PAOîE 4. falls r •.*-*>»* c it y SATURDAY, M A lT H iw i „ , u im v s Monday the lire Iteli fang, and on leaving the school house w«* discoverctl a real lire, I'll»' I hi vis K ir > h i r o il Id liM g M or ><»rr*>\i futió. TNI Heath can»«* with liIviolln egra house was in flumes. The Urei M i t o|>«'tiiug ino) lo H •*« i a n t o n vi > etl was siKtu put «wit by the tpiick | A m i but it Moitftoiu t liv ia FARMER’S FRIE ho action of the high school Iwiy«. At ISM) o'clock Sunday a iter­ fOH IMCATMfNT n<»»i, March 10, 1918, tht ili r«»c Tint Honor Guard girls had a day old son of Mr. ami Mrs. S. t!. "Stag” party, with their regular Diseased Grain, P^* f0es Wood, pas cd to the (¡reut Bcytmd. meeting Tuesday evening at the Funeral services were held from home of Mrs. Lowe. Thirty-live and Vegetable i ► F E A C H F A M IL Y sav ed on• c u p of w heat flour it w o u ld am o u n t to the residence of Mr. Art Koss, girls were present, each wearing 5.500,000 pounds, or m o re th an 28,000 b arrels. If th is saving w a s m ade Monday afternoon at 2:00 o’ekvk, her father’s or brother’s clothes, AND MANY USES ABOU rg£ th ree t i m e s a week, it w o u ld a m o u n t to 858,000,000 pounds, o r 4,377,000 and interment in the I. 0. O. F some representing soldiers, Imsc barrels in a year. ! cemetery. Rev. Ivlgar N. l-ong hall players, town sports, hay­ Home, Stable and Chit., You can do y our s h a re in effecting th is saving and realty help to w in seeds ami mother's baby Iwiys. the w a r b y o m ittin g w h ite bread from one m eal today and b a k in g in its conducted the s«#-\ i< •os. place m uffins or corn bread m ade according to th is recipe; A business meeting was held in House which they i tanned to make small Corn Meal Muffins Clyde Jellson, who is statarne«! service flag f«»r the school. The f 0 4 S A L E AT % rap corn meal 2 tablespoon* sugar 1 \ cup* flo u r N o eggs at Vancouver, visited over Sun-1 girls played games that boys like, *. teaspoon salt 1 cup milk day at th<> home of Richard i’au A light lunch was served, also Thompson’s Drug Store 4 teasp o o n * R oyal B aking P o w d e r 2 tablespoon* short gum ami candy pi|a*s. Mabel Sift dry ingredient« together Into howl ; add milk and m elted W. A. I’ersey of Salem was in Teal won the prise for being the shortening and beat well. Bake in greased tnufhti tins ill hot oven about ¿ 0 minutes. Same batter may be baked as corn E. K. P IA S E L I town Thursday and Friday. best looking young man present. F bread in greased shallow pan. ATTORNEY AT LAW Ye pay more for old lubber Our new Red, White and Blue booklet, “ Best War Time Retires," containing many other Several lott«‘rs have been re­ recipes for making delicious and wholesome wheat saving foods mailed free address F*rm Loan« 5 Iwwts ami sh«w‘s, auto tires and in- ceive«! hy different H«>me (ìuar«i R O Y A L B A K IN G P O W D E R C O ., D E P T . H „ 1 3 5 W illia m S t , N o w Y o r k ner tubes, than you g«‘t any other ^¡r|rt from jM,ys ¡n France Arch 620 M ill Street. Dalla«. Dragon place. We also puy more for oH Montgomery and Samuel Schlsppi copper, brass, aluminum, zinc, sent letters thanking the girls for Suolile»» tfniba etc. Highest market price. the boxes they received for Christ­ Dallas Bargain House. mas. HOTEL Mrs. Bohle ami son Fretldie The high school have the honor When you need a good cook anyone failing to join the L L. L JF allöC it^lhotcl Œljr 3Fallfl (£ity NruiH stove or any furniture in second­ L. and any pro-Germans in camp. have been quite ill. but are im- of "ex|»eriencinK “examination S * m * i* R o o m « week” once again. proving. hand or new, we will sell for less Frank Fllis is chairman here. B « « t A c c o m m o d a tio n « than the other fellow. r O r e * ««, P ro p ri*««* Dallas Bargain House. AN ERROR H ow ’s T his? L. W O O D SCHOOL NOTES W«i offer On« llumlr« «1 Dollar» Ho­ Publisher An error was made in the Re«l Next Thursday evening, March ward for any case of C a la rrb th a t PUNKRki. hhi A uh Entered as m to n á '•lata mall at the po*toffif« Cross financial report published Idist Friday morning at assem­ caiiuot bo cured by l l a ll a C atarrh at F a lla C lt / . P o lk C o a a tj. Or*» , and*r tba 21, F. L. Baker, will deliver an Cura. A ct of Cong resa of Mmrob 3 . 1 ST». last week. In the receipts the bly the 5th and r l h « U at 15 y*-ara. mid brltov« FUNERAL DIRECTOR We urge all who are interested in have been $25.00, and occurred Umbrella drill, 5th grade girls. 1.1 i |. if t tly l»«»n«iraliln In all b u i l n t M S u b s c rip t ton R atea: O n a y a a r. 11 . 00 ; » 1 * month*. trunsm-tloii* a n d fin a n c ia lly a 1*1« l o curry 10 c m ta; thraa m o n th * ?6 canta; sin g la copy. 5 eta. this line of Christian work to come through the accountant not carry­ Recitation, Cleo Dmld c u t tiny obligation!« m ad « by til» firm. Wo «(tond lo all work promptly. n a t io n a l h a n k o f c o m m e r c e * It will be well ing exit the cent column, leaving a Song, five 5th grade girls Advertising Rates: Display, 15 cents an inch; and hear him! Toledo, O. O. 1 II. 1 » and Falla City, Oro. Business Notices. 5 cents a line; For 5 -ale, Kent. worth your while. lonesome 25. The printer not be­ Song, *>th grade llall*» Catarrh Cur« U takrn Internally. Exchange. Want and Fay Entertainment No­ u tin*? Ulr- ' tly upon Hi« bliMxl and mu- Edgar Long. Pastor. ing on speaking terms with $25.00 The Star Spangled Banner, tices, 5 eta. a line. Card of Thank*. 50 cts; Leg* coi.31 riirf.i«* » of Ho» ay*tetn T«*atlim>nUla Notices, legal rates. bills, mistook it for a two-bit piece. fir* l’ rt< ■ 75 • * lil» l> r bottle. Bold —school lent ••V nil I'riiKKltta. Bohle’s Barber Shop Bohle is again ready to do your Tmkc iia ll'« » atari/ PtlU for coaatlyalioa. Copy for new ads and changes should be tant Hag Salute, school to The News not later than Wednesday. cleaning and pressing after next AGENCY OK O f f ic ia l Hsw apaper of the C it y of F a lla C ity Monday, and don’t forget that BRIDGEPORT GLEANINGS I n t e r n a t io n a l T a il o r in g c o . new spring suit that you have D a i . ijvs STEAM l a u n d r y I s s u e d E v e r y ’S a t u r d a y M o r n i n g Mr. Will I*ee and wife were promised your self. We can give Mutuili-« forward««! k «ln # i 4 ft]r morning you all the latest fabrics and pre­ business callers at the home of war prices. Step in and see our Chas. Rvan. line. Miss Estella Plankinton was m Womens Dress Shoos in Black, Gray, lan un«l Dallas last Saturday. White. Men’s Dress Shoes in Black. Tan «1 nil Don’t forget that Stahl, the Men’s Work Shoes in special lines, also the U, S. Tailor, does cleaning and pressing Bud Sumpter visited his father, Army Shoo. clothes for ladies and gentlemen. John Sumpter, last Sunday. The best show at the Gent tonight All at the lowes prices that they can be hu«l. Up-to-date and satisfaction guar­ George Wolford and Scott Camp-1 anteed. Next door to bakery. Clothes cleaned and pressed. bell were transacting business in Wm. Bohle. DR. THOMPSON here Mon­ Dallas last Saturday. day, March 18. Don’t for- C. C Gardner was in Dallas on I I I I I I I )■■>■)■ U - M - t Mr. and Mrs. Fry of Dallas are I I )■ U l i ' t ♦-I- 1 - H -1 M t - H - H - l - X - i- H - H - H - t - H - f r l ! get the date. Have the Doctor visiting in town. Saturday. I test your eyes and fit your glasses t i l l I-M -M -H -I-+ Mrs. Lynchback and children j wj,jie ¡n the cjty. Consultation Bud Sumpter is staying at the f t , Tobacco« nnd CigArn, a ! of Albany are visiting relati\es in fret,_ Satisfaction guaranteed. home of Joe Gage while his mother B. W« >NDKRLY'8 t°wn- 1 Falls City Hotel, all day. is under the care of the doctor at Dallas. Miss Lilia Courier has been ill i Boro, Friday morning, March C. J. BRUCE, Proprietor. The boys have succee«led in •• during the past week. j8th to Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Butler. His name is Frank catching one mole in the school Mrs. Paul returned last Satur­ a 6-pound son. *.*.UHDER NEW MANAGEMENT.... Leroy Butler. The father, at yard. day night from Portland. least, is boisterously happy. Glenn Gage has received a new Mrs. Glenn Ferguson has been supply of Allies flags. Fresh Beef, Pork, Fish, Poultry, Etc. On Friday evening, March 8th, seriously ilil. but is improving. a surprise party was given in The Farmers Union held their Make our store your store. honor of Elsie Jones’ 16th birth­ regular meeting at Bridgeport, on Will buy your Beeves, Veals, Hogs and Chickens. When you buy, buy for less by day. Games were played, after last Tuesday. The next one will | i CALL AND GIVE US A TRIAL. WE WILL PLEASE YOU. buying at the Dallas Bargain which a lunch was served. The be in tw o weeks. House. guests departed wishing her many Headquarter« foi Cuiidy and Cigar* Cecil Barnard was appointed to ■ > FA LLS CITY M E A T M A R K E T Miss Rita Alderman visited with more birthdays ring the school bell every morning W FATI IFRI,Y ( ¡ON FK< TIONF.RY. -E-H-H-E-H - H -l-M -f i l i l t - » friends in Salem Thursday and at 8:30. Friday. POWELL'S CAMP ...... 1 d — - l i ^ There are nine more weeks of What about that spring suit of Snow to the depth of 4 inches school at Bridgeport. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY clothes? Better talk to Stahl, the fell Sunday ar.d Monday. Passenger Train Schedule Mr. Hoppe was a visitor at the Tailor, about it. Next door to Mr. Wingo commenced work Effective July 15, 1917 161 1*1 £>• the bakery. Fit guaranted. and again Thursday after nearly two home of Mr. Wolford last Sunday. W *»T*O I M l am . Rill. prices reasonable. Salem . . . 7:06 9.35 Mr. Plowman was transacting weeks lay off due to a sprained I »alias . . . 8.15 10.57 business at Dallas last Saturday. Mrs. Burt Harrington of Port­ ankle. Falla Git 8.45 11.90 Bl’kKocl 11:50 land and her father, B. I. Carey The eight hour law went into Wm. Lee has four incubators |M « » » T U O I NI» were in town Thursday and Fri­ effect here Wednesday morning, in use. He is incubating for his pm. HI’k Rook day. Mr. Carey will go to Port­ for the men, wonder why not for neighbars, also. 1.00 Close attention to Falls City. 9.20 1.20 5.50 land for a short time. the cooks a long time ago. D allas. . . 10.00 1.45 6.25 Mrs. T. J. Guthrie visited her work is the cause Salem . . . 11.00 3.10 ______7.20 Mrs. Cleveland and Esther, Mrs mother on her 80th birthday. Fresh Bread, Cakes,Cookies,Pies A. C, POWKR«, AOIRT of much Pain and Miller and Mrs. Vassal spent and other bakery goods, every Mrs. Haptonstol was in Falls Saturday evening with Mr. and many Headaches. day, at the Falls City Bakery. City. Mrs. Wingo and family. Kxtra copies ot The News are Obtain relief by A Service Flag willbe dedicated | Mr. Powell returned from the Elias Robinson was a visitor at printed each week, and will be sent at the M. E. church on Sunday- Loggers convention at Portland, the home of Miss Estella Plankin­ to any id d fM M M , postp«i«l, taking one or two evening. The first service will be where the L L. L. L. of this camp ton lately. cen ts in charge of the Epworth League. sent him as their delegate. He D R . M IL E S ’ - Mesdames Ryan, Barnard and Everyone interested in\ ited f rom pje wag one 0f four pggggg ¡^nt by McCherry were visitors at the A W F U L S U F F E R IN G . i :00 to 9:00 P. M. employees, out of 600. home of Mrs. Murphey. " I su ffere d u n to ld ag o n y w ith n e u ra lg ia . I th o u g h t I Notice lo News Subscriber* Then tone up the Nervous Misses Hazel and Ruby Wingo Will Martin and wife were Sun­ w o uld g o m a d w ith p a in . A f rie n d of m in « a d v ised m o CARD OF THANKS spent Saturday in Falls City, re­ day visitors in Falls City. System by using to t a k a n r . MU«*’ A n tl-P a ln A ;nork here indicates that turning Sunday morning. r ill« , t d id so a n d th e p ain We desire to express our sincere Harry Welton was a school visi­ your subscription Is delinquent, « to p p ed a lm o s t a t once. D r. M U «»’ Mr. Powell thanks the men for tor the 8th inst. gratitude to friends for their kind (’lease rail and fix it. T h e n I co m m en ced u sin g D r. M ile»’ N erv ln « a n d b e ­ assistance and sympathy in this, their confidence in him, Wednes­ Miss Mabel Lee was a school fo re lo n g I w a s s o t h a t I did our first great sorrow, the loss of day night at the L L L L meet- visitor the 6th. n o t b a v a th e s e p a ln a an y m o re .” ■ . J . W IN T E R , our darling baby boy. and for the iug and asked for the co-operation IK FIRST BO TTLE, OR BOX. F A ILS («1 B . P l a t t e A ve., TO H E L P YOU, YOUR MONEY W IL L flowers and every token of kind­ of the men in the work. A com­ Chas. Ryan lost a valuable cow S eeh sr- C olorado S p rin g s, Colo. BE REFUNDED. I C ITY, OREGON ] mittee composed of Jno. Wheltz- recently. ness rendered. O rch a rd Land ing, D. Cockran and the section Sincerely, Miss Estella Plankinton has Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Wood. boss were appointed to deal with been quite ill lately. O B IT U A R Y FORMALDEHYDE 22 Million Families in the United States FOOD W IL L W IN T H E W A R ob 1 Spring Shoes Have Arrived M rs. E. F o rs h e y FALLS CITY MEAT MARKET ïflhaft Gùùfeoorafeb (poto- r ANTI-PAIN PILLS Restorative Nervine