I O B IT U A R Y 1 , 716 , 000,000 Pounds o f Flour Saved if rach o f our 22,000,000 families use this recipe instead of white bread. One loaf saves 11,000,000 pounds; three loaves n week for a year means 1,716.000,000 pounds saved! Enough to Feed the Entire Allied Army Corn Bread with Rye Flour 1 c u p corn meal 1 c u p r y e (lo u r 2 u M e i p o o n i «upar 5 toaopoon* Royal Baking P ow der 1 tea»poon eall I cup m ilk 1 «II 2 tablespoons shortening B arley flour or oat flour m ay be used instead of rye flour w ith squally good results. Sift dry ingredients into bow l; add milk, beatsn egg and m elted shortening. Stir well. P ut into greased pan, allow to stand in w arm place 20 to 25 m inutes and bake in m oderate oven 40 to 45 m in u te s Oar new Red, H 'k 'l r and Blue booklet, “Best War Time Recipes," containing many other recipes for making delicious and wholesome wheat saving roods, mailed free—address ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., D e p t. H, 135 William S t, New York V> FOOD WILL W IN THE W AR Qtyr IFaUa (Eity Nriua D. L . W O O D Publisher • • trcond rliM ro*tl mt tb* poatoffie« at Falla City. Polk County. O r f* n . a a Jar tba Art of of Uarrb 3. IS 4 O Telephone - News Office. Subscription Rate«: O ne year, 11.00: six month*. 10 cents; th re e m onths. 25 cents: single copy. 5 eta. A d rertla ln f Ratea: D isplay. 15 c e n ts a n In c h ; B usiness Notice*. 5 cen ts a lin e ; For Sale, Kent. E xchange. W ant and Pay E n terta in m en t No­ tices. 5 c»s. a lin e . Card of T hanks 50 eta; le u * Notices, leg a l rates. Copy for new ads. a n d eb a n g e ssh o u ld be sen t to The News uot later th a n W ednesday. Official lfawspapar of tha City of Falla Cite I s s u e d E v e r y S a t u r d a y M o r n in g MRS CO R DI E N E W M A N Mrs. Cordie Newman died Wed nesday morning, March 20. HUH. after an illness of several years. The body was prepared for burial and shipited, Thursday, to the family home at Caldwell, Idaho, for interment. Mr. Newnan and family came to Fulls City September 10, 1017 hoping the change would la* bene­ ficial to Mrs Newman’s health, hut she grew weaker until the end came. Mrs. Newman was Item in Fast Tennessee in 18*54 and was mar­ ried to M. A. Newman October ft, 1H87. To this union, five children were born, all of whom are living, the two younger being with her during her last illness. P H IL L IP W AGNER SCHOOL NOTES FORMALDEHYDE l-ust Friday morning at assem­ bly the following program was THE given by the 4th grade: Dramatized Story The Frog FARM ER’S FRIEND and the Princess. F OR T r e a t m e n t o f Recitation Helen Hall and Norman Robertson. Diseased train, Potatoes The Stur Spangled Banner School and tyfgetables Flag Salute School AND MANY (tf£S ABOUT THE Owing a change in the weather the science department has quit Home, Stablflj* ” ’1 serving soup. *4 kw). 000 . 0 «» ; Mesdumea Lav is, Hubbard. H od Jones, lame. Brown and Mr. Hal Thompson visited s o h o d this week f o r s a R . The ro|Hjrt cards were given out this week. Thompson’s D rug ru g _ I ¿ 1 st Sunday night the Honor Guard girls went in a liody to the E. K. P I A S church and dedicated the service A T T O RN E Y AT L A W fiug. Farm Loan« 8 \ - 2 / a The Honor Guard girls are Dulia», Drogo. j practicing for the stunt show to 620 Mill Slraat, be given next Thursday night. TßUüllL'öö tinted The Honor (5uunl girls have made several small service flags HOTliI. this week, which will be given to the mothers of Falls City, who have sons in the war. The girls are a l s o making a large service S im p l« D oom * ting for the school. • Baal A coom m o-’ Nr r Or m j J A Phillip Wagner was born at Streff, Austria Hungary. While there he taught school and preach­ Mrs. W. T. Brown was a Dallas NEW SAW MILL TO BE INSTALLED ed the gospel for thirty-five years. In 1801 he emigrated from Europe visitor Wednesday. Tom Word has been engaged to Canada, and while there served this week in unkmding machinery A recent visitor at Salem found two years us postmaster. In 1803 O k lah o m a, N. N. Christy, formerly of Falls for a saw mill to be installed on he moved to Portland and then to *.»00.01'ijlilO to ro m iw n - FOR S TA TE S EN A TO R his ranch four miles south of town. fo r th e Ion*»» they hub - City strongly intrenched in the FalLs City in 1896, where he re­ I hereby announce my candi­ ti* K ov eru in v n t e a ta b lia h - Capitol City. Mr. Christy said It will have a capacity of 30,000 sides! until his death, Wednesday, Ht « fle u re lo w e r that he was making a living exer­ feet and will give employment to March 20. 1018. aged 81 years, dacy for the Republican nomina­ <%kol price. thirty or for forty men. Is is said cising his “ noodle.” R. L. sis, of M¡a#ÍB»ippi, three months and six days. A tion fo r’State Senator for the the mill will be operated on a 10- •¿'•o-l!Xli>K leg ia- wife and ten children are left to senatorial district composed of F U N E R A 1 (Would ! . . hour day shift. Polk and Benton counties, sub­ Marriage license was issued mourn his death. ^ * pro ilu .’* » J With the installation of this mill ject to the decision of the ltepub, March 16th at Vancouver, Wash., W o a tto rn i t a all w o itia tio n ia Funeral services were held from 21 a t th e to Leonard C. Frink, age 26 years there will be ten mills within four the family residence at 3:00 o’clock lican voters at the primary elec­ D alla* B rig a n tin i; Hour miles of this city, and means uj tion to be held May 17, 1918. of Falls City, and Miss Carrie nor Thursday afternoon by E. A. 1 21 - Stevens, age 36, of Portland, Ore. considerable pay roll to Falls City. Do w, and interment in the I. (). I. L. PATTERSON, Mr. Frink is the son of Mr. and It would seem that now is th e: O. F cemetery. ( Pd . A d v e r .) Mrs. Charles Frink of Falls City, time, the accepted time, for some A G E N C Y OK and Miss Stevens is the youngest of the merchants of Falls City to 1 I n t e r n a t i o n a l T a il o r in g c o . awake from their Hip VanWinkle 1 • H - H - i- H I l * H l - H - i -l I t i l l H ’ H ' sister of Mrs. Albert Teal. D a l l a s htkam l a u n d r y sleep, rise to the occasion and get j Hu ml lea for w arded \\ edtiea.Uy morning Some people are living very their share of the shekels that I they have allowed to slip through j economically during these troub­ their lingers by “ Penny Wise andj lous times. Pound Foolish,” methods. Womens Dress Shoes in Black. Gray, Tan and White. Men’s Dress Shoes in Black, Tan and W A N T E D TO TRADE Men’s Work Shoes in special lines, also the IJ, S. BRIDGEPORT GLEANINGS Two small pigs for chickens. Army Shoe. Call Bohle s residence. Mrs. R. March 18, 1918. All at the lowest prices that they can be had. M. Matthews. Mr. J. Gage was a Dallas visitor the 13th. t WANTED Oscar Smith was a school visitor H - l - l- H - H - H - l I I ( 1 i 1 !■ H -M» Second-hand, good sacks. Will lately. - - pay 8cts cash. N. SELIG. The Bridgeport school is now ('midi"*, Tobacco« and Cigars, at taking steps toward organizing a L H. W on DERBY’S junior Red Cross society. FALLS CITY MEAT MARKET A reader wants to know if there Dorsie Turner was a visitor at | is a Boy Scout organization in this the home of Joe Gage last week. C. J . BRUCE, Proprietor. city. The answer is that there is Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gage were and that H. H. Lowe is Scout visitors at the home of Thomas Master and wiU take pleasure in ....UNDER NEW M AN AG EM EN T.... Guthrie’s this week. furnishing the inquiring party with such information as he may E. E. Lee recently sold his farm Fresh Beef, Pork, Fish, Pouiiry, Eic. desire. near L. B. Murray’s. Miss Marie and Mabel Lee visi­ . Will buy your Beeves, Veals, Hogs and Chickens. ted at the home of Mrs. Chas. TITUS-HARLAN NUPTIALS Ryan, Friday. CALL AND GIVE US A TRIAL. WE WILL PLEASE YOU. Austin L. Titus, of Falls City, There will be a dance at the ar.d Miss Gladys Harlan, of Dallas lIpHibjiiai 1er» for Cundy and Gigari F A L L S C IT Y M E A T M A R K E T were united .in marriage at the hall soon. home of the bride’s sister, L. L George Wagner was a school • l- H - H —I—l- H - H —I—I—H H - H - H - H - I - H - H - I - H -M -I-H - I-I-M I I I 1 I I I l -H - H -V WEATHERLY CONFECTIONERY. Driver, 607 Main street, at 1:30 visitor Friday. Monday afternoon, Rev. Howard Glenn Gage was a Black Rock McConnell officiating. The couple business visitor last Saturday. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY left on the 2:00 o’clock train for a Passenger Train Schedule short honeymoon trip. Mr, Titus Miss Anna Hardt and brother Effective July 16 1**17 ' has enlisted in the non-flying Fred were visiting at the home of 1*1 in l«7 WRIT Hoi Mi am . am. pm. branch of the aviation corps and Mrs. Gage Sunday. Salem . . . 7 ;05 9.35 3.45 expects to be called to service in Dallas . . . 8.15 10.57 5 15 FallaC ity. 8.45 11.80 a few days. His bride is one of Mr. Reimer is clearing up some 5.45 bOaOnKÍlQCrLg) f o G a d t o a f o o 0 Bl’k Rock. 11:50 the operators of the local telephone land near Bridgeport. |W IS4 170 RANTHOCN 1 » exchange and on her return will am. pm. pm The farmers have begun their Bl’k Rock 1.00 Striving to continue her work there while her spring work. Falls City. 9.20 1.20 5.50 husband is serving his country.— Dallas . . . 10.00 1.45 satisfy the 6.25 Itemizer. Salem . . . 11.0 0 3.10 7.20 demands of A. A. Wade of near Salem was ^ A. C. Po*-«m, A(JKNT J in the city Thursday. everyone is CARD OF THANKS A class of 19 went to Salem Kxtru copies of The News are We extend our heartfelt thanks apt to affect the nerves, printed Wednesday night and were initia­ each week, and will be sent to those who so kindly assisted and continual standing to any address desired, postpaid, during the sickness and death of ted into the Maccabees. L I V E D IN M IS E R Y . Mrs. E. J. Fuller of Salem vis­ our beloved wife and mother. may weaken the Heart. f> cents '1 uurrneed (re a lly from ited her daughter, Mrs. N. Lunde nerrouaneoa and h-od- M. A. Newman, bc H col T h e leant excite­ last Sunday. D r, M iles’ N ervine and family. m ent (a v a mo dreadful pain. I b o (a n un ln ( Dr. The Dallas city council have is* invaluable for Nervous Notice to New* Subscribers Milan’ N ervine and a few threatened to enforce the laws day» la te r n tarted to take PRE-EASTER SERVICES troubles, and for the Heart D r. Mile«' H e a rt T re a t­ relating to auto speeders, airguns A .nark her*1 indicates that m ent. I anon (o t no much Dr. M ile s ’ The Christian Church congrega­ and riding biciycles on the side your subscription is delinquent. b e tte r th a t I wee encour­ tion will hold a pre-Easter meet- walks. Dallas folk are getting to Plenae call and fix it. aged a n d continued taking H eart T re a tm e n t th e tw o rem edlea until I mg. beginning March 24th and be too particular. The idea of » u bo well th a t work was continuing to Easter Sunday, prohibiting a man coasting down is highly recommended. no b o th er to m e a t all." the streat a 60 miles an hour, or March 31. MRS. LOTUS K IS i, IK FIRST B O T T L E FAILS TO B E N E ­ , "V Idaho Fails, Idaho. The public is invited to enjoy the biker monopolizing the side FIT YOU, YOUR MONEY W IUL SaokaiTplttee, REFUN DED. ___ 1 CITY, O R E . se- these services with the congrega­ walk, say nothing of the pleasure O r e h a r d I » «¿, ' o f of having your window glass bro­ tion. All are welcome. E. Claude Stephens, Pastor. ken by a target or airgun. j f a lia ti tty: Ih o tcl Bohle’s Barbe Shoes Have Arrived Local News Hems The best show at the Uen. tonight Clothes cleaned and pressed. Wm. Bohle. Dr. Atwood is visiting this week at Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Art Ross visited at Bridgeport Saturday night and Sunday. Lime and Sulphur Spray sale at A. Courier & Co's. for Mrs. Beard visited friends in Portland the first of the week. For Sale—Almost new Cascade range. Price reasonable. Inquire at the News office. Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Barn­ hart returned from Portland Sun­ day. Leslie Griffin and wife were Salem visitors Sunday and Mon­ day. For Sale—Practicp.lly new go- cart, Parties owni? ig it have left the State and will sell it cheap. Inquire at News office. Frank Phillips is visiting at the home M. B. GiDson. Miss Veva Flint and little neph­ ew, Leslie Harding, went to Port­ land Monday to spend a few days visiting Mrs. Claude Harding. Fresh Brer.d, Cakes,Cookies,Pie3 and other 'oakery goods, every day, at the Falls City Bakery. Fritz Dro^ge went to Salem on Monday, returning Tuesday. Mr. Potter of Portland, general sales agent for the Falls City Log­ ging and Lumber Co. was in the city Tuesday. Bohle is again ready to do your cleaning and pressing after next M o n d a y , and don’t forget that new spring suit th at you have p ro m ise d your self. We can give you all the latest fabrics and pre­ war prices. Step in and see our * M rs. E . F o r s h e y Ä