j DU. THOMPSON, the Pori- "Sfe- lit ml dye sight specialist, will visit Pulls t'ity again Friday, April 12. I f having eye tnxiblo come in and have the Doctor give vour eyes a thorough examina­ tion before serious injury results. I Eye strain, headaches and vision corrected with properly fitted gladkes. Falls City Hotel all day. 22 Million Families in the United States 4 CUPS OF WHEAT FLOUR TO THE POUND I f each family used 4 cups o f flour less per week, the saving would be 22 million pounds or 112,244 barrels every week. B R IDG EPO R T G LEA N IN G S April 1 1918. \ teaspoon u lt t cup white flour 4 loupw nti Kojret Baking Powder Save V cep of the measuretl floor for board. Pour milk over corn meal, add shortening and salt. Whan cold, add sirted flour and baking powder. Roll out lightly on floured board. Cut with biscuit cutter and be'.-■ cased pan bftevn to twanty minutes. 0. - if u* Red, White and Blue booklet, “ Beit War Time R e c ip e s c o n ta in in g many other ■ re.ipcs for making delicious and «< tolesome wheat saving foods, mailed free— address ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO„ Dept H., 135 William Street, New York The Lee girls have a new orgun. FOOD W ILL W IN THE W A R The Christian endeavor o f the Christian Church entertained the Local News Items Epworth league o f the M. E. Church to an Easter dinner Sun­ day evening. United services The best show at the Gem tonight were held later in the church. A very helpful evening was spent. Clothes cleaned and pressed. Wm. Bohle. Joe Gage is expecting a large crop of strawlierries this ye^r. On Thursday evening there were twenty-eight invited guests at a recital given by the pupils of ! Mrs. Ilaponslnll was a visitor * at Bridgeport this week. NOTICE Parties having contracted logan- ! berries are requested to call at held at the new studio on the foot the Bank and sign contracts. bridge. O. J. Pugh. Miss Hammond. This recital was A t their regular meeting last Monday night, the city council re ­ pealed the ordinance prohibiting Sunday shows. It is reported that a recall is to be started and also an ordinance initiated prohib­ iting such Sunday amusements. FOR STATE SENATOR THE FO R YOU or CONQUER Pain and 111 Health rob you o f all your Mrs. M. R. Matthews si>ent last week :n Salem visiting with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Prime. Dr. Prime has received notice to be ready for active military duty by April 10. (Pd. A dver.) T H E T IM E T O S U O M IT at Please get your news items in as early as {>ossibIe. W rite names plainly. We can usually . “ read readin’, but can’t always read writin’.” A. V. R. Snyder desires to suc­ ceed himself and will go before the people at the primary elec­ tion, M«y 17, as Republican candidate, and would thank the people for their votes. For Your Country Fresh Bread, Cakes,Cookies.Pies i and other bakery goods, ’ every I day, at the Falls City Bakery. For R e n t- 80 acres 11 mile of Falls City; fair buildings, good water, plenty of fruit; 20 acres in cultivation, balance in pasture. For further information inquire at the News office. WANTED I hereby announce my candi­ dacy for the Republican nomina­ tion for State Senator for the Dialogue 2d grade senatorial district composed of Song 2d lfootcl Samel* Rooms Boat A c c o m m o d a t i o n « F. Dracga. Froprlaiar FU S E R A I. DIRECTOR R . L. C H A P M A N FUNERAL DIRECTOR W e altond lo all work prom ptly, Mrs. W. Ward was in Salem Thursday. Dallas and Falla C ity, Ora. Miss M ary Hammond has just received a “ brand splinter new” piano. It ’s a ‘ peach,’ the piano. Bohle’s. Barber Shop C. J. Pugh has recovered from an attack o f pneumonia. I n t e r n a t i o n a l T a il o r in g D a l l a s s t e a m l a u n d r y AGENCY OF Bundles forwarded WednofuUy morning Mrs. Eva Young, who has been in Monroe since Christmas, visited her sister, Mrs. Harrington, a few days this week. P. M. Jones has traded his resi­ dence property here for Salem property and left Thursday for his new home. His familiar form will be missed from the streets. Mr. Jones has reached the age where the shadows begin to lengthen in the evening of life, and climbing the school house hill was too much for him; so he decided to spend his remaining days in the level country o f the Valley. W e hope that he may find his new home all that he ex­ pects and that he may yet enjoy many peaceful years. Mr. Bert Cross has bought the cleaning and pressing parlor of A. B. Stahl and is now open for your buisness. Mr. Cross is a first-class workman and satisfac­ tion guaranteed or money refund­ ed. Remember, any kind of dry cleaning, pressing or mending promptly and 'properly done Call and get acquainted. co . Candies, Tobaccos and Cigars, at L. B. WON DERBY'S- BUY A LIBERTY BOND Headquarters for Candy and Cigars WEATHERLY CONFECTIONERY.