Certainly, mum. Jake, fetch the Potatoes— Oregon Burbanks, 75c(<( house. No heat after the first of May prominent resident o f the Bonanza district, has been awarded the con­ $1 per hundred; new California, 10c is the regulation.”— Louisville Courier- stepladder and show this lady over the whale.”— Kansas City Journal. * tract for construction of the canals per pound; sweet potatoes, 10c per Journal. and ditches of the 900-acre Yonna pound. Valley unit of the new Irrigation sys­ Onions—Jobbing prices, l(ft l } c per tem which is being launched this year pound. ______ at Bonanza. The water w ill be ob­ tained by pumping from Lost River. Cattle— A p ril 16, 1918. The pumps have been ordered and Med. to choice s te e rs ... .$11.756(12.25 will be Installed before the first of Good to med. steers........ 10.760iTl.75 next month so that everything will Com. to good steers........ 9.000(10.00 Cuts logs in the woods, and by using be In readiness for watering this our Circular Sawing Attachment w ill Choice cows and heifers. 10.000(11.00 year's crops. cut cord wood into stove lengths. Com. to good cows and h f 6.000( 9.50 An aero training school for Oregon, C anners........................... 3.000( 5.00 W ill drive Pumps, Churns, Feed Cut­ possibly at Hermlston or Medford, Bulls................................. 6.500/ 9.50 ters, Grindstones, Fanning Mills, Lathes, may be established In the near future. C alves.............................. 7.500112.00 A ir Compressors and any other work The chamber of commerce waa ad­ Stockers and fe e d e r s .... 6.500( 9.60 within a 4-h. p. capacity. vised by w ire from Robert Dougan. Hogs Washington representative, that a spe­ Prim e m ixed.................... $17.600(17.75 cial commission will be sent here to W ill positively la st longer than any other P o rta b lr Pow er Medium m ixed................ 17.350(17.50 look over sites at these two places. 16.35(1/16.50 ; Rough h e a v ie s .............. Saw ing M achine on the m arket. W rite for particulars. Three cases o f select and expensive P ig s ................................ 15.00(a 16.001 wines and other liquors consigned to Bulk............................... 17.60 J. H. Cobbs, a wealthy Portland tim- Sheep— herman, were confiscated by Sheriff Prime spring lam bs.. . . $ 20.00 Hurlburt after a freight checker for 125 EAST W A T E R S T , PO R TLA N D , ORECON 16.50(0:18.00 Heavy lambs................. the O.-W. R. A N. company had dts * 15.00(al6.25 covered the liquor In s carload o f i Yearlings Builders of High Grade Logging and Farm Machinery furniture shipped to Mr. Cobbs fr o m W ethers........................... 18 . 00 (r/ 13.60 New York. I E w es................................. 12.00(ril2.50 The universal m ilitary service eum - a A Soldier's offering to his sweet­ heart is naturally the sweetmeat that save him m ost refreshm ent and greatest enjoym ent when on duty. The Flavor Lasts BLACK* Smr LEG Generosity. A "Favorite Prescription” An old fellow on nls deathbed, In r Is an Invigorating, restor- making his will, murmured to his law­ k stive tonic, a soothing yer: "And to each of my employes A and strengthening nerv- who have been with me 20 years or B Ine, and a complete cure more I bequeath 112,000." V for all tha functional de- “ Holy smoke, what gen erosity!" the W rangements, painful dis- lawyer exclalmud. I o r d e r s , and c h r o n i c "No. not at all." said the sick man. weaknesses peculiar to "You see, none o f them has been with me over a year; but It will look good the sex. For young girls Just entering wo­ In the papers, won't It?"— Liverpool manhood; for women at the critical Post. time; nursing mothers; and every wo­ man who Is "run-down," tired or over­ Changing Timas. worked— It Is a special, safe, and cer­ "Conditions are certainly changing. tain help. They are setting the clocks ahead to Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets regu- get more daylight.” lato and Invigorate stomach, liver and "S o they are." bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, "And soon there won't be any fly Vicarious Treatment. to take as candy. time. Onsh, that was a regular season easy Caller— you and ever beauty treat­ flow to Doctor, preserve have health a few years back.”— Louisville Cour­ ed a patient for loss of memory? Is told In Doctor Pierce's Common ier-Journal. Doctor— Oh. yes. Indeed. It I Is employ Sense Medical Adviser. free. a bill Dr. collector often.— Boston Send Pierce. quite Buffalo, N. Y., five Well Whitewashed. Transcript. dimes, or stamps, to cover printing "I don't object to your marrying and mailing.— Adv. that young representative, Emily, but Which One? I ’m afraid he doesn't Hand very high School ma'am— Tommy, how do you In the political world.” spell "ham ” ? "Oh. yes. he does, mother. H e’« Tommp— Please, ma'am, do you already been Investigated by five com­ mean the 'am we eat or the am we mittees."— Frotht are?— Chicago Herald. ELECTRIC MOTORS S T A T E N E W S IN B R IE F . SUFFERING CATS! GIVE THIS MAN THE GOLD MEDAL No humbug! Any corn, whether hard, aoft or between the toes, will loosen right up and lift out without a particle of pain or soreness. This drug la called freesone and In a compound of ether discovered by a Cincinnati man. Ask at any drug store for a small bottle of freesone, which will coat but a trifle, but la sufficient to rid one’s feet of every corn or callous. Put a few. dropi directly upon any tender, aching corn or callous. In­ stantly the soreness disappears and shurtly the corn or callous will loosen and can be lifted off with the fingers This drug freexone doesn't eat out the corns or callouses hut shrivels them without even Irritating the sur­ rounding skin. Just think! No pain at all; no sore­ ness or smarting when applying It or afterwards. If your druggist don't have freeione have him order It for you.— Adv. r WRfNE NORTHWEST MARKET REPORT THE LATEST FARM UTILITY The New All-Steel Thomas Portable Gasoline Drag Saw The Thomas Engineering W /orks orks I ! li