WOULD HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WEEK Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. RUSSIANS IN FLIGHT Terrorized B aU w rlk i M ore Capital to BOLSHEVIKI WADIS M o a n » While Germans Continue Advance STATE N E W S IN X a a a a a a a a a a ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ -a. a a a a A A A A A A A A A i I ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ W V Bomb Petrograd. Ixm don— The evacuation o f Petro­ grad has begun. Three state minis tries, according to a Reuter dispatch from Petrorgad dated Tuesday, have started to leave the cepltal, from which the population also is ficeing hastily. The Bolsheviki government purposes 1 to declare Moacow the Russian capital and Petrograd a free port. We Travel Same Road, Trotzky Says; Can Alight Any Time. Fred Wyman, a young man o f Shel- ; burn, who enlisted two month» ago in the United States navy, died thia week I at the San Diego naval training sta­ tion, according to word received by relativee in Linn county. War Recipes Cut out the following recipes and paste them in your cook booh to help you Hooverisu. They have keen thoroughly tested by instructors end •pecial lecturers in the department of home economics at the University of Washington. 0 . A. and D, Swihart, o f Derby, in the east end o f Douglaa county, have uncovered a large dc|H>eit o f mineral, which, on being analyzed, proved to be a goinl quality o f magneaia. Several aulphur dc|»und lesa ex ­ hauling throughout the country, jq. pensive. Slice» may be dipped In cldcntnlly, the results n^ V » j ^ » i r y over Petrograd at 5 o'clock in the a f­ rograd will be proclaimed a free port. formed at Stamford, Conn. commence building 10 or 12 houses beaten egg. then in rrumlui or corn ah**i\ llllit If o il/ * O M « 1 ternoon and dropped bombs. Airplanes Notwithstanding the signing of and w ill continue until there are auffi Eight million dollars o f the $50,- also were seen dying over Nevsky meal and broiled. Thia may tie served available to limit crop* It* It ia thought 150 will 000,000 fund given to the shipping Prospect, and the belief prevailed that pauto«, lit** iruvwmnent Is determining eient number. with Lemon sauce or mock Hollandaiae quire about 15.74T.txK) day* for It to board by congress for housing shipyard the enemy was aiming at Nicholas to tranfer all the state instituttlon to be built. Complete the Job for only tlie mar- woes. Moscow, Nizhi-Novgorod and Kazan. workers w ill be spent at the govern­ Station. W illiam Pollinan, a Baker stock- krletl portion of three mold prominent The removal o f the ministeriea o f fore­ ment fabricating plant at Hog Island, Sunday night Zeppelins were ob­ ign affairs, communications and finamc man, who has returned from an exten­ Broiled Alaska Sole Whole fish, farm product»— wheat, corn and cot­ Pa. served at Gatchina, S5 miles from Pe­ began Thursday. sive trip over the Middle aid South­ salt, popper, melted butter, crumbs. ton. flying toward the cap­ The pneumonic plague in China has trograd, The Investigation show» t lui t It re­ The population o f Petrograd is has western livestock raising sections of Clean the fish, skin, and remove the spread to Shantung province from ital, but they w ere driven off by the tily quitting the city, but there are the contry, said that the stock in East­ heads (at the fish markets it is gener­ quires about half a day f o r ^ v awr- Shansi province, where it has been anti-aircraft batteries. many transportation difficulties anil al­ ern Oregon and Southern Idaho is in the ally dressed. 1 It ia particularly good age furnier to make a round trip to prevalent. Four deaths have occurred ready the roads leading from Petrograd best condition o f any section o f the brushed over with fat sprinkled with market, and about two-thirds of a day at Tsinanfu, capital o f Shantung pro­ salt and pepper and dipped In fine on the average for the farinent furth­ are crowded with all sorts o f vehicles. United State*. vince. The Russian delegates have returned Trial o f a suit for accounting against erumba and broiled. With corn muffins est from market to make a similar V alidity o f the section o f the Illi- * Interests o f Western Powers W ill Be from Brest-l.itovsk and w ill report to i Thomas B. Kay, state treasurer, was it makes an appetizing breakfast dish, trip. That market distances are grow­ the executive o f the soviets as soon as started in the Circuit court before which compares favorably with brook ing shorter la shown hy the fart that nois dram shop act making saloon Safeguarded by Move. In ltxxi It required almost 60 per cent possible. Judge K elly at Salem, one day thia trout. property owners as w ell as saloon pro­ more time for Hie average round trlpf! According to the latest reports hos­ week, the suit being instituted by prietors liable for liquors sold causing Washington, D. C. — The United Black Cod- Black cod is one o f the Oua reason for the Improved condi­ loss o f support to a w ife or fam ily, is 1 States is in agreement with Japan, tilities have been suspended on all ; Fanny Kay Bishop, aisler o f the treaa- fronts, the Germans having halted on urer. aid involving the estate o f their larger deep-sea fish commonly found in tions, It la pointed out, la Unit since upheld by the U. S. Supreme court. | Great Britain and the other co-bellig­ the northern front along the line com­ mother, Ann Kay. the I'uget Sound fish market». The 11XXI the steam railroad inllcugn In Theodore Roosevelt le ft the hospital erents on the principle o f setion in prising Narva, Pskov, Vitebsk, Mobicv' fit-ah is white and firm. Aa it contalna the United Status ha* Increased tO per Tuesday after four weeks o f convalee- W illiam Inman, who crossed the a large percentage o f fat, black cud ia cent and that tunny uew freight car and Orsha. i Siberia, but the details remain to be ing from operations. As he walked The Bolsheviki leaders are prepared plains with his parents in 1852 and most delicious when broiled. Tying electric lines lim e been built. to his automobile, the ex-President ex­ worked out. to withdraw even as far as to the Ural who had resided on a donation claim Rounds o f black cod | inch thick, Another point brought out by tin- pressed his satisfaction in response to This became known Wednesday, as mountains rather than submit to the near Elmira until a few yeara ago, salt, |iep|ier. Fur broiling, the round inquiry ta ttint them has been marked greetings given him by a small street the cabinet met with President Wilson defeat o f the revolution, said Leon , died at his home in Eugene Wednes­ should be cut | to 1 inch thick. Re­ Improvement In public roads ■lucu tin* crowd and his negro chauffeur. Trotzky, Bolsheviki foreign minister, day night. His w ife died two months move the skin, wipe with a damp cloth, to discuss the subject. ago. Inman, who was in his 70th in an interview with the press. and sprinkle with salt and pepper. The bill making it a crime to w ilfu l­ W hite House officials were disturbed M. Trotzky said that if the Bolshe­ year, never recovered from g r ie f oc­ Place the slices upon the rack o f the ly make or convey false reports or over published reports that the state­ viki could go back to the state o f a f­ casioned by her death. broiler. It is advisable to place a pan statements to obstruct the govern­ ment’s sale o f bonds or other securi­ ment had been authorized that the fairs which existed last October just J. H. Itikman, an Albany busineas beneath the rack to catch the fat This fat may be ties, or loans by or to the United United States was not in accord with before they overthrew the Kerensky min, purchased $3800 worth o f war which drops down. States, was passed Wednesday by the the attitude o f the allies toward the government, they would repeat th e : savings stamps at the Albany poat- used for frying other fish, or in escal- The broiled house. It awaits action by the senate. Japanese plans. It was explained that whole program which has been put office Wednesday. This is said to be loped dishes o f fish, etc. no statement had been authorized ex­ through since that time. one o f the largest single sales o f these blsck cod may be served with s lemon Any alien who is a member with a " I n October we did not exclude th e 1 stamp* thus far reported in the state. or tomato sauce, or without sauce. A cept that the United States had not clear record o f any branch o f the fight­ given its assent to the action under possibility o f a holy w ar,” he declared, j Mr. Bikman ia a native o f K ie f, Rus­ combination o f boiled, or backed pota­ ing forces o f the United States and “ Now we consider such a war poaai- ! sia, the city which is the capital o f toes, corn bread and tomatoes, or a considered on. has resided in this country one year The soldiers' and workmen’s ithe new Ukranian republic. cabbage salad, ia particularly good. The principle upon which all parties ble. would be eligible for naturalization un­ to the exchanges are said to be agreed delegates must now fight for organiza­ der a bill passed Wednesday by the Preliminary work on the Sheridan is that i f German influence is working tion and order.” W ill Tax Overflow Rights. house. M. Trotzky was asked whether the road job, which was stopped last fall harmfully in Siberia, and if there is Olympia Although the law does not A t the request o f the W ar depart- [ imminent risk o f the loss o f the m ili­ United State* might assist in the pro- ¡by the government refusing to allow ment and because o f its m ilitary im­ tary stores in Vladivostok, Japan will cesa o f organization by detailing to the | the further use o f cars, has been require him to do so, Clark V. Sav- portance, President Wilson, by execu­ be justified in using whatever measure Trans-Siberian railway the 300 Amur- i started again by the State Highway idge, state land commissioner, is re­ tive order, has put prohibition into o f force may be necessary to maintain ican railway expert* now waiting in | department, ami Highway Engineer porting to all assessors the value o f Japan, and also what guarantee the “ Nunn stated that the commission is in­ overflow right granted on state lands. effect in the Island o f Oahu, o f the the peace in the Far East. Hawaiian group. Honolulu is located Differences o f opinion are under­ Bolsheviki could give that goods im­ stalling its own quarry and putting in These rights are valued at $79,120 and on the Island o f Oahu. stood to relate to the measures o f sup­ ported in consequence o f such assis­ its equipment to go ahead. although they usually escape taxation, tance would not fall into German port to be given to Japan in such an Fligh t Lieutenants Paul and W hit­ Chouw Sing, for 19 years chef at this year they will be on the tax roll* hands. ney, from the aerial school at Fort undertaking. He said that i f the Russian govern­ the Soldiers' Home at Knaahurg, will of the counties in which the lands are One .U1P,0,T diplomat remarked that public Sill, Okla.. were killed Tuesday after- .. une ment fe ll into German hands it could be retained there to supervise the located and if any one wlahea to esca|*e the Siberian question noon 10 miles north o f the aviation j d|8CU8s,on of not protect such supplies, but that all cooking, the State Board o f Control payment o f taxes assessed they will field when the gasoline tank on theTr ^ emed l ? !08e 8iKh‘ o f the existence The reports that have to carry the fight into the sorts o f supplies were being evacuated decided Wedneday o f a special treaty between Great Brit­ airplane exploded and the machine he was suffering from tuherculoais was courts. from Petrograd. crashed to the earth from a great ain and Japan, making it obligatory M. Trotzky was asked whether he denied in a report received from Com­ upon the latter to protect not only her height. Concrete Road In Mississippi. own interests but that o f her ally as thought it possible that i f Russia’s mandant Markee, who said that Dr. peace efforts failed the United States ; Stewart, physician at the home, had Poker profiteers were hit Tuesday well on the continent o f Asia. bureau's Investigation* In 1000, for together made examinations which were con­ by the internal revenue bureau’s in­ Under this treaty, it is said, in dip­ and Russia might battle the size of the nverage bind hauled formal ruling that earnings from the lomatic quarters that, while, as a mat­ against German oppression, lie re- vincing that he had no symptoms o f bns nenrly doubled since then. A day's the disease. game were subject to the income tax, ter o f courtesy it behooved Japan to plied : haul o f whent In liHXl was 60 bushels; “ America and Russia may have d if­ but losses could not be deducted from keep the entente allies and the United W heat— Bulk basis for No. 1 g»w l«^ The organization o f the Loyal L e­ income in figuring the tax. Thus there States government o f her purposes, it ferent aims, but i f we have common Hard W hite— Bluestem, Early Bart, now It la 112 bushels. In 1UU0 1,71X1 gion o f lo g g e rs in the Clatskanie v i­ pounds o f cotton was hauled in n is a tax for the winner and no relief was necessary to make any proposition stations on the same route, I see no cinity is being rapidly pushed ahead. Allen, Galgalus, Martin Amber, $2.US. day; now the averuge dully haul U reason why we could not travel to­ fo r the loser. to the United States government and Recently several men o f the Army sig­ Soft W hite — P h louse bluestem, fo rty­ 8,000 pounds. probably not to her allies except gether in the same car,* each having nal corps visited the camps on the big fold, white valley. Gold Coin, W hite G. F. Warren, professor o f farm Great Britain. The Inquiry developed the fset that the right to alight when it desired.” W hite club L ittle Kerry line and practically every logger Russian,. $2.03. management at Cornell university, the loud* hauled in the cotton country club, Jenkins club, white hybrids, So­ It was explained at the State de­ in the cam p s jo in e d and » r e re a d y to testifyin g before the senate agricul­ nora, $2,01. Red Walla — Rml are thu sum Hast but the most valu­ partment that no direct proposal had help the government get out spruce ture committee on general food condi­ been received from Japan regarding Russian, red hybrids, Jones fife. Cop- able. Thun the nvi-rns** valua of u and flr to help to win the war. tions, declared food production in the pel, $1.98. No. 2 grade, 3c less. No. loud o f cotton was found to be $183, Sibreia. It is known, however, that United States this year, from present the department has been fully informed John E. Redmond Succumbs in Lon- Camp No. 15 o f the Booth-Kelly 3 grade 6c less. Other grade# hanledil wheat $43 mid corn $2H. The longest indications, would be less than three- o f the Japanese plans through the hauls were found to be In the Rocky don Following Operation. Lumber company, recently established by sample. fourths o f normal. mountain status, where Nevada holds Flour— Patents, $10. British government. above Wendling, is making a record London--John E. Redmond, the Irish M illfeed— N et mill prices, car lots: the record with an average haul for The status o f the matter, so far a9 for 100 per cent loyalty to the coun- During the Bevere snow storm Wed­ Nationalist leader, died at 7:45 o ’clock Bran, $30 per ton; shorts, $32 per all farmers o f 18 miles. The shortest »i.'* followed / I try ’8 cau8e- The nesday a Chicago, Milwaukee & St. can be gathered, is that Japan has Wednesday morning, Death there are ^ on,y 41 men employed ^ ton; middlings, $39; mi xml cars and hauls were shown to lie In the middle learned that her allies heartily ap­ Paul freight train, westbound, collided a recent operation for an intestinal less than carloads, 50c more; rolled West, Ohio at the bottom o f the list prove o f her entry into Siberia if that Loyal Legion o f lo g g e rs and Lumber­ with a pile-driver, work train near obstruction. This was borne courage- with four miles. Shawmut, Mont., between Harlowton should be necessary to carry out her oulsy and it relieved the patient, but men, but every one o f them 'has taken barley, $ 660 / 68 ; rolled oats, $66. Butter— Cubes, extras, 60c; prime out a membership in the Red Cross. and Roundup, and five men were killed, obligations. intervened Tuesday firsts, 49c. Jobbing prices: Prints, So far as the United States govern­ heart- trouble while several more were injured. A ll night. Fred Otley, o f Harney county, has extras, 52c; cartons, lc extra; ment is concerned, the officials appar­ but one o f the dead were members o f The news o f the death o f the Na­ reported to Dr. W. H. Lytle, State butterfat, No. 1, 66c delivered. ently believe that it is not necessary Motorists of Massachusetts Spent $25,- the pile-driver crew. tionalist leader brought messages o f veterinarian, that three cows helnryr- Eggs Ranch, current receipts, 35«; for them to give formal assurances on 000,000 Last Season, as Result sorrow and regret from all sections o f ing to Hubert Smith, o f that county, The so-called alien slacker bill to the subject, though it is believed this candled, 36c; selects, 38c per dozen. o f Good- goads. the community. died during a recent night at a corral bar from citizenship and authorize de­ course can be outlined to Japan in a P o u ltry— Hens, 25)0/26c; springs, Redmond became leader o f the Na­ in which they were feeding, and that 27; broilers, 30f//36c; geese, 200/21c; Motorists spent $26,(X)0,000 In Massa­ portation o f aliens o f draft age who way to make it perfectly clear that claim exemption from m ilitary service there is no lack o f understanding of tionalist party after the deposition o f examination o f the stomachs made turkeys, live, 2tXi«27c; dressed, choice, chusetts last season, largely ns a re­ and authorizing the drafting o f any Japan's position, so that no strain will Charles Stewart Parnell, “ the un­ there indicated that crushed glass had 85c. sult o f the good roads of that state. While un­ been fed to the animals with the salt aliens fo r agricultural or manufactur­ be placed upon the relations between crowned king o f Ireland.” Rather a fine dividend I Veal— Fancy, 20c per pound. ing work was passed by the house the two countries through the failure compromising in his demand for home they w ere eating. Pork— Fancy, 20)c per pound. Great progress has been nin/le In Im­ rule for Ireland, he was not a “ separ­ Sack vegetables—Carrots. $1.60 per proving the roads In Minnesota, but Thursday by a vote o f 344 to 21. It o f Am erica to record a formal ap­ W ar stamps to the value o f $600 atist,” but demanded government by now goes to the senate. sack; beets, $1.50 01 ) 2 . 0 0 ; turnips, there are communities which as yet, proval. have been taken by the eight men and representative consent.” $1.50; parsnips, $1.600/2.00. apparently, see but one side to tho women composing the cookhouse force Twenty-nine men are believed to Potatoes — Oregon Burbanks, $ 100 good roads question, and that Is, cap­ La Folette Vote Held Up. o f the Brooks-Sranlon Lumber com­ have lost their liveB Wednesday morn­ U. S. Power to Be Felt in 1919. 1.25 per hundred; Yakima#, $1.50; ital going out nnd no dividends com­ Madison, W ig.— A gentlemen’s agree­ Several hundred dol­ ing when the seagoing naval tug Cher­ Chicago— Am erica’s full power on pany at Bend. sweet potatoes, So/SJc per pound. ing back. While tho returns from okee foundered in a severe gale 15 ment by members of the state assembly the Western battle front in Europe lars’ worth o f stamps also were taken Onions—Oregon, buying price, $1.75 motor travel are Indirect, neverthe­ by the loggers. In the other depart­ miles off the Maryland coast. to shun technicality and proceed to vote w ill not be fe lt before the summer of per hundred. less they are certain. It Is obvious ments o f the company’s plant equal in­ Green Fruits — Apples, $1(0)2.25; that any town Is at least Indirectly Japan has directed inquiries to the on the resolution condemning U. 8. 1919, Colonel A. D. Kniskern, quarter­ terest in the collection o f th rift certi­ Senator La Follette went to smash in master’ s department. United States pears, $2.25; crantarries, Eastern. benefited by having auch good roads entente powers and the United States Wednesday night’s session. Each side Army, declared in a sieech before ficates is being shown, the differencet $17.50 per barrel. government to test their feelin g to­ that motorists delight In making It an foremen having entered into competi­ blamed the other. The break came members o f the Association o f Com­ wards a proposal to institute joint m il­ objective on their week-end tours. March 6, 1918. when the speaker ruled that 40 minu­ merce. The turning point in the great tion to see which one w ill place the itary operations in Siberia to save the Any district that has bad road* be­ Cattle— To date more than tes o f debate was all that could be al­ war, he said, would come in 1920. He most stamps. vast quantities o f war supplies stored Med. to choice steers., . .$10.350/11.00 comes Just ns well known, but of lowed. A t this Assemblyman Evjue, explained the seeming slowness of $3000 worth o f stamps have been pur­ at Vladivstok and along the Siberian Good to med. steers........ 9.36oz 10.35 course adversely. Unfortunately, too La Follette floor leader, said that if Am erica’s preparations by the state­ chased by the company for redistribu­ railroad. Com. to good steers., , . , 8.000*1)10.00 Tnnny specific esses might be given.— “ gag law ” were to be enforced, he ment that for every man carrying a tion to its employes. Choice cows and heifers. 8.000/; 9 60 Minneapolis Journal. Captured German airplanes brought would not be bound by the agreement rifle there must be 40 men supplying A wreck which occurred on the Com. to good cows and hf 7.000« 8.16 him with food and munitions. to this country fo r study by aviation to vote. Greatly Improve Road. 4.250i 6.25 Sumpter Valley railroad Wednesday Cannera........................... Ry keeping a road drag nnd drag­ Bulls................................. 5.0001) 8 00 experts show that the Germans are night damaged the engine, totally de­ Marine Company Insured. Franz Bopp Not Immune. 7.500« 12.00 ging the rood along one's land after using materials very in ferior to the stroyed three cars and slightly dam­ U a lv e s ............................. Washington, D. C.— The 80th com­ San Francisco— Franz Bopp, former 6.500« 9.60 heavy rains the road may be greatly standards set for American planes and aged 10 others. Although badly shaken Stockers and feed ers.. . . H og» - Improved. It Is an easy matter to apparently are short o f spruce and pany, U. S. marines, on active service German consul general here, and eight up the engineer and fireman and train somewhere in France, is insured for Hindu defendants in the Hindu conspir­ Prime light h o g s ........... $16 850« 17.50 have an agreement so each farmer linen. crew escaped without injury. $2,545,000. This undoubtedly estab­ acy trial being held in the United Prime heavy h o g s ......... 16.500« 18.85 will drag the road In front o f hla Recommendations by Major General lishes a record for individual company Slates District Court here Thursday, Negotiations are nearing completion P i g * ................................ 14.000/16.26 farm. T h is would maintain the road Charles G. Treat, commanding the insurance subscription. O f the 255 lost their fight for immunity in the for the sale o f the Eugene Iron Work# Bulk .............................. 16.500« 16.95 till the regular blinds could he called 87th National Guard division, that the men in the company, 254 took out in­ case on trial. Judge W illiam C. Van to the Foundation Shipbuilding com­ Sheep— out at stated Interval# or till the com­ death penalty be imposed to check de­ surance for $10,000 each, the remain­ Fleet, before whom the case is being pany, o f Portland, according to an an­ Western lambs............... $16.00t3)15.50 missioner could mnke the repair*. sertions and to bring soldiers to a real­ ing member subscribed to a $5000 pol­ heard, denied the motion o f counsel for nouncement made hy G. N. Frazer, Valley lambs................... 14 fiOOf) 15.00 ization o f the gra vity o f that offense icy. In addition to this, 188 men o f the Bopp and the others for immunity in­ who established the Eugene plant 30 Yearlings......................... 18.000« 13.60 Sixteen.Foot Roadway. have been disapproved by Secretary same company made allotments totaling sofar as testimony so far given is con- years ago. The plant w ill be shipped Wethers........................... 12.60fd 13.00 Maintain at least a 16-foot road- $2830.60 for the “ folks back home.” crened. Baker. to Portland. Ewe.................................. 9.000« 12.00 n $ . COMPILED FOR YOU HOSTILITIES STOPPED HAULING CROPS TO MARKET JAPAN W ILL ACT IN SIBERIA NORTHWEST MARKET REPORT IRISH LEADER ANSWERS CALL BIG GOOD ROADS DIVIDENDS .