WORLD HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WEEK ALLIES MUST ATTACK Appearance* Are That Much-Heralded W e*tern Drive W ill He Only IV- fenaive Campaign by Hun*. ALL DUTCH SHIPS IN U.S. PORTS SEIZED TREATIES DENOUNCED Supreme Allied W ar Council Flays Ger­ man Policy o f Plunder in Kuasia U. S. MAY HAVE TO ui less n r Entente W ill Not Falter. John Millar, 26, was instantly killed Tuesday forenoon at camp No. 22 o f Washington, D. C.— The key to the London — The supreme war council the Hammond Lumiter oomp*ny, above 1918 riddle of the western battlefront Mill City, M iller was setting rigging o f the allies issued a statement Mon­ Is In the hands of the supreme war when a snag fell and struck him. day night condenmning German polit­ council at Versailles. Decision as to the time and place The issue* committee o f the Treas­ ical crimes against the Russian and of major offensive* by the entente al ury department Wednesday notified the Roumanian pmiples, and refuaing lies rests with that body. It directly Representative Sinnott it had author- to acknowle«lge Germany’s |Mstabliah in its place the mies, permitting overwhelming con peaceful reign o f org.xniieii justice. ” Events o f Noted People, Government» em tm ttO M at selected points o f at Most o f Vessel* W ill Be Operated by room of the Westlake Hotel March 0. The council’s statement, which is Allies Have Been I som UM 190.000.000 At midnight a lunch was served, a fter tack. issutal through the Foreign office says: and Pacific Northwest and Other which a cake was sold for $27.60. The for Carrying N avv Department lluahela llrlon -n Janu American observers now are con “ The Prime ministers and Foreign proceed* o f the evening totaled $86.60. rinced that the German high command Thing» Worth Knowing. to Europe. Food Supplie* ministers o f the entente assembled in July 1, and W ill ' ^ plans a defensive campaign and that The railway director's office in London feel it to be their bounded duty the long-talked-of drive on Paris or Washington has requested Senator to take note o f the political crimes the channel ports has been abandoned i Chamberlain to procure the full infor­ which, under the name o f a German The initiative, according to this A ll Abiline, Tex., churches w ill be­ view, rests with the allied and Amerl Washington. D. C.— Upon Holland’s mation regarding difficulties being cx- |M*ace, have been committed against Washington, I). C.— While th* food gin a series o f prayer meetings to can forces. Communiques are being refusal in the face of German threats iwrienced by the Oregon Dairymen’s the Russian people. Russia Is un- administration was making plana to pray for rain, and continue until the closely scanned for this indication of to put Into effect her voluntary agree League in moving condensed milk to artilt'd. Forgetting that for four years meet the critical wheat shortage b< any offensive operations mapped out extended drouth is broken. Germany had been fighting against the ment for restoring her merchant m ar market. further reduction in ronsumpti«' at Versailles. Teenie Johnson, mother o f Jack Quotas of boys which each state is to independence o f nstions and the rights The supreme council was created ine to normal activity, the United Johnson, ex-champion pugilist, died in under the urgent insistence o f Presi States government Wednesday night furnish in the campaign to enlist a o f mankind, the Russian government, senate again took up a i u j ^ f t s ^ Chicago Tuesday night. Jack ia sup­ dent Wilson for aggressive action this in a mootl o f singular credulity, ex- legislation to increase prraluch requisitioned all Dutch ships in Am er­ Boys’ Working Reserve o f 260,000 for posed to be in Barcelona, Spain. pectetl to obtain by persuasion that raising the price on the 1918 cro(.P n f® o year, based on co-or Moated plans and the farms, was announced by the de- ican waters. ’ democratic peace’ which it had failed under the direction o f single agency The final administration was stirred partment o f I .a bur Tuesday night. H aw aii’s second Red Cross drive At the same time Great Britain was The exact scope of the council’s an to action by re|x>rla from the depart­ Wyoming w ill furnish 1600, Idaho to obtain by war. w ill be held in May. The date has thority never has been disclosed. It taking over Dutch vessels in British 4000, Washington 16,000 and Oregon “ The results were that the interme­ ment of Agriculture showing that the been as May 6 to 13, and the amount was said both by Prem ier Lloyd diate armistice hail not expired before supply o f wheat on farms ami in coun­ ports. I 9600. to be raised has been set at $250,000. George and by Lord Curzon, however, the German command, though pleilgcti try elevators ia far lea* than it was a A total of 77 ships o f probably 600,- The crop and labor survey of the not to alter the dispoaltion o f Ha The Delaware senate has ratified the in explaining the status o f the British 000 tons was added to the American year ago. farms in Crook and Deschutes counties Federal prohibition constitutional imperial general staff and the com­ The senate considered a bill by Sen­ mander in the field. Sir Douglas Haig, merchant marine by the requisition just completed by County Agricultural lroo|>e. transferred them en masse to amendment by a vote o f 13 to 3. It that certain British forces had been the western front, and ho weak «lid ator Gore, o f Oklahoma, to fix the lng. Another 400.000 tons are put into Agent R. A. Ward shows, among other Rusaia find herself that she darod to price at $2.6b, or 30 I'enta a bushel passed the house last week. Delaware assigned to the council's control. interesting things, the splendid man­ rqjse no protest against this violation more than a ,t in a recent proclamation is the ninth state to ratify the amend­ Decision by the war council, officers the allied service by Great Britain's ment. here believe, as to the field where action. Most of them will be used in ner in which Central Oregon farmer* or Germany’s plighted worth by President Wilson. In the house the food-carrying trade between the have responded to the Nation's call for “ What foliowe«i was o f like charac­ Monday also a bill was introduced by Free moving picture shows at which these and similar forces from other United States and Europe. increased wheat production. armies are to be concentrated will ter, when ’ the G fin a ii peace’ was Representative Morgan, o f Oklah«iaia, • The Dutch vessels will be equipped patriotic speeches and the- doctrine o f show where allied blows at the Ger­ Mrs. Catherine A. Perkins, well- translated into action. It was found to a; propriate $.'1(>0,IH/),4»00 to compen- * buying war savings stamps w ill be ex­ man defenses are designed to fall. If and operated by the navy department to Involve the invasion o f Russian ter­ sate protlurera for the louse* they sus- pounded is an idea worked out by the there is to be no German drive, as the and the shipping board, the Dutch known pioneer o f the Cottage Grove ritory, the destruction or rapture o f all tained when the government establish­ Japanese war savings stamps sales war department predicted In its week crews being supplemented by Amerl country, diet! Wednesday afternoon Russia’s means o f defense and the or­ ed its 1917 prices at a figure lower cau civilian sailors and naval reserv­ after a short illness which attache«! committee o f Honolulu. ly war review, the council will not be ists. here Tuesday night. Although she had ganization -if Russian lands for Ger­ than the then market price. forced to hold its reserves for defen Plans o f the Coreans in Hawaii to sive purposes and can devote this new Compensation will be made to the not been well for some time, she had many's profit a proreetling which did Senator Williams, o f Mississippi, organize into m ilitary bodies, train agency to attempts to smash weak owners as required by law. icgia- been about the city as usual the day not d iffer from annexation, because Democrat, oppose«! price-fixing legis­ Although the ships have been taken secretly and on a certain date secure points in the German line. before. The funeral was held Friday. the word itself was carefully avoided. lation, declaring farmer* should b, over without any formal agreement, passage to Corea and there begin wag­ “ Meanwhile those very Russians lowed a free market for their prutk the United States proposes to carry Two barns on the farm o f Mrs. Jen­ ing a war against Japan were disclosed The aeriouaness'of the situation ia out scrupulously the terms of the orlg nie Wallett, in Benton county, north­ who had made m ilitary operations im­ in the Honolulu Circuit Court in the inal pact, so that Holland shall receive west o f Albany, were burned Sunday possible foumi diplomacy impotent. shown by a frank admission at the Corean riot case. ample foodstuffs and will be protected night. Sixteen tons of hay and small Their representatives were compclletl fixxl administration ’¿ a t existing flour Because o f a government order pro­ Third Liberty Loan W ill Probably Be in her colonial trade by having suf quantities o f wheat and oats were de­ to proelsim that, while they refused to storks are only SO per cent of the nor­ rea«i the treaty presented to them, mal quantity netted until July 1. ficient tonnage to maintain its com­ hibiting the use o f certain grades o f Required to Yield Over Half. stroyed. As the barns were 60 feet merce. they had no choice but to sign it; so Food administration da thought leather in the manufacture o f army apart and the fires were discovere«i in Washington. D. C. — Imminence of they signed it, not knowing whether the department's estimats o f 180,000,- shoes, several plants at Brockton, Secretary McAdoo's announcement of both at the same time, incendiarism is in its true significance it meant peai'e 000 bushels o f wheat in elevators and Mass., were forced to suspend opera­ the size and interest rate of the third indicated. or war, nor measuring the degree to on farms March I was optimistic and tions in some departments until the liberty loan to open April 6 gave spe­ . Three golden stars w ill be the first which Russian national life was re­ said their best information waa that matter is adjusted. cial importance Wednesday to a treas­ Measure Enables President to Take on the new service Hag now being pre­ duced by it to a shallow. 125,000,000 bushels waa the greatest Men engaged in planting or culti­ ury announcement of government re­ ’ For us o f the entente governments amount that could lie expected. ceipts and expenditures from which Possession o f Anything Needed. ' pared for O. A. C. The big banner, vating a crop are to be allowed by ex­ might t e calculated with fair accuracy The allies have been promised 90,. which is sufficiently large for more the judgment which the free peoples emption boards to continue their work the sum the government would need Washington, D. C. — Under a bill than 1000 stars, w ill be d«*iicated late o f the world w ill pass on these trans­ 000,000 bushels o f grain between Jan­ until finished, although their draft before the end o f the fiscal year, June sent to the senate military committee in April. There ia no inten­ The golden stars are for actions would never be in iloubt. Why uary 1 and July 1. Thursday by Acting Secretary of W ar men who have given their lives for waste tim e over German pltaigea when tion o f failing to carry out this pro­ numbers are reached, according to or­ 30. - Crowell, the president would be em ­ ders received at Springfield, 111, from Outstanding features of these fig ­ their country. Gerald Barrett, Norval we see that at no periutl in her history gram which ia regarded na the most ures. as unofficially analyzed, were powered during the war to take over Camie and Verne Branland. A t the o f conquest— not when she overran Si­ important duty now confronting the the W ar department. private property of any kind, personal that war costs are not increasing from Preparation o f February pay allot­ month to month, as had been expected, or real estate, with compensation for time o f dedication a memorial service lesia nor when she partition«*! Poland American p«*>ple. Owing to shortage o f transportation, ment and government allowance checks and that ordinary expenses and loans the owner, wherever deemed neces­ will be held for members who died in — has she exhibit«*! herself so cyni­ cally as a destroyer o f national inde­ the greater part o f the export program for dependents o f soldiers has been to allies in the next three and one- sary for the national security or con­ the service. pendence. the implacable enemy o f the remains to be carried out and the delayed by receipt o f more than 60,000 third months probably will not be duct of the government. A stack o f protests has been re­ The chief object of the legislation Is rights o f man and the dignity o f c iv il­ wheat must be obtained from the scant T o this letters o f inquiry concerning the pay­ much over $4,000.000.000. ceived by the State Highway commis­ to enable the government to get quick Poland, whose heroic supply in this country by curtailment ments, and two weeks more may be must be added the necessary outlay possession of real estate, office build­ sion against not completing the full ized nations? of about $3,155.000,000 to redeem cer­ spirit has survived the most cruel of o f imiividual consumption. required to complete the work. tificates of indebtedness now out­ ings and other property needed In 21 miles o f the Pacific Highway be- national trage«iiea, ia threatened with Wheat holding» at country mills and Official notice appears in the Otta­ standing and maturing before June 30; connection with the conduct of the | tween Salem and Aurora, the commis­ a fourth partition, and to aggravate elevators on March 1 were estimated war. In a letter to Chairman Cham­ sion having le ft three miles immedi­ wa, Canada, Gazette o f an order in $500,000.000 for a railroad administra­ berlain. Mr. Crowell said it is desirable ately north o f Salem out o f calculation her wrongs, devices by which the last by the department o f Agriculture at council prohibiting the export o f news tion revolving fund; $500.000.000 for trace o f her independence is to be 68,972,000 bushels. That ia about 20,- to avoid delays of condemnation, to print paper and wood pulp from Can­ the government’s capital in the war save money and at the same time do for completion this year, although that crushed arc baaed on fraudulent prom­ 000,000 bushels less than waa held part o f the project was also approved. ada except under license. Licenses finance corporation, whose creation is justice to property owners. ises o f freedom. March 1 last year, and 86,000,000 expected soon, and $500.000.000 to pro­ It is explained by the department there are to be issued by the minister o f cus­ The bill provides that the president “ What is true o f Russia and Poland bushels leas than in 1916, vide a current working balance at the is not money enough to complete all toms at the request o f the W ar Trade end of the year. These would make a by proclamation or through any legis­ is no less true o f Roumatiia, over­ o f the work this summer, and that the board. whelmed in a Hood o f merciless passion total o f $8.655.000,000 need 3d between lative agency may designate property to be taken over. It would be ap­ action taken has nothing to do with for domination.” Mobilization o f women workers for now and June 30. On the other side of the books might praised and In case owners were not political pull or influence. The protest includes; industry and for the farms w ill be be placed the $853.000.000 working bal­ satisfied they would be paid 75 per The first dipping o f all the sheep in “ Peace is loudly advertised, but un­ Final Action Taken by Bolsheviki to taken up at a conference o f women’s cent o f the appraised value and the ance on hand today; $2,816,000,000 es­ organizations in Washington March 25, timated receipts from income and ex­ federal district court would decide dis­ the state for tick since the big dip o f der the disguise o f verbal professions Make I’eace W ith Germany. 1907 is likely to take place this year, lurk the brutal realities o f war and the called by the United States Employ­ cess profits taxes and other internal putes as to the balance. ! State Veterinarian Lytle said recently. untempered rule o f lawless force. Moscow— The all-Ruasian congress ment service. The aim is to build up revenue sources; $75.000.000 estimated A meeting o f the Sanitary Livestock “ Peace treaties such as these we do o f soviet* has ratifie«! the (ware agree­ a reserve army to answer emergency miscellaneous receipts: $43,000,000 es­ board, scheduled for Corvallis, March not and cannot acknowledge.” ment with Germany by a large major­ timated customs receipts; approxi­ calls. | 22, was postponed until March 28, and “ As Incidents o f this long war un­ ity. mately $200,000.000 revenue expected Wonderful results in the curing and from sale o f war savings stamps and A Bolshevik restitution approving 2,500,000 Tons Go Down From Begin­ j w ill then be held at the Imperial Hotel roll themselves before our eyes, more treatment o f leprosy by the use o f an thrift stamps, and $500.000.000 to be at Portland. The question o f holding and more clearly do we percieve that the acta o f the government o f the ning o f W ar to Jan. 1. oil extracted from an obscure East In­ received in the next three days from the general sheep dipping this year the battles for frc«.'dom are every­ workmen’s and soldiers' delegates and dian plant, known as “ chaulmoogra,” a current issue o f certificates. These London. — Figures on the shipping w ill be decided at the meeting. Under where inter-dependent; that no sepa­ o f the peace delegation, and calling have been secured by the French go v­ would make a total of nearly $4,500,- output and tonnage losses of Great the law the dip is to be an annual rate enumeration o f them is needed Hnd for organization o f the defense o f the ernment in Tahiti and other Polynesian 000,000, which might be expected to Britain will be published regularly ■ affair, but may be suspended in any that in every rase the single, hut all- country by the creation o f a national possessions, according to Dr F elix flow into the treasury from sources hereafter, It was announced in the ; year by proclamation. Prevalence o f sufficient, appeal is to justice and army o f both sexes was passed after Gautier, chief, o f the French govern­ other than the liberty loan. house of commons Thursday by Sir ticky sheep is responsible for the move right. Lenine’s restoration o f peace among Eric Campbell Geddes, the first lord this year. ment’ s medical service in Polynesia. “ Are justice Bnd right going to win? the warring factions and his statement of the admiralty, during the debate on Shell Drops Near Baker. Joseph A. Susskind and his brother, A committee from the Umatilla Insofar as the issue depends on battles that this action waa the only way out, W ith the American Arm y in France. the navy shipbuilding bill. It would Harry J. Susskind, collected $750,000 not be in the national interest, how­ County war fund committee has been yet to come, the nations whose fate is intimating that the treaty might be gross in tips for checking hats and — W hile Secretary o f W ar Baker and ever, to give the tonnage of losses up named to prepare for a patriotic cele­ in the balance may surely put their broken under change«! circumstances. The opposition, notably the Social coats in Ncvr V irk restaurants and ho­ his party were returning from the to date, the first lord added. bration in Pendleton on April 6, the trust in the armies, which even under The world tonnage, exclusive of en­ date o f the beginning o f the third Lib­ conditions more difficult than the pres­ Revolutionaries o f the left, made a tels in seven yeais, according to state­ American frontline trenches, a Ger­ ent have shown themselves more than valiant but futile effort to prevent the ments made in the Supreme Court in man 105-milllmeter shell burst along emy ships, had fallen 2.500,000 tons erty Loan drive. from the beginning o f the war to the equal to the great cause entruate«! to acceptance o f the treaty, which was Brooklyn, by Joseph, who asked for the roadside within 40 yards of the end of 1917.' Sir Eric stated. Northwestern growers must thin their valor.” characterized by the minister o\ jus­ dissolution o f the hat checking part­ automobile. The occupants of the car The amount of tonnage sunk in the their apples and irrigate them during Meetings o f the supreme war council tice as being “ anti-revolution and nership and the appointment o f a re­ were not injured, nor was the car last 12 months was 6,000,000, said Sir the coming year, in order to produce ceiver. damaged. Secretary Baker remained Eric, instead of 9,500,000, as the Ger­ larger sizes, was the message taken to and important political conferences un­ anti-socialistic. “ der the presidency o f Premier David He said that the Social Revolution­ for an hour and a half in a frontline mans claim. Hood R iver recently by Kenneth Mc­ It is confirmed that the two A m eri­ trench on a certain sector under a During the last quarter of 1917, said Kay, form er manager o f the Fruit­ Lloyd-George were held in Dowring ary party repudiated the responsibility can engineers captured by brigands in brisk enemy shellfire. H e also visited street Thursday, Friday and Saturday. for the acceptance o f the treaty, would Sir Eric, the allies were averaging Northern Honan and held prisoner for an advanced listening post and talked within 100,000 tons monthly of mak­ grow ers’ Exchange, who spent the They were attended by the premiers of resign from the government and devote ransom are E. J. Pursell, o f Philadel­ with the officers and men. ing their losses good, and were then past winter in the Middle West and France and Italy an«i other ministers, all its (lower and influence to the or­ phia or S t Paul, Minn., and G. A. replacing 75 per cent of their lost ton­ South, developing new markets fo r the with their m ilitary and expert ad­ ganization o f armed resistance to Ger­ Northwestern Fruit Exchange. K yle, o f Portland, Or. nage. visers. man imperialism. "Captain” Hardy Returns. Seattle, Wash — W. H. Hardy, of A further extension o f commercial Articles incorporating the Western Tuscania Charges Probed. Hospital Fund Drive Near. Bolsheviki Sailors Held. relations between Argentina and Portland. Or., a veteran American Dredging & Exploration company, with London— German troops have oc­ New York— Inauguration o f a na­ France is provided for in an arrange­ sailor, arrived here Wednesday from Seattle, Wash.— Eighteen members a capial o f $400,000, were filed at the ment concluded by the French minister Japan, where he recently made a of the crew of the Russian steamship j county courthouse in Baker Saturday. cupied Bakhmatrh and Konotop (in the tional campaign on March 26 to raise a speaking tour. Hardy, who is known for the purchase in Argentina o f a in Portland as "Captain” Hardy, was Toula, who were left aboard when fed­ The incorporators are T. A. Almstead^ province o f Tchemigow, about 350 large fund for the establishment o f large amount o f supplies. a sailor on one of the ships of the eral officers took charge o f the ship Joseph Meksuvsky and T. L. Hubbard. miles southeast o f Moscow), but were hospitals and clinics in the entente here Wednesday, were Thursday re­ forced to retire from Brinsk (in the countries which w ill be manned Attacking over an 11-mile front on American fleet which, under com­ moved from the ship and placed In 1 A ll is in readiness for the opening o f province o f Orel, 200 miles southwest throughout by American women phy­ mand o f Commodore Perry, visited the coastal sector in Palestine, East the Pacific Potato Starch company at the federal detention station. The 18 Japan 64 years ago. In his talks in Anglian, South Anglian and Indian Japan Hardy recounted his early ex­ joined the 10 other members of the Beaverton. W ith the turnng on of o f Moscow), toward the main base, ac- sicians and surgeons and lay workers, troops have advanced to an average periences In the far eastern empire. crew who were brought ashore when eleertricity Friday the factory began cording to an Exchange Telegraph dis­ was announced here by the War Serv­ the ship was taken over by govern-1 grinding potatoes, but the remainder patch from Moarow dated Saturday. ice committee o f the Medical Women’« depth o f three miles, according to an He is 82 years old. ment officers. All the members of o f the week w a» spent in making nec­ Austro-German troops are movng on National Association. official statement issued by the London Woroshba and Kharkov (capital of the The amount o f money to be raised the crew are said to have Bolsheviki essary adjustments. Yankee Fiyera Speed Up. war office. province o f the same name and about for beginning the work Is yet to be Home.— Tw o American aviators ac­ tendencies. Officers took charge of Orders announced. The fund will be expended Young men o f Jewish faith continue complished Wednesday a fast flight the ship when the captain reported The Public Service commission will 400 miles south o f Moscow). have been given to evacuate Kharkov. under the Red Cross. to enlist in the Jewish battalion o f the from Foggia to this city, flying the the men would not obey orders. g iv e full consideration to the report of British army, which is to fight for the 212 miles in 158 minutes. The avia­ Engineer Cousin, o f Portland, on the Maxim Ship to Be Tested. Reutons Meet Resistance. emancipation o f Palestine from the tors were Major Ryanm, commander Daylight Plan to Cauae No Hubbub. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph com­ of the American flying corps at Fog­ Washington, I). C. — Hudson Max­ Washington, D. C. — The daylight pany’s rates, and w ill also give him a Washington, D. C. — A resolution Turk. A second contingent o f recruits gia. who acted as pilot, and Captain w ill leave N ew York for Canada and Frost, who made the trip as observer. saving bill was signed Wednesday by hearing if he wishes to appear. Chair­ asking Secretary Daniels for all infor­ im's device for a non-ainkable ship haa President Wilson. It puts all clocks mation in his possession regarding been accepted for experimental pur­ thence fo r England March 21. forward an hour on the last Sunday man Miller, o f the commission, stated. published charges that the troopship poses by the Shipping Board, which Petrograd Awaita Huna. In March and turns them back again Lord Rhondda, the food controller o f Columbia county has just let con­ Tuscania, torpedoed off the Scotch announces some start should be mada London. — Occupation o f Petrograd the last Sunday In October. The day­ England, speaking in London Thursday, tracts for $30,000 worth o f improve­ coast with 2000 American soldiers toward producing vessels that could by the German» Is only a matter o f light saving plan will go into effect said he hoped in A p ril to be able to hours, according to dispatches from and be observed without the slightest ments on county roads. Included in aboard, was abandoned by her crew not be sunk by submarines. g iv e those engaged in hard physical Petrograd to several Wednesday morn­ disorganization or impairment of exist­ the year's work w ill be two miles of without effort to save the passengers Out o f thousands of methods sug­ labor an increased meat ration o f 60 ing newspapers. The Russian capital ing conditions. Trains will run as the St. Helens-Nehalem road, which, was introduced Tuesday by Represent­ gested, the ship protection committee, per cent and those engaged in very is said to be assuming a waiting atti­ usual, and every feature o f dally life when completed, w ill make a direct ative Steencrson, of Minnesota. headed by John A. Donald, haa se­ hard physical labor double the ordinary tude and is not displaying the slightest into which the element of time entera, route to St. Helens from the rich N e­ One o f the soldiers aboard the ship lected several for aperial teats, of w ill remain unchanged. sign o f organized resistance. halem valley. which Mr. Maxim’s will be first. made such charges in a letter home. ration. Brief Resume. Most Important Daily News Items. Similar Action Taken in British Ports of World. Food Authorities Contemplate Further Restrictions. COMPILED FOR YOU BIG TONNAGE GAINED SUPPLIES ARE SHORT U. S. TO NEED $8.655.000.000 GIVES COMMANDEER POWER PEACE TREATY IS RATIFIED HUGE SHIP TONNAGE IS LOST