New Houston Hotel It Cost the Average Family Less Than 10c Per Week (or Packer’s Profit in 1917. The Meat Bill is one of the large items in the family budget less than 10 cents per w eel; of it goes to the packer in profits. In converting live stock into ireat and getting it into the hands of the retail dealer, the packer perforn'^s a complex and essential service with the m axim um of efficiency. * ’l i . • l The ubove statement is based on Swift & Company's 1917 figures and Federal Census data : Matti ami K n n tt M a. Portland. Ore. Putir bloeka front Union Lteeot Twe bleeki fritta Nuw l'usbifflee. Mudnrn and flrepreud Ovav 1(10 utitatti« reuma. kataa Ita te M.00. (.MAH C. IIOMKINS. Manager Hotel Rowland BEAUTIFUL RUGS An- made from your 01.0 CAR­ PETS. Hag Ruga woven nil »ilea. Mail order» receive prompt and care­ Mark Twaln’a Childhood. ful attention. Mend for booklet. Mark Twain uaed to tell the pathe­ NORTHWEST RUG CO. tic atory of bl» childhood. It eeema, E. 8th and Taylor Sta. Portland. Or. according to the atory, that Mark waa born twlna. He and hla twin looked »o much alike that no one, not even M O N E Y FOR Y O U their mother, could tell them apart Hia*n