1 PAGE 4. SATU RD AY, MAIM II 2, 11MH F At.! .R C IT Y NEWS 3Fall« CÜitif Nrum L. WOOD rubli.-h«- *«t»r» U. AdrortUing IUto* Du$'U> " ■ **n’ * •*» Inch Busings* Noto©*. A ren t* ä lin o. F o r * > . *'«•» f R *oh »n f© Want and Pat Ktil«rtAttin*<‘ »ii No H o n . 5 d « Card oiThanfci Wet *: I 9gt Kottcos Itfgal rato». Copy for ntv* a«)». atv1ct'Hnge»»honM b# wnt to The New* not later tb \n " <* Ines Uy Official N#wtyaji#r » f tfc» City •( r*l'.* ( » I ssued E very S aturday M orninu Dana MePherren and wife vis­ ited relative« in Monmouth" over Sunday. E. K. P IA S E C K I O B IT U A R Y FALLS CITY MEAT MARKET MAHALA CAREY C. J. BRUCE, Proprietor. Set* the now spring hats at Mrs, Mrs. Mahala Carey, wife of B. Gregory's Store. 2t I. Carey, diet! at her home on Union street, Salem, Ore. Feb., Mrs. I), (irant \isitod her moth­ 20, 1018, o f pneumonia, aged 781 er in Philomath over Saturday ami Sunday. Her mother has years. Funeral services were conduct»*« bwn qU¡t« ¡II at the Salem undertaking parlors ^ Mrs. Thompson was in Dallas h.v Rev. Hanson o f Ealls City. Will buy your Beeves, Veals, Ho|s and Chickens. Mrs. Carey was born at I «one Saturday. Jack, Missouri Doe. 11, 1845. She CALL AND GIVE US A TRIAL. Wc WILL PLEASE YOU. For Sale 100 quarts o f choice crossed the plains to Oregon, with fruit and vegetables. Inquire of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dickey, F A L L S CITY M E A T M A R K E T G. M. Tice. when eight years old. At the age Mr. Addio Montgomery has o f 14 years she became a memlx-r ! M— ¡--i-¡-i— returned home from Dallas where of the church. i—i— I--I— t— i— i- i - i - h — i — i — í -+- i — ¡— r--i— :--r— t— i — t— i December 11, lH»i2, on her 17th f she has been several months. birthday she was married to A. J. ;r Mrs. Either Montgomery is Switzer. To them several child a quite ill. ron were born, five o f them living J She leaves to mourn her death, Wm. Bohlo is on the sick list. a husband, B. I. Carey, and five The pulpit at the M. K. church children, Monroe, and E'rank Sw it­ will be occupied next Sunday, zer, Cloverdule. Ore., Mrs. Alice both morning and evening by a Moon, Ceres, Cal.. Mrs. Marj Y YOU CAN Nul AFFORD TO C A R R Y YOUR OWN minister from Salem. Wooden, Portland. Ore., and Mrs. r R I*K ON IIOCSKIIOI.D GOODS. INSURE: NOW! Mrs. Joe Harlan and children Winnie Morrison. Mabel. Ore. a f t e : r t h i : f ir e : is r o o i a t i : have gone to Detroit, Ore. where RATES ARK I.OW Mr. Piarlun is employed. ------------------------------------ Hie Misses Cunning, Hurd. I f T. H. I,aDow o f Northern Idaho Miller. Hastings. Goodspood, V\ ag was here Monday and Tuesday, ner and Cleveland; also George visiting his brother E’.. A. I ¿»Dow. Wagner, Kldon E'rink and Trevul Pow ers visited the Guthrie school If you intend to buy fruit trees on Washington's birthday. this spring see Christy for prices -H -w -m -m -H -H H - G. D. Treat and D. L Wood, Jr. A farewell surprise party was W. T. Grier was a Salem visitor ! tendered Rev. and Mrs. Hanson were in Salem Tuesday. ....UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT....___ Fresh Beef, Pork, Fish, Poultry, Etc. N. N. C H R I S T Y Local News Hems INSURANCE The best show at the Gem tonight Clothes cleaned and pressed. Wm. Bohlo. Walter Nichols of Sheridan was in town the first o f the week. Fresh Bread. Cakes,Cookies,Pies and other bakery goods, every day, at the Falls City Bakery. Dr. Atwood returned Monday from Portland. Mrs. Hattie Griffin Salem Monday. went to Beautiful new spring coats suits and dresses Mrs. Gregory’s Store. 2t Will Wood and family left on Monday for their old home in eastern Oklahoma. He will farm this year. i; Notary Public * t and Faith. last Tuesday evening AI Graham died Thursday night. We have been unable to get the at the M. El church. particulars for this issue. O. L. Carey and family went to Mrs. Belle Rllwood o f Portland Salem Thursday, Feb. 21st to at­ is spending a few weeks with her tend the funeral o f Mrs. Mahala mother, Mrs. Mary Thorn. Carey which was held at the undertaking parlors Saturday at C K. McPherren has moved to 11:00 o’clock. the Fred Holman property. > « O U ’L L enjoy this real Burley cigarette. It’s fiill of flavor —just as good as a pipe. Y *. ' f f IliiTM. Jfallôdit^lfootcl Som ala R o o m . Boat A ccom m oda tion. f Oroooo. Proairl.tor ►1' N M iA I . M i l M l ON R . L. C H A P M A N FUNERAL DIRECTOR Wo att.nd to all work promptly. Dallas and Falls fill Bohle’s Barber Shop AOKNCY OK I nternationa !. T a iu » rino ro. D a i .i . ah stkam i . apndry Htiiitllc» lorwardnl Wwln*«!!)! ntortiloK i r S % TOASTED * I T h e B u r le y tobacco is toasted; makes the taste dekoioug. You know how toasting improves the flavor of bread, i A n d it's the same withe.tobncco exactly. FORMALDEHYDE Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. E'rank White ! s|>ent the week-end in Salem. A. H. Dodd is moving into the Wanky house, his former home. w Mrs E-stey and Norman Droegel went to Dallas Friday morning. THE FARMER’S FRIEND Candi«*, Tobacco* am! Cigar*, nt I, B. WON D K R L Y ’8 FOR TREATMENT OF D is e a s e d G r a ill, P o ia fo S S Mr. J. W. Smith is in Portland j j u 1 LI a few days visiting with Mrs. I a n d VCgC tSblC S Clothes do rot make the man, Smith. . , . AND MANY USES ABOUT THE yet a stylish well-made jierfect Mrs. Ada Chapin returned oni fitting suit o f clothes add greatly j Tuesday from San Diago, Calif HORIC S t a b le an d C h ic k e n to his appearance, and often, the . where she had spent several * best recommendation he can carry. weeks with her son Verl. A. 1>. Stahl, the Tailor, can lit Mrs. Curtis, Mr. Gibson's moth­ you out with anything you desire er is seriously ill. His daughter, F O R S A L E AT in this line. Next door to the Mrs. Apple o f College Place, bakery. Wash., came Thursday. House Thompson’s Drug Store lli'aNI e :< TIONKRY. The J. C. P’E N N E Y C O M P A N Y Does not offer you Specials, or so-called Bargains— BUT ABSOLUTE STANDARD MERCHANDISE AT* LESS MONEY We have no favorites or inside prices for Mrs. N. N. and not for her neighbor i 40 In. All Silk ( >epe de Chine $1.39 a Yard W E A R E P R EP A R E D TO S H O W YOU A V E R Y N IC E L IN E OF Ladies’ and Children’s COATS and SUITS While prices are higher than heretofore, you will agree with us that they are exceptionally low for the Quality and Style PRICES FOR SUITS ARK COATS SELL RANGING PROM AT- $14.75 to $35 $9.90 to $30.00 CHILDRENS COATS SELL DON’T F A IL TO LOOK AT OUR WORSTED AT $2.98 to $8.90 W E FILL MAIL ORDERS f I Btwtncoo tínico Falls City, Oregon IN TH E NEW EST SPR ING M O D E L S A N D SHADES •T.f Dall.., Oregon Mortgage. N. Main Street LUCKY STRIKE CIGARETTE P REAL ESTATE «20 Mill Stro.t, 1 Mrs. J. R. Walker left Monday Rev. Hanson has been trans­ for Portland. Mr. Walker is em­ ferred from Falls City to Buena ployed in the S. P. shops there. \ ista. Farewell service was last Sunday night. They will live in A beautiful line of new spring Salem, Trade and Ferry, between waists at Mrs. Gregory's Store. 2 15th and I6th street, where they Laura Griffin who is attending j " >0 be glad t<> have their Ealls school at Forest Grove, visited her * dy iriendscall when in Salem, parents over Friday and Saturday ; I‘ev- Hanson will leave for Salem I March 1st with household goods, Mrs. R. Paul is visiting friends ¡and Mrs. Hanson and Faith will and relatives in Portland. follow sometime next week. £ - ATtORNIY AT LAW Farm loan. 5 1-2 ' SAME DAY AS RECEIVED! D R ES S E S Full LADIES You will tlnil fxrcptiooally good vnlu.** nt $ 9 . 90 , $ 12 . 50 , $ 14 . 75 , $ 16 . 50 , $ 18.50 N O T IO N S Coats Thread............. 4c Pins, .‘I papers.............5c Shears ..................... 25c Pins, 1 paper............. 4c Tablet ...................... 5c Safety Pins, size 1........lc Heavy 220 blue Denim union made O ver­ Safety Pins, size 2........2c alls, a pair...... $1.29 Safety Pins, size .‘I,...... 3c Pearl Buttons............. lc StitTel stripe over­ a lls .........................98 Glue ............................ 6c E'urniture Polish..........8c Boys’ Overalls 59c, 73c C rayolas.......................lc Stag Shirts ........ $4.98 ToothBrushes............. 10c Dress Pants. #2.98, $3.98 Crochet Hooks............. 5c Blue Serge Pants . $4.98 Hairpins, box, 8c and 4c Work S w e a ters ___ *1.69 West Hair Curlers____8c Kid Hair Curlers..........5c Corduroy Pants.... 12.98 Sansilk....................... 4c Corduroy Coat...... tft.98 Garters........................15c Unionalls .................$2.49 Shaving Soap............. 6c Work S h irts ............ 69c C om bs...................... 10c Logger Shoes......... Toothpicks.................... 4c <6.90, *7.90. *9.90 E'ly S w a tters............... 4c High Top Shoes..... Belting, per yard.... 10c *5.90, 16.90, $7.90 Hair N e t................... 5c Heavy Work Shoes .. .............*298 to *5.90 Soutache Braid ........ 10c Dress Shoes *2.49, $6.90 Lace, a yard................ 5c J. C. Penney Co. SEND US YOUR THE GOLDEN RULE IT W ILL 17 5 B U S Y STORES DALLAS, OREGON, PHONE 20 MAIL 0RDERS-- PAY YOU! Ï