:N*«r H »'h F tr »proof l)*|»**ts I Hotel Hoyt $24,814 IN PREMIUMS Rheumatism Yields Awards at l^wiston Stuck Show This Year W ill Double ThuM o f 1917 r 3 1 .ih and t U r l *• «.. P o riU n d . O r . . U ,U tJ IIIM K H . M .n .t f.r .1 HAT KM 7 ft. A Medals Alone Coot *1100. to W. SFROIAL W«ak luc Munlk Only rheumatic sufferers know the agony of its darting pains, aching joints or twisting cords. But some few have not known that scorn I.ewlatoii, Idaho — The Northwest L ive Stock show this year w ill offer premiums totaling $24,814, as coni- psred with *12,185 last year. In ad­ ' " - - .. - dition to the rash prizes the directors voted to award medals to the value o f *1100. has been correcting this trouble "T h is means that the Northwest Washington and Oregon. when other treatments have Live Stork show will lie placed on a T h e m u l t v i t a l l> o ln t o f a l . r u c k a t t a c h l th e r , P ° stock shows o f the country," said Sec­ that its oil gets into the blood to n a u . ‘ fuir m ake? retary Hendershot, who with President alleviate this stubborn malady. Sa. ‘, Factory Distributor. Thomas Wren and General Superinten­ Get a bottle of S co tt' '§ Emul­ V A M V IIM L * a PortU lM l, O rogo«». dent D. S. Wallace, Is inspecting the sion or advise an a ilin g TORTHQiunK*' live stock grounds and buildings this friend. No alcohol. week to decide upon improvements. f o r YO U. < RN T '■** ,vr r U HMKNT EMULSION Over 1000 Satisfied Owners in t h e rin lw t •• trained ruunir i.«> i'te n e e d »), u i e 0 j » y « . Huelnee. Collaaa. ru rllen d . e U r a I w o - ln c t - , ^ J i i u n . . Kiirull a n » tim e. F ree cities tm Why --------------------------------------- E x a m p le . A. J IU i doesn't always brine bappl- .41 SplliMt Cumroi, “ sometimes V. the lAeans o f landing b ln In tieht A o n ami a high collar at an MS * cream party amt making him perfectly miaurable." **»' th e * - N e c e s s a r ie s F i r s t “ Why doesn't that pout have his hair cutT t don't like this long haired affoctation." “ You don't understand, lie has to eat. ifio Vieasotasthlng more Import­ ant rtgr.JournSi. in on ey."— Louisville —J . era’ zone m t f v r j .a. SatuM; 'jntle I». IW S ^ \ » I e eacher s Sent. '.u rted to school olivier second yeui . j> Monday. * When she 'camo home her mother asked: • "W ell. Mary, what did the teacher say to you after the long summer va­ cation?" "She aald. ‘Hello Mary,' ” the child reolted. "And what else?" asked the mother. "Sin' said. 'When you go home please tell your mamma that I sent her my rewards,' " was >g ry's second reply. It takes ('ongross to settle a strike, hoi an unruly stomach Is subdued by Usrfleld Tea.— Adr. TYPHOIDS than S m a l l p o x . A imp «ip a rleo c« ha* tl*u*m«tmlr4 tha almost mlrsruloua effl- GK r . and harmleaanaaa, of Ant Kjrpbotd Vacc Inatkaw He v»>« Inalrvl HOW b f r m t pbjrslr iaa, you and pour family. It la nova vital than bout« laauraaea. Aak ft sir phytUUn, druggist, or tend for 'ltava puubad TyphuM/“ «riling o f T f g b o U Vaccina, results frt«n ua , and daugtka from Typhoid Carrier«. IN C CUTTft LABOtATOtV. K M O T Y . C A L n o N c ia i vacciaga a i i i v h h b k i m . a. • «* ucaaaa \v a a S o o t h e Y o u r ) f / I t c h in g S k in \ With C u ii c u r a ! » ' ?5c Oiatofsl ?Sc 1 50c Sore E ÿ e s fi Oramlaled Eyelid«, Eyss inAamrd by vipo- surt to Sea, Oasi sod « M quickly relievsd by Marlas CyrBeswdy. No Smarting, Just Eye Comfort. At Druggiit* I or by mail 50c per Bottle. Narkn 'ye Salve alva I in Tub*« 25c. For Seek *1 the fye ask Marie# Eye Beawdy Ce. M C O L IC IN HO RSES tie*fnandii P R O M P T attention. K«w»p one or tw o l*>ttl«o o f Colic Drench In your m w iicine cheat all the time. It relieve* in th*? shortest ooasible tim e Read the P ra c tic a l H o m e V eterin a ria n . Send fo r fr e e Itook- let on A B O R T IO N IN C O W S . I f nodeal'-r m fo u r town, w rite \ / Or One HMDs' fit Ce. 100 Cries Ate, wmkesHi Wis _ WE WANT YOUR BEANS Can at 20T. A ld e r street o r mall samples. W e buy all the tim e ami pay the hitfheat m arket price D o n 't fa ll to ir«t in touch w ith u* l»efore sellim i. W f a re th e Only E xclusive Bean Dealers in Oregon. W e want more agents at country pointa. Cleaner* and dealers please* w rite fo r our agenta* terms. S. C. D A L T O N 206 A lder St.. C O ., P O R T L A N D . ORE. V. BIG, STRONG CHICKS la th« result o f ualnff Peta­ luma Incubators and Brood­ er*. Th at’s th® kind you w ant W rit« for our big Fro® Catalog No. 60. PETALUMA INCUBATOR CO. Petaluma. California 7 Hides, Pelts, c b £ " * Wool & Mohair W. ,1 jee kn. WHS St M e «4 'k.p.i Tux TH E H. F. N O R T O N C O M P A N Y , PartJand. Or*.. Saattla. Wn„ llolllngh.m. Wa FRED D UN D EE MOTOR CAR REPAIRING M A CH INE W O R K MAGNETO SERVICE STATIO N T A L U K IN D S O F WELDING CYLINDER GR INDING PROM PT ATTENTION T O A L L ORDERS) Broad way at Flander., Portland, Or. O f 1 | n . V i l r BAB Veal. Pork, Beef. Poultry, Butter, Egg. , nd parm Produce, to the Old Reliable Kverdlnx houee with . record o f 46 yeer* o f Souerr Dealing., end be «Mured o f T O P M A R K E T PRICES. F. M. CRONKHITE, 4 6 4 7 F ree! Street. P. N. U. Portland, Oragon No. 13, 1* 1* T h e N o rw eg ia n cod liv e r o il in The Wealth of the Ukraine The slates o f Ohio, Indiana, Illinois Michigan, and Wisconsin have a com-' blned area about equal to that of the uew Ukrainian Republic. Putting I t , In another way, Ukralnla. according to I a native writer, la as large as th e 1 German empire with the state of 1111-. noli annexed. ' Mere area in itself signifies little, but the extent of land surface com­ prised within the limits of the new republic o f Ukralnla contains the moat fertile parte of the old Russian empire. It is known as tho "Black Earth Belt” and has been not only the granary of j Russia but the greatest granary of eastern Europe. In 1914 one-third of Russia’s total farm products came from this "Black Earth Belt," which la really Russia's wheat belt. Ukralnla produces 80 per cent of Russia's crude sugar and 69 per cent o f her refined sugar. 1'he tobacco producUon of the region la relatively as large as that of sugar. The Ukrainian supplies about 60 per cent of the Rusalan live-stock output. Not only Is the Ukraine a great source of agricultural wealth, but In mineral resources it has been to Rus­ sia what the northern provinces of France, now overrun by the Germans, have been to that republic. ‘ O f coal, It has produced 70 per cent of the total Russian product, an equivalent pro­ portion o f pig Iron, and o f steel nearly as much. Manganese, mercury, pe­ troleum, peat, phosphorite, and kaolin are other Important mineral products of the Ukraine.— From “ The Uralnian Republic," In the American Review of Reviews for March, 1918. S co tt’s Emulsion la n o w refined In our Wilbur Aims to I .rad in Crops. ow n A m erica n laboratories w h i c h m akes it pure and palatable. Wilbur, Wash.- \ y ib u r farmers are Hcott B l Uawrn*. Jlloom fir-Id. N . J. 17-22 seeding their rrope, «nth hopes o f lead­ ing this county again. In 1917 W il­ bur ranked Itrst In Lincoln county and Lincoln county was fourth in rank for wheat shipping In the state. Grain handled here last year totaled 331,500 bushels. One carload o f floor from the Columbia R iver M illing company of this place was on the Tuscania, accord­ ing to Henry Davenport, who was also Truly Modest. on board. In the last few days this He— L e t’s see, what Is the slang Tuke tablcspoonful o f Salts if point has yielded over 1,000,000 bush­ name for Illicit liquor peddling? 8he (blushing)— Boot-limbing, I be­ els. Hack hurts or Bladder lieve.— Farm Life. bothers. Ranch Hrtnge *10,000. One Look Enough. For a consideration o f *10,000 in "Didn't you feel homesick some­ W e are a nation of meat eaters and caah Charles W. Rice has purchased a our blood is filled with uric acid, says times, Dennis?” "Sure, but I used to look at your farm o f 200 acres two miles northwest a well-known authority, who warm us of Spsngle, Wash., from Mrs. Ada to be constantly on guard against kid­ photograph, and then I didn't feel homesick anym ore!”— Bystander. O ’Connor, o f Hiilyard, and Mrs. B. H. ney trouble. The kidneys do their utmost to free Mead, of Cuaick, formerly o f Spokane. the blood of this Irritating acid, but "W hat do you think Is the best test The property has been used for the become weak from the overwork; they of realism in a play?” production o f hay and grain. About 75 get sluggish; the eliminative tissues “ The real money they take In at the acres is a meadow, 25 acres are wheat clog and thus the waste Is retained in box office."— Exchange. land and the remainder pasture. The the blood to poison the entire system. purchase includes the equipment and When your kidneys ache and feel stock. The improvements include a like lumps of lead, and you have sting­ house o f five rooms, barn, blacksmith ing pains In the back or the urine Is cloudy, full o f sediment, or the blad­ ■hup and machine shed. der Is Irritable, obliging you to seek relief during the night; when you have To Seed Every Granger Acre. Cincinnati authority says corns severe headaches, nervous and dlxxy Granger. Wash. - - Every available spells, sleeplessness, acid stomach or dry up and lift out acre o f ground is being prepared for rheumatism In bad weather, get from with finger*. seeding during the coming spring. your pharmacist about four ounces of Many farmers, however, are discour­ Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful In a aged over the potato situation, many glass of water before breakfast each Ouch ! ? ! ? ! ! This kind of rough morning and In a few days your kid­ talk w ill be beard leas here in town If o f them purchasing seed potatoes last neys will act fine. This famous salts people troubled with corns w ill follow spring at *80 to *100 per ton and now is made from the acid o f grapes and receiving from *16 to *20 per ton, and lemon juice, combined with llthla, and the simple advice o f this Cincinnati so closely culled that enormous quan­ baa been used for generations to flush authority, who claims that a few drops of a drug called freezone when applied tities are being rejected and wasted. and atimulate clogged k'dneys, to neu­ to a tender, aching corn or hardened tralize the acids In urine so It is no callous stops soreness at once, and longer a source of Irritation, thus end­ soon the corn or callous dries up and ing urinary and bladder disorders. Jad Salta is Inexpensive and cannot lifts right off without pain. He says freezone driea Immediately Injure; makes a delightful etfervea cent tlthla-water drink, and nobody and never Inflames or even Irritate the surrounding skin. A small bottle can make a mistake by taking a little W heat— Bulk basis for No. 1 grade: occasionally to keep the kidneys clean of freezone will cost very little at any drug store, but will positively remove Hard white, *2.05. Soft white, *2.03. and active.— Adv. every hard or soft corn or callous W hite club. *2.01. Red Walla Walla. from one's fe e t Millions o f America's *1.98. No. 2 grade, 3c less; No. 3 Won Her Over. women will welcome this announce grade, 6c less. Other grades handled First Suffraget— So you succeeded ment since the inauguration of the by samples. in convincing Mrs. Fickle? high heels. I f your druggist doesn't Second Suffraget— Yea; I designed a have freezone tell him to order a small Flour — Patents, *10; whole wheat, *9.60; graham, *9.20; barley flour, perfectly fetching campaign costume bottle fo r you.— Adv. *13ftcl3.25 per barrel; rye flour, *10.60 and showed It to her.— Brooklyn Cltl- (({,12.75 per barrel; cornmeal, *5.75 To keep clean and healthv take Dr. per barrel. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. They regu­ It Won Him. late liver, bowels and stomach. M illfe e d —Net mill prices, car lots: Frances— Pm afraid you don’t like Bran, *30 per ton; shorts, *32; mid­ my game of bridge. Hard to Choose. dlings, *39; mixed cars and less than Francis— I am bound to like any­ “ W e hunch players have our trou­ carloads, 60c more; rolled barley, *77 thing that costs me as much as that.— bles. Last night I dreamed about a (tt’79; foiled oats, *76. hat.” Corn— Whole, *77; cracked, *78 ton. Spring drops in now and then to see "T h a t ought to be easy. Play the Hay— Buying prices, delivered. East­ If the country is as green as It's paint­ horse whose name suggests a h a t" ern Oreogn timothy, *27 per ton; val­ ed.— Atlanta Constitution. "W ell, here's Chapeau, Turban and ley timothy. *24(ir25; alfalfa, *24(q. H&tteras, all in the same race.”— Nice Little Job For Him. 24.60; valley grain hay, *22; clover, Louisville Courier-Journal. She— Oh, Jack, dear. Pm so glsd *18; straw, *8. Father Is so excited Butter— Cubes, extras, 47c pound; you've come! prime firsts, 46c; prints, extras, 49c; and disturbed. Do go In and calm cartons, lc extra; butterfat, No. 1, him. He— Very well. But what's the mat­ 61c delivered. ter with him? E g g «— Ranch, current receipts, 35c She— W hy— er— I Just told him you per dozen; candled, 36(u37c. wanted to marry ;oe.— Boston Tran­ Poultry— Roosters, old, 20(n 22c per script pound; stags, 24(<(26c; springs, 27(ii: 28c; broilers, 35c; ducks, 32(n36c; No Older Than Your Face. geese, 20(