Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, March 16, 1918, Image 2

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800,000 to Join Colors This Year; 05..
000 to lie Called Beginning Mar.
Equipment is Ready.
Washington, D. C. — Eight hundrod
Brief Resume Most Important
.Daily News Items.
------ —
thousand men are to be called to the
colors gradually
year, under
army draft,
which begins on March 20.
♦ ♦ W s «« ♦♦♦♦♦♦
Germans Announce Capture of
4th Largest City in Russia.
Marshal General Crowder of
the number to be called, was followed
I closely by an order for the mobilita
tion of 95,000 men during the five-day
Reports received by Superintendent
Churchill from various purls of the
state seem to indicate that a county
unit plan of taxation for school pur­
poses is meeting with considerable
Irrigation for Langell valley lands
in the Southeastern part of Klamath
count) from the waters of Clear Lake
in California, was indorse»! at a big
meeting of prospective water users at
Lorella p»>atoffioe in tangvll Valley
At the regular meeting of the Med­
E~ents o f Noted People, Governments period beginning March 29, some 15,- Allied Diplomats Are Said to Have
ford city council Tuesday night a spe­
000 of them to be assembled under the
Gone to Menaced Citv Held in
and Pacific Northwest and Other
cial election was called for April 3,
' second draft.
when the so-calletl extension payment
Things W orth Knowing.
Eighty thousand will be men of the
plan will he vote»! upon. The call
| first draft o f 687,000 not yet sum­
was made in answer to initiative pe­
titions signed by over 500 citizens.
moned into service.
Details of how the second draft is
Billy Sunday, the evangelist, said
Tuesday that as soon as his Chicago to be applied, will be made public
engagement is completed, he w ill go
later, after congress has acted upon
to France to visit the trenches.
proposed legislation providing for the
China, in response to an inquiry
registration o f youths and for basing
from Tokio, has signified her intention
to co-operate with Japan in the protec­ state and district quotas on the num­
tion o f allied interests in the Far East. ber o f registrants in class 1.
While the entente allie» are " n ib ­
Dairy meetings were hel»! during the
line» from the past w«-ek in Grants I'asa, Medford,
North Sea to Switzerland, but arc Ashland and Gold Mill. Subjects of
fettling, breeding, marketing anil co­
making little or no serious attempt» to operation were discussed by K. H.
break through or to bring about a cul- jQ jtti uf tho o . A. C. extension aerv-
minating struggle, the Teutonic pow ice, and J. D. Mii-kle, Dairy ami Food
era have taken another step in the ex­ commissioner.
ploitation o f the East.
The National party will have diffi­
The advance guard» of the Germans I culty entering Oregon if it wishes to
have entered Odessa, the greatest Rus­ secure a foothold here, in light of the
sian port on the Black Sea anil the recent opinion o f Attorney General
center o f a great agricultural section, Brown, which holda that the Prohibi­
the products of which are desired to tion party cannot assign its rights to
feed the hungry peoples of the central the National party and allow it to
hold a convention for the nomination of
The German advance through Mol candidates.
davia and Besaarabia has been virtual­
ly unopposeil.
W ith Odessa safely in
Professor F. (5. Young, of the coo-
their hamis the Teutons will have ac­ nomics department of the University
cess to vast stores of w heat which can | of Oregon, has receive«! appointment
be transported overland or by sea to as representative o f Oregon on the
points where it ran readily be shippe»! national war prison hoard. I*rofessor
Young has wired his acceptance, and
into Austria and Germany.
But the capture of Odessa will mean been instructe»! to nominate county
something more— an advance over the representatives to act under him in
route to Persia and Afghanistan an»l I the new work.
possibly India, which is to be followed
The »-ontents o f five five-gallon kegs
now that the British have severed the
famous Berlin-and-Bagdad route to the of whisky sml alcohol gurgled joyously
down the Toletlo courthouse hill Tues­
The congress of Russian soviets, day afternoon and when Sheriff Bert
which was to have »-onvened at Moscow Geer, in the presence o f Deputy Dis-
trict Attorney McCluske and quite i
on Tuesday, postponed its meeting.
This gathering may be historic, as it crowd of citizens, bored holes in the
will be asked to ratify or reject the : containers and created the necessary
peace forced upon the Bolshevik peace gravity, there was an unmiatakable
delegates by the Germaus at lireat- odor that savored o f the days gone by.
blin g” at the German
In his first official statement on the
The upper house o f the Austrian
reichsrath, a Vienna dispatch says, has subject, however. General Crowder as­
adopted a provisional war credit of 6,- sures the country that no sweeping
000,000,000 kronen for the next four withdrawal of larger numbers of men
at one time is contemplated, and that
“ Pastor Russell’s " work. "T h e Fin­ care will be taken to avoid interfer­
ished Mystery,” will be immediately-
ence with harvesting.
removed from circulation in Eastern
The 95,000 now called, it is under­
Washington, according to a Spokane
stood, are needed at once to fill up
other divisions or units scheduled for
German airplanes raided Paris Mon­ early departure, or to take the place o f
day night. The first alarm was given men transferred from other divisions
at 9:10 o ’clock, when seven squadrsns to make up such deficiencies.
of German airplanes were reported on
Newly organized regular divisions
their way to Paris.
are particularly short of men and
Captain W illiam Redmond has be­ heavy drafts on National army divis­
come a candidate for the parliamen­ ions to make these good have been
tary seat from Waterford, made vacant necessary, seriously interfering with
by the death o f his father, John Red- training work o f the National army-
mand, the Nationalist leader. He is divisions drawn upon.
The call for the new men makes it
opposed by Dr. White, Sinn Feiner.
probable that no further transfers will
The W eser Zeitung, o f Bremen, says
be necessary.
the majority parties of the reichstag
The 800,000 men summoned this
intend to insist upon complete clear­
year represent the number necessary
ness regarding the status of the for­
to fill up all existing divisions, to
mer Russian border states before rati­
create all the army corps and field
fication o f the peace treaty with Rus­
army troops to fill out the w ar ma­
chine for which the framework already Litovak.
The Dry Chicago Federation an­ exists, and to provide a quarter of a
When the congress meets it is prob­
nounced Tuesday that a committee of million replacement troops.
able that the message of Presideut
seven would be sent to see Secretary
When they have been mobilized, Wilson to the Russian people will be
of the N avy Daniels with a request, which will not be completed before the
read. It is expected to make a pro­
the granting of which would close first of next year, there will be more
found impression upon the assembly.
every saloon in the downtown district than 40 full infantry divisions o f 27,-
o f Chicago.
700 men each, and all the additional
Berlin, via London— German troops
The bodies o f Mrs. Lena Guilbert units necessary.
have entered Odessa. This offiical an­
Ford, an American poet, and her son,
The first purpose of the W a r depart­ nouncement
was made Wednesday
about 30 years old, were discovered ment is to complete the first field army night.
Monday in the wreckage o f a house in France.
Probably this will be com­
Odessa, the most important seaport
destroyed in the German air raid on posed of five army corps of six in­ of Southern Russia and the fourth city
London last week.
Mrs. Ford was the fantry divisions each. It has been es­ of Russia in population, was founded
author o f "K e e p the Home Fires Burn­ timated that with that force and its by Catherine II in 1794.
necessary auxiliaries at his disposal
Its population numbers about 450,-
The house naval committee has be­ General Pershing would be able to hold 000, nearly one-third of whom are
gun consideration of the annual naval a 100-mile sector o f the battle front, Jews. Normally there were several
appropriation bill, as framed by the relieving the strain upon French man­ thousand German residents.
Among many other importnat insti­
N avy department and a naval sub-com­ power during 1918 to that extent.
What that would mean to France tutions it contains the imperial new
mittee. The bill carries approximately
$1,300,000,000 for the N avy for the may be judged from published state­ Russian university, founded in 1865.
next fiscal year, but the amount would ments o f French officials that on Jan­
Washington, D. C. — Members of
be made immediately available so that uary 1, 1918, the Belgian army held
the Navy can meet promptly any emer­ about 15 miles of the Western front, the American and allied special mia-
the British forces about 105 miles and sions to Roumania have left Jassy for
gencies that might arise.
the French about 350 miles.
Odessa under assurances o f safe con­
An important embargo in Western
The apportionment o f Northwestern duct from the king o f Roumania. They
territory was announced in Chicago
states is: Washington, 638 men; Ore­ had been held for quarantine.
Monday by R. H. Aishton, regional di­
Word regarding the missions enme
rector o f railroads, owing to conges­ gon, 369; Idaho, 242; California, 1745;
Montana, 521.
from Minister Vopicka, at Jassy, who
tion on lines east o f Chicago.
The W ar department is prepared to said the Austrian authorities had at­
tween 15,000 and 20,000 cars are tied
supply clothing and other equipment tempted to hold the missions for 30
up at Western gateways because of
immediately for all the men to be days. An investigation by members
the inability of Eastern railroads to
of the missions indicated there was no
move them. The embargo will last called out.
sanitary reason for their detention and
until the congestion is cleared, prob­
protests were made which eonvfnc«sd
ably a week or two.
the Roumanian government that some
Federal authorities in N ew York are
assistance should be given and provis­
said to be investigating a report that
ion made for them to leave immediate­
a number o f women, one an American Express Companies W ill 1‘robably be
Taken Over by Government.
who is prominent socially and who re­
turned recently from Europe, have de­
Flies First Liberty Seaplane.
Washington, D. C. — Government
vised a new method for transmitting
probably will be extended
Washington, D. C.— Am erica’s first
important military information to Ber­
shortly to the leading express compan­ fighting seaplane equipped with Liber­
lin. It is reported that these women,
ies, it was officially intimated Wednes­ ty motors has been tried out and s o
taking advantage of the freedom al­
day at the Railroad administration. cepted, it was learned Thursday, and
lowed their sex under the enemy alien
The companies that would be affected a number of the craft are now being
regulations, have been meeting secretly
are the Adams, American, WellB-Far- delivered for the use of the naval air
in N ew York hotels.
go. Southern, Great Northern, North­ service. They are the advance guard
The British food controller says that ern, Canadian and Western.
o f a big fleet which will be added to
i f English farmers could get 1,000,000
Most express companies’ earnings the forces engaged in submarine hunt­
acres of potatoes under cultivation this last year were far below the record of ing in the w ar zone.
year there would be no fear of starva­ the year before, and some, notably the
A second type of fighting plane for
Adams, recorded an actual deficit in the American army, known as the
Despite orders from the high com­ the latter months. Government oper­ Bristol model, also has now reached
mand for the German people to beflag ation and compensation on the basis of the production stage and a considera­
their towns and rejoice over peace the average earnings for the last three ble number will become available dur­
Still another
with Russia, notes o f doubt are not years is sought by most companies. ing the present month.
lacking in the German press in regard Some decision probably will be reached type, a two-seated machine, is being
within 10 days.
to the future in the East.
Sir Henry Babington Smith arrived
ta b o r Reports Not True.
in the United States Thursday from
Washington, D. C. — Exaggerated
England to assist Lord Reading, Great
B ritain ’s special ambassador to the reports of shortages of farm labor, the
United States.
department o f Labor announced W ed ­
nesday, are hindering efforts of the
In response to the Finnish govern
government to place workers on the
ment's request for military assistance,
Less talk about the shortage
it is announced officially in Berlin,
and more o f the methods by which
German troops have been landed on
farmers can make known their needs,
the Aland islands.
This official an­
was suggested as s remedy.
nouncement confirms recent press dis­
Any farmer who wants hands may
patches concerning the movement of
get an application blank from his post­
German troops to Finland.
master, rural carrier or county farm
By a vote o f 90 to 53 the N ew York agent, which will put him in touch
with the department.
assembly Wednesday adopted the re­
port o f the judiciary committee favor­
Russian Crews Gone.
in g the ratification of the Federal pro­
London— The whole Russian Baltic
hibition amendment.
The measure
fleet is lying at Helsingfors, Finland,
w as then made a special order for con­
the Petrograd correspondent of the
sideration next Tuesday.
Times cables, but the crews have melt­
A band composed o f 1000 harmonica ed away, only a watch being left each
players is being organized at Camp ship. The dreadnoughts will soon sail
Meade, Maryland.
So many soldiers for Kronstadt, but the remainder of
show ability on this instrument that the fleet will remain in Finland.
the W a r department commission on correspondent also says that all mova­
training camp activities ia considering ble articles from the cruisers Aurora
organizing a mouth organ band in each and Diana, lying in the N eva river,
have been'earried away by sailors.
“ Loan Shark” K ing Rich.
N ew York— Daniel
known from
H. Tolman, who
Coast .to CoaBt as
" K i n g o f Loan Brokers,” and who
died at his home in Montclair, N. J.,
last month, left an estate o f $4,000,-
000, yielding an annual income of
$150,000. A t one time the elder Tol­
man had 82 agencies in 27 states and
the District of Columbia, and his prac­
tice of exacting extortionate interest
against “ loan sharks.”
In 1913 Tol­
man was convicted here of usury and
served a sentence o f six months.
Ship Sticks at Launching.
Seattle, W ash.— A fte r being christ­
ened Culburra, the second ship to be
launched from the Sloan Shipyards
Corporation plant, the vessel failed to
complete its journey down the ways
Wednesday and it will be launched la­
Miss Florence Lister, daughter
o f the governor of Washington, broke
a bottle over the prow and the craft
moved about a foot and then stuck.
A ll efforts to move it further proved
Keeont poultry aeleetlou dem ­
onstrations In Lawronco county,
Pennsylvania, have d *»sl»P ® d la*
I t m l l l i f results. In one case it
two-week reeord k*pt hy »mo
farm er shows that 41 |p>»>d henn
laid 241 «'UK* as compared w ill»
four eggs lal»l by 41 poor bens;
In a a o ib er caae s reeord *>f Hi
days shows that 28 good hruo
laid 111 eggs ns compared w ill»
27 eggs laid by 47 poor lieu».
In the ta lle r «'aso III»' oolleg»»
represeulatlve »idected the liens
Septem ber 22 Hm| nu e^ g» w ero
laid by the poor lieus until Sep­
tember 211. During a two- w e e k
period ID good liens In one flock
laid 152 eggs, w hile 13 poor hens
In the siinie llix-k laid tw o egg».
l ’rnidlit* poultry sehx'tton mid
Increase your return*. T h e good
winter layer has bright «yea,
l«‘g* set well apart, pale beak
iiud »hunks In lato fall and «*arly
winter. She also has a strong,
broad back, a deep ami full ah-
ilomen. a deep rounded
aud Is vigorous ami active.
r ” >**r Roads and
Writer Ad voi alsg I
i ' '-•'usbl.
Land to Ft
0"» tra Inter-
Just at this lime
* '* • slmili,j
exil'd III the q u c tlo u , hi
our public roads b o )
III to -
thing» should bo conaidi
»w i ring this question, oa
In Utah Farmer. The kind
Hn l tO be lived III m ilk in g
1 ...........
condition« throng!
which the road wdll pass, the proper
draliinge of the rund. The ap»'clal use
lo which the road may be put, If any.
For yearn very little attention hus
! been given to the waste of land In our
road building. Land lias been cheap
uud plentiful and years ago we did not
Simple and Convenient Means for Pre­
venting Larger Animals From
Eating Too Much.
Simple stanchion* for »'ulve* are a
convenient menu* o f preventing the
larger calves frolli eullug the small
one'* share o f the feed, also for feed-
fill ninny calves quickly anil without
The dliigruni shows the
While stnuchiuns are usually built
Good Road in W esL
In tbs baru. a few panala o f them aro
exceedingly us.-ful as part o f the fence give the attention to proper rood
building as we do now.
Public road* have been o f a uniform
width of OH feet ami the by roads aliout
40 feet. They huvu been too wide If
we wero to Judge by the condition In
which we llud many of them. Wnst»*d
land on cither side la used oidy to
grew weed*.
Why uni make them th<« width that
Is uimd and plant trees uu either »Ido
us we have iiilvix-ntcd In these col­
umns before! Then the thoUHtind* uf
acres o f laud that are now practlcnlly
wasted could l>e put to aome good
The California-Oregon Power com
Some of the Knstern railroad* are
pany, of Klamath Falls, has been ap-
tt-aclilng us a lemmii In this regard
Simple Stanchion for Calvst.
point«*d by the Federal authorities as
for they are farming Ihelr right-of-
■gent to make a survey o f Southern In the calf lot.
In such cases ths way.
On a recent trip East I *aw
Oregon and Northern California.
A <*alve* »-»inn to the stanchion* at feed-
great long etretche* of laud on either
military map ia being prepared to out­ tng time, and may he safely fed by a
side of tho railroad trark planted to
line the work for the power company child, since there Is no occasion for
nlfnlfa. Acre* were planted to truck
in that section.
Every tunnel must be entering the calf lot.
Persons who gardening. I understand similar con­
shown, with its capacity; every rul
have been accustomed to dealing with ditions ure to bn found In N o m e part*
vert, train, highway bridge and ford
husky, buntlug calves will appreciate of ( ’allfnrnlu.
ing place must be shown.
the advantage of stanchion feeding.
For the snke o f economy In building
and upkeep let's build our roads more
Fears of Marahfielil people that the
$20,000 appropriation o f the last legis
narrow. Restore the acres of valuable
lature for the construction of an arm ­
land to farming.
Build scientifically
ory there might laps»? and revert to the Fowls Cannot Produce Egos Unless constructed roads tho proper width
genreal fund before the city is able to
and plnnt tree* on both sides.
They Have Lime to Make Shell»—
present a suitable site to the state,
Grit Aleo Needed.
are set at rest in a letter fro m A t t o r ­
ney General Brown to the Marshfield
Hen* fed nn unbalanced ration pro-
H e assures them that the dime only one-third to one half ii * many
Whether or Not Farmer Lives on Pub­
appropriation w ill not revert at the egg* ns hens fed n balanced ration
lic Highway Hs Should T ak * In­
end of the present biennium.
during the same time. An unbalanced
terest In Nearest One.
Father’s old clothes cut down to fit ration wastes from one-half to two-
Every farm er should feel his de­
W illie, or mother’s dress of last season thirds of the feed. Be sure the ration
pendence up»>n goo»l roads. Whether
transformed Into dainty garments for is Imlnnrt'd.
Hens ennnot make eggs unless they or not one lives on s public highway
the little girl o f the fam ily, as a re­
he should take an Interest In the near­
sult o f the w ar and the national call have lime to make the shell*. Fred
for economy and thrift, are to be given and wuter usually contain only i-nough est one to his farm or the road he
lime to shell one egg fur each ten eggs tuns» use to market his farm, orchard
places o f prominence in the list o f pro
miums to be offered by the Lane the feed would produce. The number a id garden products.
There are many times when a day's
County Fair next fall.
Made-over of eggs produced from high priced feed
garments are to be given the place of should not be limited becnuM of a lack work can he spnred for the rnud. A ft­
Provision will be made for of lime. K»‘ep crushed lime rock or er heavy rain* the road may need cer­
special awards for knitting and the oyster shell before the hen* at all tain repairs or Improvements when the
overseer Is not ready to call out tho
making of Ke«l Cross supplies.
Mines. H a p p ly lined, shnrp g rit also.
W hy not Imllvtdiml fanner*
Outlook for the sale of the $500.000
donate n day's work on the road at
worth of highway bonds for which bills
such time?
are to be opened In Portland March 15
Hy keeping a road drag and drag­
seems to be particularly bright. Nu
Little Attention Given at Weaning ging the road along one’s lnnd after
mcrous Inquiries are, coming In from
Time W ill Be W ell Repaid—
heavy rains the road nmy bo grently
bond buyers all over: the country, be
Should Be Dried Off Carefully.
Improvitd. It I* nn easy matter to have
tween 15 and 20 having been received
an agreement so earn fnrmer will drag
In one day alone by, the department
At weaning time the ability of n ewe the roud In front of hi* farm. This
offices at Salem. Greater Interest has
been shown In this block of bonds to produce n good lamb often 1» ruined wouM tnnlnlnln the road till the regu­
than in any other since the state be because the necessary »•tire Is not taken lar hands could he cnlli'd out at stated
gan selling road bonds.
lo see that »he Is dried off properly. A Intervals or till the commissioner could
little care at this time will he well mnke the repairs.
H og production In the state of O re­
T w o or three days after tho
The time has come when we must
gon Is rapidly falling off, according to
separation the ewes should be inllkpd consider the roads an asset. Indis­
Professor E. J. FJaldsted, of Oregon
All of the milk need not bo pensable to the well-being
Agricultural college, who has Just com out.
the form ­
pleted a series of lectures to Lane drawn from the udder, but enough er and his fntnlly. This being true. Is
county granges in an effort to encour­
It not every man’* duty to do all ho
age hog raising and give instruction soft and pliable. Mark with colored
enn to krep the roads lu good condi­
in proper methods of feeding at a min chalk ewe* needing no further At­
Itnum cost at present high price« of tention. In nhout three day* the ewes
There are about 100,000 hogs should be milked out again and the
In the state at present, as compared
with 145,000 to 150,000 In normal
should be given four or five days
times, he stated.
Concrete Highways Being Built In
biter to those not dry.
Twenty-Two Cities and T o w n s -
Amedeo M. Smith, of Portland, was
Cost $15,000 a Mile.
Thursday reappointed by Governor
Withycomhe as a member of the In
The construction of concrete high­
dustrlal W elfare Commission for n
Droppings Sprinkled With Land Plas­ ways Is going on In 22 cities and towns
term of three years.
In Connecticut, and when these con­
ter Make Excellent Fertilizer
Announcement was made this week
tracts have been completed there will
for Vegetables.
by President James Snipes, of The
be about 70 miles o f concrete-surfaced
Dalles Diamond Mills company, that
Save your poultry manure for the pavement In thnt state. The highways
he had sold the entire plant to the
are 18 feet wide and cost $15,000 a
K errO lfford company, wheat export­ gnrden patch. Sprinkle It with Innd
ers of Portland. The new owners have plaster (gypsum ) or coal ushes. This mile. Tho longest Blnglo street o f con­
stated that they will Improve and en­ makes an excellent compound for a crete road In Conn»'ctlcut I* two miles
large the mill to from 450 to 500 bar­ fertilizer. This manure Is very valu­ In Cheshire, on the mnln highway
rels more capacity.
able, and will mnke n big Improve­ from I’lulnvlllo to New Haven.
Purchases of w ar savings certifi­ ment In your garden soil.
Good Roads.
cates amounting to five large stamps
Any neighborhood thnt does not
a month have been guaranteed by
have enough enterprise to keep two
three of the employes of the Shevlln-
or three log rood drngs going for a
Hlxon box factory at Bend.
couple of weeks during tho late fall. Is
seven of the 52 employes there have
Functions of Body— Rest Goes
contracted for investments each pay
sadly behind the times. Farmers who
for Milk and F a t
are too lazy to do this ought to be
compelled to drng their weary legs
An automobile driven by the Rev.
The first use to which the animal puts) through the mutl to town next spring
Jacob Stocker, pastor of the Salem
Its food, whether producing milk op — as they surely will.
Chemeketa street Evangelical church,
was struck by the Shasta limited at not, 1» to maintain the functions of]
Best Results for Dragging.
the Court street crossing of the South­ the body. The feed In excess o f this1
ern Pacific Thursday evening and amount Is used for producing milk,
The best results from dragging are
wrecked. Although several members for storing fat, or for the growth of obtained only by repented applica­
of his family were In the car with him, tho foetus.
none was Injured.