h ? SCHOOL NOUS The'Sei«»**«' girls i t r saving *11 scraps o f goods to make msbim»- 1 for th*- snldi*>r Itovs. Elizabeth W agner, a member o f th«1 teachers' training «'lass, went to Hlack Rock to teach a few day during the absence o f th*1 teacher. D E N T A L S ER V IC E CAMP FIRE GIRLS Local News Hems The Camp Fire girls have made nearly ¡5000 gun wipers for our soldier hoys. A week ago th»* 1 he (rest show at the Gem tonight ta m p Kire'girls hik«*« l to the other side o f Mt. Brown, returning the Clothes eleaned and presse«!. , same day. They ex|**ct to hike Urn. horde. Uin,i„ m th,. near future. All employees of the Fells City Lumber ft Logging Co., who hold hospital tickets Issued by the National Association, art hereby notified that they are entitled to havo teeth extracted or cleaned through said ticket. For further Information call at my office. A. G. ATWOOD. Dentist Mrs. Frisi Zu vor o f I Vallami is Ralph Adams came Saturday in Falls City on business this w*>* was day, at the Falls City Bakery. that will lie given th*' IHth. nommaiiou for th** office o f given: The FalLs City lu m b er Co. sold ! Tho ? irls ««"trib u te d *2 to the County Judge to succeed m yself. Dialogue—1st grade Hlsxit i(>.000 in Liberty Hon«ls to Armenian relief tunil. Subject to the voters at th«* P r i­ Song—School a their employees. . ] I f any one has any old stocking» mary election to he held Muy 17, Star*Spangied Banner School , that cannot be darned and used. 1018. Flag Sahite -School One o f the horses fell off the ,F0r. Sa!» , F'a,r, y, ,R° 8? Swd ^ | the Camp Fire girls would h«1 glad Sunn business policy. Econom» One o f the high school teachers tallies. F. K . Hubbard. to get them for gun wipers. They dock at ihe mill Friday morning. icul, but not parsimonious admin« The d river had just unhitched,.. . P .. Mrs. Fred Z u ver o f Portland are also making trench candles. rushed frantically home Tuesday and in turning uround the horaea 1 t^tration . Special attention to with the measles, but the s a d , spent Sunday with her parents, Friday evening the ta m p Fire hind fe*'t slipped and he sliil olT I Probate ( ourt. part was, she returned at noon Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hunter, in girls h«*ld their ceremonial meet­ and stood with his front feet on 1 Respectfully, without them. Last Falls City. ing in the woods near the river the edge o f the «lock. His feet K. C. K IR K P A T R IC K o f girls received honor w ere pushed off ami ho lauded all The school garden has beenj Z. Batoorney and Gus Ander- , A number , , right and apparently no worse for (P d A d v e r t cu ltivited and is now ready for son left Friday for Seaside w hen beads. A ft e r the meeting the> I the stunt. they have employment. Their j toasted Marshmallows, cultivation. families will follow as soon asj ------- ------ school closes. The S. P. depot has boon treat­ WAR STAMP DRIVE Rcpört for Polk A irlie • Oaths • Falls City C o u n ty - $ 302.55 - - 431.38 - - 240.7» Rich real! Beuna Vista 21*7.28 72.18 Total for week *1,304.0.» The grand jury will bn calk'd to investigate chargee o f disloyalty. Many persons complain from force o f habit and with no thought, per­ haps, that they w ere disloyal, or in any w ay aiding the enemy. It is hard to believe that any American citizen would say or do anything that would embarrass this country, especially .as the seriousness o f the situation is be­ ginning to dawn. ed to a coat o f ’yaller' paint For Sale One good work mare. A. H. Benton, Falls City. 4 DR. TH O M PSO N , the Port- land eye sight specialist* and optician will make regular visits to Kails City. W atch this paper for future dates. Mr. and Mrs. A . F. (Vjurter S100 R e w a r d , $100 entertained, Thursday A pril 4th h® Th® r**«dt*rsi o f this papor will |*loai»ed to l**arn t h it »her* I« at least o n « in honor o f Lieutenant and Mrs. disease that science la s bet-n able t * cu r* I " all Its 8ts*es. and that is Prime. lieutenant Prime leaves Catarrh. H all s Catarrh Cure Is the on ly IN MEMORiAM alttv* c o re now known to the medical j A pril 10th for Washington, D. C. C a tern ity. C atarrh being a constitutional iw u lffg a treat*! St. ' Cards and dancing w ere enjoyed A lvin Robinson was tx>rn at ir»' nL H a ll’s Catarrh Cure Is taken in­ ternally, acting diroc*tiy upon the Mood Louis. Michigan. August 1». 187*5, until a late hour. A dainty lunch and mucous surfaces o f the svatem. there- hv destrnylnir the foundation «»f the dls- diet! March 30, 1918. was served by Mrs. Courter, e « « e « " d givin g the patient strength he up the constitution and assisting He came to Falls City in 189ft. assisted bv Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. M M r t l n doing Its work T h e proprietors h ave so much faith In Its curative pow was married to Nellie Olin Oct. May Ellison and Mrs. Prim e o f ’r)oila tfcet. they offer One Hundred Dollars 1 24, 1890. fo r an;*’ case that it fan * to cure i Salem. Lieutenant Prim e’s mother. fo r t|*t o f testimonial® J. CHEN BY é ' , Toledo, Ohi*'» The widow and seven sons sur- The invited guests w ere: Mr. and 9o» l he * ! L’” 'p^lsts, 7V* Take Vail's Family Pdt® *»■ consti pa I loo. vive him, also a father and one Mrs. M. L. Thompson, Ellison, Graham, Bradley, Matthews, j brother, o f Halsey, Oregon. . Since coming to oregon he has Mrs. Berg, Miss Selig, Mrs. Sears. RhiidOrd Nbatoylay* Inc, l«een a resident o f FalLs City ex­ Miss Wilson, Miss Cleveland, Miss R*e*entr, cept six years he lived on a farm Thompson, N. Selig, David Davis, Grayam Griswold. Ennis F rin k ,; in Linn County. II Chris Hansen, D. F. Courter, Treval Powers, Ensign and Clive BRIDGEPORT GLEANINGS Courter. A pril 8 1918. THE END OF THE RAINBOW MYRTLE GONZALES EAL PAUL FRED CHURCH AT THE GEM To-Night Tlia Japan*-.# B »ib «r . Evidently the Japancs* dr<> « Ions* suffering people. I V e for in-t.inc: the docility of the occupant of the barber's chair. FT« mm ! him «If there to get Dir Fair trie >ned and pays the price. A p iri ■■( the t'm- snrial operation, the !•,»r*><■ • , «* ■ I ti a contrivance 8ome«hut ?*k> ^ eri<-- o f b'unt knitting nerd!* - padd< ’I ou th" ends with cotton, protoed? to /-!«an out the cars of tns patron.— Por*ilir 8eienc" JfonthFc. THE CHEAT W A R HAS M A PE CIGARETTES A NECESSITY. “Our *s>y* must have their smokes. Sen-i them cigarettes!" Ttiis is a tamsHar appeal now to all of us. Among those most in demand ia t*r now famous "toaeted" cigar. i*e- LUC1CY STRIKE. T h e v «'i«ls o f this favorite brand have been shipp' d to France There is eum'-thing h' me- like and friendly to the bo\1 in the *i*ht of the familiar g r - - 1 rackages with the red circle. This homelike, appetinr.g «pi.ility «if the I.T lfK Y STRIKR nesrette is I *rgety due to tiie fact that the Burley tobacco used m making it has been toasted. “ It’s toasted” was the “ slo­ gan” that made a great success of t.UCKY STRIKE in less than a year. Now the American Tobacco Co. is making 15 million LUCKY STRIKE Cigarettes a day. A good part of this immense pro­ duction is making its way across the wster to cheer our boys. The Red Crosa has distributed thousand* of LUCKY STRIKE Cigarettes. FO R C O T N T Y T R E A S U R E R A. V. R. Snyder desires to suc­ ceed him self and will go before the people at the primary elec­ tion, M a y 17, as Republican candidate, and would thank the people fo r their votes. . (Pd. A d v o r.) FOR S T A T E S E N A T O R 1 hereby announce my candi­ dacy for the Kcpttblican nomina­ tion fo r State Senator fo r the senatorial district composed o f Polk und Benton counties, sub­ jec t to the decision o f the Kepuh, ican voters at th',’ primury elec­ tion to be held M i £ 17, 1918. I I. P A T I alnslt* ^ - u N, Every Housewife or Mother is ever under that Nervous Strain^ which so often results in Headaches, Dizzy Sensations, Faintness, Depression and other // Nervous Disorders. D r . Miles' THE FATEfo," FOR YOU For Your Country THE TIM E TO SUBMIT or CONOUER BADLY RUN DOWN. ••I hart h*» «n *« frrm lly run Sown »m l in y n «-r»«« w * n In le r fin i» condition t In «! fre m im i h e«a - N E R VIN E a r b e a u»*I b u o n m e V e r y . .a is H ig h ly R e c o m m e n d e d unntdo •«* -In bought A Im iti* of l»r. ln«. I ,0,0,1 l o g a n lo my nerv » w r# in S u c h Case». » « » anything. IS HERE »na K MU«**' N*rv- f e e l b a lla r , I re­ co vere d niv »tn-nirth. and tv *»« aim1« roo minie in led Irr. IF F IR S T B O T T L E F A IL S T O B E N E F IT. YOUR MONEY W IL L BE R EFUN DED. ,.Un> preaio*. . ..ji’raloHl to have * vote o f 8 to < In (P d . Adver ) Donated to Liberty Loan Campaign Mil«»1 Narrine lo ninny of my M en da '»In* Imve u — d II w i t h m l M i r t i i r r r« » n lia. M l ! « . KHAN»*KM W I l i T L O C K . Thompson’s Drug Stori 17» liniatiway, BrJimtcU'ly, N. T. >- E. K. PIA 8ECKI ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Chas. Ryan killed 13 hogs the 1st and shippedd to Portland so A Stirring Romance of as to get the top price. California’s Wonderful The Farmers Union had Redv» *od Forests I supper at the Hall the 2d. Introducine [pay® fle s s a Second-hand, go*sl sueks. W ill pay 8« Is cash, N. S L U G . Farm Loans 6 1-2 620 Mill Shoot. Dalla«, Oregon a fine »iistncso Cnrhs When on the road home from a pie social, last Saturday, Mr. Lock | was run into by a car, but eseped injury. The farm ers are busy sowing ; grain. HOTKI. f allô City Ibotel S a m p le R o o m » Beat A e e e m m o d a llo n i { f Dick Gage has sold his motor­ cycle to Mr. Murphy. George W. Gardner visited his daughter, Mrs. McCherry on last Sunday. « BLACK ROCK ITEMS Miss Malxd Baker was in Falls City on Friday. Miss Freeta Wallace made a business trip to Falls City Friday. Byron Aimes and Miss Freeta W allace w ere in Falls City ¡Satur­ day. W . L Tooze came to our town Monday night to make a speech about Liberty Bonds. Mrs. Fowler ond Lora Aimes made a business trip to Dallas on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Collier and family o f Portland are speeding this week with Mr. and Mrs. Bullis. Mrs. Emily Keeney and‘ daugh­ ter Thelma w ere Falls City visit­ ors on Saturday. What Does W ar Time Mean To You cause “w a r W h a t about the boys who are fighting fo r you in France? For you—a little economy and deprivation. F or them the W . T. W allace and Miss Benlah Bly and Miss Freeta Wallace w ere in Falls City on Sunday. Saturday .’night at the dance, they sold 14,000 in Liberty Bonds. That you m ay dwell in Jesse Keeney was in our city on Monday. Floyd and Io y e d Keeney were visitors in our city on Friday. Misses Opal and Freeta Wallace w ere Dallas visitors on Tuesday. A llie Hallstrom made a business trip to Dallas on Tuesday. R . L. C H A P M A N F UNE R A L . DI RECTOR Wo attmd lo all work promptly. Dalla» ond Falle City, Oro. Bohle’s Barber Shop AltBNCY OK I n t e r n a t io n a l T a il o r in g peace, plenty, and security, they sacrifice everything, give everything, brave everything, and face a nameless grave with a smile and a song. IVhat are you doing, or giving, or sacrificing fa r them? tit co . D A I.I .AS STEAM l . ^ ' t i K Y HundU « forward«*'! \%«dne*dây morning time” means shortage; less sugar in your coffee; bad business; less ironey than you think you ought to maker trenches; the pitiless storms of rain and sleet; the ceaseless deafening bombard­ ment of the guns; hunger, cold and fever; wounds and death. George Graves was a Falls City visitor on Monday evening. KIINKIIAL DIRECTOR 99 Are you complaining be- ü O r o e g e , P ro p rie to r ffasi The Third Liberty Loan is your opportunity to prove th e p a trio tis m th at is in your heart and on your lipa.