Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, March 30, 1918, Image 2

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The senate Wednesday adopted the
provision o f the Indian bill allowing
the Klamath Indian* $600,000 to buy
livestock. Every effort will be used
to get the house to concur.
Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
Roads in and around Wasco are to
be placed in splendid condition for
summer travel, and nothing will be left
undone to maintain the reputation thl
part o f Oregon has gained during the
(last few years.
Thine* Worth Knowing.
That the annual meeting o f the Ore­
gon Retail Jewelers’ association to be
held at Salem In June will be the larg
cut convention ^1* association has
ever held is the ««T.ement o f F. M
French, of Albany, secret ary-treasurer
of the association.
The ways and mean* committee has
tentatively agreed on a bill to give
Secretary McAdoo power to issue $8,-
000,000,000 in certificate* o f indebted­
ness. double the sum now authorised.
General Pershing cabled the War de­
partment Tuesday that two regiment*
o f American railroad engineers are at­
tached to the British forces on the
front attacked by the Germans.
Hides o f seven bobcats and 18 coy­
otes have been brought into Klamath
Falls ami presented for bounty at the
county clerk’s office, according to the
The total for the bountiea
paid is $48. The hides were brought
in from all section* o f tho county.
German tanka, reinforced by cap­
tured British tanks, says a Berlin
semi-official statement Tuesday on
Sunday’s fighting in the West, “ took a
leading part in breaking the brave
enemy resistance.”
The overall and jum|>er part o f the
Liberty Ix>an campaign in Klamath
county w ill be done first with the par­
ades and sheer* left until after the de­
sired results are accomplished, accord
ing to Captain Charles J. Fergui >n,
who is in charge o f the coming cam
The war correspondent o f the Berlin
Anxeiger reports that Field
Marshal von Hindenburg remarked
after the opening b attle: “ The thing
is over.
W e have begun to move.
The first act is ended.”
Information received in Washington
Tuesday by the British military at­
tache, Major General James D. Mc-
Lauchlan, is that the situation at the
battle front decidedly improved during
Monday. The advices are based on
the repulse o f the Germans to the East
bank o f the Somme between Peronne
and Morschain.
Most night trains technically will be
one hour late next Sunday morning, as
a result o f the new daylight saving
bilL Director-General McAdoo order­
ed the railroads to move their clocks
ahead one hour at 2 o ’clock Sunday
morning in conformity with the law.
Trains w ill leave for destinations Sat­
urday night at the old time.
A dispatch from Plymouth, Mass.,
says: A government scout patrol boat
struck a rock off the Gurnet, between
Plymouth harbor and Brant Rock early
Tuesday and went to the bottom three-
quarters of an hour later. Life-saving
crews from two stations which re­
sponded to signals o f distress took off
the crew. First reports were that all
were saved.
F ive business men o f Delphos, near
Lima, O., a German settlement in
Western Allen county, accused o f pro-
Germanism, were hunted out by a vol­
unteer vigilance committee o f 400 men
and 50 women o f that town, taken
into a brilliant downtown street, forced
to salute publicly and kiss the A m eri­
can flag, under pain o f being hanged
from nearby telephone poles.
Emperor W illiam at German main
headquarters on Sunday, according to
an official announcement at Berlin,
conferred the iron cross with gold rays
on Field Marshal von Hindenburg, and
the grand cross o f the order o f the iron
cross on General von Ludendorff. The
emperor also gave various decorations
to the departmental chiefs, along with
a signed photograph with the date of
the battle, March 21-23.
It has been learned through official
sources at Berne, that the steamer
Sterling with a large cargo o f grain
for Switzerland, ha* just been sunk as
the result of a collision.
Trapped in an upper corridor, one
man lost his life early Friday in
Butte, Mont., when fire destroyed the
W olftone Block lodging house. F ifty
other guests dazed by the smoke were
led or carried out o f the building.
A call fo r a general strike beginning
Monday morning in sympathy with the
strike o f laundry workers and drivers
was issued in Kansas City Tuesday by
local labor leaders.
Labor leaders
claimed more than 25,000 persons
would obey the call.
Final articles o f agreement fo r the
w orld’s championship fight between
Jess W illard and Fred Fulton July 4
w ill be signed in Chicago next week,
according to an announcement made
a fter a conference between the W il­
lard and Fulton representative*.
So long as the exigencies o f the
service permit, Jewish battalions in
the British army are definitely intend­
ed fo r employment in Palestine.
announcement was made in the house
o f commons by J. I. MacPherson, par-
liam entary under-secretary o f the War
R e p *? «"
Improvement on
L *«11
and Pacific Northwest and Other
The long range guns bombarding
Paris, according to a Vienna dispatch,
are o f Austrian manufacture, having
been built at the Skoda factory. The
gun itself is not new, but its novelty
comes from a new type o f shell and
the explosive gases used in the gun.
There are said to be only two or three
o f the guns.
S -4
Arthur M. Decker, member o f the
16th Company, Coast Artillery corps
A t ' ‘ » » i c h ' » ' '
died at the post hospital In Fort Stev
G erm an-1 ( ’»ntlnue<<af d l9** 1.000, Issi ,
sns Sunday after a short Illness. The
deceased was 22 years of age and was
Sector W ith Fui«
the son o f Mr. and Mr*. F. M Deck­
Main O ffs n s iA « ^ T
er, o f Ashland.
Brent* of Noted People, Government*
An extraordinary demand fo r Lib­
erty bonds, particularly the second
fours, at an advance o f ) to 1 per cent
to 97), was the striking feature o f
Tuesday’s early dealings on the New
York stock exchange.
in these bonds in the first half hour ap­
proximated $5,000,000 par value.
Ontario’s municipal water system
bonds to the amount o f $100,000 were
sold Tuesday to Keeler Brothers, o f
Denver, after a spirited auction for
par plus a premium o f $607.60. The
bidding was started with the opening
o f a sealed bid from a Toledo, 0 „ Arm
for a discount o f $4875.
By K. K. O’ Neill «a d W. S. Kirkpatrick.
open air gatherings, speeches, parades,
illuminations, the King-it-Again Lib­
erty Bell on the door o f every house­
hold, and by every means, the citizens
of our community are urged to forsake
all other activities and join in the
spirit and the work of the day.
Begin buying a bond the first dayl
This is the first o f a series o f car­
toons and slogans by well known illus­
trators and writers which will be pub­
lished in this paper.
O f supreme moment is the issue of
the war. The price of wheat and the
turn o f politics are serious matters—
but— the Third Liberty Loan means
more than all. It means—
Backing up the boys who have been
sent to the overseas battlefields.
Prompt and abundant loans o f spare
cash to the war treasury, in local trade
terms, is the translation o f money into
airplanes, guns, ammunition, provis-
ions, ships and every device o f modern
war for the American. War expendi­
tures reach every avenue «,.* business
in the Northwest.
Prepare for the Third Loan which
open Saturday, April 6, with Victory
celebrations everywhere.
The governor and mayors w ill pro­
claim the significance and urgency of
participation in the raising o f our local
share o f his defense fund.
lery, machine guns and rifles.
slaughter o f the enemy infantry as it
advanced in close formation over the
open has been appalling.
The British losses have been within
the bounds expected, due to the tactics
o f thejeommanders. The allies have
lost a considerable number o f men in
prisoners and a certain number of
guns. But very few pieces o f artillery i Berlin, via London— Paris has been
have been taken by the Germans since bombarded by German long-distance
the first day. In fact, the whole with­ guns, according to the German official
drawal has been executed in a master­ communication issued Sunday night.
The game department o f the state of
Ohio has ordered 3000 pheasant eggs
from Charles D. Alexander, who con
ducts a pheasant farm at Albany.
This same state secured a large ship­
ment of egg* last year and evidently
I* continuing the work o f trying to get
these birds started in Ohio.
Flans for the state encampment o f
the Grand Arm y o f the Republic,
which w ill be held in Albany. May 13
to 16, Inclusive, were made Wedne*
day when J. G. Chambers, o f Portland,
department commander,
and C. A.
Williams, o f Portland, department ad­
jutant. met with officers and member*
o f the Albany post.
Wednesday nigf
from the battle front rontil
ho|K'ful impression formed « * . . ' Y . «
day that the British now apiwar .
on a lino they aro able to hold • '* * * _
at least on the Somme ami ti
i - v
Farther south in the Roye-Noyon . -«
gion the situstlon is less well defined,
but it Is stated that both the French
mi British are bringing up reserves
The correspondent* ali-d «re showing
g r e a t e r confide!).'« G>*t tho enemy w'M
be hold wl this terrain.
The German official communication
waa significantly brief and reserved.
It report* the crossing o f the Ancre,
but only refer* to T u e s d a A y * T * —
*•' j
in «
»«i k i r i i n n i
while the
sh o^j that the G ir / " * 1* ’
crc ^si that stream w<«
i,i»n bT
Wednesday in count».' a.lacks.
The news from the Somme front ia
distinctly encouraging, the British
recaptured Morlancourt and
Chipilly and advanced to I'royart.
The infantry fighting along th* m’a-
, or portion o f the British front in U>*
new battle zone showed a marked >,
slowing down, indicating that the first
phase o f the German offensive here has
been finished.
The enemy has paused In the north­
ern sector, probably to reorganize and
bring forward much needed artillery
before beginning the second round
against the stiffened opposition o f the
Hard local battle* were still in prog­
ress, but the first fury o f the German
onslaught had spent itself.
attack* which the Germans essayed
were smashed, and at Sailly-I^i-Sec,
where the Germans Tuesday night
gainsd a footing, the British Wednes­
day morning delivered a smashing
counter attack, which pushed the in­
vaders bark.
The spirit o f optimism la higher
along the front.
> J
“ H og” Woodward, forger who serv
ed in 16 different penitentiaries, who
it was thought died in Pocatello, Ida­
ho, last October, has suddenly ap­
peared at Reno, Nev., with a number
o f charges against him. Woodward HUN HOSP ITA LS
was brought to the Oregon prison in
Reserves, Long Ready, Expected
1914 from Umatilla county for forgery Thousand* o f Wounded Pouring Bark
and was paroled in September last
to Turn Tide for Allies.
Through France and Belgium.
ly manner, showing how thoroughly
Paris— The German “ monster can- year.
the British had planned for the very j non, ” which has
Enormously fnAg am­
been bombarding
Crews have begun work preparatory
; events which’ have occurred.
Paris, has been located in the forest to sinking caissons for the piers o f the bulance trains are paaaing through
It is permitted to say now what i o f St. Gobain, west of Laon and exact-
Liege and Namur, Belgium, on their
some have known for a long time, I ly 122 kilometers (approximately 76 new concrete bridge to be built across way to A ix la Chapele and other parts
Hood R iver jointly by the state ard
namely, that the British never intend­ 1 miles) from the Pans city hall.
o f Germany, with wounded Germans
Hood River county.
Three arched
ed to try to hold the forward positions
from the French battle front, accord­
The gun bombarded Paris during the
in this region if the Germans attacked greater part o f Sunday. The day was
ing to the Tclegraf frontier corre-
and an approach over the
German Advance Checked — Situation 1 in the fores expected.
pondent. Many o f the wounded have
ushered in by loud explosions from the
There is every reason to believe that 10-inch shells, and immediately the tracks o f the Mount Hood Railroad on been detrained at Namur, says the cor­
Optimistically Viewed — Events
harder fighting than has yet taken alarm to take cover was sounded.
respondent, who adds that the hospi­
place w ill develop shortly.
The Ger-
Show Withdrawal Planned.
tal* in Northern France have not suffi­
i mans, in the British view, cannot now
William Pollman, president, and 8. cient sccommodationa for the great
front o f our positions and his troops
hesitate in carrying on their attack,
O. Correll, secretary o f the Cattle and stream o f sufferers.
were driven back with great loss.
and it is a case of break through or ad-
The T elegraf's Zevenaar correspond­
“ During the night and morning, Horse Raisers’ association o f Oregon,
W ith the British Army in France— : mit defeat.
fresh hostile attacks have again de­ has issued the call of the association, ent says the first transport* with
The British and French who co-operate
veloped in this neighborhood and also which w ill be held at Ontario April 23 wounded hsve arrived at frontier
at the junction o f the two armies,
and 24. A number o f speakers have towns. Commenting on this fact the »
to the south o f Bapaume.
are view ing the trend o f the German
been secured from different sections, T clegraf says thst while the German«^ .
offensive with optimistic eyes. Hard
troops who crossed the river between some as far East as Missouri river communications speak o f the alight
fighting was in progress, but the latest
Fresh Attacks Fail and Foe is Forced Licourt and Brie were driven back to points, and many subjects o f interest German losses, it is significant that
reports showed little or no change in
the east bank by our counter attacks.” to livestock growers will be discussed even the most out o f the way places in
to Recross Somme — American
the situation in favor o f the enemy
Germany wounded are arriving.
Persistent attacks with strong forces and considered.
since Sunday, while on the other hand
Engineers Aid in Battle.
infantry and lavish use o f artillery
the defenders had pushed the attacking
Percy R. Sullivan, who lives a
I,ondon — The German
have not enabled the Germans to break short distance south of Brownsville,
forces back after a bitter struggle and
in through the British defense, and, after
Monday received a telegram asserting since the beginning o f the offensive
were holding strongly along the whole
( France— A further advance late Sun­ four days, the great offensive blow in that his 20-yearold son. (lien Samuel are eatimated at the front at 300,000,
new front to which they had with­
day by the Germans at some points Northern France has not yet brought a Hulllvan, had fallen on the field of bat­ according to the Daily M ail’s corre-
along the battlefront is reported.
decision for the attackers.
Heavy tle somewhere In France.
Fighting o f a most desperate nature
American engineers have again been fighting is in progress around Bapau­
has been continuous since the initial
Elmarlon Smith, a resident o f Linn
in the throes o f fierce conflict in which me, near Peronne and where the Brit­
Two Yanks Hold 15.
attack, but so far the British have
County since the early ’70s, died at
they have done excellent work in ish and French fronts join.
With the American Army in France
used few troops other than those which
his home in Halsey this week, aged 81
were holding the front lines.
years. He was a native o f Illinois and — Tw o men o f an American, patrol
shock troops have been making as gal­
London— Fresh attacks by the Ger­ U. S. A R T I L L E R Y HURTS HUNS a prominent figure In the early de while inspecting enemy trenches in the
velopment o f this section.
lant a defense as was ever recorded in mans have developed northward and
Toul sector early Wednesday, encount­
the annals o f the British army, and as southward o f Bapaume, the war office
A drainage demonstration on the ered 15 o f tho enemy and immediately
Destroy Communication Lines, Ammu­
a result they have enabled the main j announces.
farm of Francis Chalmers at itoy, opened fire with their rifles.
They al­
nition Dumps and Billets.
body o f the forces to fall back deliber­
The British repulsed powerful at­
Washington county, will be held Sat­ so used grenades and, after a few min­
W ith the American Arm y in France urday by Professor W. L. Powers, of utes, managed to get away safely, tak­
ately and without confusion and occupy tacks Sunday afternoon northward o f
— On the Toul front there was consid­ Oregon Agricultural College, and scien ing turns at covering each other’a re-
positions which had been prepared long Bapaume.
before the German offensive began.
The British drove back to the east­ erable artillery activity during Sunday tlflc drainage of white land will be treat.
They got back
without a
The Germans, on the other hand, ward bank o f the Somme bodies o f night. American guns heavily shelled conducted along the most approved scratch, but it is known that three Ger­
En­ lines. As many of the farmers of the mans were killed. Two encounters are
operating under the eyes o f the emper­ German troops which had crossed the the German front line positions.
county have problems with this class of
or and the crown prince, have been river between Licourt and Brie, south emy batteries replied, using many gas
soils. County Agent Jamison expects reported between Americans reconnoit-
shells. Later photographs were taken
hurling vast hordes into the fray with o f Peronne.
ering patrols and new listening posts.
a large attendance.
from airplanes o f the damage inflicted
utter disregard for lives and have fol­
The statement follows:
lowed into the abandoned positions,
American artil­
"T h e battle continues with great by the Americans.
The old Klamath County Courthouse
Frence Holding I.inea Firmly.
gettin g farther and farther away from violence on the whole front. Powerful lery on the Toul sector continued to difficulty, which has been buried for
— The French, co-operating
their supplies and finding their com­ attempts delivered by the enemy Sun­ shell effectively enemy first-line and the last four years, was revived Friday
ith the British south o f St. Quentin,
munications increasingly difficult.
day afternoon and evening north of communication trenches, tho town of with all Its form er Intensity, when
More than 50 German divisions al­ Bapaume were heavily repulsed. Only St. Baussant and the billets and dumps County Judge Marlon Hanks and Com have taken up strong positions on the
mlssloner Frank McCornack signed left bank o f the Oise before Noyon
ready have been identified by actual at one point did the German infantry north o f Boqueteau.
Many o f the
contact, and many o f these men were reach our tenches, whence they were American shells have fallen in the a contract for the construction of a where they are holding the Germans,
new building to be erected on the
simply given two days’ rations and immediately thrown out. Elsewhere German trenches and the first two lines site of the present structure at a cost according to the war office announce­
ment. The statement reads:
“ Our
sent over the top into the frightful the enemy’s attacks were stopped by in at least one place have been virtual­ of $131,775.
Commissioner Burrell troops are holding solidly to their posi­
maelstrom made by the allied artil- riflle, machine gun and artillery fire in ly abandoned.
8hort refused to sign the papers.
tions on the le ft bank o f the Oise be­
fore Noyon.
The fighting continues
Miss Ellen Grady, nurse, and
Chicago Purse Is Flat.
United States Holds Key.
Resistance is Gallant.
Ethel Oulllng, clerk, have been n o ti^ ^ along the front comprising llraye-sur-
London— The Daily News says o f the
London— The Berlin Vossische Zei- to hold themselves In readiness for Somrne, Chaulnes, Roye and Noyon."
City Controller Pike so In­
new m ilitary situation:
formed members of the city council tung’s war correspondent telegraph­ immediate departure with the Uni
Greek Uprising Planned.
“ Although the allied strength will Saturday. He told them in a com­ ing Sunday from thejneighborhood o f versity of Oregon Base Hospital for
Both are daughters of La
reach its maximum only as the full munication that outside of the payrolls the Oise, is quoted by the Central France.
A th en a — The purpose of
force o f America's contribution to the the city could not pay any bills after News correspondent at Amsterdam as
King Constantine is sending two Greek
war is felt, the opening o f the greatest April 1, until the 1919 budget Is saying:
officers who were arrested recently, *f-
“ A ll our movements have
Washington County Friday gave an­ ter being landed on the roaat by a Ger-
battle the world has known is received passed. The aldermen received ths taken place with miraculous exacti­
swer to charges that It has not measur­ man submarine, waa to lay the founds-
with something like re lie f.....................
the finance committee to which ths tude, according to the plana o f the ed up with other counties in loyalty,
The salient fact in the offensive is that communication was finally referred master who organized the attack. The
tion for an uprising against the gov­
when packed houses at Hillsboro
its authors can not afford to fail. They were even more surprised. "This will English are defending
ernment, according to depositions made
cheered speakers representing differ­
cannot afford to face a country left, give the city an awful black eye,” de­ bravely, but the British command was
ent war activities and Invitations to by the officers end read in the chamber
after another summer o f battle, to clared Alderman Richert, " If the word not equal to the attack, which, al­ apply for membership in the County o f deputies Wednesday by Preimer
count its gains and find them no more gets out that we have no money to though doubtless foreseen, probably Patriotic League brought a practically Venizeloa. The officers were diaguiasd
meet our bills.”
than a myriad o f nameless graves. ”
was not expected so early.”
as beggars when arrested.
unanimous response.