V FALLS CITY NEWS FALLS CITY OREGON. SATURDAY, APRII. 20, 1918 " " VOL. XIV BLACK ROCK ITEMS readings that were much enjoyed. Mr. Manford Sehlit* and Lira. Mr. Will Hawk moved to Kail* Haggidorn were Fulls City visitors C'ity on Friday. on Monday. Muster Clifford McGovern wan Mesdames Robertson, Ridenour fcivon a party on Saturday after* noon, it tteinK Ilia ninth birthday. und Williams made a trip to Falls City on Tuesday. The following wore present: T H E W A R , T H E FARM A N D TH E FARM ER By Harbor* Quick Member Federal Farm Ixten Board Tim for mar everywhere lovee Mrs. W. C. Bullis and Mrs. R. peace. The American farmer aape Violet I'he I pH, Kvu Bullis, lorn • tally lovee peace Hiuce the dawn of Ames, Melva Sportsman, Evelyn P. Price were Red Cross delegates history, the farmer has been the man who suffered most from war. AU that Hrown, loyd Hughes, Hill Ames, to Dallas on Tuesday. > be possesses lies out of doors In plain Charlie and .Jimmie Oniahi. Ice W. T. Wallace made a business eight and la «poll of war- hla bouse, cream and cake was served to all. trip to h»ill* Q ty on Wednesday. bis grain, hla livestock The flames llhe guests del irtetl for home, ' M>et light the eklea la the rear of A very . ijoyabte picnic w u i- . ‘ ry invading army are consuming ■ayitvr Ojev had a gornd eon of Dallas home o f Mrs. W. C. Bullis. Mrs. city dwellers from the shops, tinny to rw ovn M M u l l __ rhattel mo tgn- " ,m‘ o f Mr. Mary Hammond Stelzer enter­ do not hear the first blast of the trumpet Other* do not at first under­ •nt to th> A W 'e V r W « rn . tained with a musical recital by stand Its meaning because they have John fiulliJ, Fisher, and her pupils. Mrs. Hazel Courter not had the time to talk the matter illW, 'Hals* Bi (iladys Ridenour took in the dance sang a solo. There were 70 in over with tbelr acquaintance* Instead attendance. The following ¡pro­ of reading half a doaen eitrae a day. at Falls City Saturday night. the fanner may read weekly papers gram was given: only. Ha must have more time In a Mrs. Mabel McFarland returned sudden emergency to make up his Solo Mabel Otte from Portland on Friday. mind. It Is Impossible to set the farmers Miss Sayre took in the Normal Trio- Bernice Dodd nf the United States sa Ore by means Luella Ward exercises on Friday. of any sudden spar« of rumor. But Hilda McCormack when they do Ignite, they burn with Miss FJizabeth Wagner o f Falls a slow, hot fire which nothing can put City taught for Miss Sayre Friday. Solo Harold Wagner out Tbay are sometimes the last to Vocal Solo Viola Lane, aecom- beat up but they stay hot. In a long James Collier o f California has papiment, Clive Courter fight they are always found sturdily carrying the battle across N o Mena moved to our city, Solo—Luella Ward Lend In the lest grim struggle The A mar loan farmer will give all that be Captain Tooze, Mrs. Tooze and Reading— Mrs. Stelzer has and all that he Is to win this Miss Baker o f Dallas held a patri­ great war against war. Solo—Gladys Estey otic meeting in our city Tuesday. This war was at first hard to under Duet ' Lydia Bullis : Hand. No armed toe had Invaded the Earl Housed came in Saturday United States. The night skies were Mabel Baker from Portland. not reddened by burning ricks and farm houses. No raiding parties Reading Harold Wagner Mr. and Mrs. King and son Rich robbed us of our cattle or hones. No saber-rattlers Insulted our women It are spending the week ut N ew ­ Trio Mabel Otte t seemed to many of ua that we were Opal Ward port. not at war—the thing was so far off Luella Ward We did not realise what a giant war Mr. and Mrs. Beard of Falls had become—a mouster with a thou City attended the patriotic meet­ Duet Mrs. Hazel Courter send arms that could reach serosa ths Mrs. Mary Stelzer ing. Mrs. Beard gave patriotic •ess and take from us three-fourth* of everything we grew. But finally we Saw that It was so If the Imperial German government had made end enforced sa order that go American farmer should leave his LUCKY STRIKE CIGARETTE E V E R Y month w e make enough Lucky Strike Cigarettes to reach, end to end, from N e w York to China, the long w ay around. That’s 15,000,000 A DAY Regular men like the Lucky Strike C igarette— good, solid Kentucky Hurley tobacco, Line for a cigarette because— : - f r „ ,*♦* i IT’S TOASTED No. 34. own land haul grain or drive etnek to town. It would have done only a little more than It uroompllabed by Its lulerdlct against the freedom of the see. What was tha order against which we rebelled when we went In­ to this war» ltJoh at the condition of the American farmer in the latter Van of 1*14 and the first half of l f l f and see. When the war broke out. through surprise and panic we partially gave np for a while the use of the sea as • high «ray. And tha farmers of America faced ruin. I know an lo ss farmer who sold hla 1114 orop of 16.. QWl bushels of wheat for seventy cents a bushel Farmers la tha south sold their cotton for half the coat of fro- during It. All this time thorn por­ tions of the world whose porta warn open were ready to pay almost any price for our products. When finally we set our ahlpe In motion ones more, prosperity returned to the farm*. But U never returned for tha farmers of tlaee nation* which lemalDed cut off from ocean traffic. Take the case of Australia. There these crops have remained unsold on the farms. No ships could be spared to make the long voyage to Australia. 0o In spits of the efforts of the Oov- arm new to anvo. the farmers from ruin, grain has rotted In the open. Millions of tons have been lost tor lack of a market fjuah conditions spell Irretrievable disaster ffneh conditions would have prevailed In this country from the out­ break of the war until now if oar Government had not first insisted wttfc every diplomatic weapon, and finally drawn the sword Why did we draw the sword? To keep up the price of wheat and cot­ ton. and to protect trade only? If someone should order you to remain on year farm, and not to use the pub­ lic highways would your resistance be based only on the fear of lose la profits from failure to market your oopo? By ao means! You would fight to the last gasp! Not to make money, but to be free! When a man Is enslaved, all be loses In money Is his wages. But tha white man bae never been able to so- cept slavery. He has never yet been successfully enslaved. There rises up In him against servitude a reeentment so terrible that death always Is prsf- erable Buy a Liberty Bond TH A T Government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth. This (pace donafed It fhs 3d liberty Isas Campaign by I. SELIG. If You Haven’t the Neceisary Cash OR AT LEAST ONE LITTLE $50 LIBERTY BOND (This le the first of three articles. The second to be published next week.) U. S. Loans T o Farmers Now Nearly $50,000,000 Nearly twelve million dollars was loaned out to farmers of the United States b) the Federal land banks during the month of Jan nary last Ou February 1 the total smoqnt loaned out to termers by these banks sines they were established was nearly $50.000.000. the num­ ber of loans closed being 24.000. The amount applied for at that date wsb 1260.000,000. representing over 100.000 applicants. The total loans made by the va­ rious banks were as follows: $».760.400 81. Paul _______ 8, »30,076 Spokane ............ 8.613.200 Wichita ... $.666.600 Berkeley .......... ... 3,210,180 Omaha ....... . 3,124.412 Houston ------- New Orleans ...... 3.026.255 ... 2,827,»00 IaHilsville ... 2,286,480 St Louis .......... Baltimore ....... 2.114.200 .. 1.814.666 Springfield ........ Columbia .......... .. 1,468.066 What are you farmers going to do for the Government now that It Is asking for ths Third Liberty 1 Loan f F O R (on easy payments) Y O U R IN F O R M A T IO N Here are some of the things your Liberty Bond money loaned to the Government will buy for our boy* ‘ Over There": A $60 Liberty Bend will supply tour months' sustenance In the field fi>r one of our eoldiera. A gioo Liberty Bend will supply *00 pounds of smokeless powder lor one of the big guns. A $200 Liberty Bond will equip and uniform four of our blnejscketa A $600 Liberty Bond wtll supply ISO of our boys with gas mmmhm iD which to tecs on« of the dead­ liest menaces of the trenohes. A $ 1,000 Liberty Bond will buy gaso­ line enough to drive one of our submarines 3.060 mile# In our campaign against the underseas raiders of the Kaiser. A $2,000 Liberty Bond will supply 620 thlrt eon-pound shells to sink Gorman submarines livery Idbarty Bond you bay M g s actively to shortafi and win dm "Protection the Alllee effeefi ue may weaken our sense of duty.<—TBI% Fab. 4, 1817. Have you weakened? Da your duty! Buy Liberty Bonds. l?.?n up anyway, take it to your bank and it will be a ccep ted as security while you are making your paym en ts. Donated to Liberty Loan Campaign. BANK OF FALLS C ITY. BUY A 1 u u t i iy 1 Bond 1 TO-DAY ! Donated to Liberty Loan Campaign by I FALLS CITY L IM B E R & LOGGING CO. | WAR STAMP DRIVE Weakly Report For Polk County Airlie Ballston Broadmead Dallas $ 252.66 128.66 8.00 1,016.16 Falls City 307.20 Rickreall 127.45 Independence 266.00 Total for week ♦2,096.(0 WAR SAVINS SOCIETY O O G u a ra n te e d J h jlS S T H A J ^ ril Wednesday evening, members of the Adventist Church met at the home o f Mrs. Larson and organized a W ar Saving Society. A fter the election of officers all present signed the pledge, interest manifested by each one spoke well for the business to be done by the society. Officers elected: Pres. Harvey Bedient Sec. Harley Griffin. * l n i l"*"> 1 I < I 1 H I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 [ I I I |. h - h - I H - H -M -H -l l 18m W ILL YOU FIGHT Frank Gibson, Republican candi- ;; In the trenches at close range, or fight at long date for the nomination for th e,;; range behind the lines by lending your money office o f County Judge was in the ;; to Uncle Sam to hold up the hands o f those who city Thursday in the interest of his ;; can actually wield a bayonet for you? candidacy. Mr. Gibson says that • ■ he has no apology to make for I! putting his name up to the voters, j T He feels that he is fully qualified, + Donated to the Liberty Loan Campaign by wants the job and has no promises * to make, other than to serve all the people of this county to their FALLS CITY M E A T M A R K ET very best interests in harmony,, with the laws. , q, H „|„t q ■ ■ H I M i l $♦♦ H +4 H 11 I I I I I H I I I I t ! I I I I || I I I p l « M