4* I « « SCHOOL NOTES Mists Miller Mpont tlie week end ut her homo in Corvallis. ' How to Make Oatmeal Bread The following program was given by the 3rd grade at a sse n t hly last Friday. Healthful to E a t— Saves the W heat 1 cup flour corn maal 1 iM ip o o n u l l 5 iM ip o o n t R oyal Baking P o w d e r 2 tableapouua sugar Hiawatha, dramatized 3d grade Sting— 3d grade Star Spangled Banner Schoo I 1 Flag Salute School 1 cu p co o k e d oatm eal o r rollad o a t. 2 takleapoons shortening 1 k cupa uulk No i i eggs SEWING CLUB C J Pres. Mildred (¡rant V. Pit*«. Dorothy (¡ntbridge Sec. Ixuiisti Brown POULTRY CLUB Pres. Clair Brown V. Pres. Dorothy (¡uthridge Sec. Ahbie Bruce FORMALDEHYDE T H E F A R M E R ’ S FR IEN O FOR T R . r '"U T OF • ^ Diseased Grain, Potatoes N O T IC E and Vegetables On and after April 1, 1018 the Two junior high school girls Sift together flour, com meal. aalt. halting powder and auger. AND MANY USES ABOUT THE merchants of Fulls City w ill,ob­ Add oatmsal melted shortening and milk. Bake in gieaaed from Dallas visited our school last »hallow [au in moderate oveu 40 to 4 ) minute». serve the following rules: week. Home, Stable and Chicken Stores will o|M)ti at 7:00 u. m. 4 This wholesome bread is easily and quickly made with the aid of Miss Wilbur, (ilh grade teacher " “ close ut ß:00 p. m. ‘ House / was ill lust week and Klizalicth Kxcopt Saturdays when atortw Wagner took her place. Occasion-' will ck>ae at 5:00 p. m. und open F O R S A t I AT ally this class has opportunities to i again at 6:30 p. m. for the even­ ' practice teaching. If used three times a week in place of white bread by the ing. Thompson’ s Drug Sforo 22 million families in the United States, it would save more Velma Goodspeed. a member o f | Using the river us a division the teachers’ training class has, line we will mu. iW deliveries as than 900,000 barrels of flour a month. E. K . P IA 3 E C K I ^ ! accepted the position as teacher follows: Oat- new Red, White and Blue booklet. "B est War Time Recipes", ATTORNEY-AT LAW ' containing many other recipes for making delicious and wholesome of the Bed Prairie school, where One delivery to each siil«* of town wheat saying foods, mailed free-address she will teach for the remainder I k *fore noon and one delivery to Farm Loan« S 1-2 „ each side of town afternoon. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO„ Dept. H, 135 William S t, New York o f the year. 620 Mill Stroat, • Oallaa, Oregon All ordejrs for delivery taken after 4:00 •>. m. will be delivered JUNIOR HIQH SCHOOL e w TC ul M iiciw t ín ic o next day. Boh Kirkpatrick has returned Please help by getting all orders IIOTKI to school after having a serious in early. The evening before if attack o f German measles. possible. BRIDGEPORT GLEANINGS Mrs. Harvey Redient was in lionise Brown, Kleanor Duelt- G tyr JF a llií ( íit ii N r u m Thanking you in advance for S a m p le 'nrjr. Portland a few days visiting her nf the io Ai, gen anti Biehard VanDenBosch your co-operation. March 2f>, 1918. Be a t A c e o n 1 Tuewla^e^eVet daughter Alice. were also absent. Falls C’:ty Mercantile Go. r . Oro-U* „ ,tr u y . C y purchased a Dick Gage Falls Gity Uir » V - Digging Go. Harold Atwood has returned to D. L. WOOD Fresh Bread, Cakes.Cookies.Pies mot°rcycle. N. Selig. Publisher and other bakery goods, every Mrs. Ada Sumpter returned to '^hoo| after a week's visit ut rUNNRAI. MM* TOR I n l m d •• • e '.'o d -c l* « . m all at i n - p o a to fflr « day, at the Falls City Bakery. f her home Sunday. j **ogene. •I Falla C ity. P o l» C o a n tj. Or » « o n . iiuilrr l b , WANTED A rt o f C cD «»*w o f March S. 1ST». i R . L. C H A P M A N Miss Velma Goodspeed is teach-! Miss Margret Sammons was a The following pupils have re­ Second-hand, good sacks. Will Trltyheat- Ntws Office. Viola ceived “ Palmer Method" buttons * * * *?on,e Mm FUNERAL DIRECTOR [pay 8cts cash. N. SELIG. SuWrtption Rales: One yaar. *1.00; ai» month* inga two month sc hoc I at B ed! u « . . v v a 1 ford l uesday nijrnt, for having completed the first » » ce n t» : t h r o » m onth«, t o c e n t»: s in g l« co»>F. » »«»• Wo attond to all work promptly. Scott Campbell was a school twenty-five drilLs in the Palmer FOB COGNTY I KKA8UKKR Adrertlaing Ratea: Duplay. 1» eenl.au Inch ; Dallas and Falla City, Oro. Method Manuel: Rut inca* Nolle*«, i conta » line: f " t !•*:*. l'.ent, visitor Friday. A. V. B. Snyder desires to h u c - Itaciiange. Waat and t'»7 Entertainment So­ » ------ in Salem last Saturday. ! r> r> r> i . .... Clarence Bradley lle««. Ven.aUne. Card ofTbanka Sucta. Lei« • | C. Gardner was a school vis - 1 ceed himself and will go before Gladys Paul Notices, legil ritM. Bita Alderman has returned l itor Friday afternoon. the people at the primary elec­ Bertha Benton Cop? for new ads. and ehan;p*ahonld b« ««nt tion, May 17. as Republican home after spending some time in Claude Graham visited school AUKNt-Y n r to The Xew« not later than Wednesday. Opal W ard candidate, and would thank the the home of Frank Hubbard tak- * Friday afternoon, O ffic ia l N ew spaper o f the C ity o f f a lle C iti I n t e r n a t io n a l T ailo rin g co . Eleanor Due It gen people for their votes. ing care of her aunt, Mrs. Hub- D a l l a r s t e a m ij u j n d k y Bernice Dodd The Farmers’ Union held their I ssued E v e r y S a t s r d a y M o r n i n g (Pd. A dver.) Hu li di«* i forwmnlt.l W c l u c U y m ommi Ethel Goodspeed regular meeting Tuesday night. Bichard VanDenBosch There will be a basket social at FOB STATE SENATOR Balph Lunde M. E .CHURCH turned from Portland Thursday. the Guthrie school house the t»th. 1 hereby announce my candi­ Mildred Grant where they have been spending a j hliug Robertson has been au- Sunday School 10.00 dacy for the Republican nomina­ lla Buell Itw da\s. ithorized to get the Farmers’ tion for State Senator for the Morning Worship 11. „ D . _ ,, Union hall insured, The Boys’ and Girls’ Industrial senatorial district composed of Epworth League 6:30. r or Rent—80 acres 1} mile of! clubs have been organized, the Polk and Benton counties, sub­ Evening Service 7:30 Falls City; fair buildings, good! Mrs. Chas. Byan has improved officers o f the various branches ject to the decision o f the Repub, Prayer meeeting and teachers water, plenty o f fruit: 20 acres in | their front yard, being: 'ican voters at the primary elec­ training class Friday 7:30. cultivation, balance in pasture ! Glenn Gage and Boss Murphy tion to be held May 17, 1918. You are most cordially invited For further information inquire are working on their 2d degree o f PIG CLUB to attend these services. 1. I,. I'A IT E B S O N , at the News office. Pres. Harold Beard the Lone Scouts o f America. A. S. Mulligan, Pastjr. (Pd. Adver.) Sec. Eldon Frink Bud Sumpter returned home Mose Manston of Dallas was in Candína, Tobt ceti* mui Cigars, at Sunday. the city Wednesday. Free Methodist ■ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + l-H - l“H -+ -:- H - H - l- H " H - l - H " H H " l" l- ' L. 11. WONDEBLY’8 Billie Lee has lost one of his Sunday School 10 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Syron and Mr. best hounds. Preaching service 11 a. m. and Mrs. Anderson were in Salem Song and praise service 7:30 last Sunday. C. J. BRUCE, Proprietor. followed by preaching at 8.00. CARO OF THANKS Mid-week prayer meeting 7:30 p.m Mr. and Mrs. Gardner and son We extend our heartfelt thanks Everyone cordially invited to j were Dallas visitors last Sunday. ....U N D E R NEW M A N A G E M E N T .... to those who so kindly assisted us attend these services. during the sickness and death of Edgar N. Long, Pastor. Mr. Johnny Chappel, Miss Eva our beloved husband and father. Chappel, Mrs. Chappel and Mr. Fresh Beef, Pork, Fish, Poultry, E fc . Mrs. Fillip Wagner Give Courier took supper with and family. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Batourney Saturday Will buy your Beeves, Veals, Hogs and Chlokens. Divine Services each Lord’s Day evening. CALL AND GIVE US A TRIAL. WE WILL PLEASE YOU. Bible School 10 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Stahl have Ralph Adams was up from Port­ Headquarters for Candy and Gigari Divine worship 11 a. m. moved to Hillsboro, Oregon. land last Sunday. Christian Endeavor 630 p. m. F A L L S C IT Y M E A T M A R K E T W KA Tl i K K L Y CON FF,( T IO N E B Y . Rev. Fdgar Long, Mrs. Massie Evening Service 7:30 p. m. I I I I I I I I 1 I | | |,,. Henry Wagner is fixing up his and Mrs Benton went to Salem -»- l- H - H - t -H -l- l -t-l -l -l- l- l -l- H H - l- H - t ... w — The public is invited to be with house and will move his mother Friday to attend the District • us in these services. SOUTHKRN PACIFIC COMPANY Quarterly meeting. into it. ROYAL BAKING POWDER F O O D W IL L W IN T H T AR j f alia C ity Ih o td I Bohle’s Barber Shop 1 FALLS CITY MEAT MARKET Local News Hems The best show at the Gem tonight Clothes cleaned and pressed. Wm. Bohle. Lime and Sulphur Spray sale at A. Courier «Si Co’s. for Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Grayum went to Dallas Thursday. Mrs. Grant and Mrs. Aurland have been on the sick list this week, but are improving. Born—At the Deaconess Hospit­ Mr. and Mrs. G. Anderson were al, Salem, March 26, to Mr. and down from Powell’s Camp Satur­ Mrs. Alfred Vick, a daughter. day, returning Monday. Mrs. Blair and her granddaugh­ Elder A. S. Mulligan of Salem ter, Miss Bernice Blair, who has has been appointed pastor o f the been visiting Mrs Bert Buell for M. E. Church at this place and some time returned to Portland will preach each Sunday morning Friday. and evening. He will reside in Salem. On Thursday night, the mem­ bers of the Rebekah lodge pre­ Mrs. Mehrling went to Salem sented Mrs. Sam Tetherow with Tuesday morning. a cut glass dish as a token of appreciation for her zeal and Miss Mary Hammond was in faithful attendance. Mrs. Tethe­ Black Rock Tuesday. row will soon move to Dallas and will be greatly missed. C. J. Pugh is confined to his bed with pneumonia. H ow’s This? For Sale- Practically new go- Sam Tetherow has traded his We offer One Hundred Dollars Re­ rart. Parties owning it have left property here for Dallas property ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh the State and will sell it cheap and will move to that city. Cure. Inquire at News office. F. J. C H E N K Y 4 CO.. Toledo. O. RobertBradley has bought the W e. the un'ler*lgn* 10.67 5.15 Falls C ity. 8.45 11 .:«> 5.45 11:60 Bl’ k B ock. IM ' 170 am. pm. pm Rl’ k Bock 1.00 Falls City. !>.20 1.20 5.50 Dallas. . . 10.00 1.46 0.25 Salem . . . 11.00 3.10 17.20 A C. l*on an«, Au » nt te m i Long hours, close and tedious work are very apt to result in Headaches or other Pains. D on’t suffer. DIZZY SP ELLS. D R . M IL E S ’ ANTI-PAIN PILLS will quickly drive Pain away, and Extra copies ol The News are printed each ivoek, and will be sent to any address desired, postpaid, 5 cents. your Dr. Miles* Nervine will assist you by relieving the Nerve Strain. I F F I R S T U O X , OR B O T T L I , F A I L S T O B E N E F I T YO U, YOUR MONEY W ILL BE REFUNDED. " t t y nerves became all worn o u t I had bad head­ ache* and aevere dizzy spell*. I could not Bleep and mjr appetite was poor. I began using Dr. Miles’ Antl-Paln Pills and they always gavs me Instant re­ lief no matter what tha pain. Then I used Dr. Miles* Nervine regularly and was soon In perfset health again.” MRS. H. U YOU B O . 324 Pittsburg fit., Newcastle, Penn. Notice to News Subscribers A ¡nark here indicate« that your subscription is delinquent. P le a s e call and fix it. | M r . H o rn* Seeker— | COM I TO FALLS CITV. O R E G O N 1 I » n d B u y O r o h a r d La n d J I