New Houston Hotel W a r R ecipes S t.“ > «ml kre.rtl SU . 1-tKlUnd O n . Four hludia from Union Imnot. from Now 1'iwlomro. Two Work» M iaW n .rvl fln>|uW. Oror iuu ouUtoo k m m Kotoo Tto to W .1« 1. CHAO, a IIOI'KINS. Meitesrr, ___________________________________________ H o te l R o w la n d O a* hundred «ml .l i l y I n Koomo, all Hurlora ; nlo. free phunaa un «Vary Auur. ■ U lt e ; por da » 5 .0 0 p o r w apir. Qppualt« Court liimoo, I Murk. from FoetuSIr», f i t « l’ rouf. H. I* and Orodoo %UM-lrt« vaaa duut. \vteSTERN YkucK A t t a c h m e n t • â s Ê B f& W «;a ) lied Owners in (tA and O regon. TORTI IQi.V lui (Miint of a truck attach .1 1 « IDMSt V1. brannua. Th« Wentern I« ment i» th urk attachment müde with a ‘ He only t bon Bearing. Other ape- v i n i v v ^ -r ••Hf“ in ' Inferior make? •uad Ì ^ L r M O R , factory |)„lnbulof. P wii U m ì , O rsin a . life l«a H *“ V T * Cut out the follow in g racapaa and patta th a n in your co o k k ook to halp you H oovariaa. T h ey have boon thoroughly taalsd by in stru ctor! and spacial facturera in tho d e p a r t m e n t o f h o m e econ om ics at tha University oi W ashington. VUTIFUL RUGS Freeh Mackerel liaketl In Urown Sauce-—Freeh mackerel la Inclined to be rather dry and therefore aliould be basted frequently while cooking; or tthoulti be b a k e d In a enure. The fol lowing method la good: Kreah mack­ erel, mh II. pepper. Haute with 2 table apoonfula fat, t4 cup hot water, 1 tea apoonful lemon juice. Clean mackerel, removing head and tall. Itub with Halt, and aprinkle with pepper. Cook In dripping pun until nearly done, baatlng occasionally. When nlnioat done, cover with brown Hauce and buttered crumbs and bake until crumbs brown. lirown Sauce— Two tableapoonfula fat. 1 alien onion, 3 tableapoonfula flour, 2 cups meat aock or water. % teaapoon Halt, Vi teaapoon pepper, 3 dropH kitchen bouquet. Cook otilou tn fat uutli allghtty brown. Iteinnve onion. Add flour m ix e d w ith H e a a o n ln g a and b row n flour and butter. Add a tuck gradually, atlrrtng coiiHtantly. Add kitchen b o u ­ quet laat. A Voice of Prejudice. "I told you it waa a mistake to taka over those Hawaiian lalanda," said the I man who never gives up. D o cold» g o down to your throat? Are your bronchial "Why, those lalanda are now anong tubes easily affected? A bove all, d o colds settle on your our valued possessions." "Hut look at tbe comfort they have chest? Then your lung» may not be as strong as you destroyed. As soon as they got a little expected— consumption often follows. eucouragement they flooded the whole western hemisphere with ukuleles."— | Good Physician* Everywhere Prescribe firing Mark ita Color and Lustre Washington Star. with G ran dm a’a Sage ll A Different Matter. Tea Recipe. Oke— You’re paying too much rent, old man. Common garden sage brewed Into ■ Owens— You mean the rent Is too j heavy tea, wltb sulphur and alcohol high.—Boston Transcript added, will turn gray, streaked and faded balr beautifully dark and luxuri Something of Wsr. ant. Mixing the Hage Tea and Hulphur "Is tbe strenuous looking young wo­ f°r strengthening delicate throats and weak lungs while its glycerine recipe at home, though, Is troublesome man you showed me a war bride?" soothes the tender linings and alleviates the cougn. An easier way Is to get the ready-to- "I should say so. When she and her . Start on Soott'm E m ulsion to d a y — It is Nature’s use preparation Improved by the add! huxhand get to arguing, she throws building-food without drugs or alcohol. tlon of other Ingredients, coating about tbe rtrst thing that comes to hand at . T h* twperied Novwvqian cod liver oil need In S m K ’ i ZmmUUm la now refined In 60 cents a large bottle, at drug stores, him.”— Exchange. on* ow n American labuniortoe w h ich guarantee. It free from imparitiee. known as “ Wyeth's Bi-ge and Sulphur Scott ft Sows«. Dkanleld. 14. J. 1 7 -1 1 Compound,” thus avoiding a lot of To restore a normal action to Liver, muss. Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels, take While gray, faded hair Is not sinful, Garfield Tea, the mild herb laxative. we all desire to retain our youthful All druggists.— Adv. appearance and attrac! reness. By darkening your balr with Wyeth's Past His Power. Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one "There Is one thing no mechanical can tell, because It does It so naturally, genius has ever succeeded In doing." so evenly. You just dampeu a sponge "What Is that?" or eoft brush with It and draw tills “ Utilizing the hoarse power of a through your hair, taking one small cold.”— Exchange. strand at a time; by morning all gray T o u g e t t h e I h igh est ortet Ice s a n d q u ic k returns hairs have disappeared. After another w h e n y o u ship t o th is Garfield Tea Is Nature's laxstlve and ' i o ld esta b lish ed and application or two your balr becomes rollatale Fur y o u r n earest m a r k e t H ou se . It’s beautifully dark, glossy, soft and lux­ blood purifier; It overcomes constlpa- ■END T O R H . L I E B E S & uriant and you appear years younger. tlon and ita many attendant aliments. R A W T V ft R a w Fur Dealers- Fur M an ufactu rers PRICE LIS T Wyeth's Hsge and Sulphur Compound — Adv. 14 » B r o a d w a y , D e p t O PO R T LA N D , ORE. Is a delightful toilet requisite. It is "This shortage of sugar ought to be ! not Intended for the cure, mitigation easily remedied.” or prevention o f disease.— Adv. "How so?” “ Aren't tbe whole people raising DO Y O U R C O W S FAIL TO C LE A N ? A Cruel Hint Cain about it?”— Exchange. This la a aeriooa condition land re­ Miss Uglyface— I suspect the men quire« prompt attention. Dr. Duwid Roberta’ who have proposed to me of being after my money, and I would not mar­ COW CLEANER gives quick relief. Keep it on band ry a man who did not love me for my­ and prevent the ruin o f your self alone. cow. Read the Practical H om e Miss Curlylocks— But, my dear, the i Veterinarian. Send for free book­ let on ABORTION IN COWS. I f age of miracles Is past.— Exchange. HIES! SE C R E T T O Raw F u rs Wanted W E W AN T AT ONCE Are made from your OLD CAR­ PETS. Keg Knyra woven all oisea. Mall ortlera receive prompt and care­ ful attention. Send for booklet. flaked Red Snapper and Lemon Sauce—Slices of red snapper I Vi Inch NORTHWEST RUC CO. E. Hth and Taylor SI». Portland, Or. thick, nalt, pepper, bread cruinltH, 2 tableapoonfula fat, '4 cup hot water, 1 tableapoonful lemon juice. M ONEY FOR YOU. Wipe flab dry and rub with Halt and Thousand, uf trained young wets needed pepper. Cover with crumba and dot Heh like W alk er lluelneee I olUme. I wtlend. piarne | with fit. Add a little water and coo1- pusliiuiia. Em roll a * uiiAl tender (about 3d minutes). Haste t3aulu«u«kwP' with n mixtures of fat, hot water, and 0 i*V m . lemon juice. Iteifjae and serve with Lemon Sauce— 3 tableapoonfuls but ter. 2 tablespoon fills flour, 1 cup hot Convenient Excuse Aeuaki Äotd. Hauled .a d It water, yolk of one egg, Vi teaspoon W A t.K F Il KLKCTHIC W« "Howdy, Cousin Ellen. Me and the salt, speck of cayenne. Uureaide. cor, loth. Partie , Melt the butter, stir In the flour and girls have come to town to do some Din CTDnur.Mll CHICKS “dd w“''’r •«'■“ '-U“ ' 1» **our slowly over shopping and we thought wo would DIO, 5 1 HU" . * I beaten egg and return to fire until it slop and take lunch with you." o f ualng I'ntji- "Oh, I'm awfully sorry. Cousin f mtfult rubaiU>r« amt Hrwal- thlckena. Amanda, but this is one of our foodless T h a t'« the kitwt you Urol led CJ ray fish—One lb. freah gray days."— Exchange. ani. W H I« fur our big ttxm ( 'a la lo« No. 6U. fish, rklnned; 1 cup bread crumbs, 1 egg slightly beaten. Marinade: 1 cup flTAlUMA INCUBATOR CO. Advance by Retrogression. Tbe rookie was being taken to the .1 I'atalum a. California vinegar, Vi cup salad oil. 1 tablespoon ful chopped onion. 1 tablespoonful guard house. chopped parsley, 4 peppercorns. 4 “ Quick promotion," he muttered to whole cloves; 2 bay leaves crumbled. himself. "I am already in charge of a V« teaspoon thyme. V4 teaspoon pa squad of men.” — Boston Transcript prlkn, 1 teaspoon salt. 1-* <'all at XOt Aider itreel or mall samples Cut fish for one hour In dressing HELP 18 OFFERED, and is freely glv- We buy all the time and pay the hlshwet made of above Ingredients, turning i'll to every nervous, market prtre. Ikm 't fell U> get In touch several times. Dtp In egg, bread with ue le.fore M-llln*. W e a t« the delicate woman, by O n ly E x clu s iv e B ean D ea lets In crumbs, and then egg; broil under a Dr. Favor O ie g o n . We want more esente at gas flame until brown. iii- ito country point«. Cleaner, and i‘ plates write fur nur esente' terme. 'Member on label—in Tablet 8 . C. D A L T O N C O ., Sheep Shearing Under Way. or NS Alder HI.. PORTI .ANO. OKK. Shearing is now quite general in the H In every "female complaint" Yakima wool sections. Sheepmen are nr taking advantage of the favorable Jm In every ex The Restive Button. weather and pushing operations. There ™ hauated condition of Indignant Wife— What on earth to ! have been no shipments o f wool as the female system, the "Prescription" you do to your clothes to keep me yet, but a large quantity is expected never falls to benefit or cure. Bearing sewing on buttons this way? Apologetic liuaband—I don't know, fo go to Portland by the end o f the down pains, internal inflammation and my dear. I merely touch tho button month. The market is holding steady ulceration, weak back, and all kindred ailments are completely cured by it. — I can't Imagine what does the reel. and there is every indication that the Oregon and Washington clips will It’s a marvelous remedy for nervous — Hi Itlmoro American. bring as good prices as ruled last sea­ and general debility. Insomnia, or In­ ability to Sleep, Spasms, Convulsions son. The wool produced in the United or Fits. Wouldn’t Do. "Vuu want a quantity i this, my States furnishes only about 60 per cent Ur. Pierce’s Medical Adviser (1000 •len JjftiuA This will euro 'em when overy- o f the amount uaed in peace times. pages) will bo sent free on receipt of « thing elae falls down." 60 one-cent stamps to pay cost of "Can't see It," declared the druggist printing and mailing only. Address "I ni ght sell some of your remedy, but i)r. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y. everything else I have wou.o be dead Constipation causes many serious nor stock."— Louisville Courier-Journal. diseases. It is thoroughly cured by Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. One a laxa­ A Reasonable Request. Wheat—Bulk basis for No. 1 grade: tive: two or three are cathartic.— Adv. Counsel (In divorce ca se)—I ask that recess be takon at tills point, your Hard White— Bluestem, Early Bart, Temperamental Science. Allen, Galgalus, Martin Amber, $2.06. honor. "Do electrical wires have to be made Soft W hite—I’alouse bluestem, forty­ Judge—On what grounds? of well-tempered metal?” Counsel — My client wishes to fold, white valley, Gold Coin, White “ I don’t know. They seem to get White club— Little into mischief every time they’re change her gown. She hasn't display­ Russian, $2.03. ed hulf her costumes yet.— lCxchange. club, Jenkins club, white hybrids, So­ crossed.”— Exchange. nora, $2,01. Red Walla — Red Risky Variation. Russian, red hybrids, Jones fife. Cop- Dr. Pierce’s Pellets are best for liver, "A wise man may change his opin­ pel, $1.98. No. 2 grade, 3c less. No. bowels and stomach. One little Pellet ion." 3 grade 6c less. Other grades hanledd for a laxative—three fo r a cathartic. "Y ds ,” replied Senator Sorghum, “ but be takes an awful chance If he by sample. Why Bald So Young7 Flour— Patents, $10. changes It more than once or twice Dandruff and dry scalp usually the Millfeed— Net mill prices, car lots: during the same campaign.”—Wash­ Bran, $30 per ton; shorts, $32 per cause nnd Cutlcura the remedy. Rub ington Star. ton; middlings, $39; mixed cars and the Ointment Into scalp. Follow wltb less than carloads, 60c more; rolled hot shampoo o f Cutlcurn Soap. For ^ w_________ ____wmrtl off GòodM Vicine" free sample address. “ Cutlcura. Dept. barley, $666068; rolled oats, $66. coins *t » la awpri a .« f,.r Butter — Cubes, extras, 51c; prime X. Boston. At druggists and by mall. H IC E ' C SSCAX UP A-C010 l i t t l ) TASICTS - 25c firsts, 50c. Jobbing prices: Prints, Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50.—Adv. All • nlgciete «ell Ihrtn. extas, 62c; cartons, lc extra; butter- His Simple Request fat, No. 1, 65c delivered. “ I am now prepared to answer any Eggs — Oregon ranch, current re­ Wool & Mohair Hides, Pelts, questions you may care to ask,” said ceipts, 35Jc per dozen; candled, the lecturer. W# wut all y«a I if«. Writ* lei Pncrt and SHipp«i| Tag». 37c; selects. 39c. TH E H. F. N O RTO N C O M P A N Y , "Any oue barred?” asked a man in Poultry— Roosters, old, 2(V26c; springs, 27(a “ Certainly not” replied the man on 28c; broilers, 35c; ducks, 32 (a) 86c; the platform. "Then Just wait a few minutes, will geese, 20(a21e; turkeys, alive, 26(lour Eyes and In Baby's Eyes. stops soreness at once and soon the t O N . W u . f ,J .,t E r ,C .« i.r t corn or hardened callous loosens so It Uterine Eye Remedy can be lifted o u t root and all, with­ Sre Salve, in Tebto 2k . For Bto* u f (A, S i t - Hr**. out pain. Ask M a rin e E y e B e m t f j C ® .. c k k e s s i A small bottle of freezone costs very little at any drug store, but will positively take off every hard or soft corn or callous. This should be tried as It Is Inexpensive and Is said not to Irritate the surrounding skin. If your druggist hasn’t any freezone tell him to get a small bottle for yon from bis wholesale drug house. It Is fine stuff and acts like a charm every time.—Adv. OUR tY )ne T reatrnent withCuticura Clears Dandruff In the Cafe. Enough ie Too Much. Thirsty Tommy (somewhere In "Going to dinner, Jones? Come in France, who so far bas only been able here first and have an appetizer.” "Great Scott, man! Hoover won’t to get the glad eye;— ’Ere, BUI, you let me satisfy the appetite 1 have now.” know the lingo—tell ’er my hobby’s beer, not love!—London Opinion. Natural Proceeding. Only One Letter. “ What did you d o when you found your boat’s course arrested by the In­ Pretty soon the German people will coming waves?” get tired of deifying the kaiser and "Why, I balled her o u t"—Exchange. they will begin defying him.—Path­ finder. Specialized in Athletics. "Jones was educated at Harvard, Such a Dear Friend. wasn’t he?” Ethel—Agnes was at the cat show. “ No; he merely went there.”— Ex­ Maud—As an exhibit? — Boston change. Transcript He— Isn’t that Gen. Blank and his Bride — This apartment is entirely daughter over there? too dark for our purposes. She— Yee. They say that she has Agent—Why Is It too dark, madam? been through more engagements than Bride— Because we want to do light her old father.—Exchange. ____ housekeeping.— Brooklyn Citizen. Swift & Company Publicity A t a recent hearing of the Federal Trade Commission there was introduced correspondence taken from the private files of Swift & Company,which showed that the Company had been con­ sidering for some time an educational advertising campaign. The need for this publicity has been apparent to us for sev­ eral years. The gross misrepresentation to which w e have recently been subjected has convinced us that we should no longer delay in putting before the public the basic facts of our business, relying on the fair-mindedness of the American people. The feeling against the American packer is based largely on the belief that the income and well-being of the producer and consumer are adversely affected by the packers’ operations, resulting in unreasonably large profits. Swift & Company’s net profit is reasonable, and represents an insignificant factor in the cost of living. For the fiscal year 1917 the total sales and net profit of Swift & Company were as follows: Sales _______________ _________________________________ «_____________ P r o fi t s _ $S 75 ,ooo,ooo. $34,650,000. 9 BHB ■ This is equivalent to a $3,465. profit on a business o f $87,500. If would cattle, pound Swift & Company had made no profit at all, the cattle raiser have received only one-eighth of a cent per pound more for his or the consumer would have saved only one-quarter of a cent per on dressed beef. Swift & Company, U. S. A.