FÄLLS eiTY NBWS FALLS CITY. OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1918 VOL XIV No. 28. ~ [ m O B IT U A R Y , Polk County Pioneer Dies »» i. i ' * h li win,in nil« liaa fallen In fuve I imn cry other person in the high school lony Asplun went to Portland k*, to wfi«. to « a n , tar. has the pleasure of having a cold. Tuesday. HaltlneMa w ith tlie women of Tuco^lu 1« a sign of Lwautjr, and n ever until alio Frank Vinson is working on the i* Ini Id dues a T u to p ia w om an lietoin« The teachers training class have fuJIy i"onvlilted th a t alio la really love taken up the study of arithmetic. Balderee line. ly. Hut bald or not sbe takea km -« 1 Everybody seems to he well ta ro whom abo aaka to m arry her, for Ethel Sampson and Rheta Bow- tbo trib a l law baa n ever been know n I man are making the soup this pleased with the 8-hour day. to fall. If a rejected w om an doea not Thom ai I . T a th tro w , Who Dlad at week. Some soup' Arthur Bartell returned to camp kill beraelf aba la executed by tbo lead Isdapandanca March 3rd Had ora of tlio trib e .—I'earitou'o. Iendence, Sunday, from the Government men this fi'Md on«* Monday d u r liiK tbe revolution w idth overthrew the Homanoffa. A March 3, 1918, age HO years and week. Hrltlab nurae, follliig Loudonera of her 19 days. Funeral services were BLACK ROCK ITEMS experieneea tu th e K usslau cap ital on conducted Wednesday by Rev. "lied M onday,” aaya of one »• en# Mrs. McGovern and son Clifford *T «aw tu th e stre e ts a w onderful Dunnmore, and interment in the WAR STAMP DRIVE were in Falls City Sunday. IVtM-eaalon of revolutluuU ta, tb e van- K. of F. cemetery near Monmouth. Kuard of tb e b reve lib erato rs of Hue Weakly Report For Polk County Mr. Tetherow was born in Platt Mrs. King ar.d son Richard ala. T be soldier patriot« In th e ir Kray County Missouri and had lived in were Falls City visitors Sunday. Total ain’t to lie raised $321,160.00 coat«, ou foot a n d in m otorcar«, w ere 22,196.72 gohiK down the a treet In a H eady, or Stamps sold to date Polk County 73 years. He leaves 298,963.28 derly m anner, protecting a crow d of Clifford Wallace and Joe Lamm Balance to lie sold a wife and two children, Joe sta rv in g m en, w om en an d children w ho were husines visitors in Falls City Tetherow and Mrs. Minnie Hilde­ $ 325.90 w ere w alking In tb e c e n te r of tb e pro Airlie on Monday. ceaslon. A t th e ir head waa a band brand of Independence;one broth­ 41.30 playing the 'M arseU latae' an d a large Ballston er, Sam Tetherow of Falls City, Miss Sayre made a business trip 18.88 red flag borne aloft. Black Rock and three Bisters, Mrs. L. Parker to Falls City on Saturday, attend- 4.13 ”A» the proceaslon neared tb e Hotel Broadmeud Moscow, w here th e N evsky begin«, 50 there w aa a sudden o u tb u rst of fierce of Ashland, Mrs Martha Burns of ing the Principals club, returning Buell Dallas and Mrs. Ann Johnson of on Sunday. 89.47 firing from above, and the soldiers and Buena V ista women and children fell to th e ground Colfax, Washington. 2,628.26 Dallas A big dance will be given in the and th e atreet soon becam e a sham 979.00 Falls City hies. T be firing w as from m achine Commissary Saturday night. The Independence - 253.47 guua controlled by th e police, who wore proceeds will go to the Red Cross. Alfred B. Graham 203.40 In ain b u sb on th e roof of tbe hotel and McCoy who tried to bring ab o u t a w holesale was born on the 16th day of Dec. It is to be a gingham gown and 308.20 sla u g h te r o f th e people. Monmouth 1846, in the township of Milford, overall dance. 24.51 " It w aa asto n ish in g bow self possess Parker Oakland County, Michigan, and Glenn Stevens has been absent Perrydale 61.95 ad th e crow d w as In th e face of th is m urderous atta c k . I aaw tb e soldiers died the 28th day of February, from school on account of tonsilitis, - 18.75 who b ad not fallen Im m ediately en ter Rickreall 1918, at his home in FalLs City, hut is better and hack in school 192.20 tbe hotel an d m ak e th eir w ay to the Suver Oregon, at the- age of 71 years, again. roof, w here they sh o t th e cow ardly po lice, cap tu red th e m achine guns and two months and 12 days. Opal Wallace was a Gilliam vis­ brought them dow n to th e stre e t." On March 10, 1864, he enlisted itor on Sunday, visiting her bro­ N00VER RREAD in Co. K of U. S. Infantry for ther. Landing Money. To all bread consumers who "A nd now, my son," said th e old service in the civil war, and at its aaau, “ I m ust give you a bit of partin g close received an honorable dis­ Winnard and Valmore Bullis are buying their supply, either advice." went to Albany on Friday to get In the bakery here or from out­ charge. "Yes, d ad ," an sw ered th e young August 5, 1868, he was united their sisters, Lida and Eva, re­ side, it may be of interest to m an p atien tly . know th at all bakeries are under "N ever lend money to a friend.” in marriage to Miss Melissa Van- turning home Sunday. “W h at, never?" Brunt. To this union three child­ We had quite a bit of snow here strict control of the Federal Foot “No, uever." Commission, and have to bake “B ut w hy? Surely som e frien d s a re ren were born, one son, Roy for the past month or so. loaves in regard to quality as to honest ?" Graham, and two daughters, Mrs. “ U ndoubtedly. B ut If you lend Miss Hammond of Falls City Ad«» Thomas and Mrs. Lulu Zuver. was here Tuesday giving music substitutes, also in weight accor­ money au d try to get It back you will ding to law. Instead of 13 or 14 be called a tig h tw ad , and If you lend Also, nine grand children and four lessons. ounce loaves, they must now be money aud d o n 't try to get It la c k you great grand children. He has one will be called an easy m ark .”—C leve­ Harold Ridenour came home 16 ounces, hence higher cost. sister and two brothers living. land Plain D ealer. from Ostrander Saturday and is That the new Hoover loaf prop S tep n iak as Prophet. visiting his parents and friends erly made with required substi­ A correal Mm dent o f tb e M anchester FIRARCIAL REPORT LOCAL RED here. tutes has. perhaps, a little differ­ G uardian ln E ngland records an Inter­ ent taste, but is, if anything, CROSS esting sta te m e n t m ade by Stepulak. The larger pupils of this school more healthy than straight wheat tbe g re a t R ussian revolutionary, which •nade a hot bed, and then planted Falls City, Ore. Feb. 18. 19’° Is w o rth quoting. W hen he first m et cabbage and tomatoes. They are bread and is so acknowledged by Stepulak, in 1889, th e w rite r says, he Receipts most loyal people who make their asked w h at real prospect th ere w as of taking the best of care of them. bread in conformity to Hoover’s au.v revolution lu R ussia. T he reply I nov . 3, Christy show !I 44.50 Mr. Turner has been on the sick receipts, and therefore should be was: “A g reat Euro|>eau w ar will bo ” 7, Mrs. Addie Mont- our chauca. It will show the bureau 25 list this week. superflous for a teacher to make cracy to be quite Incapable of m anag gomery 25 Some of the high school students remarks to her pupils as to the Ing the affairs of tb e uatlon In a ert- ’* 26, Mrs. May Ellison of Falls City visited our school last different taste of certain bread, 61.25 Dec. 6 Mrs. S. G. Price or still a teacher here, who does week. 102.15 Jan. Show and dance Efficiency. Efficiency Is no new Invention; It Is 7.38 ” 26 Gym Festival It has been so stormy here that not Hooverize and does not use as old as Intelligence Itself. None re ­ substitutes in her baking, etc alize efficiency so com pletely as the Feb. 16 Minstrel show 82.71 the men could not work. If this should be the case, she creative genius—o u r D arw ins, F a r a ­ 25.50 " " Christy dance 25 The 8th grade has finished its ought to be reminded and have days, Kdlsons and F o rd s—and none so ” “ Mrs. Driggs proper receipts from our food L-Smpletely practice aud exem plify 2.40 history and ready to review. “ 18 Mrs. Beard w orking explosively. G enius Itself, we controler, Mr. Hoover. ara told, Is th e cap ab ility fo r tak lu g Total $351.39 Infinite pains.—W illiam H. S m ith In D. Toller. The 10-Spot arrived at camp In d u strial M anagem ent. new Wednesday looking like a Disbursements Good Advice. engine. L O V E L IN K E D W ITH D EA T H . W hat did the doctor say when Tom Nov. 10 Mrs. Hellwarth $ 2.16 off som e of hts digits fooling w ith The Spaulding upper camp has In Y beepla Qlrle P rap ase Man-lag« and shut 2.68 Dec. 4 F. C. Mer Co loaded pistol?" M ust Ole If Rejeoted. 6.00 closed down for the third time Jan. 2 Wagner Hall "He thoughtfully told hlui he should In th e Pacific ocean betw een FIJI, 32.20 this winter. An old saying, the New tiu ln e a . New C aledoula an d the remember th a t finger* a re good things “ 12 Mrs. Ri^gs, yarn alw ays to keep on h an d ."—Sau F ran co n tin en t of A ustralia lies tb e M elane 4.00 third time's the charm. “ 12 Kirkpatrick, exp. loco Chronicle. alau group of Islands, w here head h u n t­ 24 Mrs. Hellwarth 60 Mrs. George Miller is on the ers an d can u lb ala abound. A lthough M aking It W orse. *• 24 F. 0. Mer. Co. 7.45 sick list. stra n g e au d grew som e are m any o f tbe "D id you Iry co u n tin g sheep fo r your custom s of tb e tribes, th ere a re som e 'eh. 10 Wagner Hall 8.00 B. C. Miles of Salem was a vis­ th a t a re moat rum autlc. F or Instance, insomnia?*’ Yes, h u t It only m ade m a tte rs Total $63.09 itor at Spauldings’ camp Monday. ou tb e Island of T ucopla the women w orse - th e sheep rem inded me of my propose m a rria g e Instead of tb e rneu. Balance on hand $288.30 butcher's h ill." - Boston T ra u a c rlp t L. Nixon went to Portland on W hen a g irl of T ucopla sees a m an -----------o—> e > » ---------- M. L. Thompson, Treas. Tuesday. whom sh e th in k s she would like to A rtesian W ells. have for h er hu sb an d she does not rush The Chinese have obtained water up to him a n d aak him to m a rry her. Mrs. James Day and Miss 0 tb e c o n trary , she gives tb e aubjeet through the means of artesian wells SCHOOL NOTES Robetls went to Salem Tuesday On deep th o u g h t a u d o ften tb e m an a most for over a ’t housand years. One of and were joined by Mr. Day on carefu l Investigation before sh e "pops the most famous wells in existence 1 The Mesdames Skeel, Lowe, Wednesday. - . tbe q uestion." T b e reason Is th a t hta is that of Grenelle, in the outskirts au aw er spells life o r d eath to her. Ross and Watzlini, visited school of Paris, where the water is brought I Mrs. Day says she is tired of I t la a trib a l law th a t any woman from a depth of 1,798 feet. It yields last week. w ho baa been re fu te d m u st fo rth w ith B16V$j gallons of water a minute. \ gathering snow balls and Miss kill beraelf. T h e re fo re a w om an asks The boys and girls of the soph- Roberta considers its no place for a m au 'a h a n d only w hen she feels s u rt A well in Pesth was sunk to the omore class have been debating heavy waights in 2 1-2 ft of snow. th a t hla a n sw e r will be tb e happy one. depth of 3,100 feet in the seventies on woman's suffrage. Naturally Mauy a re th e stra n g e aud seemingly A House For You. Oh! For the good old mountains Inexplicable q uestions w ith w hich the each side thinks it is superior to If you have sense and feeling de­ women of T ucopla ply tbe at ranger, in the summer time! the other side. termine what sort of a house will who c an n o t realise th e personal mo The motor was held up for a tlve hack o f th e solicitude of th e dusky be fit for you, then determine to This has been hard luck week belles w ho Inquire If be Is m arrie d or for some of the students of the short time Tuesday on account of not and th e s ta te of hi* w ife's health. work for it, to get it and to die iu it, if the Lord will. I mean a house ! high school, Treval Powers did the log train losing several logs R om ances a re consequently very apt that you can entirely enjoy and not have anythiug else to do but between Falls City and Black to tu rn o u t In happy m arriage. manage, but one which you will not Hut th e re h av e been inn u m erab le lu get blood poison in his arm and Rock. bu proud of, except as yon make it S t a i n es w hen a poor girl, sm itte n by charming in its modesty. — John : Harold Beard spent his spare time th e new co m er's ch arm s, baa been com The telephone system is in very t P«u*d to k m I f r s j l f because m an Ruikin. in seriously injuring his leg. Ev- good order again. — New Spring Goods New House Dress New Aprons New Millinery New Dress Goods New High Top Shoes New, Men’s Spring Hats * THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE STORE NEW ARRIVALI 'IN DIFFERENT LINES ARE NOW SHOWN WE APPRECIATE YOUR INSPECTION SELIG’S, Cash Price Store, "Meeting and Beating Competition” . A Short Horse There is always something to be thankful for. You re­ member the old fellow with a runty horse who said. ‘ Well, a short horse is soon curried.” A short story is soon told. If you are not already a customer of ours, we would like to have you with us, so take this means of inviting you to open an account at our bank. We offer you exceptional banking facilities and a good, strong, reliable, accommodating banking service. Need more be said? BANK OF FA LLS CITY. WE W ILL TAXE YOU R M EASURE FO R A SUIT OF Ed. V. Price & Clothing FA LLS CITY LUM BER & LOGGING CO. FALLS CITY HOSPITAL EQUIPPED AND PREPARED TO HANDLE General Surgery, Sickness, Accidents, INCLUDING THOSE THAT COME UNDER State Industrial Accident Commission Rooms $2 to $3.50 per day, including general nursing and board. Mrs. R. M. Massie, Matron Dr. G. E . Prime, Mgr.